Differences Astrakhan watermelon from others. Growing watermelon "Astrakhansky" in the open field: the secrets of a huge harvest

  • 04.06.2019

On August 3, the season of watermelons officially started in Moscow. This year it will be possible to buy them at 264 gourds and 12 venues of the Moscow Jam. Gifts of nature,” said Alexei Nemeryuk, head of the Moscow Department of Trade and Services. You can find out the addresses of retail outlets on the Moscow open data portal data.mos.ru. Mikhail Vorobyov, a well-known biologist and agronomist, told Reedus about how to choose the right juicy treat.

Variety selection is not an assistant

Unfortunately, by appearance to distinguish a good watermelon today is almost impossible. Previously, the number of varieties was limited, and they all looked alike - striped with alternating dark and light stripes. And if this combination was contrasting enough, the watermelon was ripe. Now some striped watermelons have a weak contrast as a varietal trait, and this does not at all mean their poor quality. In addition, watermelons already exist with a completely yellow or green rind.

By the way, the traditional love of Muscovites for Astrakhan watermelons grew out of the variety of the same name, which was sold in the capital in the old days - very juicy, sweet, fragrant. But now, in Astrakhan itself, the Astrakhan variety can only be found in small private farms. It is distinguished by a thick rind, striped coloring and large light brown bones. Unfortunately, this variety could not compete with modern hybrids, which are more productive and less whimsical. Astrakhansky is being replaced by foreign varieties, dark green and elongated, more like a melon in shape.

Today, three categories of varieties can be distinguished. Ordinary - green peel, red flesh, the presence of seeds. Yellow-fruited - an interspecific hybrid obtained recently. They have yellow flesh. Such watermelons are considered more fragrant and sweet, respectively, and their price is higher. Such varieties are sold, as a rule, in expensive stores, and not in street stalls. Elite varieties of watermelons can also be found there - pitted, also hybrid. They taste ordinary, but the lack of pits puts them above the competition.

All varieties presented in the mass segment, in principle, are similar to each other. It is often impossible to find out which variety is offered to customers at a particular point. Blindly trusting the word of sellers, as you know, is not worth it in such matters. But even if we assume that the information is true, it is unlikely to clarify anything for most consumers. And they will not rush to study biological tomes, studying the characteristics of various varieties. Moreover, even good variety can be ruined bad technology cultivation, improper storage and transportation. So trying to focus on this indicator in order to choose a tastier watermelon does not make much sense.

hit and listen

folk method definitions according to the “girl-boy” principle (if the place of attachment of a flower to a watermelon is large, it is a girl, if it is small, it is a boy) causes only a smile among experts. Watermelons, like all cucurbits, do have two types of flowers - male and female. But the fruits are formed only on the females, and the males serve only for pollination, and they are called barren, because they do not set any fruits. “In my opinion, this is more a saying for sellers who are trying to lure buyers with an interesting way of choosing,” the expert suggests.

One of the most reliable methods for determining the ripeness of a watermelon is sound orientation. To do this, the watermelon needs to be slapped. The sound should not be too sonorous, like a drum (this indicates that the watermelon has already overripe, and there are many voids), but not too deaf, like a slap on meat. If a "slapped" watermelon doesn't give any reverberation, it means the flesh is too firm and it's not ripe yet. The best option is when the watermelon at hand vibrates a little, resonates, but not too loudly. Of course, some practice is required to successfully apply this method.

Insidious nitrates

Despite the fact that the “Astrakhan” variety cannot be found in Moscow these days with fire, Astrakhan remains one of the main suppliers of watermelons to the capital's market. But real ripe Astrakhan watermelons will appear in Moscow no earlier than August 10th.

At the beginning of the month, on the shelves you can meet their counterparts from more southern regions - Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Israel, even Turkey, despite the formal ban. In general, if a watermelon is grown in a lot of heat and light, it will taste better. And, of course, the further south the region is, the better quality watermelons come from there, if, of course, they are grown correctly. But, again, it is very difficult to determine where the watermelon came from.

Looking closely at the first watermelons, you should remember about nitrates. Unfortunately, the likelihood of their increased content in this berry is quite real. From this point of view, early watermelons are especially dangerous. In order to sell quickly, they are artificially “inflated” to normal sizes in such a clean way. mechanically, although in fact they are not yet ripe.

Watermelon contains almost 90% water, and nitrogen fertilizers, which contain nitrates, help “pump” this water. With an increased introduction of nitrates, the fruits begin to grow intensively to the detriment of their quality, but the main thing is that this excess of nitrates remains in them. Therefore, nitrate watermelons are red and juicy, but tasteless and have little flavor. “If they sell you some very big watermelon, absolutely incredible in size, most likely, it was grown with a high content of nitrates, ”the expert warns.

