What to smear where the cat is shitting. Why do cats shit all over the place

  • 31.10.2020

If you are interested in the content of this article, then you, like me, are faced with the above problem. Yes, I did not think that I would have to re-educate the animal. There have always been cats in our family. Well, mostly cats. They are somehow easier and easier to deal with. And they were always representatives of aristocratic breeds. After the death of my most beloved cat, for a long time I did not want to have anyone at all. But we have a small child, and for a child it is important and necessary that some kind of animal lives in the family.

By the way, we have a guinea pig named Semyon, but my son really wanted a cat. And then a kitten nailed to our house: a small, black one with a white chest. Very affectionate, my heart melted and I agreed to take him home. It turned out to be a cat. She immediately began to go to the tray, but after a while we began to find traces of her vital activity in other places.

I was very surprised, because for half a year the cat did not crap, and then suddenly this happened. I began to study the information: why it happens and how to deal with it. We found the cause and fixed it, but more on that later.

Reasons why a cat poops

In fact, cats and cats are very clean animals by nature. They love cleanliness and even on the street, the cat will never leave what she has done in plain sight. She will surely dig a dug hole with her paw after she uses it. Such behavior is inherent in them by nature, and if a cat or a cat that used to normally go to the tray suddenly began to crap, then there are good reasons for that.

Advice! If you cannot determine the cause yet, first try experimenting with changing the tray or filler and, most likely, you will be able to identify your furry pet's preferences (if this is the problem, of course).

  • Incorrect tray dimensions . Your cat has grown up a long time ago, but the tray has remained the same, and it may simply be uncomfortable for him to go to the old tray, so he will instinctively look for a more convenient place.

Recommendation! Choose a filler based on the characteristics of your pet. For long-haired breeds, do not use pressed sawdust materials - they stick to shaggy paws and crumble all over the house. Sawdust litter is difficult to dig, so you should use a tray with a grate for it.

  • Uncomfortable bathroom environment . Maybe someone will find this funny, but comfort is as important for an animal as it is for a person. And if, for example, you put a new washing machine next to the cat's tray, and the cat went to do his needs at the moment when the machine was washing, then it is quite possible that the noise of the running machine could frighten the cat. And now he's just afraid to go there. The reason for the uncomfortable situation may be the change of air freshener in the toilet room. To a cat, it may just be unpleasant.
  • Character . Yes, in this way cats can demonstrate their character and show their dissatisfaction with unexpected guests or the behavior of their owners.
  • Stress . Being alone for a long time when the owner has left, or moving out, can seriously damage your pet's mental health, it fails in its body, and it starts to shit all over the place.

  • Health problems . If all of the above factors are absent or excluded, and the cat is still shitting, then urgently go to the veterinarian! It is possible that the cat is trying to tell you in this way that she has health problems and she needs help (we had a cat, and so he started to shit when he had kidney stones and he simply could not restrain himself and run into the tray ).

Important! Remember to leave your pet access to his toilet. For example, if the tray is in the bathroom, then the door there should always be ajar, or a small personal entrance for the cat should be made in the door.

How to wean a cat to shit?

The easiest and most proven way is to take the cat to bed with you at night. But after all, a cat can (and most often it happens) spoils during the daytime, while no one is at home.

Advice! Never hit or punish an animal! Any of your punishment, the cat will perceive only as a punishment for the fact that he dug badly (because he instinctively knows what to dig in), and since you punish him, it means that he dug badly and next time he will look for a more secluded place, and bury more carefully.

That is, simply put, by beating and punishing you will not solve the problem, but only exacerbate it. And each time the smell will be more stable, and it will be more and more difficult to find.

Therefore, I offer you several working methods in solving this delicate problem:

1. Take a soft rag and walk several times around the cat's neck, and then with the same rag over the places where he crap. Believe me, a cat will never shit where it smells like pheromones.

2. In those places where the cat has shat, put small bowls with her favorite food. Most likely, there will be a lot of them, but this method is very effective, since the cat will not go to shit where it eats.

3. This option was tried by my friend. She assures that this is how she solved the issue with her cat: lay out small pieces of food foil in “mined” places. The foil is very slippery and it will be simply inconvenient for the cat to dig there both before and after the procedure.

4. The stores sell a lot of different cosmetics to neutralize the smell and scare away cats from places not intended for his toilet. There are a lot of them and I won't talk about them all.

I will name only a few of the most popular and proven:

  • Mr. Fresh spray (weaning to shit for cats).
  • Repeller for cats and dogs ANTI-CAT Trixie Anti-Kot.
  • Smart spray - protection of places not intended for cats' toilet.
  • Repulsive lotion for dogs and cats TABOO Baldecchi.

