Rosa william morris encyclopedia of roses. William Morris

  • 16.06.2019

Rose lovers have long been familiar with a group of plants called "English roses". From the point of view of botanists, it does not exist, it is rather a term not scientific, but consumer, folk. English roses successfully combined the classic forms and aroma of old European varieties with such achievements of modern breeders as disease resistance, remontant flowering, richness of colors.

Our present heroine, Rose William Morris, is a typical representative of this interesting group. It's worth getting to know this beauty!

The history of the variety

The flower was bred in 1987 in the famous British nursery of David Charles Austin "David Austin Roses".

Interesting! As a matter of fact, in this nursery the concept of "English rose" appeared; even now this group in Europe is often called "Austin Roses" (Austin Roses).

Our variety was presented at the exhibition in 1998 by the son of the master, David Austin Ross. It is known that roses "Abraham Darby" and "Seedling" took part in the creation of the variety. Initially, before being presented at the exhibition, the resulting flower had the registration name "AUSwil", which is often used to this day.

And the “main” name appeared as a sign of gratitude to the famous British designer, writer, art theorist, who laid the foundations of the so-called “ English style»To William Morris, who lived in the 19th century.

Appearance description

Bush features

Looks like powerful beautiful bush with arched long shoots, with an average height of about one and a half meters. The width of the plant is slightly smaller, but always close to a meter. The foliage is dense, but the leaves themselves are relatively small, matte, with a characteristic grayish-green "veil".

The variety is characterized by a strong growth of individual shoots that stand out from the total mass. Being too high, deprived of the support of their neighbors, they bend back to the ground. To prevent this from happening, they need to be shortened in time or tied to a support. In general, this variety is often initially considered as climbing rose, in which case it is sold under the name "William Morris Climbing".

Description of flowers

Just like others English roses, the shape of the flower is strict, cup-shaped, highly symmetrical. The doubleness is strongly pronounced, the petals are usually at least 40, and the diameter varies within 10-12 cm. The color is characterized as apricot or mother-of-pearl pink, slightly lightens with time. The aroma is strong, pleasant, with notes reminiscent of high-quality tea.

Flowering is long, remontant, lasting almost until the first light frost. With proper care, there are a lot of flowers on the bush, "William Morris" conquers with its abundant beauty!

Features of agricultural technology

Care is no different from that which is necessary for all English roses. In general, the variety is resistant to diseases, with the exception of rust. Frost resistance is high, according to the Ministry of Agriculture USA (USDA) can be grown in zones 6 to 9. The weak point is the tendency of the buds to rot under the condition of prolonged rainy weather. However, given the huge number of them, even this does not spoil the overall impression.

Flowering - remontant;

Bush height - from 120 to 150 cm;

Flower diameter - up to 10 cm;

Resistance to disease and frost - high;

The aroma is pronounced.

The variety is deservedly highly appreciated for its abundant flowering delightful in color and aroma, well filled with petals of rosette-shaped flowers. Delicate apricot with a mother-of-pearl pink tint, they pleasantly smell like a freshly opened pack of expensive Chinese tea ...

Variety William Maurice belongs to a relatively new group of English roses - Leander, whose varieties suggest a combination of an old flower shape with modern look foliage and bush, are distinguished by confident repeated flowering, growth vigor and health. Thus, William Morris forms a rather powerful, "fountain-shaped" bush with arcuate shoots. Part of the shoots "shoot" more powerful and tall, and then the gardener must decide whether to leave the bush like this, cutting them, trying to save general form or create a retaining support, which is preferable. By the way, on the arch this variety can be grown as a small climbing rose.

Regarding disease resistance, William Maurice usually does not cause problems, however, in dense plantings and dampness, black spotting is possible, which is rather an exception.

But as for the susceptibility of the buds to such weather, there may be disappointments here - it happens that the buds rot without even opening, but since the rose is constantly in buds, these losses are not so significant. In any case, in the conditions of most regions of Ukraine, this deficiency does not manifest itself so critically as to refuse to grow it.

“I didn’t refuse this rose even under pain of execution. Once again I will say, this is a magic rose, a rose with which the elves are friends. It is enough to look at her blooming flower once, inhale her aroma and you are gone. If you are a romantic, it is for you, the rest is secondary, ”one of the participants in the well-known forum Russian Floristic Collection spoke about this variety. Thank you for such beautiful words! The same participant paid attention to the stability of the variety, writing the following about it: “Yes, the first year the flowers were capricious, but our climate is more humid. I can check varieties for resistance to precipitation, and so, this variety is gaining strength and power every year. As for wintering and disease resistance, I have no problems.”

