Step by step guide on how to install an accordion door. How to install an accordion door with your own hands

  • 23.06.2020

Interior doors - important element apartments. They not only functionally separate the rooms among themselves, but are also an important part of the interior. Today, many buyers prefer modern accordion doors to traditional designs. Next, it is worth talking in detail about how the installation of such doors is carried out.

Design features

If you are going to move on to all the intricacies of installing accordion doors, you must definitely figure out what such structures are. So, an accordion door is a canvas that consists of several vertical slats connected into one system using small reliable hinges. The width of the lamellas, as a rule, does not exceed fifteen centimeters.

A sliding structure of 1 or 2 canvases is installed- depending on the width of the opening. A special guide is attached to the top or bottom of the panels. In order for the accordion doors to open and close as smoothly and accurately as possible, the design is equipped with synchronizers. To fix the canvas in a certain position, special stoppers-flags are provided.

Materials for the manufacture of doors can be very different. The most popular options are from MDF, plastic, wood. There are models made entirely of glass or mirror. However, it should be remembered that heavier materials put excessive stress on the elements of the system, so the service life of such doors is significantly reduced. The lightest canvases are the best option.

What tools are needed for installation?

When buying an accordion door, you will definitely receive a kit with the spare parts necessary for its installation. You will get step by step instructions and detailed diagram attachment of individual parts. Be sure to study all the theoretical material in order to correctly, quickly and easily assemble an accordion door.

Then prepare the necessary tools.

These include:

  • Drill for creating holes in the walls.
  • Perforator - in case the doorway has to be expanded.
  • Building level and a plumb line for impeccable precision.
  • Roulette and a special corner to clearly and evenly expose the necessary markings.
  • Mounting foam - to fill the space between the extensions and the wall.
  • Hacksaw to cut pieces.
  • A miter box (a special carpentry tray designed to saw boards) - for more convenient work.
  • Wooden blocks and platbands - as needed.
  • Let's start preparing the doorway.

Opening preparation is the first and most important stage in the process of installing a door-book. There are two options: either install the door in an existing box, or completely dismantle the old structure and replace it with a new one.

If you decide to leave the old doorway, be aware of the significant disadvantages of such an idea. First, this reduces the size of the opening. Secondly, one cannot be completely sure of the reliability of the old design. However, this solution will greatly simplify the installation process.

Another option is to completely replace the box. To do this, it is necessary to remove the old door frame, and also carefully knock down the old solution so that only concrete wall. Only after that you can proceed to the installation of the box. To do this, measure the length and width of the door leaf and opening. If the opening needs to be enlarged, use a perforator, and to reduce it, pre-prepared extensions and timber will come in handy.

Then proceed to assemble the frame for the structure. It is made taking into account the parameters of the door and opening. Next, fasten it with special screws, wedge it with bars and secure it with anchors. This must be done at three points - on each side of the structure. If the width of the canvas exceeds one meter, then you will have to add an upper fixation in one or two places.

After all the work done, fill the gaps between the wall and the bars with polyurethane foam. Then you need to wait for it to dry.

We mount the guides

To do this, you need to take several measurements and adjust the structural elements in accordance with the results obtained:

  • First, measure the width of the opening and subtract 4 mm from the final number. It is this size that the profile rail should be. Adjust its parameters with a hacksaw.
  • Place the guide itself in the box strictly horizontally. There should be 2 mm gaps around the edges.
  • Next, you need to mark and drill holes for mounting with a drill.
  • Then grab one end of the bar with a self-tapping screw. It is impossible to fix the part completely, since it is important to leave the possibility for its movement.
  • Now you need to measure the height of the book door, add 10 mm (remaining space) to the result - and do not forget to take into account the roller system. In accordance with the data obtained, cut the parts to length.


At this stage, it is important to re-read the instructions carefully. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations that the manufacturer gives in the attached documentation. It should be remembered that metal, plastic and wooden structures slightly different from each other and have their own subtleties in the installation process.

Structures made of wood or MDF are attached using a long axis, which must pass through the eyes - or using loops. For mounting plastic doors special gaskets and grooves are used. The final step is the installation of rollers on the top of the panels.

