How to decorate the arch in the interior of the apartment with your own hands? Photos of decorative arches in the apartment and design tips

  • 27.06.2020

Projects modern apartments often include decorative arches near the walls or in the passages between rooms. Few owners know that with the right and successful design arched design, the interior of the house can be changed beyond recognition. It is this design element that allows you to place bright accents.

Appointment of arches in the interior

All structures perform important functions in interior design. Decorative arches in this sense are no exception. Replacing interior doors with graceful arched passages can make any room more spacious. In large apartments, with the help of arches, you can place spectacular accents in the interior.

So, decorative openings in the interior help to solve the following tasks:

  • Freeing up space in the apartment, expanding the view;
  • Zoning of rooms and at the same time - their visual association;
  • Support for a single style in the design of the apartment.

What shape to choose?

The main design differences of the arches in the apartment are the shape and material. In this section, we will deal with the first of these indicators. What shape of the arch is better to choose for your interior.

Arched openings can be conditionally divided into two types:

Active - designs of complex shape that can become an accent in the interior;

Passive - simple and functional models, most often installed in hallways and interior openings.


The most common variant of the interior opening in construction is the classic arch, in which the upper part is made in the form of a regular semicircular arc. This form is suitable for any interiors and it is quite simple to build it with your own hands.

Rectangular and square

Openings with right angles are another traditional solution for the interior of an apartment. They are suitable for installation in narrow corridors or hallways, where the usual semicircular design will look massive. Rectangular arched openings and niches go well with almost any room design. They look especially good in a laconic interior in the style of a loft, minimalism, hi-tech.


Opening in the style of "modern"by design, they represent half an ellipse located across with a clearly visible transition of a straight line to a rounded area. Such designs look stylish and elegant. They are perfect for the interior of bright rooms in Provencal or nautical style, will look perfect at the entrance to the living room or spacious kitchen.


In strict interiors, openings made in the shape of a trapezoid look good. They fit perfectly into the loft style and maintain the rigor and simplicity of lines in a classic-style living room. It is worth noting that it is not easy to make such an arch with your own hands - it is better to make all the details to order from professional carpenters.


The semi-arch looks like a wide classic arch, divided in half. This design option is quite simple to install and will be an ideal solution for decorating narrow interior aisles. It is worth noting that the semi-arch is not suitable for all interiors, you need to be especially careful when combining it with the design of the rooms.

Unusual shape

When using soft, plastic materials - such as drywall and foam plastic, the arched opening can be given almost any shape. One has only to make sure that this design will not stand out from the overall interior design. Arches of an unusual shape look especially good in spacious rooms.

We choose the material for finishing with our own hands

The material from which the interior arch will be built is also a very important indicator of its durability. When choosing materials for future construction, it is worth considering the strength of the coating, as well as its resistance to the conditions of a particular room. For example, arches in the kitchen should not be deformed by steam and exposed to greasy contamination, and structures that stand near windows should not lose color under direct sunlight.


Arched plasterboard structures are the most common in construction. This material is easy to install and transform. To give drywall the desired shape, the sheet can be bent or cut anywhere. Sheets vary in thickness, so you can choose the option


Interior arches made of wood have high strength and durability. They look very advantageous in classic interiors. However, a wooden arch is not easy to install with your own hands, the lineup such products are also not very diverse. The way out of this situation is the individual manufacture and installation of a wooden opening for the design of the room. Such a design can be ordered in specialized workshops or made by yourself if you have certain skills in working with wood. Designers recommend installing arches from this material in spacious rooms, as wooden crafts always look massive.

brick and stone

Arched openings made of brick look great in trendy interiors in loft and modern style. Depending on the chosen design and texture of this material, they can “age” or “modernize” the design of the entire room. Of course, it does not make sense to use real building bricks - the construction from it will turn out to be too cumbersome. Most often, a special decorative brick in the form of small panels. It can be laid on a gypsum or polystyrene frame, imitating real masonry.