But not all nitrate watermelons are that great. And to distinguish them from high-quality counterparts in appearance, alas, is impossible. However, inside such berries have characteristics. A normal regular watermelon should have either red or light pink veins. If the color is yellowish - it's bad. Distinguishes nitrate watermelon and a characteristic slightly sour taste, reminiscent of the taste of raw potatoes. The peel of a standard watermelon has a green zone on the cut, then a white one. If the green zone almost completely covers the white and immediately turns into red flesh, this also indicates that there are too many nitrates in the watermelon.

Of course, nothing terrible will happen from one piece of such a watermelon. But if you eat too much of it, you can earn some indigestion.

Let him swim

One more important detail- watermelon should not be taken "for growth." Unlike melon, it will not ripen. Yes, after lying warm for a while, green watermelon can become sweeter and juicier, but it will not reach all the qualities that a ripe berry should have.

Like any fruit, watermelon is best stored in a cool place. If it is not possible to put it in the refrigerator, at least it is worth finding a place for it away from sunlight. In nature, it is usually immersed in water. By the way, this is another way to determine the quality of a watermelon - a mature one floats, an unripe one sinks. But no one will offer tubs with water for such experiments in the store, and even create at home suitable conditions not always possible.

Before cutting, the watermelon should be thoroughly washed, ideally even with soap. Cut watermelon can only be stored in the refrigerator for one, maximum two days, closed cling film to cut off oxygen.

The fame of the Astrakhan variety of watermelons spread not only throughout Russia, but went far beyond its borders. This variety became legendary due to its high yield, excellent taste, keeping quality and transportability. In addition, farmers do not hide the joy of unpretentiousness. The main advantages of the variety and the nuances of its cultivation in the household plot will be discussed further.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The authorship of the "Astrakhan" watermelon belongs to the well-known Russian Federation breeder and honored worker of science Konstantin Dyutin. The breeder's dream was to create a berry with a perfectly even round shape and high-quality taste characteristics. That is what this variety is.

It would seem that the Astrakhan watermelon, according to the external description, is very close to its counterparts. It has the same smooth skin with typical stripes. But, unlike other varieties, the berry is thick-skinned. On average, its weight fluctuates within 8 kg.

You can enjoy ripe fruits already 75–85 days after planting. When cut, the fine-grained bright red flesh beckons the eye. With a long summer drought, a void may form inside, but this fact does not affect the taste at all.

Another feature of the variety, which certainly causes joy among gardeners, is high resistance to pathogens, and other diseases that gourds suffer from. In the reviews of the hostess, it is noted that Astrakhansky has the ability to persist for about two months.

The variety is considered high-yielding. With large-scale crops from 1 hectare, you can collect up to 120 tons of excellent marketable and gustatory qualities.

Did you know?To test a watermelon for nitrates, dip a small slice of the pulp into water. A reddened liquid indicates the presence of chemistry in the fetus, and a cloudy one, on the contrary, indicates its purity.

How to grow seedlings

Many landowners believe that good harvest can give only in the southern regions. The Astrakhan watermelon dispels these misconceptions at the root, the geography of cultivation of which is much wider.

Agrarians of middle latitudes, for which late spring is typical, are more inclined to seedling cultivation of these berries. Some practice planting seeds for seedlings immediately in open ground, while others use them for this. Consider the features and effectiveness of both methods.

in the greenhouse

Growing seedlings of gourds is in many ways reminiscent of. Under conditions of protected ground, sowing of seeds is carried out in the period from the end of March to mid-April with reference to. Land for planting should be neutral and enriched with nutrients. You can use cucumber soil mixtures.

To speed up the process of germination of grains, they must be held for 15 minutes in water heated to 50 degrees.
This event will help soften the seed coat. Some gardeners resort to stratification of planting material.

To do this, it is wrapped in a wet and well-wrung out piece of cloth, after which it is left for a week in the refrigerator. It is advisable to place the bundle somewhere closer to the freezer.

Important! Before planting, watermelon seeds are placed for hardening for 8 hours on melting ice.

If desired, you can further process any. When everything is ready, fill plastic cups with the prepared substrate and deepen several seeds into them at a level of 4 cm. Then all the containers are covered with polyethylene or the same container from above and cleaned in heat. Optimal temperature regime should be at the level of 25–26 ° С.

When the first shoots appear, all shelters must be removed and look at the shoots. Weakened immediately remove. It is also important to take care of good lighting. In a greenhouse, seedlings will grow no more than 35 days before the appearance of the first four leaves.