Then you need to properly hang the accordion door leaf. To do this, remove the guide from the opening and install the support plates inside it. Next, you need to fold the panels like an accordion and raise the structure so that the carriages are at the top. Holding the profile, carefully place the structure with the rollers into the groove, and rotary axis- into the hole in the support.

So, the guide is installed in its original place and is well fixed with self-tapping screws. It remains only to adjust the system and check the smoothness, clarity of the web and the operation of the hinge mechanisms.


So, most of the work is already behind. Now you have a full-fledged and very convenient interior door in your apartment. The only thing left is to deal with the necessary fittings.

First you need to install the side rails. Then you need to screw the latches to the leading panels, and also mark the location of the magnetic lock. Only after that it is worth proceeding to the installation of door handles. When all the elements are installed, be sure to check the serviceability and accuracy of their functioning.

Now you should proceed to the installation of platbands for the opening. Already prepared parts must be cut with a hacksaw at an angle. It remains only to fix the platbands. This can be done with hidden fasteners or liquid nails.

So, as you can see, the installation of accordion doors is not very difficult. You can easily cope with the installation of such a design yourself.

At the end of the article, we bring to your attention several simple tips on the choice and purchase of modern accordion doors:

  • Consider general style apartments. It is very important that the door fits well into the interior and emphasizes its features. It should also take into account the peculiarities of the location of the rooms and color design furniture, walls. Do not forget that the door not only performs its specific functions, but is also a prominent part of the living space.
  • Do not seek unreasonable savings. In modern stores there is a large selection of different designs: from budget to quite expensive models. Regardless of how much this or that door costs, always pay attention to its quality. Too cheap models made of bad plastic will not be able to withstand daily stress and will quickly become unusable.

If you are limited in space when planning the interior of your home, you will probably be interested in learning how to install an accordion door with your own hands. Such interior partitions they are cheaper than the compartment version, but at the same time they also save space. In addition, if you deal with the details of the design, all the work can be done independently, without resorting to the help of specialists.

For self-assembly of an accordion door, you need to understand all the details

Design features

Before deciding to install an accordion door with your own hands, you need to take a closer look at the features of its design. It is fundamentally different from the usual swing door, but at the same time it is somewhat similar to sliding interior compartment doors. Distinctive feature accordions - its canvas consists of several parts and folds when the door is closed.

The main constituent elements of the structure:

  • persistent tires;
  • guide rail;
  • canvas plates;
  • guide slider;
  • corner sliders;
  • lock bar;
  • clips;
  • motion lock;
  • elastic connecting elements;
  • decorative overlays on adhesive tape;
  • pen.

In homemade products, the lamellas are connected by hinges.

Scheme of the accordion door device

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages of such interior doors? We can distinguish the following advantages of the design according to the type of accordion:

  • visually does not burden the space;
  • a wide range of models and a variety of materials used;
  • allows you to save space, since no space is required to open the door, it moves along the opening along the sliding system with sliders;
  • ease of construction due to the use of thin plates of lightweight materials;
  • simple installation - since it is quite easy to assemble an accordion door and install it, you can do all the work yourself.

However, in addition to the obvious advantages, accordion-type doors have several disadvantages. Firstly, they do not provide proper heat and sound insulation. Secondly, at its core, this is a rather flimsy design. With rough handling and poor-quality installation, its parts can quickly fail. In addition, not everyone likes such appearance opening. Therefore, before buying a door, weigh the pros and cons.

Accordion doors save space

Preparing for installation

Before you install an accordion door, you need to carry out a series of preparatory work. First you need to completely prepare the doorway. Remove the old interior doors along with the box. Level the slopes and plaster them. Since the installation of an accordion door involves fastening the guide and support strips, you need to bring the level and make the surface as even as possible.

Before you make a door or go to the store to buy it, you need to take measurements from the opening. Be sure to measure its width and height.

Please note: an accordion door may have a different number of plates. If you like a particular model, but it is too wide for your opening, you can simply not install one of its plates.

If you are doing the installation of accordion doors with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • lubricant (usually included).

How to do everything on your own to avoid mistakes? The work is carried out in several stages: assembly of plates, boxes and hanging the door.

