What impregnation for wood from moisture and decay is suitable for outdoor work. Fire bioprotection for wood - comparison and selection

  • 14.06.2019

Any structure built of wood needs protection from fire. To date, there is no protection capable of completely preventing the combustion of the material. At the same time, in the construction market, you can find substances that impede the burning of wood. They include flame retardants, allowing you to buy time to eliminate the fire. They are long time protect wood from flames. There are several types of such fire. protective compounds, which differ in chemical and physical processes occurring during the impact of fire on the material. In addition to flame retardants, antiseptics are added to some formulations that can resist rotting of the material and the formation of mold on wood. Such a composition is called "Fire bioprotection of wood."

How to choose fire bioprotection for wood

On sale there are compositions with three different protective properties:

  • Material melting. During exposure to fire on the surface of the wood is formed protective film blocking the access of oxygen to the material. This significantly slows down the combustion process.
  • Material swelling. Upon contact of the protective substance with the flame, the process of foaming of the material begins, due to which the access of fire to the surface of the wood is completely blocked.
  • Decomposition of the protective agent. During this process, gases are released that are not able to support combustion. They prevent the penetration of oxygen to the wood, thereby protecting the material from exposure to flame for a certain time.

Fire bioprotective impregnations are divided into water-soluble and organic-soluble. The former are more in demand, as they are environmentally friendly and easy to use.
An important point when choosing an impregnation is the efficiency group. Fire protection of wood is produced only in two groups I and II. Choose them depending on the desired result. The second group is considered a hardly flammable substance. Wood impregnated with such a substance after exposure to fire should lose no more than 25% of the mass. In order to ensure not only the material's flame retardancy, but fire resistance, impregnation of the first group is used with a maximum weight loss of up to 8%. It is used for residential buildings.
Consider several brands of fire bioprotection for wood:

Fire bioprotection "Senezh"

This protection is intended for wooden structures and structures.

Impregnation can be used both indoors and on outdoors without exposure to precipitation. Maximum term fire protection is 5 years.

Biosecurity Senezh is able to prevent the occurrence of mold and beetles for 20 years. Impregnation of the l group is consumed within 600 g/m2, and the ll group - 300 g/m2.

Fire protection "Olympus"

Impregnation Olympus of the first group is used in internal and external works. The maximum validity of the substance is 7 years. Biosecurity is valid for 10 years. The material is consumed within 550 g/m2.

Impregnation of the second group is less effective and is able to maintain its fire retardant properties for 5 years and bioprotective properties for up to 10 years.

The consumption of the substance is 500 g/m2. This substance after coating gives the wood a reddish tint.

Fire bioprotection "Pirilaks"

Pirilax impregnation differs from the two previous ones by the presence of preservatives in the composition, which prevent premature aging and cracking of wood. The material also has two degrees of protection. The duration of fire protection depends on climatic influences. External walls that are not exposed to precipitation will be protected from fire for 5 years. Indoors, the action of fire and bioprotection of wood will reach 12 years. Material consumption depending on the desired result will be different from 100 to 400 g/m2.

A necessary measure when using wooden building materials and designs. This is due to the fact that wood, more than other materials, is subject to the destructive effects of fire and biological pests. Professional fire and bioprotective treatment of wood increases the durability of wood structures, preserves them appearance and protects against fire, mold and insect damage.

Fire bioprotection should be understood as the treatment of wooden structures and wood-based building materials with fire bioprotective impregnations. The composition of high-quality and modern impregnation includes two active components - flame retardant and antiseptic. The flame retardant increases the fire resistance of structures and prevents the fire of wood, and the wood preservative protects against the effects of biological pests. Let's take a closer look at the principle of operation of these main components of the flame retardant composition.

Fire retardants for wood - reliable protection against fire.

flame retardants
- substances that reduce and slow down the combustibility of materials of organic origin, including wood. To understand how a flame retardant protects wood from fire, let's recall the mechanism of wood ignition.