In the open field

To cultivate watermelon seedlings right in the garden, you need to prepare the soil with good soil. Landing should be planned at a stable daytime air temperature of 14-16 ° C, when the earth warms up well and spring frosts pass. As a rule, this is already the end of May.

The seed wells are fertilized with humus, on which a 10-centimeter layer of soil is placed on top. It is important to take into account the width of the row spacing - ideally, they should be at least one and a half meters. A similar distance is made in the rows between the pits.

They are sown in the same way as in the greenhouse version, several grains, and as they germinate, the stems are sent in different directions. Sowing, before the first two pairs of leaves appear on it, must be covered with agrofiber.

Did you know? Watermelon seeds were found in Tutankhamun's tomb. Ancient peoples believed that in the other world, berries would replace food for the deceased.

Where is the best place to plant "Astrakhan" watermelon

The place for melon should be chosen very carefully. "Astrakhan" watermelon loves heat and moisture, so it is desirable to protect the site from drafts and winds.

The soil on it is desirable light, black earth and not acidic. Particular attention should be paid to predecessors.

It is better to sow gourds after corn and legumes. Watermelon sprouts will develop poorly after,.

The process of transplanting seedlings in open ground

30-day-old seedlings are transplanted into the garden in open ground.

It is important that until this moment the earth warms up well, and the daytime temperature is about 18 ° C. For the "Astrakhan" variety, the optimal planting pattern is 90 × 50 cm.

The transplant process begins with the preparation of pits, on the bottom of which liquid fertilizers are poured without fail. They are prepared from 30 g of ammonium sulfate, 20 g and 40 g. The mixture must be dissolved in 2 liters of water. Alternatively, you can use a solution of infusion or mullein.

Then everyone is sprinkled with earth and a handful is added on top, sprinkled again. When the bottom of the hole is prepared, it is watered with heated water. For each recess, you will need approximately one liter of liquid. After the done manipulations, the cup is carefully cut or its bottom is pressed down in order to extract an earthen lump with a stem from there.

Then it is deepened in such a way that the soil level reaches the cotyledon leaves. The final stage of planting is the beds. For these purposes, sand or humus is used. This layer helps retain moisture and warms the soil.

Important! On watermelons, the layer of mulch should be no thinner than 5 cm.

Care rules

Caring for the "Astrakhan" watermelon does not bode well for anything new. Experienced gardeners know that in order to harvest melons, they need to provide enough moisture and warmth. Consider the main subtleties of the cultivation of culture.

Temperature and lighting

Watermelon needs a lot of light to fully develop.. In the shade, the shoots will be weak and brittle. In addition, you should not expect a harvest from such a bed. In the fibers of watermelons, photosynthesis processes are hampered even in cloudy weather. Therefore, when summer does not indulge in sunny warm days, the berries turn out to be a little dry and unsweetened.

With greenhouse cultivation of these crops, it is necessary to use additional lighting. The temperature regime is also important for the plant.

Ideally, for good vegetation, its limits range from 30 to 40 ° C. In cold weather, growth stops, and stable + 10–15 ° C adversely affect watermelons.

Important! When choosing a ripe watermelon, pay attention to the condition of the skin. The "Astrakhan" variety does not have a matte coating, the sun's rays always cast clear glare.

Humidity and watering

Watermelon wattle fences have a powerful root system, which extends 30 cm deep and wide. The culture tolerates drought well, since the roots suck useful substances from the depths along with moisture. But to abuse the endurance of the plant is not worth it. For full development, it is very important for him to get enough water. It is advisable to moisturize daily with warm, settled water..

Watermelons have a unique composition, rich in vitamins and microelements, with juicy red or yellow flesh, with or without seeds. The choice is quite rich, because more than 2000 varieties of sweet berries have already been bred, and breeding work continues. Despite the fact that watermelon is traditionally considered a heat-loving crop, there are species that are grown even in Siberia. As a rule, watermelon is chosen according to the degree of sweetness, juiciness, ripeness, aroma and taste. Do not make a mistake with the choice and buy the most delicious watermelon, you can only study the features of the best varieties and varieties.


One of the most popular and widespread, since Soviet times, a variety of gourds. Its main advantages are unpretentiousness in cultivation, the possibility of long-term storage, resistance to long-distance transportation. But this is not the most important thing, because watermelon has a sweet, rich taste, rich in vitamins, perfectly quenches thirst, and satisfies the needs of even experienced gourmets.

One of the most popular and widespread, since Soviet times, a variety of gourds

A ripe berry reaches 7–10 kg, has a round or slightly oval shape, with light yellow, slightly blurred stripes on a dark green background. The brighter the contrast between such stripes, the more saturated and tastier watermelon. The flesh is dark red, juicy, with a strong, persistent aroma, black seeds and a very thick skin. In terms of ripening, Astrakhan belongs to mid-season watermelons. The original variety is grown only in the southern regions, with a warm climate, but many hybrids of this species have been bred, suitable for harvesting in mid-latitudes. You can buy a real Astrakhan watermelon only during the ripening season, that is, in August-September, but not earlier.