Before installation, it is necessary to fix the roller guide in the upper part of the doorway

How to assemble an accordion door

The door-accordion can be bought ready-made in disassembled form. In this case, assembly and installation instructions must be attached to the product. The alternative is to do it yourself. This will allow you to realize any idea. You can use the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • laminate;
  • glass;

Of course, a wide range and different price categories allow you to take a simpler path and purchase a finished product. In this case, you can save money by doing the assembly and installation yourself.

Often MDF is used to make accordion doors.

Accordion doors: instructions for assembling and mounting plates:

  1. Measure the height of the doorway. Trim everything if necessary. vertical details designs. Check the width measurements.
  2. Glue decorative trims to the cut bottom of the door.
  3. Next, attach the guide slider to the locking bar with screws.
  4. Install the corner sliders along the edge of the plates.
  5. Connect the plates in such a way that they pass through the connecting elements. Secure the latter with screws.

After you managed to assemble the accordion door, you can proceed to the next installation step.

The rollers are attached to the top of the door leaf sequentially through one panel.


Do-it-yourself installation of an accordion door begins with determining the position of the motion limiter. To do this, it is necessary to fold the product completely, measure its width and drill a hole in the guide at an appropriate distance. The next step is to install the box. It consists of top rail and side rails.

Properly installed accordion door looks very presentable

Accordion interior doors: how to install with your own hands, step by step instructions:

  1. Attach the top rail to the wall in the opening and mark its position.
  2. Then, at a distance corresponding to the center of the bar, make marks for the mounting clips. They are needed in order to assemble the box.
  3. Drill the required number of holes. Along the edges, you need to place one clip at a distance of 1 cm from the wall, and after 5-7 cm - one more. Then increase the step to 15-16 cm. Keep a straight line.
  4. Next is the installation of the side clips. Near the thrust bar, the distance between the fastening elements is observed in increments of 30-40 cm.
  5. From the side of the lock bar, smaller clips are attached at a distance of 70 and 100 cm.
  6. In order to install the door in the opening, slide the sliders into the groove of the guide, lubricating them in advance to ensure easy movement of the plates.
  7. Install the guide on the clips.
  8. Attach the edge of the door to the side clips.
  9. Also install the lock bar in the opening in a similar way.
  10. Attach a handle to the door.

This is how easy it is to install a folding accordion door. Of course, this is a very convenient thing, but do not forget that you need to use it carefully in order to extend the life of the structure.

Interior accordion doors have been around for more than a decade. V Soviet time they were very popular in the homes of wealthy officials. Now this is quite an affordable doorway design for almost any family. This design works on the principle of blinds. And the process of opening / closing imitates playing the harmonica. In the past, for such doors, a ball with a metal bar welded to it was used in the sliding element. The device wore out quickly, creaked, jammed, etc.

Modern accordion doors are completely silent, the leaves move smoothly, and the wear of all parts is minimal.

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    Pros and cons of installing doors

    The sliding design of the accordion door has gained its popularity due to various positive qualities:

    1. 1. Unconditional savings in space. Doorways are not always installed so as not to interfere with the opening / closing of the arranged furniture. The place outside the door in most cases is empty - you can’t put a wardrobe, a sofa there, or place any decor. If an accordion door is installed, this problem does not arise.
    2. 2. Wall decoration is possible with any materials of the owner's choice. When installing a traditionally opening door model, there is a possibility of damage to the cladding by the handle and the end of the leaf.
    3. 3. Silence. Over time, the doors begin to creak, the folding device works smoothly and silently.
    4. 4. Safety. It is impossible to pinch or hit a finger with an accordion.
    5. 5. Reliability. Folding structures are not subject to distortions, sagging as a result high humidity, temperature changes and more.
    6. 6. Versatility. Standard interior doors do not fit all openings; an accordion is placed anywhere, regardless of size.
    7. 7. Ease of assembly. When installing, there is no need to call the wizard, because the mechanism is extremely simple. Purchase additional Construction Materials don't have to either.
    8. 8. Price category. Compared to traditional doors, folding doors are inexpensive. Do-it-yourself installation makes it even cheaper.
    9. 9. Multifunctionality. Such doors are installed in any opening, it is also possible to make an angular structure out of them. If necessary, connect two "accordions".
    10. 10. Originality. If traditional swing doors are found in almost every house, then folding ones give housing an unusual, designer look.

