What paint is better to use for the facade. Facade paint for outdoor use: how to choose? Types of facade paints: technical specifications

  • 29.08.2019

To give your home a unique look, to make it bright and expressive - every developer dreams of this. Therefore, the work of builders always completes the painting of the facade. Despite the apparent simplicity of this process, its result directly depends on right choice paints.

For each wall material and finish, there are certain types of coloring compositions, the error in choosing which is expensive.

Peeling, uneven distribution of color, cracks in the tinting coating - all these problems are corrected by the laborious cleaning of the facade from paint and applying a new one.

We will talk about what coloring compositions are designed to work with stone surfaces (plaster, concrete, brick), what are their features and performance characteristics in this article.

Classification and properties of facade paints

Before answering the question of how to choose a facade paint for outdoor work, you need to consider the classification of tinting mixtures.

The first level of gradation is the type of solvent used:

  • Water;
  • Organic liquids (solvent, white spirit, xylene).

Water-soluble facade paints are more popular with developers. Their range is much richer than that of tinting mixtures dissolved in organic liquids. The main motivations for the choice are the lower price and minimal toxicity of water-based paints.

Second, no less important factor classification - the type of binder that forms protective film. The service life of the decorative coating depends on its mechanical strength, adhesion (strength of adhesion to the base), elasticity, resistance to frost and the sun.

There are several types of binders used for facade paints:

  • Cement.
  • Lime.
  • Liquid glass (silicate).
  • Acrylic.
  • Latex (rubber).
  • Silicone.
  • Siloxane.

All types of facade paints have common criteria for assessing operational and technical properties:

Water absorption (absorption capacity)

Facade paint should not absorb a lot of moisture. Otherwise, the walls will get wet, creating conditions for the development of mold and mildew. In addition, on a damp wall, the process of salt release from the solution (efflorescence) is activated and the plaster does not hold well.

The degree of absorption capacity of facade paint is indicated by the water absorption coefficient, denoted by the Latin letter W. Manufacturers indicate its value in digital form(kg / h / m 2 hour 0.5). For high-quality tinting compositions, this parameter should not exceed 0.05-0.1 kg / kg / h / m 2 hour 0.5.

Vapor permeability

This indicator is of great importance for the comfort of living in the house. The paint should not block the exit from the premises to the street for water vapor.

To assess vapor permeability, three equivalent quantities are used:

  • The mass of water vapor (grams) passing through 1m2 of a painted wall during the day.
  • Vapor permeability coefficient, denoted by the symbol Sd.
  • Diffusion resistance coefficient (µ).

High-quality facade paints pass from 110 to 140 grams of water vapor through 1m2 per day.

The second vapor permeability parameter Sd is calculated from complex formulas. For us, only his numeric expression indicated in technical description paints (optimum 0.3-0.05).

If you are guided by the third criterion, then a coloring composition is considered good, in which the coefficient µ is in the range from 1400 to 1500.

If the facade paint does not pass steam well, then the plaster will become damp and fall off.

Resistance to solar ultraviolet

It depends on it how quickly and intensively the coloring composition burns out under the influence of sunlight. This parameter has no numeric value. Laboratory tests can be considered the only objective criterion. According to their data, silicate (polysilicon), acrylic and acrylic silicone facade paints are the most resistant to the sun.

For frost resistance, manufacturers have not come up with a digital equivalent. This indicator can be indirectly judged by the declared service life of the painted coating.


When deciding what paint to paint the facade of the house, you should pay attention to consumption. This is the main economic parameter. It depends not only on the quality of the paint, but also on the surface texture of the wall and the absorption capacity of its material. In this regard, the consumption of facade paint varies in a wide range from 0.18 to 0.7 l/m2. Manufacturers indicate the average consumption on a smooth, primed surface (application in 1 layer).

The amount of paint consumed per 1 m2 of the facade should not be confused with another indicator - hiding power. It shows the amount of decorating composition required for a continuous and uniform coloring of 1 m2. This effect is achieved only when applying paint in 2 layers.

Drying time

With multi-layer staining importance has a drying time (in hours). Its manufacturers are designated by two numbers. The first indicates the time after which the next layer can be applied (2-5 hours). The second digit determines the time required to achieve operational readiness (at least 24 hours at an air temperature of + 20 - + 23C).

Abrasion resistance only matters for those areas of the painted surface on which people walk. This parameter measured in cycles of friction that a layer of paint can withstand until it is completely rubbed off.

Our advice: If you are going to paint cement screed at the entrance to the house, then choose a paint composition with a number of abrasion cycles of at least 4-5 thousand.

Facade paint application technology

There are a few simple rules here:

  • The surface to be painted must be smooth, sound, clean and dry. Therefore, the first stage of preparation is the removal of old paint, peeling plaster, repairing irregularities and cracks, cleaning the walls from dust and other contaminants, washing the surface with water and drying it.
  • The quality of adhesion of the paint composition to the facade material (adhesion) directly depends on the use of impregnation that holds the surface layer together. Therefore, the obligatory procedure is the treatment of the walls with an impregnating composition suitable for the paint used (in 2 layers with an interval of 6 to 8 hours).
  • Painting starts from the upper sections of the walls, moving down. For better hiding power, the applied strips of paint should cross.
  • It is desirable to do the work without interruptions in order to avoid the appearance of color transitions.
  • Optimum quality is achieved when applying paint in 2-3 layers.

Well-known manufacturers, approximate prices and consumption

The market does not experience a shortage of facade paint manufacturers. Store shelves are full of labels and brand names. The leading positions here belong to companies whose products have earned a reputation for consistently high quality among buyers.

The products of the Russian company Lakra Synthesis, which produces the popular line of facade paints Parade and the domestic paint and varnish brand Tex, look worthy against the background of eminent Western competitors.

The estimated price of high-quality silicone paint (1 liter) starts at 300 rubles. Siloxane most often costs more than 350-500 rubles / l. The cost of silicate (polysilicon) paint - from 240 rubles.

Lime coloring compositions produced by well-known brands are not cheap. Their average price is 260 rubles per liter. For comparison, let's say that the same amount of good acrylic paint can be purchased for 200 rubles.

Dry cement and cement-lime paint for facades can be bought for 140 rubles.

In general, it can be noted that the prices for paints of the same type may differ significantly depending on the manufacturer and the region of sale. In addition, the volume of purchases plays an important role, here, as a rule, the more you take, the cheaper.

The average consumption of a facade coloring composition on a primed non-porous surface, according to manufacturers, is from 0.18 to 0.25 liters per 1 m2.

The choice of facade paint

For ease of selection, we have summarized in one table different types facade surfaces and coloring compositions optimally suited to them.

Facade surface material Type of facade paint
Cement and cement-lime plasters Cement, lime, acrylic, vinyl, silicone, siloxane, acrylic silicone, silicate (polysilicon)
silicate plasters Silicate (polysilicon), lime, cement. After priming, you can use vinyl, acrylic, silicone, siloxane, acrylic silicone
Lime plasters Lime, cement, silicate (polysilicon), silicone (high carbon dioxide permeability).
Concrete Cement, acrylic, silicone, siloxane, silicate (polysilicon)
ceramic brick Acrylic, silicone, siloxane, acrylic-silicone, silicate, lime, cement
silicate brick Silicate (polysilicon), cement

To give the surface an original appearance, so-called structural facade paints are used. They differ from standard ones in higher viscosity, which allows using a spatula, brush or sprayer to decorate walls with various patterns and textures.

When determining which facade paint is best, you will come across such obscure inscriptions on labels as water-based, water-dispersion, perchlorvinyl, latex or rubber paint.

You don’t have to worry about the terms water-based and water-based. This name indicates the state of aggregation of the binder in water (“liquid in liquid” and “solid in liquid”), which does not affect the performance of paints.