This Soviet early ripe variety is ideal for growing not only in the middle latitudes, but also in the northern regions. It is unpretentious to growing conditions, resistant to diseases, has a high yield. In addition, Ogonyok is very sweet, with delicate granular flesh, almost without seeds. Ripe berry small size, rarely exceeds a weight of 2 kg, which does not detract from its merits.

This Soviet early ripe variety is ideal for growing not only in the middle latitudes, but also in the northern regions.

Watermelon is distinguished not only by miniature forms, but also by an interesting, very dark (almost black), uniform color of the peel. By its appearance, Ogonyok resembles neat, perfectly round, small balls, it fully matures in just 80-85 days, and you can buy it already in mid-August. A significant disadvantage of the variety is that it is not suitable for long-term storage and transportation.

Crimson Sweet

Another interesting early variety, designed specifically for industrial cultivation and sale. It is very productive, but rather thermophilic, therefore it is cultivated only in the southern regions, or in special greenhouses. The variety is widely known and popular due to its unique honey taste, high sugar content, bright aroma and persistent aftertaste.

Another interesting early variety, designed specifically for industrial cultivation and sale.

Watermelon fully matures in 70 days, and can grow up to 12 kg, it is disease resistant, well stored, and transported. The peel is light green, striped, and the flesh is a rich crimson hue, with a strong smell of honey. It happens that abundant watering during cultivation makes the berry watery, but this happens infrequently, and it appears on sale in August-September.

sugar baby

One of the most unpretentious, cold-resistant, not prone to wateriness and diseases, a variety of watermelons. It is not for nothing that he has earned recognition from farmers and amateur gardeners. Despite its very small size (maximum 5 kg, but more often 1.5–2 kg), it is distinguished by a sweet, sugary taste, delicate bright flesh and a dense, dark skin.

One of the most unpretentious, cold-resistant, not prone to wateriness and diseases, watermelon variety

The variety is early, so you can buy it already at the end of July, and in taste and aroma, it surpasses most of the known hybrids.


An original, memorable hybrid, with bright lemon-colored pulp, obtained by crossing Astrakhan and wild watermelons. The peel, size, shape and smell of the Lunar variety are no different from the Astrakhan variety. The main difference lies in the color and tenderness of the pulp, an unforgettable taste, in which notes of lemon, honey, vanilla are mixed.

An original, memorable hybrid, with bright lemon-colored flesh

It has very a large number of sugar, almost no seeds, and a loose rind that makes it difficult to transport and sell. A mature fruit reaches a weight of only 3 kg, and ripens in 70–80 days. It can be seen on sale already in August, and it grows not only in the south, but also in temperate latitudes.


One of the most famous late varieties of berries, characterized by huge dimensions (up to 25 kg). The variety was bred in Volgograd, which explains its resistance to cold and unpretentiousness. Berries of an elongated oval shape, weighing no more than 4.5 kg, with thick striped skin and bright sugary and juicy pulp.

The variety was bred in Volgograd, which explains its resistance to cold and unpretentiousness.

The main advantages of the variety are long-term storage, the possibility of transportation, unique taste, yield, but you can buy it only in September, due to late dates maturation.


Mid-late variety of watermelon, one of the sweetest and most delicious, which is grown in the southern regions of Russia, Moldova. The peel of the berry is thick, light with dark spiky stripes, and the pulp is grainy, high sugar content (about 8%) and juicy.

Mid-late variety of watermelon, one of the sweetest and most delicious

Watermelon reaches a mass of 14–16 kg, and up to 30 tons are harvested from 1 ha ripe berries. Due to its high taste and commercial properties, this variety is often found on sale in August or early September, along with Astrakhan watermelons. Unfortunately, Volzhanin is poorly stored, but it compensates for the lack with its amazing taste.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the rarest, most delicious and insanely expensive variety of Japanese Densuke watermelon, which has a black rind and burgundy flesh. The cost of a kilogram of such a berry is more than $ 6,000, which does not stop real gourmets. Everyone can choose a watermelon to their taste by trying and comparing several different varieties. The varieties described above will help you navigate the difficult choice.

Watermelon season is just around the corner. Now we will tell you how to choose the right watermelon so that it is ripe, tasty and brings you maximum pleasure and benefit. And we will also show 3 ways to cut it.

yellow spot on side

This is a clear indication that the watermelon is ripe. Its size should be within 5-10 cm in diameter. The stain may even have an orange tint!

