What is the name of God, his exact name. What are the different names of God and what do they mean

  • 29.09.2019

What is God's name?

    There is only one God and this is Jehovah the father of Jesus Christ)) read the bible and find out everything)))

    " I am Jehovah. This is my name, and I will not give my glory to anyone else and my praise to carvings." Bible Isaiah 42:8

    The God of the Jews is called Yahweh or Jehovah. I do not understand why everyone should consider the Jewish God as their heavenly father, the creator of all things.

    Each nation had its own gods with their own names. The Egyptians have Osiris, Isis, Horus, Bastet. The Greeks - Zeus, Hera, Dionysus, Apollo. The Vikings and Germans have Odin, Thor, Loki, Freya. The Slavs have Perun, Veles, Svarog, Lada.

    The name of God must have a deep meaning, not just a bunch of letters. The name should show some quality of God, in Russian it is most often an adjective. I, personally, counted 56 names in the Bible, but, for sure, I missed a part. Here are some of them: Creator, Living, Existing, Master, Almighty, Almighty, Holy, Eloh (God in Hebrew), Jealous, Almighty, Waking, but the most important name is the Father, for it shows the attitude of God towards people, shows that God has paternal feelings for him.

    God has no name. God is what God is. God is all that is. And all of us and all that exists is God.

    God is a spirit, He is multidimensional and omnipresent, but He also has a personal side (dimension, manifestation, hypostasis), to which a person turns to interact with the Almighty. Christ, the material and personal manifestation of God, is He.

    First of all, first decide for yourself how to understand what G-d is. In simple terms, this is the Creator of everything that surrounds us. Once, at one of the lectures, my spiritual mentor spoke out holding a pencil in his hand In this pencil there is nothing but the Creator of the universe.

    According to Jewish tradition, the name of the Creator is practically not pronounced. It consists of four letters and in the tradition of most nations this name is translated as Yahweh. A number of other pronounced names of the Creator are mentioned in the Torah, they are used only to designate certain qualities.

    The question of God is a very fine line and it is important not to cross it. Everyone in the heart has faith in him and his own idea. It is customary to address God through his Son Jesus Christ or his Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos.

    The answer can only be found in the Bible. The name of the Father of Jesus is Jehovah. And in prayer to give thanks for the sacrifice of Christ, you only need Jehovah. Hosea 12:5 is a book from the Bible.

  • Reply to nv13volk

    Among Bible scholars there is no consensus on what is considered an epithet of God and what is not. The following is a far from exhaustive list of what various biblical scholars consider to be names for Jehovah. It is important to note that many theologians consider these epithets to be nothing more than the names of God. Is this really so - judge for yourself:

    Father(s), Deuteronomy 32:6;

    Teacher (yara), Job 36:22, Isaiah 30:20;

    Shepherd (raa), Psalm 79:2;

    Creator (boreh), Isaiah 40:28;

    Eternal (kayem), Daniel 6:26;

    the All-Knowing (el decot), 1 Samuel 2:3;

    Good (Good) (tov), ​​Psalm 24:8;

    God of truth (el-met), Psalm 30:6;

    Savior (moshiah), Isaiah 45:15;

    Hosts (Warrior) (zebaoth), 1 Samuel 1:3

    As you have probably already noticed, the above titles or the appeal to God can hardly be considered personal names of the Creator. There can be only one personal name that uniquely identifies someone, otherwise its meaning as a personal name is simply lost. Moreover, how can such concepts as father, savior, warrior and the like, which never play the role of personal names even in relation to people, can become such in relation to the main Person in the Universe? On what basis is such an assumption made?

    You quoted a verse from the Synodal translation, compare it with the New World translation.

    The name of Jehovah was excluded from the Synodal translation.

