Park roses: photo with names, planting and care. Park rose planting and care in the open field Canadian and English park roses photo Propagation of a park rose

  • 13.06.2019

park roses- this is a cultivated dog rose, and even old garden varieties, included in this group, were once very long ago derived from it. This origin explains their unpretentiousness, amazing durability and abundant flowering. Even the fruits of most of them look decorative, decorate the bush and attract birds, therefore, on plants that do not require shelter for the winter, they are allowed to ripen after flowering. A tall upright or semi-climbing rose with an abundance of double flowers adorns the park both in single and group plantings. The same park roses are often planted on the plots by summer residents, attracted not only by beauty, but also by ease of care.

Varieties and varieties

Park roses are planted on the lawn, in a cozy corner of the garden, on flower beds or formed from them. hedge. In addition to domestic varieties, Canadian varieties are widely used for their amazing winter hardiness and the fact that their preparation for winter is minimal. they shelter for the winter, but planting and caring for them do not require too much effort and time, which also contributes to popularity.

Grows well in middle lane variety "Abelzieds". Its very thorny tall bushes rise up to 2 m, in early summer they are covered with a large number of pale pink, slightly double flowers with a delicate aroma. Parsla with white flowers is often planted as a hedge, its flowers are collected in small inflorescences of 3 to 5 pieces. On slopes, the fast-growing 'Blanc Double de Coubert' bushes can be planted to strengthen the soil. White flowers against the background of dark green leaves look very elegant, the rose is frost-resistant and unpretentious. Domestic breeders continue to work, trying to create not only beautiful, but also resistant to temperature extremes, and especially to severe frosts, varieties.

Canadian varieties are famous for their indifference to high and low temperatures, they grow well in our conditions.

Bright red fragrant roses "Alexander MacKenzie" with a diameter of 5 - 8 cm are collected in brushes on shoots with large thorns. The bush itself grows up to 2 m high and up to 1.5 m wide.

Flowers "Alexander MacKenzie" blooming, change color from lemon to pale cream, the diameter of a fully blossomed flower reaches 9 cm. From one to 8 delicate fragrant flowers can bloom on its velvet stems. "Alexander MacKenzie" is not afraid of frosts of -40 degrees, is resistant to many traditional diseases, its bush grows straight up, and then the shoots at a height of more than 2 meters bend in an arc. Sufficiently large flowers (with a diameter of up to 10 cm) are collected in inflorescences of 15 pieces, bright pink buds turn pale as they bloom and fully blossomed double rose already pale pink with a creamy center. Large snow-white terry flowers with carved petals of the Parsley variety look unusual, the bush grows up to 2 meters tall. And the red ones with inward-curving Quadra rose petals are reminiscent of peonies.

Video “Landing in the ground”

From the video you will learn how to plant this type of roses in open ground.

Landing and care

Roses are planted in spring until mid-May or in autumn so that the bush takes root in a new place before frost. autumn planting it is preferable if wintering is easy, the plant will not suffer, then in spring it will grow more actively than planted in April - May. For park roses, care is especially caring in the first three years, at which time you need to think about how to cut to form a bush, how to cover for the winter to save young plant. Then an adult plant does not require such a strong wrapping, and pruning is limited to sanitary, and sometimes rejuvenating is carried out, cutting out old 5-year-old shoots.

The soil should be slightly acidic, loose, nutritious. If it is clayey on the site, then it is worth adding peat, sand, compost or humus before planting. In excessively sandy soil, in addition to compost and humus, soddy or simply clay is introduced. Park roses prefer a sunny location, but can grow in partial shade, which will reduce the number of flowers. It is better to grow them in open light lawns or in places protected from drafts. This place should not be stagnant water, and ground water should approach the surface no closer than 1.5 - 1.8 m.

A hole for a bush needs to be dug deep so that all the roots can straighten freely, they should not be allowed to bend or bend, the root neck is deepened by 5–10 cm. After planting, the bush is watered abundantly, the ground around is mulched with peat or straw crumbs. The first 2 - 3 years, roses are not pruned, only in the second half of summer you can pinch or shorten the young shoots a little so that they are not in a hurry to gain length, but have time to ripen before winter.