Perchlorovinyl paint refers to solvent-based compositions. Simply put, it is not diluted with water, but with xylene or solvent. Its main advantage over water formulations is the possibility of application in the cold season (from -20 to + 4C). Solvent-based paints should not be used at higher temperatures, as the quick drying of the solvent will cause stains on the façade.

Latex and rubber paints are twins. For their manufacture, the same acrylic latex (artificial rubber) is used. It gives the dried paint layer high elasticity, adhesion, resistance to cracking and vapor permeability.

The appearance of the facade of the building significantly affects its perception. The easiest way to give the new kind old house or complete the construction of a new building - finish the facade with paint. High-quality paint plays not only a decorative role, it protects the wall treated with it from external influences. Facade paints are made just for exterior cladding, so you can be sure of their durability and resistance.

The shade of the dye plays a significant role in the appearance of the building. It is equally important that it be evenly applied to the surface. The choice of composition according to the degree of gloss - matte or glossy - also matters.

Now on sale there are compositions for facades of a wide variety of colors. In addition, they differ from each other in terms of service life and the type of surface on which they can be applied. However, from the point of view of chemistry, they are not much different, so both have the same components:

  • a binder component called the base;
  • coloring pigment;
  • mineral type additives, other fillers.

Among the huge variety of facade paints, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • silicate,
  • made on the basis of potash glass,
  • silicone, including varieties such as:
    • silicone-acrylic
    • silicone emulsion,
  • calcareous (mineral),
  • latex,
  • polysilicon.

Almost all paints for facades are sold in PVC buckets, which is very convenient. In many cases they are suitable for use immediately, sometimes you have to dilute them a little. The consistency of the paint can be changed and, depending on the layer, make it thicker or more liquid.

Facade dyes according to the type of material being painted can be used for:

  • plastic,
  • tree,
  • metal,
  • brick,
  • concrete,

According to the composition of the components, as well as the type of solvent, these paint and varnish coatings also have a classification. For example, water-soluble formulations can be water-dispersed (with the addition of a polymer) or mineral.

Dyes, which are based on organic solvents, are diluted with volatile chemical compounds, for example, white spirit or xylene. They have a number of advantages, for example, they can be applied even at high humidity and at temperatures below zero. However, there are also serious disadvantages, such as toxicity and flammability. When working with this type of paint and varnish products, you must be careful and observe safety precautions.

Water-based coloring compositions have a number of positive features. They are the safest and most environmentally friendly, despite the fact that binders, color are added to them, and synthetic type fillers are present. These compositions are non-toxic and non-flammable, which is ideal for wooden-type facades. They resist moisture and are very durable. Such paint can be safely applied in several layers. However, there is no escape from the shortcomings. In frost, water-based compounds behave poorly and harden already at zero temperature.

There are also textured paints manufactured for facades by Tikkurila. They form a resistant film on the surface to be coated and, due to their special structure, significantly change appearance the buildings.

There are several other popular types of paints, for example, oil or alkyd. They are intended for outdoor use, but are not suitable for processing facades.

There are paints for outdoor work on metal or special ones, for MDF facades but they are much less frequently used. To work with them, you must first cover the surface with a specialized primer, which is not very convenient and time-consuming.

When buying facade paint, you should not first of all pay attention to color. First of all, it should suit you according to the type of surface to be treated and the purpose. With the help of the catalog, you can easily select the desired shade. Take the choice of dye seriously, as choosing it correctly, you can enjoy the new look of the house for 10-20 years, in accordance with the expiration date.

Table. The choice of facade paint.

Facade surface materialType of facade paint
Cement and cement-lime plasters Cement, lime, acrylic, vinyl, silicone, siloxane, acrylic silicone, silicate (polysilicon)
silicate plasters Silicate (polysilicon), lime, cement. After priming, you can use vinyl, acrylic, silicone, siloxane, acrylic silicone
Lime plasters Lime, cement, silicate (polysilicon), silicone (high carbon dioxide permeability).
Concrete Cement, acrylic, silicone, siloxane, silicate (polysilicon)
ceramic brick Acrylic, silicone, siloxane, acrylic-silicone, silicate, lime, cement
silicate brick Silicate (polysilicon), cement

Characteristics of facade paints

Today, latex paint is especially popular. Its main advantages are ease of use and versatility. This dye remarkably fights with external influences, does not suffer from temperature extremes and precipitation. The facade, covered with latex paint, does not require special care. Most of the time it doesn't even need to be wiped down. But this dye, like any other, has its drawbacks. It is completely unsuitable for silicate and lime walls. But with concrete and reinforced concrete products, latex paint is combined perfectly.

Silicone acrylic paints

Silicone-acrylic paint has absorbed the advantages of both emulsions of which it consists. This composition is almost universal and can be used on almost all surfaces. Also, this coating is durable and does not require special operating conditions.

Silicone emulsion paints

Silicone emulsion paints also have a number of distinctive features. First of all, it is high vapor permeability. This feature allows you to use paint not only outside the building, but also inside, even if the waterproofing of the foundation leaves much to be desired. Fungi, mold and microorganisms do not develop on such a coating. The connecting element of these dyes is an organosilicon resin capable of forming a matte dense film, which makes them ideal option for wet areas.

mineral paints

Mineral paints contain cement, lime is present, which is very environmentally friendly. In addition, this significantly reduces the cost of this paintwork. Mineral paints can be applied to most surfaces on the outside of a building. They are wonderful at taking in and evaporating water, but suffer from constant rain. It is best to cover brick or concrete with mineral paint, having previously plastered it. It is absolutely incompatible with wooden and metal surfaces.

Silicate facade paints mostly consist of liquid silicate glass and organic additives. They do not repel water very well, but they have excellent vapor permeability. This type of paint is strong enough, it does not fade in the sun, although after a while it begins to fade. On a pre-prepared surface, it fits perfectly. Subsequently, it does not suffer from pollution. Primarily, silicate paints were created for application to limestone building blocks.

Silicone modified paints

home distinguishing feature silicone-modified paints - excellent adhesion. They are popular due to their high vapor permeability and UV resistance. They protect the material on which they are applied. With this paint, your facade is not afraid of the sun's rays and precipitation. It will not lose color, will not begin to collapse, and will not even be covered with microcracks. Due to the ability to keep the surface intact, silicone-modified paints are used for buildings, buildings or problem areas. They enjoy special respect among restorers.

Polysilicon paints

Polysilicon, or, as it is otherwise called, silicate-ash facade paint is a modification of the silicate coating. Its price is much higher than that of other types of paint, but this is justified by the improved characteristics. However, she has one drawback. It's not the most pleasant smell. After painting, it quickly disappears, and when the coating dries, there is not a trace left of it.

When choosing a facade paint, you should pay attention to several factors. But the main one is the compatibility of the selected paintwork with the surface on which it is to be applied.

Dispersion paints

Even for outdoor work, dispersion paint is often used, but it should not be used for facades. She reacts capriciously to weather conditions and is suitable only for covered verandas. The main enemy of such paint is moisture. Because of it, not only mold, but even moss can start on the surface.

For facades with complex design, consisting of metal, wood, gypsum, concrete goods and other materials, universal dyes are best suited. To use them, you first need to cover the surface with a specialized type of primer. If necessary, you can mix paints of different composition, but one shade.

Application of facade dyes on different types of surfaces

Very rarely, facade paint can be applied to the surface immediately, without preparation.

You almost always need to do a number of things before doing this, namely:

  • clean the surface of the old paint, dirt and dust;
  • strengthen the surface layer, if necessary;
  • repair cracks, if any;
  • plaster (depending on the surface, this may not be necessary);
  • cover the surface with a primer;
  • paint.

