Rose climbing coral sunset. Climbing rose coral down

  • 14.06.2019

Landscape designers for landscaping vertical buildings and walls of garden structures often use climbing climbing roses, which are considered queens of phytodesign by gardeners. There are so many varieties and types of this culture that one could safely write an entire encyclopedia.

In this issue, with our readers, we will consider the best of them, as well as see photos of how beautiful they look in the garden when grown properly. There are really a lot of names of varieties of climbing roses among themselves, they have some differences, so botanists divided them into two large groups:

  • Rambler - cultures with small inflorescences of medium and small sizes, very similar to tea hybrids. Representatives of this group are distinguished by a rather high resistance to frost, therefore they are suitable for cultivation in most climatic zones of Russia. climbing roses Rambler are large bushes with thin creeping shoots strewn with small bright inflorescences.
  • Climers are a real climbing rose with large and huge buds of various colors. In the majority, these are nostalgic double and densely double flowers, similar to peonies. Roses of this group are preferably grown in a warm climate; strong frost protection is required for the winter. In warm climatic conditions blooms all year, almost without breaks with several pauses for a month or two.

Look at the photo of the variety of climbing roses - the most beautiful views presented in the encyclopedia:

Winter-hardy varieties of climbing roses: names, descriptions and photos

In Russia, the most popular are winter-hardy varieties of climbing roses, which can be easily purchased from the Serbian nursery "Brothers Topalovich". Adult plants belonging to this group can withstand lowering the mercury column to 30 degrees below zero, as indicated in the description of some specimens. Unfortunately, not all of them, with this characteristic, bloom again or the entire summer season. More often, cultures belonging to this group form buds once. Next, let's look at the names of the most popular varieties in our country and see their photos.

Very lush flowering with white large buds up to 8-10 cm in diameter can be seen in the climbing rose of the Hendel variety, which gardeners grow as a winter-hardy decoration of vertical supports. Bicolor flower buds - petals white color, surrounded by a bright pink border. During the flowering period, they exude a barely noticeable fruity aroma. Suitable "Hendel" for landscaping vertical structures from 1.5 to 3 meters high. In order to keep this variety in winter time year, dense shelter is not required, since without additional construction the bushes can withstand temperatures as low as -25 degrees. During the season, the variety blooms twice - in early summer and closer to autumn. Repeat flowering is less decorative.

The variety "Rosarium Yutersen" is another popular winter-hardy crop widely used in Russian horticulture. These are tall lush bushes with a dense cushion of dark green foliage, on which there are picturesque large buds up to 10-12 cm in diameter. The color of the buds on one specimen can vary from dark crimson to light pink, while the flowers are strongly double (one can have up to 100 petals). The Utersen climbing rose variety is classified as an old nostalgic culture, since during the period of active flowering its large inflorescences resemble lush dresses of the Victorian era. The aroma of a flower is able to fill the entire garden with sweet spicy notes. The culture blooms twice per season, while the second wave does not differ in decorative effect from the first. In the winter season, with severe frosts, shelter is required for the culture.

Very popular among gardeners who do not like to devote much time to their plantings, but at the same time want to get beautiful decorations for the garden, the New Down variety of climbing roses is used. This is very unpretentious plant, but very decorative during the flowering period. Fragrant large buds on the vigorous New Down climbing rose are very lush, have a creamy hue and a pronounced fruity smell. Culture perfectly tolerates frosts under cover. Flowering lasts only 2 months; closer to its end, the variety gradually loses its decorative effect.

A variety of curly roses "Harlequin" looks very original in the gardens, which is distinguished not only by its high frost resistance, but also by its special picturesqueness. The flowering period is not long and lasts no more than 30 days, but during this time it forms a large number of large terry buds with an original bicolor color. The central part of the flower is always white, the petals along the edges with an outline of crimson or pale pink. It is difficult to find buds similar to each other on one bush, since they all have a unique original color, as we will see in the photo of the climbing rose variety below.

Hustomahrovye peony flowers adorn the bushes of "Red Eden", a feature of this culture is that it has practically no thorns, and in the cut, the buds hold on for a long time. Flowering is undulating and continues throughout the season with short breaks. At this time, large red buds are formed.

