Introduction of a new chronology. Gregorian calendar

  • 25.09.2019

One of the most famous reformers of Russia - Tsar Peter 1 in 1699 issued a decree on the abolition of the old chronology that existed at that time in Russia, and instead introduces, brought from Western Europe new. In addition to this, he approved a decree that from January 1, 1700, it is necessary to introduce the celebration of the New Year everywhere. This is public information found in many history books. But I want to tell you about the calendar that was canceled, for me personally it turned out to be a discovery.

It turns out that at the time Peter introduced a new chronology with a reference point from the Nativity of Christ in Russia, the chronology was conducted from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, according to which the year was 5508. Many "competent" people believe that the introduction of the new calendar was a progress for Russia, introducing it to European culture. But after all, with this, Tsar Peter I did not just change one calendar for another, he stole five and a half thousand years of his native ancient history from the Slavic peoples of Russia.
The calendar in force before the reform was called Kolyada Dar (shown in the figure). With its help, it was possible to use the Ancient Slavic chronology system Krugolet Chislobog built on the ancient hexadecimal system calculus. 16 Years of the Circle pass through nine Elements, creating the Circle of Life, which has 144 Years. In the modern sense, the analogue of the Circle of Life (a period of 144 years) is a century (a period of 100 years).

The beginning of Years of the Circular Year falls on the day of the autumnal equinox. On this day, the Great ancient holiday of Ramha-Ita (New Year) began. The full Solar Circle, from Ramha-Ita to Ramha-Ita, was divided into three periods of time - Autumn, Winter and Spring, and, united together, they gave - Summer. From this definition, such concepts as Chronicles, Chronology, etc. appeared. Each period of time of Summer was divided into three parts, which were called - a month: Ramhat, Aylet, Beylet, Gaylet, Daylet, Elet, Veylet, Heylet, Tailet, each of which carries a figurative meaning corresponding to the season of Summer. The even months of Summer have 40 days, and the odd months have 41 days. The ancient calendar instead of 12 month tablets contains only two tablets - an odd and an even month. Since in any Summer all odd months begin on the same day of the week, even months begin on a different day of the week. In addition, there was an even finer division of the month into Weeks, which contained nine days each. Each day of the Week, except for the last, corresponded to a numeral name: Monday, Tuesday, triteynik, chetverik (Thursday), Friday, sixth, seven, octal, and the Week itself, the day on which they do nothing, but rest from the labors of the righteous.

The day is divided into 16 hours (the old hour is equal to 1½ of the new one) and starts at 19:00 in the evening (for Summer time). An hour lasts 144 parts. Part - 1296 shares (1 part = 37.56 sec). Share = 72 moments (1sec = 34.5 shares). Instant \u003d 760 instants (1 sec. \u003d 2484.34 instants). Flash = 160 sigs (1s = 1888102.236 flashes). One second contains 302096358 sig, and 1 sig is approximately equal to 30 oscillations of the electromagnetic wave of the cesium atom, taken as the basis for modern atomic clocks.

There is also a difference in the time frame: according to the modern calendar, a day begins at midnight (24:00 or 00:00), and alternates: night, morning, day, evening. A day according to the Slavic calendar starts from Evening (18:00 or 19:00 when switching to summer time), and alternate: evening, night, morning, day.

V modern reckoning the celebration of the New Year (New Year) falls on the first 20th of September, on the day of the autumnal equinox, an important astrological event. For example, in this year 2009 it will fall on September 20th.

Each of the 16 Years had its own name (the modern analogue of the Zodiac symbols): 1 - Wanderer (Way); 2 - Priest; 3 - Virgo (Priestess); 4 - World (Reality); 5 - Scroll; 6 - Phoenix; 7 - Fox (Nav); 8 - Dragon; 9 - Serpent; 10 - Eagle; 11 - Dolphin; 12 - Horse; 13 - Dog; 14 - Tour (Cow); 15 - Mansions (House); 16 - Temple (Temple).

As mentioned above, every summer passed through 9 elements: 1 - Earth; 2 - Star; 3 - Fire; 4 - Sun; 5 - Tree; 6 - Svaga; 7 - Ocean; 8 - Moon; 9 - God.

Thus it was 144 different options name Years. For example, 2009 is the Summer of the Moon Dog.

Now about the main thing, the beginning modern chronology is the Nativity of Christ, the event is quite understandable to the overwhelming majority modern people. But what kind of event marked the beginning of the Ancient Slavic chronology what is the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. It turns out that in the modern sense this means the conclusion of a peace treaty in such and such a year. A few sources claim that the "peace treaty" was concluded between two countries: Arimia (modern descendant of China) and Rusenia (modern descendant of Russia). This event is immortalized in ancient history. The white horseman slaying the Dragon with a spear has survived to this day in the story known as "George the Victorious slaying the Dragon."

For all who are interested in the content of the article, you can understand the Ancient Slavic chronology in more detail here.

Today, shortly before the new year, we would like to talk about the main calendars of the peoples of the world and the chronology systems that exist on the planet, because not everyone knows what date it is customary to celebrate this very new year, and not everyone knows what year we generally celebrate.

And there is nothing unusual that we are confused, because time is an amazing substance that cannot be touched and felt, the fourth dimension of our three-dimensional physical world. According to modern physicists - theorists, adherents of string theory, time does not exist.