This type of rose tolerates drought better than an abundance of moisture. Bushes need to be watered rarely, but plentifully - up to 1.5 buckets once every 10 - 12 days.

If you water often and little by little, many small roots grow under the very surface of the earth. They will not make the plant strong, they can freeze in winter. But rare abundant watering contributes to the formation of long strong roots that can seek nutrients at a depth of up to 1.5 m. Such roots are not afraid of winter frosts or lack of moisture, even if you get a poor shelter for park roses for the winter, and the shoots freeze or dry the plant will still survive - new shoots will grow from healthy roots. You need to water under the bush so that water does not fall on the leaves or flowers.

It is necessary to weed and loosen the ground around the bushes as often as possible, plucked weeds must be removed immediately, in no case should they be left near the bushes.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Park roses respond well to the introduction of humus by watering with a solution of slurry. Such fertilizer is carried out in the spring, at this time it is desirable to apply special fertilizer complexes for roses, since they need a portion of iron, magnesium, boron. By the end of summer, it is worth giving the roots nutrition containing potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Once or twice (August and September), a bucket of water is poured under the bushes with superphosphate (15 g) and potassium monophosphate (16 g) dissolved in it. In autumn, before the onset of a dormant period, it is recommended to make compost, which will warm in winter and feed in spring.

Top dressing is carried out after watering or simultaneously with it. Then it is desirable to loosen the ground under the bushes and mulch.

How they breed

Almost all varieties are propagated by layering, dividing the bush, root offspring, cuttings. It is easy to get layering - you need to dig in a young flexible shoot, shade and water this place, by autumn it will take root, and in spring next year it can be cut off from the mother bush and planted separately.

In early spring or in autumn, after flowering, the bushes are divided with a pruner or a very sharp knife into parts, each of which will contain roots and shoots. Places of cuts are treated with charcoal, and parts of the bush are planted separately, as it should be for independent plants. In early spring, you can separate the one-year-old offspring with a root and also plant it separately.

In autumn, you can cut cuttings from semi-lignified shoots or during flowering (preferably in the first half of summer), take green ones with 3-4 buds, root them in one of their possible ways. On the cuttings, you can put an extra shoot cut off in the fall. In the spring they are planted in the ground.

Diseases and pests

Park roses can get powdery mildew, especially in humid summers or if grown in the shade. It's very annoying fungal disease can destroy the entire bush (as well as infect other plants). First, a barely noticeable gray bloom appears on the back of the leaf, then it covers all the leaves and shoots, if allowed. In case of illness, the affected parts of the plant are destroyed, and the entire bush and surrounding plants are treated with a soda-soap solution or Topaz, Skor, Fitosporin preparations. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed with iron sulfate in spring, and in the summer you can use a solution of salt, sulfur and quicklime.

The right place, bushes that are not too densely overgrown, and just a careful periodic inspection of plants will help you grow beautiful flowers and not meet with the troubles that diseases and pests cause.

Video “Proper Care”

From the video you will learn how to properly care for these plants.

Roses are one of the most common and most beautiful flowers. Among them, park varieties stand out, growing into rather voluminous and long bushes. Therefore, they are suitable for decoration. summer cottages. Today there are many varieties of roses that do not require special knowledge and experience to care for them.

This article provides detailed information about the park rose: planting and care, types, features, etc.

General information

It is park roses that are more often used when decorating large summer cottages and park areas. Almost all varieties are frost-resistant, and their flowering occurs for quite a long time. Even in case of frostbite bush cold winter new young shoots appear from the root in spring, and the bush grows again.

Park roses (photo can be seen in the article) of modern varieties bloom in the first half of summer, earlier than other groups, and bloom profusely for more than a month.

This group of roses includes old garden roses, which were cultivated with decorative wild roses (alba and rose-rugosa), and more modern hybrids, which are winter-hardy varieties of selections from Canada and America.

It should be noted that there is some information that in the 19th century varieties of French, Damascus and centipedal roses were planted in Russian gardens. And most of them overwintered perfectly under a large snow cover without shelter.

Today there are remontant varieties- flowering twice a season.


