Long neck for men. Powerful neck: how to pump up, exercises, records

  • 02.07.2020

In the region of the back of the human head, the zones of human instincts are concentrated: everything dark that is hidden in us, all fears and complexes. The bumps on the back of the head carry information about the events that we attract to ourselves unconsciously, spontaneously, about intuition, about the connection with the Cosmos. Hillocks of murderers, suicides, catastrophes are also located here ... Including: zone 1 - a hillock of suicides, destruction, self-destruction, if it is located on the "evil" side, or a premonition of danger, if it is on the "good" side; zone 2 - hillock of physical desires, a clear shift of this hillock in men to the right indicates tantric work; zone 3 is a hillock of fear, zone 4 is a hillock of catastrophes.

We determine the character by the back of the head

Let's find out how to determine the character of a person by the back of the head.

  • At the very base of the skull, in the lower part of the occiput, there may be a sharp bump. In undeveloped people, it indicates an increased sexuality, which can sometimes even lead them to crime. The presence of such a bump in developed people indicates magical abilities, the ability to influence other people.
  • If there are dents on the back of a person’s head, then this is bad, since this disrupts communication with cosmic forces that can crush and destroy a person. A person with such a character should not practice magic.
  • Strong occiputs in lowly developed people speak of a spontaneous manifestation of personality, an unorganized character, while in more developed people they speak of a connection with the Cosmos, of the possibility of initiation and initiation. In ancient Egypt, many priests deliberately, with the help of special techniques, pulled out their heads.
  • The fleshy nape of a man - intemperance in sexual life. If such a man has a round forehead, a round belly, raised shoulders and wide feet, then he thinks more not about sex, but about material wealth, loves his family.

How to determine the character of the neck

Now consider ways to determine the character of the neck.

  • A neck of 16 to 18 inches in circumference is considered large and indicates great physical ability, a quick-tempered and wayward character, which, if not leading to premature death, this person will probably outlive his contemporaries.
  • If the neck is narrow at the base of the head, then life will be short.
  • An excessively long neck indicates simplicity of character and curiosity.
  • A short and small neck speaks of intelligence and deceit.
  • The muscular neck belongs to absurd people.
  • A neck that protrudes excessively forward warns of an evil and stupid owner.
  • A thick, fleshy neck testifies to a proud, quick-tempered character that can cause a lot of trouble.
  • A "square" neck, merging with the back of the head, indicates that the mind is in the same style ...
  • A strict, straight neck corresponds to a firm uncompromising character.
  • The neck, beveled to the right, is a sign of caution and a tendency to hoarding. When the neck is shifted to the left, it speaks of a vice. Such people should not be trusted with secrets.
  • A short neck may indicate heart disease.

Now you know the main ways to determine the character of the back of the head and neck.


November 30, 2015 14:14

By Fabiosa

If you think that you can understand a person only by talking to him, then you are mistaken. Physiognomy is a scientifically substantiated thing that has long confirmed the right to its existence. Size, shape, length - it all matters. Especially when it comes to the face and figure. It is no coincidence that Chekhov's "Thick and Thin" are built on the principle of the correlation of personality and external data. So next time, look at a new acquaintance carefully before getting closer to him ...

1. Eyebrows


Eyebrows as a frame of the face are a very striking feature. So, thin eyebrows speak of the arrogance and ambition of the owner. Cruelty, rudeness lies in fused eyebrows, and wide eyebrows are a clear sign of sincerity and simplicity.

2. Eyes


Greedy and envious people often have deep-set eyes. Dreamers have a wide-open look. Those with small eyes are distinguished by eloquence and curiosity, but narrow eyes indicate a potentially cruel person, a usurper.

3. Mouth


Thin lips speak of secrecy and dryness, plump lips are found in laughing and courageous people. Weakness of character is often expressed in a small mouth, and if the upper lip is slightly larger than the lower, then this indicates an absolute egoist. A protruding lower lip betrays a person who is used to getting everything from life. A narrow mouth is a clear sign of stealth. Well, plump lips indicate the laughter and courage of a person.

4. Nose


Many people seriously believe that a man's nose speaks of his "potential", but there are more general features. For example, a sharp and long nose speaks of severity and irascibility. Frivolity and capriciousness are guessed by the snub nose, but a wide nose indicates a person's rudeness.

5. Neck


A long swan neck in both women and men suggests that a person is prone to worries and depression, and a short one to stubbornness and clumsy persistence. Authority and fearlessness you will find in the character of people with a wide neck. But the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid person.

