When did the five-day work week come into being? Weekends in the USSR

  • 27.08.2020

The new Soviet government set as its goal nothing less than the construction of a new world. And for this, it was necessary to subject all spheres of public life to changes.

One of the innovations was the transition to Gregorian calendar. The USSR thus finally drew closer in chronology to Europe. Previously, the Russian prevented Orthodox Church. Now religion was no longer the dominant factor in social change. And the young government enthusiastically begins sometimes amazing experiments with the calculation of time, the designation of the days of the week and months. But not all revolutionary changes were accepted by society.

In the period of formation Soviet power the calendar was a significant tool for the formation of social memory, mobilization of the broad masses of the population. The distribution of holidays and working days in it regulated the way of life of the entire population. The mass Soviet culture is reflected in the calendars of the 1930s.

On October 1, 1929, a reformed calendar appeared in the USSR. The new order of counting the date was called revolutionary. And the changes were connected with the fact that at the end of August 1929 the so-called "continuity" was introduced in the USSR. The Bolsheviks wanted to start continuous production. This applies to both enterprises and government agencies. The process was first introduced partially, and since the spring of 1930 everywhere.

The Soviet revolutionary calendar, in addition to the industrial benefits that the Bolsheviks hoped to extract, was also an ideological tool. His task was to destroy the Christian religious weekly cycle with Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Ideas about weeks and days of the week changed. The days lost their traditional names. They were numbered - the first day of the five-day period, the second day of the five-day period, etc. People worked for four days, and rested on the fifth. And so the whole new annual cycle, consisting of 72 five-day periods. And so that the days off for employees of enterprises and institutions did not intersect, they were divided into groups and differed in colors. The working days of the five groups were marked on the calendar in yellow, pink, green, red and purple. The calendar for 1930 looked very colorful.

Fifth day - day off

"Continuity" was designed to strengthen the productive power of the country, to reduce the time of new construction and reconstruction of old industries. At the same time, the interests of the proletariat were taken into account in relation to the number of working days and the number of working hours. There was no talk of life outside of production.

Weekends, thus, it turned out more - one in a five-day period. Weekends were no longer Sundays, but red, pink, purple, and fifths in general. It is hard to imagine how the workers coped with this innovation. After all, days off did not coincide with members of the same family. And such a way of working life offered to the Soviet people was hardly popular. The new timesheet calendar complicated everyday life, personal and public life. Two calendars hung in the houses - the old one and the new one, essentially a working time sheet.

Remaining five non-working days were not included in any months or weeks. These national holidays are Lenin's Day on January 22, Labor Days - in fact the main days of rest in the Soviet Union - May 1 and 2, Industrial Days - November 7 and 8. In the timesheet calendar for 1931, therefore, May began on the 3rd.

It is worth noting that this was not the only one that did not materialize. unusual project Soviet power in the field of time calculation. During the time of the revolutionary calendar, the chronology itself was indicated in a new way - from the "creation" of the socialist revolution. And this continued until 1991. Next to the usual Gregorian year was the year of November 7, 1917. Even the corresponding abbreviation "s.r." was introduced.

At the end of 1931, the five-day week was replaced by a six-day week with fixed days of rest, which fell on the 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th and 30th of each month. Now it was necessary to work for five days, and on the sixth to rest.

The months retained their old names, despite the fact that the Union of Militant Atheists received very extraordinary proposals for their renaming. The only month that retained its name according to their system was to remain May. The rest of the months would have received the names of, for example, Engels, Stalin, the Comintern.

In addition, according to the decrees of the Soviet government, the clock hands were moved one hour ahead, compared with astronomical standard time. And even the sun in the Land of the Soviets was at its zenith at its appointed hour. The totalitarian regime sought to control even time. He writes about this in his book Time and Politics. Introduction to Chronopolitics" Russian politician and political scientist Alexander Yuryevich Sungurov.

Return to traditional calendar

We got used to the five-day period with great difficulty. Gradually, the revolutionary calendar was supplanted by the traditional one. The seven-day week is back, but the work week still starts on Sunday. The return to the traditional seven-day work week happened only in 1940. February and the months with 31 days continued to bring confusion to all calendars. And soon the great experiments of the Soviet government eventually ended altogether, probably without affecting labor productivity. And on June 26, 1940, a decree of the presidium was signed Supreme Council USSR "On the transition to an eight-hour working day, to a seven-day working week." Thus, the Soviet revolutionary calendar lasted 11 years.

March 6, 1967 Svetlana Alliluyeva, the youngest daughter of Joseph Stalin, asked for political asylum at the American embassy during a trip to India.

March 7, 1967 The USSR introduced a five-day work week. Saturday and Sunday became days off.

March 8, 1910 The French Baroness Elise de Laroche flew, becoming the first female pilot. In June 1919, de Laroche set two women's world records - for altitude and distance. A monument to the pilot was erected at Le Bourget Airport.

March 10, 1919 The III All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets, held in Kharkov, adopted the Constitution of Ukraine and approved the first coat of arms of the republic. The Constitution of independent Ukraine was adopted on June 28, 1996.