General short description garden roses are as follows: it is densely leafy and beautiful flowering shrubs, reaching a height of 150 centimeters, sometimes 200. The group deserved this name for its magnificent landscape appearance. Under favorable conditions, these plants form luxuriantly. flowering bushes well fruiting.

They are usually planted in groups, in combination with other plants or singly. In general, they are beautifully flowering shrubs, not inferior to mock orange or lilac. And in autumn, these bushes are attractive due to the bright colorful color of the leaves and numerous ripened fruits.

Flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm have quite a lot of shades, and each has its own uniqueness and beauty. There are flowers of white, red, pink, purple, orange and yellow color. Bushes of this group begin to bloom 2-3 weeks earlier than other groups of roses. Most varieties have beautiful lush double flowers. The leaves have a light gray coating.

Plant features

What are garden roses? The generally accepted concept for such a concept (“park roses”) is not, but this does not prevent them from being quite widespread among lovers of growing these flowers. This name is taken conditionally to highlight the most diverse types of roses that have common features.

This group includes most of the old garden and species roses, which are cultivated wild roses. It turns out that this includes wild ornamental species, their cultivated forms, various hybrids and varieties. Park roses, like all types of plants growing in natural conditions, are unpretentious and winter hardy. Many of them winter quietly without shelter, while the rest for wintering simply need to be carefully bent down and put on the ground.

Most of the park species are profusely flowering powerful bushes, which is why they are classified as spray roses. They look great both alone and in a group. And in autumn they are no less elegant.

rose varieties

There are wonderful varieties of park roses, the flowers of which are double (up to 150 petals). Today, many breeders are developing new varieties that combine the advantages of both wild roses and old ones. garden roses with benefits modern varieties. Particularly interesting in this regard are the roses of David Austin (an English breeder), who created the so-called english roses, which today also belong to the park group.

Also popular in this group are Canadian roses, which were obtained as a result of research government programs of breeders in Canada. The main goal is to receive ornamental varieties for areas with harsh climatic conditions. These varieties, heterogeneous in origin, include hybrids of roses-rugosa and roses of Cordes, the most common in this country.

Below are photos with the names of park roses of some representatives of this group.

rose white

This plant is the ancestor of the most hardy and beautiful varieties.

Among them, the Maidens Blush variety stands out - a dense bush with wrinkled foliage. The flowers are spherical, fragrant, terry, painted in pale pink. The bush blooms profusely, winter hardiness is high. Shoots have burgundy color.

rose multiflora

It is a shrub - a plant with long curly branches strewn with paired thorns. The flowers are painted in pink and white tones, have no smell. The fruits are red, small, spherical in shape. Possesses a bush lush bloom especially in sunny places.

To soils, like many species from the group, it is not demanding. It looks very decorative during the period of snow-white flowering and in autumn, when the bushes are strewn with red fruits that remain on them until next year.

Canadian park rose

It is these Canadian roses that are the most common among flower lovers. This shrub is relatively unpretentious to care for, it does not require pruning for the winter and safely tolerates severe winter frosts (down to -45 degrees) without much shelter.

The rose loves a bright place, any soil is suitable for it. Growing these flowers is very easy. An important advantage is the easy transfer of both low and high temperatures. Growing Canadian park roses is also possible in the shade, but it cannot be ruled out that direct sunlight will not damage the flower in any way.

Canadian roses are perfect for growing in almost all areas of Russia due to the fairly wide temperature range that this flower tolerates quite comfortably. The flowering of the Canadian rose occurs twice, and the second time it is more modest. But when the faded shoots are removed, the shrub looks beautiful with numerous fruits ripened on it.

Surprisingly, these roses are almost devoid of any flaws, with the exception of minor trifling troubles, but this happens quite rarely.

  1. Explorer roses look good as a hedge. The plant can beautifully wrap around any structure, hiding it. This allows it to be planted near fences, arbors and other buildings. It has a pleasant pronounced aroma.
  2. Parkland roses are a beautifully shaped flower that is very different from other species. The non-braiding trunk of the bush allows it to be planted in the middle of the plot. The disadvantage of this type is the lack of aroma.