But we are born, grow up, grow up, grow old and go somewhere... And our only constant companions on this planet are the measures of time - seconds, minutes, hours, years. Despite the fact that our planet is not so big, we do not yet have a single calendar - unified system chronology.

The main existing systems of reckoning

And, if in one part of the earth it is now 2014, then in another it is already 2500, in the third the 8th millennium has come! In this article, we want to talk about some of the currently existing systems of chronology among various peoples of the world. And let's start with ourselves, namely with our ancestors, calendars and chronology of the Slavic peoples.

Chronology and Calendars of the Slavs

Our ancestors - the Ancient Slavs used the calendar, which is now known under the name - "Slavic Aryan" or "Vedic". It is still used by Yngliists - Old Believers, representatives of the most ancient stream of Slavic Aryans.

And it’s good that they kept it, because lately, more and more people are returning to their roots and want to study and use this valuable knowledge. Moreover, they are not outdated, but on the contrary, they provide answers to many questions that interest us today.

Slavic-Aryan calendar

The Slavic Aryan calendar was officially used in Russia for 7208 years! And time in that calendar was measured in "Circles of Life". One circle of life was equal to 144 years (as the year used to be called).

In one circle of life, our planet, which the Ancient Slavs called Mirgard, made a revolution around the center of the Universe, visiting all 16 "houses" in succession - so many constellations were distinguished by the Slavs, in contrast to the Chinese stellar calendar with its only 12 Constellation Houses.

What is the year of the Slavs now?

Now, according to the Slavic Aryan calendar, we live in 7523 years. The years are officially counted from the “Creation of the World in the Star Temple” - most sources say that there is a direct, rather than allegorical meaning here - meaning the signing of a peace treaty, between our Ancestors - representatives of the “Power of the Great Race” (Russia, Aryans) and “ Empire of the Great Dragon" (Modern China).

And the famous icon depicting, as they say, George the Victorious, killing the Dragon, actually illustrates those ancient events. Since China symbolizes a dragon or a snake.

What were the months, weeks and hours of the Slavs

Slavic-Aryan calendar calculated on the basis of the 16-digit system of calculus.

Respectively, The day of the Slavs consisted of 16 hours. They started in the evening. Each hour had its own name and was approximately equal to 90 minutes.

The month consisted of 40 days, and was called forty years.. (A reflection of this is the tradition that has survived to this day to celebrate the 40th day with the remembrance of the departed, which we have already written about separately, and 9 days exactly the same as it was Slavic week).

In addition, nine sorokovniks (months) - a whole summer (year) - is a complete cycle of our Earth's circulation around Yarila (Sun). Summer consisted of three seasons, three forties each - Spring, Winter, Autumn. Each sorokovnik had its own name and these names were very poetic and accurate:

"Fortieth White Radiance"

"Fortieth Awakening of Nature"

"Fortieth of Sowing and Naming".

Weeks in the calendar of our ancestors of the Slavs, as I said, consisted of nine days and were named after our planets solar system. There were even smaller parts of the measurement of time: an hour, a fraction, an instant, a moment, a sig.

To understand and admire the wisdom of our ancestors, I will say that - 1 sig is approximately equal to 30 oscillations of the electromagnetic wave of the cesium atom, taken as the basis for modern atomic clocks, and such a small fraction still does not exist in more than one clock in the world.

This fact alone shows how distorted the truth is by those who seek to show our ancient ancestors as illiterate savages!

Gregorian and Julian calendars

Julian calendar

The Julian calendar was introduced by Gaius Julius Caesar himself, the great commander and ruler of Rome. And it happened in 45 BC. With the introduction of Christianity into Russia by Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, the Grand Duke, approximately in the year 1000, the Julian calendar also began to spread widely among the Slavic peoples and was used simultaneously with the Vedic.

All holidays of the Orthodox Church are calculated from that time to this day according to church calendarJulian calendar.

Moreover, modern astronomers have recognized that the Julian calendar (old style) is actually more accurate from an astronomical point of view than the widely used Gregorian (new style), since it lags less behind astronomical (natural) cycles.

Gregorian calendar. New and modern chronology

So, in the summer of 7208, Peter the Great issues a Decree, according to which, on the territory of Russia, all previously existing calendars are abolished and the new chronology will start from the Nativity of Christ, then the year was 1700.

Why New Year's Day January 1st

The beginning of the year began to be celebrated on January 1, instead of the magical day of the autumn equinox, as was the case with the Slavs. This calendar is called the Gregorian calendar in honor of Pope Gregory 13, and is valid both in Europe and in the territories of the countries of the former USSR and in many other countries of the world, for the convenience of people.

Have you ever wondered why the beginning of the year is celebrated on January 1st? On December 24, the entire Catholic world celebrates Christmas - the birthday of the baby Jesus. It is from this day that the current calendar begins.

Jesus was a Jew, and on the 8th day the Jews celebrate the rite of circumcision of male babies. This day was the transition from the old year to the new year! It is amazing that every year, gathering with loved ones around the New Year's table, we celebrate the Jewish rite of circumcision of the baby Jesus! But what is interesting is that in fact the Jews themselves have and widely use their own Jewish calendar.

Hebrew or Judaic calendar

The chronology according to the Jewish calendar is conducted from the creation of the world by the Lord. Which, according to the beliefs of the Jews, took place on October 7, 3761 BC - which is called Era from Adam.

