Rosa hybrid tea summer holiday 40 45cm. Hybrid Tea "Summer Holiday" Summer Holiday

  • 14.06.2019

Rub. 500.00

  • Hybrid Tea Summer Holiday

    Grade: Summer Holiday (Charles Walter Gregory, UK, 1967) - "Summer Holiday"

    Group: hybrid tea roses.

    Bloom: repeated, in waves.

    Inflorescence: often solitary flowers on long, strong peduncles.

    Color: creamy orange, brighter in the center.

    Bud shape: bacal.

    flower shape: cupped.

    flower diameter: very large, 10-13 cm.

    Terry: terry, more than 35 petals.

    Petals: dense, large.

    Aroma: saturated

    Foliage: dense, medium green.

    Shoots: upright, thick.

    spikes: small, rare.

    Bush: medium height.

    Bush height: up to 150 cm, width up to 100 cm.

    Disease resistance: good.

    Winter hardiness: good, zone 6 (winters under simple cover)

    Relation to growing conditions: not very whimsical.

    Rain attitude: stable.

    Relation to heat and sun: stable.

Biennial, own-rooted rose seedlings. With a closed root system, in pots from 2 to 7 liters.

The strength, shape and color of the flower make it perfect rose!

The flowers are goblet-shaped, large, long-lasting. The color is very pleasant.

The bushes are strong, stable.

Rosa hybrid tea Summer Lady, Brothers Topalovich (Rose Summer Lady) -A popular modern show rose with elegant buds on long shoots, making them ideal for flower arrangements. The flowers are large, appear singly or in racemes up to 4 pcs. They are pale pink with a slightly darker salmon underside of the petals, giving the whole flower a warm glow. The bush is strong, erect, with large leathery foliage. Suitable for small gardens.

Description Rose hybrid tea Summer Lady, Topalovich Brothers (Rose Summer Lady). Flower diameter: 10 cm. Bush height: 100-125 cm. Aroma: medium. Flowering period: re-blooming. Disease resistance: medium. Winter hardiness zone: 6 (-23 °С). The width of the bush is 80 cm.

hybrid tea roses- the most popular group of all garden roses. The first variety of hybrid tea rose was obtained by the French breeder Guyot in 1867. Hybrid tea roses are the result of crossing a tea rose with a remontant. From tea plants they inherited an elegant flower shape, the ability to bloom abundantly and for a long time, an unsurpassed aroma, from remontants - winter hardiness and hardness of wood. Aristocratic appearance, variety of colors, continuity of flowering explain the high demand hybrid tea roses among gardeners.

Kennel "BROTHA TOPALOVICH" - one of the oldest nurseries in Serbia, which was founded in 1931. He is the official representative in the Balkans of the German company ROSEN TANTAU. For the highest quality of products, the nursery "BROTHA TOPALOVICH" was awarded a gold medal at the international exhibitions "Flowers 2009", "Flowers 2010". Three-year-old rose seedlings were grafted on stocks of Smith Ideal and Laksa. According to customer reviews, Topalovich Brothers seedlings rank first in quality among roses of the middle price category.

Place for planting Rosa hybrid tea Summer Lady, Topalovich Brothers (Rose Summer Lady). lovely spray roses created in order to admire them, therefore, for planting, they choose a place that will be clearly visible from the house, and, at the same time, worthy of the queen of flowers among other plants in the garden. All roses love a lot of light, but if they are in the sun all day, they will quickly fade. At growing roses in the southern regions in open sunny places there is a high probability of burns on the petals. It is better if the rose is in partial shade in the afternoon. Depends a lot on where you land. rose health. For example, ensuring good air circulation will save rose from diseases and pests. No need plant roses in low places: there it stagnates cold air and plants are more susceptible to diseases.

The soil for Rosa hybrid tea Summer Lady, Topalovich Brothers (Rose Summer Lady). Roses develop well on fertile, sufficiently breathable soil, light and deep, which provides the roots with the necessary moisture and air. Heavy clay soils must be improved before planting by adding humus, peat, compost, and sand to them. Too light sandy soils pass water like a sieve, are infertile, and become very hot on hot days. To improve them, clay soil with the obligatory addition of humus or peat-dung compost, sod land. The most favorable soil reaction is slightly acidic, pH = 5.6-6.5. For acidification, peat or manure can be added to the soil, and ash or lime materials can be used to reduce acidity. Rose root system goes deep enough into the soil, so in areas with high level ground water roses are often overwhelmed with black spotting. Permissible depth groundwater- not less than 100 cm.

