Business idea oxygen cocktails encyclopedia of fraud. Stages of opening an oxygen cocktail bar

  • 23.09.2019

Oxygen cocktails are health drinks invented by a Russian doctor in the 1970s. This unique product, actively consumed by people in their respective bars, has received international recognition as an effective medical tool that promotes weight loss and improves sleep. Drinks based on fruit juice, enriched with oxygen, have a healing effect on the body of adults and children.

This product is especially relevant in regions with high level air pollution, in megacities and big cities, so the business of selling oxygen cocktails is very relevant. It is believed that such a new generation drink is equivalent to a three-hour walk in the forest.

It is worth basing a business on these cocktails in recreation areas, entertainment centers where there are many children and vacationers. The ideal place to sell drinks can be a bar or a club. In such establishments, a cocktail will take its rightful place among the desserts offered, because before it was possible to try this health product only in sanatoriums and other health centers. Thanks to the pricing policy of restaurants, a portion of oxygen foam can be sold 2-3 times more expensive. This diet dish, thanks to the foam, fills the stomach and reduces the feeling of hunger.

To open an oxygen business means to maintain a healthy lifestyle for people. The cocktail is in great demand in business centers and fitness clubs; thanks to the invigorating effect of the drink, many office workers and athletes actively consume it. It provides oxygen to the muscles and increases their contraction.

How to open a cocktail business: steps

Little competition and relatively small investments in order to open a bar make the business very promising.

Room selection

It is worth opening an oxygen bar in a room with high attendance and low rent. The choice is huge, it can be a small outlet in the lobby of a cinema, a store, in front of a park, in entertainment centers, etc. It is not difficult to find such a room - from 2 to 20 m² is enough. So, even in the center of Moscow, where most retail outlets are occupied, you can take a couple of meters of comfortable space.

Rent small room will cost 20 thousand rubles a month, given the large flow of people, the funds will quickly pay off. Selling in shopping malls comfortable rooms, which can be furnished to your taste, hang thematic paintings. In the worst case, repairs can be made, which will cost about 8 thousand rubles.


The main equipment needed to open a bar like this:

  • Oxygen Concentrator;
  • special mixer;
  • foaming agent;
  • cash register.

The whole set with bags for creating foam can be bought for 30 thousand rubles.

Also included in the price (in thousands of rubles):

  • bar counter - 10;
  • table for equipment - 3.

High and comfortable chairs are sold with the bar counter.

Cocktail preparation technology: The filler is mixed with an oxygen liquid using a mixer, the foam covering the glass keeps oxygen there.


Behind the bar there should be a professional who can not only make a cocktail, but also serve it beautifully, as well as tell customers about the benefits of this drink. You can find a good OxyJay by posting an ad on the Internet. Ideally, it is better to hire two Oxyjers for shift work.

The service sector for the preparation of such cocktails in our country is practically not developed, but there are many who want to use them. Therefore, you should try to prepare drinks according to the most interesting recipes and, if possible, send your oxyj to training courses.

Business advertising

You can open a business selling these cocktails without dwelling on market analysis. This niche is still free. For people who spend more than half of the day in offices, recovery with the help of these drinks will become a great desire. Young people are happy to try everything new and fashionable, but the older generation knows the pleasant taste and benefits of cocktails since Soviet times, so they will also be happy to buy them. In order to ensure the success of your business, you can start with an advertising campaign.

Advertisements may be distributed in the form of leaflets. Information about your bar can be shared around educational institutions, large offices, shopping malls, schools, etc. Advertising will interest potential customers, and your services will be in demand from the very first days.

Benefits of an oxygen cocktail business

The advantages of this business are inexpensive equipment. To start a business, you need quite a bit: an investment in the repair of the premises, the purchase of equipment and furniture. In addition to these funds, you must be prepared for the monthly costs of renting a room and a salary for a bartender.

The bar will initially sell about 45 glasses of drink per day, over time the number of visitors will increase. The cost of one serving of a cocktail is 9-10 rubles, they are sold at 70-90 rubles. Profit even with a minimum number of visitors will be 73,000 rubles. According to experts, the payback period for a business is 4 to 6 months.

