Methods for obtaining conical surfaces. Big encyclopedia of oil and gas

  • 24.07.2018

Methods for obtaining conical surfaces on a lathe

On a lathe, the processing of conical surfaces is carried out by one of the following ways:

a) turning the upper part of the caliper;

b) transverse displacement of the tailstock body;

c) using a conical ruler;

d) using a wide cutter.

Machining of conical surfaces by turning the upper part of the caliper

This cycle automatically detects flat areas on the workpiece. It works with concentric, line or pencil. Complements the path of the line perfectly, using the rowing cycle to handle flat surfaces that are flat and flat with flat surfaces. This cycle removes residual material on flat surfaces from a larger tool.

Turntable work. It also provides a realistic simulation of the operation of rotary axes and collision detection. Multi-fuel milling allows the machining sides to rotate and thus mill on a new face in one operation. The index command allows you to enter a new direction for a page or work plane. So you can use turntables or dividers.

When manufacturing on a lathe short outer and inner conical surfaces with a large angle of inclination, it is necessary to rotate the upper part of the support relative to the axis of the machine at an angle α of the inclination of the cone. With this method of operation, the feed can only be done by hand, by rotating the handle of the lead screw of the upper part of the caliper, and only the most modern lathes have a mechanical feed of the upper part of the caliper.

It allows you to use all the features of 2-4 axis lathes. During grooving, tool insert damage often occurs. There are four cycles for grooving. Provides the ability to use three strategies for removing material: sequentially, from the center or alternately with the possibility of gradual introduction of the knife. Machining does not follow a single path through the entire profile, but is divided into two separate sections. Longitudinal Coarse - Removes material by rowing with the next tool insertion at the end of each pass or starting cutting from one side at any given time. Advanced - for use after the previous cycle. He performs one profile treatment in four stages. Automatically recognizes the defining processing order of the side and bottom elements.

  • coarse cycle.
  • Cycle after profile - recommended after the previous cycle.
  • They start from the side walls of the groove and meet at the bottom.
Two heads can be processed simultaneously in three modes.

Processing of conical surfaces by the method of transverse displacement of the tailstock body

To obtain a conical surface on a lathe, it is necessary, when the workpiece is rotated, to move the top of the cutter not parallel, but at some angle to the axis of the centers. This angle must be equal to the angle α of the cone slope. The easiest way to get the angle between the center axis and the feed direction is to shift the center line by moving the back center laterally. By displacement rear center towards the cutter (towards oneself), as a result of turning, a cone is obtained, in which the larger base is directed towards the headstock; when the rear center is shifted in the opposite direction, i.e. from the cutter (away from you), the larger base of the cone will be on the side of the tailstock

  • Use of ready-to-use 4-axis cycles.
  • Using all standard 2-axis cycles.
  • At the same time on spindle and counter spindle.
In the first case, the programmer can use two coarse cycles: rotation and mirroring, where the processing profile is specified. The tool path is created on both sides of the spindle axis with automatic advancement of tool movements and differences in path depths in the individual heads.

The second type of machining allows the use of two-axis cycles. Geometry is specified, for example, at the top of the head, and after the path is generated, head sync is enabled and processing at the bottom of the head is defined. In the cutting sequence, both heads have a separate representation, which greatly enhances the clarity of a particular process. The simulation module allows you to move both heads at the same time with synchronization.

. Machining tapered surfaces using a tapered ruler

For the processing of conical surfaces with a slope angle of up to 10-12 °, modern lathes usually have a special device called a cone ruler. A scheme for processing a cone using a cone ruler is given.

A plate 11 is attached to the machine frame, on which tapered ruler 9. The ruler can be rotated around the pin 8 at the required angle a to the axis of the workpiece. To fix the ruler in the required position, two bolts 4 and 10 are used. The slider 7 slides freely along the ruler, which is connected to the lower transverse part 12 of the caliper with the help of a rod 5 and a clamp 6. In order for this part of the caliper to slide freely along the guides, it is disconnected from the carriage 3 , unscrewing the transverse screw or disconnecting its nut from the caliper.

The multi-spindle structure of the machine greatly reduces the processing time, and sometimes allows complete production in one operation. Integration of anti-splash control commands with other turning tasks greatly simplifies the programming process. The temporary spindle machining line and the line against the spindle make it easy to check the paths. Possibility of simple and flexible programming of counter-rotating harnesses, speed synchronization and homing. Simultaneous simulation of spindle and spindle. Animation of blanks and removal of blanks on the bumper.

  • Integrated commands for setting up the kinematics and the machine.
  • You can select a spindle by clicking the mouse.
  • Machining instructions are clearly displayed in the browser window for each spindle.
  • Head synchronization, spindle control and priority.
  • The ability to transfer synchronization positions sometimes shortens the time.
This processing makes it possible to use all cycles lathe and the milling cycles described before.

If you inform the carriage of the longitudinal feed, then the slider 7, captured by the rod 5, will begin to move along the line 9. Since the slider is fastened to the cross slide of the caliper, they, together with the cutter, will move parallel to the line 9. Due to this, the cutter will process a conical surface with a slope angle , equal to the angle α of rotation of the cone ruler.

