Ready business oxygen cocktails. Which OKVED and which taxation system to choose to start a business on oxygen cocktails

  • 23.09.2019

It is known that oxygen cocktails are one of the main sources of health and youth, so it is not at all strange that many people buy such unusual drinks. If you try, you can make good money on such cocktails. Initially, the low cost of capital equipment and the raw material itself encourages many to open their own oxygen bars, but where should one start?

The first thing you must do is register as an PE. After that, you choose a taxation system (for example, "simplified"), register the seller and get permission from the fire department and SES.

How to choose the right place?

Have you already found a suitable place for implementation? Its area should not be huge. The main requirement is good location of the entire range, a bright sign in sight and a large number of potential buyers. As a rule, 20 m is enough.

Probably, the most demanded area for implementation will be in an entertainment or shopping center, a gym or a city market. If you live in a city with multiple resort areas, place your minibars where tourists go the most (along the coast, on the way to the beach/museum/gallery, etc.).

Separately, we note that for an oxygen bar it does not require a large separate room. You can open a mini bar with a bar and a few high chairs:

  • Club/bar: this place is considered ideal for regular sales. Unusual cocktails attract quite a lot of attention from visitors. At the same time, it is here that you can raise prices up to three times, positioning the foam as a simple, lean and even dietary dish that fills the stomach and dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • recreation / attraction area: due to the large congestion of children and other vacationers, you are guaranteed a very high level sales;
  • business center: very unusual place, you say? Not at all! Here you can position the drink as a "dish" that invigorates the whole body during a hard day's work. But a good boost of energy is exactly what all office employees need so much;
  • gym: everyone knows the fact that athletes especially need a lot of oxygen to ensure increased muscle contraction. Believe me, here such a drink will disperse very quickly;
  • sanatorium-resort institution: here an oxygen cocktail is suitable for everyone precisely because of its therapeutic and prophylactic characteristics;
  • shopping center: ask yourself, who often just walks in the mall? Of course, these are fashionistas and fashionistas. Such a drink is not only healthy, but also fashionable, because it is very popular today to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor your health.

Purchase of equipment

The next important step is to buy necessary equipment for your oxygen bar. So, the necessary devices are a concentrator for the production of pure oxygen from the air, as well as a mixer for mixing the components of your favorite cocktail into a beautiful air mass.

You will also need a riser and chairs. Although the need to purchase chairs will depend on the specialization of your point. If you will be engaged exclusively in the sale of cocktails, then furniture is not needed at all.

One-time and monthly expenses

How much do you need to spend to open your own oxygen bar? All expenses can be conditionally divided into one-time and monthly.


  1. Concentrate and mixer - up to 50,000 rubles;
  2. bar counter - up to 30,000 rubles;
  3. cash register - up to 15,000 rubles;
  4. a chair for an employee - up to 2,000 rubles.

Then you buy fruit juice different tastes: The more flavors, the higher the demand. We advise you to use exclusively natural juices, although you will have to work hard to find them and establish regular supplies. Alternatively, you can use homemade or specialized juice.

But the foam is also formed with the help of egg white or licorice root extract, although the taste can then be quite specific and even unpleasant. Add to this the purchase of a decoction of herbal preparations to increase useful properties drink.


  1. Renting a retail space: if it is 2-5 m?, then on average you will pay up to 20,000 rubles;
  2. syrups, foaming agents, juices: up to 60 servings can be prepared from one liter of juice, so the costs here are low;
  3. cups and spoons: up to 1,200 - 1,500 rubles;
  4. wage employee: depending on the region.


If you open your own oxygen bar, you need to hire two so-called oxygen jets to work in shifts. The task of the OxyJeys is not only to sell goods, but also to bring "educational work" to the masses. Employees talk about the usefulness of cocktails.

The number of customers will remain small only in two cases:

  • If the OxyJs are not doing educational work;
  • if the staff is impolite and unfriendly.

No matter how pompous it may sound, but even when opening a very small and modest point, you must make sure that the staff is professional and has the best human qualities.

Your income

Immediately after opening, you must set the dumping value of the drink. For example, not more than 70 rubles per cup at a cost of 1.5. On average, you can sell up to 30 servings per day, although their number may depend on various factors. When working 5 days a week, your revenue will be approximately 50,000 rubles.

Now subtract the seller's salary and rent from the total amount, and then the net profit will be approximately 27,000 rubles. Even when taking into account the amount for taxes, the income will be obvious, and in just two months your earnings will exceed your expenses several times.