Keep in mind that this business can develop and expand over time. Success depends on the resourcefulness of the entrepreneur, you can not only sell cocktails, but also offer oxygen inhalation services.

Lack of public awareness of the benefits of such cocktails can adversely affect the conduct of business, so you must do everything to expand the benefits of the product you offer is sufficiently broad. You should tell customers that it is not only a pleasant and light drink, but also a wellness fluid. The task of your employees should include educational work, they should talk about the usefulness of the cocktail. The success of the business largely depends on the courtesy and neatness of your employees.

How to register a business?

First you need to register as a private entrepreneur, and choose a taxation system, register a bartender. To conduct this business, permits from the SES are not needed, as certified ingredients are used.

Purchasing cocktail ingredients

Juices of various fruits are used as ingredients. The more flavors, the more willing to try the drinks. Cocktails are becoming popular precisely because they are prepared on the basis of natural juices, so you need to find a reliable supplier and conclude an agreement on regular supplies. You can even use homemade juices. The preparation of one cocktail requires 30 ml of fruit juice, 5 ml of special syrup, and disposable tableware.

The target audience

The target audience of your business will be children, youth, athletes, as well as people leading a healthy lifestyle. The development of a business development strategy should be directed towards finding the ideal location, choosing the optimal opening hours and perfect cocktail preparation.

A cozy cafe where people feel comfortable always attracts people. And healthy drinks enriched with oxygen will attract many more people. The cooking time of the product is approximately 5 minutes. The feature of the bar can be an offer of cocktails for various people age.

A big plus of this business is that no certificates are needed to sell drinks. The purchased equipment is certified as household appliances.

Success Secrets

  • Do not save on the purchase of a cocktail.
  • Installation of attractive equipment in a conspicuous place.
  • Creating the opportunity to visually see the preparation of the drink.
  • The ability to create various, palatable compositions.

Opening a business on these cocktails means providing everyone with oxygen therapy. Thanks to your work, people with seasonal allergies will be able to recover quickly, middle-aged people will be able to rejuvenate, those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and rheumatic diseases will be able to undergo prophylaxis.

The business of producing and selling milkshakes is a small but consistently profitable business. It also attracts entrepreneurs with its high payback, despite the clearly seasonal nature - the main sales of the drink are in the summer. If you correctly build a plan for the implementation of an idea, choose an assortment, equipment for it, you can get a good source of a small, but stable income. The advantage of the direction is that the business can be started both from scratch and through the purchase of a franchise.

First steps to start a business

First of all, you should study the market in which you are going to work. Go around the area where you plan to open a business, study the number of similar points, their range, pricing policy. Don't be afraid of a lot of competition. A niche is interesting because even in a dense competitive environment, you can find something that will make you stand out from the crowd. These can be cocktails with different tastes, original serving, additional services, and more. But to find your chip, you need to know what others offer.

Having decided on the direction, you can register the enterprise. Since the business is small, aimed at retail sale, it is quite possible to register individual entrepreneur. It will cost only 800 rubles. state duty. The paperwork process itself will take no more than five working days.

As for the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station, it does not require certificates for equipment. But the sanitary book from the seller may well be asked. Therefore, it is best to arrange it in advance.

When registering, it is recommended to switch to a simplified taxation system, which will allow you to independently maintain accounting records. Also, when registering a business, you must specify OKVED 56.10.19 Other catering services.

Business Format

The choice of the sales format largely determines how you will be able to offset the seasonality factor. The largest sales of milkshakes are observed in the summer, so many decide to stop at street trading. Indeed, the device, installed in a busy place near recreation parks, entertainment centers, cinemas, brings a significant income. But only in the period from late spring to early autumn. For the rest of the year, sales go only if production is moved to shopping or entertainment centers, cinemas.

But, firstly, there is the price of rent square meter much higher. Secondly, as the season approaches, it becomes more difficult to find a free place. Initially locate a milkshake point of sale in mall unprofitable - the sales plan cannot be fulfilled there in the summer.

In order to somehow even out the situation, it is possible to organize exclusively the production of milkshakes, and sell them through various cafes. In this case, you do not need to organize a retail outlet, respectively, you do not need the cost of renting and paperwork for the sale.

If the business interests you exclusively as an accompanying one, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a summer point of sale on the street.