For painting, there are many devices, as a rule, the instructions say which one to use. You may need a roller or a wide brush, spray gun or a special machine for painting.

Safety rules when working with dyes

  1. All attachments must be checked before use, they must be fully functional, and their parts must be intact.
  2. Before work, it is required to wear overalls and gloves, to protect the head, eyes and respiratory tract. Shoes must not slip. It is desirable that its sole was thicker.
  3. Single-story buildings require a stepladder, while multi-story buildings require installation equipment and insurance. It is also important to consider the weather conditions strong wind work is strictly prohibited.

related materials

Floors have always been the hallmark of any home. Indeed, despite the impeccable design and luxurious furniture, the first thing your guests will see when entering a house or apartment is the floors. In fact, it depends on the choice of sexes general impression from your residential or industrial premises.

Against the background of dark, bright and bold house exterior colors, this year's hot trend, white and beige colors seem very vanilla. “Choosing bold colors that you love can instantly lift the energy for your mood and setting, and it can make you gravitate towards a space you’ve previously avoided,” says interior design expert Shayna Blaze.

Not in Moscow.
I don’t remember the names, but the composition was very similar to this one:
Better follow the wise experience of the Finns and cook special composition for wood coating.
Take 720 g of rye flour, 1560 g of iron sulfate, 360 g of table salt, 1560 g of dry lime pigment, 9 liters of water.
When preparing the solution, it is important to follow the technology. Flour is added to 6 liters cold water and stir until a homogeneous mass of the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. The paste is filtered and put on fire. Stir constantly, add salt, then iron sulfate and dry lime pigment. The remaining 3 liters of water are boiled and added to the resulting composition.
The consumption of such a "paint" is 300 g / sq. m. Apply to wood should be twice. If your building or fence was previously painted with oil paint, it will have to be completely cleaned off.
After such a painting, your building will stand idle for 20 years without external repairs! The Finnish composition for coating wood, unlike oil paint, is more durable and breathable.

Swedish recipe
To protect the wood, it is enough to paint the house once. The wood will be well protected and paint chips will not annoy you. True, the "color" will fade over time, but that's another story. We’ll make a reservation right away: only clean wood, that is, one that has not been previously painted, or plaster can be painted with such a composition. No pre-treatment is necessary.
Here is the composition from Sweden. Only, please, no liberties with numbers. Do exactly as it is written.
So: Rye flour- 580-600 g, table salt - 250-260 g, drying oil - 240-250 g, iron vitriol - 250-260 g, red lead - 250-260 g, water - 4.5 liters. Dry pigments can be used to give different shades. The composition's own color will be yellowish.
The technology of preparation is simple and accessible to everyone.
Pour rye flour with 3 liters of water. Put on a small fire. While stirring, prepare a paste, make sure that there are no lumps. When the paste forms a homogeneous mass, without removing it from the heat, add salt and vitriol and continue to boil until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then add red lead and knead the mass until completely homogeneous.
Finally, pour in the drying oil, mix again and bring to the working volume (i.e. add another 1.5 liters of water), again without removing from heat. The prepared solution is used for coloring immediately, warm. After a while, it will start to thicken, then you have to dilute it. warm water, which, in fact, is undesirable, because when the solution is “diluted”, the paint layer will turn out to be less durable.
It is more convenient to cover wooden surfaces with this solution with a brush, and plaster with a roller. The consumption of "Swedish" paint is approximately 250 g per square meter.

The best paint for the facade is the one that emphasizes the features of the structure and will keep its color for a long time. Such facade paint can be used both for outdoor work and for interior work too. This is especially true for unheated rooms, because according to the characteristics, it perfectly tolerates high humidity and temperature changes. How to choose facade paint and apply it correctly, we will consider today.

A variety of dyes can be used to paint a building. This is decorative facade paint, and others. When choosing, you need to look at the characteristics of the coating, this is reflected in the instructions and, after choosing, apply it qualitatively.

After all, its durability will depend on it. And now what kind of paint is better for the facade, let's take a look at examples and choose the material from what is presented on the retail market.

Types of paints

Before starting repair work, the question arises of the materials that will need to be purchased.

Consider some types and properties of paints:

  • Which paint is resistant to facades directly depends on the composition of the dye. The most important element in the composition of other paints and varnishes is a binder or film-forming material. He is responsible for the quality of such coverage. Thanks to this component, when covering hard places, after complete drying and evaporation, a hard film is formed, which creates adhesion to the substrate, or, in other words, good adhesion of the paint and the surface.
  • Paints are distinguished by the solvent used and are distinguished by organic and water-soluble.
in organic solvents The considered paints containing organic solvents create a good dense film.
  • In most cases, it does not pass water vapor well.
  • They are toxic and not stable against fire.
  • But there are also positive aspects of such paints - this is weather resistance and low (negative) operating temperature, if necessary.
Water-soluble paints Paints that are soluble in water are very environmentally friendly and less harmful to humans, because they do not contain toxic and combustible substances. Water is used as a solvent. In turn, such materials are also presented in several forms: water-dispersion and mineral.

Water-dispersion dyes

This water-based façade paint contains binder fine particles that are dispersed, in other words suspended in water. Materials of this kind for facades are produced on the basis of water dispersions.


  • In manufacturing technology, synthetic polymers or copolymers, silicone resin emulsions are used.
  • The main privilege of such paints is the absence of toxins. In addition, they are perfectly diluted with water, which allows you to get the desired consistency. And the drying time of such paints does not last long at all.

Vinyl facade paint

Such paints show low resistance to chemicals. Vinyl paint shrinks quite a lot, which can lead to peeling if the surface has been painted several times before.

The advantage is not a big price, but acrylic paints still outperform them in terms of water resistance.

Acrylic paint for facades

Acrylic paints are widely used, the main component of which is organic acrylic resin. This includes facade marshal paint and many others.
  • They have the property of good adhesion to the base. Such paints do not pass steam well, for this reason they are used for painting concrete coatings.
  • On the other hand, acrylic paint is not suitable for silicate materials and lime treatment.

Silicone paint for facades

Now consider silicone paints. How do their properties depend on the components. In them, the main connecting element is silicone resin.
  • There are the following advantages: excellent protection of the wall against moisture, and good self-cleaning. Another aspect of this resin is that it does not soften with increasing temperature, or is not thermoplastic, and has a neutral electrical charge. That is, silicone surfaces are almost not subject to contamination, despite the excellent water protection properties.
  • But such material is vapor permeable. It can be used on mineral substrates, as well as on brick and concrete (see Concrete Painting for more options). Silicone paints can cover any surface with the same paint. But in order to achieve the result, it is necessary to make sure that old paint firmly adheres to the old coating.

mineral paints

As mentioned earlier, mineral paints do not harm humans. Coloring with mineral-based facade paint has a lot of advantages in relation to other dyes. But here you need to understand that the composition of the facade paint of this material is different and is divided into several subspecies.

lime paints

The main element in the composition is slaked lime.


  • The high wear resistance is achieved by the carbonization of the lime, which is created in contact with air. Lime paints are marketed as ready-made pigmented mixtures or pastes.
  • Then, before the start of the repair work itself, pigments are added to them, which have good resistance to alkaline substances. For this reason, the presence of a variety of colors of such paints is impossible.
  • In terms of cost, lime paints are among the most inexpensive. This is due to the fact that the strength is relatively low. Because of this, they are not often used, but in some situations there is a need to use them.

silicate paints

Let's take a closer look at this.

  • In the composition of such paints, the main element is potassium silicate, another name is liquid glass.
  • This type of paint also has a small selection of color palettes. Applying them is quite difficult, so most often they turn to professionals for such work.
  • The wall must be prepared, silicate paints are not compatible with other types of paints that have been used to paint the wall before. It is allowed to use such paint only on a layer of the same type and, as an exception, lime-based paint.