The same recommendations apply to arches using decorative stone. It is worth noting that brick and stone arches look best in spacious hallways, corridors and kitchens. However, if the interior allows, such a design can be placed in other rooms.

Arch decor

The finished arch is best designed in the same style with the rest of the interior of the rooms. This element should not stand out significantly against the background of the overall design of the apartment.

As for the color of the design - it can be matched to the shade of the walls, if the arch does not stand out from common space using doorways (like brick and wooden models). If additional paneling is used, it is worth combining the color of the arch with interior doors and other functional elements of the apartment.

How to independently decorate the arch in the apartment? There are several simple and inexpensive ways:

  • Wallpapering - the most easy way do-it-yourself arch decorations. It is recommended to use the same wallpaper that is used in the design of the entire room. In this case, the arched opening will not stand out from the general space of the interior and will not require additional finishing. If the structure is located in the transition between rooms, it is worth decorating it on both sides;
  • Painting door slopes- Another simple way to design an arched opening with your own hands. It is worth noting that for painting arches made of drywall and foam, you must first level the surface.
  • Decorating with tiles, stone, bricks. This option not only looks great in the corresponding interior, but also allows you to mask all the irregularities that may occur during self erection designs. Brick and stone with an expressive texture will do it especially well.
  • Decoration- painting by hand or using stencils.
  • Installing shelves, changing the design of the arch. Today it is very popular to create decorative and functional shelves and other structures in wide doorways. This option is most applicable to drywall arches and other plastic materials. It is best combined with a rectangular or semi-arch.

Of course professional designers ready to offer more ways arch design than above. However, in this material, we tried to combine those options that can be done with our own hands using economical means.

Using textiles for decoration

When installing arched openings as a replacement for interior doors, the owners often face the question of zoning the premises. How to separate and decorate the entrance to the room if it is an open arch? For these purposes, home textiles are perfect.

It is worth noting that the curtains will be more appropriate when decorating arches of a simple shape - rectangular, semicircular or elliptical. It is better to choose textiles in the color of window curtains or the color of the walls in the room. You should not buy heavy and complex fabric options - two-layer, draped and shiny. Let it be a fairly thick curtain in a single shade.

Light in decoration

Wall arches and drywall niches look most impressive when backlit. It is she who will highlight this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the pieces of furniture standing in this part.

In spacious rooms with high ceilings in the arches, hanging lamps with small shades will look great. This option is suitable for decorating the kitchen and living room, for highlighting functional areas, such as a table, bar counter, sofa or TV.

If illumination is required for interior arch, it may be limited to built-in lamps in a small amount. This option will also look good near mirrors or in combination with glass furniture.

In the gallery of our site you can see photos of arches in the interior of apartments and best ideas their design. Some of these projects were designed by professional craftsmen, others are ordinary people who decide to make repairs with their own hands. Looking at them, you can be sure that with very little effort, you can easily change the look of your home beyond recognition.

Photo gallery

Everyone can decorate this element of the interior with their own hands. The shape of the arched opening is practically not limited by anything other than fantasy, but quite often the owners of apartments during repairs are limited only to painting the plasterboard elements of the arch. Such designs look rather boring, a feeling of incompleteness is created. If the main style of the room is not minimalism, then the arch can be turned into a unique decorative element that emphasizes the integrity of the interior.

Possibilities of decorative arches

With the help of arches you can make small room more spacious, and in a large one to make effective zoning. This architectural element in the apartment performs several functions at once:

  1. Space saving and its visual increase.
  2. Simultaneous functional separation of adjacent rooms and their visual unification.
  3. Creating a certain atmosphere in the house, emphasizing its style.

Types of decorative arches

Most often, arches are made of drywall. Flexible and plastic drywall allows you to quickly create a structure of almost any shape with your own hands. The finished element has high aesthetic characteristics. A drywall arch can be subsequently lined with almost any material, including wood, stone (most successful examples can be seen in the photo).