The advantage of the business is that the required equipment does not take up much space. As a rule, an outlet can quite comfortably fit in an area of ​​1.5-3 sq. m. depending on what range you will offer.

To organize the work of a point for the sale of milkshakes, you will at least need the following equipment:

  • mixer or freezer;
  • refrigerator;
  • optional equipment.

Any equipment of this type can be found both domestic and imported. Of course, buying any domestic device, you can save a lot on starting funds. But you need to understand that you lose a lot in performance. For example, a domestic mixer beats a portion of a drink in three minutes, and one is enough for an imported one. When you have a high flow of visitors, this difference is very noticeable. In addition, domestic equipment breaks more often.

Choosing a mixer

A mixer is a key device in the preparation of milkshakes. Your entire business depends on its quality and speed of preparation of the drink. Domestic equipment at 12 thousand revolutions per minute, which prepares a drink in 3 minutes, costs an average of 5 thousand rubles.

An Italian mixer can not only whip up a milkshake in a minute, but is also capable of preparing three drinks at the same time. American equipment can run at 20,000 rpm. At the same time, its warranty period is 5-7 years. Such equipment costs from 12 thousand rubles. and higher, depending on how many glasses the machine is designed for. By the way, even if you took the equipment for one working cell, it is recommended to purchase a couple more glasses. So you can quickly prepare the desired mixture. The cost of one glass for an imported mixer is about 500 rubles.


Such equipment helps to fully automate the process of production of milkshakes. A mixer and containers for supplying syrups are built into the apparatus. Depending on which button was pressed for preparation, a certain type of syrup is mixed into the milkshake. Standard freezer models can produce four different drinks at the same time.

They also differ in the type of saturation of the drink with air. It depends on how the cocktail will be whipped. With natural air supply, it is whipped by a maximum of 40%, and with forced air, this figure can reach 100%. Another difference between a freezer and a mixer is that the latter prepares a drink at temperatures from 0 to -3 ° C.

Accordingly, milk drinks prepared in a freezer differ in taste more favorably. They are richer in texture and more like melted ice cream in both appearance and taste. Therefore, these cocktails are often called "soft ice cream". But such equipment costs a little more than a mixer. Depending on the model and manufacturer, its price starts from 15-20 thousand rubles. The productivity of the freezer costs from 2.5 kg per hour. But experts recommend taking it only if at least one hundred servings can be sold per day.

Raw materials for cooking

To prepare milkshakes according to the classical technology using a mixer, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk;
  • syrup;
  • ice cream.

All this is desirable to purchase from wholesale suppliers. Ice cream and milk must be stored in refrigerators. For syrups, this condition is optional. By the way, syrups must be purchased special for cocktails. They are sold in liters. plastic bottles with convenient dosing cap.

To prepare drinks in a freezer, you will have to include in the business plan the purchase of special powdered milk mixtures and special syrups intended exclusively for the freezer.

The volume of purchases of raw materials is calculated from the fact that 300 milliliters of a cocktail requires 7 grams of syrup, 15 grams of ice cream and 75 grams of milk. Please note that 2/3 cup of the finished drink is occupied by foam, which is why it is so important to have good equipment that can beat it to the desired consistency.

The most popular syrups are vanilla, chocolate and fruit.

Submission of services

As already mentioned, in order for a business to flourish, you need to find something to stand out from your competitors. First of all, it is necessary to present a wide range of flavors. Usually the line expands due to the fruit variety.

Pay attention to the container. You can come up with an original shape or color of cups, tubes, lids, accessories for them. To increase profitability, include related products in your sales plan: nuts, cookies, chewing gum, and more. A new trend in the assortment of cocktails is oxygen cocktails, the foam of which is formed using oxygen.

You can also arrange delivery alcoholic cocktails, but this dramatically increases the number of requirements for the outlet. It should not be located near educational and children's institutions or places where children gather. You will also need to obtain a special license for the sale of alcoholic beverages. In addition, the sale of such cocktails is strictly limited in time by law.

Point staff

At the start of a business, it is quite possible to manage on your own, preparing and selling cocktails on your own at your point. But if you plan to open several outlets and keep selling all week, it is better to hire salespeople. For smooth operation, it is better to have two sales assistants for each point for shift work. Please note that each of them must be issued sanitary book. If the future seller does not have it, you must issue it at your own expense.