The Jewish calendar is lunisolar. That is, both celestial bodies exert their influence on the length of the year. The average year is approximately equal to the Gregorian, but sometimes the values ​​\u200b\u200bcan fluctuate, and the difference is 30-40 days.

Another interesting point is that the Jewish calendar does not consist of numbers, but the letters of the alphabet are used. And it is read from right to left, like all books in Hebrew. Each month of the Jewish calendar has a zodiac sign.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to designate the 12 signs of the zodiac with the symbols of its constellations. Months are counted from spring, but New Year begins in autumn and is called Rosh Hashanah. In the evening, when three stars are visible in the sky, a new day begins.

Islamic calendar

In most countries whose dominant religion is Islam, there is a calendar - Islamic or Hijri. It is used both for religious purposes and as the main determinant of time.

Islamic is pure lunar calendar. Beginning of the month - new Moon, the week also consists of seven days, but the day off is Friday, there are only 12 months in a year.

The Muslim calendar is based on the year when the Prophet Muhammad made the Hajj from Mecca to Medina. (It was July 16, 622 Gregorian).

What year is it in the islamic calendar

Therefore, the Muslim New Year begins on the 1st of the month of Muharram. October 26, 2014 according to the Gregorian calendar 1436 Islamic calendar.

Islamic New Year is not a holiday in our understanding. On the eve of the evening, it is best for the faithful to fast, and on spend as much time as possible in prayer and good deeds in the name of the Almighty.

Oriental or Chinese calendar

In most countries of the Asian world, despite the official operation of the Gregorian calendar, the majority of the population uses the chronology system created several thousand years ago (approximately 3 thousand years BC) during the reign of Emperor Huang Di.

And him distinctive feature is that it is both solar-lunar. That is, all months begin with the beginning of a new moon.

When is Chinese New Year 2015?

New Year according to the Eastern calendar is celebrated on The second new moon after the winter solstice is between January 21st and February 21st.. And the New Year is a big and noisy holiday, with bright lights, firecrackers, festive processions and a lot of noise.

The Chinese calendar system is based on the astronomical cycles of the Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The 60-year cycle includes a 12-year Jupiter cycle and a 30-year Saturn cycle.

The ancient Asians and the creators of this chronology system believed that the normal movement of Jupiter brings happiness, goodness and virtue.

They divided the path of Jupiter into twelve equal parts and gave them the name of a certain animal, thus the peoples of Asia created solar-Jupiter 12-year calendar cycle.

There is a legend according to which, when the Buddha decided to celebrate the first New Year, he invited all the animals living on earth. However, only 12 came to the holiday. Then the Buddha, as a gift, decided to give their names to the years, so that every person born in the year of a certain animal acquires the character traits of this animal, both good and bad.

For example, now, December 11, 2014, is the year of the Blue Wood Horse, and c On February 19, 2015, the Year of the Blue Wood Goat will begin..

Thai calendar

When travelers first come to the countries of the south - east Asia. They see with amazement that the term on the packaging of goods has long exceeded the middle of the third millennium.

What year is it in Thailand?

And there is, in the Kingdom of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and some other countries in 2015 will come - the year 2558! The chronology in these countries and among many Buddhists is from the day of Buddha Shakyamuni's departure to nirvana. Welcome to the future!

Moreover, almost every world religion I created my calendar, from the events that people wanted to perpetuate. So, for example, representatives of a fairly common religion at the present time - the Baha'is - created their own calendar.

Baha'i calendar

The Baha'i calendar is currently synchronized with the Gregorian calendar for convenience. It was originally introduced by the Báb. Nowruz - the first day of the New Year is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox (March 20-22).

The Baha'i calendar is based on a solar year of 365 days, 5 hours, and 50 incremental minutes. In the Baha'i calendar, a year consists of 19 months of 19 days each (i.e. 361 days in total) with the addition of four (in leap year- five) days.

Celtic calendar (Irish)

For a long time, it was the Irish calendar that was used in the North Scandinavian countries, as well as in modern Ireland. The year was divided into four seasons. There are 13 months and one day in a year. Months are synchronized according to the lunar cycle. The names of the months correspond to the vowels of Ogham, the Celtic tree alphabet.

That is, this is the famous Druid calendar - a very complex system where the calculation of time takes into account both lunar and solar cycles.

Segments of time, approximately equal to our months, were given the names of trees. The biggest holidays were the days of equinox and solstice. However, about the Celtic calendar, modern researchers are hotly debating. Many scholars believe that the knowledge of the Druid Calendar is based on a misconception by several authors whose writings have become too widely circulated.

We do not undertake to judge, we just want to acquaint the reader with some of the existing or existing systems of chronology.

In an article devoted to world chronology systems, it is impossible to keep silent about the famous "Mayan Calendar".

Mayan calendar

We owe the popularization of knowledge about the Maya Indian tribes, not least, to the mystic and novelist Frank Waters, the author of many novels and the ancient civilizations of the Maya, the inhabitants of Central America who have gone into centuries.

The main book about the Mayan calendar, which also touches on the predictions of the ancient Mayan astrologers, was the "Book of the Hopi". An equally important role was played by “Mysticism of Mexico: The Coming of the Sixth Age of Consciousness” - this is an unusual mixture of Mayan and Aztec philosophy, where the author suggested that the end of the Mayan calendar will be the backdrop for the transformation of the spiritual consciousness of people around the world.