English park rose

This rose can be bush and weaving. Its buds are distinguished by terry petals and a pleasant sweet smell. And this plant is easy to care for. It grows well both in the light and in a relatively dark place. Also, humidity and soil quality do not play a role.

The minus of the plant is susceptibility to damage by various pests. We have to treat them with the appropriate chemicals in order to avoid trouble. It is inherent in the plant and relatively less resistant to frost. Therefore, for the winter, this rose is better to cover with something.

The most popular variety is Abraham Darby, famous for its great endurance and rather strong aroma. Its large and rough petals are colored orange (in the middle) with a yellow border around the edges.

The roots of this park rose are formed within three years, and therefore weeds should be constantly removed around the plant, and the soil should be loosened. In dry times, the plant should be watered abundantly at least four times a week.

The main difference is the doubleness of the flowers. One flower has up to 100 petals.

The most common varieties of the group

All presented varieties are characterized by beauty and unpretentiousness in care.

Conditions necessary for growing

For the favorable development of roses of this group, it is necessary to choose a sunny, free and well-ventilated place before planting. They adapt to partial shade, but flowering in this case will not be so plentiful. They should not be planted near large trees.

Any soil is suitable for them, but the best option is medium-heavy clay soil with a high content of humus.

Planting process

Planting a park rose covers several stages of events and has some subtleties:

  1. Choose a place with moderately moist loamy soil, given that roses do not tolerate waterlogging.
  2. Planting is done either in huge bushes or singly. Often used in combination with other colors.
  3. plant a plant better in autumn, just before winter, because the roots in this case develop better.
  4. When planting, seedlings of park roses should be placed at a distance of 150 centimeters from each other. And when planning to create a hedge, you need to plant within 50-100 cm between the bushes, and the distance between the rows should be 70 cm.
  5. A prerequisite is the use of organic fertilizers. Also, the aerial part of the bush must be cut off, leaving 1/3 of the length of the shoots, and the grafting site should remain above the soil at a height of 10 cm.
  6. It is necessary to hill the bush up to 25 cm in height, and when spring comes, the soil should be leveled. Then mulch the soil with crumbs with straw and peat.

rose care

The subsequent care of park roses in the process of plant growth consists in loosening the soil, in fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (3-4 times per season). Also in May-June, it is recommended to spray the bush 2-3 times with a growth stimulator (sodium humate solution) to form side shoots. With the onset of autumn, rotted manure can be patched into the soil under the bushes.

It is especially important to properly care for roses in the first three years, when the formation of the main stems of the bush and the development of the root system take place. From the third year in the spring, formative pruning of bushes and removal of diseased, weakened and growing shoots inside the bush should begin.

Roses in landscape design

The very word "park" in the title speaks for itself. These roses are good for parks or spacious landscaped gardens. The landscape appearance of these plants suggests their appropriate use in landscaping household plots.

They are great both in groups and singly, both in borders and in hedges. Smaller gardens can be adorned with these roses as a backdrop and a great backdrop for other garden plants.

Shrubs, or park rose, in landscape design it is used quite often, due to the relative ease of planting this type of ornamental crop, as well as the absence of difficulties in caring for the bushes. In addition, the plant is quite easy to propagate, but most often in the conditions of backyard floriculture, propagation by cuttings with planting is used. planting material in the spring for rooting directly in open ground.

The best varieties

In accordance with international botanical terminology, the category of park roses includes species, hybrid forms and varieties of cultivated wild roses. The name of this prefabricated group is derived from external data and appropriate use in landscape design.