Under the influence of a flame on the untreated wood surface, the moisture contained in the wood evaporates, then combustible gases are released that ignite when in contact with oxygen. In this regard, wood not only catches fire easily, but also supports combustion, increasing the fire area.

Flame retardants, which are part of the fire and bioprotective impregnations of NPO Stroyzashchita, work in two directions, protecting the wooden structure from the outside and from the inside. In case of fire on the surface of wood treated with fire-bioprotective impregnation, non-toxic and non-combustible gases are released that cool the wood from the inside, and a stable film is formed from the charred components of the impregnation, blocking the supply of oxygen and preventing combustion.

Flame retardants have 1 or 2 groups of fire retardant efficiency, according to GOST R 53292-2009 “Fire retardant compositions and substances for wood and materials based on it. General requirements. Test Methods". Fire retardants of group 2 only prevent ignition, while impregnations of group 1 effectively protect wood at all stages of fire development.

When choosing a flame retardant, one should take into account both the efficiency group and the characteristics of the combustion of wood material. For example, coniferous wood burns several times faster than oak boards.

Under standard conditions, not treated with a flame retardant wooden structures collapse in 15-20 minutes. after the start of the fire. Structures impregnated with flame retardant retain their strength much longer, allowing people to be evacuated from the fire site and property saved from fire.

Antiseptic for wood - protection against the harmful effects of microorganisms.

In addition to protection from fire, wood should be protected from the damaging effects of mold, fungi and insects. For biosecurity, wood is treated with an antiseptic. Antiseptics- chemicals that prevent the destruction of the material under the influence of biological pests.

Microorganisms are able to destroy wood in the shortest possible time. Wood affected by fungi, and with it the structures made of it, lose mechanical strength and are not able to withstand the design load.

Mold will form in a poorly ventilated area with high humidity. Mold does not affect the mechanical properties of wood, but increases the rate of water absorption, creating favorable conditions for the development of fungi.

Insects are a big threat. Gnawing through the wood passages, they destroy the material. Wood loses its mechanical properties and rots.

Treatment of wood with an antiseptic protects the material from destructive biological factors. When choosing an antiseptic, you should pay attention to the duration and composition of the product. Phenol, arsenic and chromium pose a threat to human health.

Fire protection of timber and structures made of them today is absolutely necessary in order to guarantee their safety and human safety. Fire protection of timber and timber structures is one of the main types of fire protection work that many companies carry out today.

Fire bioprotection for wood

In building codes and regulations (SNiP), GOSTs, standard and other normative documents it is indicated that in order to increase fire resistance it is necessary to carry out fire protection of timber, because it helps to reduce the boundaries of fire propagation along lumber. Flame retardants form a foamy charcoal layer. Such a layer can be called a heat-insulating screen; it increases the heating period of timber to the decomposition temperature.

According to GOST 16363, fire retardants are divided into:

  • group I substances. They turn ordinary timber into fire-retardant
  • group II substances. They turn ordinary timber into flame-retardant
  • group III substances. These means do not guarantee protection against ignition of wooden structures.

Specialists check the quality of the treatment from fire in appearance, when paints and coatings were used. The applied material should evenly cover the treated surface.

If surface impregnation was used, then the master's processing quality is evaluated by the combustibility of the chips. To this end, surfaces that are treated with a flame retardant are removed with a sharp knife chips up to 1 mm thick. As a result of the ignition of the chips, there should be no combustion.

Fire retardant for wood

Application rules flame retardants:

  • do not cover wet timber with such compounds (humidity up to 20%)
  • will not correctly coat surfaces that have already been painted with flame retardants.

Processing price wooden materials from fire is determined by which method to use. Masters use different impregnations, paints, sprinkles. For maximum protection of lumber, it is worth using means for deep impregnation under pressure. However, this method can only be implemented at the enterprise. We can say that the most productive solution that even a novice master can handle is surface impregnations and paints that make timber non-flammable.