However, people have chosen to simplify the information presented in the book, perhaps for the sake of sensation, perhaps due to misunderstanding. And so the legend was born, according to which the Mayan Indians predicted the end of the world in 2012, and the Mayan calendar ended on this date.

Scientists, researchers of this ancient artifact, on the contrary, say that the Mayan calendar has not yet been deciphered! The information contained in it may not even belong to the Maya civilization, but is much older. And scientists all over the world are working on the code of this calendar.

Almost any calendar is a mathematical system, Russian mathematician Vladimir Pakhomov, published a book: “ The calendar is a coded message”, which simply stirred up public opinion.

The fact is that the author, with the help of knowledge of mathematical laws, managed to present the calendar as a numerical mathematical matrix. With the help of which you can "decipher" the messages contained in ancient calendars. The scientist is sure that these messages hide the knowledge that was saved for us by our ancient ancestors who came from distant planets.

But whether it is true or not, today we will not tell you, since this is a separate and very long story, which we will gradually tell about on our learning and self-development portal over time. And today we say goodbye to you, we wish you a good New Year, no matter what calendar and chronology system you do it, and next time we will tell you how it is customary to celebrate the New Year among other peoples of the world.

In most countries of the world, including Russia, the church is separated from the state, but religious traditions have a huge impact on everyday secular life. One manifestation of this is the use of the Christian calendar, which counts from the birthday of Jesus Christ.

Chronology of the monk Dionysius

The beginning of the Christian chronology is associated with the name of the monk, theologian and chronicler Dionysius the Lesser. Little is known about his life. In Rome, he appeared around 500 AD. and was soon appointed rector of one of the Italian monasteries. He is the author of several theological works. The main work was the Christian chronology, which was adopted in 525, although not immediately and not everywhere. After long and complex calculations, assuming that the year 248 of the Diocletian Era corresponds to 525 A.D., Dionysius came to the conclusion that Jesus was born in 754 from the founding of Rome.

According to a number of Western theologians, Dionysius the Small made a mistake in his calculations for 4 years. According to the usual chronology, Christmas happened in 750 from the founding of Rome. If they are right, then our calendar is not 2014, but 2018. Even the Vatican did not immediately accept the new Christian era. In papal acts, the modern countdown occurs from the time of Pope John XIII, that is, from the 10th century. And only the documents of Pope Eugene IV from 1431 count years strictly from R.Kh.

Based on the calculations of Dionysius, theologians calculated that Jesus Christ was born in 5508 after, according to the biblical legend, the god Sabaoth created the world.

According to the king's will

In Russian written sources of the late XVII - early XVIII centuries. scribes sometimes put a double date - from the creation of the world and from the Nativity of Christ. The transfer of one system to another is further complicated by the fact that the beginning of the new year has been postponed twice. V Ancient Russia it was celebrated on March 1, which was the beginning of a new cycle of agricultural work. Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilievich in 1492 from R.Kh. (in 7000 from the creation of the world) moved the beginning of the new year to September 1, which was logical.

By this time, the next cycle of agricultural work was completed, the results of the working year were summed up. In addition, this date coincided with that adopted in the Eastern Church. The Byzantine emperor Constantine the Great, having won on September 1, 312, over the Roman consul Maxentius, granted Christians complete freedom to practice their faith. Fathers of the first Ecumenical Council 325 years determined to start the new year on September 1 - the day of "remembrance of the beginning of Christian freedom."

The second advance was made by Peter I in 1700 (7208 from the creation of the world). Along with the transition to new era he, by analogy with the West, ordered to celebrate the beginning of the new year on January 1.

Let's listen to the apostles and argue

In the texts of the four canonical Gospels, there is not a single direct indication of the year when Christ was born (the text of the New Testament is quoted from the canonical synodal translation of “Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.” Thirteenth ed. St. Petersburg, 1885 ). The only indirect indication is preserved in the Gospel of Luke: when Jesus began his ministry, he was "about 30 years old" (3.23). He apparently did not know the exact age of Jesus.

In the same chapter, Luke reports that John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus, began his preaching in the 15th year of the reign of Emperor Tiberius (3.1). The well-developed ancient chronology took the year of the founding of Rome as the starting point of reference. All events in the history of the Roman Empire were tied to this conditional date. Christian chroniclers built the date of the birth of Christ into this system of chronology, starting the countdown of a new era from it.

Emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero was born in 42 BC and died in 37 AD. He took the imperial throne in 14 AD. The Christian chronicler reasoned something like this. If Jesus was about 30 years old in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius, then this corresponded to 29 AD. That is, Christ was born in the first year of our era. However, such a system of reasoning raises objections based on other temporal landmarks noted in the Gospels. The caution of the apostle Luke in determining the age of Jesus allows deviations in one direction and the other. And along with this, the beginning of a new era can be shifted.

Let's try to apply the methods of the theory of testimonies, widely used in modern forensic science, to solve this complex problem. One of the provisions of the theory is the limitation of human imagination. A person can exaggerate something, downplay something, distort something, collect real facts into unrealistic combinations. But he cannot come up with circumstances that do not exist in nature (patterns of reality distortion are described by psychology and applied mathematics).