    Whatever the motives of the Russian Orthodox Church, ignoring the name of Jehovah in his translation, this does not free her from the burden of what she has done. All those who made that unfortunate decision should remember the words of the prophet Malachi: So you, priests, this exhortation. If you do not listen, and do not pay attention to it, that you may give glory to my name, says the Jehovah of armies; then I will put a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings; I will curse this also, because you do not pay attention (Malachi 2:1,2 PAM)

  • God's name is Jesus. The New Testament specifically says that the name of the whole trinity is Jesus, which means Jehovah who saves.

    Judging by the fact that God is one, and there are many nationalities with languages ​​​​and dialects, it can be assumed that he is not named in any way ...

    Even to prove that God is not called in any way, I can give one more argument:

    Man appeared many millions of years ago, then he still did not have speech and coherent sounds, and since man was created In the image and likeness ... quot ;, it means that his vocal cords can only utter incoherent sounds, and so he couldn't say his name...

    So my answer is:

    God has no name and no one calls him!

    To God, in order for him to hear you, you must turn mentally, and not by fictitious names. Whoever can comprehend this art of communication will contact God and will not only be heard by him, but also accepted.

    What does God look like?

    The name of God is the Tetragrammaton, that is, the Inexpressible. It is not given to a mortal to know the name of God, but this name is encoded in the Torah. In order to find the name of God, you need to rearrange and combine letters in the Old Testament, for this it may not be enough for a few lives, but this is the knowledge of wisdom. The eternal search, the main ideology of the Cabalistic teachings, whoever seeks will find.

    I think the true name of God will not be pronounceable for you and me even if they write to us on paper because of its length and complexity. But this is not what is important, what is important is that whoever can approach the Creator in his deeds and thoughts is the closest, he has the most chances to know the true name. And we are now at our level spiritual development(or degradation) to move in the mainstream of development is much more priority than trying to guess the name of the Father. It makes sense to find even a subtle and invisible connection with him than to try to get something from knowing the name. Spiritual work is the most difficult and theoretical knowledge of the Bible does not automatically make us believers, so the main thing here is in the soul, and not in the tongue.

    God is an abstraction, and an abstraction cannot have a name, since it cannot and does not need to be identified. The name is needed in order to distinguish one from the other. The natural elements have no name, the cosmos has no name. God is an abstraction in the virtual world of a person, so all attempts to give a name to God come down to associations of different people with something familiar to them. Since the associations are different for everyone, there is no point in these attempts.

    In fact, this is sacred knowledge. It is believed that no one can know the true name of God.

    I propose to consider from this side. If we take it as an axiom that the Lord is the father

    ours and we are members of his family, then we will try to transfer this sending to earthly conditions.

    Here is a family of dad, mom, child. Dad walks the child in the yard, son in the sand

    nice, dad is away with friends. The son wants to call his father. Two options. The first is he

    his name is dad, and everyone understands who he called. The second is his name is dad Vasya and many

    people like to think if dad Vasya, then there are other dads. Do these thoughts of theirs remind you of anything? And, by the way, Papa Vasya is somehow uncomfortable.

    the question is - what is your name? - the answer was given. - What is in your name Mom? Jesus, having come to earth,

    in the name of the Lord, canceled the sacrifice, replacing it with a prayer that begins - Our Father ...

    Where do you see the name?

    God is triune - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. In no other religion of the world did God resurrect, except for the Christian one.

    Now God is called differently: God, the Universe, the Creator, the Almighty, etc. It doesn't matter what you call him, the main thing is that he is in your heart. The Bible gives many names for God, some translated into our language, some left in Greek and Hebrew. In the Old Testament of the Bible it is written: Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain.

    YHWH - He is the One as He reveals himself .... You can argue endlessly and not find a consensus, because communication, like faith in God, begins with the desire that He produces in a person ... The most correct in my opinion is to start with oneself .... if a person is visited by questions about the Creator, then it is logical to ask the question to the Creator himself: Who are you? and He will answer as it is written: Seek and find ...

