Calculation of the value of the net assets of a budgetary institution. Net assets on the balance sheet

  • 20.10.2019

Net assets show the difference between the value of a firm's assets and the amount of its debts and liabilities. Net assets in the balance sheet is line 3600 of the statement of changes in equity.

Where to reflect net assets in financial statements

The line for calculating net assets on the balance sheet is in the statement of changes in equity, which is an appendix to the balance sheet (Appendix 2 to Order No. 66n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010). In the statement of changes in equity, line 3600 is used to record net assets. And in the balance sheet itself, the amount of equity is indicated, it will be needed to calculate net assets. Line 1300 of the balance sheet will be required to reflect the amount of equity in.

How to calculate the net assets of an enterprise in the balance sheet

The formula for calculating net assets is as follows (clause 4 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 28, 2014 No. 84n):

The value of the assets included in the calculation is calculated using the following formula:

Liabilities included in the calculation of net assets will be calculated as follows:


The accountant of Salyut LLC calculates net assets for the financial statements for 2017. The total amount of assets on the balance sheet is 15,800 thousand rubles, long-term liabilities - 3,400 thousand rubles, short-term - 6,900 thousand rubles.

As of December 31, 2017, the organization has no receivables from the founders, as well as deferred income arising from receiving state assistance. Deferred income related to property received free of charge amounted to 40 thousand rubles. (the balance on the credit of account 98 of the sub-account "Grant-free receipts").

The accountant calculated the amount of net assets using the formula: 15,800 - (3400 + 6900 - 40) = 5540 (thousand rubles). The line of net assets in the balance sheet for 2017 is line 3600 of the statement of changes in equity. The accountant will record the amount of equity in line 1300 of the balance sheet.

In addition, to calculate the net assets on the balance sheet, you can use the following formula:

Check if the equality should hold:

Why Calculate Net Assets?

1. So that the tax authorities do not forcibly liquidate the company. If net assets are less than the authorized capital, then the organization is working "in the red." And the owners will only be able to count on an amount less than what they originally contributed to the company. That is why, for example, joint-stock companies must be liquidated if, at the end of the second and each subsequent reporting year, their net asset value turned out to be less than the authorized capital (clause 11 of article 35 Federal Law No. 208-FZ of December 26, 1995).

If the net asset value of the LLC is below the authorized capital for two consecutive financial years, then the authorized capital must be reduced. It is necessary to reduce the authorized capital to the value of net assets. Another option is to liquidate the company (clause 4, article 30 of the Federal Law of February 6, 1998 No. 14-FZ). If neither one nor the other is taken, the tax authorities can go to court with a lawsuit for forced liquidation.

2. To pay dividends. The company is not entitled to pay dividends if their assets are less than the amount of the authorized capital and the reserve fund (paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 29 of Law No. 14-FZ and paragraph 4 of article 43 of Law No. 208-FZ).

3. To pay the actual value of the share former members Ltd. When a participant leaves the LLC, he is entitled to the actual value. This indicator will be calculated as the value of net assets, proportional to the size of the share of the participant (clause 2, article 14 of Law No. 14-FZ).

4. To increase the authorized capital. The amount by which the authorized capital of an LLC is increased at the expense of its property should not exceed the difference between the value of net assets and the amount of the authorized capital and reserve fund (clause 2, article 18 of Law No. 14-FZ).

The net assets of an LLC characterize the financial state of affairs of the company, this indicator is necessary when assessing the profitability of an LLC, when increasing or decreasing the authorized capital of an LLC, and is also taken into account when paying the actual value of shares to participants upon exit or exclusion from an LLC.

The net assets of an LLC are the book value of the company's property, reduced by the amount of its liabilities, that is, the real value of the property that the LLC has, not burdened with obligations.