The gospel contains several references to events that were indirectly connected in time with the date of the Nativity of Christ. If we manage to tie them to an absolute chronological scale, then it will be possible to introduce certain adjustments to the traditional date of R.Kh.

1. In the Gospel of John, the Jews said that during the interrogation before the execution, Jesus "is not yet fifty years old" (8.57). Traditionally, Jesus was executed at the age of 33. It is strange that the Jews who saw Jesus could say about a young 33-year-old man that he was not fifty. Perhaps Jesus looked older than his supposed age, or perhaps he was actually older.

2. The Gospel of Matthew explicitly states that Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod (2.1).

The biography of Herod the Great is well known. He was born in 73 and died in April 4 BC. (750 of the Roman account). He became the king of Judea in 37, although he nominally performed the functions of head of state from the age of 40. He took over the throne with the help of Roman troops. Vengeful and ambitious, infinitely cruel and treacherous, Herod destroyed everyone in whom he saw rivals. Tradition ascribes to him the beating of two-year-old babies in Bethlehem and the surrounding area upon receiving news of the birth in this city of Jesus, King of Judea.

How reliable is this evangelist's message? Some church historians tend to regard it as a legend on the grounds that only Matthew reported the massacre of the infants. The other three evangelists do not mention this heinous crime. Flavius ​​Josephus, who knew the history of Judea well, did not mention this event in a word. On the other hand, there are so many bloody atrocities on the conscience of Herod that this could well have taken place.

Don't stop at evaluation moral character Herod, we compare the date of his death with the date of the birth of Jesus accepted in the Christian tradition. If the Savior was born in the first year of our era, how could Herod, who died 4 years before Christ, organize the massacre of children in Bethlehem?

3. Evangelist Matthew writes about the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt because of the threat from Herod (2.1). This story has been repeatedly played up in Christian art. On the outskirts of Cairo, there is an ancient Christian temple, allegedly erected on the spot where the house was located, in which Holy Family while in Egypt. (The Roman writer Celsus also reports on the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt.) Further, Matthew writes that an angel conveyed to Joseph the news that Herod had died and that it was possible to return to Palestine (2.20).

Again, date mismatch. Herod the Great died in 4 BC. If at that time the Holy Family lived in Egypt, then by the first year of our era. Jesus must have been just over four years old.

4. Evangelist Luke asserts (2.1) that Joseph and Mary on the eve of the birth of the Savior made a journey to Bethlehem. It was caused by the need to participate in the census, which was carried out in Judea by order of Caesar Augustus and was organized by the procurator of Syria, Quirinius. At present, the fact of the census (but not throughout the whole earth, as Luke wrote, but in Judea) is beyond doubt.

According to Roman tradition, population censuses were always taken in newly conquered areas. They were purely fiscal in nature. After the final annexation of this region of Palestine to the empire in 6 AD. such a census was carried out. If you follow the exact text of the Gospel of Luke, then you have to admit that Jesus was born in 6 or 7 AD.

And a star rose in the east

The Evangelist Matthew reports on a star that indicated to the wise men of the East the time of the birth of Jesus (2.2-10.11). This star, called Bethlehem, has become firmly established in religious tradition, in literature, art, in the design of religious holidays in the name of the Nativity of Christ. Neither Mark, nor Luke, nor John speak of this heavenly phenomenon. But it is possible that then the inhabitants of Judea really saw an unusual celestial phenomenon. Historians of science are convinced that the astronomers of the Ancient East knew perfectly well starry sky and the appearance of a new object could not fail to attract their attention.

The mystery of the Star of Bethlehem has long been of interest to scientists. The search for astronomers and other representatives of the materialistic sciences was carried out in two directions: what is the physical essence of the Star of Bethlehem and when did it appear in the celestial spheres? Theoretically, the effect of a bright star could be generated either by a visible approach in the sky of two large planets, or by the appearance of a comet, or by the outbreak of a new star.

The version of the comet was initially in doubt, because comets are not worth long time at one place.
Recently, a hypothesis has arisen that the Magi observed UFOs. This option does not stand up to scrutiny. Celestial objects, regardless of whether they are considered natural formations or the creation of the Higher Mind, always move in space, only a short time hovering at one point. And the Evangelist Matthew reports that the Star of Bethlehem was observed for several days at one point in the sky.

Nicolaus Copernicus calculated that around the first year of our era. within two days, a visible approach of Jupiter and Saturn was observed. At the beginning of the 17th century, Johannes Kepler observed a rare phenomenon: the paths of three planets - Saturn, Jupiter and Mars - intersected so that one star of unusual brightness was visible in the sky. This apparent approach of the three planets happens once every 800 years. Based on this, Kepler suggested that 1600 years ago the approach took place and the Star of Bethlehem flared up in the sky. According to his calculation, Jesus was born in the year 748 of the Roman era (December 25, 6 BC).

Based on the modern theory of planetary motion, astronomers calculated the position of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn as seen from Earth 2,000 years ago. It turned out that in 7 BC. Jupiter and Saturn approached three times in the zodiac constellation Pisces. The angular distance between them was reduced to one degree. But they did not merge into one bright point. Recently, American astronomers have established that in 2 BC. Venus and Jupiter came together so close that it seemed as if a flaming torch had flared up in the sky. But this event happened in June, and Christmas is traditionally celebrated in winter.