But White spot, on the contrary, reflects the immaturity of the watermelon. A spot that is too large indicates a long maturation in insufficiently warm conditions. This makes the watermelon less sweet and less ripe. Therefore, a spot larger than the palm of your hand should definitely alert you.

It is convenient that this feature is the same for all varieties, as it arises due to the contact of the watermelon with the ground in the garden.

Contrasting stripes on the peel

For striped varieties, regardless of the intensity of the color, it is the bright contrast of the stripes that indicates that we have a good ripe watermelon.

The hardness of the peel of a ripe watermelon

When the berry is fully ripe, it is almost impossible to pierce it with a fingernail.
If you have already come across an UNripe watermelon, do not try to set aside for ripening. This is not possible under any circumstances. It is better to use unripe watermelon in cooking - in recipes for salted and pickled preparations. Unless, of course, this not the most successful purchase has signs of an excess of nitrates.

Smooth and shiny skin

This is usually a sign that the watermelon is ripe. However, do not forget about the tricks of merchants who constantly rub watermelons. Therefore, choose the fruit from the depth of the calculation.

Muffled sound when tapped

Alas, this sign is not a universal indication of how to choose a ripe watermelon.

Because such a sound is also formed when overripe watermelons are tapped. And eating an overripe watermelon can cause serious damage to health due to the souring of the red pulp.

IMPORTANT! Even the souring of the pulp, imperceptible to the taste, is an excess of pathogenic bacteria and toxic substances. Therefore - IMMEDIATELY sniff the cut! When cut, a fresh, ripe watermelon should smell like freshly cut grass.

The second sign of an overripe watermelon is a matte, as if oily, peel. This, even on the counter, noticeably distinguishes it from good ripe watermelons, in which the skin is smooth and shiny.

dry ponytail

It's a shame, but this sign, popular among the people, just indicates that the watermelon was plucked more than 3 days ago.

Not too big

Again, not a perfect guide to choosing a ripe watermelon.

Although the thought of the people seems logical: big size may be a sign of nitrate supplementation. However, there are varieties of watermelons that themselves ripen to a large size and normally weigh up to 17 kg!

Crimson Gloria

For example, Crimson Gloria watermelon, the average weight of which should range from 10 to 17 kg. This variety was created in the Crimea specifically in order to transport it over long distances.

Now it is often planted in the mainland South of Russia (for example, in the Volgograd region). It is distinguished by well-defined light stripes, a slightly oblong shape, a noticeably thick skin and a not bright red color of the flesh.

Kherson watermelon

But the Kherson watermelon cannot weigh more than 10 kg! Choosing a watermelon of the most beloved variety in Ukraine, you can safely arm yourself with a folk omen. Weight more than 10 kg for Kherson watermelon is a sure sign of excess nitrates.

You can distinguish Kherson from Crimson Gloria by the peel. The skin of Kherson watermelon is darker in color and relatively thin.

Varieties Skorik and Photon

Since we are talking about varieties, let's focus on the two most popular of the early ripening ones - Skorik and Photon. The first has a dark green uniform color, and the second has a noticeably light striped peel. Their maximum weight is 7 kg.

If you want to eat watermelon back in mid-July, you can also rely on popular belief about low weight. Otherwise, you will end up with a specimen overfed with nitrates. However, remember that any early-ripening watermelon will not be as sweet and juicy as its long-ripening relative in late summer.

Hybrid Chill

Finally, let's turn our attention to interesting variety Chill, which was created with an eye on long-term storage. Hybrid Kholodok is a long-ripening variety that ripens only by the end of August.

The main task in its selection was solved with a "Hurrah!". The term of its maximum storage even in the apartment - until the New Year! To do this, just hang it in a net in a dry, dark place (a ventilated closet on the balcony, a well-maintained cellar, basement or barn).

Find out the date of collection of the party according to the documents

The seller's documents must indicate this date legibly and clearly. The shelf life of most varieties does not exceed 3 weeks. After 2-3 weeks, the watermelon sours (imperceptibly to the taste buds!).

If in 2-3 weeks the watermelon does not turn sour, then, for sure, it is treated with slaked lime, alabaster or paraffin. Just imagine how much harmful substances penetrates through the peel into the pulp of such storage champions!

IMPORTANT! Whichever watermelon you choose, remember to WASH THOROUGHLY before using it - WARM WATER + BRUSH!

How to choose a watermelon in the market

When choosing where to shop for groceries, a sober mind should be at the forefront to weigh the benefits and threats and choose a good ripe watermelon.

Of course, it is so convenient to buy gifts of summer nearby - at a spontaneous market near the crossroads. However, if you are already a fan of market trading, then it is much wiser to choose watermelons in a solid market with properly organized sales points.