By the way, I advise you to purchase a special UV flashlight that will help you detect cat "mines".

Folk ways

Cats really don't like water. No, there are times when cats love to swim, but when they splash water in their faces, there is hardly such a fan. Folk remedy number 1 in the return of the cat to the tray is water.
If your cat shits on your bed, then you need to pour water into the spray bottle, and as soon as the animal begins to bridge on the bed for its own needs, splash water on it . Those who have used this method claim that 1-2 times is enough for the cat to stop shitting on the bed.

If the cat sat in the wrong place on the floor or on the bed, and "digs" a hole in order to relieve himself, you can clap your hands loudly .

If the cat uses a carpet instead of a tray, then first you should wash the carpet thoroughly, and then on the affected areas apply essential oil of eucalyptus, or fir, or clove . It does not matter, the main thing is that the smell is harsh and stable.

It is possible in those places where the cat relieves need, apply double sided tape . And when the cat once again wants to do it, then she is unlikely to succeed. The paws will stick to the tape, and the cat will feel bewildered and anxious. And, believe me, she will not write there anymore.

Another favorite place for a toilet, cats consider flower pots. Wrap the flower pot with thick plastic so that the cat cannot climb into it. . There is an easier way: temporarily put a plastic bag on the flower, cutting a few holes for the stems. You can spread a few orange or tangerine peels on the ground in a pot - cats can not stand the smell of citrus fruits. Well, do not forget about the spray gun: you saw that the cat is climbing into a flower pot - immediately spray it.

If, after all the manipulations, your cat still continues to spoil, “congratulations”: you got a cat or cat that is unique in its stubbornness and character. And now you have only two options: either give your pet to someone more patient,

Anastasia Korableva

The suffering of people whose cat began to shit in the wrong place is immeasurable. Most often, in such a situation, the master's bed and shoes, the threshold of the front door, the corners of the rooms and the space under the bathroom suffer. I want to solve the problem as soon as possible, but in a hurry you can only make it worse: not following the rules, it is easy to reinforce the erroneous behavior of the animal. We will tell you how to wean a cat to go to the toilet in the wrong place.

Why did the cat poop in the room?

First of all, you need to understand why the cat began to upset the owners:

  • Perhaps this is due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the genitourinary system.
  • It is possible that the animal in this way attracts attention, showing that he needs help.
  • Sometimes a cat toilet becomes associated with pain. In this case, any attempts to return it to the tray will remain in vain until a complete cure.

Important! If the cat experiences pain, pain, or just discomfort, if it cannot restrain involuntary urination, then educational measures are useless. In this case, urgent help from a veterinarian is needed: a timely diagnosis and well-conducted treatment will help solve the problem.

The main non-health reasons are:

  • a significant change in the situation (moving, repair, purchase of new furniture);
  • rejection of the room where the toilet is placed;
  • aversion to the smell of the material from which the tray is made (or its shape);
  • antipathy to the filler (or its rare replacement);
  • conflict between cats living together;
  • lack of attention of the owners.

Sometimes the animal thus avenges an offense or protests if he did not like something. This is his way of “explaining” to the owners: something is not the way the cat wants. But there is no need to look for human logic and conscious behavior in such actions: everything is spontaneous, situational and subject to instincts.

The reason is also elementary:

  • the toilet was moved (turned);
  • another cat went into the tray;
  • there is not enough food in the feeder, and water in the drinker;
  • the family pet has grown old, and these are age-related problems.

Sometimes the cat stops going to the place because something frightened her during a previous visit to the toilet: for example, someone suddenly passed by while the cat was doing her business.

A separate block is the natural need to mark the territory, protecting it from the encroachments of other animals or even guests who have come to the house. And also in an effort to attract sexual partners. This is a powerful animal instinct, which cannot be defeated by educational measures.

How to prevent cat misbehavior

With a pet, you can never be sure of anything: this is a living creature that may have its own problems and its own views on how its living environment should be equipped. In order to protect your home from surprises as much as possible, the conditions for keeping the animal are thought out even before the mustachioed friend is brought into the house.

The cat loves cleanliness, order and a clear organization of space. It would be wise to arrange the toilet so that she likes it. Then she will agree to do her business where it is convenient for the owner.

Incorrect cat behavior can be prevented if:

  • choose a toilet that your pet will like (even if you have to change several pieces in a row);
  • when buying a tray, take into account the size of the animal;
  • put the tray in a secluded corner with round-the-clock access to the room;
  • arrange a place for feeding away from the toilet;
  • do not put anything smelly in the neighborhood.