It was also recently established that in 4 BC, on the first day of the new year, which was then celebrated in the spring, a new star flared up in the constellation Aquila. Now a pulsar is fixed at this point in the sky. Calculations showed that this brightest object was visible from Jerusalem towards Bethlehem. Like the entire starry sky, the object moved from east to west, which coincides with the testimony of the Magi. It is likely that this star attracted the attention of the inhabitants of Judea as a unique and grandiose cosmic phenomenon.

The comet version raises some objections, but modern astronomy does not completely reject it. Chinese and Korean chronicles mention two comets that were observed in the Far East from March 10 to April 7, 5 BC. and in February 4 BC. In the work of the French astronomer Pingre "Cosmography" (Paris, 1783), it is reported that one of these comets (or both, if two reports refer to the same comet) was identified as early as 1736 with Star of Bethlehem. Astronomers believe that the comet, visible in the Far East, could be observed in Palestine.

Based on this, then Christ was born in 5 or 4 BC. between February and March. Considering that he preached as a mature man, it is logical to assume that at that time he was not 33 years old according to the canon of the church, but closer to forty.

Comparing all the available information, we can make a fairly reasonable assumption that Jesus Christ was born in 4 BC. And today it's 2018. But, of course, the revision of the modern calendar is unrealistic.

Boris Sapunov, Valentin Sapunov

The beginning of the modern Christian chronology was laid in the Early Middle Ages. Until the first half of the 6th century, the era of Diocletian was widely used. The counting of years was conducted from 284, when he was proclaimed the Roman emperor. Despite the fact that Diocletian was one of the organizers of the persecution of Christians, this chronology system was also used by the clergy to calculate the dates for the celebration of Easter. Later it was called the "era of the martyrs" and is still used by the Monophysites in North Africa.

In 525, the Roman abbot Dionysius the Small, who, on behalf of Pope John I, compiled the Easter tables, decided to abandon the system of chronology based on the date of the beginning of the reign of the persecutor of Christians. He proposed a chronology from the Nativity of Christ. Dionysius, based on the Gospel of Luke, proceeded from the fact that Jesus was about 30 years old by the time he began to preach. His crucifixion took place on the eve of the Jewish Passover under the emperor Tiberius. Using the already existing method of calculating Paschal, the abbot calculated that the Resurrection of Christ falls on March 25, 31 years from his birth.

Many researchers believe that Dionysius the Small made a mistake in his calculations. Thus, the date of the birth of Christ was shifted several years ahead. This opinion was shared by the first persons of the Catholic Church. In the summer of 1996, in one of his messages, Pope John Paul II confirmed that the historical date of the Nativity of Christ is unknown and in fact he was born 5-7 years before our era. Benedict XVI also considered Christian chronology based on incorrect calculations. In 2009, in the first part of the book "Jesus of Nazareth", he wrote that Dionysius the Lesser "miscalculated in his calculations by several years." The birth of Christ, according to the pope, took place 3-4 years earlier than the date set.

The chronology system developed by Dionysius the Small began to be used two centuries after its creation. In 726, the English Benedictine monk Bede the Venerable in his work “De sex aetatibus mundi” (On the Six Ages of the World) first used the chronology from the Nativity of Christ to describe historical events. Soon the new chronology spread widely in Europe.

Already in 742, dating from the Nativity of Christ first appeared in an official document - one of the capitularies of the Frankish majordomo Carloman. This was probably his independent initiative, not connected with the works of Bede the Venerable. During the reign of Emperor Charles I the Great, the counting of years "from the incarnation of our Lord" was widely used in official documents of the Frankish court. In the 9th - 10th centuries, the new chronology became firmly established in European royal decrees and historical chronicles, the Christian era began to be used in acts of the papal office.

But in some states other chronological systems were preserved for a long time. The countries of the Iberian Peninsula used the Spanish era. The countdown of years in it was conducted from January 1, 38 BC. e., when the region became part of the "Roman world" (Pax Romana). Most of the Iberian states gradually abandoned the Spanish era in the 12th–14th centuries. It lasted the longest in Portugal. Only in August 1422, King Juan I introduced the Christian chronology in the country. In Russia, until the end of the 17th century, the Byzantine countdown from the creation of the world was used. The state switched to a new chronology after the decree of Peter I of December 20, 1699. Greece was the last of the European regions to apply the Christian era. The new chronology was established in the country in 1821 after the start of the war for independence from Ottoman Empire.

Tridensky Cathedral in the 16th century introduced a new chronology, and the first (if not the only) monument to the new millennium on the new year was the bell tower of Ivan the Great in 1600, built by the then most authoritative monarch in Europe - Tsar Boris


You obviously messed something up. The Romans counted from the legendary foundation of Rome (753 BC), Most other civilizations from the creation of the world, only they had a different starting point, the Jews dated it to 3761 BC. e., Alexandrian chronology considered this date May 25, 5493 BC. e. The Byzantine calendar considered Starting point September 1, 5509 BC e., he actually was adopted as a basis by Emperor Basil II in 988. Yes, the year began on September 1 in Byzantium around the year 462, but this was officially recognized in 537. The rest of the calendar, with the exception of the names of the months, coincided with the Julian calendar (adopted under Julius Caesar). The Byzantine calendar lasted until the fall of the empire in 1453. The Gregorian calendar, which replaced it, was introduced under Pope Gregory XIII on October 15, 1582.