Experts divide all protective preparations into: active and passive. Active drugs directly affect the combustion process (similar to a fire extinguisher), while passive ones are used as preventive ones. Perhaps, one of the main ones can be called constructive fire protection of timber, which is laid at the construction stage. In this case, the structures are lined with thermal insulation, plaster is applied to the surface by gunning, heat-reflecting screens are mounted, and the cross section of the structure nodes is increased.

The most popular types of processing of wooden structures can be called:

  • fire protection of attic (roofing) compartments and the roof itself
  • protection of parts on escape routes
  • fire protection of boards-flooring
  • scaffold protection
  • fire protection for wooden pallets and temporary structures.

The most common fire protection products today are divided into:

  • fire impregnation. O fireproof impregnation of wood It is carried out by treating timber with a special water-based fire retardant solution. The advantage of this method lies in low price the solution itself, as well as a fairly high efficiency of bio-protection (no mold and fungi). This kind of impregnation is characterized by a rather long period of operation. Among the disadvantages: the appearance of traces of salt and the inability to use after the previous application of varnishes or paints
  • fire retardant varnish treatment. This method is used to process wood boards, chipboard, fiberboard, etc. Often this method is used to process parquet boards. These funds are quite expensive. Possible lacquer streaks
  • fire protection paints. In this case, no special skills are required. For work it is fashionable to use a brush or roller. The only downside is the color of the paint. It is white and difficult to tint. At the same time, such paint is highly effective, it resists the action of open fire.

The best fire and biological protection of wood

Consider the 5 most popular companies that produce paints and varnishes to protect the tree from fire:

Senezh ("Senezh-preparations"). The company sells two fire fighting products: SENEG OGNEBIO and OGNEBIO PROF. The second tool is almost twice as expensive as the first, but it also creates a higher protection.

Neomid ("EXPERTEKOLOGIA-NEOKHIM"). These tools have been presented in hardware stores for over 10 years. NEOMID products have all the documents that are responsible for the high quality of drugs

Pirilax ("NORT"). The Izhevsk company "NPO NORTH" produces six different fire and bioprotective impregnations (Pirilax +). They are suitable for interior and exterior work. The range is quite wide, but the price is higher than that of previous drugs

Woodmaster, Pyrex ("Rogneda"). "NPP Rogneda" is a major domestic manufacturer of paints and varnishes. The company produces three products: Woodmaster, Pyrex and Ecodom.

Olympus (Descartes). This company has been producing protective and decorative preparations for wood and stone since 1992. The company produces products: Fire bioprotection group 1 and Fire bioprotection group 2.

When choosing a product, you need to look at the funds of popular companies, purchase in specialized stores or large building markets.

Fire treatment of wood

Yakisugi or "cedar languishing" is a Japanese technique for finishing timber using fire. This procedure makes it possible to show the structure of the raw material, and provide it with protection from fire, rot and beetles. The period of operation of the obtained material increases to 80 years. Advantages of material processed in this way:

  • fire protection
  • rot protection
  • protection against bugs and microorganisms
  • ease of process
  • does not change the external fork and shade over time
  • period of operation is about 80 years.

Today, this procedure is used gas burner. To obtain the desired result, resinous wood products are folded into a triangle, after which they are fired for 7-10 minutes. The duration of firing is directly related to the durability of raw materials and is determined by the type of timber, its moisture content, and thickness. Next, you need to extinguish the surface, clean with iron brushes from the ashes and rinse with water. After that, the wood according to Japanese technology is ready.

For firing, Japanese experts use coniferous varieties, because they contain a lot of resin. The most valuable is the cedar. As surprising as it sounds, burnt wood burns very poorly. You can additionally impregnate the material with special oils that will make the raw material even stronger and more durable.

Due to the fact that the reserves of wood on our planet are limited, today the issue of increasing its durability and resistance to various influences is extremely relevant. And, of course, the worst enemy of wood is fire. It is worth noting that preparations for protecting wood from fire cannot fully protect lumber, but they enable timber to better and longer withstand the destructive effects of flames.