The price of this dye is high, but the durability compensates for this disadvantage.

cement paints

Here the main component is Portland cement:

  • In this type of paint, pigments are used that are highly resistant to alkalis.
  • About 15% lime is added to increase the water-retaining properties. And in order for the property of increased weather resistance to appear, 1% of hydrophobic elements are used.
  • The advantage of these paints: weather resistance, vapor permeability and suitability of substrates are the same as for lime materials.
  • There are disadvantages of materials - this is the presence of fragility, and as a result, peeling of paint over time.

Pay attention to the location of the house relative to roads with heavy traffic, if there is heavy traffic nearby, it is better to choose a material that is resistant to dirt.

Also, the industrial area will have a bad effect on the color of the paint. Of course, there are no paints on the market that do not get dirty at all. But there are types of paints that are suitable even with a strong influence of the external environment.


  • For example, if dirt gets on the wall, it can be easily washed off with water, and it will not change its color. Paints of this type are able to create hydrophobic films, they have self-cleaning properties. As a result, all the dirt will not be absorbed into the wall, and change its shade, but will remain only on the surface. To clean the surface, just wash it off with plain water or it will be washed off by rain, which is very convenient and practical.
  • Protection against water and external influences increase with time after painting. This period lasts about a month. Silicone paints have the highest hydrophobicity, followed by acrylic and silicate paints. To understand how quality paint, you need to know the resin content, because this is the main indicator of the effectiveness of the material, but it is not indicated on the packaging.
  • The best option would be tested, for example, by your friends, paint. The term for checking the quality of the paint is about two years. If the facade is not dirty and has retained its color, feel free to purchase the products of this company.

Attention: When choosing paint important property will be the degree of gloss. This is important, because the higher this indicator, the better the resistance to dirt. Rain water will more easily wash dirt off the walls. In dusty areas, choose a dark paint, then it will be less noticeable.

  • Almost all packages say that it is vapor permeable. Firms are trying to attract customers with this inscription, to prove to them that their product the best way suitable for your home. Because many people are sure that with such properties their walls will be environmentally friendly and benefit the owners of the house.
  • But on the other hand, the significance of this property is quite large. Because the tight shell of the façade on the outside can cause steam to condense underneath it, which will move outward and possibly cause the paint to peel off the base. The possibility of such an accident is increased if a primer base was not used before painting.

Foundation preparation process

The result of painting works and their durability, first of all, depend on the preliminary preparation of the base. This step is necessary for both new and painted facades.

Attention: In any case, the primer will give greater reliability to the result. When choosing a paint, pay attention to what type of primer is suitable for it.

  • The primer contains a film former, so it does not have a pronounced shade. The result of priming the substrate will result in uniform water absorption of the surface and increase the adhesion of the paint to the wall. Of course, additional purchases lead to unwanted costs, but you should not save on quality, which will pay off over time. Because in the presence of a primer layer, the consumption of paint for the decorative layer will decrease, and of course this tool will make painting easier and faster in many ways.
  • Before priming, check the base; during its inspection, no shedding should be observed. The base to be painted needs to look solid and tight, or you'll have paint peeling in the future. In order to check the condition of the base, it is enough to stick a small part of a simple adhesive tape on the wall and tear it off after a while. The adhesive tape should be free of remnants of wall materials, then the base is strong enough.
fresh plasterAfter carrying out the work, the plaster must dry completely, if the wall is not wet-painted. On average, they wait about a month. If you start painting before the wall dries, it will be very difficult to get a uniform shade.
Not new paintFirst check the condition of the old paint layer for bubbles or peeling before painting. In the presence of flaking, it is necessary to first remove it by scraping it off with a spatula, and simply wash off the rest with a large pressure of water. After that, only a primer is applied. But if such peeling and bubbles are not observed, then a primer is not needed, just wash the wall with water and wait until it dries completely. Then the prepared wall is painted twice with finishing paint. Its choice should depend on the type of solvent and binder, this will affect the best adhesion of the paint.

Color selection

Shops are very rich in the choice of different paints and colors. In most cases, the selection is carried out by evaluating the provided samples. The choice is usually made from two or three final colors. This method is suitable for absolutely everyone, and it is not necessary to be an expert in this field. There are also color palettes in the stores, which will also facilitate the task of choosing.

Attention: In some stores you can take a free or paid sample, which can be applied to the facade and finally decide which paint is suitable.

  • You can choose the color for the facade using a computer calculation. A photo of your house is inserted, then the colors are replaced and you can clearly see how the final result will look.
  • When selecting material from a sample, it is worth choosing a tone lighter, because on a small surface it will look much darker than on a small part of the sample.
  • If in the end you did not choose a color, you can purchase two packs of paint in different shades. Apply them on a large plane and evaluate the options. Don't worry about the first coat of paint in a different tone, it will be completely covered by the final color.

All people associated with repair work trying to choose the right color for the wall of the building. There are some difficulties with the right combination of colors and elements of the house. Of course, for the perfect selection, you can hire a specialist, but when this is not possible, there are some simple and logical rules.

Let's consider a few of them:

  • When painting the facade, choose a light paint, in pastel colors. Such shades are harmoniously suitable for a holistic picture, and in this case it will be easier to choose the color of the roof. To avoid monotony in colors, use several shades of the color used.

  • Usually the tone of the wall is chosen less light than the color of the roof. You should not choose opposite colors, but if there is such a need, the intervention of a specialist, for example, a designer, is required.

  • You can also consider multi-color facades, but in this case you need to choose the right colors and finishes. Best to choose harmonious combination with similar components.

  • You can transform any facade by highlighting various openings and other elements of the building. But in this approach, keep an eye on the big picture.

  • When painting a building, horizontal or vertical surface planes can be distinguished. This will help to express a unique impression of the architecture. For example, if you paint the upper part of the attic of the house in a dark color, then the building will appear more massive, and if it is light, it will give visual height.

Attention: Do not single out the building from the external environment, this will give greater harmony to the entire landscape.

Which facade paint is better, in your case, you will understand from the above. You can apply any of the compositions with your own hands and this will significantly reduce the cost of work. A video and photo will help you choose the right room design.

In this article we will tell you what kind of wood protection paints are. Coating protective composition- the final stage of working with a tree. Let's proceed to the review of paints for outdoor woodwork, which took into account their consumer characteristics, resistance to atmospheric manifestations and the service life of the compositions.

Types of paints and their characteristics

Paints for outdoor use are designed to preserve wood and create a surface protective layer. Mandatory characteristics of trains "working" on the street must meet the following parameters:

  • Lack of moisture absorption;
  • Frost resistance, i.e. the ability to withstand multiple freeze-thaw cycles;
  • The presence of a UV filter. Protecting wood from sunlight, which causes the effect of "tanning" of natural material, which leads to a loss of appearance;
  • Antiseptic properties and biological protection;
  • Resistance to abrasion and other mechanical influences.
Types of wood paints for facade work
Composition types Consumer characteristics
Water-based acrylic paints The composition of the water emulsion includes acrylic binders, which form a thin film on the surface of the wood after the water has evaporated. The film is elastic, does not collapse with the seasonal change of the tree, is vapor-permeable (“breathable”), and has high waterproofing properties. The composition has no pungent odor, is highly resistant to drops temperature conditions and unfavorable atmospheric manifestations. It is used for painting wooden facades of houses, wall paneling, timber, blockhouse and timber imitation.
Water-based latex paints Latex paints are resistant to wet abrasion, do not fade in direct sunlight and are distinguished by the elasticity of the layer. The paint also contains acrylic resins, which expands the list performance characteristics composition. Synthetic latex additives improve the visual effect, give the surface a silky look. Suitable for use on the facades of wooden houses, painting window frames, doors, wooden fences.
Alkyd compounds Alkyd resins are introduced into the composition, which, when dried, form a glossy texture of increased resistance to temperature and humidity changes. They do not penetrate deep into the tree, they fade quickly. They are used for painting frames and doors, wooden surfaces that are not subjected to strong mechanical stress.
Oil paints They are a covering composition, which affects their low consumer characteristics. Paints wear out quickly, lose color, are unstable at low temperatures. They are used for painting fences and barriers.