Landing Rose hybrid tea Summer Lady, Topalovich Brothers (Rose Summer Lady). V middle lane and more northern regions planting roses start in the spring, in April-May. Planting roses in autumn permissible, but in a very short time, so that the plants have time to take root. For planting roses dig a hole about 60 cm deep. Drainage (small pebbles, gravel or crushed stone) is laid at the bottom of the pit with a layer of at least 10 cm. Organic fertilizers are applied over the drainage, it can be rotted manure or compost; layer thickness of at least 10 cm. Garden soil is poured on top in the form of a dome, also with a layer of 10 cm. Before planting rose seedlings placed for a day in a solution of "Heteroauxin" - a root growth stimulator. With its help, plants tolerate planting more easily and take root faster. Too long and damaged roots should be cut with secateurs to healthy wood. Planting a rose with an open root system easier to carry out together: one gardener sets the seedling so that the root neck (place rose grafting) was 3 cm below the ground, the other, straightening the roots, covers them with earth and gently compacts the loose soil around the plant. The root collar should be below the ground after compaction. This landing contributes to the growth of additional rose stems above the vaccination site. After planting, the bush is watered under the root. If the earth has settled a little, it is additionally poured. The soil around the seedling is mulched with peat.

Caring for Hybrid Tea Rose Summer Lady, Topalovich Brothers (Rose Summer Lady). rose care consists in systematic loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, disease prevention, top dressing and pruning. Feeding roses carried out seasonally: nitrogen - in the spring, phosphorus and potassium - in the summer. Despite being drought tolerant, watering roses- the procedure is mandatory, especially in hot and dry periods. Plants are not watered cold water per bush 15-20 liters of water, in dry and warm weather - twice a week. By the end of summer, watering is reduced and stops altogether with the onset of September. In the first year, early flowering of young plants should not be allowed. Until the beginning of August rose buds removed from bushes. In August, 1-2 flowers are left on each shoot and they are not cut off so that fruits begin to set in the fall. rose shoots in this case, they ripen better, overwinter well and bloom profusely next year.

Pruning Hybrid Tea Rose Summer Lady, Topalovich Brothers (Rose Summer Lady). The best time for a full rose trimmings spring is considered: as soon as the buds begin to swell, the rose growers take up the secateurs. It is important to know on which shoots the rose forms flowers: on last year's or current year's shoots. In addition, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of pruning: achieving an early and abundant rose bloom or bush formation. Depending on this, pruning can be strong (short pruning), medium (moderate), weak (long). Strong pruning, in which 2-4 buds are left on the shoots, is used in the spring after planting saplings and to rejuvenate old bushes. With medium pruning, 5-7 buds are left on the shoots, it promotes early flowering and provides high decorative effect. Weak pruning is used in summer to remove faded inflorescences. Roses are pruned to varying degrees throughout the growing season. In the spring, be sure to remove the whips affected by frost, cut the tops of the shoots. Pruning roses in autumn is sanitary in nature: diseased, damaged shoots are removed, overgrown bushes are thinned out. Summer pruning serves as a means of regulating flowering: all faded inflorescences are cut off along with the top of the shoot.

Shelter Rosa Hybrid Tea Summer Lady, Topalovich Brothers (Rose Summer Lady). Roses of central Russia require frost protection. hurry with covering roses for the winter no, roses tolerate frosts down to -7 ° C well, and besides, they help plants prepare for winter. Roses should be covered with the onset of persistent cold weather. Before the shelter cut roses, the base of the bush is covered with earth. Hilling with peat, sawdust or sand is undesirable. They are too moisture-intensive and, with sharp fluctuations in temperature, can damage the shoots and provoke infection. Compost, humus, or ordinary garden soil will work much better. Cover the roses, as a rule, spruce spruce branches. It is placed between the bushes and on top of the plants. After that, frames of greenhouse arcs, slats, metal profile or wire. The frame should rise above the plants by 20–30 cm. Insulating material is laid on the frame, and pulled on top polyethylene film leaving side vents. In the spring (March-April), roses must be aired by opening the sides of the frame. It is important to remove the top film as soon as possible, otherwise the temperature under it will rise greatly, and the kidneys will start growing ahead of time. And since the roots do not yet work in the frozen ground, the aerial part of the plant may dry out. Under nonwoven fabric roses remain for some time, getting used to the sun. Roses in Siberia they winter quite well due to the presence of a powerful snow cover. The whole process shelters of roses for the winter in Siberia the same as in the middle lane, the main thing is to correctly determine the time of shelter: take your time so that the plants do not get wet, and do not be late so as not to freeze.

Reproduction Rose hybrid tea Summer Lady, Brothers Topalovich (Rose Summer Lady). Roses are propagated by cuttings, only with vegetative propagation the plant retains its varietal qualities. Cuttings are harvested from young but strong bushes after the first wave of flowering.