AT wooden construction everything must be done on time. Unfortunately, many are convinced of the validity of this truth too late, noticing traces of the work of wood-boring bugs on the beams or looking at the coals of a burned-out house.

Wood is a delicate material. Despite the high strength, she is afraid of fire and dampness. Insects that feed on cellulose also pose a serious danger to it.

Without use special protection no one wooden house will not stand against the fire, and its beautiful golden facade in a couple of years will become gray and dull.

How can wood be protected from aggressive factors? What are the best tools to buy?

How is fire protection applied correctly and is it not hazardous to health? We will answer all these questions in our article.

What is fire protection and how does it work?

Despite all the achievements of science, a tool has not yet been invented that 100% protects wood from fire and biological destruction. Any fire protection of wood only makes it difficult to ignite and slows down the development of microorganisms.

Since the main danger for a wooden building is fire, manufacturers focus on the effectiveness of fire retardants - substances that impede the process of wood combustion. It is their properties that we will consider first.

There are three main physical processes on which the action of fire protection is based:

  • melting of substances that make up flame retardants (salts of silicic, boric or phosphoric acids);
  • decomposition of substances that emit gases that do not support combustion (sulfur dioxide and ammonia);
  • swelling of the protective shell, preventing the contact of fire with the surface of the wood (organophosphorus compounds).

Most fire retardants, in addition to the flame retardant component, contain an antiseptic - a substance that prevents biodegradation of wood (mold, rot, blue, wood-boring beetles). A mixture of these two substances is called "fire bioprotection of wood."

Types of flame retardants

For a correct answer to the question of how to choose fire and bioprotection for wood, you need to know its properties and application features.

There are two groups of protective substances on the market:

  1. fire-retardant impregnation;
  2. Fire-retardant coatings (pastes, enamels, varnishes and coatings).

The main difference between them is the aesthetic qualities of the treated surface. Impregnations do not change the smell and texture of wood. Coatings, on the contrary, worsen the appearance of the treated surface and have bad smell. Therefore, they are used for processing load-bearing wooden structures hidden by decoration.

In addition, all fire bioprotective substances are divided into organically soluble and water-soluble. The first type of protection requires the use of flammable and toxic solvents, which significantly limits the scope of their use.

Water-soluble fire and bioprotection is safer and more versatile, so it is most often used in wooden housing construction.

By chemical formula it falls into two categories:

  1. Salt;
  2. Non-salt.

Non-salt fire and bioprotection for wood appeared quite a long time ago (80s of the last century). Despite its considerable age, it is actively used in practice today. The basis of such impregnations are salts of boric, carbonic or phosphoric acids.

The main advantage of salt protection is low cost. It has more disadvantages: a short period of validity (3 years), a low degree of protection, high consumption, the impossibility of staining and easy washing out with water. Therefore, salt compositions are mainly used for wood processing indoors.

Non-salt fire protection (based on organophosphates) is more beneficial. It does not spoil the appearance of wood, reliably binds to its fibers, has high rates fire and biosecurity. Wood treated with such an impregnation can be painted and varnished. Non-salt treatment retains its properties for 10-15 years. It is non-toxic and safe for health.

Efficiency of fire protection

Here we come to the most important thing, for which, in fact, protective compounds are bought. Before taking your money to the cashier, pay attention to the protective effectiveness group indicated on the product label. It will not be difficult to figure it out, since there are only 2 groups that characterize the resistance of the impregnation to the action of fire.

If the 2nd protection group is indicated on the label of the composition, this means that after processing it, the wood becomes difficult to ignite. If you need to give the tree properties of fire resistance (higher resistance to an open flame), then buy drugs of the 1st group of fire retardant efficiency. For reference, we add that only such impregnations are allowed by fire regulations for processing wood in residential buildings.