Underwater rocks

In this case, there are also many conditions and conventions, so you should not take this type of business for a simple adventure. If you're serious about opening an oxygen bar, get your target audience right. As a rule, these are children, youth, as well as all those who care about their health.

Once you've identified your target audience, you need to take care of other obvious issues.

  • Firstly, engage in the development of a development strategy, both in the short and long term. As practice shows, with a plan, an entrepreneur immediately sees all the pros and cons of work, the nuances that need to be worked on, the problems that need to be solved.
  • Secondly, business management should be optimal: cooking rates, ideal time of day, suitable location.
  • Thirdly, develop a budget and engage in financial control not only of income, but also of spending.
  • Fourth, organize the correct accounting report and establish relationships with the tax authorities.
  • Fifth, do not be afraid to use the services of a marketer, as some buyers are wary of new types of goods / products.
  • At sixth, make your product competitive, because many are engaged in this direction because of its profitability.

Now that you know how to open an oxygen bar and a minibar, you can be a successful PE, starting from one point and moving confidently to the next.

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Oxygen cocktails are a drink saturated with oxygen, in the upper part of which a foamy "cap" is formed. The main ingredient is usually fruit juices or mineral water with syrup, which gives different tastes to the drink.
In this article, we will consider a detailed business plan for an oxygen cocktail bar, talk about equipment and calculate the profit and cost of this type of activity.

Oxygen cocktails have good tonic properties, they are often served in health boarding houses or resort sanatoriums. During the period of the Soviet Union, it was always in the diet of schoolchildren, athletes, pregnant women, etc. After the collapse of the USSR, this drink was forgotten a little, but now the trend of a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular and opening an oxygen bar is already quite a profitable activity option. Technical specialists have created special modern devices for making such cocktails, which, with a small starting capital, allow entrepreneurs to earn good money, and at the same time develop a healthy lifestyle in society.

How popular are these drinks, you ask? A few years ago, when they began to actively enter the market, it was quite difficult to sell them, but now there is a demand for oxygen cocktails even in small provincial towns, and this is an indicator that this direction will develop in the future.

These drinks are based on food additives that create foam. The main additives include: spum mixtures or licorice root extract. Often they also add special ingredients to saturate the drink with vitamins, and dilute it all with juices without pulp.

The documents

If you are planning to sell oxygen cocktails, then it is worth issuing all the relevant permits and documentation.

Here is what you will need:

  • open IP.
  • specify OKVED for activity. For Russia, this is the code 52.11 or 55.40. For Ukraine - 47.99.
  • the seller must have medical book, and it needs to be formalized for work.
  • have quality certificates for equipment and products that you will use in cooking.
  • arrange a corner of the buyer.
  • obtain a work permit from the SES and the fire service.

To be more confident in the correctness of the executed documents, we advise you to seek advice from an experienced lawyer.

Location and premises

The second step for starting this business is to find a suitable outlet, the main thing is that the place should be accessible and located with a focus on the target audience.

An excellent location for opening an oxygen bar will be:

  • shopping malls
  • resort areas
  • children's entertainment centers
  • summer beaches
  • gyms and fitness centers
  • swimming pools
  • health-improving complexes
  • premises near kindergartens and schools and other crowded places.

It is worth noting that you can work both indoors and on the streets of the city in the format of a mobile business. Below we will look at the equipment that you will need for this.

If we talk about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, then 3 - 4 sq.m. will be enough for you. Here you can install all the equipment, and the cost of rent will be minimal, which increases the profitability of the business as a whole.

You will need connected communications: heating, plumbing, electricity.


When drawing up a business plan for an oxygen bar, you will highlight the purchase of equipment as the main expense item, the main thing here is not to save money and buy exclusively certified devices for this business.

Here is a list of the main things you will need:

1.) Trading (bar) counter - its cost is about $750 - $800.

2.) Oxygen concentrator. This device is used to obtain oxygen from clean air - the estimated cost is $550.

3.) Oxygen mixer, this machine is used to make a cocktail by mixing liquid with parallel oxygen supply - $150.

In total, to organize a retail outlet indoors, it will be necessary to invest in equipment about - $ 1,500.

In the case of organizing a mobile retail outlet, with the ability to travel to any location in the city, for example, to the beach, you will need universal carts that can work autonomously (on batteries) for 6 hours.