Arched openings can be conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Active - have a complex shape that provides maximum visibility to neighboring rooms, they themselves can decorate the interior.
  2. Passive - simple in form, often serve as a border.

Advice! It is desirable to determine the shape of the arch even before the repair, as well as its subsequent design.

Simple passive arches include:

  • Classic - with the correct radius of the arc. Optimal for any interior.
  • Ellipsoidal - the arc can be in the form of a regular or irregular oval.
  • Modern - an arc with a pronounced rise.
  • Romance - the arc is cut off at the top, but rounded on the sides.
  • A portal is a rectangular opening.

Complex actives include:

  • Oriental.
  • Lancet.
  • Horseshoe.
  • Trapezoidal, etc.

Such arches can have uneven or curly edges, be located on several levels, twist from one room to another.

Arch decor

The arch is primarily a part of the wall, respectively, when designing it, one should build on the decoration of the latter. The architectural element must harmoniously fit into the interior, be part of it. If there are several arches in the apartment, then they must correspond to the design of the room, be of the same shape or from the same materials.

Advice! The wider the arched opening, the more attention should be paid to its design, color and stylistic matching of adjacent rooms.

Finishing materials

Depending on the style of the room and the arch itself, you should select the material for its design.

Paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster - the simplest version of the design of the arched opening with your own hands. An element decorated with such materials practically does not stand out in the interior. The color of the coating on the walls and the inside of the arch may differ, if this does not contradict the style of the room.

Wood - noble durable material. Most appropriate for interior decoration in a classic style. Ideal for simple designs.

Polyurethane molding - with its help, you can decorate an arch of any shape and style with your own hands: from minimalism to baroque. The opening can be decorated with polyurethane columns, figured or flat moldings, all kinds of rosettes, bas-reliefs - the material has practically no restrictions in shape. Initially, white elements can be painted in any color with acrylic paint.

A rock - natural or artificial. Due to the variety of textures and colors, it can be used to decorate arches. different styles and forms.

Ceramics - tiles or mosaics can cover both the entire arch and its individual parts.

Glass - these can be blocks installed in the entire height of the opening, at different widths, with a ladder. This design of arches in high-tech style looks spectacular. Often there is a design of arched openings using stained glass windows and colored glass, such elements are ideal for modern style.

Decoration of the arch with artificial stone

When decorating arches, artificial stone is widely used. This material is durable and aesthetic, it can imitate any natural analogue, which can be seen in numerous photos in magazines and the Internet. Natural stone, of course, can also be used for cladding, but the arch must be located in the opening of a load-bearing wall or a monolithic partition. Drywall simply cannot withstand such a load, so it is better to use light artificial materials for it. In addition, natural stone is quite expensive.

Advice! For lining arches made of drywall with your own hands, it is better to use light and flexible acrylic tiles. Its surface can imitate the texture of any stone and other materials.

The idea of ​​not installing doors in interior openings is not so new. It is successfully implemented in any room interior, and the advantages of such a solution are well known. Basically, the owners are interested in the question of how to finish the arch in an apartment or private building, and not in the order of its arrangement. There are many options, and therefore you will have to choose an acceptable methodology and materials on your own, taking into account a number of specific points.

It follows from the fact that the decoration of the arch is the final stage of all work. So, you need to analyze the following:

  • What aspect of the finish should be emphasized - whether it is only a decorative component or also a protective function. For conditions high humidity(for example, if the opening to the kitchen) is very relevant.
  • Construction type. rectangular arch and the hemisphere get off differently.
  • What is the purpose of making the opening; it’s just natural to fit it into the interior or design it in an original way, so that it stands out against the general background.
  • What is the arch made of, that is, its materials structural elements. This also influences the choice of surface finishing technology.

Opening design options


  • The simplicity of technology.
  • Low cost. Finishing the arch in this way will be quite cheap.
  • High speed of work.
  • Good maintainability.