    For all positive points There are also some negative ones:

    1. 1. Lack of sound insulation.
    2. 2. Moving parts need to be repaired from time to time.
    3. 3. If the model is chosen incorrectly (if the doorway is much wide) and incorrectly installed, the folding devices will definitely jam.
    4. 4. All other shortcomings relate to the material of manufacture: plastic is short-lived, glass requires careful handling and careful maintenance, wood deforms over time from moisture.

    It is worth remembering that when buying an accordion door, the choice of model and extremely accurate measurements become important.

    Varieties of sliding doors

    Interior folding doors have the following classification:

    • according to the material of manufacture;
    • by design.
    No. p / p Material Peculiarities Photo
    1 PlasticThe design is not of the highest quality with a short service life, but it differs budget cost. In most cases, they are used as a partition in a room for zoning space. These are blind doors (less often with plastic inserts). They are installed in rarely used rooms (dressing rooms, niches)
    2 TreeThis is the most common category of doors. They are distinguished by high reliability of use. Everything wooden details treated with specialized impregnations and substances. Hinges and sliding elements are made of especially strong alloys. Such products are not subject to deformation during temperature fluctuations or high humidity.
    3 GlassThe most rarely used material due to its fragility and susceptibility to mechanical stress. They are several times more expensive than other models. Such doors are decorated with various films, drawings (using sandblasting equipment), laser engraving, varnishes, etc.
    4 CombinedUsually it is a combination of glass and wood. Doors are made individually, because the glass is additionally decorated depending on the general design direction. All this creates airiness and visually enlarges the space. Such structures are installed at the exit to the terrace. It is also possible to purchase a simpler option: a wooden section with a narrow glass insert

    If wood is chosen as the material, it is important to remember that when installing them in wet rooms (bath, toilet, kitchen), you should pay attention to the impregnating composition. With poor-quality "impregnation" the door will quickly become unusable.

    Instructions for installing the "accordion"

    Installing a door with your own hands is not very difficult. It is important to make careful measurements of the doorway at several points before purchasing it. If it is less than 1 m, the lower guide is not needed, only the upper one is purchased. With some trim levels, the purchase does not include trim and trim - you should take care of this even in the store.

    Standard construction elements

    All models of folding doors have the same elements and accessories in their device. Namely:

    • door leaf in the form of separate leaves - their size in the aggregate must match the opening;
    • from 1 to 2 guide horizontal rails;
    • connection loops and 2 to 4 carriage rollers;
    • adjusting key;
    • stoppers;
    • hinges;
    • self-tapping screws.

    Door features

    In order to better understand the installation and assembly of folding doors, it is necessary to thoroughly study their device. The main sliding element is the guide rail. Its installation is carried out at the top of the doorway. If the same rail is additionally installed at the bottom, the service life of the structure will be significantly reduced. This happens as a result of the accumulation of debris in the guide. It will not be possible to remove it regularly, because the width of the product is very narrow.

    For easy movement of the valves, a roller mechanism is used. It is fixed on one side on the canvas, and on the other in the groove of the rails.

    To ensure that all parts are securely fixed, hinges and canopies are used. Additionally, all sashes are connected to each other with hinges slightly smaller than the fastening ones. In some models, the sashes are connected with clips.

    The guide rail is always made of metal. To decorate it, use veneer, laminated or varnished. If an unscrupulous manufacturer offers a product from a different material, the device will fail after a couple of months of operation. The number of sashes can be different - from 2 or more pieces.

    Required Tools

    In order to assemble and mount the door structure, you will need tools:

    • drill;
    • mounting foam;
    • plumb;
    • building level;
    • hacksaw;
    • bars;
    • roulette;
    • miter box.

    If you plan to expand the doorways, you will have to additionally acquire a puncher.