Experienced flower growers know that the name modern park rose is sometimes used when describing a scrub, and all varieties assigned to this group are combined by the possibility of being used in conditions of vertical and horizontal gardening.
Variety Description of the bush Bloom Varietal features
"Aisha" Upright and highly resistant plant up to two meters high with bright green foliage Golden yellow flowers, with numerous double stamens Recommended for northwest and northern Sweden flower growers for growing in group and solitary plantings
Annelies Upright shrub with light green stained glossy foliage Terry-type flowers, rosette-shaped, pale pink, fragrant, collected in pyramidal inflorescences It is used as a low climbing ornamental crop, and also grown as a cut variety.
"Bonica-82" The bush is branchy and quite spreading, of sufficient vigor, with beautiful, dark green glossy foliage. Abundant flowering, large tassels, consisting of terry-type cupped pale pink flowers The variety belongs to the category of continuously flowering and is perfect for single and group plantings, as well as cultivation in a mixborder.
"Ballerina" The height of the plant does not exceed one and a half meters, hardy and resistant to diseases, with bright green foliage and a few large thorns. Flowers with soft pink petals, bright yellow stamens and darker edging, fading to white color A highly disease-resistant variety that can be used in solitary plantings, and also looks great as a perennial addition or in hedges.
Castella Powerful, strong and well-developed shoots up to one and a half meters high, with very abundant foliage Dark red color, not dense terry, large flowers, collected in large inflorescences German scrub for creating single and mixed groups and border decoration
Elmshorn An upright type shrub with a moderate number of spines and slightly drooping shoots, covered with abundant, light green, shiny, slightly wrinkled foliage. Thick pink, unstable coloring, pompom-shaped, small size, terry type, with a weak aroma, collected in inflorescences German highly resistant scrub with repeat and very abundant flowering, suitable for group plantings and creating a flowering hedge
"Miss Dior" A very neat looking plant with dark green, healthy and attractive foliage. Flowers of pale apricot color, large in size, terry type, collected in a brush, in the form of a neat rosette with yellow stamens Continuously blooming plant with weather-resistant flowers, virtually immune to powdery mildew and black spot
"Eifelzauber" The plant is powerful, quite vigorous, with strong and well-developed shoots, and dark green, medium-sized, glossy leaves. Pastel-pink flowers, densely double type, with a very pronounced, slightly sweet, with hints of spice aroma Reblooming, very popular German scrub resistant to precipitation, as well as virtually unaffected by powdery mildew and black spot
"Tibet Rose" Attractive, highly ornamental plant no more than one and a half meters high with glossy foliage Golden yellow color, semi-double flowers with wavy petals and a very pronounced aroma hybrid tea rose Repeat blooming, highly disease and weather resistant scrub
Triade Compact type, upright shrub with dense, dense and glossy foliage Racemes of light red, semi-double, cup-shaped flowers with bright yellow stamens Abundant and re-blooming shrub of German selection with good resistance to powdery mildew and blotch

Landing in open ground

Park roses can be planted both in spring and autumn, but most domestic amateur flower growers prefer spring planting of decorative culture in a permanent place.

Technology for planting roses in a permanent place:

  • before planting, it is recommended to soak the lower part of the rose seedling in water with the addition of a growth stimulant;
  • for growing scrub, it is best to select the southern part of the site, protected from strong winds and drafts;
  • the soil of the prepared flower garden should be loamy, with a neutral pH or slight acidity;
  • the soil on the site for growing ornamental crops must be thoroughly cleaned of weeds and debris;

  • about two weeks before planting rose seedlings, the soil must be carefully dug up and fertilized at the rate of a kilogram of rotted manure or compost per plant;
  • when pre-planting digging of light soils, it is recommended to add a small amount of wood ash.

Planting holes should have a depth corresponding to the length of the root system of the planted plant. In the central part, an elevation can be formed from fertile soil, which will allow the most even distribution of the roots of the plant over the planting hole. It is desirable to deepen the vaccination site by no more than 5–6 cm. After planting, be sure to carry out abundant watering with topping up the soil. If necessary, light hilling and shading from the scorching sun is carried out.

How to plant a rose (video)

How to grow scars

Caring for scrubs is not particularly difficult. It is enough to carry out all the activities necessary to preserve the health of the ornamental culture and its abundant, long flowering:

  • rose bushes prefer fairly moist, but not waterlogged soil, so the frequency of watering, depending on weather conditions, should be about one to two times a week;
  • for irrigation measures, warm and settled water is used at the rate of ten to fifteen liters per adult plant;
  • ornamental culture should be watered in the early morning or in the evening, when the sun's rays are not able to cause burns on the aerial part of the culture;

  • after watering, a shallow but thorough loosening of the soil is mandatory, which facilitates the flow of air to the root system rose bush;
  • humus or high-quality compost is considered the best fertilizer, mulching with which contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the growth and development of roses and reduces the number of irrigation measures;
  • mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers are preferred in the spring, before the start of active vegetation and at the stage of bud formation;
  • in the summer, it is recommended to give preference to phosphorus-potassium top dressing, which stimulates flowering well.