6. Forehead


The forehead is in every sense the prominent part of the face. High foreheads are inherent in smart people who have something to "store" in the skull. Narrow-minded people, if not deprived of intelligence, are quick-tempered, that's for sure. High bald patches are often found in people with strong motivation. And the innate gene for honesty happens in people with a square forehead.

7. Chin


No wonder they say "strong-willed chin." A well-defined and large chin are people with a strong character who achieve their goals themselves. Modest and insecure people, on the contrary, have a small and inexpressive chin.

8. Shoulders


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of the interlocutor. If they are narrow, the person is clearly shy and prone to self-criticism. And broad shoulders will serve as evidence that he is extremely brave. Broad-shouldered people often inspire confidence and know how to win over.

9. Hips

Steep hips, remember, do not like to give in, and softness of character is given out by smooth outlines and curves. Rounded hips have soft and limp personalities. But narrow and strong hips are a sign of a strong character and endurance. By the way, slender legs "talk" about the ability to achieve what you want. Maybe because they help with it?...

The male neck has long been considered a kind of athlete's litmus test. Wrestlers, gymnasts, and just strong guys have always had thick and strong necks. And once in the sport this part of the body was given more attention than now. Not surprising, because even in the last century it was considered uncultured to expose your body naked, but what the head was attached to was always clearly visible above the shirt collar.

The neck is almost always open. The male neck primarily emphasizes the athleticism of its owner, his strength and stature. Originally, great importance was attached to the development of the neck: the aristocrats valued the "royal" landing of the head, when the neck was constantly pulled up, holding the head straight and slightly raising the chin; among people of physical labor - loaders, blacksmiths and especially circus - artists, wrestlers and athletes in honor was a powerful "bull" neck with well-developed muscles and a dense fat layer; masters of oriental schools of martial art formed a "monkey" neck for students, consisting of strong elastic muscles that could quickly contract and "hold" a blow.

The neck consists of nine different muscles, and each of them performs both its individual function and the general one, participating in the motor process, but even professional athletes often do not use exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck due to the fact that they are not fully aware of their importance. . Think about how flexible your neck is and how many directions it can move in - you can raise and lower your head, look in any direction.

The muscles of the neck are divided into superficial, middle and deep. The superficial muscles include the subcutaneous muscle of the neck and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The subcutaneous muscle starts from the fascia of the chest below the collarbone, covers the lateral and partially anterior surfaces of the neck; attached to the lower part of the face. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is the largest and strongest muscle in the neck. It starts with two legs from the clavicle and from the sternum and is attached to the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

The middle group consists of suprahyoid and hyoid muscles. There are four suprahyoid muscles. The deep muscles include the scalene (anterior, middle and posterior) and prevertebral (long muscles of the head and neck, anterior and lateral rectus muscles of the head).

When starting a specialized training of the neck muscles, it is advisable to choose exercises with your own resistance, that is, exercises where you have to overcome the resistance of your own hands. By starting neck training with just these exercises, you can minimize the possible risks of excessive strain on the neck muscles and nearby connective tissues, since in this case it is somewhat easier to control the resistance force.

At this stage, the main exercises can be:

Head tilts forward to the sternum with two hands resting on the chin;
- head tilts back and up with hands behind the back of the head;
- tilting the head to the sides with the emphasis of one hand in the ear area.

Exercises should be performed only after a light warm-up of the neck, consisting of low-amplitude and smooth movements performed in different directions - the goal of the warm-up is to prepare the neck muscles for the upcoming work, and not to load them ahead of time. The exercises themselves should be performed standing or sitting on the edge of the bench, extremely smoothly and gradually increasing the strength of the resistance of the hands.


Train your neck once or twice a week.
- The easiest way to train is to create resistance with your own hands or a towel, you can ask someone for help.
- If your gym has a 4-way neck machine, use it - it's a great tool.
- A good way is to use a half-deflated ball. Clamp it between your head (on the right side) and the wall, preferably with some kind of recess. And try to push the ball into the wall.
- Another way is to do a set lying on a bench and hanging your head. Rest on the forehead (if lying on your back) or on the back of the head (on the stomach) pancakes and raise your head.

head strap

The head strap is a relatively inexpensive piece of equipment and is available from almost any sporting goods store. It allows you to perfectly load literally all the muscles of the neck, changing the angle of the load on the rectifiers. You can also train with a head strap in the gym and at home.

To perform the first step, fix the head strap on your head, the straps should hang down on your chest. Attach weights to these straps and sit on the bench. Then lean forward about 45 degrees resting your hands on your hips. Keep your back straight and bend your knees slightly.

Bringing the chin to the chest, tilt your head forward. Try to feel a good stretch in the back of your neck while doing this movement.