    Assembly instructions

    In order not to get confused in the panel sashes, they are first laid out on the floor in the required order. Followed by observing step by step instructions for mounting:

    1. 1. Assembling the plates into a single whole. Mounting method varies slightly depending on the model.
    2. 2. Vertical installation of side rails. In this case, be sure to use the level. They are firmly fixed.
    3. 3. Installation of guides. If the size does not match, cut to the required hacksaw. Between the holes determine the distance of 25-30 cm.
    4. 4. Installation of panels. On the one hand, a guide profile is supplemented with a latch, and both the end of the panel and the roller are brought onto it. Fix guides.
    5. 5. Creation of holes on the panels for installation of mounting loops in them when assembling the door leaf. The slats are arranged in the required sequence (the first and last can be marked). The distance between them is 3-4 mm. Check the fastener again.
    6. 6. Installing the canvas. All doors are assembled with an accordion and placed in the grooves of the guide rail. Make the last check and adjust their position with the adjusting key.
    7. some models of folding doors have completely small price, but do not strive for extremes in the calculations. Most a budget option made from bad plastic material and won't last long.

Saving space in the room is one of the most relevant topics in the repair. The installation of an accordion door not only meets this requirement, but also meets the conditions for modern design. At self-assembly such a design is worth studying not only general instruction, but also the nuances inherent in the chosen model.

The doorway is an integral part of any room, and every apartment owner wants to decorate it in his own way. In fact, there are a lot of design options, someone prefers to install the usual wooden doors and someone decorative or hardware. Now in the markets and in shops you can often find beautiful models doors, which are called "accordion". For their installation, a special technology is used that requires strict adherence to all the rules and sequence, while it is not difficult to perform a high-quality installation of an accordion door if all the materials are available.

Accordion doors are mounted in places where it is not possible to put a regular door, these can be wide doorways, closets, etc.

Such a product should not only be functional, but also fit perfectly into the interior of the room. As a rule, interior doors can be of different sizes, colors and textures, so choosing the right product is not difficult.

For small apartments, a good option is considered sliding doors coupe or accordion doors that can be installed in any room. The product is often mounted in the living room, bedroom, kitchen or office. In addition, a plastic accordion door can be installed as a curtain for a shower cabin. Following simple recommendations, it will not be difficult to install an accordion door with your own hands.

What are the features?

  • It is important to note the significant space savings. You often have to place furniture based on the location of the doorways. It is unlikely that you will be able to put a closet, sofa or shelf nearby, as this will interfere with the opening of the door. As for the harmonica, there are no such problems.
  • Walls can be finished with any materials, because sharply opened door will not damage the cladding with its handle.
  • Such doors are silent, they open smoothly, sliding along the guides.
  • Also an important advantage is safety, children will not be able to pinch their fingers, which cannot be said about conventional door structures. In addition, these doors open easily.
  • Reliability in use. Accordion doors can occasionally sag or warp. This happens only because of fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Perhaps many have noticed that in a certain season of the year the sash opens or closes with difficulty, but this does not apply to accordions.
  • Such products can be installed for any opening, even where a conventional door does not fit.


Before you install the accordion door, you need to check the presence of all parts and fasteners.
So, the accordion door kit includes:

  • top rail in the form of an aluminum guide;
  • door panel;
  • 2 roller sliders;
  • loops for connecting panels;
  • adjusting key;
  • other elements and accessories for installation.

If doorway has a standard width of up to one meter, then it is not necessary to install a lower guide. In some cases, extensions and platbands are not included in the kit, so they have to be purchased separately.

As a rule, doors are bought with all necessary spare parts and fixtures. If the kit is of high quality and not cheap, then it will include spare hair to increase the width of the door in the future.

In addition to materials for installing an accordion door, you need to purchase materials for preparing doorway. For these purposes, any dobors and platbands, the thickness of which is at least 15 mm, are suitable.

You also need to prepare some tools, without which it is impossible to install such a door. So, you can't do without impact drill, perforator, tape measure, plumb line and bubble level, building corner, hacksaw, miter box, bars or wooden bowls, polyurethane mounting foam.

Features of the preparation of the doorway

There are options for mounting an accordion door inside the door frame, but in this way, it will not be possible to significantly save the usable width of the opening. In such cases, it is recommended to completely remove old door with a box, knocking down the solution under it to the base of the wall.

After such actions, you can measure the formed opening and determine the amount of material. The need for additional expansion and reduction of the doorway is also determined.

