Blacksmith vakula characteristic. Solokha is the most vivid image of the story “The Night Before Christmas

  • 05.09.2018

The events of the story "The Night Before Christmas", belonging to the cycle "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", are incredible, fantastic and similar to a fairy tale. The entire plot narrative is saturated with a folklore spirit, reminiscent of original ancient legends and fairy tales.


The main action of the work "The Night Before Christmas", the heroes of which are mostly residents of Dikanka, revolves around the main character - the blacksmith Vakula, and the permanent hero of popular beliefs - the devil. The plot of the original plot can be considered a conversation between the obstinate beauty Oksana and Vakula, who is in love with her to the point of unconsciousness. The girl promises to go down the aisle with the blacksmith only if he gets her the treasured little laces worn by the Empress.

The culmination of the action is called the blacksmith's flight on a demon to St. Petersburg and back. And in the denouement, the main character not only gets the desired shoes, but also reconciles with the father of his beloved, after which he is united by marriage.

Folk beliefs as the basis

Almost all readers who plunged into the exciting fairy-tale world of literature noted the extraordinary charm and poetry of N.V. Gogol's texts. hallmark The story "The Night Before Christmas", whose characters are familiar to everyone since childhood, is widely used. This trend can be seen both in plot twists and in the images of characters. It is from folk beliefs that Solokha and the devil appear. A demon who managed to steal the month, and a witch flying out of the chimney of a rural hut and having fun with the stars. You can also draw a parallel between folk legends and the blacksmith's magical flight. In his work, the author plausibly reflects the spirit of the Ukrainian village, the hinterland.


"The Night Before Christmas" in an amazing way combines the real with the fictional, the stories are unique and colorful. Among women, the mother of the protagonist, Vakula, stands out especially. Describing this image, we recall that Solokha is “a woman of Balzac age”, she is “no more than forty years old”.

The charismatic Gogol heroine is hard not to remember. Although, according to the author's description, she is neither bad nor good-looking, a large number of representatives of the strong half of the village are her fans. Moreover, the woman is so smart, or rather, insidious, that none of the admirers could even imagine that he had a rival. The explanation for such dexterity can be the fact that Solokha is a witch. And, as befits a representative of this "craft", she is fluent in the art of seduction, however, as well as the skills of flying on a broomstick. This character cannot be called a model of virtue, but he charms the reader no less than the beautiful Oksana, the deacon Osip Nikiforovich or Sverbyguz.

outlandish name

Many admirers of the story are concerned about the question of why Vakula's mother's name is so unusual - Solokha. This name is outlandish even for a witch, perhaps Gogol specially invented it for his heroine? It turns out that it doesn't. This name has existed since ancient times. Its echoes are preserved in modern surnames like Soloshyn, Solokhov or Soloshenko. Most likely, this name is derived from some other Christian one.

As for the origin of the name, there are several different versions. Perhaps Solokha is a derivative of Sophia, which means "wise, wisdom." And if we take into account that the witch means "knowing", possessing secret knowledge, wisdom, then the name of the heroine is the most suitable and symbolic for the sorceress. According to another version, this is a derivative of Solomonida - a female variation of the name Solomon, which is uniquely associated with the image of the legendary king, known throughout the world for his infinite wisdom.

Combination of the real with the fabulous

The traditional characterization of Solokha is predominantly negative. It is distinguished by cunning, hypocrisy, readiness to commit vile acts in order to satisfy its own interests. The woman welcomed only wealthy boyfriends, while giving preference to the richest among them - the Cossack Chuba, as she dreamed of taking over his household, fantasizing about how she would live when she became a full-fledged mistress.

The author deliberately portrayed this character in a close intertwining of fantasy and reality: she is both a clever rural woman, and a daring witch flirting with both the devil and the deacon. All rural women secretly envy her. Solokha does not frighten or repel the reader; she cannot be called a negative character. In the image of this heroine, a sly mockery created by the great writer is seen. In her, this portly and attractive woman, Gogol wanted to show the reader various human vices: treason, self-interest, greed, constant deceit.

Enchanted World

In the story "The Night Before Christmas" the reader is presented with a special world with its own laws and rules, traditions. Real situations so organically merge into fantastic, fabulous ones that it begins to seem: this is how it should be. Both worlds in the work, intertwined, merge into a single whole. And sketches of the surrounding reality contribute to the creation of a fabulous atmosphere. Many come to life in an enchanted world: "the stars looked", "the month rose majestically into the sky." In the work "The Night Before Christmas" Gogol's skill was fully manifested.