Slowly and with control of your movements, raise your head. Raise your head until you see the ceiling. Hold this position for about two seconds before returning to the bottom.

On the next rep, lift your head up again, but this time turning your chin to the left and up in an arcuate curve. At the top, the head should be turned to the left, and the gaze should be directed to the ceiling. Hold this position for at least two seconds. Then lower your chin to the starting position.

During the third repetition, turn your chin to the right and lift it up. Hold this position again for at least two seconds before returning to the starting position.

Bortsovsky bridge

One cannot ignore, of course, such an exercise as a wrestling bridge, which is rightfully the best (and most traumatic) exercise for training the neck.

Get up on the wrestling bridge at five points - two legs, two arms and a head Put something soft under your head Start moving your body back and forth, while the neck works as if you are nodding your head Second option - movements left-right At the same time with your hands adjust the load At the first stage, when the neck is not yet ready for such stress, you strongly rest your hands on the floor, then, as the neck muscles strengthen, you begin to reduce the help from the hands. Then, after a while, remove them altogether. If you need a further increase in the load on the neck, take a pancake from the barbell on your chest.

In conclusion, I would like to give a list of exercises that are also dangerous in terms of getting a possible neck injury. The most common neck injuries are: bent over raises, (with dumbbells and blocks), seated bent over raises, bent over rows (including a variant in Smith), T-bar rows, bent over dumbbell rows, hyperextensions, push-ups from the floor , extension of the arm in an incline (with dumbbells or on a block), concentrated bicep curls, deadlifts, calf raises in an inclination, bending of the legs lying down.

Hello, friends. Why do you need a strong neck? Who is more interested in it. And what are the ways to enhance it?

Many key functions of the body fall on the neck. Through it follow:

  1. Esophagus.
  2. Larynx.
  3. Trachea.
  4. The network of blood vessels that feed the brain.

Also, the cervical vertebrae and muscles guarantee the head better mobility, keep it in balance. Damage can result in death or disability.

And it is very important to properly develop the muscles of the neck.

Training motives

Each person has their own motivation for training. But the usual classification of motives is as follows:

  1. To reduce the likelihood of injury and pain. Today, many people work in offices, spend a lot of time at the computer. And the development of the cervical muscles helps them not to suffer from cervical osteochondrosis. Exercise also reduces blood pressure.

Under stress, the muscles of the trapezium and neck are very tense. And thanks to strong muscles, this tension is reduced.

  1. Representatives of all sports disciplines, especially martial ones, are simply required to have a strong neck. This is protection from dangerous collisions, and from concussions.
  2. A powerful neck in men (and women) who are engaged in bodybuilding serves as a guarantor of stamina for them when performing basic exercises with serious weight, for example, when they squat with a barbell placed on their shoulders.
  3. An inflated neck is a sign of good physical strength. And athletes with the most powerful necks are proof of this.

But targeted neck training may not suit everyone. Since the neck is a very vulnerable area, serious loads should not be placed on it.

And some people generally categorically should not be engaged in such training. Because of their sedentary work, their cervical vertebrae are rather weak and more prone to damage.

And in order to get confidence in the safety of classes, you need to get a doctor's consultation, make an ultrasound of the cervical region and other pictures. If there are no contraindications, you can train, but do it gradually and under strict control.

What neck muscles are subject to training?

Often people are not particularly passionate about this issue. And practice without thinking. For training to be effective, you need to have knowledge about the location of muscle groups and how to develop them.

How to pump up a powerful neck even at home? Develop muscles that are intensively involved in the defense of the spine and rotation of the head:

  1. Sternocleidomastoid muscle. Its location is the front side of the neck. Seen from the front, the letter V appears.
  2. Wide trapezoid. It has two important functions: protecting the upper spine and turning the head.
  3. Hyoid bone group. Finding - right under the chin.

These data should be based on choosing exercises for the planned workouts.


Before power actions, a high-quality warm-up of the cervical muscles is required. This is the acceleration of blood to the departments, which will be followed by a load. And this is the protection of muscles from excessive tension, stretching or spasm.

How to do a good workout? The following exercises are required:

  1. The head tilts up and down, forward and backward.

  1. The head turns to the left and right.

  1. The head moves in a circle to the left and right side.

Actions as in point 1. You just need to rest your palms on your forehead.

Grab the back of your head with your hands, tilt your head back and forth.

In all these exercises, actions are performed smoothly. No jerkiness or harshness. This can lead to prolapse or protrusion.

Number of repetitions, no more than 3-5 times on one side ... again, if you do more, you can erase the cervical vertebrae and earn protrusion.

In each paragraph, five exercises are performed. Each side 3-5 repetitions.