Prepared dobors need to be cut to form a box without a nut. In this case, the upper crossbar will be fixed with an end face to the upper edge of the vertical extensions with self-tapping screws.

To prevent damage to the material, you must first drill holes at the installation points of the self-tapping screws with a thin drill, and then screw them in.

After preparing the door frame, you can insert it into the doorway, using the bars and other wooden substrates as wedges. For better reliability, it is recommended to use bars of equal width. Using them, spacers are formed in the center and along the bottom edge. This is necessary so that the extensions do not bend during installation. To fix the extensions to the base, long anchors are used, which are installed in three pieces on each side and two on top.

After twisting the anchors, you can proceed to the process of foaming the gap between the extensions and the wall. When the foam is completely dry, the door itself is installed.

Installation of an accordion door

You need to measure the height and width of the doorway before buying the door. This is the only way to know the required number of panels in the sash. It is necessary to install a folding door with fixation of the guide.

For a standard opening, the width of the guide rail can vary between 33-35 cm, while its height can be 33-39 mm. If the width of this opening is less than the length of the guide, then the last element must be cut with a hacksaw.

The distance between the holes and the guide should be approximately 25-30 cm. Through these holes, it is fixed at the top of the opening. If necessary, drill new ones.

When opening the sash from right to left, you need to right side put the latch, it will also be on the other side.

Insert the axis of the end panel into the latch and place the slider of the carriage in the rail. A guide is fixed to the upper area of ​​​​the opening using self-tapping screws 20-30 mm long. After that, a metal axis is installed in the end sash from above and below. To do this, you need to mark the position of the axles and drill holes for them, if there are none, while their depth should be less than the length of the axles.

It should be noted that the end of each axle will protrude slightly. Axes are fixed on the panel. As a rule, the lower and upper axis should coincide horizontally and vertically.

Under the axis, located in the lower corner of the opening, you need to install the receiving plate, placing its position relative to the latch. At the top end of the panel, which is installed last, you need to drill holes where the slider will be attached. The accordion door panels must be placed side by side in the way they are intended to be connected with hinges. You need to be careful not to confuse the placement of the right and left panels. Next, proceed to the stage of installing the door hinges. On the sashes with a pencil, you need to carefully place their location, taking into account the required distance. Three loops are recommended to be placed between the near doors, but not on the extreme ones.

Horizontal placement of low, middle or top level elements is provided. Such a scheme should be the same on all sashes. The slightest displacement must not be allowed, since distortions and later cracks may appear on the panels.

After marking the placement of each hinge with the same distance, both horizontally and vertically, you need to fix three hinges on one sash. They need to be inserted into reverse side. Adjacent panels must be connected in such a way that the distance between the minis is approximately 3 mm.

To install the handle on the last panel, you need to drill a groove. It is installed on the extreme panel near the loop connection. In addition, you need to drill a groove for a locking lock between the panels.

After that, you can hang the assembled sashes on the mounts. The design rises and starts up in metal axles, namely in the landing plates. Now you need to connect the axis of the carriage with the plate of the last sash. For these purposes, you need to use the key to adjust the position and stroke of the door itself. The sash is adjusted by tightening or loosening the nut on the end or carriage axis.

If the doorway is more than one meter, then more upper runners are needed to cover it. You will also need a support to adjust the door travel in the lower area of ​​​​the opening. You can’t do without the bottom rail, into which the wheels of the carriage mounted on one or two panels will start. The guide must be sunk into the floor or hidden under the threshold. It should be noted that dirt often accumulates in the channel, which is not completely cleaned.

What could be the disadvantages of an accordion door?

Despite the important advantages of such door structure, there are some disadvantages associated with using a large number bearings and hinges, which can reduce the reliability of the door. If you buy an inexpensive product, then much attention should be paid to the choice of accessories. The service life of the door will depend on its quality.

The disadvantages also include poor sound and heat insulation. It is very difficult to achieve tight closing of the door. If it is bought to create silence in the room, then this is not a very suitable option.

Such doors are best installed in rooms with a small area. They effectively save usable space.

The desire to make your home cozy, comfortable, functional dictates the rules for choosing interior items. Interior doors serve as a means of dividing zones, protection, sound insulation.