Another large-flowered variety is White Sunrise, the flowers of this winter-hardy culture amaze with their original color. The buds may have a yellow or white core with a bright crimson outline. The diameter of the flowers is 12-13 cm, there are a lot of petals (up to 80 pieces).

To decorate the garden vintage style climbing roses "Alchemist"- this is one of the nostalgic varieties, difficult to grow. But, if you take care of the culture correctly, then during a short flowering period you can see buds of golden yellow hues with a strong aroma. The culture has a lot of thorns, and its green leaves are often affected by black spot. The temperature drop without shelter allowed for the Alchemist variety bush is -30 degrees.

Tall buildings, more than 2 meters, can be decorated with vigorous bushes of climbing roses of the Schneewitchen variety. A culture with light green creeping shoots and shiny foliage is simply strewn with small snow-white buds. The flowers are semi-double and have a diameter of 6 to 9 cm, which is why it is often compared with hybrid tea varieties. The variety has excellent winter hardiness, and in a short flowering period exudes a strong sweet aroma.

The original greenish tint of snow-white buds of the Elf variety can be seen throughout the wave-like flowering, which lasts no more than 40 days. The culture has good winter hardiness, but in severe frosts it requires additional frost protection measures. The variety was bred by a German company and belongs to a series of nostalgic roses. Its buds are medium-sized, semi-double, have a habitual appearance for the culture and a persistent fruity aroma. The height of the bush is up to 2.5 meters, the buds hold on for a long time, but can suffer from showers.

The best varieties of climbing roses of continuous continuous flowering

Continuous constant flowering by gardeners is not observed in all varieties of climbing roses, since most of them are more whimsical crops that require especially care and maintenance during the active growing season. Perennial creepers that can delight with beautiful buds throughout the summer season are a rarity in many Russian regions, since some hybrid crops do not have the necessary frost resistance and can die from the cold in the winter season. But, nevertheless, when building the right shelter or removing crops for wintering in a cool room, you can save a perennial picturesque variety for a long time. Next, consider the best specimens of climbing roses and find out the names of their varieties.

A striking representative of climbing roses of continuous continuous flowering is the variety "Laguna" with large flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. The flowers are velvety to the touch and have a bright floral scent. The bush grows up to 2-2.5 meters in height with proper care. For the winter season, the variety requires dense shelter from frost.

To decorate small vertical supports, a medium-sized variety "Rumba" is suitable.- This is a climbing rose with shoots from 1 to 3 meters long. The plant blooms with golden-pink flowers all summer without interruption. In a warm winter, it does not require the construction of a shelter, since the culture has a high winter hardiness.

A rarity in Russian gardens is a variety of climbing roses "Golden Parfum"- This is a very fragrant culture with large flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. Some gardeners note that the plant holds a flower very poorly, but this does not prevent it from blooming all summer long due to the ability to gradually open buds. The variety is not winter-hardy and can take a break in flowering, for a maximum of one month. Also, it is noted that yellow flowers can fade in the sun, so the bush needs proper placement in the garden.

Large-flowered "Metanoia" is a climbing rose with salmon-orange buds, with a diameter of 9 to 11 cm. The culture blooms all summer, but only in certain climatic conditions. When the air temperature drops below -15, it freezes and dies even under cover. Perfect for growing in the gardens of the Southern regions.

Shrub "Faya Lobby" is also often used as climbing specimens for landscaping vertical buildings. Unlike other varieties of roses, this one has erect long shoots that require support. The flowers are small (no more than 9 cm in diameter), semi-double red, formed all summer. Shoots grow in length up to 3 meters, without support they can break under the weight of numerous inflorescences and green foliage.

Climbing peony "Jardine" without thorns- also very beautiful variety for landscaping. These are nostalgic densely double flowers of a pink hue with a rich fruity aroma. Flowering is long due to the ability of the shrub to keep the bud for a long time. Distantly pink liana in bloom resembles peonies, as can be seen in the photo below.