As a rule, all manufacturers declare the presence of the listed properties in their formulations. But in reality, there is a rapid loss of performance in real operating conditions. In this article, we will highlight the most interesting compositions from leading manufacturers and consider in detail the properties of each paint.

All presented paints from leading manufacturers have been tested in practice and have earned really high marks. The properties were checked under the conditions of the climate of the middle zone with frequent changes in temperature regimes in winter time(frost-thaw), with intense solar load and rains typical for this area.

Paint manufacturers and manufactured products
Name Packing volume, l Consumption of 1 liter for 1 and 2 layers, m² Price for 1 liter, rub Approximate cost of a can, rub
Belinka Toplasur 1/ 2,5/ 5/ 10 10 (20) 615 5844 (10 l)
BELINKA Tophybrid 0,75/ 2,5 25 (9) 906 2265 (2.5 L)
Belinka Toplasur UV Plus 1/ 2,5/ 5/ 10 20 (10) 915 915 (1 l)
Pika Teho 0,9/ 2,7/ 9/ 18 9 (6) 811 7300 (9 l)
Teho oljumaali 0,9/ 2,7/ 9/ 18 12 (8) 962 2600 (2.7 l)
Ultra Classic 0,9/ 2,7/ 9/ 18 9 (6) 922 830 (0.9 l)
2,5/ 10 8 (6) 536 5362 (10 l)
0,75/ 2,5/ 10 10 (8) 345 3450 (10 l)
Alpina Lasur fur Holz 0,75/ 2,5/ 10 10 (8) 240 2400 (10 l)
1/ 2,5/ 5/ 10 10 (8) 299 2990 (10 l)
NEOMID BIO COLOR AQUA 1/ 3/ 10 10 (7) 207 2070 (10 l)
NEOMID BIO COLOR ULTRA 0,9/ 2,7/ 9 10 (7) 238 2380 (9 l)
SENEZH AQUADECOR 0,9/ 2,5/ 9 14 (10) 340 850 (2.5 l)
SENEZH TOR 12/ 80 4 (3) 110 1320 (12 l)
SENEZH OGNEBIO 5/ 10/ 65 3 (2) 110 550 (5 l)
WOODEX EKO 0,9/ 2,7/ 9 12 (8) 633 570 (0.9 l)
WOODEX CLASSIC 0,9/ 2,7/ 9/18 12 (8) 633 540 (0.9 l)
HAITI 0,9/ 2,7/ 9/18 10 (8) 444 400 (0.9 l)
AQUATEX 0,8/ 3/ 10/ 20 12 (8) 204 2040 (10 l)
AQUATEX EXTRA 0,8/ 3/ 10 15 (8) 335 3350 (10 l)
AQUATEX GEL 0,75/ 2,7/ 9 25 (15) 520 390 (0.75 l)
Deco-tec 5400 5/ 20 20 (10) 900 4500 (5 l)
Deco-tec 5450 5/ 20 20 (10) 1170 5850 (5 l)
Protec 450 5/ 20 12 (8) 1440 7200 (5 l)
Dulux Domus 1/ 2,5/ 10 13 (7) 580 580 (1 l)
Dulux Domus Aqua 1/ 2,5/ 10 12 (8) 555 5550 (10 l)
Dulux Facade Smooth 2,5/ 5/ 10 16 (10) 516 1290 (2.5 L)
TEKOTEX 0,6/ 2,1/ 7,6 12 (10) 666 400 (0.6 l)
PREMIA 0,9/ 2,7/ 9 10 (6) 407 1100 (2.7 l)
FAST HAIR 0,4/ 0,7/ 1,7 14 (10) 357 250 (0,7)

Belinka, a company from Slovenia, is represented on Russian market a wide range of products for the protection of wooden surfaces. Wood products are designed to protect and preserve natural material from the effects of mold, fungi and insects for 10-15 years. Belinka compositions enhance the texture of wood and paint surfaces in various colors.

Characteristics of paints Belinka
Characteristics Belinka Toplasur BELINKA Tophybrid Belinka Toplasur UV Plus
purpose Designed for the protection of wooden facades and for painting window and door frames. It is intended for the strengthened protection of wood and its coloring in the most widespread colors. Colorless paint that creates a thick layer of polymer coating. Provides high quality protection against ultraviolet radiation. Emphasizes the natural structure of wood.
Paint composition Top quality alkyd resins, UV/radiation protection pigments, organic solvents, hard waxes. Alkyd emulsion, water repellents, weather and light resistant agents. Alkyd resins, UV pigments, organic solvents, absorbents, hard waxes.
20/10 m² 25/15 m² 20/10 m²
Description After applying the paint, the structure of the tree is preserved and emphasized, a silky sheen appears. The main advantage is that it dries quickly, which allows all coats to be applied in one day. The water-based glaze leaves the wood structure visible. Stabilizes wood and creates a breathable finish. Emphasizes the natural structure of wood and gives the surface a glossy sheen.
Application It is used for protective coating of facades, polished logs, wooden frames and doors. Does not contain biocides. Does not crack and retains its appearance for a long service life. It is used on all types of wood to protect facades and any wooden structures. It is recommended to apply to the windows and doors which are exposed to intensive atmospheric action.
Price for 1 liter, rub 615 906 915

Application impression: the first layer of paint is a significant consumption of the composition. This is due to the fact that it is impregnated upper layer wood. It is this layer that highlights the structure of the tree, the annual rings. If there are places on the tree covered with mastic, then the absorption will be weak and the stains will remain noticeable. The application of the layer should be carried out "once". Otherwise, the paint joints are very noticeable, even if the composition was passed 2-3 hours ago. Updating the coating does not require any special measures - brush the surface with a stiff brush and apply the composition again.

This video tells about the use of Belinka paint and its features:

Tikkurila - compounds tested by time and practice. We can say that the name of the company has become synonymous with quality and the first thing that the owners remember country houses if necessary, protect the facades of buildings - this is Tikkurila. The paint feels great on all wooden surfaces. One of the main consumer characteristics of the composition is its hiding power. And in the case of the Finnish manufacturer, we get the maximum figure that fully complies with strict European standards.

Characteristics of Tikkurila paints
Characteristics Pika Teho Teho oljumaali Ultra Classic
purpose Recommended for the protection and painting of outdoor wooden surfaces, sheathing boards, fences and prepared logs. Traditional Oil paint used to cover wooden frames and doors, facades and fences. The paint has excellent adhesion to the surface and is applied even to pressure impregnated wood. The composition is designed specifically for use at low temperatures and their sharp drop. The paint perfectly protects any wooden surface from ultraviolet radiation, moisture and microorganisms.
Paint composition Acrylates and oil impregnation. Water is used for dilution Alkyd base Polyacrylate base
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 9/6 m² 15/11 m² 9/7 m²
Description Durable and elastic paint, if the application instructions are followed, protects the facades of wooden buildings for up to 7 years. The composition is tinted in 120 colors. The paint dries rather slowly, almost a day. But this property can be called positive. During this period, maximum adhesion to the painted material occurs, the upper layers of the tree are impregnated. Seasonal deformation of the wood has little to no effect on the appearance of the paint. The elastic and durable layer can withstand repeated stretching and tearing without loss of initial characteristics. The binder at the base of the composition guarantees the gloss of the coating for the entire service life - more than 7 years.
Application Does not leave smudges upon application and the drying time of the layer is only 2-4 hours. Drying of the layer, at ideal temperature conditions takes place within a day. In wet weather, the process can take up to 30-40 hours. During operation, the paint acquires a matte color, which indicates its gradual destruction. Service life 5-7 years. Drying time is only 1 hour. It adheres well to previously painted surfaces and impregnated wood. Gloss - semi-matte.
Price for 1 liter, rub 811 962 922

Application impression: product is wasted. Although the manufacturer claims a lower consumption, in practice one has to deal with increased layer formation, which requires accuracy. If you do not follow the laying of the composition, smudges may occur. The first signs of destruction of the paint layer (fine mesh) appear after 4 years of operation.

