Rosa grace description. Use in the garden

  • 16.06.2019

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What are the little roses called? miniature varieties roses: overview and care features

September 25, 2018

What is the name of the small roses, whose homeland is considered to be China? They are called border, dwarf, miniature, Chinese, mini-roses, multi-flowered. Thanks to small sizes they are widely used for hedges and rock gardens, as well as in pot culture, when decorating balconies, verandas.

The history of the origin of the miniature rose

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a Bengal rose of a dwarf form was brought from China for the first time to Europe. In 1918, Dr. Roulette brought her to Bulgaria from Switzerland and gave her the name, consonant with her own name - Rosa Rouletti. It is she who is the first of this group of roses. In the future, thanks to the work of breeders from different countries the number of species has been constantly increasing. New varieties of small roses, which began to be bred indoors, were bred in the late seventies. Some types of these flowers can be grown at home.

general information

small spray roses in beauty they are not inferior to other species. Their distinctive feature is an evergreen bush about forty centimeters high. However, there are also lower plants - up to 25 cm. Small dark green leaves are shiny or matte and cover the entire stem. Miniature terry or ordinary flowers of various shades are collected in inflorescences or single.

In some varieties, the diameter of the flower reaches five centimeters. Many have a pleasant aroma. These lovely plants able to delight with flowers until frost. However, there are varieties that bloom once every two months. All plants are resistant to pests and are not afraid of cold weather.

Little roses. Variety names

These flowers are popular with gardeners, lovers of indoor plants, as well as landscape designers. For open ground It is preferable to use the following varieties:

Miniature varieties of roses for growing in flower pots:

  • Little Lamming Min - yellow double flowers are collected in inflorescences, pointed buds. Dark green leathery leaves.
  • Daniela - bush about 15 cm high, blooms all year round disease resistant.
  • Green Ice Min - slightly spreading bushes, abundant flowering. Fragrant flowers from white to pale green in color are collected in small inflorescences. Propagated by cuttings.
  • Orange Juvel - a compact, rapidly growing bush with a height of no more than 30 cm has very beautiful densely doubled large flowers salmon orange.

Grade Macarena

Rosa Macarena is a small and rather dense bush with dark green leaves. This plant is particularly resistant to high temperatures, which distinguishes it from other varieties. Up to ten fragrant flowers are found on each stem, reaching a diameter of 5 cm. Initially, the petals are rich yellow or pastel pink, and then the color becomes paler.

Spray rose Lydia

Rose Lydia belongs to the group of spray roses, unpretentious. Grows on its own roots, easily cuttings. This is a small bush up to 70 cm high and about 45 cm wide - during the period of abundant flowering it hides behind small flowers with the following color palette:

  • creamy pink;
  • raspberry;
  • rich pink.

The buds are very beautiful and consist of about forty petals. In the inflorescence, which is called splashes, there are about fifteen flowers. Rosa Lydia belongs to frost-resistant varieties. It looks very impressive in the garden in groups of up to five bushes.

How to care for a rose in September?

AT autumn period the development of buds, stem and metabolic processes in the plant slows down. However, this is not enough, and flowers need to be helped to survive cold winter. Rose care in September involves the following activities:

  • obligatory weeding of the soil;
  • stop loosening between the bushes and cut flowers;
  • shoots that continue to grow are pinched;
  • watering is reduced;
  • delete lower leaves, wilted flowers and unopened buds, i.e., pruning;
  • spud bush;
  • paint the trunk using garden paint;
  • dry the ground under the bushes if it is excessively moist;
  • fertilize the soil with potash and phosphate fertilizers.

Small roses: how to care for at home?

For breeding flowers at home, varieties of own-rooted roses are most suitable, the height of which is about 25 cm.