  • fragility.
  • A number of restrictions. When designing an arch in an apartment using this technology, two nuances must be taken into account. Firstly, the wallpaper burns out, and therefore if the opening in the wall is pasted over with them, then only where the sun's rays do not fall on it. That is, inside the home, away from the windows. Secondly, it is inappropriate to implement this method finishes near the kitchen, even if the canvases are washable. Constant evaporation, drops of grease, and so on will quickly give the arch a depressing look, and washing it too often is not a pleasant prospect. Moreover, even the most quality wallpaper with intensive "processing" are worn out.

varnish finish

If an arch made of solid wood is placed in the opening, with its good texture - the best option; there is simply no better solution. The only thing you have to think about is how to make the decor. The assortment of varnishes is large - the compositions are transparent and tinted, in different shades. Some fully emphasize all the advantages of wood, others can somewhat offset the existing shortcomings.

In principle, when installing just such arches, you can show the fullness of your imagination. Even a cheap breed is easy to give the look of an expensive tree or transform it. Technology is enough; for example, artificial aging, brushing, bleaching and a number of others. In some cases, it is much easier to paste over the arch with a decorative film that imitates a wooden base. More than a good solution if low-grade lumber was used to finish the opening in order to save money.

Stucco decoration

In everyday life, its imitation is mainly used. In furniture stores and shopping centers, whole panels or curly polyurethane segments are sold to decorate surfaces.

  • Ease of cutting and fastening.
  • Small sample weight.
  • Low cost lining.

Polymer stucco molding is not suitable for every style of room decoration (it is definitely not suitable for a square or rectangular one). But a spherical structure is more difficult to finish in this way. As an option, glue only the conical part of the opening with PU segments, and line the vertical posts with another material. A sense of taste, the ability to think spatially and imagination will tell you how best to organize everything.

Decorative plaster

  • Simple application technology.
  • Huge selection of decor options.
  • The ability to create a relief surface.

  • Low maintainability.
  • The complexity of care.

PVC panels

If the arch has an angular configuration, or the radius of the hemisphere arc is large - one of the simplest and most easily implemented solutions. The specificity of the finish is that it is necessary to mount the crate. And although this is additional work, it has the advantage that it is very easy to place lighting elements in such an arch. In addition, the maintainability of the cladding is at a height; replacement of a damaged panel does not require professionalism and time.


Another original way finishing, but it is not practiced so often. Here, a lot depends on the interior of the room, and therefore consider this design option for the arch as the best design decision do not have to.

A significant drawback of any fabric is that it absorbs odors and moisture. This is the main difficulty of this finishing technique; the decor of the arch is largely determined by the place in the house where it is installed. Therefore, there are limitations in such decoration. For example, at the entrance to the kitchen, the hallway hardly makes sense to trim the arches with fabric. For an apartment typical layout the only option is an opening leading to the living room.

Preparation stage

All technological operations are almost identical; there can be only individual nuances, depending on the chosen decoration technique.

  • Thorough cleaning of the base. It is desirable to align it as much as possible in order to facilitate the finishing process. This mainly concerns doorways in brick or concrete walls. In some cases, special arched structures are not placed in them, but the end parts of the equipped passage and adjacent areas are directly designed. This is typical when facing with artificial stone or panels of arches that have the correct (square or rectangular) configuration.
  • Impregnation with antiseptic and soil treatment. The last remedy "nails" the remaining dust and increases the adhesion of the base. Therefore, when gluing finishing materials, there will be no problems with mud pellets and air bubbles.

Cutting samples

Difficulties arise if it is necessary to cut the slats, which often form vaults, at an angle; otherwise, they cannot be joined so that a large gap does not turn out. The miter box will help out - the simplest device that costs no more than 100 rubles. It must be on hand if some unusual arch is being finished, with a complex configuration.