    The Bible says that God is One, but the Bible says that in different eras God had a new name, in the era of the father the name is Jehovah, in the era of the son Jesus Christ, in the era of the holy spirit there will be a new name for God. The Bible is interpreted in different religions in different ways, and the true word of God is hidden from people, I think this is a mystery that no religion can unravel.

    In any case, God is the creator of all things. And each person has the right to turn to him according to his need and discretion. God is the only truth, knowing which people begin to work real miracles that defy any scientific explanation and common sense. Take, for example, the imperishable monk Khambo Lama Itigelov. During his lifetime, he possessed truly phenomenal abilities inherent perhaps only to Jesus Christ. This man, according to legend, left our world more than 75 years ago, will still remain incorruptible. His body is currently in Ivolginsky Datsan in Buryatia. According to the scientists who conducted the study of the body, it corresponds to the body of a living person, without any signs of decomposition. Here we are most likely dealing with human suspended animation. In other words, a state close to the state of deep sleep. This the state was created by this person at will until a certain time, after which awakening will come. And then, according to the prophet, people will see real miracles and acquire true faith in God, which by that time will practically disappear.

    Jehovah is a corruption of the name of God. AT Higher Worlds all have cosmic names. If you, for example, rest or sleep, then they never sleep on top, and they do not rest, and they work. Therefore, God gave the third Commandment:

    3. Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain.

    It is better to say Heavenly Father or Father.

    Good question. Which god? There are more than 2000 of them. Well, the first ones that came to mind: Yahweh, Zeus, Yarilo, God forbid Neptune, Cthulhu and others ...

    God has many names: Love, Existing, Creator, Yahweh, Sabaoth, Almighty, High and Exalted, Living Eternally, Holy, Am, Alpha and Omega, First and Last. The personality of God is so many-sided that He has many names, respectively, but they all reflect His essence. And we must not forget that Jesus is God, He is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace.

What are the various names of God and what do they mean?

Answer: Each of the many names of God describes a different aspect of His multifaceted nature. Most famous names God in the Bible are as follows:

EL, ELOAH:“God the Mighty” (Genesis 7:1; Isaiah 9:6) – etymologically, the word “El” seems to mean “power, ability”, as, for example: “There is power in my hand to do you harm” (Genesis 31 :29, Synodal translation). "El" is associated with other qualities such as integrity (Numbers 23:19), jealousy (Deuteronomy 5:9), and compassion (Nehemiah 9:31), but power remains the core idea.

ELOHIM:"God the Creator, Mighty and Strong" (Genesis 17:7; Jeremiah 31:33) - form plural Eloah, who confirms the doctrine of the Trinity. From the first sentence of the Bible, the superior nature of God's power is evident when God (Elohim) calls the world into existence (Genesis 1:1).

AL SHADDI:“The Mighty God of Jacob” (Genesis 49:24; Psalm 131:2, 5) speaks of God’s absolute power over everything.

ADONAI:"Lord" (Genesis 15:2; Judges 6:15) - used instead of "YHWH", which the Jews considered too sacred to be spoken by sinful people. In the Old Testament, "YHWH" is more commonly used in God's dealings with His people, while "Adonai" is used when He dealt with the Gentiles.

YHWH / JEHOVAH:“Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4; Daniel 9:14) is strictly speaking the only real name for God. In some translations of the Bible, it is found as "LORD" (all capital letters) to distinguish it from "Adonai" - "Lord". The revelation of the name is first given to Moses: "I AM WHO I AM" (Exodus 3:14). This name defines immediacy, presence. "YHWH" is present, available and close to those who cry out to Him for deliverance (Psalms 107:13), forgiveness (Psalms 25:11), and guidance (Psalms 30:3).

YHWH-IRE:“The Lord will provide” (Genesis 22:14) is the name immortalized by Abraham when God gave a ram to replace Isaac.

YHWH-RAFA:"The Lord heals" (Exodus 15:26) - "I am the Lord - your healer!". He is the healer of body and soul. Bodies - preserving and healing from diseases; souls - forgiving iniquity.