These plants at home require careful care, it involves the following activities:

  • Place the flower on the south or east side, providing fresh and humid air. For short sunny days, use fluorescent lamps. Dry air causes spider mite.
  • Plant the plant in a large container, at the bottom of which put drainage. So that the root system does not overheat, it is preferable to use a container of light colors.
  • You can prepare the soil yourself by taking the ingredients - clay, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 2 or buy ready-made for roses.
  • Do not destroy the earthen ball during transplantation.
  • Water with plenty of settled water as the soil dries.
  • Spray twice a day with a spray bottle.
  • Every fourteen days the plant should be fed. And during the period of the appearance of buds - once every seven days.
  • withered flowers cut along with the stem by 3-5 cm.
  • For the winter flower pot take out to a cool place where the temperature is not more than 12 degrees. Watering and fertilizing during this period is not carried out.

How to care for small roses in the garden?

Care involves the following manipulations:

Advantages of miniature flowers

What are the little roses called? Spray is a self-sustaining group of roses that currently has over five thousand varieties. Among the advantages are:

  • Dense crown, consisting of shiny small leaves.
  • Compact inflorescences, which are collected from three to fifteen flowers.
  • delicate scent, abundant flowering and various shades - white, purple, red, orange, green and others.
  • In some varieties, the color changes as the flower blooms.
  • Many flowers with double petals.
  • Resistant to fungal diseases and pests.
  • Easily propagated by cuttings.

Differences from other species

What are the little roses called? They are called a reduced copy of full-sized plants. And since they were bred by crossing with ordinary flowers, they have features inherent in all groups of roses.

The main difference is the miniaturization of the flowers. In this regard, the possibility of growing them at home increases, despite the fact that the rose is not houseplant.


In the article, we looked at the names of small roses. Gardeners call them a real treasure, thanks to their beauty and grace. They can rightfully be called leaders among fresh flowers used in decor. Among them there are plants that have an amazing shade of flowers - green, blue. And spray roses combine all the most best qualities florinbund with the charm of miniature - endurance, unpretentiousness, long and abundant flowering.

Probably, there is not a single gardener who does not have at least a couple of rose bushes on his site. The variety of varieties bred to date is simply amazing. Incredible work is carried out daily by breeders from different countries and continents. And all this so that we can enjoy the beauty and aroma of these truly divine flowers. Today we will look at the Grace rose variety - such a gentle and mysterious representative of the flower world. We will tell you in detail about the process of its cultivation and note all the advantages of this variety.

Breeding history

Rose variety "Grace" was bred at the end of the twentieth century. The main breeder who has made every effort to develop this incredibly beautiful variety of roses is David Austin. Rose "Grace" was obtained by crossing varieties such as Damascus, French and hybrid tea.

Description of the rose "Grace"

From this flower it seems to breathe warmth and tenderness. Soft, slightly sweet aroma attracts and intoxicates. A special place is occupied by the rose "Grace" in the encyclopedia of roses, as a stunningly beautiful English rose variety, which is distinguished by the most delicate flowers of apricot color. The petals are lighter on the edges and darken towards the center of the flower. At the beginning of flowering, "Grace" takes a cupped shape, after which the bud opens and the petals form a beautiful, even rosette. By the end of flowering, the petals turn slightly outward, which gives the flower a special charm. The size of the flower varies from eight to ten centimeters in diameter. On one stem, most often blooms from three to five flowers. The branched, healthy bush shown in the photo of the rose "Grace" reaches a diameter of about a meter. It grows to a height of a meter, and sometimes one and a half. The abundant annual flowering of the rose "Grace" captivates every gardener who wants to decorate his garden with flowers of incredible beauty.

Care and cultivation

There are no special instructions for planting roses of this variety. It is enough to follow the standard rules applicable to any variety. The most suitable type of soil is loamy, with a high content of humus. You can plant a rose "Grace" both in autumn and in spring. If you have chosen the autumn time for planting, then it is best to do this in late September or early October. In this case, the rose will have time to take root well and at the same time will not go into active growth. Planting in the spring begins as soon as the snow melts - approximately in April.