Not always the standard swing design easily fits into the dimensions of the house. Need to save space. Sliding doors do the job. One of the varieties is the accordion door.

Until recently, the accordion was not considered an exquisite decoration. But technologies are developing, which made it possible to make the accordion door a modern element in the interior. Is it possible to install an accordion door with your own hands? Will there be any difficulties or is it easy to do everything yourself. Let's talk about it by looking at design features accordion cloths.

Knowing some subtleties, you can install an accordion door with your own hands.

According to the layout principle, an accordion door is similar to its accordion object of the same name. The canvases, one after another, smoothly fold or straighten like accordion furs. They help save room space, because when opened, they reduce their size by two to three times, remaining in the opening. There is, of course, an inconvenience if the doorway is narrow, and even the canvases reduce its width. But in general, this is offset by the ability to reduce the presence of the facade in small room.

The accordion door looks aesthetically pleasing in any design.

Today, the accordion door has become relevant not only as an economical option, but also as an individual designer decor. The accordion layout system is used for showers, protecting the premises from water; for cabinets that are installed in narrow rooms; for dressing rooms, hiding them behind exquisite decor. Accordion doors can divide the space like interior partitions, folding along the entire length and completely opening the room, if necessary.

Factories produce different models accordion doors on the internal filling of the canvases. It can be MDF panels, plastic, fabric, mirror, glass, less often wood. Solid wood is a heavy material, even perfectly dried. Accessories may simply not withstand heavy canvases. If the array is used in the production of an accordion, then with the strengthening of the system of running the canvas along the rails or using veneer on a thin base.

The design feature of the accordion doors is not diverse. These are rectangular sheets. different sizes. Width starts from 100 mm and more. The smallest opening that will allow you to install an accordion door should not be already 600 mm. The rest is a matter of fantasy and the width of the opening.

It is necessary to choose high-quality designs that have a reliable basis. The frame of the panels must be rigid so that it does not fall apart with an accidental effort.

Accessories for the accordion door can be purchased at any specialized department.

Fittings are always sold as a set, it can vary only in the number of paintings from the width of the opening. The accordion package always provides for an upper guide, a system of rollers. With massive structures, the lower rail is also used so that the product does not sag under heavy load. The lower part is usually recessed into the floor, does not interfere with the movement of users.

Not required for installation door frame, as when installing swing interior doors. The jamb can be ennobled in advance decorative coatings or closed with extras bought on their own. The rest of the installation should not be a problem. Therefore, you can install an accordion door with your own hands, without overpaying the craftsmen. We will help you master the installation of the structure, if you decide to do everything yourself.

The sequence of installation of the accordion door

As with any installation, at the first stage they prepare the opening and buy an accordion door right size. If, with facades installed in a box, the size may have errors (mounting foam will close everything), when installing a sliding accordion, we determine the dimensions after preparing the opening.

Do-it-yourself door installation.

Minimum gaps are needed only at the top and bottom of the canvas for ease of movement of the accordion along the rails.

  1. After dismantling the old kit, having prepared the opening, we take measurements in height and width. The store sells an accordion door with a set of the number of canvases for which width the future design is designed. But in place you will have to adjust the height of the panels, the length of the guide. Sometimes an accordion covers a space more than a meter wide. Then a double-leaf accordion can be chosen, i.e. the doors will open to the right / left at the same time so that the structure is not heavy.
  2. Decide before you start installing the accordion door with your own hands, in which direction you need to open the facade.
  3. Mounting options for top fittings.
  4. You can install the guide on self-tapping screws by pre-drilling holes in the right places, installing dowels under the fasteners.
  5. We measure the width of the opening, cut off the desired length if the profile is larger than necessary.
  6. We install the bar to the upper surface of the opening. If there are no holes, make them yourself using a drill and a drill of the desired diameter.
  7. We install vertical profiles in the same way, sawing off the height if necessary.
  8. The second method of installing horizontal and vertical profiles with your own hands is distinguished by the presence of clip-locks that allow you to snap the bar with a mallet.
  9. Drill holes in the wall, install the lower part of the clip. Fasten the other half of the lock to the profile.
  10. Attach the clips by applying slight pressure to the bar or by tapping with a mallet.
  11. Similarly, we set the vertical profile on both sides.