Invulnerability to dirt from the outside is a deceptive illusion that arises when we look at a thick-skinned watermelon. In fact, WATERMELON - LIKE A SPONGE!

Through the damaged peel, everything penetrates into it! This happens especially quickly with cuts and punctures with a knife. Dirt, bacteria, heavy metals and toxins environment. The longer such a watermelon is not sold, the more dangerous it is for an inattentive buyer.

That is why the media every year highlights cases of unfortunate poisoning and intestinal infections. But many less severe cases remain behind the scenes!

In order not to replenish the number of unlucky ones, let's remember the signs of a conscientious outlet, where to choose the right ripe watermelon:

  • Specially designated sales area (watermelons and melons);
  • Necessarily under a canopy that protects from the sun and rain;
  • Categorically away from the roadway;
  • 20 cm - the minimum height to which the storage pallet must be raised above the ground;
  • Availability of a certificate of the epidemiological surveillance service for each purchased batch.

How to choose a watermelon in the store

The supermarket is the most understandable place for food shopping for many "children of asphalt" who grew up in the city in an era of active development of the store trade.

There are several stable reasons in favor of choosing a watermelon in the store:

  • Watermelons are constantly stored under the roof;
  • Watermelons stay away from the roadway;
  • Storage trays have the right height to protect against scratches, damage and penetration of harmful substances;
  • Watermelons are purchased in bulk from large trusted suppliers.

However, there are also disadvantages. General impression tidiness from trade in a supermarket often pushes us to choose not a whole watermelon, but a cut or half, which are neatly tightened with cling film.

Our advice: stop buying cut watermelon once and for all!

  • Unknown reason for dividing a whole watermelon;
  • Dirt with bacteria, actively penetrating from the peel of a watermelon;
  • Insufficient hygiene of hands and tools during butchering;
  • Covering the cut with a film, which creates a greenhouse effect for the accelerated reproduction of bacteria.

All this should discourage you from choosing a cut watermelon, even if you like the look of its juicy flesh. It is better to choose a good smaller watermelon, maybe a different variety, but in no case halves of large fruits.

The rest of the signs right choice ripe sweet watermelon in the store are the same as in the market.

Despite the abundance of new varieties and hybrids, most Russians will call the Astrakhan variety of watermelons, bred back in the 70s of the 20th century, the classic and most popular variety. How to choose an Astrakhan watermelon

It is distinguished by an advantageous property for trade - stability during storage and transportation. By the end of August, the sweetest and largest Astrakhan watermelons fill the shelves. And here the question arises of how to choose an Astrakhan watermelon, and what are the external signs of a popular variety.

Average portrait of delicious Astrakhan watermelon:

  • Shape - rounded or slightly oblong;
  • The surface is smooth;
  • Skin color - green;
  • Pattern - spike-like dark green stripes;
  • The color of the pulp is bright red;
  • The taste of the pulp is very sweet and juicy;
  • The average weight of a watermelon is 8-10 kg.

Below are a few photos of ripe Astrakhan fruits to help you choose a sweet watermelon:

How to choose the right watermelon without nitrates

The maximum allowable concentration of nitrates in watermelon: 60 mg per 1 kg of berries.

Pay attention to the following signs of excess nitrates:

  • ROUGH YELLOW FIBERS IN THE PULP that go through the flesh to the peel is a sure sign of excess nitrates.
  • UNUNIFORM PULSE COLOR (sometimes lighter, sometimes darker, especially with an increase in color intensity from the peel to the center) is another sign of an excess of nitrates.

  • CRACKS IN THE PULSE IN THE HALF CUT: When there are cracks in the red pulp on the middle cut, then most likely there is a lot of nitrates in the berry. They were added to speed up ripening, as a result, the watermelon began to grow rapidly and rapidly, from which the flesh cracked.
  • TOO SMOOTH PULSE can be both a sign of nitrates and an accurate indication of a lack of sufficient sweetness. Sweet sugar watermelon has red flesh with a noticeable structure - pronounced sugar grains and "sugar islands" on the cut.

  • MULTI-COLORED PITS, when one watermelon has completely dark and light pits.


If you bought a watermelon, but doubts prevail, you can use the test with plain water. Crush a tablespoon of watermelon pulp with a fork in a glass of water (about 150 ml).

  1. If after a while the water becomes slightly cloudy - in front of you is a watermelon without excess nitrates.
  2. If the water has turned red - do not risk eating a purchase! There are too many nitrates in the pulp.

It is especially advisable to carry out the test when serving watermelon to children or at a crowded feast, when the risk of poisoning will affect many people, including the most vulnerable.

