Abstract of the educational lesson "The Arctic is an amazing land." Summary of the lesson “Journey to the Arctic

  • 20.09.2019

Target: To acquaint students with the history of the conquest of the Arctic by Russian researchers, the formation and consolidation of a system of knowledge and skills on the topic “Arctic” by integrating school subjects: English, biology and geography.


a) educational - to identify general information and features of the geographical location of the Arctic and the conquest of the North Pole, to consolidate the use definite article"the" with place names.

b) developing - the use of English to summarize knowledge in the field of geography and biology, the development of oratory and acting abilities of students, the formation of cognitive activity of students, the ability to participate in communication with several interlocutors in order to exchange information, publicly speak with prepared oral messages on a chosen topic on geography, expanding the linguistic and general horizons.

c) educational - the formation of communication skills, interest in one's country, the ability to work collectively, increasing the motivation for learning English, creating a positive psychological atmosphere in the classroom.

  • map of the Arctic;
  • map of the peoples of the Arctic. Russia;
  • presentation;
  • musical fragment.
  • Geographical position of the Arctic.
  • Diversity of wildlife in the Arctic.
  • Russian explorers of the Arctic.
  • Wonders of the Arctic.
  • Peoples of the Arctic. Russia.
  • Environmental problems and their causes.


1. Organizational moment.
Presenter 1: Hello guys and dear guests. Today we have a regular meeting of the school club "Naturalists". (Knock on the door.)

2. Appearance of Dr. Watson.
doctor Watson: Excuse me. Is this a meeting of the School Science Club? My name is Doctor Watson. Can you help me?


Presenter 1

Doctor Watson: Do you know my friend Sherlock Holmes? He is interested in my method of investigation. We have made a bet that I can find out the reason why he has gone to Russia, the Arctic. He has left England in a balloon. But I need some additional information. Here is a letter from Sherlock Holmes.

3. Doctor Watson is reading letter.

Leading 2:
On the blackboard :

have made a betconcluded bet;
method of investigation
method investigations;

Doctor Watson:

Baker Street, London, UK
December 22.
My Dear Friend, Dr Watson,

So I enjoy beautiful nature. And I've sent you a quiz. I hope you'll do it.

Presenter 1: We need to solve 2 crossword puzzles, and the highlighted words will help to suggest why Sherlock Holmes flew to the Arctic.

Presentation "Living Arctic"

  1. polar owl,Polar Owl)
  2. Beluga whale or white whale,White / Silver Whale)
  3. Polar bear,polar bear)
  4. Walrus,walrus)
  5. Polar Wolf,Polar wolf)
  6. Sedov Georgy Yakovlevich- Russian hydrographer, polar explorer, senior lieutenant. Organizer of an unsuccessful expedition to the North Pole
  7. Narwhal,Narwahl)
  8. Arctic fox or polar fox,Artic fox/Polar fox)
  9. Belongs to the genus of birds from the auk family. She is the original inhabitant of the polar region. All its business activity takes place at the edge of drifting ice. ( Guillemot,Guilemot)
  10. Seal,Seal)
  11. Artiodactyl mammal animal. (Reindeer, reindeer)
  12. musk ox,Musk- ox)
  13. - Russian Arctic explorer for the first time crossed the Severny Island on foot and circled Novaya Zemlya on motor-sailing ships.
  14. Wonders ArcticWonders of the Arctic

Dr. Watson: thank you. Also he‘s sent a video from the mysterious part of the country and a task for me. Let's watch the video.

Presentation « Wonders Arctic» (Wonders of the Arctic)

Host 2: The Arctic is the most unusual region on our planet and it is not surprising that it is called mysterious and mysterious, because this region is fraught with many different wonders.

The Arctic is the most unusual part of the planet and it is called mysterious and enigmatic, because this region is fraught with many different miracles. Here is one of them. (Video)

Presenter 1: Let's guess the following riddles of Sherlock Holmes.

  1. northern Lights)
  2. Pole of inaccessibility)
  3. Polar Lights)
  4. polar day)
  5. polar night)
    1. Peoples of the Arctic.Dr. Watsoncontinues to read Sherlock Holmes' letter:

Dr. Watson: There are a lot of nationalities in the Arctic. What will you say, Dr Watson, if you ask me how I have met these people? It's elementary, Watson. You know, I like to listen to folk songs and national dances. And I'd like you to enjoy it too.

Presenter 1: Name the peoples living in the north of our country. (Yakuts, Nanais, Chukchi, Nganasans, Dolgans, Eskimos, Dolgans, Russians)

Chukchi dance.


Dr. Watson: There is one more quiz here. Choose the geographical names to complete the sentences.

  1. The mountains are…. (the Byrranga Mountains)
  2. In the north Russia is washed by … (the Arctic Ocean)
  3. Russia is rich in … in the Arctic. (oil, natural gas)
  4. The seas are … (the Chukchi Sea, the East Siberian Sea, the Laptev Sea, the Kara Sea, the Barents Sea)
  5. The part or parts of land are … (Franz Josef Land, Severnaya Zemlya, New Siberian Islands, Wrangel Island)

Presenter 1: In the conditions of the Arctic climate, all chemical reactions are slow, so even minor pollution can become a disaster and nature cannot cope with it on its own. This primarily concerns hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas). Any accident with an oil spill will cause irreparable harm to the Arctic.

