Like the name of a god in the bible. Names of God, brockhaus bible encyclopedia

  • 14.10.2019

The article was written as a result of a controversy with Jehovah's Witnesses

Taken for research new translation books of the Old Testament, made by the Russian Bible Society from Hebrew.
The translation is notable for several reasons. As the editor of the series M.G. Seleznev:
“The appeal directly to the ancient original distinguishes the series “OLD TESTAMENT. TRANSLATION FROM ANCIENT HEBREW" both from the Synodal Bible (the Old Testament part of which in a bizarre way combines the readings of the Jewish, Greek and Slavic traditions), and from those biblical translations of the last decade, behind which not the Hebrew, but the English "original" shines through.

Translations are made from the standard scientific edition Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart, 1990). Where the Hebrew text is obscure or obviously corrupted, we try to follow the most authoritative and reliable reconstructions of modern Old Testament textual criticism; in particular, materials from the Qumran manuscripts are used - for the first time in the history of Bible translations into Russian for a wide readership.

The fundamental feature of our translations is the orientation towards the modern literary norm. We are convinced that the Russian language is capable of expressing all the stylistic and semantic diversity of the biblical text and that the translator does not need to resort to clumsy literalisms.

The publication of the texts is accompanied by a historical and philological commentary, which should reflect the untranslatable features of the Jewish text (for example, a play on words), as well as acquaint the reader with those features of ancient Eastern life and worldview that are reflected in the Bible.

Consider what is the name of God

In the very first book of Genesis, in the account of creation, we read:
Genesis 2:4
When LORD * God created the earth and sky

Commentary on this verse:

*Word LORD in Russian translations corresponds to what is considered by Jewish tradition as the real Name of God - יהוה . It originally sounded like Yahweh e′ , but then (apparently, already after the Babylonian captivity) a ban was formed to pronounce it aloud. Instead, it is customary for Jews to say "Master", "God" or simply "Name".

In the book of Exodus, God reveals His name to Moses:

4. The Bible revealed to Christians the only name of salvation - the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
“10 then let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, he has been placed before you in good health.
11 He is the stone that is neglected by you builders, but has become the head of the corner, and there is salvation in no one else,
12 for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”(Acts 4:10-12).

Old Testament. Translation from Hebrew. The Book of Genesis. - M .: Publishing house of the Russian State University, 1999. - p. 23

What are various names God and what do they mean?

Answer: Each of the many names of God describes a different aspect of His multifaceted nature. Most famous names God in the Bible are as follows:

EL, ELOAH:“God the Mighty” (Genesis 7:1; Isaiah 9:6) – etymologically, the word “El” seems to mean “power, ability”, as, for example: “There is power in my hand to do you harm” (Genesis 31 :29, Synodal translation). "El" is associated with other qualities such as integrity (Numbers 23:19), jealousy (Deuteronomy 5:9), and compassion (Nehemiah 9:31), but power remains the core idea.

ELOHIM:"God the Creator, Mighty and Strong" (Genesis 17:7; Jeremiah 31:33) - form plural Eloah, who confirms the doctrine of the Trinity. From the first sentence of the Bible, the superior nature of God's power is evident when God (Elohim) calls the world into existence (Genesis 1:1).

AL SHADDI:“The Mighty God of Jacob” (Genesis 49:24; Psalm 131:2, 5) speaks of God’s absolute power over everything.

ADONAI:"Lord" (Genesis 15:2; Judges 6:15) - used instead of "YHWH", which the Jews considered too sacred to be spoken by sinful people. In the Old Testament, "YHWH" is more commonly used in God's dealings with His people, while "Adonai" is used when He dealt with the Gentiles.

YHWH / JEHOVAH:“Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4; Daniel 9:14) is strictly speaking the only real name for God. In some translations of the Bible, it is found as "LORD" (all capital letters) to distinguish it from "Adonai" - "Lord". The revelation of the name is first given to Moses: "I AM WHO I AM" (Exodus 3:14). This name defines immediacy, presence. "YHWH" is present, available and close to those who cry out to Him for deliverance (Psalm 106:13), forgiveness (Psalm 24:11) and guidance (Psalm 30:3).

YHWH-IRE:“The Lord will provide” (Genesis 22:14) is the name immortalized by Abraham when God gave a ram to replace Isaac.

