Hybrid tea rose Anastasia: description and photo. Rose Anastasia (Anastasia) Planting and care

  • 14.06.2019

Often used as decorative decoration garden. This flower crop has a dense aerial part and a long flowering period. Especially appreciated abundant flowering and rich aroma of flowers. One of the most popular varieties is the Anastasia rose. Reviews of many gardeners confirm the unpretentiousness of the culture and its high adaptability to different climatic conditions.

Rosa Anastasia is a cut variety that has a high vase resistance and therefore is grown as an ornamental crop and is often used by florists when drawing up flower arrangements.

This representative of hybrid tea varieties of roses has a compact appearance. Therefore, it can be grown as a single bush, and as part of group landscape compositions.

The height of the bush does not exceed 120 cm, the diameter is within 90 cm. The shoots are strong, upright. The studs are insignificant, the spines are small.

The leaf plate is large, saturated green. There is a gloss on the upper side of the leaf. The edging of a red tint is faintly visible along the edge.

Buds are large, height 8-9 cm, regular goblet shape. The flowers are medium double, one bud consists of 27-32 petals. The flowers are large, the diameter of the open bud is 10-12 cm long, begins in the third decade of May and lasts until the first days of September. The aroma is intense, with light pear notes.

The variety is resistant to low and high temperatures. Possesses high immunity to diseases and harmful insects.

Features of growing crops

Caring for Anastasia rose is similar to the standard care for all garden crops. It includes:

  • Landing
  • Pruning
  • Weeding
  • Top dressing
  • Shelter for the winter

A rose seedling with a developed root system is planted in open ground in April-May. The ground should warm up to a depth of 8-12 cm. Planting depth - the grafting site is 3-4 cm below the level of the planting hole. Anastasia rose planting is carried out in the evening, when there is no sun. Preliminary preparation of the landing pit is required. If it has not been carried out, it is filled 2/3 with a special nutritious soil mixture for roses. It is not recommended to plant roses in the fall. Their roots do not have time to get stronger and the plant may die.

Irrigation of the bush the most important point when growing roses Anastasia. Watering affects not only the development of the bush, but also the duration of its flowering. Lack of moisture leads to crushing of the buds and loss of decorative attractiveness of the rose bush.

During the growing season, one watering per week is sufficient. In severe drought, it is recommended to water the rose twice a week. The rate for one bush is 10-15 liters. If you irrigate frequently with a small amount of water, the bush forms a superficial root system, which is more vulnerable to temperature changes and is easily damaged when loosening the soil under the bush.

Anastasia rose pruning is carried out in late September - early October. shoots are not strong, cut height 0.4-0.5 m from ground level. You can not cut the bush in rainy and cold weather. Spring pruning is also carried out. Overwintered shoots are shortened to 15-20 cm, 2-3 well-developed buds are left on them. If the shoots are weak, leave 1-2 buds sufficient.

It is important to keep the bush clean. To do this, you need to regularly pull up weeds and loosen the soil. Cleansing the area under the rose bush is done manually. Loosening the soil to a depth of no more than 5 cm. It is also recommended to scatter wood shavings under the rose. This will not only prevent the growth of weeds, but also slow down the evaporation of moisture.

Fertilizer for roses Anastasia is selected depending on the season. In the spring, it is necessary to feed the bush with complexes enriched with nitrogen. This will accelerate the formation of new shoots and promote active growth of green mass. In summer, phosphorus-potassium compounds are used to feed roses. They strengthen the plant's immunity, increase the level of winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and harmful insects.

Color: White

Bush height: 100-120 cm

Aroma: average

Flowering duration: permanent

Flower size: 8-11 cm

Disease resistance: average

Winter hardiness: high

Rose Anastasiya (Rose Anastasiya) refers to hybrid tea varieties. Its description is known to almost all flower growers who prefer white-colored varieties of decorative culture.

The variety was bred by the breeders of the company John F. Kennedy & Pascali, as a cut. However, due to the compactness and average height of the bush, this rose is also used for decorative purposes, planting both single bushes and in group compositions.