  1. Final lesson stage.

Dr. Watson: Oh my friends thank you. You helped me to find out the reason why Sherlock Holmes has gone to Russia, the Arctic. He went there because he wanted to know more about this large country, famous researchers Sedov and Rusanov, who were the first men on the North Pole, the beautiful and mysterious Arctic.



extracurricular activity

"Mysterious Arctic"

Target: To acquaint students with the history of the conquest of the Arctic by Russian researchers, the formation and consolidation of a system of knowledge and skills on the topic “Arctic” by integrating school subjects: English, biology and geography.


a) educational - to identify general information and features of the geographical location of the Arctic and the conquest of the North Pole, to consolidate the use of the definite article "the" with geographical names.

b) developing - the use of English to summarize knowledge in the field of geography and biology, the development of oratory and acting abilities of students, the formation of cognitive activity of students, the ability to participate in communication with several interlocutors in order to exchange information, publicly speak with prepared oral messages on a chosen topic on geography, expanding the linguistic and general horizons.

c) educational - the formation of communication skills, interest in one's country, the ability to work collectively, increasing the motivation for learning English, creating a positive psychological atmosphere in the classroom.

Educational and methodological support:

  • map of the Arctic;
  • map of the peoples of the Arctic. Russia;
  • presentation;
  • musical fragment.
  • Geographical position of the Arctic.
  • Diversity of wildlife in the Arctic.
  • Russian explorers of the Arctic.
  • Wonders of the Arctic.
  • Peoples of the Arctic. Russia.
  • Environmental problems and their causes.


1. Organizational moment.
Presenter 1: Hello guys and dear guests. Today we have a regular meeting of the school club "Naturalists". (Knock on the door.)

2. Appearance of Dr. Watson.
Doctor Watson: Excuse me. Is this a meeting of the School Science Club? My name is Doctor Watson. Can you help me?

Student: Of course, we shall try to help you, Doctor Watson. What has happened?

Presenter 1 : As you understand, we have an assistant to the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and he needs our help. He only speaks English. I think we can help him.

Doctor Watson: Do you know my friend Sherlock Holmes? He is interested in my method of investigation. We have made a bet that I can find out the reason why he has gone to Russia, the Arctic. He has left England in a balloon. But I need some additional information. Here is a letter from Sherlock Holmes.

Host 2: Now boys and girls, listen to the letter attentively. We can help Dr Watson to find out the reason of visiting the Arctic according to the facts from the letter.
On the desk:

have made a bet - made a bet;
method of investigation - method of investigation;

Doctor Watson:

Baker Street, London, UK
December 22.
My Dear Friend, Dr Watson,
Of course, I remember that we have made a bet. It's time to use your method of investigation.
Now I am in a large country, Russia, in a mysterious place, the Arctic.
The climate of the region is arctic. It is very cold and frosty in winter. But I "m lucky that the weather was fine during the last days.
So I enjoy beautiful nature. And I've sent you a quiz. I hope you'll do it.

Presenter 1: We need to solve 2 crossword puzzles, and the highlighted words will help to suggest why Sherlock Holmes flew to the Arctic.

Presentation "Living Arctic"

(Words are guessed in Russian and in English)

  1. This is a large bird whose habitat extends to the polar tundra of Eurasia and North America, as well as the islands of the Arctic Ocean ( Snowy Owl, Polar Owl)
  2. It is one of the smallest representatives of cetaceans (Beluga whale or white whale, White/Silver Whale)
  3. The habitat of a formidable predator is limited to the Arctic zone. (polar bear)
  4. A unique animal of the Arctic. The habitat of the animal is extensive and covers almost most of the coastal waters of the Arctic Ocean ( Walrus, Walrus)
  5. The owner of the snowy plains, the snow-white guardian of the Arctic, graceful and beautiful (Polar wolf, Polar wolf)
  6. Sedov Georgy Yakovlevich- Russian hydrographer, polar explorer, senior lieutenant. Organizer of an unsuccessful expedition to the North Pole
  7. It is the most remarkable among cetaceans. He owes such popularity to his long horn or tusk, which sticks out straight from his mouth and reaches a length of 3 meters. This tusk consists of bone tissue, but along with hardness, it is extremely flexible. ( Narwhal, Narwahl)
  8. Is a predator. Its habitat is very extensive. The length of his body ranges from 50 to 75 cm. The fluffy tail is 25-30 cm long. (Arctic fox or polar fox, Artic fox/Polar fox)
  9. Belongs to the genus of birds from the auk family. She is the original inhabitant of the polar region. All its business activity takes place at the edge of drifting ice.(Kaira, Guilemot)
  10. It lives in the eastern and western parts of the Arctic Ocean. ( Seal, Seal)
  11. Artiodactyl mammal animal. (Reindeer, reindeer)
  12. The only modern representative of the genus Ovibos from the family of bovids ( Musk ox, Musk-ox)
  13. Rusanov Vladimir Alexandrovich- Russian Arctic explorer for the first time crossed the Severny Island on foot and circled Novaya Zemlya on motor-sailing ships.
  1. Wonders of the Arctic

Dr. Watson: thank you. Also he‘s sent a video from the mysterious part of the country and a task for me. Let's watch the video.

Presentation "Wonders of the Arctic"

Host 2: The Arctic is the most unusual region on our planet and it is not surprising that it is called mysterious and mysterious, because this region is fraught with many different wonders.

The Arctic is the most unusual part of the planet and it is called mysterious and enigmatic, because this region is fraught with many different miracles. Here is one of them. (Video)

Presenter 1: Let's guess the following riddles of Sherlock Holmes.