The LLC is required to value its net assets:

  • annually before the next annual general meeting of LLC participants. The annual report of the LLC contains a section on the state of net assets (Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated February 8, 1998 "On companies with limited liability", hereinafter - the Law on LLC);
  • before the LLC makes decisions that depend on the value of net assets, for example, before holding an extraordinary meeting of the LLC on the distribution of net profit, before paying a share to an LLC participant in the event of withdrawal from the company (clause 8, article 23 of the LLC Law), before making a major transaction by the LLC (Article 46 of the LLC Law) and other cases.

The annual report of the LLC must contain indicators characterizing the dynamics of changes in the value of net assets and the authorized capital of the LLC:

  • for the last three financial years, including the reporting one, if the LLC has existed for more than 3 years;
  • for each completed financial year if the LLC is less than 3 years old.

If the value of the LLC's net assets turned out to be less than its authorized capital, the LLC's annual report also includes:

  • the results of an analysis of the causes and factors that, in the opinion of the sole executive body, the board of directors of LLC, led to this,
  • a list of measures to bring the value of the LLC's net assets in line with the size of its authorized capital.

The value of the company's net assets (except for credit institutions) is determined according to accounting data in the manner established by the authorized Government Russian Federation federal executive body (clause 2, article 30 of the LLC Law).

Earlier, the Ministry of Finance of Russia recommended applying the Procedure for estimating the value of net assets of joint-stock companies to calculate the value of the net assets of LLC, approved. The Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Securities Commission of Russia dated January 29, 2003 No. 10n, 03-6 / pz (see the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 13, 2010 No. 03-03-06 / 1/329, dated December 7, 2009 No.).

Currently, the Procedure for determining the value of net assets, approved. Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08.28.2014 No. 84n (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), in clause 1 of which it is expressly provided for the possibility of its application in relation to LLC.

The value of the net assets of an LLC is determined according to accounting data as the difference between the value of the assets and liabilities of the company accepted for calculation (clauses 4, 7 of the Order). A negative value of net assets means that the amount of LLC's debts exceeds the value of the company's property.

If, at the end of the second or each subsequent financial year, the value of the net assets of the LLC turns out to be less than its authorized capital, the company is obliged, in the manner and within the time period provided for by the Law on LLC, to increase the value of net assets to the amount of the authorized capital or to register, in the prescribed manner, a decrease in the authorized capital. If the value of the net assets of the company becomes less than the minimum amount of the authorized capital (10,000 rubles - clause 1 of article 14 of the LLC Law), the company is subject to liquidation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation as amended on 05.05.2014 No. 99-FZ).

The term for the LLC to make a decision to reduce the authorized capital to an amount not exceeding the value of its net assets is six months after the end of the relevant financial year (clause 4, article 30 of the LLC Law).

The period during which the increase in the value of net assets must be carried out is not established by law. Does not establish a law and a special procedure for increasing the value of the company's net assets up to the size of its authorized capital. Note that it is possible to increase the value of net assets by making contributions to the company's property by participants, since such contributions do not change the size and nominal value of their shares in the authorized capital. However, the obligation to make contributions based on the decision of the general meeting of participants must be provided for by the charter of the company (Article 27 of the LLC Law).

The financial year corresponds to the calendar year and lasts from January 1 to December 31 (Budget Code of the Russian Federation). Within the meaning of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, p.p. 3, 4 art. 30, paras. 6 p. 2 art. 33, art. 34 of the LLC Law, the financial year should be understood as the year following which the annual results of the company's activities are approved (in particular, the annual balance sheet) and the value of its net assets is determined. Since the company’s obligation to keep records arises from the date of its state registration, and the determination of annual performance results is also possible based on the results of the calendar year during which the company was established (, Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting") , the first financial year of the company for the purposes of applying the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation can also be understood as the year the LLC was created.

If the company fails to take the necessary measures to bring the value of net assets in line with the size of the authorized capital or fails to make a decision on liquidation, the company may be liquidated by a court decision (the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In practice, courts sometimes consider a decrease in net assets as a sign of the deteriorating financial condition of an LLC. If at the same time no damage has been caused to the rights and legitimate interests of creditors and third parties, and the LLC is operating, quarterly submits to the tax and financial statements, fulfills the obligation to pay taxes on time, then the courts refuse to satisfy claims for the liquidation of the LLC (see, for example, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District of December 16, 2010 in case No. A53-3538 / 2010).