Real character traits are also revealed in the image of Solokha, a prudent and cunning woman who deftly manages her many admirers. Solokha “was so able to enchant the most sedate Cossacks to herself (who, it does not hurt to note, by the way, had little need for beauty) that the head, the clerk Osip Nikiforovich (of course, if the clerk was not at home), and Chub, went to pen, and Kazak Kasyan. And, to be honest, she knew how to skillfully deal with them. It never occurred to any of them that he had a rival ... Maybe these very cunning and sharpness of hers were the fault that in some places the old women began to say, especially when they drank too much somewhere at a merry gathering, which Solokha definitely witch".

Remarkable humor is fanned by the image of the old womanizer Cossack Chub, a narrow-minded man, slow-thinking and at the same time stubborn, self-confident. The image of a deacon, busy looking for earthly pleasures, acting as one of the "solid" competitors in the line of Solokha's admirers, is also very expressive.

Feature"Nights before Christmas" consists in the fact that, along with images taken from the people's environment, the capital's tops are shown here, real historical figures are drawn next to fantasy. The inclusion in the story of paintings depicting St. Petersburg, of course, contains a certain comparison of them with scenes and images of folk life. Vakula was most struck by the abundance of "panism" in St. Petersburg. “Gentlemen, in fur coats covered with cloth, he saw so much that he did not know who to take off his hat. “My God, how many pansies are here!” thought the blacksmith. “I think that everyone who walks down the street in a fur coat is either an assessor or an assessor! and those who ride in such wonderful britzkas with glasses, those who are not city dwellers, then they are certainly commissars, and maybe even more. In the original version of The Night Before Christmas, Vakula's impression of St. Petersburg was expressed somewhat sharper: “and I saw in a friend in tubes covered with cloth that I did not know who to take off his hat. “My God! How many (bureaucratic) pansties are here, ”the blacksmith thought.”
Gogol retains an ironic tone when describing the court nobility, emphasizing that combination of arrogance and servility, arrogance and cowardly fawning, which is characteristic of noble persons. “A minute later, accompanied by a dumb sleeper of quantitative growth, a rather dense man in a hetman's uniform, in yellow boots, entered. His hair was disheveled, one eye was a little crooked, his face showed a kind of arrogant majesty, in all movements a habit of commanding was visible. All the generals, who were walking rather arrogantly in golden uniforms, fussed and with low bows seemed to catch his word and even the slightest movement, so that now they could fly to carry it out.

Potemkin is depicted in The Night Before Christmas as an imperious and cunning dignitary, a crafty courtier. Having given "instructions" to the Cossacks in advance on how and what to say at the reception of the queen, he vigilantly monitors the execution of his "director's" plan. The story contains a clear indication that the arrival of the Cossacks in the capital is associated with the destruction of the Zaporozhian Sich, the former Cossack liberties. This gives the image of Potemkin, as well as the image of Catherine II, by no means a "blissful" appearance. At the same time, it is obvious that the writer did not seek to paint a portrait of Catherine II in a accusatory spirit.

The juxtaposition of pictures of people's life and pictures of stately Petersburg in The Night Before Christmas is not widely developed, and yet it is very significant as an expression of the general direction of Evenings. Here we see the development of those ideas that were expressed on behalf of Rudy Pank in his "preface" to "Evenings", when the "publisher" of the stories compared folk life with the life and life of the nobility.

In The Night Before Christmas, as well as in other stories, Gogol made extensive use of folk legends and tales. In comparison with "May Night" and "Sorochinsky Fair", fantasy in "The Night Before Christmas" is presented more widely. And at the same time, here, with greater expressiveness and force, its “decrease” is carried out, its peculiar “existence” is deployed. Switched to a “everyday” plan, shown in a humorous light, fantasy loses its outlines of the unusual, scary and incomprehensible, becoming something funny and amusing. Fantastic figures and images appear in The Night Before Christmas as carriers of petty worldly passions and aspirations. “Only one night remained for him (the devil) to stagger in the world; but even that night he was looking for something to vent his anger on the blacksmith. And for this he decided to steal the month ... In this way, as soon as the devil hid his month in his pocket, it suddenly became so dark all over the world that not everyone would find the way to the tavern, not only to the clerk. The witch, seeing herself suddenly in the darkness, cried out. Here the devil, riding up like a little demon, grabbed her floor, her hand, and set off to whisper in her ear the same thing that is usually whispered to everything. feminine».