  1. A real miracle of the Arctic, which can last for several days, coloring the sky in various iridescent tones. ( Northern Lights )
  2. This is the place of the ice massif, as far as possible from all the shores of the Arctic Ocean and located at the greatest distance from any land. It is located about 600 km from the geographic North Pole. Due to the remoteness of this point from convenient transport routes, it is considered difficult to reach. (Pole of inaccessibility)
  3. One of the brightest and most amazing natural phenomena that appears in the sky in the form of arches, arcs, swaying curtains various colors may last from an hour to several days. This luminescent glow comes from the collision of charged particles flying from the Sun with the molecules and atoms of gases in the most rarefied part of the Earth's air envelope. (Polar Lights)
  4. The period when the Sun does not set below the horizon for more than one day, the Sun may not fall below the horizon for many days, but describe a circle along the horizon line. It lasts from the spring to the autumn equinox - from 64 to 186 days. ( polar day)
  5. Installed in the Arctic winter period when the sun does not rise above the horizon for more than one day. At the north pole, it lasts from the autumn to the spring equinox - 176 days. ( Polar night )
  1. Peoples of the Arctic. Dr. Watson continues to read Sherlock Holmes' letter:

Dr. Watson : There are a lot of nationalities in the Arctic. What will you say, Dr Watson, if you ask me how I have met these people? It's elementary, Watson. You know, I like to listen to folk songs and national dances. And I'd like you to enjoy it too.

Presenter 1: Name the peoples living in the north of our country. (Yakuts, Nanais, Chukchi, Nganasans, Dolgans, Eskimos, Dolgans, Russians)

Map of the peoples of the Arctic. Russia

Chukchi dance.


  1. On the board are cards with the names of mountains, seas, oceans, minerals.

Dr. Watson: There is one more quiz here. Choose the geographical names to complete the sentences.

  1. The mountains are…. (the Byrranga Mountains)
  2. In the north Russia is washed by … (the Arctic Ocean)
  3. Russia is rich in … in the Arctic. (oil, natural gas)
  4. The seas are … (the Chukchi Sea, the East Siberian Sea, the Laptev Sea, the Kara Sea, the Barents Sea)
  5. The part or parts of land are … (Franz Josef Land, Severnaya Zemlya, New Siberian Islands, Wrangel Island)
  1. Environmental problems and their causes.

Dr. Watson: (continues to read the letter) The Arctic haze is could which covers the region. The main reason of air pollution is burning coal and oil and also industrial melting metal.

Presenter 1: In the conditions of the Arctic climate, all chemical reactions are slow, so even minor pollution can become a disaster and nature cannot cope with it on its own. This primarily concerns hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas). Any accident with an oil spill will cause irreparable harm to the Arctic.

Presentation "Ecological state of the Arctic"

  1. The final stage of the lesson.

Dr. Watson: Oh, my friends thank you. You helped me to find out the reason why Sherlock Holmes has gone to Russia, the Arctic. He went there because he wanted to know more about this large country, famous researchers Sedov and Rusanov, who were the first men on the North Pole, the beautiful and mysterious Arctic.


  1. to form initial ideas about the features of the nature of the Arctic, its fauna, the adaptability of animals to living in the Arctic;
  2. to consolidate the ability to use the signs greater than, less than and equal to;
  3. repeat the sound analysis of words;
  4. continue the development of logical thinking and speech.


the globe, physical map Russia, model of the Arctic, a container with water, pieces of ice, audio recording of the noise of a blizzard, pictures of animals, sheets for individual work, presentation "Arctic" , notebook.

Lesson progress:

The teacher arranges containers with water, ice, the children go to the desktop and ask: "Why ice?" , "What are we going to do today?" .

Educator: “If you want to know what we are going to do, come closer, put ice in the water. What happens to ice? Try to "drown" ice".

Educator: Why doesn't ice sink? Where in nature can you see floating ice? .

Children make hypotheses and answer questions.

Educator: “Children, can you show on the map a place where there is a lot of ice that floats?” .

If the children find it difficult, the teacher asks leading questions, helps.

Listen to an audio recording of the sound of a blizzard. Educator: "What do these sounds remind you of?" .

Children talk about wind, snowstorm and blizzard.

Educator: “Look what beautiful snowflakes the blizzard brought us. But one snowflake is superfluous here. Which one, why? .

Rice. 1. Snowflakes

The guys compare snowflakes, count their blades and find the extra one.

Educator: “And when do we have blizzards?” . Children answer that it is winter or indicate one of the winter months.

Teacher's story: there are such cold places on earth where snowstorms, even snowstorms, happen very often. This is the Arctic. When it gets cold and windy in our area, they say "arctic winds and colds have come" .

Educator: “Which of you can show the Arctic on the map? What do you know about the Arctic? . Children remember the previous lesson, talk about the Arctic and complement each other

Educator: “Yes, it is a vast expanse covered in snow and ice. It consists of two parts: the land-tundra and the ocean. Cold weather lasts up to 9-10 months a year, winds blow, snowfalls, blizzards. Summer is very cool, the temperature is 10 degrees higher. It's colder than it is now in our group. Although it is cool in summer, various berries have time to ripen. What berries can be picked in the tundra? What animals can be found? I wonder why they are all white? .

Children's answers: cranberries, cloudberries, lingonberries grow in the tundra; tundra animals include reindeer, polar bear, arctic fox. The animals are white so as not to stand out in the snow.”

Educator: “Why doesn’t the ice melt in the Arctic, but does it melt on our rivers and lakes?” (Cold, large area of ​​ice).

Experience "Ice in the sun and in the fridge" .

Educator: “We are looking at the map, what color is the water on the map? Notice how much water surrounds us. Can you show the Arctic Ocean?” .

Children answer that the water on the map is indicated in blue / light blue. There is a lot of water, and the Arctic Ocean is the water part of the Arctic.

Educator: "Your assumptions - why Arctic?" . With the help of a teacher, children find an explanation for this word.

Individual work:

Educator: “You have sheets on the tables. Who is drawn? Count, write down the answer in the squares, put signs greater than, less than or equal to.

Rice. 2. Example of individual tasks

Children's work.

Educator: "Have you been to the market?" .

(Explain if you do not know the meaning of the word).

Educator: “There are also markets on the shores of the ocean. They are very noisy, you can not buy anything on them. What are these markets? Listening to the recording of the noise of the bird market.

