Clematis variety "Purpurea captivity elegans" is an unpretentious garden handsome man. Clematis "Purpurea Plena Elegance": variety description, photos and reviews Clematis purple elegant description

  • 16.06.2019

Clematis flowers are unusually beautiful and graceful, they captivate with a large number of shades of color - from pale pink to bright red, purple and lilac, as well as bright emerald foliage.

But among the many varieties there is one special- it Purpurea Plena Elegance, his photo can be viewed in any floriculture catalogs.

And although the size of the flowers of this variety is small, the plant is loved by gardeners due to its characteristics.

Purpurea Plena Elegance


Purpurea Plena Elegans is a medium-sized clematis, Vititsella group, three to three and a half meters high. The stem is a vine strewn with terry, rather large (about ten centimeters in diameter) beard-red flowers. At proper care flowering is plentiful, on one liana there can be up to one hundred and twenty flowers, and long - from early June to late September. The flowers do not contain stamens, the structure of the sepals is structured. Advantages:

  1. An unpretentious variety in care.
  2. Long and abundant flowering.
  3. Good growth of vines.
  4. Frost resistance reaches minus forty degrees.


Reproduction of Purpurea Plena Elegans occurs both with the help of cuttings and with the help of layering, it is also possible to divide an adult plant and sow seeds.

If the plant is already more than three years old, it is possible to reproduce by cuttings. To do this, a healthy shoot is selected from the middle zone of the plant, cut off on both sides, and the upper cut must be made straight, and the lower cut must be made at an angle. For planting, it is necessary to prepare the land, fertilize it and dig it up, disinfection of the soil is also possible (method - "hot steam"). A cutting is planted in this soil, which, after planting, is covered with a greenhouse film.

Rooting occurs within two or three months, during which the cutting must be regularly watered and fertilized with organic fertilizer, such as peat or diluted compost.


Planting with seeds is quite simple. The description is the following. Seeds are sown on the soil, without deepening, and lightly sprinkled with sand, then light watering is carried out. Planting time is early spring or late summer.


To breed clematis using layering, you must do the following:

  • Install earthen grooves seven centimeters deep.
  • Install young shoots (layering) into the grooves, bending them to the ground and pinning them with a wire clip. There should be about six knots on each layer.
  • Sprinkle the layers with earth.
  • Observe the mode of watering and fertilizing the soil near the bracket.
  • When fully rooted, separate the shoot from the vine and transplant to a permanent place.

Planting seedlings

Before planting clematis seedlings, it is necessary to choose the right place for the future growth of the vine. She will feel best on the sunny south side, in the absence of drafts. The soil is desirable light, with good drainage. At the selected site, pits are prepared for planting. They should be about fifty by fifty centimeters, fertilizer is laid in them, for example, diluted compost. The seedling is carefully lowered into the pit, sprinkled with sand or earth, which is compacted. The first watering should not exceed the volume of three watering cans.


Caring for clematis is pretty simple, but it must be done constantly. First, be sure to loosen and water the ground about once a week.

Secondly, watering should be plentiful so that the root ball receives enough water. At the beginning of flowering, the vine must be fed with potash fertilizer, for example, potassium nitrate. And two weeks before flowering, it will be good to apply organic fertilizer (diluted manure, diluted bird droppings, etc.).

Thirdly, protect the plant from excessive flooding by spring and any stagnant waters. Fourth, creating a support in case of planting clematis in the middle of the site. And, finally, fifthly, the timely pruning of obsolete shoots of the vine, usually they are quite large, about half a meter, in size.


Clematis Purpurea Plena Elegans is resistant to diseases, but dangers such as:

  1. Rot (grey). It appears as a brownish coating on the leaves. Occurs during wet summers. On the leaves after the spots, a whitish coating appears, which is the spores of the fungus. Because of the wind, it is transferred to other leaves and infects them. At the first sign of infection, the entire shoot should be removed immediately.
  2. Powdery mildew. Caused by pathogenic fungi. Symptoms - white bloom on shoots and leaves. Next, the leaves will acquire Brown color and then begin to dry out. In case of powdery mildew damage, the treatment will be ineffective, the plant should be dug up and burned, and the soil should be dug up using lime or another disinfectant.
  3. Harmful insects, affecting the leaves, shoots and flowers of the plant (aphid, bear, spider mite etc.).

To prevent diseases and protect against pests, it is necessary to treat the plant itself and the soil around it several times a season with ready-made insecticides that can be bought at a specialized store (for example, Fundazol).