It is extremely important to clean the cat litter frequently:

  • every time you change the filler;
  • as soon as the smell appears;
  • trays used without filler are washed after each visit by the cat to the toilet.

The filler is chosen the one that suits the cat. They change it without waiting for the appearance of a pungent odor, which is individual for each animal.

Sometimes a cat shits in a room because of helminths: pain and itching force her to look for a place where she can wipe off the remnants of secretions. Often while doing this, she is looking for something soft - a carpet, a bed or a sofa. To prevent this from happening, even a healthy cat needs to be given deworming medications from time to time.

If the cat has urinary incontinence caused by illness or old age, you can save floors and carpets only by buying her diapers. Such a decision will be the only true one, it will completely relieve the hassle and dirt in the house.

Methods to Avoid

Measures to educate the animal must be completely safe for its health.

Absolute taboo:

  • beating;
  • poking your nose into a puddle or a pile;
  • dousing with water;
  • rough push to the tray;
  • shout.

All this will only frighten, provoke stress and eventually have the opposite effect. The cat will become insecure and will begin to touch all the corners in search of one for which she will not be punished.

You need to scold a little, but only if the cat was caught "behind this business." Delayed punishment is meaningless, because the cat will no longer understand what the owner's aggression is connected with.

Sometimes it is advised to close the cat in a cramped room with a tray: not finding another place, she will start walking into it. But this method is also quite cruel. Such treatment can frighten, offend the animal and cause a strong aversion to the toilet.

How to discourage a cat from shitting all over the apartment: proven methods

It is not difficult to accustom a small kitten to a tray. But if an adult cat suddenly changes its habits, or the animal is taken from the street, only those who show patience and love will achieve success.

The owner needs to show the cat that he is against the fact that he crap anywhere and take care of cleanliness:

  • the soiled floor is instantly washed and disinfected;
  • it is possible to use an odor repellent agent;
  • soiled shoes are thoroughly cleaned and put away.

Many cats urinate in one litter box and defecate in another. In this case, the problem is solved in the easiest way: it is enough to put two containers side by side.

If the cat is left alone for a long time, you will have to get another pot, because this animal will not go into a dirty container.

Sometimes it is enough to change the brand of filler to the one that the cat is used to. If there is a need to accustom the cat to another filler, the change is made gradually, mixing the new brand with the old one in increasing proportions.

After making sure that the animal is healthy, you can apply educational measures:

  • give a treat every time the cat goes to the litter box: to positively reinforce the correct behavior;
  • put a bowl of food where it is dirty: cats do not go to the toilet where they eat;
  • in cases where “you can’t get enough of any bowls”, you can lay out dry food on places that have been thoroughly washed from urine or feces.

If the cat has got into the habit of walking on any object that can be temporarily removed (a rug, a chair), then it is better to take the thing out altogether or stop the cat from entering the room. But it cannot be guaranteed that, having stopped shitting in the wrong place for some, even a long time, the cat will not start using this thing again as its toilet over time.

For a small kitten, a very effective way is to soak a cloth in his urine and put it in the tray. The smell will point the animal to the right place. The same can be done for an adult cat brought from the street.

A good method is to place the tray where the cat started to shit, gradually moving it to where the owner needs it. Often the cat obeys or does not notice the change in the position of the pot. But sometimes you have to put up with it and permanently rearrange the tray in the corner chosen by the animal.

You can make the place chosen by the cat inaccessible:

  • close with something, better unpleasant for the paws;
  • enclose with a strip of double-sided tape;
  • make inaccessible (enclose, cover).

Sometimes it turns out to be effective to create a situation of discomfort at the moment when the cat settles down in the corner chosen by it (unexpected appearance, clapping). But the animal always understands that it is doing bad things, and tries to do it when no one is around. The owners will have to watch and, perhaps, more than once.

So that a cat taken from the street does not mark the entire apartment, you can collect its smell on a porous fabric (by rubbing it on wool, for example) and spread its pieces around the apartment. Then the animal will understand that this is its territory, which does not need to be marked.

To prevent pets from splashing the secret of the gonads and urine around the apartment, males are castrated, females are sterilized. But if this is done late, when the behavior is already fixed, the operation will no longer get rid of the labels. The correct age for this procedure will help determine the veterinarian.

An animal that crap in the wrong place for the sake of finding a sexual partner can simply be given the opportunity to satisfy the instinct, and silence and cleanliness will return to the apartment.

There is one more absolute rule: a cat's misdeed, committed in front of the owner, should never remain without censure. Because the cat must clearly understand what is acceptable in his behavior, what is not.