YHWH-RAFA:"The Lord heals" (Exodus 15:26) - "I am the Lord - your healer!". He is the healer of body and soul. Bodies - preserving and healing from diseases; souls - forgiving iniquity.

YHWH-NISSI:"The Lord is our banner" (Exodus 17:15), where the banner is understood as a gathering place. This name commemorates the desert victory over Amalek in Exodus 17.

YHWH-M "KADDESH:“The Lord is the source of holiness” (Leviticus 20:8; Ezekiel 37:28) – God makes it clear that only He, and not the law, can purify His people and make them holy.

YHWH-SHALOM:“The Lord is our peace” (Judges 6:24) is the name given by Gideon to the altar he built after the Angel of the Lord assured him that he would not die as he thought when he saw Him.

YHWH-ELOHIM:“The Lord God” (Genesis 2:4; Psalms 59:5) is a combination of the unique name of God “Yahweh” and the general “Lord”, meaning that He is the Lord of lords.

TO YHWH-TSIDKEN:"The Lord is our justification" (Jeremiah 33:16) - as with "YHWH-M"KADDESH", only God provides righteousness to man in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who became sin for us, "to make us, in unity with Christ, the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21).

YHWH-ROHI:“The Lord is our shepherd” (Psalm 22:1) – after David has considered his relationship as a shepherd to his sheep, he realizes that this is the relationship God has with him and says, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I will not want anything” (Psalm 22:1, NT).

YHWH-SHAMMA:“The Lord is there” (Ezekiel 48:35) is a name that referred to Jerusalem and the temple, indicating that the once departed glory of the Lord (Ezekiel 8–11) has returned (Ezekiel 44:1–4).

YHWH-SABAOTH:“Lord of Hosts” (Isaiah 1:24; Psalm 47:7) – The word “hosts” means “hordes, crowds, hosts” of both angels and men. He is the Lord of the host of heaven and the inhabitants of the Earth, Jews and Gentiles, rich and poor, masters and slaves. This name expresses the greatness, power and authority of God and shows that He is able to do what He chooses to do.

EL-ELION:"The Most High" (Deuteronomy 26:19) - comes from the Hebrew root for "up" or "ascend" and therefore means that He is the highest. "El Elyon" means exaltation and speaks of His absolute right to rule.

EL-ROI:“The Seeing God” (Genesis 16:13) is the name attributed to God by Hagar, who was alone and desperate in the wilderness after Sarah drove her away (Genesis 16:1–14). When Hagar met the Angel of the Lord, she realized that she had seen God Himself. She also realized that "El Roi" saw her in distress and showed that He is a God who lives and sees everything.

EL-OLAM:“The Eternal God” (Psalms 89:1–3) – God's nature has no beginning and no end, is free from all limitations in time, and He is the cause of time itself. "From everlasting to everlasting You are God."

EL GIBHOR:“Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6) is the name used to describe the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in this prophetic portion of the book of Isaiah. As a strong and mighty warrior, the Messiah - the Mighty God - will destroy the enemies of God and will rule with an iron rod (Revelation 19:15).

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"I have revealed Your name to men, whom you have given me out of the world;

they were yours, and you gave them to me, and they kept your word"

(John 17:6).

Jesus Christ revealed the name of God to you!

The Old Testament gives a list of the magnificent names of God: God Almighty, God Almighty, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, God of the Jews, Jehovah, Adonai, Sabaoth, Intercessor, Redeemer, Fortress, Stronghold, Creator, First and Last, Healer, Ancient of Days, etc. .d. Each of these names in its own way revealed the richness of the Divine character. Undoubtedly, the disciples of Christ knew all these names of God. What did Jesus add to these names?

To these wonderful names added: Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the fullest and most glorious Name of Jehovah, which He has not yet revealed to people.

Those who do not confess the new name of God revealed by Christ cannot properly worship and honor Him. Jesus said “For the Father does not judge anyone, but has given all judgment to the Son, so that all may honor the Son as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him." (John 5:22-23). All religions that deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, despite all their claims of sincerity and reverence, actually dishonor Him. The main difference between the children of God and the children of this world is that the former believe in God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the latter simply in God. For the first it is a joy to confess the name of God the Son, for the second it is the real madness. “God cannot have any Son!” they categorically declare.