The presence of Clematis of this species will create a feeling of a beautiful pink-lilac fairy fog on the site. It looks great when decorating high fences and arches, as well as for masking any unsightly buildings - garages, old walls, destroyed facades, etc.

Looks original on railings, balcony railings and trunks garden trees. Not bad in the middle of the site with artificial support.

But wherever clematis purpurea captivity elegans is located, it will certainly attract everyone's attention with a chic waterfall of bright colors, freshness and harmony.

Clematis of this species is a very beautiful, original and absolutely simple plant in terms of care. A nice plus is increased frost resistance, which allows you to grow clematis in almost any region of our country. And that's why lovers of unusual flower decoration of the site should definitely pay attention to this variety of clematis and try to breed it in your garden. Growing costs will require a minimum, and the admiring glances of households and guests are guaranteed!

Clematis elegans (full name Purpurea Plena elegans) is a perennial garden vine that is resistant to harsh winters. The plant blooms luxuriantly and for a long time, due to which it is widely used in landscape design.

Description of clematis elegans

The flowering of this variety of clematis is abundant. The inflorescences are quite large. Buds can be any shade of red. The height of the vine reaches 4 m.

Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans - perennial vine with red inflorescences

Clematis inflorescences look like this:

  • size varies between 6 - 9 cm;
  • the edges of the petals are wavy;
  • stamens beige colour, and the anthers have a purple hue.

Flowering lasts all summer. It starts in June and ends in September. The variety belongs to cold-resistant varieties and is able to withstand frosts down to -40 degrees.

Choosing seedlings and planting clematis Purpurea Plena elegans

When choosing clematis Purpurea Plena elegans (in the photo you see a typical representative of the variety), several characteristics must be considered. Signs of a strong plant are:

  • seedlings grown in a closed container;
  • shoots must be strong at the base.

Purchased vines can be planted from April to September inclusive. It can be grown both as a garden vine and as a balcony vine. In any case, when favorable conditions are created, it will actively bloom.

Clematis of this variety for abundant flowering needs a lot of light, so the north side of the site does not suit him.

Planting a plant is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • It is necessary to dig a hole with sides of 60 cm and the same depth.
  • At its bottom, it is necessary to make drainage using sand, gravel or ordinary stones.
  • On top of the drainage layer, it is desirable to lay a layer of well-rotted manure. You can also use a mixture of compost and peat.
  • Before removing the seedling from the container in which it is located, water it well and wait 20 to 25 minutes. Then, when excavating, the roots will not be damaged;
  • When planting, the seedling is buried about 10 cm below the level at which it grew in the container. The soil is carefully compacted and well watered.

When planting a flower, it is important to ensure that the distance from the tips of the roots to the walls of the pit or container exceeds 30 cm.

Clematis requires pruning type 3. This means that after flowering is completed, the shoots must be shortened to the first leaf. To protect against rodents for the winter, they are covered with dog mint and spruce branches.

Clematis elegans is widely used to decorate gazebos. And with proper care, it blooms profusely throughout the summer.

Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans is a flowering vine that is resistant to severe frost and disease. This variety of clematis was bred back in the 19th century, however, to this day it has not lost its popularity among gardeners. Due to its profuse flowering, Purpurea Plena Elegans is often used in landscaping to cover old lore or unsightly fences.

Clematis Purpurea Plena Elegans blooms with double red flowers. Hue can vary, so clematis flowers can be painted in any of the shades of burgundy. The diameter of the flowers is 6-9 cm. The petals have slightly wavy edges, and in the middle of the flower you can see purple anthers that sit on beige filaments of stamens. In height, the vine can reach 3-4 meters.

The flowering season for clematis begins in June and ends in September. Plants of the Purpurea Plena Elegans variety can withstand temperatures down to -40°C. They do not need to be cut often; in matters of care, clematis is considered an unpretentious plant.

In order for the vine to grow as much as possible, it needs good lighting. As for the soil, it does not need highly enriched soil.

When choosing a plant for planting, it is necessary to take into account a number of important characteristics.

Signs of a well-developed plant:

  • grown in a container;
  • the root system is normally developed;
  • strong shoots at the base.

These three conditions guarantee a favorable landing. By the way, you can plant such plants at any time during the growing season (from April to September).

Clematis Purpurea Plena Elegans thrives both outdoors and outdoors. closed area, that is, both in the front garden and on the balcony, the plant will grow equally well.