To do this, you need to purchase a mobile sales rack, in which are mounted: oxygen concentrators, oxygen cocktails, a battery, and also, in the kit there is Charger. Often, a mini refrigerator is attached to such racks for selling ice cream and frozen juice.

As Supplies blends (SPUM) are in this business. In order for you to roughly navigate the prices, 200 grams of such a substance costs about - $ 9. For one serving of 0.5 liters, only about 2 grams of the mixture is used.

Cooking technology and menu

Like any direction related to food and drinks, the business idea for the sale of oxygen cocktails primarily implies taste and appearance. Good availability a large number packaged juices, allows you to satisfy the needs of even the most inveterate connoisseur. In addition, you can make juice mixes, resulting in an excellent cocktail with an original taste.

To prepare one serving of such a cocktail, you will need:

  • 30 ml fruit juice.
  • syrup, or food additives that create foam - 5 ml.
  • disposable glass and spoon.

Also, do not forget to work out the issue of compiling a menu map well. There you need to arrange everything beautifully, take photos of the drinks of your oxy bar, so that customers can visually imagine what they will get in the end. In addition, you need to make a stand with a description of the beneficial properties of oxygen cocktails for the human body. This will work as a marketing tool.

How much is this business worth?

If you decide to open an oxygen cocktail business, then you need to have a small amount of start-up capital to start, and if you want to save money, you can work on your own at first.

Starting investments:

  • purchase of equipment - $1500
  • paperwork - $200
  • corporate identity - $80
  • initial purchase of products - $500

Monthly expenses:

  • rent for retail space - $20 - $25 per 1 sq.m.
  • utility bills – from $20
  • taxes - $120
  • employee salary (if you plan to hire) – from $150
  • advertising - $30
  • restocking products - $ 370.

In order to save money, you can buy used equipment, but look at the degree of wear and tear, and, having assessed the risks, draw a conclusion whether it is profitable for you to do so or not. So that in the future it is not spent on repairs.

How much can you earn?

The cost of one portion of an oxygen cocktail is about $0.25. The market price is approximately $1.6. In total, you can earn about $ 1.35 on one serving. About 30 - 35 servings can be sold per day, so your earnings per shift will be $ 40.5. In a month it will turn out - $ 1215. After subtracting taxes, wages and rent from this amount, you will net about $765 per month.

Solid money can be obtained by opening about 5 oxygen bars. The total cost of opening them will not exceed $10,000.

Payback of business: 4 - 5 months.

Conclusions. An oxygen bar as a business is a good start for a beginner. The usefulness of drinks, a good margin and a small initial investment are the factors that convince young entrepreneurs to invest in this direction. It is also important that the niche is not yet filled, and you can take your place in this market segment.

Have you worked in this line of business? Looking forward to your feedback and recommendations for beginners.

A modern way to make money is the oxygen cocktail business. We will describe in detail the profitability of the project and offer a ready-made business plan for its implementation. After all, this business is not only promising, but also useful.

In the 60s of the last century, Russian scientists proved the healing effect of oxygen drinks and compared their use with a walk in the forest. This provoked a sharp increase in the installation of such devices in all sanitary and resort areas of the country. Now the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is back, so preparing and selling such a product is very profitable.

Business Outlook

This project deservedly considered highly profitable. Its attractiveness is justified by such factors:

  • Drinks are very tasty.
  • The benefits of oxygen for the body are confirmed by doctors and fitness trainers.
  • It improves concentration, increases strength and performance, improves metabolic processes, which immediately affects good health.
  • Preparation of an oxygen cocktail does not require special knowledge and skills from the seller.
  • To organize activities, you do not need to draw up a lot of paperwork and purchase expensive equipment.
  • Competition in most cities is still at a low level.

Kiosk format

You can start a business in different options:

  1. As a fixed point, located in a crowded place, where healthy drinks are offered on an ongoing basis. At the same time, you can even arrange several chairs or tables for the convenience of visitors.
  2. A movable stand that can be easily deployed anywhere. Depending on the situation, events in the city, you can set up a stall every day in a new territory. Thus, they serve various parties, concerts, presentations, participate in master classes, etc., which is also an advertisement.
  3. Combined variant- implies a combination of the two previous directions. At the same time, your stall has a stationary point, but when the opportunity arises to serve any event, you go there with a folding rack.

Here you can download for free as a sample.