Home protection with special tools

The industry produces many means for correcting the behavior of animals. In the pet store, they can be selected in the form of a spray, powder, emulsion.

There are drugs, the composition of which:

  • attracts to the tray;
  • scares away from the wrong place;
  • deodorizes, neutralizes odors;
  • disinfects;
  • soothes during heat.

In case of doubt, you can contact your veterinarian who will advise the most suitable drug for a particular breed and age of the animal. The fact is that some of them act differently on young or old, healthy or sick, castrated or giving birth to animals. Only a specialist can choose an effective and harmless remedy for a particular pet.

Folk methods of dealing with the smell of cat urine

Cats live next to humans for about 10,000 years. During this time, people managed to pick up smells that discourage cats from spoiling where it is impossible. Not all of them are effective in our time. Moreover, the sense of smell of each cat is individual.

But you can, hoping for a positive effect, decompose in places washed from excrement:

  • lemon, orange (you can put peels in flower pots);
  • mustard or very hot peppers;
  • burnt paper or ashes;
  • the owner's sweaty clothes.

Cat urine odors from objects, furniture, clothes and shoes can be eliminated with the help of.

Although we rejoice in the neighborhood of a four-legged friend, we often encounter such a banal problem as weaning a cat to shit in the wrong place.

So that the cat does not crap in the wrong place, the tray should be 1.5 times longer than the pet and without the presence of foreign odors

The main condition for getting rid of such a bad cat habit is the fact that you need to teach your pet to get used to the toilet, starting from birth. This is confirmed by experienced owners of tailed pets. An effective and quick solution to this issue is probably of interest to many.

There are several ways to solve this problem:

  1. Gastronomic. Put in places where the cat most often places its "mines", bowls of cat food. Although you have to put a lot of them, but your pet will not defecate where she eats.
  2. Chemical. Treat unscheduled cat litter with a special spray, an aqueous solution of the Antigadin series. The cat will be required to go to the tray.
  3. Hard. Lock the cat after receiving the "gift" for a couple of hours in a small room, where there is only enough space to put water, food, a tray with fresh litter. In this case, it is necessary that the cat feels safe. After 2-3 times, the reflex to the right place for the toilet will work 100%.

a) "chamber" for the guilty b) chemical method

Many people use the old tried and true method of placing the cat in bed with them, because only here will she feel completely safe.

We wean shitting on the bed

There are several ways to wean a cat to shit on the bed:

  • You need to start immediately, that is, after it happened for the first time. Otherwise, the cat will get the impression that it is comfortable enough to go to the toilet, which is located in such a warm and soft place.
  • Using lavender scent. It turns out that this flavor is very disgusting for them. To give the smell of the bed, add to the water during washing, a special rinse. You can also put a few drops of lavender oil on your headboard.

How to wean a kitten to shit in the corners

Probably, rarely anyone knows how to wean a kitten to shit in the corners. It turns out that it is very simple. According to numerous observations, as well as reviews, experienced, no doubt, owners of furry pets, most often they can leave their waste in the corner if the tray does not attract them at all. Therefore, it is recommended to change the filler several times.

In addition, set up a little shadowing for the cat. If you see that your friend is walking near the corner, sniffing something out there, immediately take him and carry him to the tray.

We discourage hunting to mark the territory in the house

Many are sure that no one and nothing will be able to discourage the cat from marking territory. This is not entirely true, since there are several ways to wean a cat from marking territory in an apartment.


  1. Cardinal. Carry out castration. Fast, tough, and almost always effective. We say almost because, because there are cases that even after such an operation, the urine has the same composition, and the cat continues to mark. But this happens very rarely.
  2. Momentary or psychological. If you see that the cat is attached to do the "work", sharply take it by the "scruff" in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge, and then lift it up. The reaction of the pet will be instant: he will turn his tail, which means he will not be dirty. You need to hold it like that for a minute or two and let it go. After that, the tailed one will forget about the bad habit for a long time. To enhance the effect, wipe, with your used socks, the places where the cat crap.
  3. Cunning. To implement this method, take a wet cloth and pass around the pet's neck. After that, they wipe those places that the pet chooses as a toilet. A positive effect will not be long in coming, because a cat will never pollute places where the aroma of its pheromones is felt.

Start with the second or third method. If after these measures the question of how to wean a cat from marking territory in the house is not resolved, then go to the first one.

Weaning the cat to shit on the sofa

We all want to rest in silence and cleanliness. But what if the pet has chosen a brand new sofa and made a toilet on it? There are many different ways to wean a cat to shit on the sofa. Here is one of them, quite effective.