How to use roses in landscape design (video)

It is very important to remember that the thoughtless use of fertilizers often causes the formation a large number vegetative mass, so organic matter for feeding should not be used annually, but strictly after a year.

Features of flowering and pruning

Pruning of the plant should be carried out in accordance with the rules for the formation of ornamental culture and in a timely manner. The main pruning is carried out in the spring and consists in removing dead branches and thinning out part of the shoots in order to stimulate flowering. Cut the stems at an angle of 45 with a sharp and clean pruner. Diseased shoots are cut to a healthy area, and thinned branches should be cut 5-6 mm above the bud. On grafted roses, it may be necessary to carry out periodic removal of wild root shoots to ground level.

Breeding rules

Scars are propagated by cuttings. Important to remember that for cutting high-quality cuttings, annual semi-lignified shoots are used, as well as flowering or "blind" stems that do not have flowers. Unsuitable for propagation are young, herbaceous type, as well as "fatty" and too lignified shoots. You can root the cuttings in water or nutrient soil, after which they are planted in a permanent place.

Roses: landscape tricks (video)

Park roses can be planted in single and group plantings, as well as used to create free-growing hedges or in a border design. In almost all regions of our country, highly decorative shrubs are able to winter without high-quality shelter or with the use of light shelter.

Park roses - such a name is firmly entrenched in cultivated wild roses - their types, forms and varieties. There are several independent groups of park roses: rose hips proper, among which - famous rose wrinkled, old garden (park) roses, as well as modern breeding hybrids.

Abundant flowering begins in late May - early June, 2-3 weeks earlier than all other roses, and lasts more than 1 month. The color of the flowers varies from white to dark purple, sometimes orange and yellow. Planting and caring for park roses is notable for its simplicity, since these plants are not whimsical or demanding.

Breeders have achieved excellent results, and modern hybrids are no less spectacular than polyanthus or floribunda, they grow well, are easy to care for and are strewn with fragrant flowers of varying degrees of doubleness for 1.5-2 months. And for wealth colors they have long approached hybrid tea roses.

Canadian park roses

Canadian park rose.

Canadian park roses were invented specifically for the masses of people, since their care is minimal, and therefore, accordingly, they are easy to grow. They do not require pruning, are extremely winter-hardy, tolerate weather conditions such as heat and severe frosts well.

From the very beginning, this "novelty" among park varieties was conceived by Canadian scientists to endure the harsh winter that is characteristic of their climate. This variety can survive in temperatures as low as -35°C, even as low as -45°C.

Canadian roses look great not only in compositions, but in separate bushes. You can plant them almost anywhere. They bloom in two waves, while the second wave, as usual, is less plentiful. Some do not remove faded shoots, as a result of which the bushes are strewn with numerous fruits, which also looks quite decorative in autumn.

Below are the varieties of Canadian park roses.

English park roses

English garden rose.

English park roses are different shapes: bushy and climbing. The exclusivity of this type lies in a strongly double flower (more than 100 petals) and a wide range of aromas. They are distinguished by exquisite falling branches, covered with dense buds, similar to pom-poms. They are planted both in partial shade and in the sun.

Caring for these roses is not difficult, but not as easy as for their Canadian relatives. Among the disadvantages of this type is the susceptibility to diseases and pests, the average resistance to frost. For the winter, English park roses must be covered.

Planting park roses

Where is the best place to plant? The principles of site selection and planting for all park roses are the same, especially since they are drought-resistant and undemanding to soils. Most species are photophilous, grow well on moderately moist loamy soils, and do not tolerate waterlogging. They are used for planting in groups or singly in parks and gardens, for decorating fences, walls, combined plantings with other shrubs and ornamental plants.

These plants look good both in groups and singly.

Single-flowering roses predominate among park roses; in recent years, varieties of remontant multi-flowering roses have been bred. Due to the fact that many varieties are bred on the basis of hardy wild rose hips, they bloom profusely with minimal care. Such roses are undemanding to the conditions of planting and growing, do not require complex agricultural technology.