Oksana, so I do not deny the use of the Ab Urbe condita reckoning by the Romans. But the fact that the era of Diocletian was used by the inhabitants of the empire for a long time and was used even for some time after its fall is a fact. If you don't believe me, read more here.

I did not set myself the task of telling about all the existing systems of reckoning, since the question was a little about something else. It concerned only the beginning of dating from the Nativity of Christ. And Dionysius the Small calculated this time focusing precisely on the era of Diocletian, and not on the foundation of Rome or any other system.

All other calendars are well covered in this question.



Not right away. The chronology from the Nativity of Christ, and with it the concept of "our era" appeared about one and a half thousand years ago, when Pope John I instructed the learned monk of Scythian origin Dionysius the Small to compile tables for calculating the day of Easter. In the early Middle Ages in Europe, years were counted from the beginning of the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian (284 AD). Instead of the date of the accession of this pagan and persecutor of Christians, Dionysius the Small took the estimated year of the birth of Jesus Christ as a starting point. He calculated it, guided by the text of the New Testament. (Today it is believed that the monk was wrong by four years, and our 2017 should be 2013.). In the 8th century, a new dating became widespread thanks to the Anglo-Saxon chronicler Bede the Venerable, who relied on the system of Dionysius in his essay On the Six Ages of the World. From the same Bede came the custom of dating events that occurred before the birth of Christ (“before our era”), keeping an account in reverse side. Gradually, all of Europe began to measure time from the birth of Christ. Russia switched to a new account of "the best for the sake of agreement with the peoples of Europe in contracts and treatises" in 1699 by decree of Peter I.

We need to start with the fact that primitive people represented time chaotically, i.e. sets of unrelated time intervals, the boundaries of which were natural events (thunderstorms / hurricanes, etc.). V ancient world the borders of the reign of the kings (Egypt) acted as an era, or the account was kept according to EPONIM (Greece, Rome, Assyria) - this is an official by which years are counted. (For example: "in the year when such and such was the archon .."). Archons in Greece, Consuls in Rome, Limmu in Assyria.
In the ancient world, time was cyclical - a spiral.
The linear era (universal) familiar to us appeared with the development of Christianity (so that all Christian communities celebrate holidays at the same time).
In 525. AD the era from the birth of Christ appeared. It was proposed by the monk Dionysius the Small. Prior to this, Easter was calculated on the basis of the era of martyrs (that is, the era of Diocletian (cruel persecutor of Christians), the date when he began to rule on August 16, 284). However, Dionysius made a mistake in the calculations - Jesus Christ was born 5-6 years later than the date that Dionysius calculated. From the 10th century, the Vatican switched to the reckoning from the RH.

In general, the main chronological question of mankind is how to correlate time units expressed as an integer.
There are several basic units of time counting:
1. solar day (24 hours)
2. synodal month (approximately 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3 seconds - from new moon to new moon)
3. tropical year (365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds) period from day summer solstice until the next such day.
On the basis of these units of counting time, people began to divide time into segments - calendars appeared - solar (ancient Egyptian) and lunar (Ancient Babylon, Ancient Greece). It is believed that the first such calendars appeared at the turn of 4-3 thousand BC.

The seven-cycle calendar is a relic of the ancient Babylonian calendar, which was considered sacred. In it, every day was under the auspices of a god or goddess, who, in turn, was associated with certain celestial bodies. This method migrated to Europe, and in 325 a seven-day week was announced to all Christian communities.

24 hours in a day also came to us from the Babylonian calendar, in which the day was divided into 12 parts according to the signs of the zodiac (the night was not divided), such a division came to Ancient Egypt, where the night was divided, thereby doubling the zodiac.

In ancient Rome, the calendar appeared in the 7th century BC. Originally counted 10 lunar months = 304 days. Numa Pompilius carried out a calendar reform by adding 2 lunar months= 355 days. in the 5th century BC the second calendar reform was carried out, a year later they began to add the thirteenth month of MARCEDONIA, which was inserted between February 22 and 23, it was equal to 20 days. Thus, approximately 365 days were obtained. However, every 4 years, the calendar and astrological New Year diverged by a day. The duration of marcedonia was determined by the priests in ancient Rome. New Year was on March 1st.
The months were named:
martos (from Mars)
aprelis (on behalf of the goddess Apra - one of the names of the goddess Aphrodite), maynos (Maya goddess of beauty)
Junius (Juno - goddess of fertility)
quintilis (fifth)
sexteles (6)
Junoarius (Janos - god of secrets)
februarius (Februarius is the god of the dead, an unlucky month, because an even number of days is 28).
There was no concept of a week. They counted according to the Kalends - the first day of the month.

Julius Caesar stopped all this and a new JULIAN calendar was created in his kingdom - 46 AD: the New Year was moved to January 1 (when the distribution of positions of authority took place), abolished marcedony, 1 day BISEXTUS was inserted into this place once every 4 years (twice the sixth) = leap year. Wed The length of the year was 365 days 6 hours. Quintilis was renamed Julius (January).
In 365, the Julian calendar became mandatory for all Christians. But for 11 minutes it was more than a tropical year, for 128 years a day ran, and by the 16th century 10 days ran.

in 1582 - Gregory XIII the Pope convened a commission (the calendar is the prerogative of the church, because time is the place of God), it was decided on October 5, 1582 to count October 15.