This wonderful variety is named after an English artist, fabric and furniture designer, writer, art theorist, and also a public figure and publisher. William Maurice took on everything with enviable enthusiasm and approached with an individual approach. He played a big role in creating a home style, now called "English". Talent and personality made Maurice's style recognizable, and he himself can rightly be called the first English interior designer. By the way, on the ornaments of his first wallpaper, which William Maurice invented in 1862, he skillfully captured in his drawings roses from a bush growing in his own garden.

The variety itself was isolated in 1987 from a seedling obtained with the participation of the variety. Introduced in 1998. It has registration names AUStir, AUSwill and numbered name N/75/88.

Lafazan N. D., 2016.

Rose William Morris has a soft pink color with peach hues. The height of the bush is usually about 120-150 cm. The width is about 90 cm, it happens more but quite rarely. Disease resistance of William Morris roses: practically does not get sick.

Description: William Morris roses

Tall beautiful arched shrub with shiny foliage. Flowers of a beautiful luminous apricot Pink colour, in the form of a socket. Very winter-hardy and reliable variety, ideal for the background of the border, because. better than most other roses stand up to the competition. The flowers are strongly fragrant. Excellent repeat bloom, especially for a scrub of this size. Disease resistant. (AUS) A relatively new English cultivar that can be used to judge the success of this group of roses. The shape of the flowers has become even more perfect, repeated flowering is more confident, and the foliage is more resistant to diseases. The William Morris cultivar has densely double cup-shaped flowers of a very delicate, watercolor color, which is a combination of apricot and pale pink tones. They smell wonderful. The bush is fast-growing, erect, branching, and the branches gracefully droop to the sides. The leaves are matte, gray-green, resistant to disease. This rose can be grown on a support (requires tying). In this case, the variety is sold under the name William Morris Climbing. (VER)

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the RoseWilliam Morris (William Morris)

the Rose William Morris perfect for a border backdrop as it holds up better than most other roses.

flowers: densely double cup-shaped flowers of a very delicate, watercolor color - a mixture of apricot and pale pink tones. Flower diameter - 8-10 cm. Rose William Morris has a strong aroma.

Bloom: excellent re-flowering. the Rose William Morris forms a tall beautiful upright, branching bush, with branches gracefully drooping to the sides. Foliage is matte, grey-green, disease resistant. Rose William Morris very winter-hardy and reliable variety.

Reviews of the rose William Morris from the site

tata555: “A wonderful rose, clever and beautiful. Bloomed in the 2016 season very abundantly. Holds up well to light rain. The flower keeps more than 7 days. The rose is strong, grows quickly, even after very heavy pruning. The bush requires a garter or support, as branches break under the abundance of flowers. I recommend this variety to everyone. The rose has a very pleasant fragrance.

secretland: “Rose is just gorgeous! And the color, and the smell, and the shape of the flower. So I put her and Abraham Darby on the archway. I want exactly these roses on the arch. I had to transplant them from their old places. But they deserve to be given the most best places and then inhale their beautiful fragrance.”

roselover: "Beloved. My very first and best ostinka. Lives with me for the sixth year. The three-year-old withstood the move and transplant. I forgive her instability to rain, drooping heads, susceptibility to emergency. Her smell is divine (in the morning), the flowers are huge, mother-of-pearl. It is well cut, feels normal on the north side of the house. In cold weather, the petals are covered with red dots. Very happy with this rose.

William Morris

main characteristics of a rose

pale pink with peach hues

number of flowers per stem

flower size

sixth zone


to powdery mildew


to black spot

Rain resistance



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rose photo William Morris

When flower growers think - they say, should we not swing at our William, - they immediately have a dilemma. For the famous English breeder David Austin brought out two practically equivalent varieties, one of which bears the name of William Shakespeare, and the other - another William, but Morris. Those who opt for the latter will not lose, because it is in the highest degree wonderful plant, which has a number of undeniable advantages.

Varietal description

Breeder David Austin, specializing in the development of new varieties of roses, which, originating from old English varieties, would meet modern requirements, in 1998 received a kind of plant. He named it after the famous English poet, artist and designer of the 19th century William (William) Morris.

And the rose is really amazing. A powerful bush, reaching a height of one and a half, or even two meters, with spreading branches, graceful matte leaves and chic flowers, is able to take a dominant position in any flower garden.