Beautiful types of climbing roses are winter-hardy and bloom all summer

The varieties of roses that can easily tolerate frosts and bloom all summer are mainly classified as a group of ramblers. Such crops have thin and very plastic shoots that allow you to form a bush as needed. Also, their difference from climbers is that their buds are slightly smaller in size, but there are more of them on the bush. That is why the size of the flower does not affect the decorativeness of the plant itself. Next, consider the most beautiful types and varieties of winter-hardy climbing roses that bloom all summer long.

A variety of climbing roses Parade forms a beautiful lush bush, up to 3.5 meters high with thin emerald leaves. Oval flowers up to 10 cm in diameter strew the culture all summer. There are perennial creepers with buds of various colors: from cherry to light pink with pale petal edges. The middle of the flower is always a few tones darker than its edge. There are cultures of the Parade variety with single buds, but more often they are collected in large brushes. The rose scent is not overwhelming. In the winter season, the plant requires additional shelter, as it can die in severe frosts.

Medium-sized bushes "Polka" differ from other representatives of climbing roses in that that they have enough large flowers. Creepers quickly develop to a length of 2 meters and require constant pruning and care to form the correct crown of the plant, otherwise the bush will spread, which will affect its decorative effect. Over the summer, the culture blooms several times with creamy large buds. There may be short breaks between flowering under certain weather conditions. In the winter season, the plant tolerates frosts without shelter down to -29 degrees.

From the group of Claimings, the large-flowered variety "Kimono" is distinguished, which is able to bloom all summer without interruption and endure serious drops in air temperature. This climbing rose has original salmon-orange buds, but no fragrance. To compare with "Kimono" you can only remontant variety "Amadeus" with a bright fruity smell that exude red buds. In the photo below you can see how large bushes up to 6 meters look when decorating garden buildings with them.

Red climbing roses: names and photos

Red roses have always been considered a symbol of passion and love, so many gardeners grow just such climbing vines, decorating them with vertical buildings on their plots. The beauty and delicate aroma of roses, combined with the traditional taste of the owner of a climbing rose, can create unique compositions in any garden. In the photo below, let's see how organically the vines with red buds fit into the landscape, and also find out the names of the most the best varieties of this type:

The way roses are used to seeing can be found on the climbing bushes of the Paul Scarlet rose variety.- These are large curly shoots with dark green foliage, strewn with small red buds. The culture is considered winter-hardy and easily tolerates temperatures as low as -20 degrees; in severe frosts, shelter is required. In summer, flowering is undulating and can be repeated several times throughout the season.

The unusual variety "Brownie" is distinguished by a coffee-cherry shade of buds. Climbing rose flowers of this species can often be decorated with cream veins and reach a diameter of 10 cm. During the flowering period, the bush exudes a rich apple aroma. Flowering is abundant and long.

The variety "Orfeo" is very popular in Russia.- it's wicker garden roses with dark red large, up to 10 cm in diameter, flowers. Flowering can last for several months under comfortable climatic conditions, during this period numerous buds are formed with a pronounced spicy aroma. In some regions, it easily tolerates light frosts without shelter for the winter. In severe frosts, the bush is dug up for storage or additional protection is being built for it.

Flowers of the Salita rose variety have a strong fruity aroma. It has red or salmon-orange buds small size due to which the plant resembles a tea hybrid. Flowering occurs all summer without interruption, and in climatic zones without frosty winters, it can open buds all year round.

Red peony roses are 'Red Eden' with densely double flowers, reminiscent of the puffy multi-layered skirts of young ladies. The plant has virtually no thorns, and it tolerates frost well.

Small red flowers distinguishing feature varieties "Orange Meilandina". Small buds, only 4-6 cm in diameter, simply strew the bush, up to 2 meters high and exude a faint floral aroma. The frost-resistant culture is considered one of the most popular Serbian nursery "Brothers Topalovic". In the photo below you can see a climbing rose of this particular variety:

As you know, roses with bright saturated shades of buds are prone to rapid fading when exposed to direct sunlight. Climbing vines of the Santana variety are immune to such an ailment. Red buds, up to 10 cm in diameter, are not subject to fading and stay on the bush for a long time, up to 3-4 meters high. The plant is frost-resistant and easily withstands small drops in temperature below zero.