A vigorous bush (110 cm), wide (90 cm), with dark green, glossy leaves. Shoots are powerful, strong, erect, with a slight studding.

This rose has a classic goblet bud in a crystal white color. But with the onset of cold weather, the petals acquire a slightly creamy hue.

Enough large flower(25-40 petals), opens rather slowly. When unfolded, it is about 11 cm in diameter. In the cut, it costs 9-12 days for a long time. The delicate scent of snow white resembles a pear in its smell. In hot weather, the aroma is almost invisible.

Anastasia is whimsical, requires abundant watering and timely feeding. Subject to these conditions, it will delight you with abundant re-flowering.

The hybrid tea variety of the rose Anastasia is quite resistant to diseases and "harmful" insects. The flowers are resistant to rain, which does not leave marks on them in the form of "freckles" or dots.

Increases or decreases in temperature during the season are not negative weather conditions for this. hybrid tea.

The variety is resistant to temperatures down to 10 degrees Celsius. At lower average winter temperatures in the regions, these shrubs should be covered before the onset of cold weather.

The disadvantages include the susceptibility of buds to being eaten by insects (such as bronzovka), especially in early summer.

In other respects, this quality can be attributed to many light roses with a pleasant scent.

Rose Anastasia was bred by the French breeding company John F. Kennedy & Pascali in 2001. The variety was created as a cut-off variety, but is actively used in decorating gardens and flower beds. Because of its snow-white color, the Anastasia rose fell in love with florists and is an integral part in the creation of wedding bouquets. It is considered that White color OK symbolizes sincerity, perfection, innocence. This article is devoted to the description of the Anastasia variety.

Characteristics of the variety

The Anastasia variety belongs to hybrid tea roses and retains the characteristics corresponding to them. Large, tall, goblet buds adorn a straight meter-long bush that grows up to 90 cm in width. The flower reaches 9-11 cm in diameter, has from 25 to 40 double petals, in the white color of which pink or cream tones can be seen. The bud opens gradually. On straight, strong, with a small number of thorns, stems are located one by one or in inflorescences.

Snow-white flowers are beautifully set off by dark green glossy foliage. White hybrid tea rose has a delicate aroma with hints of pear. Blooms profusely, repeatedly.

The resistance to diseases of Anastasia's rose is average. The variety is resistant to rain and frost-resistant. However, it is recommended to cover the hybrid tea rose for the winter, especially in regions with harsh winters.

Growing features

The most suitable time for planting Anastasia's rose is in April-May, when the earth is well warmed up. The landing site should be well lit, ventilated, and protected from drafts. The flower prefers fertile soil, slightly acidic, loose. It is not recommended to plant a rose next to shrubs, trees should be at a distance of 2-3 m from it. To plant a flower, you should;

  • prepare a hole so that the roots are freely located in it;
  • pour drainage material on the bottom;
  • put a nutritious soil mixture on top;
  • place the seedling in water for a while;
  • etching the roots, lower it into the pit, having previously dipped it into a clay chatterbox. The inoculation site should go 3-4 cm below ground level;
  • cover, compacting, with fertile soil;
  • water. If after watering the soil has settled, add a new one.

It is better to plant a rose in the evening on cloudy days. Regular grooming is important, especially in the early days after planting.

In order for the Anastasia rose to bloom profusely and its buds do not diminish from lack of moisture, it must be watered regularly. Once every 7-12 days, about 10 liters should be poured under the bush. warm water... It is best to use rainwater as it does not contain chemicals. In extreme heat, it is worth watering twice a week.

If a dry crust is formed around the bush, the soil must be loosened to a depth of 5 cm. It is also important to remove weeds. In order not to damage the roots and base of the bush, it is advised to remove them manually. If you sprinkle the soil around the plant wood shavings, weed growth will slow down. In addition, the shavings retard moisture evaporation.

For better formation of new shoots and active growth in the spring, nitrogen fertilization should be carried out. In the summer, the rose is fertilized with potassium-phosphorus preparations that increase immunity, winter hardiness and resistance to diseases. It is good to use organic matter for feeding.