Once I was stopped for a conversation by two Jehovah's Witnesses. We started talking.

Who is Jesus to you? I asked the missionaries.

"Archangel Michael!" - without hesitation, the witness blurted out.

Are angels born of God, just like Jesus? They are created, and if so, then they have a created nature.

The witnesses thought. I continued:

- Do you have children?

- Certainly!

- They have human nature or …?

- Human, because they are born from us humans!

- How did God's son have an angelic nature when He was born of God?

“Yes, of course, He must have a divine nature,” said the male witness.

- What should you do then with the Jehovah's Witnesses, who deny this fact? I said to the bewildered witness.

The New Name of God laid a firm foundation for a confident, filial relationship with God. As children -

  • we rejoice in our good Father: “so that with one accord, with one mouth, you may glorify God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom.15:6).
  • we count on all the blessings of heaven: "Blessed be God and who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in heaven" (Eph. 1:3).
  • we expect the Father's comfort in sorrows. "Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercy and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we too may comfort those in all affliction with the comfort with which God comforts ourselves!” (2 Cor. 1:3-4).
  • we remind each other "We thank God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ always praying for you" (Col. 1:3).
  • We patiently await answers to prayers:

« He who did not spare His Son, but gave Him up for us all, how with Him He will not give us everything.” (Rom.8:32) .

Do you know on what basis a person has the right to call God his Father? To legitimately call God the Father, one must be born of Him! Only my children easily call me dad, the rest by my first or last name. If someone outsider called me dad, I would definitely correct him: “Sorry, you made a mistake!” Are you born of God? Are you sure that He became your Father?

In his excellent book The Lord's Prayer, Dr. Thomas Watson discusses the qualities of God's children.

1) ... We are the children of God if we have a son's disposition, which is manifested in four things. First, if we shed tears because of sin in the same way that a child cries for hurting his father... Secondly, a son's heart is full of compassion. We take to heart everything that dishonors and reflects on our Heavenly Father. When we see that His glory suffers, that His worship is falsified, and that the poison of error is mixed into His truth, then it affects us like a sword on the bones. Third, the heart of a child of God loves his Heavenly Father. God, who is crowned with perfections, is a worthy object of admiration, and every true child of God says like Peter: “Lord! You know I love you!"

2) We can be sure that God is our Father if we are like Him. Just as a seal leaves an imprint and likeness on wax, so the child of God bears the imprint of the Father's holiness on himself.

3) We can know that God is our Father if we have His spirit of prayer in us. “But since you are sons, God has sent into your hearts the Spirit of His Son, crying out: “Abba, Father!” (Gal. 4:6) No child of God is born dumb.

4) If God is our father, but we are possessed by a peaceful spirit. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matt. 5:9). Grace reproduces a pleasant, friendly character, it turns the lion-like fury into the tenderness of a lamb. What can we say about those who produce divisions? Is the Lord their Father? The first division in heaven was made by the devil, so they can call him their father. On their shield they can plant a cloven hoof, for them the most pleasant music is dissonance, they unite to divide.

If you are a child of God, if you know God as your Father, then the work of Christ has been accomplished in you! Thank Him continually for this gift and conduct yourself with dignity, like the crown princes of the King of kings, and not like worldly people whose father is the devil!

Viktor Semenovich Ryaguzov Samara

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20 Comment. to the article “The Name of God”

  1. Leonid says:
    April 29th, 2018 at 11:20 am

    Greetings, Viktor Semenovich, I read your articles and publications, I am very glad that there is such a site where you can learn a lot of useful things.
    After reading your article “Jesus Christ Revealed to You the Name of God!” I saw this expression "The first division in heaven was made by the devil, so they can call him their father." it's most likely a typo. If possible, please fix it. With respect to you.

  2. Ryaguzov VS says:
    February 4th, 2015 at 10:28 pm

    Dear Alexander! You misunderstood some things. Jesus did not rebuke the God of the Jews because the God of the Jews was his God and father. And Christ nevertheless helped that pagan woman by healing her daughter. And at the first stage, denying her the good, He tested her faith and was delighted with this faith: the woman in "no" Christ heard "yes". And the apostles first went to preach the gospel to the Jews, and when they became hardened and began to persecute the apostles, the apostles began to preach to the Gentiles. Such is the gospel story!