Oxygen cocktails as a business do not require a particularly complex organization procedure. For this it is enough:

  • Register as an IP.
  • Choose a simplified taxation system.
  • Obtaining permission from the SES, which will be quite simple, since the ingredients used for making drinks are already certified.

The entire registration procedure takes a minimum of time and costs little. And since you do not open a separate building where visitors eat, various inspections by regulatory authorities can be avoided.


You can install an oxy bar in any crowded place. To do this, you need to rent an area of ​​​​2-5 square meters. m. on the street or, for example, in a shopping center. as such design or cosmetic repairs not required. It is enough to place a bright and noticeable signboard and conveniently arrange all the equipment and a showcase.

It is more important to pay attention to the place where the oxygen bar will be installed. The number of buyers and daily revenue, and hence the success of the entire business, largely depend on this. Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to consider such accessible points:

  1. Fitness centers where health-minded people go, they know the benefits of oxygen for active muscle work during exercise.
  2. Cinemas and other entertainment venues where there are enough visitors who can be attracted by fashionable and healthy drink.
  3. Parks, beaches, recreation areas for families with children and tourists - they are not averse to pampering themselves with something interesting and tasty.
  4. Business centers - here you need to focus on the fact that an oxygen cocktail will help improve performance and increase energy levels office worker.
  5. Sanatorium-resort institutions, where such products are considered the most in demand.
  6. A shopping center where there are quite a lot of visitors who sometimes want to relax and saturate their bodies with a healthy and nutritious drink.

Similar oxy-bars are also appropriate to have in educational and medical institutions. The main thing is to set up a stall in a conspicuous place where a lot of people go to try your product.

What do you need to open?

As already mentioned, not so much special equipment is required. You just need to buy:

  • the rack itself for sale;
  • chairs for staff and visitors (optional);
  • cocktail - a device for mixing ingredients.

To make an oxygen cocktail, you need to constantly purchase the necessary products. This drink is characterized by the presence of air bubbles mixed with a liquid base. This will require water or juice, syrup for taste and oxygen itself, sold in cylinders. With the help of a special apparatus, fruit foam is created, which is very tasty, healthy for the body and aesthetically attractive.


In order to save money, you can prepare cocktails yourself. But with a large influx of people, it is advisable to hire two bartenders who will work in shifts. In this way, you will be able to ensure sales every day without interruption.

There are no special requirements for personnel. It is enough that the sellers are friendly and can talk about the benefits of oxygen cocktails. It is easy to learn how to work with the installation and knead a suitable base in 1-2 days.

To attract customers and spread the word about your business, you can use different channels:

  1. Word of mouth - ask your friends to tell everyone they know about your oxy bar.
  2. Advertising in local media - television, newspapers and magazines.
  3. Internet - creating a page with interesting information about the product, communication in social networks, groups, forums.
  4. Use a bright and attractive sign above the counter.
  5. Participate in various social and youth events, set up a stall at sports competitions, music concerts, children's festivals, etc.

Financial part

No wonder experts say that organizing a business for the sale of oxygen cocktails is a very profitable and highly profitable project. Let's write all the numbers in the table.

It is important to include monthly expenses in the business plan.

The cost of one serving is about 1.5 rubles. And if you sell at least 30 drinks a day for 100 rubles, then in a month you can earn 90,000. This means that you will cover everything in a short time initial costs to organize a business and be able to expand. With high demand over time, you can create a franchise and teach other entrepreneurs to open similar stalls under your brand in different cities and regions.

Video: oxygen cocktail as a source of health.

Nowadays, you can earn money on almost everything, and even on the air, that is, on oxygen cocktails. This one brings a good profit and pays off in a short time, which is quite important. The most important thing is to find buyers who will be happy to buy your product.

Modern people have begun to think more about their health, so oxygenated cocktails have become in great demand. They are an oxygen-enriched drink that is recommended for athletes, pregnant women, and people with a lack of oxygen in the blood. At times Soviet Union such cocktails were offered in sports complexes and various medical institutions, for example, in. Now such drinks are served in restaurants.

Where to begin?

If you are interested in an oxygen cocktail as a business, you should know that the demand for this drink is constantly growing. Today it has become more in demand than a few decades ago. To make a profit, you need to sell about 30 servings per day. This business does not require large investments, and the profit will be decent.

Healthy drinks can be sold in restaurants and shopping malls. Oxy-bar is better placed in places with a large flow of visitors, but at the same time, customers should be comfortable and cozy. You can prepare a portion of the drink in just 5 minutes.