Financial plan

Mandatory section that any business plan should contain − financial plan enterprises. It calculates in detail all the costs at the start and in the production process, and then compares them with the estimated income. So you can calculate the profitability of the future business.

Expenditure part

If we talk about expenses, then the plan for the cost part will look something like this:

Please note that the cost plan does not include salaries for cocktail vendors. Usually it is formed from an agreed percentage of daily earnings.

Revenue part

The revenue plan is formed on the basis of the estimated sales volume. According to statistics in the summer, a sales plan can be set for about 250 portions of a milkshake per day at a busy point. The cost of one regular serving of 300 ml is an average of 35 rubles, half a liter - 50 rubles. In this case, the margin on the drink is not less than 200%. As for soft ice cream (a cocktail made in a freezer), its cost is 3.5 rubles. and it is sold at a markup of about 100%. But the final cost of the product depends on the region of sales.

After all the necessary payments have been made and the cost of raw materials has been deducted, the profit, according to various estimates, can range from 200 thousand rubles. per month up to a million rubles. It all depends on where the point is located, and what additional services you offer on it.

Assessing the indicators that the financial plan demonstrates, we can say that the business will pay off in about a year or a little more.

Conditions for business success

Of course, the success of a business depends on many factors, but there are additional specific factors that will ensure the success of milkshake sales. These include the following:

  1. Stable high quality drink. In no case should you save on equipment and ingredients that provide the taste and quality of the drink. After all, it is for the sake of taste that buyers come to you. Therefore, the equipment and raw materials must be of the highest quality, the ingredients are added exactly according to the technology.
  2. Constantly expand the range. The competition in this area is quite high, so you constantly need to keep the attention of buyers at your point. But keep in mind that the tastes of cocktails buyers are quite conservative. Chocolate, vanilla and fruit flavors are always the most popular. Of the latter, banana, strawberry and raspberry are most often taken. Exotics are best taken in small quantities, checking the preferences of customers. It is recommended to expand the range by offering additional products. For example, oxygen cocktails, freshly squeezed juices, ice cream and more.
  3. Some experts recommend turning the drink into a show. It means not only to offer it in an original glass and with an unusual tube, but also to make the cooking process itself exciting, for which people will come back to you again.

Oxygen cocktails are a drink saturated with oxygen, in the upper part of which a foamy "cap" is formed. The main ingredient is usually fruit juices or mineral water with syrup, which gives different tastes to the drink.
In this article, we will consider a detailed business plan for an oxygen cocktail bar, talk about equipment and calculate the profit and cost of this type of activity.

Oxygen cocktails have good tonic properties, they are often served in health boarding houses or resort sanatoriums. During Soviet Union it was definitely in the diet of schoolchildren, athletes, pregnant women, etc. After the collapse of the USSR, this drink was forgotten a little, but now the trend of a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular and opening an oxygen bar is already quite a profitable activity. Technical specialists have created special modern devices for making such cocktails, which, with a small starting capital, allow entrepreneurs to earn good money, and at the same time develop a healthy lifestyle in society.

How popular are these drinks, you ask? A few years ago, when they began to actively enter the market, it was quite difficult to sell them, but now there is a demand for oxygen cocktails even in small provincial towns, and this is an indicator that this direction will develop in the future.

These drinks are based on food additives that create foam. The main additives include: spum mixtures or licorice root extract. Often they also add special ingredients to saturate the drink with vitamins, and dilute it all with juices without pulp.


If you plan to sell oxygen cocktails, then you should issue all the relevant permits and documentation.

Here is what you will need:

  • open IP.
  • specify OKVED for activity. For Russia, this is the code 52.11 or 55.40. For Ukraine - 47.99.
  • the seller must have a medical book, and he must be officially registered for work.
  • have quality certificates for equipment and products that you will use in cooking.
  • arrange a corner of the buyer.
  • obtain a work permit from the SES and the fire service.

To be more confident in the correctness of the executed documents, we advise you to seek advice from an experienced lawyer.

Location and premises

The second step for starting this business is to find a suitable outlet, the main thing is that the place should be accessible and located with a focus on the target audience.