There are a lot of birds, they scream, move, fight. It seems that they are traded in the market.

Show pictures of birds (using laptop): snowy owl, albatross, loon, murre, rookery.

Where do you think birds build their nests and hatch their chicks?

Despite the fact that the Northern Ocean is cold and covered with ice, many different animals live in it: from small crustaceans to huge whales.

These are whales, and these are crustaceans. How can you see them?"

Children look at daphnia through a magnifying glass.

Educator: What parts of the body did you see? . ("Antennae, limbs, entrails" , the children answer.)

Educator: “A very interesting dahlia fish lives in the Arctic Ocean. When it is very cold, it freezes into the ice, and when it gets warmer, the ice thaws, the fish comes to life again, swims in the water.

Fishermen catch herring, polar cod, salmon. The animals that live there eat fish. Maybe you know what animals live in the Arctic Ocean? These are polar bears, walruses, seals.

Walruses are born on ice floes, often sleeping in the water with their noses sticking out through a hole in the ice. With the help of microphones lowered into the water, scientists found out that walruses sing underwater.

Bear cubs are born in the dead of winter, the size of a cat.

What helps animals to survive in such difficult conditions?

There are bags on the tables. Read the words and pair them with magic strings (wolf - forest, dog - house, bear - ice floe, March - water).

Educator: "Why did you pair up like that?" . Children say that they have found their own home for each animal, and in March water appears instead of ice.

Educator: “In the word dog, count the number of syllables, show the corresponding figure. Disassemble the word with the help of chips. How many vowels, consonants, sounds? .

At the end of the lesson, the teacher sums up the results by asking the children: “What have we learned about the Arctic? What else are you interested in?" and gives homework to find out where the penguins live.

Scenario extracurricular activities

Topic:"To the Arctic!"

View: the game.

Class: 6-7

Event goals:

Development of cognitive interest in the Arctic, the history of its development, people-researchers of this region;

- development of the ability to draw conclusions, inferences based on various sources and knowledge in different branches of science;
- development of logical thinking, creative abilities of students, the ability to work in a group.

Organization of the game:

The game involves four teams that have received several tasks in advance. Teams are invited to choose a captain, team name and motto. The jury evaluates the answers.

Organizational moment. Announcement of the goals and objectives of the game. Jury presentation.

Leading. Guys, today we will go to the country of many unsolved mysteries, courageous people and untold natural wealth. We are going to the Arctic.

Reader . Ice floes or sails? Are the sails ice?

Only wrinkles scatter on the water.

Ice floes float away, as if it was not there at all.

Again the water is like a mirror, and above it is the sky.

In the sky - clouds of birds, the sea does not shake.

The Arctic meets with ice-sisters.

Reader - Hey, rrrishshshly guys! Burn, cut, blizzard!

And from where you came out! Buuudem sssssss force!

- Let's measure strength! We are not afraid of the cold!

We left the Bela-Sea. From Archangel City!

Leading Since ancient times, this land, harsh and beautiful, has attracted people. She beckoned with her cold beauty, the opportunity to test herself, her character. But not everyone came back... Many geographical objects of the Arctic bear the names of explorers, many of them Russians... And, perhaps, everyone who decided to study it is already worthy of admiration.

Now you will present your teams named after great people - Georgy Sedov, Ivan Papanin, Khariton and Dmitry Laptev, Otto Schmidt.

(As homework, it was suggested to prepare a business card, talking about the person whose name the team bears)

Leading. Along the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean, on the nearest islands, as well as on drifting ice, scientific observation points - polar stations are scattered. People who conduct scientific observations live and work there. Today we will try to visit there to get acquainted with the great mystery of the Earth - the Arctic.

Reader The moan of glaciers, giving birth in the night

Lifeless icebergs.

And the wind sounds like a cannonade,

Throwing snow charges into the darkness.

Iron grinding of ice fields,

Yes, the frozen hummocks reared up ...

Crosses from the masts of dead ships

Here the sailors put the captains.

They stand in the midst of darkness and permafrost

Alone forever with the ocean

Like monuments to Russian Magellans,

Having reached the immortal latitude.

Station "Historical"

"Historical error "(need to find errors in the indicated facts from the history of development and exploration of the Arctic)

1. Since the 19th century. Russians, engaged in sea fishing, discovered the islands of Kolguev, Vaygach, New Earth(no, from the 12th century)

2. On the initiative of Peter the Great, an expedition of V. Ya. Chichagov was equipped to the Arctic. (No, M. V. Lomonosov)

3. In 1878-1879, for the first time, the Swedish polar explorer N. Nordenskiöld (with wintering on the way) managed to pass the northern sea route from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic (No, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.)

4. In 1941, in search of the expeditions of Sedov, Brusilov and Rusanov lost in the ice, Russian military pilot I. I. Nagursky made the first flights over the Arctic. (no, 1914)

5. G. Sedov in August 1912 on the steam ship "Saint Foka" made an attempt to move from Murmansk to the land of Franz Josef, but was wiped out by ice near about. Pankratov. (No, from Arkhangelsk)

6. The crews of V. Chkalov and M. Gromov flew to Australia over the Pole in the summer of 1937 (No, to America)

7. I.D. Papanin led the first drifting station "North Pole-1", it was a group of twenty-five people. (No, four people)

8. In the summer of 1932, the Northern Sea Route was crossed for the first time in one navigation by the expedition of O.Yu. Schmidt on the icebreaker "Russia" (No, on the icebreaker "Sibiryakov".)

9. In 1962, a Soviet nuclear boat passed through the huge ice to the North Pole. (No, under the ice)

10. In 1977, the Soviet icebreaker Arktika reached the shores of Novaya Zemlya. (no, North Pole)

Reader Diesels either roar, then they rattle tam-tam,

Jets of gas screwing into the sky like fountains.