Be sure to feed the bush with organic fertilizers, because thanks to the special bacteria included in their composition, the rose will receive not only important chemical elements but easily digestible minerals. Only four fertilizers are enough, the last of which is produced at the end of August.

The most abundant watering is done during the period of ripening and bud break. Another rather serious watering must be carried out after the first flowering. Closer to autumn, try to water the bush less often, as this is fraught with the appearance of new shoots that will not withstand frost. It is best to water the bush with settled water and right under the base. In dry weather, it is necessary to water the rose twice a week, under more favorable conditions, once is enough.

Shelter plants for the winter should be made only when the first frost appears. To begin with, a strong frame is constructed from wood or metal, which is then covered with several layers of dense material. For additional insulation you can use roofing material or a special film for thermal insulation. It is also necessary to open roses in spring very carefully and gradually, since spring weather is quite unpredictable. First, leave the bush under one layer of material so that the first shoots do not begin to grow. Indeed, with any sharp change in the weather in the cold direction, they can simply die.

The great advantage of the rose "Grace" is its resistance to frequent heavy rains, which is very important if you live in the middle lane.

disease resistance

Despite the fact that the rose is a rather delicate and whimsical plant, the Grace variety is almost completely resistant to powdery mildew and black spot. And this cannot but rejoice! After all, having planted such a rose in your garden or on suburban area, you do not have to devote much time to care for her. And this means that you can admire it even longer!

Rosa hybrid tea "Grace" (Grace)

One of the recognized and beautiful varieties roses - grade "Grace" (Grace). This rose has a wonderful peach colour with petals highlighted at the edges. Bending back, they make the flower itself convex. Plant height 100-120 cm. Width 100-120 cm. Flowers 8-10 cm in diameter, densely double, apricot color, darker in the middle, paler towards the edges. Magnificent in all respects garden plant. A wonderful, warm and sensual scent.

An excellent grade "Grace" (Grace) with pure apricot flowers - darker in the center, paler at the edges. Forms a good, branched strong bush, variety "Grace" (Grace) is healthy, blooms profusely again. This rose has a wonderful peach color with petals highlighted towards the edges. Bending back, they make the flower itself convex. "Grace" compared to other varieties has an unusual flower shape, with pointed petals, which makes it look like a dahlia flower. With all this, this variety has a delicate smell of a real peach. Fast growing rose. Flowering is continuous, in clusters of 3 - 7 flowers. Flowers tolerate rain well while maintaining their flower shape. The plant is resistant to diseases, resistance to rust and black spot is especially important. Healthy, heavily saturated with green leafy mass, the plant is covered with peach flowers all season long - an indescribable sight.

Rose Grace was named so by one famous florist David Austin. He considered that the Amazing Grace rose has many positive characteristics and deserves to be his hallmark. This rose is a park rose, David Austin, of course, did not stop only at Grace, since then he has bred many others, no less interesting varieties flowering plants.

The history of the creation of the rose Grace

When breeding the Grace rose variety, David Austin put a lot of effort and patience. The breeder bred it by crossing three varieties of flowers, namely:

  1. Damascus variety.
  2. French look.

Austin, at a young age, began to breed flowers, he really liked them, their beauty, elegance, originality. Every year he replenished the collections of gardeners with new varieties, unknown until that time.

However, everything was not as good as it seems at first glance. Austin flowers, like many others, in addition to advantages, had disadvantages, which consisted in the dull color of the plant, weak aromaticity, rapid flowering, etc.

Therefore, years later, the breeder got excited about the idea of ​​​​creating a flower that, in terms of characteristics, is not similar to any previously bred. His work was not in vain, David nevertheless brought out such a variety, and now many gardeners can boast of it on their plots. They have not only long and abundant flowering, but also divine aromaticity and bright, rich colors and shades.