First you need to dig a hole measuring 60 × 60 × 60 cm and fill it with drainage with a layer of 10 cm. Gravel, sand or stones can be used as drainage. Then you need to salt the layer of fertilizer. As a rule, decomposed manure is used for planting clematis. You can also mix a bucket of compost with peat.

If clematis sprouts are in a container, then it must be poured with plenty of water so that the root system is not damaged when the plants are taken out. If clematis grows in a pot, then it must be placed in a container of water for about 20 minutes. When the ground is well saturated, the sprouts can be removed from the container or pot.

Clematis Purpurea Plena Elegans should be planted 5-10 cm deeper than it grew before. The soil must be well compacted and filled with water. During planting, it is necessary to ensure that the distance from the roots of clematis to other plants (or to the walls) is not less than 30 cm.

Since clematis loves sunlight, you should not plant it on the north side. If some time after planting you notice that the sprout is withered, do not hesitate to uproot it. There are times when seemingly wilted plants begin to revive and bloom profusely after a while.

Proper plant care

Although this plant variety is unpretentious and is considered self-sufficient, you still need to take care of it periodically. This will extend the flowering period, as well as protect the plant from pests.

For landing, you need to choose a place where, in addition to the sun's rays, a shadow appears during the day. If direct sunlight constantly hits clematis during the day, it will quickly overheat. From this, the flowers can turn pale, sometimes even wither.

Purpurea Plena Elegans needs type 3 pruning. When preparing plants for winter, it is necessary to cut each shoot to the first leaf. A sufficient number of buds should remain on the branch. For the winter, clematis is best overlaid with branches of spruce or dog mint. This will help protect the shoots from severe frosts, and rodents will not come close to clematis if they smell mint. If there are no such branches, the base of the plant can simply be overlaid with leaves from trees.

If a harsh winter is expected, artificial shelters can also be used. Often gardeners use polyethylene or roofing material. Because very coldy this plant is not afraid, it needs to be protected from icing and from moisture. It is important to remember that excessive shelter can only harm clematis: due to high humidity, the shoots can rot. Therefore, gardeners recommend gradually weakening shelters.

As already mentioned, abundant moisture can harm the bush, so you need to take care of the plant during the spring waters. If a lot of snow fell during the winter, and in the spring it begins to melt sharply, the shoots may begin to rot. To prevent this in advance, even in the fall you need to form a small mound of compost or peat at the base of clematis. In the spring, when all the water is gone, the mound can be leveled so that the plant feels free.

On hot days, Clematis Purpurea Plena Elegans should be watered every 3 days, the rest of the time the plant can be watered once a week. It is best to constantly monitor the soil so that it does not dry out.

As a rule, fertilizers for clematis are used to retain moisture. The earth around the plant can be periodically saturated with peat or compost, this will prevent overheating of the soil. You can also plant semi-shrubs or undersized crops around the plant.

Given that Purpurea Plena Elegans is a vine, it definitely needs support. It is better to initially make sure that the clematis has something to trail. If there is no fence or wall near it, then you can build special supports and pull a strong net or fishing line on them.

It is important to understand that in the first year after planting, clematis may not bloom as luxuriantly as the instructions on the seed packaging promise. The first few years, flowering may be a little poorer than usual. This is due to the fact that Purpurea Plena Elegans clematis first strengthens its roots and only then throws all its strength into flowering and reproduction. Therefore, when buying a seedling with a large flower, it is best not to spare it and cut it a little. This will remove the extra load from the root system, it will take root faster. If you follow all the rules for care, then soon the plant will fully bloom.

Use in landscape design

Clematis Purpurea Plena Elegans is usually used as a fence. To do this, it is enough to build a frame for him, along which he will trail. If you need to hide an old ugly fence, plant clematis of this variety along it. Due to its large size, it will be able to completely cover the fence, creating the illusion of a large burgundy bedspread of flowers. Clematis can also be planted near ugly walls. It will easily rise to a height of 4 meters and hide all the shortcomings of housing.

Clematis can also be planted near arbors. These plants will easily braid them on the outer side, which will give them a more spectacular look.
In the private sector, clematis can be used to create decorative arch. Enough to build metal carcass and plant clematis near it. Further, it is only necessary to direct the plant in the right direction, clinging to the frame of the shoots.

Clematis is absolutely deservedly popular among flower growers and landscape designers, because these perennial vines make it possible to carry out vertical gardening of buildings and structures on the site with minimal effort. In addition, at proper fit these plants can become the center of a unique flower arrangement. There are so many varieties of clematis and they are all so beautiful that it can be difficult to choose one. In this article, we will talk about unique variety Clematis - Purpurea Plena elegans.