Yellow climbing roses: variety names and photos

climbing vines yellow roses are considered a royal decoration of almost any garden, as planting crops of such varieties add light, and a golden hue gives a special charm to the surrounding landscape. There are many interesting views of this plant, but further we will consider in the photo only those that are suitable for growing in the climatic conditions of our country. Among the many names, we will choose those that will look the most decorative in summer time of the year.

For the most part, yellow climbing roses are early-flowering varieties. This is the "Golden Showers", its buds have a lemon or cream hue and reach 8-10 cm in diameter. The bush grows to 3-4 meters and is very sensitive to cold and drafts. When the temperature drops, it may die. In some cases, the yellow-flowered variety may re-bloom by the end of summer, but this wave will be less decorative than the first. At the beginning of the season, numerous semi-double flowers are formed, as we see them in the photo below:

Variety "Elegance" belongs to the group of yellow roses Golden. Its flowers reach 10-11 cm in diameter and are very double. In one bud, on average, about 40-60 wavy petals. yellow flowers very fragrant. The bush itself grows up to 2 meters, its shoots are heavily thorny. Unlike the variety stated above, it has good winter hardiness; in the winter season it can be kept under cover.

Another non-winter-hardy variety of climbing roses with yellow buds is Golden Parfum. The buds are large, but often fade in the sun and quickly fade under the influence of its rays. During flowering, which lasts all summer, the bush exudes a bright aroma. Budding occurs twice per season with breaks of one month.

White climbing roses with photos and variety names

In order to hide an ugly building, a damaged building facade, or simply create a beautiful accent on the site, landscape designers often pay attention to climbing roses with white buds. The fact is that it is this shade of flowers that can bring even more light into the garden. Located on flexible long vines, they can grow several meters in height. strewn with buds different sizes with white petals of culture - a real find for a lover to grow beautiful flowers. In the photo below, we will consider the most popular varieties in our country, and also find out their names:

When placed on the walls of various garden buildings, for example, gazebos, the Elf climbing rose looks original. Her white buds have a delicate green tint, which gives a unique charm to the whole shrub. Culture is especially good if you decorate garden sculptures or fountains with it. The shoots of the Elf variety are able to grow by 2.5 meters, their flexibility allows gardeners to independently form a crown of the required shape. When approaching the bush, you can hear a light fruity aroma that accompanies long flowering. The only drawback of this variety is that its buds can suffer from heavy rains. When moisture gets inside, fungal diseases often occur.

Frost-resistant variety of climbing roses with white flowers "Schneewitchen» is also popular for vertical gardening. It can be seen in the photo below, but a delicate floral aroma can only be heard when approaching a living bush with large buds, 6 to 10 cm in diameter.

The Schneewalzer variety is often referred to as white climbing roses., which differs in that its velvety pearl-colored petals can have a lemon sheen and yellow highlights at the core. In the cut, the flowers stand for a very long time, their average diameter is from 15 to 18 cm - this is one of the most common forms of white climbers.

Small white flowers, but very numerous, are found in the Schneewesee variety. Such a culture blooms all summer without interruption with buds, 6-8 m in diameter. The bush itself can develop its shoots from 3 to 6 meters, so timely competent pruning of a climbing rose is required.

The Iceberg variety with large white buds is considered to be the snow queen of the garden.. This is a very unpretentious and not capricious plant with abundant undulating flowering. It is often used not only to decorate the vertical walls of buildings, but also to form hedges on the site due to the strength and flexibility of climbing shoots.

Pink varieties of climbing roses (with photos and names)

Tenderness pink flowers climbing roses, which do not differ from other representatives of the climbing species with capriciousness and whimsicality, every gardener will emphasize. There are a huge number of names of varieties with such a shade of buds, and it can even be said that such a culture is the most common in our country. Partly due to the fact that almost all varieties are easy to plant and store in the winter season, but more because they look just amazing even in the photo.