Video on how to properly paint a wooden facade with Tikkurila paints:

ALPINA is distinguished by a wide range of wood protection compounds and the constant updating of the line. The paint has received worldwide recognition and competes well in its field with more "promoted" brands. The compositions are applied to open facades and terraces. Almost all products are resistant to abrasion and other physical influences. The manufacturer offers an individual computer tinting.

Characteristics of ALPINA paints
Characteristics Alpina Die Langlebige fur Holzfassaden Alpina Lasur fur Holzfassaden Alpina Lasur fur Holz
purpose The coating is thin-layer, elastic and with excellent adhesion. Does not support the development of mold and fungi, the pigments are resistant to direct sunlight. Excellent resistance to all kinds of atmospheric manifestations. Withstands high humidity and direct sunlight. Does not peel off and does not lose its original color. Suitable for wooden facades, prevents their destruction and does not support the growth of mold. It is tinted in any shades of a tree. Azure for all types of wood that are operated on outdoors. It is applied to processing of surfaces of terraces, except for floor coverings. It gives the wood a noble shade that emphasizes the natural structure. Azure repels water and prevents it from lingering on the surface. This reduces the chance of damage to the tree.
Paint composition Synthetic resins, mineral fillers Alkyd resins, white spirit, special disinfecting additives Alkyd resins, white spirit, pigments
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 8/10 m² 8/10 m² 8/10 m²
Description The main indicator of the composition is the absence of peeling paint from wooden surfaces. The coating is breathable, elastic and resilient. The original color of the paint is preserved for 5-7 years, depending on the operating conditions. The emphasis of the manufacturer is on the water-repellent properties of the composition. Refreshes the color of the wood and protects it from darkening for the entire life of the paint 7-10 years. It adheres well to the surface and highlights the structure of the tree due to the different penetration of the composition into soft and hard areas. Alkyd resins fix the paint on the surface and create a durable elastic layer that promotes air exchange.
Application After 12 hours, the next coat of paint can be applied. Requires obligatory priming of the surface and low moisture content of the wood. It is applied on the primer recommended by the manufacturer. In many cases one coat is sufficient, but for best results, another coat can be applied after 12 months of use. The azure is applied in two layers after preliminary preparation with a primer recommended by the manufacturer. The moisture content of the treated wood should not exceed the range of 12-15%.
Price for 1 liter, rub 536 345 240

Application impression: when applying paint, it seems that the wood absorbs the composition, like a sponge. In reality, the tree "takes" as much as it needs for this breed and with this humidity. Consumption depends on the degree of surface preparation, and increased consumption is justified by high-quality protection. Drops of water really flow down from vertical walls. The only thing you will encounter is the accumulation of dust on the walls and subsequent water stains. Practice has shown that walls are easy to wash without any consequences from the usual garden hose. High water pressure is not allowed.

Video on the use of Alpina oil for terrace floors:

The manufacturer Neomid is best known for its line of wood preparation products. So whitening compounds are used by most people who build their home and construction organizations. Nevertheless, wood paints presented on the Russian market are no worse than European representatives, and at a price much cheaper than similar compositions.

Characteristics of paints Neomid
Characteristics Paint for wooden facades NEOMID NEOMID BIO COLOR AQUA NEOMID BIO COLOR ULTRA
purpose Used on wooden facades, prevents the development of fungi and mold. The substances included in the composition form a thin film after drying. The adhesion of the film to the surface is good, it allows air to pass through and withstands repeated deformation. Glazing decorative composition, environmentally friendly. It ensures the preservation of the wood structure and forms a strong elastic film on the surface. Thanks to the additives, it penetrates deep into the upper layers of the tree and is not washed out with water. Protective and at the same time decorative composition. If most manufacturers claim that their compositions form a thin elastic film, then in this case we see the opposite trend - a thickened coating layer. It does not wash out with water, it resists direct sunlight and precipitation well.
Paint composition Acrylic copolymer, active additives Acrylic copolymers, pigments, active substances Alkyd resins, pigments, active substances
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 10/8 m² 12/7 m² 12/9 m²
Description It has dirt-repellent properties, moisture resistance, but direct contact with water is excluded. Withstands numerous temperature changes. There is no smell, which is one of the advantages of the composition. It has a standard set of characteristics, which are slightly improved by the addition of microwax - a structured material with a wide range of actions. Biocidal additives do not give the slightest chance for the development of mold and fungi. The manufacturer claims that the substances included in the composition repel insect pests.
Application It is used for painting new and previously painted wooden facades of houses, fences, windows, terraces, doors, subject to appropriate surface preparation. Since the composition is not covering, the manufacturer claims a double increase in the elements of protection against ultraviolet radiation. Before use, the composition is tinted in the selected color. Formulated to protect and decorative finishes surfaces from all types of wood, operated outside under adverse conditions.
Price for 1 liter, rub 299 207 238

Application impression: absolutely neutral attitude to the compositions presented. A strong "middle peasant", the price of which attracts the majority of buyers. Didn't perform well in very coldy. It seems that the producers were counting on the relatively mild climate of the middle zone. But at temperatures below 40C and subsequent thaw, a large crystalline coating formed on the wooden surfaces of the facade, which “cracked” the protective film in some places. There was a slight peeling, which will need to be removed in the warm season and repainted.

Video about the technology of using Neomid paints:

First of all, the manufacturer Snezh focuses on large construction companies. You can see it even in the packaging. finished products- it is supplied both in small containers and in barrels of 60 liters. According to builders, the compositions are easy to use, do not require much labor costs and ensure the safety of logs during storage and transportation. For ordinary consumers, the compositions cause a number of complaints, which most of all relate to the durability of coatings and their small margin of safety. In terms of price / quality, the advantage goes in the direction of price - inexpensive formulations are popular.