Landing. It should be noted that those planted in the fall, before the arrival of the first frosts (until mid-October), the bushes of park roses will have time to take root, and therefore they will develop better and outstrip those plants of this class that were planted in the spring. Plants are placed at a distance of 1.5 m from each other according to the scheme 3.0 x 1.5 m. When creating a high hedge, planting density in rows is 50-100 cm, between rows - 50-70 cm.

Before planting, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. The aerial part is cut off, leaving no more than 1/3 of the length of the shoots. The planting hole should be large enough so that the roots lie down (do not bend upwards), and the grafting site (root collar) is 5-10 cm below the soil. After planting, the roses are spudded to a height of 25 cm. In the spring, the soil is leveled. The soil under the bushes and between them is mulched with peat, straw chips.

Caring for park roses

Due to the unpretentiousness of this group of roses, they require minimal care. They practically do not require warming for the winter or manage with light shelter even in regions with a rather harsh climate.

In the spring, full mineral fertilizer is applied in liquid form (required after abundant watering). Top dressing is carried out one year after planting. Watering is required from spring to mid-summer, carried out early in the morning or in the evening in the absence of rain, no more than 2-3 times a week, but plentifully, the soil should be deeply moistened, frequent surface watering is not recommended.

The main thing in care is the annual formative pruning.

Water under the root, avoiding splashes on the leaves and flowers. In late summer - early autumn, roses are not watered so that late young shoots do not grow. Moderate watering is required only during a drought in September, more often in the southern regions. These plants are resistant to diseases that affect other types of roses, and are rarely attacked by pests.

The main thing in caring for park roses is an annual small formative pruning. The fact is that their flowers are formed on old lignified branches (in remontants - and on young shoots). Therefore, the more main branches, the richer the flowering.

Over time, the bushes grow and lose decorative look. Then carry out anti-aging pruning. The oldest, 3-5-year-old stems are cut off at the base in autumn, most of the small shoots are removed, all non-flowering branches. Slices must be covered with garden pitch or oil paint.

Special attention should be paid to such an item of plant care as preparation for winter, since young plants are often less resistant to negative winter temperatures, they still need to be covered. The bushes are covered with earth, the branches are wrapped with craft paper. Such a simple shelter will allow the plants to winter calmly and save them from the bright sun and wind at the end of winter.

Varieties of park roses

Canadian park roses.

Alexander Mackenzie

Alexander Mackenzie upright bush up to 2 m high and up to 1.5 m in diameter. The flowers are terry, red, diameter is 5 - 8 cm. There is a slight aroma. The variety is resistant to frost (withstands -30 - 45 ° C). Usage: in mixborders, groups.

JP Connell

JP Connell initially the flowers are lemon yellow, tall, reminiscent of hybrid tea, then the color changes to a creamy shade, the diameter in the dissolution is 7-9 cm, the inflorescences are single or in groups of 3-8 pcs. smell, velvet stems, with a pleasant aroma, bush height 100-150 cm, width from 80 to 120 cm

Hope Fo Humanity

‘Hope Fo Humanity’ The buds are wine-colored, the color can vary from bright red to dark burgundy, the diameter in the dissolution is 8 cm, there can be a white or yellow stripe in the inside of the flower, they have a slight smell. The height of the bush in the middle lane is from 160 to 220 cm.

park roses love landing in a well-lit area, but partial shade is also possible. In partial shade, their flowering will not be so plentiful. The south side is best for park roses. There, the plant is darkened for part of the day, which is important in the heat, because it protects against drying out and burns.

However, if you have such a site busy, do not worry, a bush of a park rose can be planted everywhere except in the north (there the stems are stretched because they see little sun (shade prevails), almost do not bloom, more likely to be affected by diseases and insects). The earth should be slightly or moderately acidic (acidity from pH 5.5 -6.5). If you have sandy or heavy soil, you need to compact it with peat, compost, humus, soil in the first case, in the second - loosen it with sand, peat, humus, compost. It is undesirable to place a bush near trees (their roots take a lot of moisture and nutrients from the soil), as well as under the crowns of trees (this way you artificially create a shadow), and there should be no drafts on the site, i.e. the area is well ventilated, but not too much, because the bush will develop poorly.