Information on the value of the net assets of an LLC is subject to mandatory entry into the Unified Federal Register on the facts of activity legal entities(hereinafter - Fedresurs) in cases provided for by the Law on LLC (subparagraph "l", clause 7, article 7.1. dated August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs"). An LLC is obliged to provide access to information on the value of its net assets to any interested person (clause 2, article 30 of the LLC Law). The information contained in the Federal Resource is posted on the Internet at: http://www.

An annual report is an ambiguous concept. It includes not only surrender tax returns in the Federal Tax Service and financial statements into statistics, but also whole line other debriefing and review activities. One of important criteria, which each accountant of LLC and JSC must evaluate after compiling the balance sheet, is the value of net assets. This is an indicator of the financial viability of the organization, which affects its relevance to investors. We will tell you not only how to calculate net assets on the balance sheet, but also how to correctly evaluate this indicator.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization at the end of the year and successful planning of its future activities is impossible without an analysis of economic indicators. One of the most important is the indicator of net assets (NA), which is determined on the basis of data from the financial report of the legal entity for the year. The calculation of net assets according to the balance sheet must be carried out by all legal entities that maintain accounting records and submit reports. These include, in particular:

  • limited liability companies;
  • joint-stock companies;
  • business partnerships;
  • state unitary enterprises;
  • municipal unitary enterprises;
  • production cooperatives;
  • housing savings cooperatives.

The norms for determining the NA are approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 28, 2014 No. 84n “On approval of the procedure for determining the value of net assets”. In addition, the features of its calculation and reflection must be prescribed in the accounting policy of the organization.

Net assets: formula for calculating the balance sheet 2019

At its core, which is reflected in the formula of the Ministry of Finance, the NA of an organization is the difference between the sum of all assets of an organization and the sum of its liabilities. The formula itself, which must be used, looks like this:

At the same time, all assets of the organization must be included in the assets, excluding receivables of shareholders or founders for contributions (contributions) to the authorized capital or payment for shares. The liability of the organization, which must be deducted from assets, according to the formula, includes all liabilities, with the exception of deferred income recognized in connection with the gratuitous receipt of property or government assistance. Since such income is actually recognized as equity, for the purposes of calculating net assets, they are excluded from the short-term liabilities section of the balance sheet, displayed in line 1530.

If you look at the net assets of the enterprise in the balance sheet, they look like this:

If the question arises, how to calculate net assets by balance sheet lines, a different, simplified formula is used. After all, if the balance has already been reduced, there is no need to take data for calculation from accounting. In addition, according to the rules introduced in 2015, objects on off-balance accounts are not taken into account. The formula for net assets on the balance sheet looks like this:

Increasing the organization's NA

The indicator of net assets, which is otherwise called net worth, is one of the key indicators in the activities of any commercial company. NA based on the results of the year can be both positive and negative. The latter suggests that the company has practically no own funds and is completely dependent on creditors. Both for potential investors and regular creditors, this state of affairs is an alarming sign. Sometimes the presentation of a balance sheet with negative NA threatens with serious consequences, up to the liquidation of the enterprise. Moreover, Article 20 of the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14 states that if the NA has become less than the minimum authorized capital, then the limited liability company is subject to liquidation. In such moments of crisis, the value of NA can be increased. There are several ways to do this:

  • in line 1310 indicate the amount of the authorized capital, which the founders can increase if they make additional contributions (additional issue);
  • Line 1350 of the balance sheet indicates additional capital. It can also be increased if the organization's intangible assets and fixed assets are revalued;
  • founders can also contribute to the replenishment of the reserve capital, which is displayed on line 1360 of the balance sheet;
  • writing off overdue accounts payable will help to quickly increase the NA, but at the same time will lead to an increase in the income tax base;
  • deferred income can also be increased if the founders or other persons donate property to the organization. However, it will be possible to avoid an increase in income tax only if the benefactor owns at least 50% of the authorized capital or shares of the enterprise.