Other writings on this work

Christmas Eve Characteristics of the image of Vakula the blacksmith The combination of the real and the fabulous in the story of N. V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas" (2) What I Liked About The Night Before Christmas LOVE WORKS MIRACLES (based on the novel by N. V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas")

Lesson: Heroes of N.V. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas"

Goals: 1) help students to penetrate the world of N.V. Gogol on the example of the story being studied; 2) to form the ability to characterize literary characters, to conduct an independent study of the text, to develop in students the ability to analyze and summarize the text read; 3) teach the skills of working in groups, defend your mini-project; 4) create a situation of success. Equipment: illustrations for the story, lesson presentation

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

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2. Word of the teacher. Good afternoon guys! Today we will continue to study the story of N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas". The theme of our lesson is "The main characters of the story." You will continue the work you have started in groups, tell us about the hero you have chosen for analysis, i.e. give him a description. And, of course, we will continue to enjoy wonderful world Gogol's prose, a world in which reality and fantasy are miraculously intertwined. The result of our work will be an express newspaper that you will release by the end of the lesson. You remember that in this book the Ukrainian people appeared before the reader, the bearer of noble and high aspirations, with their past and present, original and colorful speech, interspersed with proverbs and sayings. It is no coincidence that many critics and writers admired the extraordinary brilliance of Gogol's style. You can be convinced of this if you immerse yourself in the text of the story "The Night Before Christmas", about which the critic V. G. Belinsky wrote: "The Night Before Christmas" is a complete picture of the domestic life of the people, their little joys, their little sorrows - in a word, here all the poetry of his life."

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3. Quiz.- Let's check if you managed to immerse yourself in the text of the story and turn out to be observant readers. Representatives of each team in turn go to the board and remove three stars. On each star is the number of the question that the team has to answer. So the first team...

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1) What was the name of the village where Gogol's character Vakula lived? (Dikanka) 2) Who was the witch Solokha related to the blacksmith Vakula? (Mother) 3) what was Vakula by profession from the story “Night ....”? (Blacksmith) 4) Name “ vehicle» blacksmith Vakula during the flight to St. Petersburg. (Damn) 5) What is the name of Oksana's father in Gogol's story "Night ..."? (Korny Chub)

6) The official for whom the blacksmith Vakula painted a wooden fence in Poltava. (Sotnik) 7) A household item in which good was kept. (Chest) 8) What did the devil hide in his pocket? (Month) 9) The person who was the second to visit Solokha. (Dyak) 10) Why did Vakula go to the queen? (For cherevichki) 11) Songs that were sung on Christmas Eve (Carols) 12) What does the expression "build chickens" mean? (Take care) -Well done! 4. Guess the hero.

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V. G. Belinsky noted: “Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe the colors of reality. You see and hear them." Therefore, I think you can easily recognize the heroes of the story by their description.

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1) From the front, he was completely German, from behind he was a real provincial attorney in uniform ... A narrow muzzle, thin legs. (Damn) 2) A lean tall man with an overgrown beard in a short sheepskin coat. (Kum) 3) A fresh, lively face in childhood youth with shiny black eyes and an inexpressibly pleasant smile. (Oksana) 4) She was neither good nor bad. However, she knew how to charm the most sedate Cossacks (Solokha) 5) Sly, with thin fingers, his other half made the narrowest of his thick braids (Diak) 6) Despite his small height in width, he was quite weighty (Patsyuk) - you learned all the characters that we met in this story. Let's try to characterize the main ones. 5. Protection of projects. In the last lesson, you started work on compiling the characteristics of the main characters. Each group had to prepare a story about their hero, i.e., characterize him according to the following plan:

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1. Introduction (the role of the hero in the story) 2. Description of the appearance of the hero. 3. Character traits of the hero (with proof) 4. Conclusion. So, listen to the performance of the first group.

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Solokha. 1.Introduction. One of the heroes of N.V. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" is Solokha. 2.Description of appearance“The mother of the blacksmith Vakula was no more than forty years old. She was neither good nor bad. It's hard to be good in such years. However, she was so able to enchant the most sedate Cossacks ... " 3. Character traits 1) In the story, Solokha is shown as a negative character. She appears unexpectedly “Here, through the chimney of one hut, smoke fell in clubs and went like a cloud across the sky. And along with the smoke rose a witch riding a broom." 2) The witch, just like the devil, can turn into anyone and do the impossible for a person “The witch herself felt that it was cold, despite the fact that she was warmly dressed; and therefore, raising her hands up, she left her leg and, having brought herself into such a position as a man flying on skates, without moving a single joint, she descended through the air, as if along an icy sloping mountain, and right into the pipe "" ... somewhere the old women began to say ... that Solokha was definitely a witch; that the lad Kizyakolupenko saw behind her a tail the size of no more than a woman's spindle; that she ran across the road like a black cat the Thursday before last; that a pig once ran up to the priest, crowed like a rooster, put Father Kondrat's hat on his head and ran back. 3) The author settled fairy-tale heroes among the people. Therefore, everything that happens seems to be true. Solokha is a witch. She is the mother of the main character of the story, Vakula. In life, she knew how to charm the most sedate Cossacks. She knew how to deal with them skillfully. “None of them came to mind. That he has rivals.