Pushing the nose and pushing the sides,

The ship is measured by strength with ice.

Under the stern, ice floes beat in white foam.

The ship overcame the ice wall!

Here is such a summer, formidable and bright

For the first time in the world I saw the Arctic.

(Viktor Batura "The first meeting with the Arctic")

Station "Geographic"

« Geographical dictation»

On the sheets of paper, a text is issued in which you need to insert the missing words.

The Arctic (from the Greek αρκτικός -________) is the northern polar region of the Earth, including the _________ ocean and its seas: Greenland, _________, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi and Beaufort, as well as the Baffin Sea, Fox Basin Bay, numerous straits and bays Canadian Arctic Archipelago, northern parts of the Pacific and _____________ oceans; Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, _________ Land, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk Islands and about. Wpangel, as well as the northern coasts of the continents of Eurasia and ____________.

The area of ​​the Arctic is about 25 million square kilometers, of which about 10 million are occupied by _________ and about 15 million square kilometers by _________. The territory of the Arctic occupies approximately _________ of the Earth.

The land of the Arctic is made up of parts of the territory of Russia (the northern regions of the Murmansk, ___________ and Tyumen regions, _________ territories, the republics of _________, the Magadan region) and ___________ (the Yukon territory, the northwestern territories, Quebec, Newfoundland), as well as the possessions of _________ (Alaska), ______ (Greenland) and ____________ _ (Svalbard).

Large modern cities have been built in the Arctic zone: Salekhard, _________, Norilsk, large industrial enterprises, sea, air and land transport routes.

Text to check

Arctic (from the Greek αρκτικός -northern ) - the northern polar region of the Earth, includingArctic ocean and its seas: Greenland,Barents , Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi and Beaufort, as well as the Baffin Sea, Fox Basin, numerous straits and bays of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the northern parts of the Pacific andAtlantic oceans; Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land,New Earth, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk Islands and about. Wrangel, as well as the northern coasts of the continents of Eurasia andNorth America .

The area of ​​the Arctic is about 25 million square kilometers, of which about 10 million areland and about 15 million sq. km -water surface . The territory of the Arctic occupies approximatelysixth Part of the land.

The land of the Arctic is made up of parts of the territory of Russia (the northern regions of Murmansk,Arkhangelsk and Tyumen regions,Krasnoyarsk regions, republicsYakutia , Magadan region) andCanada (Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Quebec, Newfoundland), as well as holdingsUSA(Alaska), Denmark(Greenland) and Norway(Svalbard).

Large modern cities have been built in the Arctic zone: Salekhard,Murmansk , Norilsk, large industrial enterprises, sea, air and land transport routes pass through the Arctic

Reader All years and centuries and eras in a row

Everything strives for warmth from frost and blizzards.

Why do these birds fly north

If the birds are supposed to only go south.

Glory they do not need and greatness,

Here under the wings the ice will end -

And they will find bird happiness,

As a reward for a daring flight.

(V. Vysotsky "White Silence")

Station "Biological"

Leading . The flora and fauna of the Arctic is unique. Some are found only here. Many are listed in the Red Book. Unfortunately, humans have often destroyed or destroyed the fragile ecosystem. Nature reserves and national parks are being created in the Arctic to protect nature. You need to name the animals and plants that you will see on the slides.

(Animals: polar bear, polar wolf, weasel, arctic fox, snowy owl, musk ox, reindeer, etc.)

(Plants: arctic pike, ranunculus, snow saxifrage, polar poppy, polar willow, reindeer moss, etc.)

Reader The ice floes are young and the lines are divorced,

Shoulders covered with snow handkerchiefs

Ice floes are interesting. How many of them!

They surrounded the ship, blocking the road.

Ice floes are interesting! Ice floes are sharp!

Push back you, skip to the island!

(Viktor Batura "The first meeting with the Arctic")

Station "Useful"

Captains competition

(the captains take turns calling what the Arctic is rich in, what attracts people to it)

Examples of answers: oil and gas reserves, commercial fisheries, tourism, climate research, international aviation route, test sites, military bases of various states, fresh water in the form of ice, untouched nature, etc.)

Leading People should first of all remember to respect and care for the unique region called the Arctic, even with some features of admiration. It is our responsibility to ensure that human presence in these places is minimal and environmentally literate for vulnerable nature. Often, even out of ignorance, a person can harm wildlife. You need to remember one simple truth - a person in the Arctic is only a guest, welcome and, perhaps, sometimes even needed. But the owners of these amazing places have always been, are and remain animals and plants. Let's draw up a set of rules on how to behave in the Arctic.


Reader I will breathe in the air of the snowy plains with full breasts,

and the polar night will bewitch me,

let go of the dog sled belts,

and my likes will rush faster than a horse.

And next to me an experienced musher rushes,

on the same team of funny dogs,

wolf fur coats are sewn from skins,

we will not freeze, playing with the frost all-in.

Let's stop, smelling near the wormwood,

illuminated by the low moon.

(January is frosty here and June is frosty,

and teams stand near the axis of the earth.)

Under the runners - snow diamond dust,

that with the stars of the North in close relationship.

In the sky flashes of pale purple ink -

mischievous radiance of the polar light ...

Station "Literaturnaya"

Teams present homework - a presentation - an illustration of a poem or a song about the Arctic.

(for example, T. Efimova "White Arctic", M. Biryukova "Arctic Tern", Z. Avdotien "Arctic", V. Vysotsky "White Silence", V. Batura "First Encounter with the Arctic, etc.)

While the jury is summing up, the high school students talk about two books - Wen. Kaverin "Two Captains" and V.A. Obruchev "Sannikov Land". If time permits, excerpts from films based on these books can be shown.