It is known that the animal does its toilet deeds when it is quiet around. Therefore, breaking the silence is the best way to wean a cat from this bad habit. To do this, use aluminum foil, which must be spread on the sofa. After stepping on her paw, she will begin to rustle, and her beloved animal will be frightened and, most likely, it is unlikely that she will ever climb into such a rustling place.

How to stop shitting in the bath

This method is probably one of the simplest, but effective ways. It's about the bathroom. Therefore, before weaning a cat to shit in a bath, everything must be done so that the pet does not suffer. To do this, you need to pour very cold water into the bath (about half), and when your pet is on the edge, he begins to peer, sniff at the bath, abruptly drop him into the water. The cat, frightened, will instantly jump out, after which it will forget the way here for a long time.

We wean crap in the stairwell

An unsuitable place for placing cat litter is also an entrance. Therefore, how to wean a cat to shit in the stairwell is of no small importance for all of us if we want to live in a clean, pleasant apartment building.

It is recommended that you first thoroughly wash the floors using bleach. After that, treat the problem areas with a solution of potassium permanganate with a spray gun, and after 25-30 minutes, wash everything off with a rag. The next time you wash the floor, add 1-3 tsp to the water. fir or orange essential oil. Cats are very disgusted by such smells.

How to wean a cat to shit on the carpet

In order for a fluffy pet not to spoil, for example, not to piss on a rug, there are many methods. The essence of one of them, the most accessible and simple, is that they take double-sided tape, paste it over one side of the rug. When the cat wants to go to him, his paws will be on something sticky that the animal does not like, especially at such an important moment. Here's how to wean a cat to piss anywhere, including on the carpet.

Defecation past the litter box

It is clear that the pet must defecate in a specially designated, designated place - a tray. But it often happens that our pet spoils anywhere. Therefore, each owner solves this problem individually, because the event, thanks to which one fluffy pet stopped playing dirty tricks where it is not necessary, is not at all suitable for our other four-legged pets. So, after all, how to wean a cat to shit past the tray?

You can use these methods:

  1. Overlay the wrong place where the cat relieves its need with fresh orange peels (pets are very disgusted with this aroma).
  2. Choose a filler that your pet likes the most.
  3. Put on the tray in many places where the cat most often gets rid of waste. See where she goes more often. Every day, clean one at a time, and leave the one that she liked the most. This method will take a long time, but it is very effective.

Choose the right filler, and put orange peel on the “chosen” places

If the tailed pet does its business next to the tray, then it is recommended to put another one near it. In addition, coat this area with the famous "asterisk" (balm). It stinks a little, but the problem will be solved.

One more thing. The reason for this, not entirely decent, behavior may be the presence of an illness in your pet, or a lack of affection and love from the owner. Therefore, it is advisable to resort to the services of a veterinarian, as well as give your furry friend more time and attention.

When considering getting a pet, you should not only think about the positive aspects, but also take into account such unpleasant topics as toilet training. Not all cats begin to go to the tray from the first day - for many, this is the result of many days of training, careful monitoring of behavior. Any owner wants his pet to deliver only positive emotions and becomes indignant when he suddenly notices that the cat has started to spoil anywhere. How to fix this situation? How to teach a four-legged friend to cleanliness and order? Consider the possible options.

The main reasons that a cat spoils anywhere

  1. Health problems. If you are tormented by your “dirty” problems of an adult cat, which used to be neat and always went to the tray on its own, perhaps the reason lies in some kind of disease. If the behavior of the animal has changed, he has become passive, his character has changed and he began to shit in a different place than he went to the toilet before, try to contact your veterinarian. Cats are very emotionally sensitive, they subtly feel everything that happens around them, and if the problem is in them, they change beyond recognition. In many cases, due to diseases of the urogenital area, cats or cats begin to shit right in front of the owner in the most prominent place - this is how they try to attract the attention of the owner, especially since the toilet for them is always associated with negative emotions. A trip to the veterinarian in this case will help prevent possible complications, improve the mood of the pet.
  2. Resentment. It should also be borne in mind that cats are in great need of affection. If you rarely devote time to your four-legged friend or don’t notice him at all, the pet can hold a grudge against you and shit anywhere on purpose, as if for evil. Before scolding a cat, study your behavior. Remember, if you have tamed someone, then you are fully responsible for him, fully responsible for his state of mind. Pay more attention to your friend, caress him, stroke, communicate.
  3. Age. An adult cat or cat becomes very similar to an elderly person - passive, inattentive, forgetful. Perhaps he cannot go to the tray as before due to the fact that he began to forget elementary things or because of incontinence. If you really think that the problem is age, and the veterinarian only confirms your words, be patient, start putting diapers on your pet, as it will be almost impossible to accustom him to the tray.
  4. Territory label. Cats can be greatly affected by the fact that a child is born in your house, you move to a new apartment or have a new pet, or even just change the furniture. In this case, the cat may have a leadership instinct - he will shit anywhere in order to mark his territory. You can wean yourself from such a habit, but you will need to pay more attention to your pet, show him that you really love him and are not going to abandon or replace him with another.