Obviously, if necessary, you can choose and implement the most appropriate method from the above. Although such, in fact, an artificial increase in NA will not lead to an increase in the welfare of the company. In practice, this indicator is only acceptable for newly created enterprises, since there is an objective reason why the invested funds simply have not yet had time to pay for themselves and bring income - this is time. Therefore, if the calculation turned out to be a negative result, it is worth thinking about the fact that the company's activities are unprofitable and it is necessary to correct the situation not only in the balance sheet, but also in practice.

Registration of the calculation of NA

The value of net assets is not reflected in the balance sheet; it must be issued on a separate form. It is noteworthy that the new order does not contain its mandatory or recommended form. Organizations are invited to independently develop the necessary form for calculating net assets, approve it in their accounting policy, and use it for the report. However, the order of the Ministry of Finance does not prohibit the use of the old form. Its form still contains all the relevant data, so it is quite possible to use it in its former capacity, having previously written it in the accounting policy.

Form for calculating the net assets of the organization

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Net assets are one of the most important financial indicators. For their correct analysis, correct calculation is required.

The concept of net assets

Each company has property, including real estate, land, money. These are assets. Also, each commercial structure has obligations to counterparties, debts. Net assets are the property and money of a company minus its liabilities. They are calculated once a year. The results are required to be reported in the annual accounts.

The calculation procedure is established by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2014 No. 84. It is relevant for a number of structures:

  • State unitary structures.
  • production.
  • housing cooperatives.
  • Business associations.

The calculation must be carried out strictly according to established standards. Special formulas are used, which are approved by the state.

Why do we need calculation results?

The amount of assets is mandatory calculated once a year. This is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Control over the financial condition of the structure. The result of the calculations allows us to understand the efficiency of the functioning of the structure. The size of the NA is compared with the amount of the authorized capital. If the NA is greater than the UK, this indicates the normal position of the company. If the UK exceeds the amount of capital, then measures must be taken immediately to correct the situation. If this ratio does not change for two years, the entrepreneur must either reduce the authorized capital or liquidate the organization.
  • Payment of dividends. According to Article 29 of the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14, dividends can be distributed only after an analysis of the economic condition of the company. In particular, it is necessary to identify the ratio of the UK and NA. If the latter value is less than the UK, no dividends can be paid.
  • Determination of the real value of the share. The real value of the share of the founder of the LLC is the amount of net assets corresponding to the size of the share in question. This definition specified in paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14.
  • Increase in UK. It is possible to increase the UK at the expense of either the personal property of the organization, or additional contributions from participants, or third-party funds, if permitted by the Charter. The increase can be performed only by the amount of the difference between the NA and the size of the UK.
  • Decreasing UK. Sometimes the UK must be reduced without fail. The decision to reduce capital is made on the basis of the volume of net assets and their ratio to the authorized capital.

Almost every organization is faced with the need to determine the size of net assets.

In what cases is the calculation made?

NA must be calculated in the following cases:

  • Purchase by LLC of a share of a participant at his request in the event that the share cannot be acquired in accordance with the Charter by third parties.
  • The purchase by a company of a share of a participant who voted at the meeting against the execution of a major transaction or a change in the size of the authorized capital.
  • Exclusion of a participant from the company with the subsequent transfer of his share to the LLC.
  • The participant is required to pay the creditors of his share.
  • It is required to determine the financial condition of the company.
  • A decision is made to pay dividends.
  • Reduction or increase in the Criminal Code.

Asset size This is the most important indicator for any business entity. Regular calculation of the parameter under consideration provides a number of advantages for the company: reliability, strengthening of market positions, increased opportunities to attract resources, sustainability. Open data on NA is the confidence of counterparties in the solvency of the organization.

Formula for calculating the indicator

To calculate, you need to find the difference between assets and liabilities. That is, the difference between the property of the company and the existing obligations is determined. The assets include:

  • Property owned by the structure.
  • Land.
  • Income from activities.
  • Various property, including equipment, tools, furniture, office equipment.