It is also useful to know that by changing the number of layers of impregnation, you can easily vary the degree of its protection. For example, by making 6 “passes” with a weaker fire protection of group 2, we will get resistance wooden surface to the fire at the level of 1 group. And vice versa, having impregnated not two, but once more wood strong defense, we get the 2nd group of fire resistance of the material. Be sure to take this fact into account in order for the treatment of wood with fire protection to give the desired effect.

Consumption, penetration depth and coloring power

An important economic indicator is the consumption of fire protection per 1 m2 processed surface. It depends on the purchase costs. Therefore, do not look only at the price tag of the product, but be sure to estimate the amount of impregnation from different manufacturers that you will have to purchase.

For example, cheaper salt compositions have a consumption rate 2-3 times higher than that of more expensive non-salt organosilicon impregnations. As a result, the apparent savings can be reduced to zero.

For comparison, we present the average consumption of different protective compositions. The consumption of "Senezh" - salt impregnation of the first generation is at least 600 g / m2 with a six-layer treatment. After that, the wood receives 1 fire resistance group. Non-salt and more expensive Neomid impregnation ( trademark Profiwood) provides 1 group of protection at a consumption of only 250 g/m2 (2.4 times less).

The next characteristic of fire-retardant compositions is the depth of absorption into the material. There are two categories of impregnations: surface (capillary) and deep penetration. The former penetrate into the wood fibers to a depth of no more than 6 mm, while the latter are able to enter the material deeper than 12 mm.

It is more profitable to buy a surface impregnation, since it is easily applied by anyone. painting tool(with a roller, brush or spray gun), does not create internal stresses in the wood and does not reduce its strength.

Deep penetrating protectants (mostly salt type) are rare on the retail market as they require special equipment and tooling to apply.

The appearance of wood is significantly affected by the coloring power of the impregnation. It allows you to easily control the quality and degree of processing, but worsens the aesthetic performance of the material. Therefore, it is better to use colorless impregnations on the facade sections of buildings and inside them.

Application features

Of the features of the use of impregnations, the following should be noted: fire and biological protection should be applied only to wooden structures that have passed the finishing machining(planing or grinding). The moisture content of wood should not exceed 30%.

In order to give impregnation the opportunity to protect the wood as much as possible, its surface should be thoroughly cleaned of oil stains, paint, dust and dirt before processing.

In most cases, the application of a fire-retardant composition must be carried out at positive air temperatures, since water frozen in the capillaries of wood prevents the penetration of the impregnation. Such work should not be carried out in rainy weather.

Well-known brands of fire bioprotection, approximate prices

Having studied our recommendations, you will be able to more confidently navigate the choice of impregnations, since the big name of the brand does not affect the existing fire bioprotection technologies in any way. Only the quality of the constituent components matters here. For serious manufacturers, it fully complies with fire and environmental standards.

In addition to the already mentioned funds Senezh and Neomid, salt impregnations of the first generation Talezh, Olimp and Phenilax deserve attention. Their average cost is from 40 to 70 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Non-salt compositions of the second generation Pirilax and Neomid can be bought at a price of 120 to 320 rubles per 1 kilogram.

Wood is easily affected by fungus, insects, it ignites well. What fire bioprotection is better to choose for wood? Let's try to understand this issue.

Wood treatment products must contain substances that provide protection against damage by microorganisms and protect against fire. Also, wood is exposed to temperature fluctuations, humidity, mechanical stress, and therefore needs special protection.

Fire bioprotection is capable of protecting wood from biological pests, flames. If you treat wood with such means, you can reduce the risk of mold, ignition.

Varieties of fire protection according to the method of their application:

  • covering;
  • impregnating (the most popular, because after the processing, you can clearly see the texture of the tree).

Choosing the right product

Senezh impregnations have proven themselves well. There are in the line "Senezh Ognebio Prof", "Senezh Ognebio". The product "Senezh Ognebio" is able to protect against fire, the spread of flame, from the occurrence of blue, rot, mold, insects that damage the tree.