Bush rose Grace (Grace David Austin) - description

Grace is a tea-hybrid variety of roses, which is now distributed almost everywhere. In addition, is best representative varieties of apostas. It has a beautiful shape, good health, abundant flowering, a pleasant and unforgettable aroma, as well as bright and saturated colors. In general, this seedling has everything that a gardener can only dream of.

Grace's color is apricot with an admixture of a light shade, and the middle is slightly darker than the petals. The bud is shaped like egg, to the touch it is quite dense, painted in red-yellow color. Only at the beginning of its formation does it have a cup-like shape. Each flower contains up to 90 petals, in the center of which are stamens.

The plant grows in the form of a shrub, the height of which is about 1 meter. This flower is very resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot. In winter, it tolerates frosts down to -20 degrees, in more severe climates the plant needs shelter.

Flowering is repeated, repeated after a short pause. The seedlings were introduced into cultivation 17 years ago, they were given the name in the Auskeppy catalog.

Some gardeners compare this flower with dahlias, yes, indeed, according to appearance they are very similar. When the bud opens, the edges of the flowers bend outward, they grow up to 7 centimeters. Most often, inflorescences are collected in brushes, in which there can be up to 5 of them.

And, besides this, Grace's aromaticity resembles the smell of hybrid tea varieties. Flowering begins with the onset of the first warm days, in colder areas it begins to bloom a couple of weeks later. The bush grows to almost 2 meters in width, its branches are powerful, arched. And the leaves of the seedling are shiny, green.

Use in the garden

Many of Austin's flowers, like Grace's, are planted in the garden for decoration. personal plot, giving it unusual look. Some decorate arches, building walls, gazebos. More experienced professionals often take seedlings as material when working in landscape design.

english rose Grace can decorate not only a flower garden or a small flower bed, but also a larger area, such as a city park. And how delightfully live fences made of plants look, such beauty cannot be expressed in words, and those who have ever seen it will remain impressed for a long time. Even if the site does not allow the cultivation of some varieties, then even a beginner will find a small area for the queen of flowers, and she, in turn, will thank her with her beauty and aroma.

The English rose GRACE is named so because D. Austin chose such a name for a bright representative of English roses as a symbol. In his opinion, the GRACE rose shows everything bright characteristics his roses and should become their calling card.
Rosa GRACE is an excellent representative of ostine roses. And the flower, and flowering, and health, and form, and aroma - all this is at its best with this variety. The flower is painted in the most delicate shades of apricot color. The middle is slightly darker than the outer edge. Bud - ovoid, reddish-yellow, dense. At the beginning, its shape is cup-shaped. However, a fully opened flower is a rosette consisting of 41-90 petals. In the center is a barely visible button of stamens.

Rose GRACE. Characteristics.

Group - English roses
Subgroup - English leander hybrids
The main form is a bush
Height - from 90 cm
Bush diameter - from 90 cm
Powdery mildew resistance - high
Black spot resistance - high
Cold resistance - up to -20 ⁰С
Flower color - apricot shades
Flowering type - repeating
Aroma - medium intensity
Breeder - D. Austin
Catalog name - Auskeppy
Year of introduction to culture - 2001


The flower of the English rose GRACE looks like dahlia flowers. Rose petals curl outward. The average diameter is 7 cm. 3-5 flowers can bloom in a small brush. There may be 2-3 clear long waves of flowering per season. In warm regions, the flowering of GRACE rose begins at the end of spring (in cold regions 2-3 weeks later) and continues until the onset of cold weather. The aroma is delicate, reminiscent of tea roses.
Rosa GRACE is a branchy plant and during maturation forms an oval bush, and it can be larger in width (and 1.8 m) than in height (1.2 m). The branches are strong, arched, almost without thorns. The foliage of the English rose GRACE is large, semi-shiny, in light green shades, dense.

You can grow the English rose GRACE in bush and standard form, in open and closed ground. Container volume - from 60 liters. Rose GRACE is suitable for creating various flower-leaf arrangements and bouquets.