Leading. It is not for nothing that our Arkhangelsk is called the "sea gate" to the Arctic. This is the first Arctic port of our country, from where all the famous Russian polar expeditions departed. Our port is used to deliver cargo to the Arctic, NArFU and the Captain Voronin Arctic Maritime Institute are training specialists to work in the Arctic, major educational projects are being implemented. The Arctic needs to be explored from Arkhangelsk. And we also took our first step.

Synopsis of GCD on cognitive research development in the middle group.

Topic:"Wild Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Prepared by: educator of the highest category

Tokareva V.V.

Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Equipment: globe, pictures of animals of the north (walrus, seal, albatross, blue whale, reindeer, penguin, elephant seal, arctic fox, polar bear), northern lights picture, glue, glue brushes, bear silhouette printed on blue sheets, napkins, cotton wool

Target: Acquaintance with the Arctic and Antarctic, with the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the Arctic region, with the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic, their appearance, lifestyle and habits.



To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe animals of the north;

To form generalized ways of mental activity and means of building one's own cognitive activity;

Vocabulary expansion.


Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

To develop a cognitive interest in all living things, a desire to gain new knowledge from books; curiosity, observation fantasy;

To gain experience in research activities for children, to form the ability to realize interests;

Development of fine and articulatory motor skills.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards the animals of the north.

Lesson progress.

1.Organizational moment.

The teacher shows the globe

Educator: Who knows what it is?

Children: the globe

Educator: right! This is a miniature model of our planet Earth.

Our planet is a huge, huge ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to drive around it.

2. The main part.

Snow crown on both sides

Our beautiful ball is surrounded!

Two poles, two brothers

Antarctic and Arctic

Here is the North Pole, and here is the South Pole. You can get to it by plane or icebreaker. People do not live there permanently, they conduct research work, study the climate, animal life.

Educator: guys, what do you think? Why are they painted white?

Children: because there is the north, there is always frost, snow, cold

Educator: The sun never rises high above the horizon here. Its rays skim over the surface of the Earth, giving it very little heat. That's why here is the realm of ice and snow
The surface of the Arctic is covered with ice, the thickness of which is equal to the height of a three-story building. This is the harshest place on Earth.
In winter, there comes a time when the sun does not rise at all. The polar night continues. Only the pale light of the stars and the moon illuminates the endless expanses of snow.
In the Arctic winter sky, you can see the aurora borealis, one of the most wonderful phenomena of nature.
The polar night is replaced by the polar day. The sun shines day and night.
Only four months a year the temperature rises above zero degrees.
The short summer is coming. It's very difficult to walk here. Guys, do you think anyone lives in the north? And one more thing: when at the North Pole-winter-polar night, at the South Pole-summer-polar day.

Children: yes, animals and birds

Educator: right, look who lives in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Stories about animals.
He is so plump - this layer of fat saves him from hypothermia, like you jackets. And flippers help to move quickly in the water to hunt for fish. Why do you think the seal is a predator?
What do seals eat? (fish)
Who else loves fish? (birds). They settle along the rocky shores, forming bird colonies.
These birds dive and swim well. Why do paws look like flippers? (so that these birds can swim comfortably)
Their paws are powerful, with rough skin, adapted for walking on sharp ice and snowdrifts.
The plumage does not get wet, otherwise, when getting out of the water, it would immediately turn into an icicle.
What do you think these birds eat?

Large marine animal with very thick skin. The upper fangs are extremely developed, elongated and directed downwards. The very broad muzzle is covered with numerous thick, stiff, flattened whiskers. There are no external ears, the eyes are small.

The skin is covered with short recumbent yellow-brown hair, but with age they become less, and in old walruses the skin is almost completely naked. The limbs are more adapted for movement on land than in true seals, and walruses can walk rather than crawl; soles are calloused. The tail is rudimentary.

Blue whale

The blue whale is the largest whale, the largest modern animal, and also probably the largest of all animals that have ever existed on Earth. Its length reaches 33 meters, and its mass can significantly exceed 150 tons. The blue whale has no teeth. It feeds on small crustaceans. Having collected water in a huge mouth, the whale filters it through the mouth plates. And the remaining crustaceans eats. It happens that small fish come across, they also eat. He eats a whole carriage of crustaceans a day! (27 tons)


Also a large animal, has branched horns, both females and males. Warm coat, wide hooves. They feed on tree bark and branches. A peaceful animal, but if someone attacks him, he can defend himself.

sea ​​elephants

A huge, enlarged nose hangs over the mouth with the nostrils down. It is because of this nose that they got their name, elephant seals. Elephant seals prey on fish and cephalopods. Elephant seals are able to dive for prey to a depth of 1400 m. Like whales, the breathing of elephant seals during diving to a depth slows down, which reduces oxygen consumption. The natural enemies of elephant seals are white sharks and killer whales, hunting in upper layers water.


Albatross is an amazing bird that can not appear on land for many months! They spend days and nights navigating the oceans and traveling hundreds of miles a day. Albatross is a beautiful bird and the ocean distance is its only home. In addition to huge wings, these birds have a unique beak, which consists of separate plates. Their beak is thin, but strong and equipped with elongated nostrils. Small species seek to eat fish close to the coast, while others fly hundreds of miles from land to find a tasty morsel for themselves.

Or a polar fox. A small predatory animal resembling a fox. Unlike the fox, the fox's body is squat, the muzzle is shortened; the ears are rounded, slightly protruding from the winter coat. the soles of the paws of arctic foxes are covered with coarse hair. It feeds on rodents, but often follows the bear and eats up what the bear has not eaten.