The composition of assets does not include receivables of the founders for contributions to the Criminal Code. Liabilities are the company's debts: short-term and long-term liabilities, various loans, penalties. They do not include income of the following periods received in connection with state assistance or gratuitous acquisition of property.

So, the following formula is used to calculate:

(line 1600 - memory) - (line 1400 + line 1500 - DBP)

The formula uses the following definitions:

  • ZU - the debt of the founders for contributions to the UK.
  • DBP - income of the next periods in the form of state aid or gratuitous acquisition of property.

All relevant lines are taken from balance sheet.

Analysis of calculation results

There are three values ​​of net assets obtained as a result of calculations:

  • Negative. Denotes the predominance of liabilities over income. That is, the company's activities are not commercially successful. The organization is completely financially dependent on creditors. She has no funds of her own.
  • Positive. Indicates a positive increase in funds. That is, the company fully covers all its debts, and also has its own funds.
  • Zero. It indicates that the company pays off, but does not bring any profit.

Negative results of calculations indicate a high risk of bankruptcy of the organization.

Calculation example

Consider an example. The following values ​​appear in the balance sheet of the construction company "Nadezhnost":

  • discussed in the first section: residual value of fixed assets is 2.3 million rubles, capital contribution to construction in progress - 1.6 million rubles, long-term deposits - 700 thousand rubles.
  • specified in the second section: the organization's reserves are 200 thousand rubles, the debt to debtors is 800 thousand rubles, the debt of the founders for contributions to the management company is 50 thousand rubles, cash is 1.2 million rubles.
  • Company capital referred to in section 3: The UK is 200 thousand rubles, retained earnings - 1.5 million rubles.
  • Long-term debts discussed in section 4 in the amount of a million.
  • Short-term debts specified in Section 5: short-term debt in the amount of 400 thousand rubles, debt to the budget - 200 thousand rubles, other debts - 1.9 million rubles.

When performing calculations, the debt to the founders for contributions to the Criminal Code is not taken into account. In the case under consideration, it is 50 thousand rubles. The following calculations are carried out:

2,300,000 - 1,600,000 + 700,000 + 200,000 + 800,000 - 50,000 + 1,200,000 = 6,750,000 rubles

From this indicator, you need to subtract the indicators of the third section of the balance sheet. The following calculations are performed:

1,000,000 + 400,000 + 200,000 + 1,900,000 = 3,250,000 rubles

The amount of assets in this case is 3,250,000 rubles. This positive value. That is, the construction company is quite successfully functioning. Its profit exceeds the amount of debts. The organization brings money to its founders. As a rule, this NA value is considered in relation to other indicators. Usually this is the authorized capital.

for automatic calculation of net assets .

The value of the company's net asset value indicator is associated with regulation aimed at maintaining the guarantee function of the company's authorized capital.

Net assets - this is the real value of the property available to the company, annually determined minus its debts.

The emergence of a company's debts exceeding the size of its property jeopardizes the interests of its creditors. In order to prevent this from happening, it is important to correctly evaluate net assets. joint-stock company, the amount of which at the end of the second and each subsequent financial year must correspond to at least the declared (registered and paid) authorized capital of the company.

Otherwise, the company is obliged to declare and register a decrease in its authorized capital and is not entitled to declare and pay dividends (which would obviously be to the detriment of creditors).

1. The procedure for calculating the value of net assets for joint-stock companies is established by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 10n, the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia N 03-6 / pz dated January 29, 2003.

According to the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 26, 2007 No. N 03-03-06/1/39 limited liability companies can use the rules developed for joint-stock companies.

2 . The value of the net assets of a joint-stock company is understood as a value determined by subtracting from the sum of the assets of the joint-stock company accepted for calculation, the amount of its liabilities accepted for calculation.