An excellent location for opening an oxygen bar will be:

  • shopping malls
  • resort areas
  • children's entertainment centers
  • summer beaches
  • gyms and fitness centers
  • swimming pools
  • health-improving complexes
  • premises near kindergartens and schools and other crowded places.

It is worth noting that you can work both indoors and on the streets of the city in the format of a mobile business. Below we will look at the equipment that you will need for this.

If we talk about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, then 3 - 4 sq.m. will be enough for you. Here you can install all the equipment, and the cost of rent will be minimal, which increases the profitability of the business as a whole.

You will need connected communications: heating, plumbing, electricity.


When drawing up a business plan for an oxygen bar, you will highlight the purchase of equipment as the main expense item, the main thing here is not to save money and buy exclusively certified devices for this business.

Here is a list of the main things you will need:

1.) Trading (bar) counter - its cost is about $750 - $800.

2.) Oxygen concentrator. This device is used to obtain oxygen from clean air - the estimated cost is $550.

3.) Oxygen mixer, this machine is used to make a cocktail by mixing liquid with parallel oxygen supply - $150.

In total, to organize a retail outlet indoors, it will be necessary to invest in equipment about - $ 1,500.

In the case of organizing a mobile outlet, with the ability to travel to any location in the city, for example, to the beach, you will need universal carts that can work autonomously (on batteries) for 6 hours.

To do this, you need to purchase a mobile sales rack, in which are mounted: oxygen concentrators, oxygen cocktails, a battery, and also, in the kit there is Charger. Often, a mini refrigerator is attached to such racks for selling ice cream and frozen juice.

As Supplies blends (SPUM) are in this business. In order for you to roughly navigate the prices, 200 grams of such a substance costs about - $ 9. For one serving of 0.5 liters, only about 2 grams of the mixture is used.

Cooking technology and menu

Like any direction related to food and drinks, the business idea for selling oxygen cocktails primarily implies taste and appearance. Good availability a large number packaged juices, allows you to satisfy the needs of even the most inveterate connoisseur. In addition, you can make juice mixes, resulting in an excellent cocktail with an original taste.

To prepare one serving of such a cocktail, you will need:

  • 30 ml fruit juice.
  • syrup, or food additives that create foam - 5 ml.
  • disposable glass and spoon.

Also, do not forget to work out the issue of compiling a menu map well. There you need to arrange everything beautifully, take photos of the drinks of your oxy bar, so that customers can visually imagine what they will get in the end. In addition, you need to make a stand with a description of the beneficial properties of oxygen cocktails for the human body. This will work as a marketing tool.

How much is this business worth?

If you decide to start a business in oxygen cocktails, then you need to have a small amount of start-up capital to start, and if you want to save money, you can work on your own at first.

Starting investments:

  • purchase of equipment - $1500
  • paperwork - $200
  • corporate identity - $80
  • initial purchase of products - $500

Monthly expenses:

  • rent for trading area– $20 – $25 per 1 sq.m.
  • utility bills – from $20
  • taxes - $120
  • employee salary (if you plan to hire) – from $150
  • advertising - $30
  • restocking products - $ 370.

In order to save money, you can buy used equipment, but look at the degree of wear and tear, and, having assessed the risks, draw a conclusion whether it is profitable for you to do so or not. So that in the future it is not spent on repairs.

How much can you earn?

The cost of one portion of an oxygen cocktail is about $0.25. The market price is approximately $1.6. In total, you can earn about $ 1.35 on one serving. About 30 - 35 servings can be sold per day, so your earnings per shift will be $ 40.5. In a month it will turn out - $ 1215. After subtracting taxes from this amount, wages and the amount of rent, you will net about $765 per month.

Solid money can be obtained by opening about 5 oxygen bars. The total cost of opening them will not exceed $10,000.

Payback of business: 4 - 5 months.

Conclusions. An oxygen bar as a business is a good start for a beginner. The usefulness of drinks, a good margin and a small initial investment are the factors that convince young entrepreneurs to invest in this direction. It is also important that the niche is not yet filled, and you can take your place in this market segment.

Have you worked in this line of business? Looking forward to your feedback and recommendations for beginners.