  3. Alexander says:
    January 19th, 2015 at 02:27 pm

    Old Testament with the Jews. New Covenant with Christians. Jesus openly denounced the God of the Jews. I still don't like the scene in the Gospel when Jesus refuses to help the woman just because she is not a Jew and he came to "treat" only "the chosen people". God-Father of Jesus God of Light. Why didn't the apostles fulfill the will of Jesus to "cure" the Jews? They violated the prohibition of Jesus and went to preach to other nations. Afraid of the fate of Jesus? Convinced of the fortress of the faith of the Jews? The next "30 pieces of silver"?

  4. Ryaguzov VS says:
    October 9th, 2014 at 02:08 pm

    Dear Andrey! Here is a reference to Jehovah's Witnesses. read it if you don't mind. I hope you will understand that I did not distort their views by conveying our dialogue.

    Question: Who are Jehovah's Witnesses and what do they believe?

    Answer: The sect known today as Jehovah's Witnesses originated in Pennsylvania in 1870 as a Bible study group founded by Charles Russell. Russell also began writing a series of books called Studies in the Scriptures, which ran to six volumes until his death. These books include virtually all of the theology of Jehovah's Witnesses. After Russell's death, his friend and successor, Joseph Rutherford, wrote the seventh and final book in the series, The Finished Mystery, in 1917. The Watchtower Society was founded in 1886 to ensure the rapid dissemination of the movement's teachings. This group was called the "Russellites" until, due to an internal division in 1931, it was renamed the Jehovah's Witnesses. The group from which they split off began calling themselves the Bible Students.

    What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? A detailed examination of their doctrines in relation to such issues as the divinity of Christ, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, salvation, redemption, etc., shows that they do not adhere to orthodox Christian positions on these issues. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is the archangel Michael, the highest being ever created. Such a statement is inherently contrary to the Bible, since it clearly states that Jesus is Lord (John 1:1, 14; 8:58; 10:30). Jehovah's Witnesses also believe that salvation is achieved through a combination of faith, good works, and submission. But this statement also contradicts the Bible, which repeatedly repeats that salvation is achieved only through faith (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). They reject the idea of ​​the Trinity, saying that Jesus is a special creation, and they consider the Holy Spirit to be simply the power of the Lord. Jehovah's Witnesses refute the concept of Christ atoning for all the sins of believers by His death - instead, they adhere to the theory that the death of Jesus is the payment only for the original Adamic sin.

    How do Jehovah's Witnesses justify and prove these unbiblical doctrines? Firstly, they claim that the Church has distorted the Bible for many centuries, and secondly, they have translated the Bible in a new way, and call it the New World Translation. The Watchtower Society changed the text of the Bible to fit their false teaching, instead of doing the opposite. The New World Translation has been reprinted many times as Jehovah's Witnesses find more and more Bible verses that contradict their doctrines.

    Jehovah's Witnesses can easily be called a cult that only superficially relies on the Bible. The Watchtower is based on the original and expanded teachings of Russell, Rutherford and their followers. The governing body of the Watchtower is the sole body of this cult, proclaiming its exclusive competence to interpret the Bible. In other words, everything the Watchtower says about Bible verses is considered undeniable, and independent opinion is strongly discouraged. This directly contradicts Paul's admonition to Timothy (and to us as well) to strive "to present oneself to God worthy, a workman without reproach, rightly distributing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). These words are a clear instruction from God to each of His children. He wants us all to study the Bible daily so that we do not contradict His Word.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are to be commended for their "evangelistic efforts." There is probably no other religious group like Jehovah's Witnesses that is as diligent in getting their message across. Unfortunately, this message is full of distortions, fabrications and deceit. It is only in God's power to open their eyes to the truth of the gospel and the true teaching of God's Word.

  5. Zhora says:
    October 9th, 2014 at 11:09 am

    For Andrey: From the first word it becomes obvious at what level the competence of the author of the comment is if he writes “I don’t know”.

  6. Andrey says:
    October 9th, 2014 at 10:45 am
  7. Anna says:
    December 6th, 2013 at 06:14 pm

    What about the written words in Exodus 15:3?

  8. pavel says:
    August 29th, 2013 at 01:43

    you call the prophet Jesus the Lord God, is this a sign of two gods and polytheism?