Color design

There are many recommendations on this point. But if we summarize them all, then basically the trend is as follows - most experts agree that the decoration of the arch should be done taking into account the shade of the wall in which it is placed. To emphasize the completeness, originality of the design is possible only by creating a contrast. Monotony, on the other hand, eliminates all the advantages of such a room design.

opening decoration

In the process of finishing, you should not be limited to only one material. Even the cheapest cladding will change significantly if you use various additional elements in the form of planks, inserts, ribbons (simple, embossed) and the like when decorating an arch in an apartment or house. The overall design of the room will only benefit from this.


It is organized not only for comfort and partial savings of electricity / energy. Spotlights (for example, LED-devices) mounted in the arch are the same elements of its decoration. Properly placed, matched by power, they are able to give a completely different look to the finish in the evening; even the most inexpensive will look spectacular and quite presentable.

The above technologies and materials are not the only ones with which arched openings are beautifully finished. With certain skills, you can create spectacular mosaic compositions, use cork panels, cut logs - the choice of decoration methods is huge.

The design of doorways in the form of an arch is the most popular architectural technique, which has its own characteristics. Its shape and size play a big role in creating a well-planned interior space. The choice of material for manufacturing and decoration - arches are one of important elements design of a house or apartment.


Arches are a way of modeling the architectural space of a room. Structurally, this is an arc or a straight beam, lying on two supports, designed to distribute the load from the overlap of doorways of a special shape.

For the first time, arched structures appear in ancient places of worship. One example of this design is Stonehenge. The third one rests horizontally on top of two granite boulders. This method is used at a later time for the construction of vaults in the temples of Egypt and Greece. Later, architects discover the property of a curved arch to withstand a greater load than a straight one, and begin to use lancet arches in the construction of majestic palazzos in Italy, religious objects in Byzantium. Medieval European architecture creates a Gothic system of arches for the construction of colossal palaces and Catholic churches. In Russia, arches are also widely used in the construction of dome vaults in towers and churches, only their shape is slightly smoother.

Having a centuries-old history of use, arches occupy one of the central places in modern architecture, their shape is constantly modified and changes depending on the required functionality.

Traditionally, the arch is installed in the doorway.

In cottages of a large area, the entrances of several front rooms following one after another are trimmed with arched openings of the same type with the same finish, which creates a suite of rooms, creating a perspective of infinity.

The arched design is especially relevant if the apartment is small. Several small separate rooms are combined with the help of arched openings, refusing to interior doors between hallway, living room and kitchen. The area turns into one large one, and the vaults of the openings separate the entrance area from the recreation area and from the eating area.

In large living rooms, such techniques are used for zoning the interior space. You can separate the dining part of the hall from the place for communication of the household.

In the bedroom, you can separate the bed and a small workplace, in the nursery - a bed and a corner for games.

If it is not possible to refuse doors and the room must be isolated, then an arched doorway is mounted. In this case, a special arch is built, arched doors the same shape or rectangular, the upper part is made of the same material as an insert above the top of the door frame.

This insert is often adorned with interior-style stained glass, which adds sophistication and uniqueness to the home.

Often used decorative types window openings in the form of an arc. It looks especially impressive if the same shape of the arch is in the doorways. To emphasize the style of the interior, they build wall niches of lancet or semicircular shape, repeating the shape entrance groups. Illumination in such a niche creates an atmosphere of depth and mystery. An arched decorative vault over a fireplace or a kitchen set highlights the place of the "hearth" in the house.

Location options

Let us consider in more detail how best to place the arch in the interior of an apartment or house. In serial residential multi-apartment construction, replacing part of the doors with this architectural element makes the room unique.

Design solutions are very diverse, any shape of the entrance opening is allowed, corresponding to the style plan. However, you need to take into account the dimensions of the room. So, if the ceilings are low, then it is better to replace the lancet forms of the ceiling with semicircular ones. The width of the room also determines the size of the arched opening - it can rest on small consoles adjacent to the walls. Then zoning can be fixed with various types of finishes in flooring and walls, or vice versa, a wide arcuate structure can be replaced by a series of narrow vaults based on columns located across the room.