The warm-up phase takes a maximum of 5 minutes. Then it's time for strength.

How to pump up a powerful neck? There are 3 types of strength training. They overcome resistance. Source of resistance: the simulator, your own hands or the hands of an assistant. From these exercises, the subsequent power actions are built.

There are many exercises. But the most effective and safe for many people are the following:

First. On the back of the neck muscles.

  1. You need to lie on your back on a horizontal bench.
  2. The neck should hang from the edge of this bench.
  3. Work your muscles. You can work alone or with an assistant.

If you are working with an assistant, then:

He grabs your forehead with his hands. You are progressively moving up and down. When the action goes down, resistance is obtained (it turns out to be a struggle with an assistant, his task is to tilt his head, yours is to prevent this). When acting upwards, relaxation is formed. Then again, the fight.

The number of approaches is 3. Repetitions in each: 10-20.

You may not pump up a bull's neck with this method, but you will develop its strength well. With the right actions, at the end of any approach, weakness and burning are felt.

If the work comes with weight, then you need:

  1. In the same way, sit on a horizontal bench. The neck should hang from its edge. A pancake is held in the hands.
  2. Place the pancake on the forehead. He is held in this position with his hands.
  3. Move smoothly, under control, lower your head down. Inhale. Head up. Exhale.
  4. Move your head in a straight line.
  5. You need to move extremely slowly. No harshness.

In this lesson, the number of approaches is 3. The number of repetitions in each is at least 10, maximum 20. Your well-being also matters here.

Experts recommend exercising with an assistant. It is more comfortable and efficient and safer work. Some people like to act alone. In any case, it doesn't hurt to try both options. And choose the most suitable one from them.

Second. Development of the nodding muscles.

  1. This exercise has analogies with the first. But you should sit on the bench with your stomach down.
  2. The head again hangs from the extreme side of the bench. There is a pancake behind the head.
  3. You can work alone or with an assistant. Who is more comfortable.

Even intensively and constantly performing the indicated exercises, you can develop a powerful neck, like a bull.

And what are the achievements in the world regarding the parameters of the neck? Someone has a very long neck, someone is incredibly powerful. To do this, refer to the relevant records.

Neck. Records

First, about the length. As a rule, this indicator is applicable to the female neck. For example, according to information from the Guinness Book, the neck of one woman from Burma is considered the leader in this parameter. She is a member of the Padong tribe.

In this tribe, a woman's neck is considered beautiful if it is long. The record holder has a neck length of 40 cm. Photo attached:

Of course, for the sake of such a result, the woman had to make incredible efforts. And often people are surprised how the head is kept on such a neck.

The most inflated necks are found in bodybuilders and heavyweight fighters, especially in MMA. For example, Jeff King. His performing career began in 1979. After 4 years, he became "Mr. America" ​​and "Mr. Universe". In 1988, his career ended. And for a long time it was believed that he was the owner of the largest neck in the world.

However, those who saw Bill Goldberg live decide to argue with this. It has even been suggested that he has the largest neck in girth. They say that his neck was already huge at the age of 15.

Mike Rigueira cannot be left out of this list. This is a famous powerlifter. In this discipline, he reached a record of more than 900 kg. It seems that this is the main reason for the impressive data of his neck. Or maybe not heavy loads, but the neck itself allows you to lift record weights.

The most powerful neck belongs to Joe Ladnier. Such an opinion is very relevant and logical today. This bodybuilder has a neck wider than the head.

One gets the feeling that the neck is simply missing. She is so short. His bald head is formed directly from the incredible trapezius muscles.


It is necessary to develop neck muscles. This is good for health. It is not necessary to pump up the neck to incredible parameters. But it shouldn't be weak either.

Often, women are mistaken that the erogenous zones in men are limited only to the groin area.

We invite you to explore the male body in more detail and determine where their erogenous zones are located.

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin or mucous membrane, when exposed to which there is sexual arousal and increased erection, if we are talking about men.

The main rule of an ideal lover is to give a man what he needs. However, men are often reluctant to share with us secret knowledge about the intricacies of their sexual nature, so you will have to act empirically, checking how your partner reacts to the caresses of certain parts of the body. If you are patient, sensitive and attentive enough, over time it will seem to a man that you are reading his mind.

Let's move on to practice.

Lips and tongue

Often lovemaking begins with kissing. There are a huge number of nerve endings on the lips and tongue, catching the slightest impact.

The lips are much more sensitive than the tips of the fingers and even the skin of the face, which is considered quite delicate. The reason is in a particularly thin cell layer. There are 16 such layers on the face, and 3-5 on the lips.