4) She was a good hostess: "... how not to go to Solokha, not to eat fatty dumplings with sour cream and not to chat in a warm hut with a talkative and obsequious hostess." "Solokha bowed to everyone, and everyone thought that she bowed to him alone." But she was the friendliest of all with the Cossack Chub, because “Chub’s chests had a lot of linen, zhupans and old kuntush with gold galloons ... In the garden, in addition to poppy seeds, cabbage, sunflowers, two more fields of tobacco were sown every year. Solokha found it not superfluous to attach all this to her household. Thinking in advance about what order it will take. When it passes into her hands ... "5) For the sake of her own benefit, she was ready to harm even her son: "she resorted to the usual means of forty-year-old gossips: to quarrel Chub with the blacksmith as often as possible" Thanks to her resourcefulness (sharpness), she managed to put her gentlemen in bags : "Here you go! Oh yes Solokha! Put them in a sack ... that's why I see her hut full of sacks ... now I know everything: she had two people in each sack, I thought that she was only for me ... So much for Solokha! Conclusion In the image of Solokha, N.V. Gogol showed human vices: greed, deceit, treason. We see that everything bad will still be revealed and then the person looks ridiculous and stupid.

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Crap 1. Introduction N.V. Gogol uses folklore in his story, folk beliefs. The writer draws the image of the devil, which in Slavic mythology is an evil spirit. 2.Description of appearance“Suddenly, another speck appeared on the other side, increased, began to stretch, and there was no longer a speck ... The front was completely German: narrow, constantly spinning and sniffing everything that came across, the muzzle ended, like our pigs, with a round patch, the legs were so thin that if Yareskov's head had such, he would have broken them in the first Cossack. But on the other hand, behind him he is a real provincial attorney in uniform, because his tail hung as sharp and long as the coattails of the uniform today; only by the goat's beard under the muzzle, by the small horns sticking out on his head, and that he was not all whiter than a chimney sweep, could one guess that he was not a German and not a provincial attorney, but simply a devil ... " 3. Traits of character and his actions. 1) The devil is shown by Gogol as a cunning prankster. “Meanwhile, the devil crept slowly towards the moon and was already stretching out his hand to grab it, but suddenly pulled it back, as if burned, sucked his fingers, dangled his foot and ran from the other side and jumped back again and pulled his hand away. However, despite all the failures, the cunning devil did not leave his pranks. Running up, he suddenly grabbed the moon with both hands, grimacing and blowing, throwing it from one hand to the other, like a peasant who took out with bare hands fire for his cradle; finally hurriedly put it in his pocket and, as if nothing had happened, ran on.

2) “The last night remained for the devil to roam around the wide world and learn the sins of good people.” He wanted to take his anger out on the blacksmith, because he depicted in one of his paintings how the devil is beaten with whips and expelled from hell. 3) The devil has human qualities, so we perceive it as real. “The witch, seeing herself suddenly in the darkness, cried out. Then the devil, riding up like a petty demon, grabbed her by the arm and started to whisper in her ear the same thing that is usually whispered to the entire female race. ”He flirts with her as soon as there is a free minute left. “Meanwhile, the devil really grew soft with Solokha: he kissed her hand with such antics, like an assessor at a priest’s, took hold of her heart, groaned and said bluntly that if she did not agree to satisfy his passions and, as usual, reward him, then he was ready for everything, throw himself into the water, and send his soul straight into hell. 4) The devil was very happy that he could take revenge on the blacksmith. “Now the blacksmith has been caught!” - he thought to himself, now I will take out on you, my dear, all your painting and fables, tormented by devils! He tried to persuade the blacksmith, to outwit him. 5) Like all fairy-tale characters, he knows how to transform: he flies through the sky, “the devil flew over the barrier, turned into a horse ...” or “The devil lost weight in one minute and became so small. That easily got into his pocket" Conclusion Damn it didn't work. The only thing he thought about was that Vakula would let him go and not baptize him with the sign of the cross. "And so, instead of tricking, seducing and fooling others, the enemy of the human race was himself fooled."