3. Net assets are calculated on the basis of balance sheet data. To do this, the amount of liabilities is subtracted from the total assets. At the same time, not all balance indicators are included in the calculation. So, from the composition of assets it is necessary to exclude the value of own shares bought back from shareholders, and the debt of the founders for contributions to the authorized capital. And as part of liabilities, capital and reserves (section III) and (code 640 section V) are not taken into account.

An example of calculating the net assets of enterprises various forms property

The balance sheet of Astra LLC as of July 1, 2007 reflects the following indicators:

Balance indicators

Balance data

Balance asset

1. Non-current assets (section I):

- residual value of fixed assets (p. 120)

RUB 1,500,000

- capital investments in construction in progress (p. 130)

RUB 1,000,000

- long-term financial investments(p. 140-

RUB 500,000

2. current assets(section II):

- reserves

100 000 rub.

600 000 rub.

including the debt of the founders on contributions to the authorized capital

30 000 rub.

- cash-

RUB 500,000

Balance liability

3. Capital and reserves (section III):

- authorized capital-

100 000 rub.

- retained earnings

RUB 1,400,000

4. Long-term liabilities (section IV):

- long-term loans

RUB 800,000

5. Short-term liabilities (section V):

- short-term loans

300 000 rub.

- debt to the budget

100 000 rub.

RUB 1,500,000

The indicator of the debt of the founders on contributions to the authorized capital (30,000 rubles) does not participate in the calculation of assets. The amount of assets will be 4,170,000 rubles. (1,500,000 + 1,000,000 + 500,000 + 100,000 + 600,000 - 30,000 + 500,000).

The calculation of liabilities will not include the data of Sec. III accounting balance sheet (1,500,000 rubles). The amount of liabilities will be 2,700,000 rubles. (800,000 + 300,000 + 100,000 + 1,500,000).

The value of net assets as of July 1, 2007 will be 1,470,000 rubles. (4,170,000 - 2,700,000).

4. Net assets of business entities (LLC, JSC) cannot be less than the authorized capital. If this happens, the company is obliged to reduce the authorized capital.

If, at the end of the second and each subsequent financial year, the value of the company's net assets turns out to be less than its authorized capital, the company is obliged to announce a reduction in its authorized capital to an amount not exceeding the value of its net assets, and register such a decrease in the prescribed manner (clause 4 of Art. 35 federal law dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ, paragraph 3 of Art. 20 of the federal law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ).

5. If the authorized capital becomes below the minimum (currently for LLC and CJSC - 10,000 rubles, for OJSC - 100,000 rubles), the organization must be liquidated.

If, at the end of the second and each subsequent financial year, the value of the company's net assets turns out to be less than the minimum amount of the authorized capital established by the Federal Law as of the date of state registration of the company, the company is obliged to make a decision on its liquidation (clause 5, article 35 of the federal law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ, paragraph 3, article 20 of the federal law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ, article 90 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, article 99 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

6. A legal entity may be liquidated by compulsory (judicial) procedure.

According to paragraph 2 of Article 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, by a court decision in the event of gross violations of the law committed during its creation, if these violations are irreparable, or the implementation of activities without a proper permit (license), or prohibited by law, or in violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, or with other repeated or gross violations of the law or other legal acts, or when a non-profit organization, including a public or religious organization (association), a charitable or other foundation, systematically carries out activities that contradict its statutory goals, as well as in other cases provided for by the Code .

7. As follows from Art. 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the body authorized to make a decision on the liquidation of a company is a court. A demand for the liquidation of a legal entity may be brought to court by a state body or a local self-government body, to which the right to make such a demand has been granted by law.

If the value of net assets turns out to be less than its charter capital and the company does not make a decision within a reasonable time to reduce its charter capital or to liquidate itself, creditors have the right to demand from the company early termination or performance of the company's obligations and compensation for losses.

The body that carries out the state registration of legal entities, or other state bodies or local governments, to which the right to present such a claim is granted by federal law, has the right to file a claim with the court for the liquidation of the company (clause 6, article 35 of federal law dated December 26, 1995 No. 208 -FZ, clause 5, article 20 of the federal law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ).