Outline of the integrated lesson “Journey to the Arctic. Huge fangs fights with enemies

  • 20.09.2019

Scenario extracurricular activities

Topic:"To the Arctic!"

View: the game.

Class: 6-7

Event goals:

Development of cognitive interest in the Arctic, the history of its development, people-researchers of this region;

- development of the ability to draw conclusions, inferences based on various sources and knowledge in different branches of science;
- development logical thinking, creative abilities of students, ability to work in a group.

Organization of the game:

The game involves four teams that have received several tasks in advance. Teams are invited to choose a captain, team name and motto. The jury evaluates the answers.

Organizational moment. Announcement of the goals and objectives of the game. Jury presentation.

Leading. Guys, today we will go to the country of many unsolved mysteries, courageous people and untold natural wealth. We are going to the Arctic.

Reader . Ice floes or sails? Are the sails ice?

Only wrinkles scatter on the water.

Ice floes float away, as if it was not there at all.

Again the water is like a mirror, and above it is the sky.

In the sky - clouds of birds, the sea does not shake.

The Arctic meets with ice-sisters.

Reader - Hey, rrrishshshly guys! Burn, cut, blizzard!

And from where you came out! Buuudem sssssss force!

- Let's measure strength! We are not afraid of the cold!

We left the Bela-Sea. From Archangel City!

Leading Since ancient times, this land, harsh and beautiful, has attracted people. She beckoned with her cold beauty, the opportunity to test herself, her character. But not everyone came back... Many geographical objects of the Arctic bear the names of explorers, many of them Russians... And, perhaps, everyone who decided to study it is already worthy of admiration.

Now you will present your teams named after great people - Georgy Sedov, Ivan Papanin, Khariton and Dmitry Laptev, Otto Schmidt.

(As homework, it was suggested to prepare a business card, talking about the person whose name the team bears)

Leading. Along the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean, on the nearest islands, as well as on drifting ice, scientific observation points - polar stations are scattered. People who conduct scientific observations live and work there. Today we will try to visit there to get acquainted with the great mystery of the Earth - the Arctic.

Reader The moan of glaciers, giving birth in the night

Lifeless icebergs.

And the wind sounds like a cannonade,

Throwing snow charges into the dark.

Iron grinding of ice fields,

Yes, the frozen hummocks reared up ...

Crosses from masts dead ships

Here the sailors put the captains.

They stand in the midst of darkness and permafrost

Alone forever with the ocean

Like monuments to Russian Magellans,

Having reached the immortal latitude.

Station "Historical"

"Historical error "(need to find errors in the indicated facts from the history of development and exploration of the Arctic)

1. Since the 19th century. Russians, engaged in sea fishing, discovered the islands of Kolguev, Vaygach, New Earth(no, from the 12th century)

2. On the initiative of Peter the Great, an expedition of V. Ya. Chichagov was equipped to the Arctic. (No, M. V. Lomonosov)

3. In 1878-1879, for the first time, the Swedish polar explorer N. Nordenskiöld (with wintering on the way) managed to pass the northern sea route from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic (No, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.)

4. In 1941, in search of the expeditions of Sedov, Brusilov and Rusanov lost in the ice, Russian military pilot I. I. Nagursky made the first flights over the Arctic. (no, 1914)

5. G. Sedov in August 1912 on the steam ship "Saint Foka" made an attempt to move from Murmansk to the land of Franz Josef, but was wiped out by ice near about. Pankratov. (No, from Arkhangelsk)

6. The crews of V. Chkalov and M. Gromov flew to Australia over the Pole in the summer of 1937 (No, to America)

7. I.D. Papanin led the first drifting station "North Pole-1", it was a group of twenty-five people. (No, four people)

8. In the summer of 1932, the Northern Sea Route was crossed for the first time in one navigation by the expedition of O.Yu. Schmidt on the icebreaker "Russia" (No, on the icebreaker "Sibiryakov".)

9. The Soviet nuclear boat in 1962 passed to the North Pole region among huge ice. (No, under the ice)

10. In 1977, the Soviet icebreaker Arktika reached the shores of Novaya Zemlya. (no, North Pole)

Reader Diesels either roar, then they rattle tam-tam,

Jets of gas screwing into the sky like fountains.

Pushing the nose and pushing the sides,

The ship is measured by strength with ice.

Under the stern, ice floes beat in white foam.

The ship overcame the ice wall!

Here is such a summer, formidable and bright

For the first time in the world I saw the Arctic.

(Viktor Batura "The first meeting with the Arctic")

Station "Geographic"

« Geographical dictation»

On the sheets of paper, a text is issued in which you need to insert the missing words.

The Arctic (from the Greek αρκτικός -________) is the northern polar region of the Earth, including the _________ ocean and its seas: Greenland, _________, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi and Beaufort, as well as the Baffin Sea, Fox Basin Bay, numerous straits and bays Canadian Arctic Archipelago, northern parts of the Pacific and _____________ oceans; Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, _________ Land, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk Islands and about. Wpangel, as well as the northern coasts of the continents of Eurasia and ____________.

The area of ​​the Arctic is about 25 million square kilometers, of which about 10 million are occupied by _________ and about 15 million square kilometers by _________. The territory of the Arctic occupies approximately _________ of the Earth.

The land of the Arctic is made up of parts of the territory of Russia (the northern regions of the Murmansk, ___________ and Tyumen regions, _________ territories, the republics of _________, the Magadan region) and ___________ (the Yukon territory, the northwestern territories, Quebec, Newfoundland), as well as the possessions of _________ (Alaska), ______ (Greenland) and ____________ _ (Svalbard).

Large modern cities have been built in the Arctic zone: Salekhard, _________, Norilsk, large industrial enterprises, sea, air and land transport routes.

Text to check

Arctic (from the Greek αρκτικός -northern ) - the northern polar region of the Earth, includingArctic ocean and its seas: Greenland,Barents , Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi and Beaufort, as well as the Baffin Sea, Fox Basin, numerous straits and bays of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the northern parts of the Pacific andAtlantic oceans; Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land,New Earth, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk Islands and about. Wrangel, as well as the northern coasts of the continents of Eurasia andNorth America .

The area of ​​the Arctic is about 25 million square kilometers, of which about 10 million areland and about 15 million sq. km -water surface . The territory of the Arctic occupies approximatelysixth Part of the land.

The land of the Arctic is made up of parts of the territory of Russia (the northern regions of Murmansk,Arkhangelsk and Tyumen regions,Krasnoyarsk regions, republicsYakutia , Magadan region) andCanada (Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Quebec, Newfoundland), as well as holdingsUSA(Alaska), Denmark(Greenland) and Norway(Svalbard).

Large modern cities have been built in the Arctic zone: Salekhard,Murmansk , Norilsk, large industrial enterprises, sea, air and land transport routes pass through the Arctic

Reader All years and centuries and eras in a row

Everything strives for warmth from frost and blizzards.

Why do these birds fly north

If the birds are supposed to only go south.

Glory they do not need and greatness,

Here under the wings the ice will end -

And they will find bird happiness,

As a reward for a daring flight.

(V. Vysotsky "White Silence")

Station "Biological"

Leading . The flora and fauna of the Arctic is unique. Some are found only here. Many are listed in the Red Book. Unfortunately, humans have often destroyed or destroyed the fragile ecosystem. To protect nature in the Arctic, reserves and National parks.. You need to name the animals and plants that you will see on the slides.

(Animals: polar bear, polar wolf, weasel, arctic fox, snowy owl, musk ox, reindeer, etc.)

(Plants: arctic pike, ranunculus, snow saxifrage, polar poppy, polar willow, reindeer moss, etc.)

Reader The ice floes are young and the lines are divorced,

Shoulders covered with snow handkerchiefs

Ice floes are interesting. How many of them!

They surrounded the ship, blocking the road.

Ice floes are interesting! Ice floes are sharp!

Push back you, skip to the island!

(Viktor Batura "The first meeting with the Arctic")

Station "Useful"

Captains competition

(the captains take turns calling what the Arctic is rich in, what attracts people to it)

Examples of answers: oil and gas reserves, commercial fisheries, tourism, climate research, international aviation route, test sites, military bases of various states, fresh water in the form of ice, untouched nature, etc.)

Leading First of all, people should remember to respect and care for the unique region called the Arctic, even with some features of admiration. It is our responsibility to ensure that human presence in these places is minimal and environmentally literate for vulnerable nature. Often, even out of ignorance, a person can harm wildlife. You need to remember one simple truth - a person in the Arctic is only a guest, welcome and, perhaps, sometimes even needed. But the owners of these amazing places have always been, are and remain animals and plants. Let's draw up a set of rules on how to behave in the Arctic.


Reader I will breathe in the air of the snowy plains with full breasts,

and the polar night will bewitch me,

let go of the dog sled belts,

and my likes will rush faster than a horse.

And next to me an experienced musher rushes,

on the same team of funny dogs,

wolf fur coats are sewn from skins,

we will not freeze, playing with the frost all-in.

Let's stop, smelling near the wormwood,

illuminated by the low moon.

(January is frosty here and June is frosty,

and teams stand near the axis of the earth.)

Under the runners - snow diamond dust,

that with the stars of the North in close relationship.

In the sky flashes of pale purple ink -

mischievous radiance of the polar light ...

Station "Literaturnaya"

Teams present homework - a presentation - an illustration of a poem or a song about the Arctic.

(for example, T. Efimova "White Arctic", M. Biryukova "Arctic Tern", Z. Avdotien "Arctic", V. Vysotsky "White Silence", V. Batura "First Encounter with the Arctic, etc.)

While the jury is summing up, the high school students talk about two books - Wen. Kaverin "Two Captains" and V.A. Obruchev "Sannikov Land". If time permits, excerpts from films based on these books can be shown.

Leading. It is not for nothing that our Arkhangelsk is called the "sea gate" to the Arctic. This is the first Arctic port of our country, from where all the famous Russian polar expeditions departed. Our port is used for the delivery of cargo to the Arctic, NArFU and the Arctic Marine Institute named after Captain Voronin are training specialists to work in the Arctic, major projects are being implemented. educational projects. The Arctic needs to be explored from Arkhangelsk. And we also took our first step.

KGBOU "Krasnoyarsk secondary school No. 4"

Abstract open class

mug "Crossword"

"Arctic -



Compiled and hosted by:

9th grade teacher

Parashchuk N. A.

Krasnoyarsk - 2016

Game-competition "Arctic - amazing edge»

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. "Guess the topic of the lesson."

2 teams participate: "Polar Bear" and "Polar Owl".

Iceberg - large block of ice above the water

River - water stream fed by rain, snow, ice and groundwater

Bush- a perennial low plant, branching from one root from the surface of the earth and, unlike trees, does not have a main trunk.

Taiga- coniferous forest

Frost- a thin layer of ice crystals on the ground, grass

Red Book- lists with descriptions of animals and plants that are under the threat of complete extinction

Atmosphere- the gaseous shell of the Earth

Got the word A R C T I C A

In the white Arctic, in the white desert

The polar bear walks heavily on the ice floe,

White tern flies across the sky,

White pup lies near the mother.

Iceberg turns white in the white fog,

White flocks of belugas in the ocean.

With a white broom the wind sweeps whirlwinds,

He sings a white song about the North.

2. general characteristics. Presentation.

The territory of the Arctic Ocean with the coast is called the Arctic.

The name comes from the ancient Greek word "ἄ ρκτος", meaning "bear", "bear". The region got its name because of the constellation Ursa Major located above it.

The Arctic region is located above the Arctic Circle, includes the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, several islands, as well as the northern extremities of Europe, Russia (Siberia), Alaska and Canada.

The total area of ​​the Arctic is 14,500,000 sq. km.

The percentage of the Arctic area of ​​the total land area of ​​the Earth is 6%.

Most of the Arctic Ocean is covered with ice throughout the year. The thickness of the ice reaches 3-4 m.

The climate in the Arctic is very harsh. Ice and snow cover lasts almost the whole year.

In winter there is a long polar night. The sun does not appear at all - darkness.

Night does not prevent people from working, and children from going to school.

In the Arctic, there is an amazingly beautiful aurora borealis.

Polar day in the Arctic in summer. For several months, day and night light, but not warm.

The temperature is only a few degrees above 0.

Vegetation is very sparse: mostly lichens, mosses. There are also flowers: polar poppy, saxifrage, cotton grass, chamomile, and even trees: dwarf willow and birch. But they rise above the ground by only a few centimeters.

The fauna of the Arctic is very rich. The owner of the Arctic is the polar bear. Also found: walrus, seal, musk ox, reindeer, white fox, white hare, lemming.

Animals sea ​​depths: killer whale, beluga whale, bowhead whale, narwhal, humpback whale, polar shark.

Birds of northern latitudes: snowy owl, northern loon, murre, gray gull, white geese, arctic terns, wild ducks.

Fish of the northern seas: flounder, sea bass, polar cod, haddock, cod, whitefish, vendace, smelt, grayling, nelma.

Every year, the expedition “On skis to the North Pole!” is equipped to the Arctic spaces of our country. From August 2 to August 13, 2016, the IX Russian youth expedition "On skis to the North Pole!" on the icebreaker "50 Years of Victory".

Students of general education are invited to participate in the expedition. educational institutions, colleges, correctional schools, orphanages and other state educational and social institutions born in 1997-1999, who at the time of the start of the expedition will be full 16, but not yet 19 years old. As in previous years, in order to be among the candidates for the team, several conditions must be met, three of which are important:

    have experience of tourist trips of the 1st category of complexity;

    take part in mass competitions "Ski track of Russia";

    answer the questions of the questionnaire and show creative inclinations.

As part of the IX Russian youth expedition "On skis - to the North Pole!" All-Russian lesson "The Arctic is the facade of Russia" is held in all schools of the country. Our lesson is called "The Arctic is an amazing land!".

3. Competition No. 1 "Warm-up".

Is it true that polar bears are the largest bears in the world, twice as tall as a human? (Yes)

Is it true that a baby whale is called a Chinese baby? (Not)

Is it true that all dogs that bark loudly are called huskies? (Not)

Is it true that the huge tusks of a walrus are its teeth, with the help of which it gets out onto the ice, defends itself from the enemy? (Yes)

Is it true that exactly half of the iceberg is visible above the water? (Not)

Is it true that seals and walruses are clumsy on land, but light and agile in the water? (Yes)

Is it true that a glacier is a person who is very cold? (Not)

Is it true that with the help of fur pads on their paws, arctic foxes escape from the cold and do not fall into loose snow? (Yes)

Is it true that polar bears can't swim? (Not)

Is it true that a narwhal's horn sticks out of its mouth, is 3 m long, and weighs 10 kg? (Yes)

4. Competition No. 2 "Letters scattered"

(collect the word - hang the picture on the board)





5. Competition No. 3 "What is missing?" (stickers on pictures of animals)

6. Competition No. 4 "Video riddles".

7. Competition No. 5 "Puzzles" (cut pictures of Arctic animals)

8. Competition No. 6 Crossword "Animal world of the Arctic".

Abstract of the organization directly educational activities in preschool group

Topic:"Animal World of the Arctic"

Educational areas:

priority: knowledge (formation of a holistic picture of the world: familiarization with nature)

in integration:communication, artistic creativity, health, socialization

Target:the formation of elementary ideas about the fauna of the Arctic zone


priority:to give elementary knowledge about animals living in the Arctic zone, their appearance, habitat, foraging, reproduction and benefits to humans; develop an understanding of the relationship of all phenomena in the natural world and interest in the life of animals, as well as the imagination and thinking of children; cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards animals;

in integration:develop children's speech, enrich them vocabulary; to improve the technique of depicting an object according to a model, to develop the ability to notice the characteristic features of objects and convey them by means of a drawing, observing proportions and shape; preserve the physical health of children in the process of educational activities; to consolidate the ability to play didactic games; develop volitional quality in the implementation of established norms of behavior in directly educational activities

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations depicting wild animals; reading books by N. Sladkov "In the ice", "In the tundra" about the life of animals in the Arctic

Methodical methods: method of storytelling, conversation, visualization, method of examination, creation of a problem situation


for kids:unfinished graphic drawings of animals, pencils, emoticons for reflection

for the teacher:

layout of the globe - globe; photographs of animals on a magnetic board; multimedia complex; presentation "Animal world of the Arctic"; schemes of elements of gymnastics exercises for the eyes, in order to relieve eye strain; graphic drawings of animals of the Arctic for the sample; stand with transparent pockets for emoticons

Lesson progress


1) opening talk

Today, children, I invite you to take a trip to an amazing land called the Arctic. Having been there, you will learn about the life of many animals that live in this area. Do you know where the Arctic is? The Arctic is located very far from the place where we live with you. Look at the globe where we will go with you (showing on the globe the place of native residence and travel destination): the border of the Arctic covers the north pole of the Earth, the entire Arctic Ocean with islands and the coastal continents of Russia, America, Denmark and Iceland. The boundary line is also called the Arctic Circle. To get to the cities of the Arctic, you need to travel from our region by train for several days, and fly by plane for several hours. So, are we leaving?

IIMain part

1) the teacher's story and viewing photographs depicting the nature of the Arctic using multimedia equipment

What and who will meet us in the Arctic? The nature and climate of this region are very harsh. This is the realm of eternal ice and snow. Summer here is short and cold. This happens because the sun's rays enter the Arctic zone at too small an angle. Despite the fact that the sun is above the horizon here for half a year! Half a year here lasts a day, and the remaining six months - a night! The Arctic is the kingdom of permafrost. Ice never melts even in summer . Due to the constant icy winds, the plants of the Arctic Circle are very short. . Therefore, tall birches and spruces do not grow here. But on the other hand, dwarf birches, willows, many herbs, moss and lichen grow. For example: if a mushroom grows next to a polar birch, it will be slightly lower than a bonsai. But then there are green snow algae that grow right on the ice floes.

Lichen, which is called reindeer moss covers a huge area of ​​the Arctic - tundra. It is the main food for wild reindeer , living in the tundra . What do you know about these animals? (listening to children's answers). Listen now to my story. reindeer - live and graze in large herds. To do this, they constantly move from one place to another in search of reindeer moss. Yagel is a medicinal plant for deer: it relieves them of intestinal infections. Deer can smell lichen even under a layer of snow, tearing it apart with their hooves. Deer hooves are very wide. What helps these animals not to fall into the snowdrifts and quickly run across the tundra. Therefore, people domesticated deer and, harnessing them to teams, use them as a vehicle. . Reindeer provide the indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic with milk, meat and warm skins, from which they sew their own clothes, shoes, and even build dwellings - plague. The chum looks like a huge cone-shaped tent.

A female deer sheds her antlers after giving birth . And people use discarded horns (antlers) to prepare medicine. Deer are the only animals that, in case of danger, run towards people, fleeing from predators. (slide number 9). People look after the cubs, feed them with hay and salt. Many species of deer are listed in the Red Book. What does this mean? (children's answers).

We continue our journey. Who else will we meet in the vast expanses of the polar tundra? And this is another herbivore - muskox . They named him so that in appearance he resembles a huge bull, and in some habits - sheep and goats. Like sheep, musk oxen graze on the mountain slopes of the tundra and eat its herbs. They graze in those places where in winter there is less snow, tearing it with a hoof. If there is too much snow, then the musk oxen can die without reaching the dry grass. People specially breed herds of these animals. Since they receive very valuable warm down. Musk ox down is eight times warmer than sheep wool. Dresses, sweaters, mittens and socks are knitted from it. So from the fluff of one musk ox you can knit thirty sweaters. Sensing danger, musk oxen run fast. And if running does not save, then the animals line up in a tight ring . And from it the strongest bull makes a powerful lunge forward on the predator. The rest of the bulls immediately follow him and stand next to him. Such an attack helps protect against polar and brown bears, wolverines and wolves. But not from a person. A female musk ox gives birth to one calf per year . After the mother licks the cub, he gets to his feet and follows the mother. He feeds on her very fatty milk. But after two weeks it can be fed with soft moss.

Let's go further. Do birds live in this cold land? It turns out that they live here in abundance. On the shores of the Arctic Ocean nest and breed colonies of such migratory birds as:fulmars, gulls, cormorants, guillemots, arctic terns. But with the approach of a long polar winter, these birds fly to warmer climes.

But White Owl permanent resident of the Arctic . What do you think the polar owl eats? This is a bird of prey, it feeds mainly on rodents: polar lemmings . Lemmings are like mice. But unlike them, lemmings have a very short tail. Why do you think? (Children's answers) This little rodent is very voracious. In a day, he eats twice as much as he weighs. Therefore, snowy owls, eating lemmings, retain plant food for large animals, such as musk oxen and deer. Although the snowy owl is a predator itself, other birds like to settle near its nesting. The owl does not touch them, but carefully guards the territory from predatory arctic foxes that eat bird eggs.

Meet now the predator itself, called fox. These are beautiful furry animals with very valuable warm fur. Because of the beautiful fur, the foxes were destroyed by hunters for a long time. At the moment, in order to preserve the population of this animal, people breed arctic foxes on special farms. Arctic foxes are mostly white or blue in color. Why? (Thus they camouflage themselves from enemies). They are also called polar foxes, since outwardly they are very similar to them. Only the muzzle and ears of arctic foxes are much shorter than those of foxes. Arctic foxes live and breed offspring in burrows that they dig in soft sandy soil until the very permafrost. Arctic foxes, like owls, mainly feed on lemmings. Therefore, if the number of lemmings decreases, owls and arctic foxes starve and may even die. But arctic foxes can eat many herbs in the summer (seaweed, algae), as well as berries: cloudberries and blueberries . And this is a fox in the summer . Why do you think it turned brown at that time? (Answers of children).

We continue our journey through the Arctic and reach the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Do you think there are any animals living in such cold waters? (Answers of children). Yes, the seas of the Arctic Ocean are rich in various fish. But not only fish, there are large mammals. Such as the polar dolphin, or white whale . Its length reaches six meters. And the weight of an adult male is two tons. Beluga skin has a snow-white color, under which there is a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. Why does this animal need such a layer of fat? (Fat saves from the cold). The animal feeds on mollusks and fish, sucking prey along with water. She feeds her babies with milk. White dolphins can express joy and anxiety with their snout muscles, just like a human. , since they are very mobile in an animal.

The next mammal that lives in the waters of the Arctic is harp seal . Him beautiful pattern on the skin and large expressive eyes. Seals live in packs. They give birth to their young, who are named pups on the ice shore. They are very clumsy on land. But they are very fast swimmers in the water. In the sea, seals hunt fish for food.

The closest relatives of seals are walruses . The appearance of these animals is remarkable in that they have fangs. With their help, they, leaning on the ice, come out of the water. With fangs, they tear the bottom and thus extract mollusks for themselves, which they feed on. Fangs are also defended from enemies.

Both walruses, seals, and beluga whales have a large layer of subcutaneous fat, so they are tasty food for the most formidable and powerful predators in the Arctic. In the water - for the whale shark killer whales , and on dry land white polar bear . He will tell us about the polar bear today (the name of the child who was preparing to speak is called). But before that, we will all rest together and take a short physical break.

2) physical culture break

a) gymnastics for the eyes using schemes of exercise elements. The teacher offers to follow the movement of the pointer along the lines of graphic elements with the eyes. Children follow the teacher;

b) movements to a cheerful rhyme:

Leaping fast deer

In the white tundra all week.

(Children run with jumps).

Looking for grass and lichen

Under the snow in the early morning.

(Imitate the movement of a deer's hoof).

white dolphins in the sea

They swim in snow and ice floes.

(Imitation of the movements of swimmers).

White Bear walks nearby.

(Walking with inclinations to the sides, hands on the belt).

Watch out for him guys!

(Wag finger).

3) a pre-prepared presentation of the child on the topic of the lesson in the form of a short message about one of the animals that lives in the Arctic (polar bear)

4) didactic game"Guess"

First, the educator summarizes the knowledge gained by the children, proposing to name all the animals seen during the "journey" in the Arctic. At the same time, he suggests using the image of these animals in the photographs that are attached to the magnetic board as a help for answering: “We have completed our journey through the distant Arctic. Looking at these photos, name the animals you met today. (Today we met a polar bear, a reindeer, etc.).

And now, guys, guess which of these animals will be discussed now?

The teacher reads out the text, which indicates the signs of one of the studied animals: “This animal is predatory. Feeds on rodents. It has white plumage (Polar Owl). This is a herbivore. The main food is lichen, named reindeer moss (Deer). This small herbivore eats twice as much food per day as it weighs (Lemming). This animal lives in a hole, has beautiful, fluffy, white fur (Arctic fox). A very large herbivore. Gives people very warm down. It looks like both a sheep and a bull (musk ox)."

Guess the riddle:

Head and tail, instead of paws - fins,

He is lazy on the ice and agile in the water,

His kids are called "belki".

Tell me, what kind of animal is frolicking near the ice floe? (Seal).

Children determine the names of animals and justify their answer.

5) didactic game "Nadi mistake"

In a number of images of animals, photographs of animals that live in another zone (zone of steppes, forests) are pre-attached.

Guys, have you noticed that there are photos of animals that I have attached here by mistake? Find them and explain why these photos are redundant. (Photos depicting a fox, a wolf and a brown bear are erroneously attached to the board, because these animals live in forests, they do not live in the Arctic).

6) mobile didactic game "Predators and herbivores"

The teacher suggests: “Now let’s move a little and play. But in order to play the next game, you need to remember: which of the animals of the Arctic is a predator, and which is a herbivore? Get in a circle. If I pronounce the name of the herbivore, you tilt your torso without bending your knees, touching the floor with your fingers. If I call a predator, you perform jumps on the spot, show “claws” and “fangs”. Children complete the task on the move.

7) drawing the animals of the Arctic

On the children's tables are pre-prepared envelopes with an unfinished drawing of an animal and pencils.

The teacher creates a surprise moment: “You have“ secrets ”in the envelope. Open it up and see what's in there. It was Grandfather the Naturalist who decided to check whether you were careful while traveling in the Arctic. And sent you drawings of animals. But these drawings are unfinished. He gives you the task to identify the animal from the drawing and finish it with a pencil. After the children have reviewed the contents, the teacher hangs exactly the same unfinished drawings on the board and asks: “Can you determine: what animals are shown in these drawings?” After the children answer, the teacher posts pictures of these animals on the board. And then he suggests, based on a sample of illustrations, to finish his drawings. At the end, an exhibition of finished drawings is made.

IIISummary of the lesson

1) final conversation

Children, to which part of the Earth did we travel today? Where is he located?

What did you learn new by observing the nature of this region? (Answers of children). List the names of the animals you met today.

The teacher notes that most of the animals of the Arctic are listed in the Red Book. This means that these animals need to be protected.

2) reflection

Did you enjoy today's trip? If yes, then go to the table where the emoticons are and select a funny emoticon, insert it into the pocket. If you were bored of traveling in the Arctic, choose a sad emoji.

Kildyushkina T.Yu., teacher of the Lesovichki group

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  1. Morning collection.
Communication game: Good morning game.

Children stand in two lines facing each other.

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Greet when meeting:
-Good morning. right hands put forward and lean palms
- Good morning! - left hands put forward and lean their palms
Sun and birds. hands up, stretch
- Good morning! - waving with their right hand
- Smiling faces. smile at each other
- And everyone becomes
Kind, trustworthy...
May good morning
Lasts until the evening.

Educator: “Today we will go on a trip, but where, you will find out later. Let's play first. You need to get a map of the place that will be discussed today. Each puzzle solved is part of a map:

1. This bear is a black nose -
Likes winter and frost.
Well, in the summer looking for shade
And swim all day.

(polar bear)

2. The beast is dressed in a white coat.

(polar bear)

3. Who lives in the cold seas,
Among the huge icebergs?
He's too lazy to move
Sleeping all day on ice seal.

4. His horns are branched,
And the sides are a little spotty.
He is not too lazy to roll everyone,
Carries sleds deer.

5. Who is it for fishing
Walking slowly, waddle.
The old fisherman smells
That the rich are waiting for the catch.

(polar bear)

6. In the ocean dark blue
With a paw, having puffed a walrus,
On the polar ice floe
I rest without trembling.

(polar bear)

The children fold the map, after which the adult shows where the Arctic is on the globe and atlas. How can we get to the Arctic? (children's answers) That's right, on the icebreaker, look at a lot of ice.

I'm walking on an icebreaker, hands folded forward in a triangle
Icebreaker goes on ice.
Then, hard worker, the field is pricked,
That ice ridge. Wu-u-u-u.

Educator: “Well done guys. Sailed. What is ARCTIC? Arctic(other Greek ἄρκτος - “bear” (from Greek. arktikos- northern), the northern polar region-the Arctic lies under the constellation B. Ursa) (pictures are hung on the board) - the northern polar region of the Earth.

Educator: “How did we get to the Arctic? Right on the icebreaker. And before there were no such modern ships, how could people get there? On steam ships. Look (the teacher shows the children a layout) how much water is around: (the teacher sticks toothpicks with inscriptions of the seas into the layout, etc.) Greenland, Norwegian, Barents, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Chukchi Sea, Beaufort and Baffin Sea, sea Labrador and it's not full list the seas that, together with the Arctic Ocean, are part of a single glacier with areas of permafrost.

This is the North Pole (red flag, we look at the globe) - the center, the middle of the Arctic, adjacent to the age-old ice of the outskirts of the continents Europe, Asia and North America(the teacher puts inscriptions on the layout).

The central part of the Arctic, the Arctic Ocean, which, regardless of the season, remains almost completely covered in ice.

For a long time, the Arctic was considered a territory not adapted for human life.("dead ground"), impassable by either water or land.

For many years, Russian and foreign sailors and researchers have studied the Arctic, its landscape, flora and fauna.

One of the famous Russian explorers was Denis Gerasimov, according to his drawings, a map of the Arctic Ocean was compiled. And the Norwegian polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen called the Arctic A land of icy horror .

How is the Arctic explored?

Russia is the first and only country using the so-called drifting polar stations. Each such station is a complex of station houses installed on a drifting Arctic ice floe, in which members of the expeditions live, and the necessary equipment.

And what animals they live there (the teacher demonstrates an encyclopedia and pictures of animals are hung on the board).

Now let's guess the animals that we have already met (an adult invites the children to pull out toys from a closed box). Children arrange toys on the layout.

White bear in the snow

He walks and wanders, looking for something.

Pair of wonderful snowy owls

Went to hunt.

White flock of partridge

They play hide and seek in the snow.

Here a fox crept up to them,

Also white, by the way.

Maybe with the birds cunning

Want to play a little?


He sleeps on an ice floe all day on the open palm of his left hand lies his right hand folded into a fist

Fat little seal.

At the lazy muddler

Paws turned into flippers. pull the thumb and forefinger out of the cam

Let's try to divide paper foxes in half together, since there is a lot of ice and snow in the Arctic, and in your opinion, what color is snow? (children's answers) White, we will leave a sheet of paper white. (glue the animals).

What do animals in the Arctic eat? Watch this food chain.

^ Games in the centers:


Activity Center

The game "Collecting fish".

Would need:

  • hoops

  • fish pictures

  • polar bear masks

  • audio recording
There are hoops on the floor, 1 less than the players. Children in masks stand in hoops, around which pictures of fish are laid out, when the music starts playing, the children go out of their hoop to collect fish, as soon as the music stops all the children b. the bears must run into the house hoops, the one that is left without the house hoop puts the fish on the floor and leaves the game. The adult removes 1 hoop and the game starts over.


C. Manipulative games

Puzzles, lotto. Smart games"Animal world".


C. Experimentation

colorful ice


C. Literature

Reading the stories of Yu. Yakovlev "Umka", "Umka is looking for friends." Preparation of a book about Umka's journey (self-invention).


C. Mathematics

Count and compare.


C. Cookery

kneading salty dough. Salt Dough Fish. Sandwich "Fish"


C. Science and Nature

We glue animal stickers into the atlas "Animal World", and then lay out the polar bear with glass beads.


C. Design

Application "Iceberg" from crumpled paper.



We sculpt a polar bear from plasticine.


Yalovaya Marina Dmitrievna

class teacher 5 A / B class

MKOU secondary school No. 4 named after Yu.A. Gagarin

Frolovo urban district

Volgograd region

Methodical development

extra-curricular activities on environmental topics:

Virtual tour "The Fragile World of the Arctic".


The world of the newest information technologies occupies an increasing place in our lives. Therefore, in the educational process are actively used Computer techologies, which contribute both to improving the effectiveness of education and the education of a socially active person. It is impossible to teach a teenager if he is not interested, if he is not passionate about the process of cognition.

New form in information and communication technology - a virtual tour.

A virtual tour is an organizational form of learning that differs from a real tour by a virtual display of real-life objects in order to create conditions for self-observation, collecting the necessary facts, etc.

The advantages are accessibility, the possibility of repeated viewing, visibility, the presence of interactive tasks and much more.

The teacher himself selects the material he needs, draws up the necessary route, changes the content according to the goals set. The components of this excursion can be video, sound files, animation, as well as reproductions of paintings, images of nature, portraits, photographs.

A huge role in activating the activity of students during virtual excursions is played by the search method. Students not only get acquainted with the materials of the expositions, but also actively search for information. This is achieved by posing problematic questions before the tour or by receiving certain creative tasks.

Relevance methodological development"Virtual tour" The Fragile World of the Arctic "" is due to the fact that 2013 in Russia has been declared the year of protection environment. Russia owns a huge sector of the Arctic. 2012 was declared the year of the Arctic. In connection with climate change, anthropogenic changes, the unique nature of the Arctic is in danger. The younger generation should know what environmental problems are facing the Arctic today, what are their consequences.

Children age: 5-6 class (11-12 years old)


    Alexandrova E. V. Virtual tour as one of the effective forms of organization educational process at the lesson of literature / E. V. Aleksandrova // Literature at school. - 2010. - No. 10. - p. 22–24

    Skaldina O.V. The Red Book of Russia. - M .: Eksmo, 2011.



Virtual tour "The Fragile World of the Arctic"

Purpose of the tour: Education of respect for the nature of the Arctic.

Tasks: To establish the features of adaptation of the animal world to the conditions of icy silence. Find out the influence of man on the nature of the Arctic.

Equipment: multimedia projector, handouts (photos, texts, descriptions of animals, texts of tasks, A4 sheets, felt-tip pens), presentation, Internet resource.

Room preparation: Before the start of the tour, tables and chairs in the hall are arranged so that the students are divided into 2 teams.

Leading: Hello dear tourists!

(Annex 1, slides 1,2)

Today I invite you to make an unusual journey - virtual, to the Arctic. To get acquainted with the harsh nature of the Arctic, to establish the features of the adaptation of the animal world to the conditions of icy silence, to find out the influence of man on the nature of the Arctic. We will see the unique nature of the Arctic, its fragility and vulnerability, the need for protection.

When visiting any excursion, there are certain rules, let's remember them together!

(students name the rules of conduct on excursions. One student briefly (with one word or phrase) fixes them on the board.)

So, we remembered the rules. You can hit the road.

First, a little warm-up. As you call the team, so it will win! Decide on the names of your teams. All four pictures mean one word. Hint - cells with the number of letters.


I suggest you plunge into the world of the Arctic. To do this, let's watch a short video clip that will help you in the subsequent assignment.


Leading: I propose to each group to complete a small task “make, search, analyze, and select the necessary information on the topic “Animal adaptations to life in the Arctic”.

Group 1 - identify the animal from photographs and identify features of adaptability to the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

Group 2 - identify the animal according to the description and identify the features of adaptability to the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

After 4 minutes, the groups present the results of their work.

Each group is given the text of the task, photographs or descriptions of animals, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

1 group identifies the animal from the photograph, writes out with a felt-tip pen on the sheet the fitness traits of animals that they were able to identify from the photograph of this animal (2 photographs)

Group 2 underlines with a felt-tip pen in the text the fitness traits of animals that they were able to identify from the description of this animal, determine the animal according to the description (descriptions of 2 animals)

Presenting the results of your work: ( Annex 1, slides 3-5)

A representative of the 1st group shows a photograph of the animal (it is better to display it on the screen through a document camera), names it, talks about the features of adaptation to the harsh conditions of the Arctic, which they were able to identify from the photograph.

The representative of the 2nd group names the animal that they identified from the description (after that, the assistant presenter displays the image of this animal, prepared in advance, on the screen.) The representative of the 2nd group talks about the traits of adaptability to the harsh conditions of the Arctic, which they identified from the description.

Also, for 2 other animals, groups perform alternately. Because Thus, a complete picture of the adaptation of animals to harsh cold conditions is obtained.

Leading: Well done, you've done the job!

Host: Competition of captains.

Identify the inhabitants of the Arctic from the pictures.

1. beluga whale - narwhal (family of mammals)

2. fur seal - seal (pinniped family)

1. How is the word "Arctic" translated from Greek?

2. Indigenous people of the Arctic?

Now let's play a bluff game! Your task is to answer the question "yes" or "no" by holding up the appropriate sign. (on the tables there are signs with the words "yes", "no")

Ready? Begin! (all questions and then answers are displayed on the screen through a multimedia projector)

    Do you believe that

Leading: Now let's solve the problem:

Why are all these animals rare and endangered and listed in the Red Book not only of Russia, but of the whole world? (Conversation with the participants of the excursion)

(Appendix 1, slide 14) The ecosystem of the Arctic is fragile and vulnerable! Many animal species are rare and endangered because…

1. man exterminates arctic animals for profit;

2. human activity violates the natural habitat of these animals, which leads to a change in the population;

3. Climate warming leads to thinning of the ice cover - it will not be able to withstand such large animals.

Leading: (Appendix 1, slide 15) This is where our tour comes to an end. We got acquainted with the harsh nature of the Arctic, established the features of the adaptation of the animal world to the conditions of icy silence, and found out the influence of man on the nature of the Arctic. Do you agree that the nature of the Arctic is unique, fragile and vulnerable? She needs our protection!

We would like to end our tour with the words of a poet

Mikhail Dudin

Like an apple on a platter, we have one Earth.

Do not rush people to scoop everything to the bottom.

It's no wonder to get to the hidden caches,

To plunder all the riches of future ages.

We are a common grain of life, one destiny relatives.

It is shameful for us to fatten on account of the future day.

Understand this people as your own order.

And then there will be no Earth and each of us!

Animals belong to the number of large pinnipeds mammals. It is distributed throughout the shallow seas of the Arctic Ocean around the polar, but very unevenly.

On average, the body length is 3-4 m, and the weight is about 1.5 tons. characteristic feature These animals are powerful tusks protruding above the gum by 0.5 m or more. Unlike elephant tusks (overgrown incisors), their tusks are fangs (2-4 kg each). In females, they are shorter and thinner. The meaning of the tusks was initially unclear. Some scientists attributed to them the functions of protection from enemies, others saw them as supporting devices that they allegedly use when getting out of the water onto ice floes. Now it is known that, with fangs, animals loosen the bottom surface, looking for food for themselves - this is their main function.

They are clumsy in appearance, but they are capable of agile movements, both in water and on land. Their thick skin (3-5 cm) is covered with sparse coarse reddish hair. Particularly striking are the rough, thick, dense vibrissae on the upper lip, arranged in several rows. They are very mobile and serve as organs of touch, with which these animals probe food at the bottom of the sea (at a depth of 40-50 m), extracting various mollusks, worms, crustaceans and, much less often, small fish. There are no external auricles. The ear openings and nostrils close tightly when the head is immersed in water. They have flippers on inside the hands and feet are devoid of hair. Moreover, the rear flippers can be tucked under the body and, when moving, help to push off the surface of ice and earth. In water, flippers serve as organs of swimming and diving.

Animals are not afraid of the cold; v ice water they do not freeze because their body protects from cooling a thick layer (5-10 cm) of subcutaneous fat. Can sleep not only on the shore, but also in the sea. During sleep, they do not sink in water, holding on to the surface with the help of a subcutaneous air sac connected to the pharynx. They lead a herd life, arranging rookeries on ice floes or on coastal fast ices.

The largest terrestrial mammal of the carnivore order. Its length reaches 3 m, weight up to 800 kg. Females are noticeably smaller (200-300 kg). The smallest are found in Svalbard, the largest - in the Bering Sea.

Despite such size and seeming slowness, even on land they are fast and agile, and in water they swim easily and far. With amazing dexterity they move along the most heavy ice walking 30-40 km a day. At the same time, it easily overcomes ice hummocks of almost 2 meters in height. The enormous power of the pillar-like legs and the size of the foot allow the animal, if necessary, to move through deep snow faster than any other polar animal.

The animal is distinguished Long neck and flat head. His skin is black. The coat color varies from white to yellowish; in summer, the fur may turn yellow due to constant exposure to sunlight. Wool is devoid of pigmentation. The beast has an incomparable resistance to cold. Its thick long fur consists of hairs that are hollow in the middle and contain air. Many mammals have this protective hollow hair, an effective insulator, but those of the bear have their own characteristics. Fur retains heat so well that it cannot be detected by aerial infrared photography. Excellent thermal insulation is also provided by the subcutaneous layer of fat, which reaches 10 cm in thickness with the onset of winter. Without it, animals would hardly be able to swim 80 km in icy Arctic water.

They can be found on the Russian coast of the Arctic Ocean, in the north of Norway, in Greenland, in Canada, in Alaska. By the way, these are the only large predators on Earth that still live in their original territory, in natural conditions. Largely due to the fact that seals live on drifting ice in the Arctic, this is their favorite and main food.


1 group.

Task: identify the animal from photographs and identify features of adaptation to the harsh conditions of the Arctic.

2 group.

Task: identify the animal from the description and identify the features of adaptability to the harsh conditions of the Arctic (underline in the text).


The photo description