  9. Christina says:
    July 30th, 2013 at 03:24 pm

    Why is the supposed name of God Jehovah printed in all editions of the Bible?

  10. Peter says:
    July 29th, 2013 at 00:52

    Read the Bible carefully:
    Isaiah 9:6
    For a child is born to us - a Son is given to us; dominion on his shoulders, and his name will be called: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

    It clearly states that the Son Jesus is the Mighty God, the Father of Eternity.

    Exodus 6:3
    I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the name “God Almighty”, but with My name “Lord” I did not reveal myself to them;

    From this text, in my opinion, a first grader understands that God has at least 2 names

    Isaiah 47:4
    Our Redeemer is the Lord of Hosts, His name is the Holy One of Israel.

    Here's another ... And this list can be continued for a long time ...

    so you are deceived not knowing the Scriptures.

Asks Vladimir
Answered by Vasily Yunak, 02/03/2013

Vladimir asks:“Everyone has a name. But I wonder what is the name of our God, and why is the name of God not written in the Bible?

Greetings, Brother Vladimir!

God has a name, and not even one, but many names and titles. Holy Bible gives us an example of the use of the names and titles of God. Just like in everyday life we ​​can call the same person different names and titles according to the circumstances, just as it is in our relationship to God. Let me illustrate this:

Suppose we know a person named Ivan Petrovich Sidorov, who has a degree of Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, has military rank colonel, is the author of a number of published works, works as a department head in some institution, and has his own family and a whole set of relatives. So they turn to him different people under different circumstances as follows:

Wife and friends - Vanya
Friends and colleagues - Petrovich
Bosses and acquaintances - Sidorov
Visitors and subordinates - Ivan Petrovich
In different situations:
- Doctor Sidorov
- Colonel Sidorov
- Mister Colonel
- Comrade chief
- Author Ivan Sidorov
Children - dad
Grandchildren - grandfather Ivan
Nephews - Uncle Vanya

This list goes on. But all these appeals are quite acceptable in their situations, and it would not always be good to address him “Ivan Petrovich Sidorov” in any place and for any reason, but sometimes it is appropriate to speak simply and in monosyllables: doctor, colonel, Sidorov, author, grandfather, father, husband and so on.

Now let's go back to the Lord. The Bible presents, according to some, about three hundred names and titles of God, which we can use. These names and titles are in some cases translated into Russian, and in some cases they are left as they sound (sometimes approximately) in the original ancient Hebrew and Greek languages ​​in which the Bible was written. I cannot give all the names and titles of God, but I will name a few:

Lord God = Adonai Elohim
Jehovah = Jehovah
Sabaoth = God of armies
Father = Abba
... and many others.

There are some people who would like to choose individual names and titles and dictate to all Christians how they should be used. Yes, we are used to the fact that there are certain rules of etiquette for different situations. For example, it would not be quite decent for the son of a teacher in the classroom to address her as "mother" and not "Maria Ivanovna" during the lesson. But who can force him to call his mother by her first name and patronymic at recess, for example?

You have Holy Scripture. It contains texts that directly say: “Our Redeemer is the Lord of Hosts, His name is the Holy One of Israel” (), and there are texts that warn us: “Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him without punishment who takes His name in vain" (). You can call God the way Jesus Christ taught: "Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven" (). Your personal relationship with the Lord should be your own - after all, you are His son! In one situation, you, along with everyone, list the most exalted titles of Your Father, calling Him full name, and in another case, you can call Him affectionately childishly - God. And no one has the right to condemn you or dictate to you.

God bless you!

Vasily Yunak

Read more on the topic "Miscellaneous":

Names of God

I. Quite often the Bible speaks of the Most High simply as God, without mentioning His other names. In Heb. In the Bible, the concept of "God" is denoted by three words - el, eloah, elohim, in Greek - in a word theos. Three are given. heb. words have a common root, the meaning of which cannot be unambiguously determined; perhaps they come from a root "ow- "to be ahead", "to be strong". Unit form - ale- is used mainly with clarifying definitions (God is the most high in; almighty in). Means. more than ale, in the Bible there is f-ma pl. - elohim(approx. 2500 times), which may have a trace. meanings: deity as general concept; some god; God (One Existing); gods in general; certain gods. Word eloah(eg, ; ; and approx. 40 times in Job) may be an ancient f-my address, used only in exaltation. speech. So the word "God" in Heb. language can be both singular and plural; it is used not only in relation to the God of Israel (etc.). Plural form elohim, used in the singular, becomes a way of expressing respect (cf .: We, the Tsar of All Russia; Your Majesty). In relation to the God of Israel, this word denotes the Creator, whose deeds are hidden. Greek word theos can denote a single existing God, a certain god, or express a general concept.