Price policy

Entrepreneurs implementing an oxygen cocktail business plan develop it taking into account other services that they offer in a complex way.

To prepare one cocktail you need to spend:

  • Fruit juice - 30 ml;
  • Special syrup - 5 ml;
  • Disposable tableware - spoon and glass.

All this will cost 2.22 rubles. For the year, the costs will amount to 35 thousand rubles a year. The salary for implementers is 6 thousand rubles. If two retail outlets operate, 144,000 rubles will go to the salaries of salespeople per year. Renting a retail outlet will cost about 36 thousand rubles. The total expenses will amount to 245 thousand rubles a year, and the sale of oxygen cocktails will bring 780 thousand rubles, provided that 50 drinks are sold per day for 50 rubles. Such a business usually pays off in just 4 months.

It is advisable to sell cocktails in places where there is a mass congestion of people. The highest profitability in entertainment and shopping centers. You don't have to spend a lot of money on raw materials. The biggest expense is the purchase of equipment. It pays for itself in just six months.


To sell drinks saturated with oxygen, you need a retail outlet with an area of ​​​​1-2 square meters. meters.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • Apparatus for making cocktails - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Bar counter - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Chair - 2 thousand rubles;
  • Cash register - 15 thousand rubles;

Menu with prices

About 55 thousand rubles will have to be spent on equipment for oxygen cocktails. Another 5 thousand rubles will be spent on paperwork. This money needs to be in your hands right away.

To prepare cocktails, you will need an oxygen concentrator and a cocktail. All equipment is powered by electricity.

Where to sell oxygen cocktails?

It is best to sell in health-related institutions, as well as in places with high traffic, such as in.

You can sell these drinks at:

  1. in hospitals;
  2. pools;
  3. On playgrounds;
  4. In shopping centers;
  5. in sports schools.

Profit largely depends on the patency of the point and the cost of one cocktail. For example, in elite fitness clubs, beauty salons, there are few visitors, but the cost of one drink is high here, so the profit will be decent.


No certificates will be needed to sell health drinks, as the equipment is certified by government agencies as household appliances.

To get started, just register as individual entrepreneur. It is better to pay taxes according to a simplified system. You will not need permission from the SES, since all ingredients for making drinks are certified.


In a bar that sells such drinks, the main person is an oxyj. He communicates with clients and offers them "oxygen sessions". He must be able to create the right bouquet and mix different flavors. In addition, the seller must correctly select the appropriate cocktail, depending on the age and condition of the client.

Finding workers in such a bar is not difficult, since this is an elite profession that pays well.

Before you open an oxygen bar, you need to familiarize yourself with some simple rules:
  1. Do not save on buying a cocktail. It should be comfortable, productive and attractive. The equipment should be placed in the most visible place so that customers can see how their order is being prepared. A solid installation inspires trust and respect.
  2. It should be remembered that making an oxygen cocktail is not an easy task that requires certain knowledge and skills. It is important to know how to properly create different compositions and use special ingredients. The new mixtures have a pleasant taste and balanced composition. They are designed for the mass buyer.
  3. A friendly Oxygen should work in the bar. He talks about the benefits of drinks and communicates politely with customers. Hire only open, friendly employees. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase sales.
  4. Of course, you can make an oxygen cocktail at home without equipment. To do this, use an oxygen mixer or cocktail. But many people don't do it. They go to oxygen bars to relax and also enjoy a cozy and healthy atmosphere.

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The largest profitability of the cocktail business in the regions. Usually in small towns, rental prices retail space much lower. In addition, wages are low here. Despite the fact that the attendance of outlets in the regions is lower, the profit can be much higher. This niche is free in many cities. Therefore, it is necessary to think, maybe it is worth doing just that.

You can negotiate with the administration and sell drinks in schools or kindergartens. The state provides subsidies for this social cause. If the business develops successfully, the profit from one school will be 21 thousand rubles. One set of equipment can be transported to different schools and kindergartens on certain days. Thanks to this, your income will increase by 1.5 times. The initial investment will pay off in just 2-3 months.


Selling cocktails with oxygen foam is a simple and understandable business in which there is no seasonality factor. In addition, this is a very useful thing that gives people health.

Thanks to educational activities fitness clubs and sanatoriums, the demand for such products is constantly growing. At minimum investment the oxygen bar will pay for itself in a few months.