Characteristics of Senezh paints
purpose Antiseptic with tinting properties. Forms a strong film on the surface of the wood, destroys fungus and mold and eliminates the conditions for their further development. It penetrates deep into the wood, but in practice it is quickly washed out if there is a possibility of direct water ingress during slanting rains. In principle, a unique composition for this direction, which at such a price and quality is difficult to find from other manufacturers. The tool is designed to protect the ends of logs, which is important when using fresh lumber in construction. The composition prevents linear cracking and "tunes" the correct air exchange in the log, ensuring gentle drying. Composition from the category of substances for the protection of wood. Additionally, it ensures the resistance of the tree to fire. In addition, the drug protects the tree from all types of insect pests, eliminates the development of fungus, mold and algae. The composition is resistant to atmospheric precipitation, but direct contact with water and soil is not allowed.
Paint composition Alkyd-acrylate base, color, oil Polymer base Target inorganic elements
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 12/10 m² 4 m² 2 m²
Description The enhanced formula of the composition includes natural linseed oil. This is more a tribute to tradition, when the wood was treated with drying oil and similar compounds, than an innovative solution. The output is good and rich shades. A film with elastic properties is formed. This composition cannot be called paint, but you can’t do without the protection of the ends in the construction of logs. Now the technology involves "sealing" the logs with mastic, which closes the pores and does not provide drying. TOR is a multidirectional and universal tool. With proper processing of wood, it can only be set on fire with prolonged exposure to an open flame. Smoldering is not transferred to the material and charring occurs, not ignition.
Application The composition is designed to protect wood from atmospheric precipitation, mold and wood-destroying fungi, wood-boring insects, as well as decorative finishes for valuable species. The composition is designed to protect the ends of hardwood and softwood timber from cracking during drying and linear deformation. Processing of rafters, buildings, log cabins and basements is recommended.
Price for 1 liter, rub 340 110 110

Application impression: very ambivalent attitude towards the manufacturer. On the one hand, the mass character of the compositions and their relatively low cost provoke the manufacturer to simplify the production. On the other hand, there are quite unique impregnations that are not included in the product lines of other manufacturers. If we talk about the tinting composition, then it is extremely unstable to precipitation. A year later, it is washed out, and the facades acquire a “striped” shade. Practice shows that it is best to use Senezh in rooms where there is no likelihood of precipitation on the surface, then the composition will “work” for 10-20 years.

Video about the results of wood coating with antiseptic SENEZH Aquadecor:

Expensive compositions, but the price is fully justified, and the service life of the coatings reaches the proven 30 years. Builders use TEKNOS when they are commissioned to build prestige wood buildings and are rarely used in "normal" jobs. For private users, the compositions of the Finnish company are a real find, expensive, but effective in every way.

Characteristics of TEKNOS paints
purpose Glazing antiseptic of a new generation. The pattern of the fibers remains visible and protected by a thin coating resistant to deformation loads. An increased dry residue (about 30% by volume) allows you to get such protection for two layers of paint, which is provided only with a three-layer application of conventional glazing antiseptics. Jelly-like tinting antiseptic. Its nominal consistency is its main advantage. Application is very easy. Often one coat is enough for good coverage. It is absorbed into the upper layers of wood and perfectly protects the surface from weathering. Not to be used on coatings that have already been painted and have formed a film on the surface. Biological and atmospheric protection is provided by high quality alkyd resins. All components meet the conditions of resistance to moisture, fungus, mold and algae. The coating is not destroyed by sudden temperature changes. Operating range from +50 to -500С. The protective film is resistant to abrasion, easy to clean with a small pressure of water, has dirt-repellent properties.
Paint composition High oil content, no organic solvents Organic solvents, active substances, pigments Alkyd resins, antiseptic, color, organic solvents
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 12/8 m² 12/8 m² 10/8 m²
Description The oil base of the glazing antiseptic allows you to use the composition without splashing and smudges. The coating is thin, uniform and very durable. When tinted, it protects wood from UV radiation. Perfectly lays down on horizontal and vertical surfaces without formation of smudges. Any person can work with the composition. Lacking skills in painting work. A velvety layer pleasant to the touch is formed. Relatively budget composition, but with European quality and production control. The service life of the coating is about 5-7 years. The manufacturers themselves believe that the composition is somewhat outdated and recommend the use of water-borne paints and varnishes.
Application For painting new and previously stained wooden exterior surfaces with glazing antiseptics, such as glued laminated timber, profiled timber, logs, and sheathing boards. Designed for painting new and repainting wooden surfaces previously treated with glazing antiseptics: street walls, windows, window frames, piers, terraces and fences. For protective and decorative finishing of wooden facades, plank, log and other wooden structures operating in open atmosphere.
Price for 1 liter, rub 633 633 440

Application impression: there was an experience of using WOODEX CLASSIC on wooden cladding surfaces inside a balcony. The composition lays down very evenly and practically does not fade with constant exposure to bright sunlight. The balcony is located on the south side, there is no protection from trees. Currently, a single layer of WOODEX CLASSIC has been holding for 7 years without visible damage and deviations from the original characteristics.

Video about the benefits of Teknos brand paints:

The AQUATEX range is known to many buyers and, above all, for its very good protective properties of wood. Used in production the latest technology, both our own developments and those acquired abroad. This Russian manufacturer can rightfully be considered a leading enterprise, which aims at very high positions.

Characteristics of ROGNED paints
purpose Protective and decorative wood coating. The main difference between the composition is the possibility of its application to a surface that is wet up to 40%. It imitates expensive wood species and retains an excellent appearance for up to 7 years of operation in conditions of intense atmospheric exposure. Maximum burnout protection. The initial color remains without visible changes for more than 5 years. Contains hard wax and natural oil. This composition is similar to the best representatives European manufacturers, but wins in terms of cost. Protective and decorative thixotropic coating for wood - thickeners have been introduced into the composition, allowing painting vertical surfaces without smudges. The jelly-like composition ensures the formation of a high quality protective film with weather resistance properties. It retains its original color for a long time, does not fade for more than 5 years.
Paint composition Modified alkyd resin and natural oils modified alkyd resin
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 10/5 m² 10/8 m² 9/7 m²
Description Contains a hard-to-wash antiseptic that penetrates deep into the wood. Not only prevents wood from being damaged by fungi and mold, but also stops the development of an already begun process. The film is almost invisible, but resistant to natural deformations. Do not peel off after several cycles of temperature difference. The composition was developed specifically for the maximum preservation of the color of the coated facades. The mineral pigment withstands direct sunlight. Independent tests have shown that the shade of the paint remains unchanged both on the sunny side of the building and on the shady one. The identity of the coloring on all the walls was noted after three years of laboratory measurements. The indelible antiseptic stops the development of fungus and mold. I provide maximum protection against fading with a UV-A and UV-B filter, UV absorbers and transparent nano-pigments. The coating is vapor-permeable, dirt-repellent (contains wax), penetrates deep into the wood.
Application It is used on new and old unpainted surfaces of wooden facades, logs and boards. It is used on new or old (unpainted or cleaned from the old coating) wooden surfaces and on wooden surfaces previously treated with drying oil.
Price for 1 liter, rub 204 335 520

Application impression: when applied, the composition is easily absorbed into the wood, which confirms its good penetration into the upper layers. The manufacturer, unfortunately, could not completely get rid of the smell that accompanies the processing. This distinguishes the composition from Western counterparts. It dries for a long time, guaranteed re-treatment can be carried out only after a week. AT summer time you can wait 3-4 days. Under a colorless coating, the tree quickly “tans”, the situation is corrected by a light color scheme that leaves the structure of the tree unchanged. Burnout for 3 years of operation is not noticed.

Video about Aquatex wood oil and its benefits:

8. Zobel

The German concern ZOBEL has been operating on the Russian market for more than 17 years and, of course, the results of wood protection with branded paint and varnish coatings have been confirmed at all levels. Products were sold in all climatic zones, which confirmed the resistance of paints to extreme operating conditions. The manufacturer also offers custom tinting.