You will learn what specific features are characteristic of this variety, how to properly plant it, and what rules of agricultural technology should be observed when growing. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with a detailed description and photos of creepers that will help you show your imagination when decorating your summer cottage.

Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans

According to the botanical classification, the Purpurea Plena elegans variety is included in the Vititsella clematis group. It has double flowers of an unusual shape, which are framed by dark green leaves with tendrils. It is the latter that allow clematis to cling to a vertical support and braid almost any surface (Figure 1).

All clematis belonging to the Vititsella group are hybrid. To create them, purple clematis is used, which is crossed with other species to obtain creepers with flowers of an unusual shape and color. In addition, due to selection work, the unpretentiousness of the culture, its resistance to diseases and negative environmental factors increases.

Figure 1. Photo of inflorescences of a hybrid variety

Clematis of this variety belongs to the third pruning group. This means that flower buds are formed exclusively on the shoots of the current year, and when preparing the plant for winter, all shoots are greatly shortened. Such a radical pruning allows you to save the strength of the plant during the winter and stimulate the growth of green mass in the coming season.

Variety Description

The Vititsella clematis group has about ten varieties, but it is Purpurea Plena Elegance, due to its unpretentiousness and high decorativeness, that is very popular among flower growers (Figure 2).

Note: The variety is considered so beautiful that experts International Society Clematis recognized him as one of the best representatives kind.

Like other clematis, Purpurea Plena elegans is a perennial deciduous vine with long tenacious shoots. During the flowering period, they are abundantly covered with small terry inflorescences of dark burgundy.

This variety is absolutely deservedly popular with flower growers:

  1. Thanks to the hard work of breeders, the vine has an amazing resistance to cold and disease. It is possible to grow such a crop even in the northern regions, since it quite normally tolerates a drop in temperature to -40 degrees.
  2. The high decorativeness of the plant is ensured, first of all, by its miniature flowers. Their petals are velvety to the touch and can be colored in a variety of shades of burgundy, depending on soil growing conditions and light intensity.
  3. Clematis is of particular value for vertical gardening, since the length of shoots in an adult shrub can reach 3-4 meters. Due to this, clematis is actively used as a means of landscaping residential buildings, capital fences, gazebos and other outdoor recreation areas.

Moreover, hybrid variety has a very long flowering period, although its buds bloom a little later than other species. Since inflorescences are formed on the shoots of the current year, the plant needs time to build up green mass. As a result, the first buds open no earlier than the beginning of June, but in the future, intensive flowering will continue until the middle, and in the southern regions - until the end of September.

Figure 2. External features of decorative vines

This hybrid variety can be safely called unpretentious, because it grows and blooms well on any soil and in almost any climate. The only thing to consider is the exactingness of the liana to the lighting regime. Given this feature, it makes sense to dwell on planting technology in more detail.

Features of planting clematis Purpurea Plena elegans

To grow a truly beautiful clematis of high decorativeness on your site, you first need to choose the right seedling. Experts recommend choosing planting material in containers, since such seedlings are characterized by increased viability, better adapt to a new growing place, and they can be planted at any time of the year, except for winter.

Note: When buying a seedling of Purpurea Plena elegans, be sure to pay attention to its roots and shoots. For high-quality planting material, a branched and well-developed root system, and the lower part of the shoots (at the base of the root collar) must be lignified.

If you managed to find a quality seedling, planting can be carried out at any time during the active growing season, that is, from the end of April or the beginning of May and ending in September (Figure 3).

Another obvious advantage hybrid is the fact that it takes root and grows equally well as in open field, and in closed containers placed on balconies or terraces.

The technology for planting clematis Purpurea Plena elegans is as follows:

  1. Planting hole preparation: the area where clematis will be grown must be dug up and freed from weeds. After that, you need to dig a hole in the flower bed, a little more than 50 cm deep and wide. A 15-centimeter layer of drainage (stone, gravel or crushed brick) is laid on its bottom, which will remove excess moisture from the roots. This condition is mandatory when planting vines on heavy soils.
  2. Seedling preparation: if you purchased planting material in a container, the soil in the container must be well saturated with water. This will help to carefully remove the plant from the ground without damaging its roots. If you are using a seedling with an open root system, it is advisable to immerse its roots in a liquid clay mash.
  3. Nutrient preparation: despite the fact that this hybrid variety is unpretentious to soil conditions, experts recommend filling the planting hole with a special nutrient substrate. This will provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients during the first year of life, and will speed up the process of rooting and building green mass. To prepare the substrate, you need to mix a bucket of compost soil with the same amount of garden soil, and add a little peat to the finished mixture. You can also supplement the nutrient substrate with a small amount of wood ash and superphosphate (no more than 150 grams per bush).
  4. Planting a seedling: a small mound of nutrient substrate is poured in the center of the planting hole, and a seedling is placed in its center. In this case, the root neck must be deepened by about 1 cm more than the mark at which it was located in the container. The remaining roots are evenly distributed over the planting hole, and sprinkle the plant with nutrient soil.