The polar bear is the largest predator on our planet. His weight can reach 1 ton, and the body length is 3 m. Growth a polar bear at the withers reaches 1.5 m. The polar bear differs from its relatives body structure, coat and skin color. The head of the polar bear is narrower and longer than that of other representatives of the bear, with a flat forehead and long neck. The ears are rounded at the top. The coat is white without pigmentation. Black polar bear skin. The paw pads have long hair and small bumps. Between the fingers of the front paws there are swimming membranes. This body structure helps the polar bear survive in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. The thick coat of a polar bear, consisting of two thick rows of hair, does not allow him to freeze. In addition to wool, in order not to feel the cold, they have a thick subcutaneous layer of fat up to 13 cm. The wool and knobs on their paws prevent them from sliding on the ice, and the membranes between the fingers help them swim. The bear got out of the water and dusted himself off. Spray flew from him in all directions. And why is the bear not covered with ice, because he gets out of the water in such a severe frost?

Educator: let's get some rest.

Finger gymnastics.

In the North, a white bear lives,

But only, like a brown one, he does not suck honey.

Our Umka is trying to catch a fish,

To eat deliciously and live - do not grieve.

(Fingers are bent, starting with the little finger to the big one, for each stressed syllable).


So that the throat does not hurt, we stroke it boldly (children stroke their neck with their hands from top to bottom)

In order not to cough, not to sneeze, you need to rub your nose (rubbing the wings of the nose with the index finger) We will also rub our forehead, we hold our palm with a visor (put palms on the forehead with a “visor” and rub it with movements “to the sides - together”)

Make a “fork” with your fingers, massage your ears and neck. (Spread the index and middle fingers and rub the points in front and behind the ears).

We know, we know, we are always, we are not afraid of a cold! (rubbing both palms)

Educator: let's make a polar bear out of cotton wool.

(children and parents are invited to cover the bear with cotton)

3. Summing up.

So let's sum it up. Where is the Arctic (at the North Pole).

What can you tell about Artik? (It is very cold there, permafrost, snow, ice, polar night, northern lights).

What kind of animals can be found in the Arctic? (polar wolf, reindeer, polar bear, walrus, seal, polar owl, arctic fox, narwhal, killer whale, beluga whale, whale).

Why do these animals live in the Arctic? (they feed on fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, can swim well, dive well, many animals have thick white fur, which makes them invisible in the snow).

Antarctica is located at the South Pole, it is colder there and people do not live. There are penguins, elephant seals, albatrosses

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type" Sun "p.g.t. Urengoy

Purovsky district

Synopsis of an integrated directly organized educational activities using SIRS technology

"Animals of the White Spaces"

for kids senior group

Compiled by educator:

Izmailova A.Sh.



Target: To introduce children to the peculiarities of nature, living creatures of the Arctic.

Tasks :

Educational :

Formation of ideas about wild animals of the Far North in terms of their appearance, lifestyle and habits;

Expanding the horizons of children.

Exercise in finding geometric shapes according to the scheme, creating a specific pattern;

Exercise in the use of diminutive nouns

Educational :

Develop coherent speech and the ability to correctly build a sentence

Development of attention and visual perception.

Contribute to the development of logical thinking;

Educational :

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, responsibility, initiative.

Cultivate love for animals, an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic.

Preliminary work:

We got acquainted with the globe, the children looked at illustrations with climatic conditions and with animals of the Arctic and Antarctica; children had the opportunity to watch the cartoon "Umka"; children drew "Northern Lights".

Equipment :

Usage technical means: SIRS, video film "About the Arctic";

Pictures from animals of the Arctic;

Box with a seven-flower flower and a white bear cub;


Bear template for each child,

cotton pads,

jars for glue,



Event progress

Invite the children to complete the application, on pre-prepared drawings:

Apply glue to the silhouette image of a bear;

Lay the chopped yarn on the glue, carefully aligning the contour;

Press the yarn tightly with a cotton pad to the base;

Shake off the remaining thread.

Educator:Guys, come to me, let's play together.

Organizational moment.

The sun woke up in the sky

We guys smiled.

We close our eyes quietly

We raise our hands to the sky.

Let's take a ray of sunshine

And let's take it to the heart.

caregiver : Guys, now we have winter, it's cold and frosty outside, and warmth and kindness has settled in your hearts. Let's share this warmth, pass it through the palms of each other. How pleasantly warm, kind, good mood went through the palms. And let the good mood remain throughout the day.

Let's give our guests a good mood (blow on palms) .

Guys, this morning, the postman came and handed over a parcel addressed to children group"Fidgets" . Do you want to know what is in the package? (Yes)

The teacher takes out of the box "flower-seven-flower" .

caregiver :

Look what an unusual flower, it has petals different color. What is it called? From what fairy tale?

Why do you think they sent it to us? And there is also note: "Dear Guys! We invite you to visit our mainland and help our friend get to the house, learn a lot of interesting things. And a flower will help you - a seven-flower with tasks "

1 th task: (I take a petal) "Find out who we should help get home"

(children of the first subgroup collect tangrams on the computer, children of the second subgroup of the subgroup - tangrams at the table)

Guys, what did you do? (Polar bear cub) Oh, and who is this, small, white. Yes, this is Umka. (The teacher takes out a figurine of a polar bear cub)

Educator: But where does our Umka live? We learn from the 2nd task. Guess the riddle:

Every student knows

The uppermost continent.

We turn the globe

And find a name. (Arctic )

But where is the Arctic? This we can find out if we consider ... what? The globe. What is a globe? (This is a miniature model of the Earth).

Our planet is a huge, huge ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to drive around it.

I suggest that we, together with Umka, go on a trip to the Arctic. Children, are you afraid to go on a long journey?

Today our scientific expedition will go beyond the Arctic Circle, to the zone of the Arctic deserts. And we will sail with you on an icebreaker. Rules of conduct on the ship:

1. Without the command of the captain, you cannot go out and climb the ship

3. You can not scream and run on the ship, it is forbidden to push

4. If a shipwreck begins, then it is necessary to wear life jackets, we have them here, we are the first to save women and children

We will go there with you

Where is the kingdom of cold and ice!