IMPORTANT! You can play it safe from nitrates by selecting special pieces of pulp. Nitrates in watermelon are distributed unevenly - closer to the rind and to the stalk. In a situation that is incomprehensible to you, if you still want to feed children with watermelon, give them only the pulp cut from the middle.

These are the main parameters for choosing the right watermelon. If you follow our recommendations, you and your loved ones will be satisfied with the choice and get not only benefits, but also enjoy the pleasant taste.

VIDEO: How to choose the right watermelon and 3 ways to cut it

Huge round fruit flat surface managed to bring the breeder Konstantin Dyutin. Astrakhan watermelons, unlike other varieties of this gourd, are unpretentious in care, for which they are planted in farms and grown in summer cottages. Sweet berry not only has a pleasant taste, but also eliminates thirst, supplies vitamins and trace elements to the human body, cleanses it of toxins, and relieves swelling.

Now there is no need to go to Astrakhan for watermelons, the hot and dry climate of which is ideal for growing melons. You can buy an amazing berry anywhere, it is cultivated in different regions Russia. Astrakhan watermelons are different:

  • dense and smooth crust;
  • oblong shape;
  • dark green color;
  • light stripes on the surface.

The pulp in the fruits pleases with a sweet taste, a subtle aroma of the fields. With prolonged drought, voids sometimes form in the berry, but Astrakhan watermelon does not lose juiciness from this. It ripens 75-80 days after germination. The melon culture loves heat, direct rays of the sun, does not like cloudy and cool weather, high humidity. Astrakhan watermelons are extremely rarely affected:

  • fusarium
  • gray rot;
  • mosaic disease;
  • anthracnose.

The characteristics and description of the variety interested farmers, because from one hectare, under favorable conditions, it is possible to collect 120 tons of watermelons, each of which weighs more than 8 kilograms. Summer residents who plant this gourd on their plots claim that the sweetest and juiciest fruit has a contrasting color - a very dark skin and very light stripes. A ripe berry makes a barely audible crack when pressed.

Ways to grow Astrakhan watermelon

The variety is suitable for cultivation not only in the southern regions, but also in middle lane. Where spring lingers, seedlings are first harvested; if heat comes in April, disinfected seeds are sown directly on the garden bed or on the chestnut tree. The first method is suitable for the Moscow region, the Black Earth region. The second option for the cultivation of watermelons, in addition to the Astrakhan region, is resorted to in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, in the North Caucasus.

Sprouting seeds

Both gardeners and farmers dream of the sweet berry ripening faster. Some want to please the family with fruits, others want to earn income.

Sprouting seeds helps speed up the harvesting process. First they need to be decomposed and larger grains selected. To make the sprouts hatch faster, the seed is poured hot water and leave for half an hour, after which they are soaked for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate. Experienced gardeners add aloe juice to it.

When sprouts appear, the seeds must be moved to peat pots or in plastic containers filled with humus. It is important to choose the right time for germination seed and transplanting bushes to a site illuminated by the sun.

Astrakhan watermelons love light and loose soil. Fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen should be applied to the soil prepared in autumn. Seedlings are transferred to open ground at the end of May. Usually at this time there are no more frosts, and the soil warms up well. Watermelons have time to ripen before the beginning of autumn.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

In the middle latitudes, summer residents prefer to sow the Astrakhan variety not in open ground, but under a film. They do this from the end of March to the beginning of April, many are guided by moon calendar. To make the skin softer, the seeds are dipped in hot water for a quarter of an hour.

For hardening, some gardeners wrap watermelon grains in wet gauze and send them to a cold place for a week or put them on ice 8 hours before planting.

After treatment with a growth stimulator, 3-4 seeds are laid out in cups filled with fertilized soil, deepening by 4 centimeters. The containers are wrapped in foil and left in the greenhouse, where it should be at least 25 °. When sprouts appear, the polyethylene is removed, the seedlings are thinned out. When four leaves are formed, and this happens after 30-35 days, Astrakhan watermelons are moved to the field or to the garden.

Seedlings in the open field

By the end of May, the earth warms up well, and frosts rarely return. When the soil temperature reaches 14 °, they dig holes, put humus in each, plant several watermelon seeds, cover with soil, the layer of which should be at least 10 centimeters. Between the rows leave a distance of up to one and a half meters. The melon is insulated with agrofibre.

Cultivated Astrakhan watermelon develops well after:

  • beans;
  • corn;
  • nightshade crops.

Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, protected from drafts, when during the day it is not less than 18 °, every half a meter, 90 centimeters are left between rows. Fertilizer is placed in the dug holes, which is prepared by dissolving 40 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of potassium salt and 30 grams of ammonium sulfate in 2 liters of water. Many summer residents prefer chicken manure and mullein.