Ecology of Life: Business. Today, people are seriously concerned about their health and appearance and the sale of oxygen cocktails can bring a good profit to the entrepreneur.

Oxygen bar business plan

Oxygen bar as a business - an enterprise that is better to open in big cities where air pollution is very high and people are seriously concerned about their health and appearance.

Why is it worth investing in opening an oxygen cocktail bar?

TO An oxygen cocktail is a hearty and tasty drink that removes toxins from the body, normalizes metabolic processes, and has a positive effect on the digestive tract.

The drink helps to improve the condition of the skin and complexion. In addition, people who use oxygen cocktails suffer less from migraines and depression. The above factors indicate thatselling oxygen cocktails can bring a good profit to an entrepreneur.


To organize an enterprise under the power of everyone:

  • capital investment is minimal;
  • work experience and special education are not needed;
  • the company will pay off in a very short time;
  • you can choose and buy oxygen cocktail equipment and ingredients in any specialized store.

The advantage of the business is the aspect that the machine for oxygen cocktails can be installed not only in a shopping or sports and entertainment center, but also in a school, pharmacy, kindergarten, beauty salon. Last option especially relevant, as many women are aware of the positive effect of the drink on the condition of the skin and hair.

But despite obvious benefits In order to build a successful venture, a detailed oxygen bar business plan needs to be drawn up. Careful study of all points of the project will help to avoid possible risks, unforeseen expenses and other problems.


Before you open your own oxygen bar, you should calculate, at least approximately, organizational costs and draw up a business plan. The first thing to pay attention to is purchase of special automated devices. The price of equipment for the preparation of oxygen cocktails is not high today.

The entrepreneur needs to purchase:

  • oxygen cocktail maker- an apparatus that forms foam from a filled base;
  • oxygen concentrator- a device that releases oxygen environment, concentrating it and converting it into a stream of pure oxygen;
  • cash register;
  • oxygen bar rack.

You can buy an oxygen cocktail at a specialized outlet or online store. The cost of the device depends on its performance and functionality. For a bar, models costing from 8,000 rubles are suitable. and higher.

The hub costs more. The price of an oxygen cocktail apparatus varies from 24,000 rubles. and higher. You can buy an apparatus for an oxygen cocktail on the Internet, where it is offered a large assortment similar technology.

An ordinary cash register can be bought for 10,000 - 12,000 rubles. A bar counter for making cocktails costs about 33,000 rubles, and a chair for an employee costs 1,500 rubles.

So, in order to buy equipment for an oxygen bar, an entrepreneur should prepare about 80,000 rubles. This will be a one-time opening cost.


Monthly expenses look like this:

  • place rental , approximately 2.5 m2 - about 4,000 rubles;
  • preparation of an oxygen cocktail is impossible without packaged juices, syrups, foaming agents - 7,000 rubles. depending on sales
  • disposable tableware - 1,000 rubles;
  • salary to the seller-oxygen - 20,000 rubles.

The total cost will be approximately 20,000 - 30,000 rubles.

The advantage of the enterprise is the absence of special permits. It is necessary to have certificates for the components of the cocktail, technical documentation for the equipment. The seller must have medical book. The outlet and the products sold should be registered with Rospotrebnazor. This will add 15,000 rubles. to expenses.

Next, you should calculate how profitable the oxygen cocktail business is. The cost of one glass of a cocktail is approximately 8-10 rubles. In megacities, the price of a sold product varies from 60 to 70 rubles. That is, the profit from one serving is at least 50 rubles.

In small provincial towns, a serving of a drink varies from 40 rubles. The net income of the entrepreneur will be equal to 30 -32 rubles.

If you sell 50 glasses of an oxygen drink daily, then the monthly income will be about 80,000 rubles in the metropolis, and 50,000 rubles in the provinces. Investments made at the start will pay off in a couple of months.


A good option for making money in the production and sale of oxygen cocktails will be an exit oxygen bar. In this case, the one-time costs should include the purchase or rental of a mobile room in which the mobile oxygen bar will be located. The advantage of such an institution is the ability to move around the city and install in crowded places, or leave on a call.

Such a service is often ordered by the organizers of various events. A mobile bar will be very useful at city holidays, corporate and other meetings, promotions and openings of institutions.