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Fizkultminutka. Let's stop our work and get some rest. Stand up please. Now we will do some exercises. 1- th exercise - sipping. Imagine yourself as the devil. You need to collect as many stars as possible. Right above us we get a star, left, right (3 times) The next exercise is walking in place. You are Chub and godfather walking through the winter farm to visit Solokha. So, we started ... Exercise 3 - breathing exercises. blew strong wind. We exhale air. The wind began to lift the snow. Nothing became visible. We closed our eyes. Opened. 4 exercise - squat. Finally, you ended up in Solokha's house. But someone is constantly knocking on the door of her hut. Solokha is forced to hide you in a bag. And for this you need to sit down. So, we do 10 squats.

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Oksana !.Introduction Oksana - the heroine of the story "The Night Before Christmas" It was she who fell in love with Vakula 2.Description of appearance“Oksana has not yet passed seventeen years, as in almost all the world. And on the other side of Dikanka, and on this Side of Dikanka, there was only talk about her ... A fresh, lively face in childhood youth with shiny black eyes and an inexpressibly pleasant smile ... " 3. Traits of character and actions 1) Oksana was spoiled and capricious. “Oksana knew and heard everything that was said about her, and was capricious, like a beauty.” She constantly spins in front of the mirror, cannot stop admiring herself: “No, I'm good! Ah, how good! Miracle! What joy I will bring to the one whom I will be the wife! How my husband will admire me!” “Here she sat down on a bench and again looked in the mirror and began to straighten her braids on her head. She looked at her neck, at a new shirt embroidered with silk, and a subtle feeling of self-satisfaction was expressed on her lips, on fresh cheeks and lit up in her eyes. 3) Oksana is capable of compassion. When Vakula "disappeared", Oksana began to worry. That she treated him very harshly. “Only Oksana stood as if not her own: She prayed and did not pray. So many different feelings crowded into her heart, one more annoying than the other, one sadder than the other, that her face expressed nothing but embarrassment; tears trembled in his eyes. 4) Oksana is capable of sincere feelings. She gladly meets Vakula after his return from St. Petersburg. "Not! Not! I don't need cherries! - she said, waving her hands and not taking her eyes off him, - I’m without the slippers ... - Further, she did not finish and blushed. 4. Conclusion Gogol shows us Oksana both as a spoiled beauty and as a person capable of sincere feelings.

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Vakula 1. Introduction The main hero of N.V. Gogol's story “The night before Christmas is the blacksmith Vakula. 2.Description of appearance Gogol described him as "a strong man and a kid anywhere" 3. Traits of character and his actions

1) Vakula was not only a good blacksmith, “In his spare time, the blacksmith was engaged in painting and was known as the best painter in the whole neighborhood ... All the bowls from which the Dikan Cossacks slurped borscht were painted by the blacksmith.” He painted church walls. 2) The main character trait of Vakula was industriousness. If he wants to remind himself, he remembers his deeds. To prove his love for Oksana, he talks about the chest “he put iron on the binding such that he didn’t put it on the centurion’s gibberish ... And how it will be painted! ... it will burn like heat” Vakula is constantly looking for a job. For example, when he came home from Oksana, his eyes were looking to do: “Why are these bags lying here? It's time to get them out of here. Tomorrow is a holiday, and there is still all sorts of rubbish in the hut. Take them to the blacksmith! 3) Vakula loves Oksana very much, he is ready for a lot for her. Vakula says: “I don’t want expensive stones, or a golden blacksmith, or your entire kingdom. Give me my Oksana instead.” He saddled the devil and went to Petersburg to see what the princess's little laces were made of. He shows courage: “At first it seemed terrible to Vakula when he rose from the ground to such a height that he could not see anything below ... however, a little later he took courage and already began to make fun of the devil” 4) Vakula knew how to appreciate the beautiful. Once in the palace, he exclaims: “What a staircase! - the blacksmith whispered to himself, - it's a pity to trample underfoot. What decorations! .. My God! What a railing! What job! Here one piece of iron costs fifty rubles! .. What a picture! What a wonderful painting! - he reasoned, - here, it seems, he speaks! It seems to be alive!.. And the colors! My God, what colors!” Conclusion Describing the image of the blacksmith Vakula, Gogol wanted to tell us that honesty, hard work, loyalty can always defeat evil, that a person with such qualities will be happy.