Flat, which allows 2.5 axial milling cycles, such as pockets, text processing, or holes on the face of the cylinder, and rotational surface processing, which allows, for example, pockets, texts, and holes on the rotating surface of the roll. Production milling module.

Easy Path Creation makes it easy to control the operation window, including text and image hints. An intuitive interface will guide you through the processing process. This is the perfect solution for inexperienced or novice developers. Each cycle offers the best technology for complete toolpath control. High performance is achieved both when processing rib files and in individual flat elements and surfaces. Recent design trends have required complex processing of any geometric shapes in the production process.

After each pass, the cutter is set to the cutting depth using the handle 1 of the upper part 2 of the caliper. This part of the caliper must be rotated 90° relative to its normal position, i.e., as shown in fig. 209.

Machining of conical surfaces with a wide cutter

The processing of conical surfaces (external and internal) with a small cone length can be carried out with a wide cutter with a lead angle corresponding to the angle α of the cone slope (Fig. 210). The feed of the cutter can be longitudinal and transverse.

Previously, these requirements were limited and used only in certain environments such as mold processing, punching, or prototyping. Now it works just as efficiently as batch processing. The intelligent use of appropriate strategies enhances the quality of processing, optimizes time and increases tool life.

Non-contact processing provides both input and output connections. Multi-axis and multi-plane machining. Uses advanced multi-axis processing. This allows for efficient use of optional 4-axis rotary, indexed and 5-axis continuous machining. Turning provides a wide range of functionality for a wide range of machine tools, including 2-way lathes, multi-head lathes, counter lathes, and mill-turn centers.


§ 49. Methods for processing conical surfaces.

Education conical surface on the workpiece can be carried out on a turret lathe with wide cutters. A wide cutter is mounted on a transverse or turret support so that its cutting edge is at an angle of cone slope to the axis of rotation of the part.

This gives complete integrity and associativity of the processing process. Supports planning, drilling and drilling from control cycles. Converting the toolpath to the shape of the insert and pre-machined material reduces depth and unnecessary cutting in the air. Allows you to improve performance as a result correct use plate shape during processing. Normal rotation - used when processing the internal and outer surface products. The whole process is controlled by the ability to read key data from a graphic monitor. The possibility of obtaining spherical, conical and cylindrical surfaces. . As part of the proposal for machining we also provide wide grinding service.

It is possible to process the outer and inner conical surfaces of the part by cutting with a wide cutter with a cutting edge width not exceeding 10-15 mm. Wider blades may cause vibration. These vibrations are the stronger, the greater the length of the part, the smaller its diameter and the angle of the cone, and the farther the cone is located from the machine chuck. The occurrence of vibrations is also possible in the case when the cutter overhang is large or the cutter is not fixed firmly enough.

This is an activity that is used to process hardened and finished metal objects, as well as to clean a small amount of material from objects such as rolled, forged and cast. For this purpose, we use modern machines such as.

The next step is soaking at this temperature and cooling in air, water or oil.

  • Grinding grinding wheels are grinding.
  • We have 3 types of annealing: normalize, normalize and full.
  • Quenching - Hardened steel is heated to a level below AC.
  • We distinguish 3 types of hardening - low, medium and high.
Our services are also related to the field of automation and electronics. A comprehensive offer from design to execution to machine start-up is a support for the technological development of many companies and enterprises.

To reduce the distortion of the generatrix of the conical surface and reduce the deviation of the taper angle, it is necessary to install the cutter with the cutting edge strictly along the axis of rotation of the part.

When turning external conical surfaces, ordinary through-cutting cutters can be used, and when machining internal conical surfaces, boring cutters can be used. The slope angle of the cone on the workpiece surface is formed by moving the cutter along the copy ruler, with which the cutter is connected through a transverse or turret support (Fig. 87).

Our knowledge and experience guarantees us the ability to offer our customers the following services in the field of mechanical engineering and automation. laser cutting- relatively new method material processing. It consists in directing a laser beam at the workpiece by a computer. This allows you to cut even the most complex elements. In addition, the laser beam used does not contaminate as quickly as a traditional blade, making every movement as precise as possible, and ultimately the entire edge of the cut material is smooth and without any imperfections.

Rice. 87. 1 - cross support with fixture, 2 - copier roller, 3 - revolver support with copier ruler, 4 - workpiece

Tapered holes can be machined with a countersink and then with a taper reamer if a more accurate hole is required. If it is necessary to obtain a conical hole in a solid material, then the hole is pre-drilled with a drill 0.5 mm less than the smaller diameter of the cone, and then a countersink is used. To reduce metal removal with a countersink, sometimes a hole is made with stepped drills of different diameters.

All this ultimately leads to really high precision and cutting quality. Laser cutting can be done by melting, burning and sublimation. Regardless of the method used, the same cutting process is performed each time, consisting of three stages: start of the cut, correct cutting and cutting. Of course, the second step, of course, is that the two-point energy is transferred to the material emitted by the laser.

Laser cutting is used not only for metalworking, but also for cutting glass, plastic and wood. High cutting quality High cutting accuracy High cutting speed Low noise Full automation smooth surface and edges after cutting high cleanliness cleanliness material savings high cutting flexibility cutting ability even very small components cutting ability of very complex shapes.

We specialize in professional welding of structural carbon and alloy steels, as well as aluminium.