The first thing that comes to mind for many owners is to apply physical force. There is only one answer to this: “No! Not! Not!". You can believe that no educational blows will bring a positive effect - this will only make the cat angry with you and will relieve his need in the wrong place on purpose. Be sure to determine the reason for this behavior, and if the pet is shitting because it is still too small, do not judge strictly, it is better to teach him to walk on your tray.

No smell!
In order to wean a cat or a cat from pooping all over the house, create the perfect atmosphere of cleanliness without leaving the smell of urine. This is not a simple problem, as the cat has a very sensitive sense of smell. If your pet's favorite place is carpet, stock up on laundry soap, powder for these purposes will not work. Scrub the carpet thoroughly to form a lather, then wipe it off with a cloth dampened with bleach water. This is necessary to completely eliminate the unpleasant odor, since in most cases the cat goes to the toilet in the same place. If you think that this is not enough, use garlic and rub the "suspect" area well. Before you meet your needs, the cat always sniffs, and only then does its business. Garlic flavor is one of the most unpleasant for felines. As soon as they smell it, the cats immediately leave as soon as possible from it. Be sure to do these procedures immediately after the pet has “created a job for you”, without sending the cleaning to the back burner.

It has been noticed that cats and cats shit mainly in secluded places - behind the sofa, behind the closet, under the bed. If you want to get rid of this misfortune, try to make a small rearrangement in the room. In this case, the “favorite” place will be violated, the cat will no longer be able to calmly, furtively do its job, since it will already be in full view of everyone.

For help in the store!
To date, a large number of aerosols and sprays have been created that can scare a cat away from its “favorite” place, teaching it to go to the toilet in its tray. All these devices can be divided into two categories: those that scare away and those that attract. Repellent deodorant sprays can completely remove the smell of urine and scare the cat from this place. Attractive aerosols, on the contrary, are sprayed over the tray, attracting the attention of the cat, forcing her to defecate only in the place where the owner ordered.

Lock in the room
The last method to make the cat disciplined in terms of going to the toilet is to lock it in a confined space with a litter box. Willingly or unwittingly, she will have to go there, as there is no suitable place for a toilet. Attention! But this method may not work if your pet is too sensitive. Locking the cat in one cramped room, you can offend the pet and then he will specifically urinate next to the tray, but not into it. You choose the measures of influence yourself, based on the complexity of the problem and the nature of your four-legged friend.

If you want your cat or cat to get used to walking in a certain place as soon as possible, follow our tips:

  1. Change the contents of the tray (filler) regularly. Many owners believe that it is enough to change only the top layer (the most fragrant), the bottom one can be left. It is not right! Cats love cleanliness, so try to create it always!
  2. In order for cats to smell their urine in the tray and not make a mistake with the choice of the right dishes, wet a small piece of paper with urine and put it in the tray. This method is very effective for little kittens who are just learning to pee the "right" way.
  3. If your cat tries to go to the litter box, but does not do it regularly, try installing another litter box. Perhaps she wants to fulfill different types of “needs” in separate trays.

It is always unpleasant when a beloved animal does not obey and goes to the toilet anywhere. Read our tips, they will definitely help to teach your pet to go to the toilet exactly where you need it.

Video: how to wean a cat to shit once and for all

Often, cat owners are faced with a problem: the pet leaves foul-smelling "surprises" in the wrong place. When it comes to a kitten, accustoming to the tray is a matter of time. But sometimes an adult animal spoils, with which there were no problems. Cats are animals with character and require a lot of attention. It is a mistake to think that food, water and a clean tray with filler are enough for a normal life of a pet. Before addressing issues of weaning from bad habits, you need to make sure that the cat is psychologically and physically comfortable. As a rule, the reason for the "bad behavior" of the animal is illness or lack of care on the part of the owners.


Consider the main reasons that a cat gets dirty in the wrong place.

stress, moving

It is generally accepted that cats do not get used to the owner, but to the house. This is a controversial proposition, but the territory for the cat plays an important role. Moving is stressful for the animal. In addition, the territory is not marked. The further scenario of the behavior of a pet who wants to "stake out living space" is understandable.