Business attracts by the absence of great competition and high profitability.The profitability ratio varies from 90 to 150%.


The first thing a new entrepreneur should learn is that on the purchase of equipment you can't save. The quality of the equipment directly affects the taste and beneficial features cocktail.

A stylish device should be installed in a conspicuous place. The solidity of the installation will attract the attention of customers and inspire them with confidence in the quality of the purchased products.

The ingredients must be used correctly. There are many secrets to making delicious drinks. The taste of the drink is affected by the density, water base (syrups, juices, water), foaming extract.

Oxyjey is not only a person who knows everything, or almost everything, about creating oxygen cocktails. The oxygen bar operator is company face, selling drinks.

Polite, smiling, good-looking Oxygen is 50% of the success of the enterprise. published

Among the most delicious and healthy drinks that are popular in our country, oxygen cocktails can be attributed. This gives the entrepreneur – even the beginner – the opportunity to organize profitable business on the sale of these drinks. We will study how the corresponding outlets can be equipped.

Business selling oxygen cocktails rightfully attributed to the most profitable and promising. This is due, first of all, to the high degree of demand for these cocktails by different categories of consumers. Oxygen cocktails have a wide range of useful qualities:

  • aesthetic character - pleasant appearance, taste;
  • technological nature - ease of manufacture, lack of strict legal requirements for the release of these drinks;
  • healing character - adaptability to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, normalize blood pressure, digestion, improve sleep.

Depending on the composition of a particular type of cocktail, its beneficial properties can be supplemented by other - due to the properties of the corresponding ingredients (for example, juices, berries).

Actually, what is an oxygen cocktail? It is a sweet drink, easily recognizable by its "cap" consisting of small bubbles of foam. It really contains pure oxygen (not air, contrary to popular belief), the most important chemical element that provides life on our planet.

Oxygen can enter the body not only through breathing, but also through its use in the "food" way - in the form of a gas dissolved in water or located inside those same foam bubbles on the surface of the cocktail. "Food" oxygen is very quickly absorbed into the blood and activates various processes that contribute to the healing of the body.

Oxygen cocktail- by the way, being a Russian product (more precisely, Soviet - the first experiments of scientists on its use were carried out in the USSR in the 1960s) is recognized as a safe product. It is recommended for use in many health institutions. At the same time, an oxygen cocktail is also an everyday food product. It can be claimed by a variety of consumers, for example:

  • clients of fitness centers, entertainment centers;
  • cinema, theater visitors;
  • visitors to parks and beaches.

Thus, the sale of oxygen cocktails as a business can be carried out in the most different segments. The level of competition in this line of business can be described as moderate. The sale of oxygen cocktails is not a new type of business for Russia (which is partly understandable given the fact that they were invented in our country), and the corresponding business segment is quite saturated. At the same time, along with this saturation, a steady demand for oxygen cocktails has been formed: therefore, even when starting a business from scratch, you will not have to once again pay attention to explaining to consumers all the useful properties of this drink. Everyone knows that it is healthy and tasty.

But it is in the power of an entrepreneur to make it the most delicious, and also to promote his brand so that, taking advantage of the good demand for the product, win a place in the market from competitors.


We will study how an entrepreneur can solve these difficult tasks, what investments he will have to invest in his business.

Opening a business selling oxygen cocktails involves:

  1. Preparation of equipment and arrangement of the premises.
  2. Purchase of raw materials and ingredients.
  3. Business development and sales organization.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the implementation of these stages of starting a business in the context of the entrepreneur's income and expenses.

Equipment and premises

The preparation of a cocktail involves the use of the following main types of equipment:

  • an oxygen cocktail - an apparatus for mixing oxygen with a flavoring liquid (it costs about 10 thousand rubles);
  • sales rack, table, possibly chairs (they will cost about 20 thousand rubles).

Total one-time expenses - about 30 thousand rubles.

The sale of the cocktail will have to take place in some premises. Let's agree that this is a trading place in an entertainment center: on average, in the largest Russian city, its monthly rent will be about 10 thousand rubles. In Moscow, of course, it is incomparably more expensive - about 30 thousand rubles, or even more.