It is important to constantly inspect the rose for the appearance of pests and diseases. If symptoms appear that indicate infection, the plant should be urgently treated with drugs intended for the treatment and control of harmful insects. Periodically, preventive treatment of the bush and soil around should be carried out.

The Anastasia variety is cut in spring and autumn. At spring pruning frozen and diseased shoots are removed, healthy ones are shortened to 15-20 cm. Autumn pruning falls in the month of September-October. The stems are cut a little, the height of the cut should be half a meter from the ground. Dry and damaged branches are removed. In addition, cutting the rose makes it possible to form the correct shape of the bush. Do not prune in rain or cold weather. The circumcision instrument must be sharp and disinfected.

Although the hybrid tea rose Anastasia is frost-hardy, with the arrival of winter it should be protected from cold winds and severe frosts... Therefore, shelter is needed. To do this, the bush is huddled, covered with spruce branches and covering non-woven fabric.

At good care Anastasia rose will constantly delight you with its gorgeous flowering. It is good both for garden decoration and for growing in greenhouses. A cut flower stands in a vase for a long time, filling the room with a light fruity aroma.


A bouquet is a delicate matter, it must be selected according to the celebration. For example, white roses captivate us at first sight, because white is the color of purity and innocence. White petals can be compared to the attire of a bride, therefore, during weddings, varieties with white petals are in greatest demand. Anastasia is distinguished by such delicate whiteness.

History of creation

A hybrid tea snow-white beauty in 2001 was presented to the world of flower lovers by the French company NIRP International "Roses of Success". French breeders managed to get such an excellent result in the process of crossing the German Tanselbon (Jürgen Evers) and the French PEKwhina (Paul Pekmez). In the rose market, the variety is known as Anastasia (Nirpwhi) and is represented in the cut category. The name Anastasia is a registered trademark.

The described variety should not be confused with another, which has a similar name - Anastasia, but its unique code name is spelled ADAmariat. This species was also born in France, but much later - in 2011. Its creator is Michelle Adam.


The plant meets the standards of the hybrid tea family - the bush is not too tall - 100 - 110 cm, erect, therefore not spreading, with a diameter of about 50 - 90 cm. It looks compact from the side. Shoots are quite powerful, growing straight. Thorniness is present, but insignificant. The foliage is good, the foliage is quite dense, the leaf plate is large, the surface is glossy. The dark green color of the leaves serves as an excellent backdrop for the snow-white rose. On a strong, suitable for cutting stem of Anastasia, 1 flower appears.

The shape of the bud is classic - goblet, about 8 cm high, the bud looks graceful. The flower is quite large - 10 - 11 cm in diameter (according to some reports, 14 - 15 cm), double, collected from 26 - 40 snow-white petals, which, as they bloom, bend back, but the center often remains closed. The color is white, but the tightly closed core of the flower can acquire a subtle pink-cream shade. In any period of flowering, our heroine looks elegant.


The beauty Anastasia belongs to the re-flowering. But according to the observations of flower growers, with proper care, the bush constantly forms buds throughout the summer. The duration of flowering is long - it begins in the third decade of May and stops only with the onset of a stable cold snap. The rosebud blossoms slowly, giving you the opportunity to enjoy the wondrous beauty and purity of color. True, sometimes there are complaints that the fading heads do not look very aesthetically pleasing, the petals become brown. This problem is fairly easy to fix by pruning the wilted flower. You cannot name a richly blooming variety, but due to the rather long lifespan of a single flower, the bush has excellent decorative effect throughout the season.