Golden-pink inflorescences of the Rumba variety adorn the buildings of small garden structures. This is a shrub with creeping vines, reaching a length of 1 to 4 meters. With their help, it is easy to form various compositions on the site, and pink fragrant buds with terry petals create the impression of a real fairy tale. The Rumba variety blooms all summer without interruption and has excellent winter hardiness.

Climbing rose "Lavinia" has bright pink buds of not large sizes. The variety belongs to the group of ramblers, so the plant can easily winter without shelter during a warm winter. Flowering is long, but in the middle of the season the plant takes a short break, after which a second, more picturesque wave of budding occurs.

Dark pink flowers strewn bushes of climbing plants of the Caesar variety. Often, the culture is referred to as bicolors, since its petals have an outline of a soft peach color. The aroma of buds is very weak. Flowering occurs twice during the whole season with a short break.

Peony "Jardine" also belongs to the pink varieties of climbing roses, it has nostalgic large double flowers with rich fruity aromas. On the bush and in the cut, the flower lasts a very long time, so it is often grown for use in various flower arrangements and bouquets. In the garden, the variety looks dignified due to large buds, look at the photo how luxuriously you can decorate any place on the site with this culture.

Blooming all summer pink "Laguna" - another variety of roses, which is suitable for decorating any area. A delicate shade of velvety buds collected in bulky racemose inflorescences will accentuate the garden and dilute the monochromatic landscape design with his presence. A big plus of this variety is that its flowers have a persistent floral aroma that can be heard a few meters from the bush. For the winter season, climbing roses "Laguna" require shelter, as its shoots can suffer and die from frost.

Blooming profusely all summer, "Jasmine" is also famous among gardeners.. These climbing roses are strewn with numerous buds with a fragrant sweet aroma and delicate petals of a lilac-pink hue. The bush of this variety is not large, the maximum length of its shoots is about 2 meters. During the summer, a rose can bloom twice, taking a short break for 20-30 days. In the photo below, the Jasmine variety is presented in a special flower arrangement on a vertical support.

A romantic rose with long vines up to 3 meters is the most famous variety "Pierre de Ronsard" which gained its popularity all over the world. Repeated blooming with pink terry buds, up to 13 cm in diameter and a delicate aroma reminiscent of the era of Romanticism and Parisian narrow streets for kissing. The shrub grows quickly and has a lot of thorns.

Blue types of climbing roses

The fabulous blue roses are the result of a long selection process that has been practiced by botanists for many decades. In a photo on the Internet you can often see climbing bushes with flowers of a similar shade, but in most cases it is either a photoshop or a big exception, which are only two known species, which we will consider further in the photo and read small descriptions.

First of all, if you want to grow a blue climbing rose on your site, pay attention to the Indigoletta variety. This is a plant with lilac buds, bred in the Netherlands. In our climatic conditions, the culture takes root very difficult, but if you still managed to do this, then in the very first flowering you can see large velvety roses of large sizes with a blue tint.

enjoys great popularity interesting variety"Blue Moon" translated into Russian sounds like "blue moon". In fact, the plant during the flowering period seems to be bathed in moonlight. Its flowers in the bright sun become a rich blue hue, and when the shrub is located in the shade - pink. The diameter of the buds is up to 10-12 cm. The Blue Moon variety is great for creating a moonlight garden, which you can admire in the photo below. Shrub shoots reach 3-4 meters in length and are very flexible, which allows you to shape the plant as you like.

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Rose Coral Dawn has a pink color. The height of the bush is usually about 200-300 cm. The width is about 200 cm, sometimes more, but quite rarely. Disease resistance of Coral Dawn roses: practically does not get sick.