Figure 3. Selecting a placement is one of key points successful cultivation of vines

At the final stage of planting, the soil around the plant must be carefully tamped and watered abundantly. On average, for one young plant a bucket of water is required, but watering should be done carefully so that the water is evenly distributed over the site and goes directly to the roots. Also, experts recommend additional mulching of the trunk circle with peat, sawdust or dry leaves. This will help protect the soil from drying out, retain nutrients in the soil, and help the clematis take root faster in the new location.

Caring for Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans

The hybrid variety Purpurea Plena Elegance is very unpretentious: a minimum of effort is required to successfully build up green mass and abundant flowering. However, in order for the plant to remain healthy and productive, some care will still be required (Figure 4).

In order for the vine to remain healthy and productive longer, the following must be considered:

  1. Abundant flowering is possible only if the clematis is well lit by the sun. At the same time, overheating of the soil should not be allowed, therefore it is better to plant a crop on the south or south-west side of the site. Ideally, clematis should grow in an area that receives good sun until noon, and the root circle is in the shade, especially at noon. If it is impossible to choose such a place for planting, plant flowering annuals with a shallow root system, for example, marigolds, on the trunk circle.
  2. Watering clematis should be plentiful and regular. In the presence of natural precipitation, the bush is watered once a week, and in a dry summer - once every three days. At the same time, for optimal moisture saturation, young plants need one bucket of water for irrigation, and adults need 2-3 buckets. In the process of watering, it is important to prevent stagnation of moisture, therefore, during planting, a drainage layer must be equipped in the hole.
  3. Installing a stable and durable support is also a prerequisite for growing decorative vines. To do this, you can install a special structure made of metal or wood next to the bush, or plant clematis next to residential buildings, fences and gazebos. However, it must be remembered that when planting clematis near the house, you need to step back from the edge of the wall by about 40-50 cm so that rainwater, flowing from the roof, does not stagnate at the roots of the plant.
  4. Top dressing is applied several times a season so that the culture receives enough nutrients. In the first year, fertilizers are not applied, since the vine will have enough nutrients introduced into the soil during planting. Later in the spring, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen substances that stimulate the growth of green mass, and during the budding period and after flowering, complex mineral dressings are used for flowering ornamental crops. Before pruning and sheltering clematis for the winter, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers can be applied to the soil.

Figure 4. The duration and intensity of flowering will depend on compliance with the rules of agricultural technology

Do not be upset if in the first one or two years after planting the vine does not look too magnificent and practically does not bloom. Give the plant time to develop its root system. When it becomes sufficiently branched, the plant will develop young shoots very actively and will be covered with numerous buds. To make this happen faster, in the first year after planting, it is recommended to specially cut off the formed buds. This will help give the plant additional strength for the development of the root system and the growth of green mass.


The key step in caring for Clematis Purpurea Plena elegans is autumn pruning creepers (Figure 5).

Note: Since this hybrid belongs to the third pruning group, it is necessary to shorten the shoots quite strongly. This will help stimulate the development of young shoots in the coming season.

The technology for trimming vines is quite simple. In the fall, when the flowering period ends, all shoots, without exception, are shortened to the first true leaf (if you count from ground level). At the same time, it is important to ensure that at least 2-3 buds remain on each pruned shoot, which will give young shoots in the next season.

Figure 5. Pruning and preparing the plant for winter

After pruning is completed, they begin to shelter clematis for the winter. To do this, the base of the plant is sprinkled with dry leaves, and the plant itself is covered with spruce branches or non-woven covering material. In the process of sheltering clematis, the main thing is not to overdo it: this hybrid tolerates frost well, especially in a snowy winter, but high humidity can provoke fungal diseases, and parts of the shoots or roots may simply rot. Therefore, it is better to provide the vine with a light shelter that will not contribute to the formation of condensate.

Because it correct pruning plays a key role in growing a crop, you can see the technology of its implementation in more detail in the video.