It is worth noting that the arched colonnade is not suitable for all rooms. Only owners of large halls can afford it.

In normal one-room apartment it is better to focus on choosing a modern style solution, while the classic requires a larger area. Modern will be good here. Exotic-shaped vault, behind which will be located intimate area for sleep looks very romantic. In studio rooms, you can create several entrance openings and conditionally separate the kitchen, living room, bedroom.

If several arched structures are used in one room, then they must necessarily duplicate each other in the design. Often, in finishing the floor along the lines of the entrance groups, various finishing materials are combined.

Rejection of traditional doors in favor of arched openings in small apartments saves space, increases usable area, has an aesthetic component, helps to correct layout flaws.

For example, a long corridor decorated with arches makes the space wider and clearer in function. They resort to highlighting the entrance zone with the first vault, the second - a group of public premises - a hall, a living room, a dining room. The third arch will separate the exits to the corridor of the bedrooms, the nursery, the office. If necessary, designate utility and utility rooms.

The best option is the location of the arches in the hallway, between the dining room and kitchen, living room and dining room. But not only vaulted structures are built between rooms, such elements look spectacular in front of a warm balcony or terrace, especially if an unusual shape of the opening contour is used.

Sizes and shapes

There is a huge variety of sizes and shapes of arched structures, which are determined by the planning decision and the architectural features of the house. When arranging this element in panel or monolithic houses, the size will be limited by the width and height of the existing doorway. Changing these dimensions will require an architect's calculation bearing capacity new design for compliance with building safety requirements. You will also have to produce construction works for dismantling with the involvement of special equipment, which will entail additional costs.

Reliability of performance is the main condition for the design of openings. The bearing load from the ceiling is redistributed to the side parts of the space: consoles, columns, piers.

To ensure the reliability of wide openings in the entire width of the room, a frame made of metal profile or solid wood, subjected to special treatment to bend in the right places.

Such openings look good for the functional zoning of one room. For example, in a living room combined with a kitchen, a kitchen set with the necessary appliances is installed on one side of the arch, a dining group is located, and sofas are located on the other side of the arch, Coffee table possibly a fireplace with armchairs.

When making interior transitions, sizes close to standard are used. doorways- For single or double doors.

Modern technologies make it possible to equip sliding or hinged doors almost any opening design, so if necessary, any room or part of it can be isolated. For example, to separate a temporary sleeping place for guests in the hall with the help of a transforming or folding door installed in the arched vault.

The height of the vaulted opening also varies depending on the interior style and functionality.

Classical forms are good in spacious rooms with high ceilings, while for standard apartments it is better to choose modified types of openings.

The overall design of the room will tell you which form of arch to give preference to. For classic interiors or in Provence and Mediterranean styles, semicircular structures are suitable - the so-called Florentine arches. The semicircular element visually increases the height of the room, adds "air". Modern minimalist trends in decoration bring a feeling of lightness and fit well into any interior.

If the height of the opening is insufficient, a segmental shape of the structure is used when the radius of the arch is more than half the width of the doorway. Sometimes the arc can only be slightly rounded, but in this form the space will be visually higher and lighter.

In the dividing zone for the kitchen and dining room or similar premises, wide three-center or pseudo-three-center structures are often used. This is a strongly elongated and slightly rounded (in the second case only at the corners) vault. This shape is close to square or rectangular shape portal, the rigid lines of which correspond to ultra-modern energetic and impetuous trends in design.

Moroccan and Arabic styles correspond to the parabolic type of construction - this is a semicircle, stretching closer to the ceiling.

In interiors made in the design of art deco, art nouveau, an elliptical design would be a good solution.

In non-standard cases, when it is necessary to maintain the stability of the structure, using the window sill or balustrade zone, arches are installed in the form of an incomplete circle with not only the upper, but also the lower part rounded or in the form of a keyhole.