Did you know? Rose oil is more expensive than platinum and gold. It takes three tons of rose petals to produce just one liter of this oil.

Therefore, it is usually planted in the background or near garden pavilions or arbors.

The bush grows quickly, is winter-hardy, resistant to diseases, withstands long rains well. However, in order not to suffer from gusts of wind, it requires a garter of branches.

The main wealth of this plant, of course, flowers. They are large - about 10 cm in diameter, consist of many petals, the number of which on average exceeds forty, and can reach hundreds of pieces.

The petals in the center of the flower have a delicate apricot-pink color scheme, which almost turns into White color. Flowers exude a strong and extremely pleasant aroma, which is dominated by notes of tea smell. Connoisseurs note that this variety, among other English ones, has the aroma of flowers among the best.


  1. You can plant a plant in the spring, before the buds begin to bloom, or in the fall, after flowering has ended.
  2. The place should be chosen in such a way that the sun's rays should fall on the plant for a maximum of five hours a day, since this rose does not tolerate an abundance of sunlight.
  3. For planting, it is necessary to dig a hole half a meter in length, width and height.
  4. A little fertile garden soil should be mixed in equal proportions with humus and poured into a hole, then pour a bucket of water into it and wait at least twenty hours.
  5. Immediately before planting, it is useful to dip the roots of the seedling in a solution that stimulates growth.
  6. It is necessary to plant a bush in such a way that, firstly, the roots fit into the dug hole as a whole, without bending upwards, and, secondly, the grafting site on the seedling should be at a depth of at least 7 cm.
  7. The planted plant should be watered abundantly until the soil is completely saturated with moisture. After a couple of days, watering should be repeated.

Video: features of planting roses


Experts recommend choosing a place for planting a plant where other roses have not grown before. If this is not possible, then the soil should be completely changed to a depth of at least half a meter. When planting, it is desirable to use rotted horse manure as a fertilizer, which does not absorb nitrogen.

If the soil is too light, clay should be added to it to help retain water.


In addition to choosing a not very sunny place for planting, you should also think about the fact that these roses belong to a climbing variety and can reach a height of one and a half to two meters. That is, their dense and tall bushes have increased windage and can suffer from strong gusts of wind.
Therefore, they usually choose places for them that partly protect the plant from drafts and, in addition, allow tying up long branches. These can be places near the fence, verandas or gazebos.

It is also important that these flowers do not tolerate flooding in the spring. melt waters and prefer to have the ground around them covered with snow in winter. Therefore, again, it is useful to plant them near buildings, as well as near the fence.


This variety of English roses, despite the fact that its homeland is accustomed to rain, is not very picky about soil moisture. Therefore, the plant should be watered only when upper layer the soil will dry out three centimeters deep.

In the optimal evening time, up to 15 liters of water should be poured under an adult climbing variety. Younger plants require correspondingly slightly smaller volumes.


Caring for this variety, which consists of feeding, pruning and preparing for winter, is not very difficult, but still requires compliance with some specific rules.

top dressing

In the second year after the rose has been planted, it already needs top dressing from fertilizers. The operation is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the plant is saturated with nitrogen-containing substances that stimulate the appearance of fresh shoots.
  2. When buds begin to develop on the bush, phosphate fertilizers are added to nitrogen fertilizers.
  3. With the onset of autumn, the plant is transferred to a potassium "diet", which will allow it to survive the winter cold without loss.


The operation to remove everything superfluous from the bush is carried out both in spring and autumn. First of all, all dried up, too thin, frail and obviously unviable shoots and branches are eliminated.
And then tactics are determined to put everything in order. In the case of the William Morris rose, which belongs to the climbing varieties, it is customary to shorten the shoots by a fifth of their original length.

Important! After pruning, experts recommend that you feed the plant with complex fertilizers.


Although the rose "William Morris" is considered winter-hardy and is not afraid of cold weather down to -10 ° C, in our area, where it is rare, but still much stronger frosts occur, this plant needs more serious preparation for winter than in its homeland.

Conducting proper and regular feeding, which mobilizes the plant's defenses, is in itself a successful preparation for winter. However, in order for the rose to be able to survive without loss very coldy more effective measures are needed.

Video: pruning and sheltering roses for the winter

But first you should let the plant itself finish its summer business. That is, the remaining flowers should bloom on their own on the branches and then crumble to the ground, and not be plucked by a person. This helps the shoots to mature as much as possible.

Then the bush should be well spud. Since this rose is climbing variety, then its branches, although shortened by a fifth of their length after autumn pruning, however, remained long.