The composition of the cocktail in question contains, as a rule, 4 key components:

  1. water;
  2. flavor additive (syrup, jam, concentrate);
  3. oxygen;
  4. foaming agent.

At the same time, many oxygen jockeys (stylish sellers-manufacturers of oxygen cocktails - from oxygen - "oxygen" and "DJ", the one at the disco) prefer not to use water and flavor separately in the production of the product, but to use a ready-made liquid with this or that taste - for example, natural or juice sold in bags. Let's agree and we will use this approach.

As a foaming agent, ordinary protein from chicken egg or, for example, gelatin. These ingredients are optimal in terms of quality and price.

In turn, pure oxygen cannot be replaced by anything - you will need to buy it in cylinders. The cost of a 200-gram cylinder of liquefied oxygen under pressure (corresponding to about 16 liters of gaseous oxygen) is about 1,000 rubles.

To make 1 medium portion of an oxygen cocktail you will need:

  • 50 milliliters of juice (cost - 5 rubles, based on the average cost of 1 liter of delicious good packaged juice of 100 rubles);
  • about 0.32 liters of gaseous oxygen (cost - 20 rubles).
  • An oxygen cocktail is usually served in a plastic cup with a spoon (the cost price is 3 rubles).

The total cost of 1 portion of an oxygen cocktail will be about 28 rubles.

The average market selling price of 1 serving of a drink in the mall is 50-60 rubles. So the operating profitability oxygen cocktail, obviously, will be close to 100%. But the actual profitability (especially in the first months) will obviously be lower - since it will be necessary to take into account the costs of equipment and arrangement of the premises.

In addition, it will matter how many servings of the cocktail the entrepreneur can sell. We have already studied the costs of equipment and premises, now we will consider how to promote a business, and what kind of turnover can be expected from it.

Brand promotion

Where to beginbusiness promotion? To do this, you can use:

  • traditional, classic channels - advertising in print media, television, radio, using "word of mouth" (that is, by connecting friends and acquaintances);
  • innovative (although already now turning into the rank of traditional - they are so common) channels: contextual advertising, SEO optimization, SMM.

The emphasis in promotion should be on the target audience that visits the entertainment center, where an entrepreneur has rented a place to sell an oxygen cocktail. That is, if this mall is predominantly for young people, advertising should be given in the media of the appropriate direction, and in online promotion, focus on "youth" targeting in systems contextual advertising and other resources.

What expenses can characterize the advertising promotion of an outlet? If you watch these promotion channels, 1 advertising impression to the target client on a good resource will vary in the range of 300-500 rubles per 1000 impressions (conversion - turning impressions into sales, can be about 2-3%).

Taking into account the popularity of the mall, it may be possible to get by with 1-2 advertising campaigns of 50 thousand impressions lasting about 1 week. After - the client pool will be more or less formed, then it will be supported or supplemented by regular visitors to the mall. On average, it can be about 50 customers per day.

How much can you earn?

So, we have all the data to calculate the payback of a business selling oxygen cocktails.

Our daily revenue will be about 2,500 rubles (50 is the estimated number of buyers, we multiply by 50 rubles the selling price of a serving of a cocktail). If we try to be present at the workplace every day, then in a month we will earn, thus, about 75,000 rubles (2500 * 30).

Monthly costs:

  • for renting premises - 10 thousand rubles (we will agree that we work in an average provincial city);
  • for ingredients: 33,600 (28 - the cost of 1 serving, multiply by 40, after - by 30).

One-time costs:

  • for equipment (30,000 rubles);
  • for advertising (50,000 rubles).

Thus, in order to recoup the one-time investment, we need to work in the red for about 2 months. After that, we reach a profitability of about 70% (75,000 rubles of revenue and 43,600 rubles of monthly expenses) until the moment when it will be necessary to change the equipment due to wear and tear. But the costs associated with this will no longer worry us much: the business will be promoted, and, most likely, will again successfully pay off investments in updated equipment.

To a large extent, the answer to the question - is it profitable or not to engage in the business of selling oxygen cocktails, will depend on the actual effectiveness of the campaign to promote the outlet, the entrepreneur's approach to choosing a retail space. But taking into account the average saturation of the segment, it is quite legitimate to consider this business as extremely cost-effective.