Description: Coral Dawn roses

The name is somewhat discouraging - Coral Dawn is not at all a coral color, but a beautiful saturated Pink colour. The foliage is dark, shiny, disease resistant like New Dawn, but the flowers are more double and the bush is more dense and branched. The flowers are spherical in shape, with many short petals, fragrant. Feel better in dry weather, because. the petals are soft and easily damaged by rain. They appear singly or in clusters of up to 7 pieces (usually 3), fade to pale pink with age. In bright sunlight, they can fade ugly. The bush is very thorny. good rose for a low support, continuously blooming until the first frost. (ARE) Oval buds. The flowers are coral pink, good shape, large (9-10), double (30-35 petals), fragrant, solitary and in inflorescences up to 16. The leaves are dark green, shiny, leathery. Bushes spreading, up to 2 m tall. Flowering is abundant and long, repeats well. Fruiting. The fruits are large and round. Winter hardy. For groups and standard forms. (GBS)

Climbing roses are a great decoration suburban area. They have many advantages over other varieties of roses. With their help, it is easy to effectively fill an empty space, bring fabulous notes to your garden and hide many details that seem unattractive.

The advantage of many varieties of climbing roses is their unpretentiousness and resistance to temperature extremes. These flowers will please with their luxury and fragrance throughout the summer and endure the winter perfectly.

Semi-climbing roses can rightfully be called the most unpretentious. They are very winter-hardy, so the chances of their death after a sharp drop in temperature are extremely small. In addition, semi-climbing roses are almost not susceptible to diseases, do not require special care and can be planted in various areas of their summer cottage.

Main distinguishing feature semi-climbing roses are large shoots. They can reach three meters. Despite the large amount of greenery, the plant looks very attractive. Large luxurious flowers outshine the stems and leaves.

Flammentanz- one of the most popular varieties of semi-climbing roses. Its shoots are very long and massive, and the flowers are distinguished by a dark crimson hue and a double texture. The approximate size of the flower is about eight centimeters. Their smell can hardly be called pronounced. These roses bloom only one summer.

Rose "Flammentanz" (Rose Flammentanz)

- a variety of roses that are different from many others by a large number of shoots reaching up to four meters in height. The flowers of this plant are collected in brushes. Their color is yellow, the structure is velvety, and the size can reach ten centimeters.

This variety is suitable for those who are looking for roses with an unusual aroma. "Golden Gate" smells like tropical fruits. In exchange for their splendor, roses require good shelter in winter period and on rainy days. They are often damaged by pests, so these plants should be looked after.

Sympathy- a variety of roses with chic bright red buds. It grows well not only in length, but also in width. The approximate length of the stems is three meters, and the total width of the bush usually reaches two meters. Flowers can have different diameters, but are always collected in small brushes.

Flowers of this variety please with rapid growth and resistance to various negative factors. They have only one drawback - a lot of buds with petals will decorate the bush only the first year. Further, their number will decrease.

A distinctive feature of roses of this variety is large flowers, the diameter of which can reach fifteen meters. Despite their massiveness, they are very tender, because they have an attractive milky shade. The stems are not too long. They rarely exceed two and a half meters. The bush is very lush and sprawling.

Laguna- a variety of roses with cystic flowering. Petals and buds have a rich pink hue and a velvety texture. The peculiarity of the rose is a very strong aroma. It can be caught even when you are a few meters from the bush.

Small-flowered climbing roses

All varieties of this type are characterized by long thin shoots that bend perfectly. Their length can be different - from two to sixteen meters. They are decorated with small flowers, rarely having a diameter of more than five centimeters.

"Super Excelsa"- grade double roses with bright fuchsia flowers. The approximate diameter of one flower is four centimeters. Blooming brushes are very large. The bush cannot be called long or lush, since its maximum total area is four square centimeters.

Roses of this variety perfectly tolerate both heat and frost. It is advisable to place them in shady areas of the site, as the flowers quickly lose their saturated shade after contact with the sun's rays.

The variety will conquer connoisseurs of tenderness. His miniature flowers look like white balls. Usually on one brush there are from five to twenty-five flowers. The leaves of the plant are very small and dark, thorns are practically absent.

Advantages of the variety - roses bloom almost continuously. They can be used not only to decorate vertical surfaces, but also to be placed on the ground. Special care "Snow Goose" does not require.

- a godsend for those who want to feel the aroma of flowers and enjoy their splendor before the start of frost. But you should not expect early flowering, since the buds appear only at the end of spring.

The standard length of the stems is about three meters. The bush is not lush, its width rarely exceeds a meter. The leaves of the plant are bright green. The shades of the flower depend on the type of variety, but most often you can find crimson.