The Art Nouveau style brought smooth lines of arched openings of a floristic orientation into the architecture of apartments in the form of a flower petal or a curved stem, where there are no corners at all.

Decor and decoration

For each shape and purpose of the arched opening, you can choose the appropriate finishing material. The basis of the structure of the vaulted ceiling in large-scale construction projects is building reinforcement made according to the shape of the span. For apartments and private houses, lightweight structures made of metal profiles or wood are provided.

The traditional material for the manufacture of arches is drywall on a metal profile frame. From the sheet, you can cut out any shape of the bend of the arch according to the design project.

It is a material resistant to temperature and humidity.

It does not change its characteristics when exposed to ultraviolet rays, it is strong enough to be used as a basis for stone, tile, and wood decor. Minimalism in the decoration allows simply plastering the plasterboard structure and wallpapering it, as in the rest of the room. In the span of the arch itself, decoration with stucco decorations is used.

A win-win option is painting the color of the ceiling, which will visually expand the space.

Arch openings can be trimmed with wood and decorated with carvings. But we must remember that edging with wood adds heaviness to the interior. Several types of wood in one room are poorly combined. Wood framing requires the installation of interior and front door with interior decoration from the same wood or veneer, and the furniture in the rooms adjacent to the arch is made from the same types of wood.

Budget replacement for arches from natural wood or veneer steel construction from polymer materials with various surface textures different breeds wood, stone, brick. A nice addition to the affordable price is the ease of maintenance and practicality of such a finish.

Arches from chipboard and fiberboard can be issued by many decorative coatings They are inexpensive and have good performance.

One of the most common solutions for finishing a wall opening is an arch. She was present in interior design for a very long time, and initially had a semicircular shape. However, with the development modern technologies and the appearance of new materials, the appearance of the arches has changed.

Arched room interior

Large wide arch in the interior

arch room design

The construction of an arch can carry many functions, purposes and opportunities.

  • AT small room the arch is able to visually increase the space (if you replace the door with it, the room will seem larger).
  • A large space can be divided into zones, which will add coziness and eliminate the feeling of emptiness (dividing into a zone for eating and cooking, the transition between the corridor and the living room is popular).
  • It can carry a stylistic component that will give the apartment a certain direction (often there is an imitation of an arch that performs only an aesthetic function).

Interior corridor with arch

Beautiful arch in the interior

Types of decorative arches

All arches are divided into the following types:

  1. Active arches are mainly designed in such a way that they provide a wide view of adjacent rooms, can significantly transform the interior and are made in a complex form.
  2. Passive - have a simple form and act as a boundary between rooms.

Active arches include:

  • oriental;
  • horseshoe;
  • lancet;
  • trapezoidal;
  • keeled;
  • semicircular.

Stone arch in the interior

Arch in the interior

interior design with arch

Passive arches are simpler and are divided into the following types:

  • classic style - characterized by the correct radius of the arc;
  • elliptical - the arc is made in the form of an oval;
  • modern - differs in an arc with a characteristic rise;
  • romance - the arc is cut off from above, and rounded on the sides;
  • portal - the shape of an arch in the form of a rectangle.

What determines the shape of the arch

Before proceeding with the choice of an arch, it is worth understanding what its shape depends on and what type will be relevant in a particular interior.

  1. Door dimensions and ceiling height - active arches can only be installed in a large room.
  2. The purpose of the room - plays an important role, since the tasks assigned to the arch will depend on this.
  3. The stylistic decoration of the room - the arched opening should be in harmony with the overall interior.

Wide beautiful arch in the interior of the kitchen

Bright room with an arch

Finishing materials

Arches in the apartment are made of various materials, depending on the condition and style.