Oxygen cocktail refers to drinks that not only perfectly quench thirst, but also have a beneficial effect on the human body, from a medical point of view. The device for preparing an oxygen cocktail is inexpensive, so it can be used to organize a profitable and low-cost business. Before offering people a new product, you need to find out for yourself why this drink is so good and will it be in demand among consumers?

  • What equipment to choose for the manufacture of an oxygen cocktail?
  • Oxygen cocktail manufacturing technology
  • Cooking Ingredients
  • Methods for preparing an oxygen cocktail

Experts - doctors say that the ingress of oxygen into the human body through drinking affects him favorably. Using it, you can get rid of headaches, overwork and increase overall tone. It has been scientifically proven that 900 grams of a cocktail replaces an hour's walk through a coniferous forest. Undoubtedly, people who monitor their health will not be able to pass by an outlet with a miraculous drink.

What equipment to choose for the manufacture of an oxygen cocktail?

To prepare a drink, you need to purchase a domestic or imported apparatus for preparing an oxygen cocktail. It works simply, and almost everyone can do the preparation of drinks. To organize a mini-bar, you will need the following equipment:

  1. The main unit of the installation is the source of oxygen. It is manufactured in two models available to the entrepreneur: an oxygen concentrator and an adjustable oxygen cylinder. There are also small portable cartridges that are more suitable for domestic use than for commercial purposes.
  2. Foaming device (oxygen mixer or cocktail).

Concentrators are most commonly used to make a beverage for commercial purposes. The device operates from a conventional power supply and produces oxygen from the air. There is a more powerful source of air - a cylinder, which is equipped with a special gearbox to control the rate of saturation of the drink with oxygen.

Oxygen cocktail manufacturing technology

A cocktail is a container into which ingredients and an oxygen foaming composition are poured. Foam is formed in it, and after that the drink is poured directly into glasses. Sometimes such an oxygen apparatus (cocktailer) is replaced with a special mixer. Thanks to intensive mixing and the simultaneous supply of oxygen, a thick and airy foam is obtained. This device, as well as a cocktail, can be used to equip a point of sale. A tube with an aerator is a disposable device designed for a limited number of glasses of an oxygen cocktail. This device is not suitable for commercial use.

When choosing a cocktail, you need to take into account that there is a big difference between domestic and imported models, in terms of specifications, No. The difference can only be in design. Imported ones look more respectable, for which they are valued at 1-2 thousand dollars. Domestic analogues can be purchased for 12-17 thousand rubles. The cost of the devices depends on the volume of the container for mixing the ingredients. The industry produces a cocktail for an oxygen cocktail, with a capacity of 3 to 10 liters.

All the delights of this drink

Cooking Ingredients

In order to prepare a tasty and healthy drink, you need to buy an apparatus and components of the future drink:

  • Fruit juices and fruit drinks;
  • Herbal infusions;
  • Milk;
  • Purified water.

The last ingredient is used in the classic oxygen cocktail recipe. Water and oxygen are all its ingredients. Milk needs 2.5-5% fat. All liquid components are loaded into the apparatus not hot, preferably at room temperature.

Foaming compositions are purchased separately. There are separate series for each oxygen cocktail flavor: Pro2fi, Oxygen Country and Milko2 for milk-based drinks.

Methods for preparing an oxygen cocktail

Depending on which device is used, two methods of preparing a drink are used. We will not talk about how to make an oxygen cocktail at home, since we are interested in the mass preparation of a drink.

  1. Method number 1 is used when an oxygen cocktail is used. The liquid ingredient is poured into the container and the composition is poured. All components are loaded into a cocktail and thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. Then they are saturated with oxygen. This method is used in cases where you need to prepare many servings of a cocktail. The device works practically without breaks.
  2. Method number 2 is used when an oxygen mixer is available. Mixing of ingredients and supply of oxygen is carried out simultaneously. This method makes it possible to approach the preparation of each portion of the drink individually. In addition, the foam is thicker and denser than when using the first method.

You can sell an oxygen cocktail in several formats:

  • Stationary outlet for the sale of a drink;
  • Cocktail bar;
  • Trade through a vending machine.

The first and third methods involve the preparation and delivery of a drink to the buyer, who will enjoy the cocktail in any place convenient for him. The second option is the arrangement of a mini-bar, with a counter and chairs for visitors. The cost of organizing such a business pays off in a few months. The preparation of this drink does not require special permits and obtaining a license. Officially, oxygen cocktails are not classified as medicines.