Rose varieties are chameleons. At the beginning of flowering, their petals have a shade of ivory, but after some time in the sun they become snow-white. The flowers are collected in brushes. One brush can contain fifty flowers.

The maximum length of a bush is five meters. It does not require dense winter shelter, it tolerates high temperatures very easily and is easily cut.

Large-flowered climbing roses

They should be preferred if you like strong aromas, and the landscape lacks a touch of luxury. Characteristic their flowers are large in diameter. Many varieties that belong to this group have a minus - poor frost tolerance. They are able to survive the winter, but only under the condition of good shelter.

rose varieties Santana have a very bright red color that does not fade in the sun. The flowers of the plant are quite large. Their diameter is ten centimeters, the texture is semi-double.

The average height of the bush is three meters. Roses of the Santana variety are not demanding and endure any changes in the weather without any problems.

No less large flowers in variety roses. Their diameter can reach thirteen centimeters, and their color can be called delicate coral or apricot. The bush is not high, as its length rarely exceeds two meters.

Roses of the Polka variety bloom several times throughout the season. The flowers are resistant to rain and disease, but they should be insulated for the winter.

If you are looking for the most unpretentious variety climbing roses with large flowers, take a closer look at "Don Juan". 12 cm buds with petals burgundy located on a large bush, the length of which usually reaches three meters, and the width - two.

Roses of this variety rarely get sick and freeze. They do not need to be covered even in heavy rain.

If you think that exotic color roses can only be obtained after dyeing, the variety will dispel your doubts. The flowers in the inflorescences of this plant stand out from the rest because of the delicate lilac hue. Swamp-green leaves contrast attractively with them.

For variety Casino characterized by large double flowers of rich yellow color. These roses are great for framing vertical surfaces.

Casino roses should be handled with care, as they have large thorns. They do not need special care.

Those who like very large double flowers should take into account the variety Elfe. They have a delicate white-green hue and exude a strong fruity smell.

The bush is low, because it is rarely higher than two and a half meters. Such roses do not tolerate heavy rains, but they are resistant to disease and frost.

What you need to know about planting climbing roses and caring for them?

If you are determined to decorate your garden with climbing roses, plant them in late spring. Roses planted in the fall will not have time to adapt and will probably die.

The basic landing technique involves several points.

After planting, water the roses well. Then they need to be watered moderately, as they suffer from excessive moisture.

You need to cut off only what has faded to give splendor to the bush, and areas affected by diseases. To avoid having to remove shoots due to diseases, water the plant with Bordeaux mixture when white spots appear on the leaves and use insecticides or nettle decoction if the plant is affected. spider mite or aphids.

Even frost-resistant varieties should be covered for the winter. That's just to do it after the first frost (minus four degrees). If you cover the roses earlier, they will not have time to acquire good immunity and are unlikely to survive the winter.

Would you like to add a touch of chic to your garden with climbing roses, but don't know how to apply them? Here are a few places where they will look good:

  • building walls;
  • fences;
  • arches;
  • straight frame (you get the illusion of a living fence);
  • curly frame;
  • corridor.

Combinations of two varieties of roses look unusually attractive. The table shows the most profitable solutions.

Video - How to plant and care for a climbing rose

Variety with fragrant densely double flowers of coral-pink color. Each flower is dense, spherical in shape, up to 9 cm wide, with over 40 petals! They bloom all summer from June to September, until the first frost, exuding a pleasant fruity-floral aroma. The plant is vigorous, up to 3 m high, slightly sprawling, with dark green glossy leaves and sharp spines. It has good winter hardiness and disease resistance. Suitable for growing on a low support. Landing is desirable in a sunny place.

Climbing roses. Planting material by mail!

Prima ballerina in vertical gardening. The beauty and magnificence of the decorative decoration of arches, trellises, arbors and other architectural forms, climbing roses are unrivaled. They are quite widespread not only in areas with mild and temperate climate, but for the most part middle lane Russia, where they winter quite well under snow cover with light dry shelter.

The price is for 1 piece.
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