March 10, 1940 Writer Mikhail Bulgakov died in Moscow at the age of 49. Real fame came to him after his death, when in 1966 the novel The Master and Margarita was published in the Moscow magazine.

March 11, 1931 In the Soviet Union, a physical education program "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" was introduced. For the passing of sports standards, people were awarded special TRP badges, which the People's Commissar of Defense Kliment Voroshilov called the physical culture order.

March 11, 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, he took this position after the death of Konstantin Chernenko. Gorbachev became the seventh and last leader of the Soviet state.

On March 7, 1912, everyone learned about the conquest of the south pole of the earth by the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen

When Norwegian Roald Amundsen (on the picture) I learned that North Pole conquered by Frederick Cook, he decided to go to the opposite pole of the Earth. At the same time, a British Navy expedition led by Robert Scott was preparing to conquer the South Pole. Amundsen notified Scott and the Geographical Society of his intention from the Fram: “I have the honor to inform you that the Fram is on its way to Antarctica. Amundsen. Thus, two states gathered to conquer the South Pole of the Earth almost simultaneously: Great Britain and Norway.

In the "polar race" Amundsen chose skis, sleds and dogsleds as means of transportation. Dogs, of which there were more than a hundred, not only pulled the load, but also served as food for the expedition. On the way to the Pole, Amundsen organized a system of food warehouses. For orientation in the endless snow-white space, his team built pyramids of snow about two meters high, next to which they buried food.

Scott's expedition moved on motor sledges, dogs and Manchurian ponies bought in Siberia, which endured the cold well. But the conditions of the Arctic climate were too harsh: the horses got bogged down in the snow, and the snowmobiles often broke down. Roald Amundsen and his three companions were the first to reach the South Pole. It was December 14, 1911. Having reached the Pole on January 18, 1912, Scott and two of his comrades found traces of sledges, dogs and a tent in which Amundsen left Scott a sign with the date of his conquest of the South Pole. The Norwegian victory undermined the morale of the British. On their way back, the three explorers were forced to stop due to a heavy snowstorm just 15 kilometers from the camp. They all froze in the tent. The stiff bodies of daredevils were found on November 12, 1912.

But the world learned about the conquest of the South Pole of the Earth only on March 7, 1912, when Amundsen, together with the team, moored in Hobart (Tasmania). And eight months later, a message appeared about the death of the English expedition. Roald Amundsen lived to be 56 years old. He died in the Arctic while rescuing designer and explorer Umberto Nobile. In honor of the two discoverers of the South Pole in Antarctica, a sea, a mountain and an American scientific station are named.

Not so long ago it became known that a Ukrainian, groom Anton Omelchenko from the village of Batky, Poltava region, participated in Scott's expedition. Omelchenko looked after the Manchurian ponies. They went to the pole without horses, so the 28-year-old Ukrainian remained in the camp. Anton participated in two wars: the First World War and the Civil War. Omelchenko died in 1932 from a lightning strike. Scientists from the Antarctic Center in 2000 found Viktor Omelchenko's grandson in the Poltava region, showed him documents brought from the British Antarctic Center, photographs and even a film of Scott's expedition, where his grandfather dances the hopak. Victor Omelchenko also became a polar explorer. I have already visited the Ukrainian station "Akademik Vernadsky" in Antarctica three times.

The working time regime is the distribution of work time during a certain calendar period. The regime may be the same for all employees of the company, may vary for different categories of employees. A distinction is made between the normal working hours, which are established for all or the main number of employees in the company, and special working hours, which differ from the usual working hours or the distribution of working hours. These include, for example, shift work or a rotating schedule. Today we will talk about the standard five-day work: how many hours a five-day work week lasts, how many days off employees are supposed to, etc.

  • How many hours is a five-day work week?

The normal duration (norm of hours) of a five-day working week is 40 hours. This rate does not depend on the following factors:

  • organizational and legal form of the company;
  • working hours (for example, work in a flexible schedule or a standard five-day work week)

Since the number of working hours in a five-day working week is 40 hours, a standard working day is eight hours.

Weekend pay for a five-day work week

With a 5-day working week, employees have two days off per week, the generally accepted days off are Saturday and Sunday, rarely Sunday and Monday. In some cases, the employer may establish such a mode of operation at the enterprise when the generally accepted days off are working days. For example, in shift work, days off are set by the shift schedule and are "floating", that is, they can fall on different days weeks, taking into account the alternation of shifts. Sometimes there are such situations: the employee works according to the standard schedule of a five-day work week with two days off, but the employer needs the employee to go to work on his day off. For this, the following conditions must be met.

  • in order for employees to go to work on their day off, the employer must have a legal basis;
  • the consent of the employee, in writing, will be required (exceptions are provided);
  • it is necessary to reckon with the opinion of the trade union (in some cases, established by law);
  • a written order from the employer is required.

It should be borne in mind that the payment of "working" days off with a five-day working week will be increased, or you can compensate for them with a day of rest, additionally provided to the employee. However, in this case there are exceptions: they concern employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded for a period of up to 2 months. In this case, if you ask an employee to go to work on his day off, you can only compensate for his work in cash and at least double the amount.