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6. a brief description of heroes. Well done! Please note: each group has cards on the tables. You have to select the appropriate characters for the indicated hero (and this will not be the hero to whom you gave a description) and write down the qualities of the heroes.

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For example, Patsyuk - dumplings, dumplings. Gluttony, laziness.

(Independent work of students)

Read out your answers. (Cards with answers are glued to a sheet of an express newspaper) Oksana - a mirror, slippers. Pride, selfishness, selfishness. Vakula - an icon, a painted hut, a pen in the royal palace. Mastery, purity of soul, love for beauty, fidelity in love, faith in God.

Solokha is a broom. Ingenuity, resourcefulness, greed. Damn it's a month. Cunning, vindictiveness. 7. The result of the lesson. Gogol in his story managed to jokingly talk about the customs of the Ukrainian people, while he skillfully mixed fantasy and reality. The action takes place both on earth and in the sky. Devils and witches fly in the sky, plotting intrigues to the detriment of people. On earth, lovers unite, good triumphs.

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What can be the conclusion? Where is beauty happening? What forces are winning?

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(Everything beautiful is created on earth. Justice must triumph here. It is here that we see the victory of the earthly human principle.)

8. Homework: With. 214, questions 6, 7, 9.

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As you remember, the story "The Night Before Christmas" is included in the collection "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". In 2011, this book celebrates its 180th anniversary.

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9. Mini essay“What does N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” teach us (Students work in groups, write down the answer on a special form, which, after reading, is glued to the newspaper) - Thank you very much everyone for your work. I think that today every group deserves excellent marks.

1. Introduction
N.V. Gogol uses folklore and folk beliefs in his story. The writer draws the image of the devil, which in Slavic mythology is an evil spirit.
2. Description of appearance “Suddenly, from the other side, another speck appeared, increased, began to stretch, and there was no longer a speck ... The front was completely German: narrow, constantly spinning and sniffing everything that came across, the muzzle ended, like our pigs, with a round Piglet, the legs were so thin that if Yareskov's head had such, he would have broken them in the first Cossack. But on the other hand, behind him he is a real provincial attorney in uniform, because his tail hung as sharp and long as the coattails of the uniform today; only by the goat’s beard under the muzzle, by the small horns sticking out on his head, and that he was not all whiter than a chimney sweep, could one guess that he was not a German and not a provincial attorney, but simply a devil ... "
3. Traits of character and his actions.
1) The devil is shown by Gogol as a cunning prankster. “Meanwhile, the devil crept slowly towards the moon and was already stretching out his hand to grab it, but suddenly pulled it back, as if burned, sucked his fingers, dangled his foot and ran from the other side and jumped back again and pulled his hand away. However, despite all the failures, the cunning devil did not leave his pranks. Running up, he suddenly grabbed the moon with both hands, grimacing and blowing, throwing it from one hand to the other, like a peasant who takes out a fire for his cradle with his bare hands; finally hurriedly put it in his pocket and, as if nothing had happened, ran on.
2) "The last night remained for the devil to roam around the wide world and learn the sins of good people." He wanted to take his anger out on the blacksmith, because he depicted in one of his paintings how the devil is beaten with whips and expelled from hell.
3) The devil has human qualities, so we perceive it as real.
“The witch, seeing herself suddenly in the darkness, cried out. Then the devil, riding up like a small demon, grabbed her by the arm and started to whisper in her ear the same thing that is usually whispered to the entire female race.
He flirts with her as soon as there is a free minute left. “Meanwhile, the devil really grew soft with Solokha: he kissed her hand with such antics, like an assessor at a priest’s, took hold of her heart, groaned and said bluntly that if she did not agree to satisfy his passions and, as usual, reward him, then he was ready for everything, throw himself into the water, and send his soul straight into hell.
4) The devil was very happy that he could take revenge on the blacksmith. “Now the blacksmith has been caught! - he thought to himself, now I will take out on you, my dear, all your painting and fables, tormented by devils! » He tried to persuade the blacksmith, to outwit him.
5) Like all fairy-tale characters, he knows how to transform: he flies through the sky, “the devil flew over the barrier, turned into a horse ...” or “The devil lost weight in one minute and became so small. That easily got into his pocket"
Damn it didn't work. The only thing he thought about was that Vakula would let him go and not baptize him with the sign of the cross. "And so, instead of tricking, seducing and fooling others, the enemy of the human race was himself fooled."