Educator: But we need to complete the next task, tear off the next petal. (SIRS "Attention Game") Look, blew strong wind, one element of our "snowflakes" is lost, let's find them.

Guys, you are great! And with this task we coped well! But look, our Umka is sad. Let's play with him. (Presentation "Eye gymnastics")

Well, let's swim!

Watching a video.

At the opposite poles of the globe lie desert, covered with snow and ice, polar regions: Antarctica in the extreme south, the Arctic - in the north. We are now on the Arctic Ocean, and huge icebergs are floating towards us - ice rocks. Children, do you think icebergs are dangerous to humans? Why? For six months in these parts the sun does not appear in the sky. For the other six months it does not go beyond the horizon, but its rays are weak and almost do not warm, reflecting from the snow.

The Arctic is a zone of islands lying near the North Pole. The climate of this polar region is very diverse.

Cold gusty winds roam the silent snowy expanses, pressing to the ground the already rare undersized shrubs of dwarf birch and polar willow. Look at the children's picture. How do you think they differ from birch and willow of the middle lane?

There are long cold winters and short cold summers, so the vegetation is sparse: mosses and lichens.

White deserts are called the vast expanse of the north, where there is only ice and snow. Everything is white - white to the point of pain in the eyes.

In the Arctic, the sun does not set for several months - the polar day continues. Remember, we talked with you - what is a polar day?

And there is also a polar night. What is it?

The Arctic is very beautiful, unusual, bewitching a natural phenomenon- Northern Lights. Let's see it.

But the inhabitants of the north have adapted to these harsh conditions. Which?

Physical education minute

It's cold everywhere, ice and shadow, children hugging themselves by the shoulders.

Six months - night, close your eyes with your palms

Six months is a day. straighten up, raise your hands up

From the ice here people build a house, join their hands above their heads - "roof"

And the ocean is covered with ice. spread their arms to the sides

You will hardly find animals here. place a palm over the eyes

And you will not notice the birds in the sky. make hand swings

Only a bear, white as frost, imitates the bear's gait

Master of the Ice Desert. hands on the belt, stand still.

Educator: Magic snowflakes will help us find out what animals live here (children pluck the next petal)

Long fur is white as snow.

Eats seals and fish for lunch.

He is an excellent swimmer

And a caring father.

Three meter giant

Weighs a thousand kilograms (polar bear)

Children who will tell us about the polar bear? (Child's message)

The main inhabitant of the northern expanses is the polar bear. This is the largest predatory animal on Earth. Thick white long hair and a thick layer of fat protect it from severe frosts. The bear is an excellent swimmer, water is his native element, he can swim even under water. A polar bear will crawl out of the water onto an ice floe, shake it off - and again dry. It feeds on fish, seals and walruses. When the time comes for the appearance of offspring, the she-bear climbs into the snow cave. Bear cubs are born very small, blind, deaf, grow helpless and the bear does not leave the lair. She warms them with her warmth and feeds the babies with milk. There are very few polar bears left on Earth, so hunting for them is prohibited. They are listed in the Red Book.

Thick folded hero -

In fins and earless.

Picks from the bottom of the sea

Eat shells.

He has fangs like sabers

The fur is short but thick.

Guess what guys

What a rich man. (Walrus) .

The child talks about the walrus.

Walruses are brown, they have white fangs, with the help of fangs they climb ice floes, stick their fangs and rise. The flippers help them swim. The walrus has no hair, it has very thick skin and subcutaneous fat, which warms the walrus and is not afraid of any frost. Subcutaneous fat is better than a warm coat.

Like a royal crown

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen, green moss.

Likes snow meadows. (Deer) .

Deer story:

The reindeer is a very cautious and shy animal. He has a keen sense of smell and fine hearing, beautiful horns. Look how slender, strong legs the deer has. He runs away from enemies, the deer runs a lot on the snow cover. The deer needs wide hooves so that it does not fall into the snow. And he also gets food for himself, breaks the snow to the ground with his hooves and takes out dry grass - this is the most favorite food for deer.

Educator: (take a petal) The game "Guess who?" Everyone has animals, even in such harsh conditions, cubs are born, you will need to name them.

The polar bear... (teddy bear) ;

At the walrus (walrus) ;

At the deer... (deer) ;

Penguin (penguin) ;

And in a seal, a cub is called in a special way, how? (white) .

Educator: Oh look what a sad little bear. Why do you think?

Children:He is alone, he has no friends.

Playback:How can we help him?

Children:Let's help Umka find friends. We drew pictures about the Northern Lights. Let's depict friends for Umka in these drawings.

(Artistic creativity is carried out: application, to the song "About the Bear" from the cartoon Umka.)

Educator: Children, look, the Bear cub has become cheerful, he has made many friends and these friends will show him the way to his mother. Thank you!

Educator: Guys, we have the last petal left. We are in the Arctic. What wish can we make? (back to kindergarten) Do you remember what to say:

Fly, fly - petal

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back making a circle

Just touch the ground

Be on my led!

Ordered that the children and I were in kindergarten!

Summary of the lesson: Where is Arctic(At the North Pole) . What can you tell about Artik? (It is very cold there, permafrost, snow, ice, polar night, northern lights.) Who can you meet from animals in the arctic ? (polar wolf, reindeer, polar bear, walruses, seals, polar owl, arctic fox, narwhal, killer whale, beluga whales, whales) Why are these animals live in the arctic ? (they eat fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, know how to swim well, dive well. Many animal thick white fur , makes them invisible in the snow).

Knock on the door. The postman enters with a package.

Postman: Hello! What group is this? ("Fidgets") Wonderful! You received a package from North Pole from Umka. (children receive treats from Umka)

Educator: Well done boys. You did a very good job today. Thank you.