Order on the transition to a five-day work week

If you want to increase or decrease the length of the working week, then you must follow the following procedure:

1. Issue an order to switch to a different mode of operation (five-day work week). The order must be in free form.

The order must specify:

  • a list of positions, professions or individual employees for which a new mode of work is established, for example, a five-day work week;
  • the procedure for introducing a five-day working week;
  • a list of employees who are responsible for the introduction of a five-day work week;
  • deadlines for the execution of orders.

Employees, if they switch to a new mode of operation, must be familiarized with the order.

An example of an order to switch to a five-day work week:

2. Set a different duration of the working week (for example, five days or six days) in the Internal Rules work schedule(collective agreement). Changes in the Internal Labor Regulations are formalized by order of the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him, and in the collective agreement - by an additional agreement to it. With all the changes that have been made to the Internal Labor Regulations or with their new edition, all employees must be familiarized with their signature.

3. To reflect the transition to a different duration of the working week in labor contracts with employees to whom it is established by drawing up additional agreements to labor contracts.

The request to amend the labor market committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) on the 60-hour working week came not from employers, but from work collectives, businessman Mikhail Prokhorov, who heads the committee, said in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

In most cases, human labor is measured by working time. Labor legislation most often uses such units of measurement as the working day (shift) and the working week.

A further reduction in working hours was provided for by the Law of the RSFSR of April 19, 1991 "On increasing social guarantees for workers." In accordance with this law, the length of working time of employees cannot exceed 40 hours per week.

The duration of daily work is 8 hours, 8 hours 12 minutes or 8 hours 15 minutes, and at work with harmful conditions labor - 7 hours, 7 hours 12 minutes or 7 hours 15 minutes.

In April 2010, Russian businessman Mikhail Prokhorov suggested changing labor law and introduce a 60-hour work week instead of a 40-hour one. In November 2010, the Bureau of the Board of the RSPP approved amendments to the Labor Code, which met with fierce resistance from the trade unions. However, later the document was to be sent for consideration by the Russian tripartite commission with the participation of employers, trade unions and the government.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

There is no better entertainment for mankind than to play with these 365 (or whatever) days of revolution of its planet around the Sun. Then the Mayans will get tired of counting the years ahead and today's pessimists are already screaming - the end of the world! Then the Romans cannot figure out the division into months and come up with all sorts of ides when it is more convenient to soak Caesar. And with the name of the months in Greece and Rome, real outrages were happening. Somehow, June, July and August, named after persons, have survived to this day. And sooner some successful commander will appear, so sycophants are in a hurry to rename the months. There were Alexandrius, and Demetrius, and Pompey… But it seems to have settled down. They used to consider December the twelfth month, although the name is translated from Latin as "the tenth".
And don’t feed the revolutionaries with bread, let them mock the calendar. The Jacobins abolished the previous names of the months, introduced Germinal, Thermidor, etc. How come new era has come. The era lasted 12 years. The Bolsheviks also did not keep themselves waiting with calendar reforms. First, they famously switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. And after January 31, 1918, February 14 immediately came. But it was right. The world revolution is on the nose, and we have a discrepancy with the whole world. But then something more strange happened.
With the beginning of the revolutionary movement, one of the first demands of the proletariat was to shorten the working day. For the first time in Russia, an 11.5-hour day was legally established in 1897. The Bolsheviks introduced a long-awaited hourly day, a 48-hour week.
But industrialization came, the first five-year plan, intensification and reforms began. In 1929, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars was issued on the introduction of the "five-day period" from 1930. The year was divided into 72 five-day weeks, at the end of each of which there was a day off. The main focus was that the staff of each enterprise was divided into five parts. And each part of the working year began on different days of the first five days. It turned out that the enterprise or organization worked without days off at all. Under such a system, the order of the days of the week lost its meaning, and Mondays and Tuesdays disappeared altogether. Instead of them, “the first day of the five-day period”, “the second day of the five-day period”. One of the goals of the reform was anti-religious. Sundays have disappeared from Christians, Saturday from Jews, Friday from Muslims.
“When the methodological and pedagogical sector switched to a continuous week and, instead of a clean Sunday, some purple fifths became Khvorobiev’s days of rest, he disgustedly used his pension and settled far outside the city.” (I. Ilf, E. Petrov "The Golden Calf".)
But the confusion with the division of labor collectives into parts, with the distribution of holidays, with cases of absence on sick leave, turned out to be too great. If enterprises with a continuous production cycle did not already have general days off, then why was it necessary at school, in the theater or in Glavuprban? In 1931, the five-day period was replaced by the six-day period. The 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th and 30th of each month were public holidays. On the 31st they were working, in the absence of February 30th they walked on March 1st. But still lived without Sundays and Saturdays. Only six holidays per year were independent of the new order. The modern viewer does not understand what the title “the first day of the six-day period” means in the film “Volga-Volga”, but then everyone understood.
Only on June 26, 1940, the seven-day week returns again and the days return to their former names. Everything falls into place.

Pavel Kuzmenko