The Gregorian calendar is closer to the tropical year (a few seconds difference), one day in such a calendar accumulates every 3200 years.

If we talk about the history of chronology in Russia, then little is known about the Slavic calendar. Initially, time was tracked seasonally, i.e. simultaneously with agricultural work, the boundaries did not coincide (for example, spring from 23.03 to 22.06). Changes came with the advent of Christianity. Since the end of the 10th century, there have been two New Years - March and September. I will not go into the details of this, I will only say that throughout Russia there was no clear chronology. In 1492, the March calendar was canceled. This is due to the fact that from the creation of the world (5508), 1492 was considered the year 7000, in theory the end of the world should have been, this idea took hold of the Christians so much that they did not even calculate the calendar - Paschalia (years after Easter) after this year.
In the time of Peter the Great, it was discovered that the calendar did not coincide with the Western one. On December 19, 7208 (1699) from the creation of the world, Peter issued a decree on the transition to the era from the RH.

At the end of the 18th century, all European countries adopted the Gregorian calendar, in Russia it was still Julian. Throughout the 19th century, there were many disputes - whether Russia should switch to the Gregorian calendar, and on January 24, 1918, a Decree was adopted on the transition of Russia to the Gregorian calendar, after January 31, 1918, consider not February 1, but February 14. Actually what we have now.

If you have read this long post - know that you have become a little smarter and more patient :)

We need to remember our history and go our own way.

Currently, we use the dating of the years from the birth of Christ and the Gregorian calendar.

The Julian calendar, the so-called "old style", is not forgotten either. Every year in January we remember him when we celebrate the "old" New Year. Also, the media carefully reminds of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars.

Of course, this expands our horizons. Let's expand our horizons.

But, in order to make our horizons even wider, let's touch on the ancient tradition of the chronology of the Slavic peoples - the Daaryan Krugolet of Chislobog, according to which our Ancestors lived not so long ago.

Now this calendar is used only by the Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ynglism.

The widespread use of our ancient calendar ceased a little over 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter 1, by his Decree, introduced a foreign calendar on the territory of Russia and ordered on the night of January 1 to celebrate the onset of the year 1700 from the birth of Jesus Christ. The calendar reform stole (at least) 5500 years of our stories.

And in Russia at that time it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

But it does not say at all that the emperor did not just change the calendar, he actually “stole”, at least (!). five and a half thousand years of our true history.

Indeed, under the event from which the counting of years was carried out - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508, BC), it was not meant the creation of the universe at all biblical god, but literally; the signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple for the Krugolet Chislobog after the victory of the Power of the Great Race (in the modern sense - Russia) over the empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern - China).

By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon, known in Christian tradition as George the Victorious, actually symbolizes just this victory.

That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Russia among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From what events was the reckoning?

A natural question arises: from what event was the chronology conducted before the Creation of the World in the Star Temple?

The answer is obvious - from an earlier significant event.

Moreover, counting of years from different events could be carried out in parallel. That is how, with the mention of several time periods, the ancient chronicles began.

For example, here are a few dates of the current 2016 from RX:

Summer 7524 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple

Summer 13024 from the Great Cooling

Summer 44560 from the Creation of the Great Kolo Rasseniya

Summer 106794 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria

Summer 111822 from the Great Migration from Daaria

Summer 143006 from the period of the Three Moons

Summer 153382 by Assa Dei

Summer 185782 from Thule Time

Summer 604390 from the Time of Three Suns, etc.

Obviously, in the context of the modern "official" chronology, these dates look simply fantastic,

But for an independently thinking person interested in ancient cultural heritage peoples of the Earth, such "an abyss of years" do not look so frightening.

After all, not only in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but also in quite a few written monuments that have come down to us throughout the Earth, even much longer periods of historical time are mentioned,

Unbiased archaeological and paleo-astronomical studies point to the same facts.

It will also be very interesting to remember that in pre-Petrine times in Russia, not numbers were used to designate numerical values, as is now customary, but titled letters, i.e. Slavic letters with service symbols.

What did Cyril and Methodius "fix"?

And since the calendar is a written tradition (try to orally maintain and pass on such a complex and dynamic array of information from generation to generation), it is obvious that before the time of Peter I, writing in Russia already existed, at least (!) Seven over a thousand years.

However, it is believed that writing was “invented” especially for us, “illiterates”, by two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few Greek letters to our alphabet instead of diphthongs they did not understand.

And, modestly speaking, the ever-increasing pomposity during the annual “Cyril and Methodius” and “birthdays” of the “Slavic” writing is surprising. At the present time, since we use the modern calendar (from AD), it would be more correct to use it only for the events of the last three hundred years.

And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the system of chronology that was used before 1700. Otherwise, a misinterpretation of our history, culture, traditions and customs is possible.

It is sincerely regrettable that the dating of pre-Petrine events in modern textbooks,

For example, the year 1242 is called the year of the Battle on the Ice on Lake Peipsi, and at that time it was 6750 in Russia.

Or, for example, the year 988 from the birth of Jesus Christ is considered the year of the baptism of Kiev.

But in Kiev then they celebrated Summer 6496 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

Brothers and sisters, let's remember our past, look for it if evil minds hide it from us on purpose.

Slavs are a great race.