Covering fertilizer with earth, pour ash, pour warm water. Having cut the glass, they take out the seedlings of the Astrakhan watermelon and place it in the ground so that the soil reaches the leaves. Moisture will evaporate less if the bed under the melon crop is mulched with humus or sand.

We create optimal conditions for good growth and yield

Growing Astrakhan watermelons and caring for them almost do not differ from the cultivation of other varieties. They develop rapidly, give a high yield of plants on fertile lands, especially in black soil.

Temperature and lighting

Watermelons adore the sun, even if they sprout in the shade, the fruits will not be tied. When long time cloudy weather persists, the berry does not pick up sweetness. When growing melons in a greenhouse, it is necessary to install additional lamps.

Astrakhan watermelons develop well at high temperatures, the yield increases significantly if during the growing season it is from 30 to 40 ° during the day and at least 18 at night; at 15, growth stops; at lower values, the culture may die.

Watermelons are worse tied when the sun's rays fall on them longer than 12 hours, but even with a daylight equal to 8 hours, the culture does not develop.

Humidity and watering

Astrakhan watermelons have powerful roots that go to great depths and grow in width. They do not suffer during a drought, they endure a long absence of rain. However, the berry will not be juicy and sweet if the culture is not watered. During development, watermelons are moistened daily. warm water. When they massively begin to ripen, the number of irrigations is reduced.

soil fertilization

Gourds are very demanding on soil fertility. Feeding Astrakhan watermelons, even if they grow on black soil, is necessary once every 14-15 days. You can use solutions from rotted manure, chicken manure, and it is even better to combine organic matter with mineral fertilizers.

Diseases and pests of the Astrakhan watermelon

Rains and cold weather have a negative impact on the state of melons and gourds. The set fruits have no taste, no juice is collected. Although Astrakhan watermelons are resistant to fusarium and some other diseases, under adverse conditions, they are affected by downy mildew caused by a pathogenic fungus. To cope with it, the leaves of the culture are treated with Bordeaux liquid 3 times per season.

Prolonged cooling, high humidity contribute to the appearance of root rot when underground part plants thicken and crack, leaves wither. For spraying, a solution of Fundazol is used, ash is poured onto the soil.

  1. The plant is covered with bloom.
  2. Holes appear on the leaves.
  3. The stems wither.
  4. The fruit becomes soft.

How to determine the ripeness of a berry

There is more than one way, using which you can make sure that the Astrakhan watermelon is ripe. First of all, you need to pay attention to its crust. If it is hard, does not pierce with a fingernail, then the berry does not feed on moisture from the stems. Breaking away from the plant, the fruits ripen quickly. In a ripe berry, against the background of a dark peel, light stripes clearly appear.

The watermelon lies on the ground on one side, a spot forms at the point of contact with the ground. In a ripe berry, it has a yellow or orange color. The fruit can be cut if a ringing sound is heard from a hand blow, and a crackling sound when pressed.

Ripe watermelon does not sink in water. The pulp of the berry of the Astrakhan variety is bright red, the bones are black. In "girls", which are considered tastier than "boys", the lower part is flat, not narrow, a wide circle stands out on it.

When to harvest and how to store

Astrakhan watermelons begin to ripen closer to autumn. Late varieties have a thick rind that prevents damage to the juicy pulp. Store fruits with own site need a few days before they ripen.

For harvesting, you need to choose watermelons on which there are no cracks, dents, scratches, and the surface shines in the sun. A very large berry should not be left in the refrigerator or laid in a cellar or basement. Varieties of early ripening are not suitable for storage. So that Astrakhan watermelons do not spoil for a long time, do not lose their taste and juiciness, the temperature in a ventilated room should be in the range from 2 to 4 °, humidity should not exceed 85.

The whole fruits of this variety lie perfectly for 3 months, at room temperature - 5 weeks, the cut berry is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Common Growing Mistakes

Novice gardeners sometimes believe that since Astrakhan watermelons come from the southern regions, where it is hot and dry, there is no need to water the plants. Other site owners stop moistening 10 days before fruit picking, which leads to:

  • to a deterioration in taste;
  • low sugar content;
  • unsatisfactory keeping quality.

A gross mistake of gardeners planting watermelons is the lack of proper feeding. Gourds need both mineral fertilizers and organics, but in moderation.

Some gardeners manage to save space in the greenhouse by placing tomatoes and watermelons nearby. Plants require different nutrition, some are watered every day, others - once a week. Long stems of gourds quickly drown out tomatoes.

It is not easy to buy seeds of Astrakhan watermelons on the market, not everyone knows how to distinguish that this is not a fake. You have to rely only on the conscience of sellers or buy sowing seeds not at the bazaar, but in specialized stores.