Attempt to establish leadership

Communication between cats is based on smells. "Compositions" in the wrong place are nothing more than territorial markers. This problem is especially relevant for cats picked up on the street, where territorial demarcation is a matter of survival.

Defecation in the wrong places is a sign that the cat has not settled in the house, is not sure of himself. The situation is complicated if several animals live in a small apartment. The "fight for a place in the sun" takes place in such a radical way. An ancient instinct kicks in: you need to take up space before someone else does.


It is necessary to exclude the disease of the animal. A bowel movement in the middle of a room, on a bed, or even on a table is the desperate cry of an animal for help. Trying to get rid of physical discomfort, the pet changes the place of the “toilet”, wants to attract the attention of the owners to itself. If a revealingly clean cat began to spoil, the first thing to do is to show it to a veterinarian. With the recovery of the animal, the problem will disappear by itself.


If the cat does not like the filler, he stubbornly ignores the tray. Therefore, try changing the filler. When choosing pellets for a cat's "toilet", consider the breed of the pet. Long-haired cats are not suitable pellets made from compressed sawdust. Filler particles stick to the paws, the animal experiences discomfort. The best option for them is a tray with a grate.

Does the animal continue to misbehave after changing the filler? Perhaps the cat simply outgrew the tray or he didn’t like it (it happens sometimes). A sign of this is that the cat does not completely abandon the “toilet”, but does not leave secluded corners either. You may have to buy another tray. Cleanliness in cats is instinctive. Individuals will never do their business in the "toilet" if the filler is not absolutely clean.

Hence, another rule. Do not be lazy to change the filler as often as possible. It is useful not only to change the filler, but also to wash the tray with each replacement.

Another problem - do not like the location of the tray. Many cats are naturally shy. If the place where the “pot” is located seems to the pet not too secluded, he begins to look for it at his own discretion. For shy cats, a closed toilet house is suitable. The animal feels safe.

"Riot on the ship"

Often surprises in the most unexpected places are a manifestation of protest. A pet needs more than just a balanced diet. Stroking and affectionate words are no less important. The proverb about a kind word, which is pleasant even for a cat, was not invented by chance. Think about it: are you pushing your pet away when you are busy or just in a bad mood? By punishing a cat, you will not solve the problem, but only exacerbate it.

Sometimes “hooliganism” is a protest against the appearance of another animal in the house. The cat is jealous, trying to divert attention from the new pet.

Just reflexes

It is difficult to understand the real sensations of a cat. Oddly enough, individual objects in the house remind her of a tray (in shape or feel). This explains the animal's attempt to urinate in a flowerpot. The only way to prevent this is to exclude the contact of a pet with a seductive object. If we are talking about a flower pot, cover the free areas of the soil with foil.


This is one of the most common reasons that an animal crap anywhere. The kitten has not yet acquired the necessary skills. The old cat becomes forgetful. If the baby can be accustomed to the tray, then the elderly animal often defecates spontaneously. You can solve the problem by controlling the animal or using special diapers.

  • Let the cat sleep on your bed (unless you're allergic, of course). The animal will feel protected.
  • Swipe the wet cloth several times over the cat's neck, then wipe the places where the cat is shitting with the same cloth. An animal will not defecate in a place saturated with its pheromones.
  • Gastronomic trick. In places "mined" by a pet, put bowls of food. You will have to come to terms with the fact that you have to constantly stumble on cat bowls for a while. The cat will never shit in the place where he eats.
  • Lay out food foil in places of "spontaneous toilets". The rustling surface will scare away the kitten. He will not do his business in a suspicious place for himself.
  • Chemical method. There are many Antigadin products on sale in the form of aqueous solutions or sprays.
  • Do any of the above methods help? You will have to lock the animal in a small room for several days. Place a tray with filler, bowls of food and water there. 3-4 days is enough to develop the desired reflex.

Methods for weaning a cat from bad habits.

Method 1

This method can be called psychological. It is relevant for animals defending their leadership in the family.

Watch your pet. Have you noticed that he is trying to settle down in a secluded corner? Approach the cat, take it by the scruff of the neck, slightly raise the cash with the ground. The animal immediately draws its tail. This is a sign that it is ready to submit to you and will not have any territorial claims. The next step is to take a T-shirt that you don't mind throwing away. The main thing is that it should be with your scent. Wipe the places that the cat marked. Thus, you overlap the cat marks with your own.

Method 2

Castration. A fast, almost 100% working way. "Almost" because some individuals do not lose territorial claims even after castration. The statement that the urine of a castrated animal does not smell is a myth. Its composition remains the same. However, such cases are fortunately rare.