Bushes of park varieties have a closed root system, so the time of planting roses may be different, from May to September. Well take root in the conditions of 1-2-year-old (young) bushes. It should be noted that those planted in the fall, before the arrival of the first frosts (until mid-October), the bushes of park roses will have time to take root, and therefore they will better develop and outstrip those plants of this class that were planted in the spring. Circumcision is carried out in the spring, so do not rush to shorten the seedlings in the fall. Prepare the ground in advance in order to be in time before frost. The distance between seedlings should be 1 x 1.5 m or 1 - 1.5 m. The pit should be large enough so that the roots lie easily (do not bend upwards), and the grafting site (root collar) is 5-10 cm under the soil . Inside it is recommended to add humus, peat. After that, we fill in the hole and compact it, making a tubercle, which unfolds in April.

Park roses care

Park roses form a root system, strong branches for three years, so care consists in loosening the earth, fertilizing, pruning, watering. A rose requires a lot of water during development (spring) and during the growing season, that is, ripening and flowering (summer). During drought, the plant is watered more often (2-3 times a week). Better liquid, but abundant watering, than frequent, but small. In the sunny season, they do not saturate with water, and also do not engage in sprinkling (spraying), so that there are no burns and the spread of powdery mildew and other diseases. This process is carried out in the morning or in the evening, water is poured in a trickle to the base. Watering the flowers should be stopped at the end of summer (August), so that the shoots become stiff and they are not afraid of frost. However, when the autumn is dry and there is not enough rain, do not forget to water the bushes moderately so that the roots receive moisture. Due to lack of water, the plant may die.

Fertilizer is carried out 4-5 times, after which it is desirable to water the plant. The first - in the spring (nitrogen), the second - during the blooming of the leaves (ammonium nitrate), the third - budding (phosphorus), the fourth - flowering (calcium, phosphorus), the fifth - in the fall (potassium). For the first two years, you can not apply fertilizer if, when planting, you put manure or humus in the hole, because it takes so long to decompose.

The most important thing in the formation of bushes is circumcision. It regulates the shape and number of shoots. It is absent for the first two years, but then it should be carried out. A bush of park roses is bowl-shaped, with 5-9 strong shoots, slightly shortened by a strong superficial bud, keeping shoots along the entire length (in single - dried tips or 2-3 underdeveloped buds), but their number differs from the strength of the bush. It is enough to leave 2-3-year-old skeletal branches. Broken, small, thin, diseased and frozen, as well as those that grow inside the branches are cut to live wood. The vegetation of park roses (the appearance of buds, growth) occurs very early, it is necessary to cut the flowers in mid-April, for this, remove last year's fruits and shoots, they did not overwinter. Use well-sharpened scissors, secateurs, and dry, lignified stems with a saw, because they are very thick and hard. Cover the cut with oil paint or garden pitch. Don't forget, the arcuate branches are completely covered in thorns, which are extremely prickly, and to avoid injury, wear thick, leather gloves. On single-blooming park roses, shoots end in flowers that fade and bear fruit in autumn, while the wood ripens to frost. Therefore, the more shoots, the richer the blooms, because the flowers are formed on last year's stems. In remontant park roses, flowers grow in the process of growth, so flowers and fruits appear at the same time. The bush ages over time (in 4-5 years), grows strongly and does not have such attractiveness. To restore the previous decorative beauty, it is necessary to carry out circumcision to rejuvenate. To do this, in the fall, the stems of park roses are cut off to the base, non-flowering branches are removed to cause lush growth. With proper pruning, you can achieve the formation of good shoots, abundant flowering and a magical crown shape.

park rose quite winter-hardy, only some species need to be easily covered for the winter. We spud earth on the base, and wrap the branches with craft paper in 2 layers, which protects from the sun during the thaw and from sudden changes in temperature. The bush has a unique property of restoration, even if the above-ground part did not survive the frost, it will grow from the base. But it will not bloom the first year, because flower buds are formed on 2-3 annual shoots, and only in some they are formed on the stems of the current year.

The park rose is propagated by dividing the bush, layering and green cuttings.