Humanity has come up with hundreds of types of kisses: from weightless brief hints of touch to passionate French kisses, when tongue movements and even biting are also used.

Some movements even have their own names, for example, "mill" - the introduction of the tongue of one partner into the mouth of the other and the rotation of the tongue in the partner's mouth; "exquisite kiss" - the introduction of the tongue into the partner's mouth and sliding across his palate; "royal kiss" - sliding the tongue over the teeth and inserting it on the partner's cheek; "stinging kiss" - sucking on the partner's lips with a sharp and short introduction of the tongue into the partner's mouth.

Do not overdo it with the force of the impact on this erogenous zone, not everyone likes hickey marks, although there are men who proudly show them as proof of their perfection as a lover.

Neck and back of the head

The back of the head and the back of the neck are the strongest erogenous zone for many men. Perhaps a positive response to affection in this area is laid down in childhood, when the mother stroked the boy's head.

In addition, the head is too important part of the body. Allowing her to hug her means to some extent depriving her of the overview, of control over what is happening. This can only be done to a very close person, or if you want to get a dose of adrenaline.

Both scenarios can lead to arousal in different types of men. So pay attention to the neck and head of your partner - stroke, wrap your hands around, kiss, you can also scratch your nails a little.


Palm massage seems simple and not worthy of attention if we are talking about male erogenous zones. But there is one secret place in the palm of your hand - between the tubercles under the middle and ring fingers. This is a projection of the inguinal region on the palm. Innocent stroking and kneading this zone can cause a man to have a quite noticeable erection.

The second erogenous zone in the palm of your hand is the area of ​​skin between the bases of the index and middle fingers on the back. If you depict a walking man with your hand, then the index and middle fingers will become legs, and the place between them, respectively, will become the inguinal region. So hand massage can turn into a sensual game.

As for the hands as such, try caressing the elbows and armpits. Pay close attention to the reaction, there is a risk that your man will be tickled.


Playing with curls on the chest can be a warm-up for more daring caresses. As for the nipples, everything is individual. For some men, touching them brings untold pleasure. With these, use the entire arsenal of touches.

But we must remember that, unlike women, nipples are not such a powerful erogenous zone for men, and sometimes caresses even cause discomfort.

If your chosen one is one of these, look for another place to apply your passion. For example, try the elements of a body-body massage - stroke his bare chest with your wide strokes.


For men, caresses of the abdomen are a signal that a woman is about to begin the most important thing. In addition to the caresses of the palms, breasts and abdomen that come to mind, try the crown spiral massage.

To do this, you need to put a man on his back, saddle him from above, bow his head strongly, put his head on the man’s navel and make circular movements with his head, gradually expanding the circles. We assure you, he has never experienced such sensations.


Many men admit that foot massage is very exciting for them. It is not for nothing that in Eastern countries there is such a tradition as washing the feet of one's spouse with water.

Also, do not ignore the area on the back of the knee, it is extremely susceptible to tenderness. Since each man has his own threshold of sensitivity, such procedures may seem very ticklish to some.


Yes, yes, including the back. Often this area is left without due attention, and meanwhile, several erogenous zones are located on the back at once, such as the area of ​​the sacrum and the interscapular space. Massage movements are best done from top to bottom.

Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised if you diversify stroking with your hands, for example, touching your chest or running the ends of your hair along your back, or maybe with a delicate feather or sharp claws, or maybe even crush it with your feet. Fantasize, be unpredictable and never get bored with your partner!

The most important thing

We deliberately left out the caresses of the penis, perineum and anus. Usually, women are somewhat aware of what to do with these male erogenous zones in order to cause arousal. But you want not just sex, but one that will become memorable and unusual for your man.

The secret reception of Thai masseuses

Often, men who have lived in Thailand with a local girlfriend, returning, feel that something is missing in making love with any other woman. It turns out that the Thai put the so-called anchor on the body of a man. If this anchor is not activated during sex, it seems to a man that caresses are not full and pleasant enough. So Thais protect themselves from betrayal.

How to install this anchor? You need to choose two non-banal parts of the body of your chosen one. You will pay attention to one zone before the very beginning of sex, to caress the other after the end of coitus. You need to do this for seven sexual acts in a row, so the anchor will be fixed. In the future, it is desirable to keep the anchor up to date.

Zones should be those that are rarely touched in ordinary life. If you pat your partner on the shoulder at the beginning of each act, then any friendly pat in the office later can lead to unnecessary excitement.

But if you choose the right secret place, which means "dear, there will be sex soon," then you can excite your partner in the future by caressing this zone. Similarly, instead of the annoying "I have a headache," you can caress the final zone, and your partner's romantic intentions will subside by themselves.