Method 3

The use of special chemicals, which are commonly called "antigadins". Using these means, you achieve a persistent aversion in the cat to places chosen for intimate affairs. The composition of quality products contains disinfecting ingredients that eliminate the "aroma" of cat feces. Thanks to the “antigadin”, a conditioned reflex is formed in the pet: it is impossible to approach the places where it used to shit. The effect is enhanced if you simultaneously take measures to attract the animal to the tray.

When choosing a chemical purchased composition, it is necessary to consider:

  • Age and health status of family members. Particular care must be taken if the apartment has children under 3 years old, the elderly, and those suffering from allergic reactions.
  • Experience with such tools.
  • Having other pets. In this case, it is advisable to purchase a universal remedy suitable for different animals.

You can buy "antigadin" in a pet supply store.

The most popular means of this format:

  • "Don't shit! Do not mark! ". Budget tool. A bottle of 120 mg will cost you 1.5-2.5 USD. e. The main ingredients are water, glycerin and a set of essential oils. The smell of the spray is sharp, unpleasant, reminiscent of oil and its derivatives. Therefore, it is not suitable for a family with allergies or people who are sensitive to smells. The remedy is universal: it is equally effective for dogs and cats.
  • Biospray Antigadin ". Available in the form of a bottle of 100 and 150 ml. There is a convenient spray. The smell of the biospray is imperceptible to humans, but extremely unpleasant for cats. The cost is 2.5-4.0 USD.
  • « Shit? Not ! This is a spray lotion from the Russian company BioVax. The composition of the lotion includes an extract from red pepper, so the smell is noticeable to humans. Allergic reactions to the components of the composition are possible.
  • « Mr. Fresh . Weaning to shit. Products from the Russian company EcoProm. Spray the drug with a dispenser gun. Fragrance type - citrus. The product is produced in 200 ml vials. The cost is 2-2.5 cu. e.
  • Beaphar Stop-it Cat (Holland). The main component is methyl nonyl ketone, which irritates the upper respiratory tract of the animal. Dosage compliance is important. Otherwise, the remedy causes discomfort in people. Can only be used in rooms that are well ventilated. Price 10-12 at. e.
  • happy cat. Product of Japanese manufacturers. Like the Dutch "antipacostin", it will cost 10-12 USD. e. The product is packaged in 200 ml bottles. The liquid contains menthol, catechin and pepper extract. The advantage of Happy Cat is the effective elimination of odors. The drug is universal. Suitable for cats and dogs.

An important point when choosing a specific option is the individual reaction of the animal to smells. For example, if the owner loves alcoholic beverages or is a heavy smoker, then it is unlikely that the cat will be scared away by a strong smell. The same goes for pets whose owners use strong-smelling perfumes.

Observing the animal helps to choose a specific remedy. You can easily determine which smell your pet hates.

Do not forget to encourage the animal, praise him for the fact that he goes about his business correctly. Forget about the "whip method". You can't punish an animal. Moreover, the main part of the "ugliness" occurs instinctively.

Method 4

It concerns natural smells that the cat does not like.

Cats do not tolerate such aromas:

  • Onion . Put in the "cherished place" a saucer with onion gruel. But you will have to make sure that the animal does not accidentally stick its nose into the source of an unpleasant aroma. Onions cause burns to the nasal mucosa, so care must be taken.
  • Vinegar . A 5% solution of acetic acid, almost imperceptible to humans, will scare away the pet. Do not forget to make sure that the treated surface is resistant to acidic environments.
  • Citrus . The smell most people like for cats is an unbearable stench. It is enough to spread fresh or dried pieces of orange or tangerine peel on the surface so that the animal bypasses these places. A solution of freshly squeezed citrus juice sprayed from a spray bottle is suitable. Do not spray this spray on an animal!
  • Coffee, pepper . Place a container with holes in which the mixture of ground coffee and black pepper is poured into the desired place. Never spill the mixture on the floor. If an animal accidentally inhales it, it is fraught with health problems.

What shouldn't be

You can not use bleach, because it does not drive the cat away from the wrong place, but, on the contrary, attracts it.

Do not use perfume or cologne as a deterrent. Many products contain substances that will provoke pet poisoning. In addition, a "cocktail" of perfume and cat urine aromas is an unbearable thing.

Physical punishment or "poking your nose" into piles and puddles will not bring an effect. The cat will do the same, but out of spite.

Be persistent. As soon as the cat is about to perch in the wrong place, let him know that this should not be done. Gradually, you will be able to solve this problem.