Characteristics of ZOBEL paints
Characteristics Deco-tec 5400 Deco-tec 5450 Protec 450
purpose Covering varnish is weatherproof. Used to protect wooden facades. Substances that suppress the formation of droplets are introduced into the composition of this coating, so the application of layers is very simple, requiring no special knowledge and skills. The coating is resistant to fading and has good adhesion to the wood surface. Weatherproof paint (opaque finish). A higher class of representatives of the company's protective coatings. This composition has water-repellent properties. The principle of operation of the composition is based on the deep penetration of the alkyd base into the tree, and the acrylic component remains on the surface in the form of a thin film. But the film is not durable. Even such light "abrasives" as wind loads, coupled with dust, disable the paint, and after 6 years an update will be required. White water-thinnable intermediate and top coat. Very high weather resistance. The special pigment Titanium dioxide ensures the whiteness of the composition, does not fade or turn yellow during 6-7 years of operation. The product is thixotropic, similar to jelly, which is very convenient for applying layers without sagging. The paint behaves well on wooden surfaces of frames, doors, tongue-and-groove boards. You can use it for facades, but the price of the composition is too high.
Paint composition Alkyd-acrylate emulsion (hybrid), pigments, micronized pigments Acrylic base
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 10/8 m² 10/8 m² 10/5 m²
Description The top coat of the tree is "in combination" also the primer. That is, it is not required to additionally prime the surface, which saves money. Since there are no antiseptic materials in the composition, it is recommended to pre-treat the wood with an antiseptic. The coating is water-based, which, according to the manufacturer, eliminates peeling of the paint during operation. A thin layer of protective film easily yields to deformation loads without violating the integrity of the surface. Since there is no peeling, the repair of the coating consists in simply applying one or two more layers of the coating without removing the old composition. When working with this paint, the main thing is to observe the optimal viscosity of the composition. Therefore, it is best to use the ready-made consistency from the can and apply with a brush (as the professionals do), and not use sprayers, for which the paint needs to be thinned.
Application To apply paint, prepare the surfaces by grinding the material. After the first layer and its drying, remove the pile from the surface of the thin sandpaper or sponge. This is done to prevent capillary movement of water along the pile into the material. The vapor permeability of paint is a very important factor. In this composition, the regulation of the process of moisture absorption in case of its lack and evaporation in case of excessive moisture of the wood is very well implemented. The process takes place without damaging the "breathing" layer. Requires good surface preparation. Best finish sanding abrasive material with grain 100-120. Next, you need to slightly polish the first layer to remove the pile and then continue painting.
Price for 1 liter, rub 900 1170 1440

Application impression: no better, but no worse than solvent formulations. Manufacturers state that organic solvents " last century” and recommend only aqueous emulsions, citing scientific facts and research. The same thing happens on the part of solvent paint manufacturers. Yes, visible peeling of the layer after 5 years of operation of the wooden facade was not noticed, but there is no damage to the layer on more inexpensive compositions. Apparently the difference will only be noticeable in the laboratory. Otherwise, the coatings are very convenient, economical and easy to apply. It is possible to choose the most suitable color.

Video review of TM Zobel products:

9. Dulux

Dulux paint is produced in over 120 countries worldwide and is considered one of the best brands for protection everywhere. various surfaces. The line of compositions for wood is represented by ultra-resistant paints on modern bases. The high class of paints has been noted at international exhibitions, by ordinary consumers and specialized construction companies.

Characteristics of Dulux paints
Characteristics Dulux Domus Dulux Domus Aqua Dulux Facade Smooth
purpose Oil-alkyd paint for wooden facades. Suitable for painting new wooden surfaces, as well as previously painted with alkyd or oil formulations. Forms a thin and stable film that has good resistance to temperature changes, does not fade and repels dirt. Protects against fungi and mold, does not support the growth of colonies of microorganisms. Water-based paint dries quickly and is weather resistant. The composition of the paint includes protective elements that exclude the development of mold and fungi on the surface. The coating has water-repellent and dirt-proof properties, therefore, during long-term operation it does not lose its original appearance. Universal paint suitable for all types of surfaces, including wood. Already 30 minutes after application forms a protective layer. Vapor-permeable, helps to remove excess moisture from the covered material. At proper preparation surfaces has excellent adhesion. It is used in all climatic zones without restrictions. The service life of the coating is 15 years.
Paint composition Alkyd resin, white spirit Alkyd resins Latex, acrylic polymer
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 13/8 m² 13/8 m² 10/8 m²
Description Good hiding power of the paint allows you to hide small surface defects. Does not form smudges. Very easy to apply and does not form smudges. Rating among users - 5 stars out of five possible. Very good resistance to abrasion is noted, it does not require renewal for more than 5 years, it is well absorbed into the upper layers of wood. Very economical and fast drying paint. It stays on the surface without the formation of peeling and bubbles. Even in very humid weather, it remains dry, does not get dirty and is resistant to abrasion. The composition includes a lightfast pigment without the use of lead. Contains fungicides that prevent the development of fungus and mold.
Application Recommended for painting walls of wooden facades, window frames, doors, slats, flagpoles, arbors, fences and other items exposed to weather. It is used for painting walls, facades, planed and sawn lumber. Direct contact with water and soil is excluded. It is applied to the majority of surfaces (wood, concrete, plaster, brick, masonry) of structures of residential and public buildings in any climatic zones.
Price for 1 liter, rub 580 555 516

Application impression: for painting the wooden pediment, Dulux facade paint was used. The pediment is located on the south side and in winter it is constantly exposed to snow and melt water. For 2 years of operation, no changes in the coating were noticed, there are no cracks, no color difference in the shady and sunny side is observed. Under all equal conditions, the paint is somewhat more expensive than conventional, but effective formulations. A longer observation period is required, which indicates that the composition will withstand both 5 and 7 years of operation in any conditions.

Yaroslavl paint and varnish plant produces a diverse range of products for wood protection in various operating conditions. Products are in demand in mass production wooden products, in the construction of wooden houses and for the protection of individual elements. Over the years of work, it has established itself as a reliable and respectable manufacturer focused on inexpensive formulations.

Characteristics of the compositions of the company " Yaroslavl colors» to protect wood and decor
purpose Composition for the protection and toning of wood. It can be used as an independent product for painting wooden surfaces and as an impregnating primer for subsequent varnishing. The Swiss fungicide of the company ROCIMA was introduced into the composition, which effectively protects wood from damage by fungus and mold. Coloring pigments are resistant to direct sunlight. Forms a thin protective vapor-permeable film on the surface. Decorative antiseptic of wide action. The composition penetrates deeply into the layers of wood, providing biological protection not only for the surface, but also for the inner part of the wood. Uniformity of tone and high decorative properties are achieved through the use of a special oily varnish. The varnish distributes and holds the UV filter elements on the surface. The film that forms on the surface resists the natural deformation of wood well and does not collapse for 7 years. Decorative and protective finishing of wooden surfaces. It is produced in various versions - colorless and with imitation of noble wood species. Emphasizes the structure of the tree and forms a thin protective film against ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric precipitation. The composition is in demand among private consumers.
Paint composition Alkyd varnish, pigments, solvent, targeted additives, fungicide Alkyd varnish, thinner (reduced amount), pigments, targeted additives, Swiss fungicide Alkyd varnish, special additives, solvents, pigments
Consumption of 1 liter for the first layer / for the second layer 12/7 m² 10/6 m² 14/10 m²
Description Surface preparation required for painting. The wood must be hard and dry. For a good result, 3 layers are applied to the surface. This determines the intensity of the color. It can be used both as an independent decorative coating and for pre-impregnation of wooden products for varnishing. The varnish dries quickly, about 5 hours from the moment of application of the layer. Can be used as a primer before the main coat. For use as a primer, it is diluted with white spirit by 10%.
Application For decorative finishing and protection against biological damage (rot, mold, fungi) of wooden surfaces used in atmospheric conditions. The composition is intended for decorative finishing and protection against biodamage of wooden surfaces operated in atmospheric conditions. The varnish is intended for decorative finishing and protection of the wooden surfaces operated in atmospheric conditions.
Price for 1 liter, rub 666 407 357

Application impression: I liked various antiseptics for preparing wood for operation. Compositions from insect pests, fire protection and putty were tested. There are no complaints, the action of the drugs is predictable and corresponds to the descriptions. From decorative coatings TEKOTEX was used. Since its cost is low, the fence was covered garden plot. During the three years of operation, no changes were found in the coating.

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