Use of Rosa Hybrid Tea Summer Lady, Topalovich Brothers (Rose Summer Lady) in landscape design. For the beautiful roses in the garden there is always a place, even if its area is very small. A rose can form the basis of a flower garden, decorate mixborder, looks great in single and group plantings against the backdrop of an emerald lawn. The rose will be appropriate in any landscape style, whether it is classic French or English landscape, rural country or sophisticated modern.

The online store of garden plants "Garshinka" has the largest collection of plants and carefully delivers throughout Russia planting material from all over the world. We guarantee the quality and grade of the supplied material. Plants ready for shipment are stored in special conditions. Parcels are packed securely. We notify about the shipment and control the parcel on the way. We work on 100% prepayment in order to reserve for you the best varieties and guarantee delivery on time without postal fees and commissions.

We recommend buying garden plants in the Garshinka online store for experienced and novice gardeners, landscape designers and collaborative buying communities. For each buyer there is a unique offer. Here you can buy various planting material: seedlings of roses, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, all groups coniferous plants, standard species, rhizomes of perennial flowers, bulbous autumn and spring planting, seeds lawn grasses, fertilizers and pest control products.

This rose is characterized by a rather high growth (the stems grow up to 1.2 meters), rose bushes Summer Romance varieties are completely covered with classic salmon-colored flowers with elegantly recurved petals. A delicate, slightly elongated bud opens, turning into a perfect flower with a rich aroma.

Romantic, full of exquisite charm and charm, a rose with classically shaped buds and thick heavy flowers. During flowering, the flower bed exudes a sweet fruity aroma that spreads throughout the garden. It is this smell that is remembered in cold winters, when the past summer, the garden and luxurious pink roses with petals on which mother-of-pearl has spilled.

Variety Summer Romance grows well in partial shade and in the sun, different growing conditions do not affect the duration of flowering and the quality of flowers.

Flowering continues from mid-summer to October frosts. Even in the autumn months, luxurious pink roses densely cover the bushes of the Summer Romance variety.

Grade Benefits

  • Classic shape and color - deep pink color with tones.
  • Disease resistance - the variety has shown excellent resistance to fungal infections.
  • Frost resistance - roses perfectly tolerate wintering at temperatures up to -30C.
  • Suitability for cutting - suitable for making bouquets.

Rose seedling root system for shipment to the customer, it is packed in an individual sealed package with a clod of earth wrapped in a film, so that your seedling will come alive and full of strength.

Not available


60-100 cm

70x100 cm

Country: Serbia

Flowering time: July-September

Color: pale pink

Group: hybrid tea roses

Landing in the ground: May

Reference: 1.83

Quantity per package: 1 piece

Location: sun

Manufacturer: Monte Agro

The hybrid tea rose SUMMER LADY is one of the leading group of cut roses. Hybrid tea roses have a bush height of 60 to 100 cm. Peduncles 40 to 80 cm long, on one peduncle from 1 to 3 large, up to 10 cm in diameter flowers. The most fragrant red and purple varieties of hybrid tea roses, white roses have a very delicate aroma. Hybrid tea roses, like all roses, are demanding on the place of growth. Roses need rich, well-drained soils, as roses have a very deep root system. The location should be sunny, preferably protected from the winds. Rose plants are quite large, so planting is not recommended to thicken. A rose is planted in May, before planting, it is recommended to store the seedling in a cold place, preventing drying out, or immediately after purchase, plant it in a deep pot and transfer to open ground in May. For the winter, hybrid tea roses require careful shelter, which should be well ventilated in winter to prevent the rose from drying out. The hardiness zone (USDA) is the sixth zone.

Saplings are sold with a closed root system. The roots of the seedling are in the ground, which is wrapped in paper and packed in a plastic bag. The package, in turn, is placed in a cardboard tube with a plastic bottom. The tube contains a photo of a rose, a description of the variety and a seedling planting scheme. When planting, the tuba and the plastic bag are removed from the root system, the paper should not be removed, as it protects the earthen ball from destruction and therefore reduces injury to the roots. The seedlings have a well-formed bole, with a diameter at the grafting site of at least 0.5 cm, 2-3 main shoots and 2-3 main roots, at least 20 cm long. Rootstocks SMITH IDEAL and LAKSA are used for seedlings. The shoots of the seedling are covered with wax, which does not need to be removed; the wax protects the seedlings from drying out and is not an obstacle to the awakening of the kidneys. Careful and thoughtful packaging allows you to keep the seedlings in excellent condition until planting in the ground. It is important to prevent overdrying and excessive moistening of the seedling's earthy coma.