The average duration of fire protection is three years, the agent belongs to the second group of fire retardant efficiency, the average duration of bioprotection is twenty years. Means consumption - 600g/sq.m. m. for the second group.

The product "Senezh Ognebio Prof" protects against ignition, burning, flame spread. It will also effectively protect against insects that spoil the tree, middle period fire protection - five years, the average period of bioprotection - twenty years.

This product belongs to the first (second) group. Substance consumption for the second group - 300 g/sq. m, for the first - 600g / sq. m.

We list the most popular brands of fire protection:

  • "Senezh";
  • Good Master;
  • "Neomid";

Product Features

There are different packaging of goods. It is not worth taking with a margin, since this product can always be purchased at the store, and if it is stored for a long time, it loses some of its properties.

Fire protection can also be called impregnations. It can be produced in the form of paste, varnish, enamel, impregnation. If you intend to use putty, paste, then it is smelly, it is better to use it in places that will then be subjected to additional finishing, since it slightly spoils the appearance of the product. Impregnation does little to change the smell or texture of the wood.

If it is necessary to process a wooden structure, then, when choosing a product, give preference to water-soluble fire and bioprotection. It is often used because it is safer.

When choosing a tool, it is worth considering whether there is a permit from the SES for the use of this composition in residential premises, how much money is spent per 1 sq. m, fire protection efficiency group of the product, saline or non-salt type of product, the need for further surface treatment, application method.

Application methods:

  • combined - the tree is immediately impregnated with protection;
  • sequential - wood is treated with flame retardants, then it is treated with antiseptic substances.

Otherwise, fire protection can be called flame retardants. These are highly specialized goods used for processing. Wood is processed before construction begins. Need to wipe scaffolding, scaffolding, various wooden elements, as well as details of the frame of the house.

About the principles of work

Functioning principle of fire protection:

  • refractory substances in combination with silicon, phosphoric salts, boric acid, there are salt-free options;
  • forming an impenetrable dense film;
  • to reduce the access of oxygen to the object, fire impregnation is capable of emitting non-combustible gases.

Fire protection is essential in the construction of residential and commercial buildings. Also, with its help, it is necessary to well process buildings belonging to the category with a high degree of fire.

The indicated means is used to treat railway cars, ships, ships, barges. When performing restoration work, it is also necessary to use complex protection.

Benefits of using fire protection

The advantage of using fire protection is a complex effect. If the tree is treated externally with refractory impregnation, then insects can be effectively controlled. This is due to the compounds that make up the product. Insects do not start in a tree if it is treated with antiseptic substances.

When choosing, you can give preference to the means that belong to the first group of fire protection efficiency. Consider the purpose of the material - whether it will be used for interior decoration whether they need to process the supporting structure. So that the product does not change its color - choose colorless analogues.

The effectiveness, duration of drying is influenced by the method of application, the composition of the product. In some products, it is acceptable to use a larger amount of the agent in order to provide improved fire and biological protection.

Pay attention to how fire protection affects the material. It may swell on the surface, decompose into gaseous compounds, or melt the outer coating.

What are the best products to choose?

The most common and affordable impregnations containing carbon, phosphorus, boric salts. However, they are easily washed out with water, they need to be used more to process 1 sq. m.

In addition, their service life is up to five years, and then it will be necessary to apply a new impregnation. At the same time, salt stains remain on the surface after processing. If you use such an impregnation, then in the future it will not be possible to cover the tree with paints and varnishes.

It is better to choose salt-free impregnations. They are able to slow down the combustion process. The bioprotection of materials treated with such agents will last a maximum of twenty years, and the fire-retardant properties will last up to fifteen years. The composition of the impregnation does not contain toxic substances that could harm human health.

In order for the substance to be well absorbed, the wood is dried. If there is an old paint and varnish coating, then it should be cleaned before applying the fire protection.

Apply impregnation in several layers. The packaging indicates how much you need to spend per 1 sq. m. One layer is applied, then allowed to dry, and the second layer is applied after twelve to twenty-four hours.