  1. Stone is the most common material used in the construction of an opening. An arc of a certain shape is laid out, which is difficult to do with your own hands. Requires subsequent decoration.
  2. Wood is a practical and convenient solution. Can be used various breeds wood, which will significantly affect the overall cost.
  3. Drywall is very convenient, since you can give the arch any shape, it is easy to install, a fairly inexpensive option.
  4. Polyurethane - similar in properties to plastic, resistant to moisture. Easy to assemble and beautifully designed.
  5. Chipboard, fiberboard - the cheapest method of erecting a structure, at the same time quite simple and looks great.

Large arch in the interior

Wide arch in the interior

arch room design

Decoration of the arch with artificial stone

Arch decoration with artificial stone is popular. Many will say that natural is better, but there are a number of advantages of synthetic material.

  • It consists of natural ingredients and does not contain any chemical elements or impurities.
  • It is strong enough, looks beautiful and will last no less than natural.
  • It weighs three times less and is easily used in arched structures of any strength.
  • It has small price, easy to transport and can be bought at any hardware store or market.
  • Can repeat the shape and texture of natural stones.
  • Caring for it does not require much effort.
  • Easily mounted on any arched openings.
  • Resistant to moisture, temperature changes, corrosion and fungus.
  • Arch decoration artificial stones matches almost any style in the apartment.

Arch in the interior

Arched room interior

Tile and stone

A bright and memorable solution in the decoration of the arch will be the use of a combination of sandstone and acrylic tiles. For example, the outer sides facing the premises are lined with sandstone, and the opening itself is tiled. There is a technique of laid out mosaic tiles, which gives originality and uniqueness to the style. Using a combination of sandstone and tile looks great and is great for creating decorative designs.

Arch in the interior

Living room design with arch

Beautiful arch in the interior

Decorative panels and moldings

Common materials for lining the arch are panels and stucco.

  • MDF panels and overlays are perfect for the classic style.
  • The use of such elements creates a visual imitation of wood, which is very important in modern design.
  • Such panels are mounted with glue and nails without caps.
  • Initially, it is necessary to frame the inner space of the arch, and only after that install the panels.
  • This process is similar to installing a door frame.
  • Stucco decoration is a common decor technique, as it is quite simple.
  • It is attached with liquid nails or glue.
  • Ideal for hotel or antique style buildings.

Large arch in the interior

Wall arch in the interior

An affordable and inexpensive way to decorate an arch is wallpapering

A financially affordable option for decorating an arch is wallpapering. Currently, there are a huge number of different textured and painted wallpapers. One has only to choose the necessary sample, which will harmoniously look and be combined with the style of the room. A simple and quick method of decorating an opening.

During pasting, certain rules should be followed:

  • first, the outer side of the arch is glued with a small margin;
  • the remaining pieces must be wrapped inside;
  • the third stage is pasting the wallpaper in the inside of the arch.

Despite the cheapness and simplicity, this decor has its drawbacks. Since the wallpaper can quickly rub or tear, so it is better to have a roll in stock.

Arch in the interior

Light room design with arch

arch room design

Framing the arched opening with wooden lining

A time-consuming and expensive decoration of an arched opening will be framing with wooden overlays. Firstly, the tree is not cheap, and secondly, the required elements will have to be ordered, which is also an expensive pleasure. Despite this, this method is quite popular, since wooden linings give classic style and look very impressive.

We decorate the arch in the apartment with our own hands: decor ideas

Making an arch in an apartment with your own hands is quite simple if you have all the required materials, desire and the necessary knowledge. The most common decoration methods are:

  • sandstone decoration with tiles - you will need a little skill and imagination;
  • pasting with wallpaper and fabric is the easiest and cheapest way;
  • decor using curtains is possible;
  • just carry out the installation of finished stucco moldings and overlays;
  • the fastest will be the usual painting or the use of textured putty.

Arch in the interior of the corridor

Arched room interior

The use of arched openings in the interior is quite common. The use of inexpensive and practical materials in the design of the arch in the apartment allows you to create the required design with your own hands, which will become a hallmark of your interior. You can create your own, original and unique design, which will last more than one year.