II. To avoid confusion, the OT often adds a clarifying definition to the word God. Thus, to denote God, expressions are used that are not names in the proper sense of the word, but establish a special connection between a) God and k.-l. face, b) God and the special place of revelation, and c) God and His chosen ones. people:

1) pointing to former revelations (: "God of Abraham thy father"; : "God, appeared to you at Bethel"; : "The God of thy father"; : "The God of Abraham, Isaac and the God of Jacob"), God makes Himself known as the God who has already acted in the past and fulfilled the promises. He, however, draws to Himself His present interlocutor, demanding faith from him;

2) to distinguish it from other gods, it is called the "God of the Jews" (; ; ) or the "God of Israel" (; ; and so on.). These expressions do not in any way speak of the real existence of other gods, they rather indicate exclusion. the relationship between Israel and God, who wished to reveal Himself to precisely this people. There is a double bond: God by His revelation connected Himself with the people of Israel, and the people of Israel through God's revelation and by his election is connected with God;

3) in some cases, in the same meaning as the “God of Israel”, the expression “God of Jacob” (; ; ; ; ; etc.) is used, indicating the history of God’s relationship with His people (i.e. “ours since the time of Jacob ").

III 1) along with these designations, and often due to them, in the OT it also has a proper name - Yahweh, which was depicted in writing by consonants letters Y-X-V-X. For fear of violating the third commandment, it was read as if it were the word adonai- "Lord." In accordance with this, the Septuagint, and with it most translations of the Bible, such a reading "Lord" [Greek. curios] also transfers to writing, so, for example, to the Synod. per. instead of "Yahweh" there is the word "Lord". When later Heb. the alphabet was supplemented with vowel signs (⇒ Masoretic text) and consonant Y-X-V-X vowels from the word were added adonai(moreover, according to the rules of the Hebrew language, the first a started to sound like uh), then instead of "Yahweh" (only as a result of the incompetence of medieval translators), the reading and writing of "Y-e-X-o-V-a-X", or "Jehovah" arose. Such an incorrect transmission of the Divine name is still found in some churches. chants and in obsolete translations. As a result of the fact that the name Yahweh was hidden under the conditional name "Lord", in cases where in Heb. the text is “Lord Yahweh”, translators, in order to avoid duplication - “Lord Lord” - have to resort to various techniques (see: “Lord Lord”;: “Lord God”, etc.). For the same reason, the Synod. per. the word "Lord" in Ex. 6 named after. In Ex. 3 in the original text is: "Yahweh (... sent me to you)". This sheds light on where it says: "I am who I am." Heb word meaning "to exist" is consonant with the name "Yahweh"; in this case, it must explain to Moses what this name means: “Remaining equal to Himself” or: “Which is and was and is to come” (). M. Buber understood the revelation of the name of Yahweh in the first place as evidence that the Lord does not need to be called upon, that He, His power and His help are always with us; so he translated this name as "I am here";

2) in the NT the name Yahweh is no longer found. Instead, we find what has become familiar to the Greek. language, thanks to the Septuagint, the word curios, "Lord" (with the article - about curios: ; ; ; ; and etc.; without an article, i.e. used almost like a proper name: ; ; ; ; and etc.). In other places, the NT speaks only of God [Gk. theos], often with the addition: "Father of Jesus Christ" (; etc.). Jesus speaks simply of ⇒ the Father [aram. Abba; Greek pater]; (⇒ God, III, B; see; et al.). Early Christ. uses such an appeal to God in his prayers (; ). Through Jesus Christ, God becomes the Father;

3) the essence of God's name shows that by giving us His name, He not only presents Himself, but also gives revelation. This revelation of God in His name was transcended in the NT by the revelation of God in His Son.

IV. Along with the proper name of God, there are other His designations, similar to the names:

1) considering the unlimited dominion of God, He is called the Most High (; ; ;