We collect the accordion door

Perhaps, assembling the panels into a single canvas is the most painstaking part of installing an accordion door with your own hands. The instructions supplied with the product must be followed exactly.

Scheme of installation of an accordion door.

A step-by-step illustration will allow you to correctly assemble the panels with your own hands.

  1. We take measurements of the height of the opening.
  2. We measure the desired length on the canvas, making allowances for the depth of the profile, leaving a gap from the floor.
  3. Cut off the excess, repeating the procedure with all panels.
  4. We proceed to the connection of the panels to each other. For this, special hinges are provided that allow the door to fold and open again. Depending on the weight of the panels and the permissible load, two or three connecting loops can be installed on the surfaces.
  5. Lay the canvases in the desired sequence on the floor. They should be tightly adjacent to each other so that no gaps appear in the hinged position.
  6. Check the compatibility of the panels on the top and bottom lines.
  7. We drill holes for fastening with a loop. Sometimes the hinge replaces the end and vertical profile, allowing you to combine the elements of the accordion door with your own hands in a matter of minutes. It is only necessary to follow the recommendations in the printed instructions.
  8. The accordion door set includes a metal mount, into which all the canvases are inserted one after another, forming a single plane.
  9. At the end of the profile under the facade, a roller or several rollers are placed, allowing the entire canvas to move without problems.
  10. When assembling an accordion into a single structure, pay attention to the location of the extreme panels. A lock and a handle will be fixed in the lock part. The end panel will go into a vertical profile installed on the wall of the opening.
  11. Having assembled a single canvas, we proceed to the stage of hanging the accordion on the guide profile at the top of the opening.
  12. Sometimes it is difficult to get the rollers and stoppers into the guide due to the close location of the jamb. Then the option of installing the guide profile only on the middle self-tapping screw is provided, so that it becomes possible to move it to the side to insert fasteners into the groove.
  13. We return the profile to its place.
  14. We check the operation of the accordion door. The movement should be easy, silent.

Installing the handle and lock

At the final stage, it is necessary to fix the handle, the lock that comes with the kit or purchased independently. Usually the lock is magnetic, but some consumers want the door to lock securely.

  1. On the extreme canvas of the accordion from the side of the lock, the necessary technological holes are made for the lock and the handle. We pre-make markings for planting door fittings. The handle should be slightly offset from the edge of the accordion door, because the panel goes into the vertical profile, tightly adjoining the wall. Close mounted handle may interfere with the tight fit of the accordion door.
  2. Once again we check the operation of the smooth running of the canvas, the absence of cracks, distortions.
  3. When choosing an accordion interior door with a system of upper and lower profiles in the configuration, it is necessary to fix the bottom rail before installing the leaf.
  4. It is usually recessed into the floor in the area of ​​the nut. The length corresponds to the width of the opening.
  5. When installing, the lower set of wheels is first started, and then connected to the upper rail.
  6. Floors must be perfectly level. If there are irregularities, slopes, it is necessary to level the surface in order to avoid failure of the accordion door.
  7. After completing the installation of the accordion door with your own hands, take care of the decorative trim around the interior portal on both sides.

If this is not necessary, the do-it-yourself installation process can be considered complete.

If your choice fell in favor of an accordion door, you need to buy it correctly so that do-it-yourself installation is a pleasure, not a problem.

  • Buy an accordion door in accordance with the interior, considering technical features rooms.
  • You should not take an accordion door if the opening is only 500 mm. In the open position, difficulties will arise when moving from one space to another. You will always come across a stacked door.
  • Correctly calculate the number of paintings required for installation in the interior opening.
  • Do not try to save money when buying an accordion door, because a cheap door will not last long. In the production, cheap plastic and weak fittings are used, which cannot withstand heavy daily loads.
  • Buy a few extra panels in case of unexpected damage to the canvas elements. It will not be difficult to replace the damaged one with your own hands if the panel is available. Production is constantly updated, old models are discontinued. An additional element will avoid the lack of the necessary part from the seller.

Acquainted with detailed guide, installing an accordion door with your own hands should not cause difficulties. To consolidate the information, we recommend watching the video story with detailed recommendations.