  • Winter hardiness of the variety corresponds to zone 6 USDA (Ministry Agriculture USA). This means that the plant should winter normally at -23.3 ° C. But, according to reviews, it is still better to cover the bush already at -20 ° C;
  • average immunity - to black spot and powdery mildew, resistance is generally good, but problems still happen. Rose growers often complain about the invasion of insect pests, the rose is often bothered by thrips, and especially bronzes attracted by the smell;

  • Anastasia's aroma is rather weak, but very pleasant - delicate and delicate, fruity, reminiscent of a ripe pear. In hot weather, the aroma is barely caught;
  • a decrease or increase in air temperature does not affect the plant;
  • resistance to rain is excellent, and this is confirmed by many growers. Blooming roses do not deteriorate under the influence of moisture, white petals are rarely touched by spotting, which is a very rare phenomenon with this color;
  • white color is resistant to bright sun, does not fade. But in cold weather, the petals can become creamy;
  • in the cut, the rose stands for quite a long time - up to 12 days, it blooms gradually, does not lose its attractiveness.

Planting and leaving

According to experts, the best period for planting the Anastasia variety is spring. But some people prefer autumn period, and do not miscalculate, especially if they live in the south. The soil for Snow White needs nutritious, well-conductive moisture and does not interfere with gas exchange in the roots. Ideally, a slightly acidic loam is suitable. The place should be well lit, open enough for natural ventilation, but away from drafts. The Frenchwoman will reveal her full potential only with proper care... It is not complicated, but it should be remembered that the plant loves watering and needs nutrition. Moderate moisture should be maintained in the soil, loosening and weeding should be carried out in a timely manner. Nitrogen introduced in spring stimulates growth rates, and for a rose to bloom, a whole complex is needed, including potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, boron. It is best to purchase a balanced flowering fertilizer. In the spring, short pruning is carried out so that the plant can form tall stems. Faded heads are promptly removed.

Anastasia fell in love with flower growers for her tenderness and sophistication. Despite the fact that the variety was bred as a cut, the plant will perfectly decorate the garden corner. An ideal place for an exquisite flower can be found in a flower bed or in a rose garden, near a gazebo for relaxation, as a border. A relatively short bush will look good on foreground as a solo plant, for example, near the entrance to a house. The heroine of our story will get along well with short perennials. Pure white color will bring freshness and even a certain austerity to any garden composition. But in order to admire the delicate line of petals and snow-white colors, you need to pay enough attention to your darling.

When Aphrodite, the goddess of love, emerged from the sea foam, she held a snow-white rose in her hand. From the time of Ancient Greece the flower personified purity and perfection. Truly perfect in its shape and purest white color, Anastasija is a symbol of innocence and defenselessness.

This rose of bright white color, excellent in its strict classical color, will adorn any bouquet, and on a flower bed it will not have equal colors in beauty and elegance.

Description of hybrid tea rose Anastasija

The variety was bred by the breeders of the company John F. Kennedy & Pascali, as a cut. However, due to its compactness (up to 0.9 m in diameter) and the average height of the bush (up to 1.2 m), this rose is also used for decorative purposes, planting both single bushes and group compositions. The delicate scent of snow white resembles a pear in its smell.

Anastasia rose buds have a regular goblet shape up to 7–8 cm high, medium double flowers (up to 32 petals per bud), up to 11 cm in diameter when opened.

After cutting, the buds stand in water for up to 12-14 days, fully opening only after 9-12 days. Anastasia seems to be intriguing and does not immediately show the world her mature charm, giving time to enjoy the fresh virgin beauty.

This variety begins to bloom from the end of May to the beginning of September, and the rose Anastasia is actively flowering shrubs throughout the season.

This shrub is erect and very strong. The foliage is delicate green, with a faint red edging around the edges.

Features of agricultural technology

The hybrid tea variety of the rose Anastasia is quite resistant to diseases and "harmful" insects. The flowers are resistant to rain, which does not leave marks on them in the form of "freckles" or

points. Increases or decreases in temperature during the season are not negative weather conditions for this hybrid tea.

The variety is resistant to temperatures down to 10 degrees Celsius. At lower average winter temperatures in the regions, these shrubs should be covered before the onset of cold weather.

Due to its classic color, long opening of buds and good durability in a vase, Anastasia rose is in great demand among florists.

When the flower buds of the goddess of love bloom in your garden, it will turn into paradise and will be filled with a light, unique aroma - exciting and heady.