YHWH-NISSI:"The Lord is our banner" (Exodus 17:15), where the banner is understood as a gathering place. This name commemorates the desert victory over Amalek in Exodus 17.

YHWH-M "KADDESH:“The Lord is the source of holiness” (Leviticus 20:8; Ezekiel 37:28) – God makes it clear that only He, and not the law, can purify His people and make them holy.

YHWH-SHALOM:“The Lord is our peace” (Judges 6:24) is the name given by Gideon to the altar he built after the Angel of the Lord assured him that he would not die as he thought when he saw Him.

YHWH-ELOHIM:“The Lord God” (Genesis 2:4; Psalms 59:5) is a combination of the unique name of God “Yahweh” and the general “Lord”, meaning that He is the Lord of lords.

TO YHWH-TSIDKEN:"The Lord is our justification" (Jeremiah 33:16) - as with "YHWH-M"KADDESH", only God provides righteousness to man in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who became sin for us, "to make us, in unity with Christ, the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21).

YHWH-ROHI:“The Lord is our shepherd” (Psalms 22:1) – after David considered his relationship as a shepherd to his sheep, he realized that this was the relationship God had with him and said, “The Lord is my shepherd; I will not want anything” (Psalm 22:1, NT).

YHWH-SHAMMA:“The Lord is there” (Ezekiel 48:35) is a name that referred to Jerusalem and the temple, indicating that the glory of the Lord that had departed (Ezekiel 8–11) had returned (Ezekiel 44:1–4).

YHWH-SABAOTH:“Lord of Hosts” (Isaiah 1:24; Psalms 47:7) – The word “hosts” means “hordes, crowds, hosts” of both angels and men. He is the Lord of the host of heaven and the inhabitants of the Earth, Jews and Gentiles, rich and poor, masters and slaves. This name expresses the greatness, power and authority of God and shows that He is able to do what He chooses to do.

EL-ELION:"The Most High" (Deuteronomy 26:19) - comes from the Hebrew root for "up" or "ascend" and therefore means that He is the highest. "El Elyon" means exaltation and speaks of His absolute right to rule.

EL-ROI:“The Seeing God” (Genesis 16:13) is the name attributed to God by Hagar, who was alone and desperate in the wilderness after Sarah drove her away (Genesis 16:1–14). When Hagar met the Angel of the Lord, she realized that she had seen God Himself. She also realized that "El-Roi" saw her in distress and showed that He is a God who lives and sees everything.

EL-OLAM:“The Eternal God” (Psalms 89:1–3) – God's nature has no beginning and no end, is free from all limitations in time, and He is the cause of time itself. "From everlasting to everlasting You are God."

EL GIBHOR:“Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6) is the name used to describe the Messiah, Jesus Christ, in this prophetic portion of the book of Isaiah. As a strong and mighty warrior, the Messiah - the Mighty God - will destroy the enemies of God and will rule with an iron rod (Revelation 19:15).

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Asks Vladimir
Answered by Vasily Yunak, 02/03/2013

Vladimir asks:“Everyone has a name. But I wonder what is the name of our God, and why is the name of God not written in the Bible?

Greetings, Brother Vladimir!

God has a name, and not even one, but many names and titles. Holy Bible gives us an example of the use of the names and titles of God. Just like in everyday life we ​​can call the same person different names and titles according to the circumstances, just as it is in our relationship to God. Let me illustrate this:

Suppose we know a person named Ivan Petrovich Sidorov, who has the degree of Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, has military rank colonel, is the author of a number of published works, works as a department head in some institution, and has his own family and a whole set of relatives. So they turn to him different people under different circumstances as follows:

Wife and friends - Vanya
Friends and colleagues - Petrovich
Bosses and acquaintances - Sidorov
Visitors and subordinates - Ivan Petrovich
In different situations:
- Doctor Sidorov
- Colonel Sidorov
- Mister Colonel
- Comrade chief
- Author Ivan Sidorov
Children - dad
Grandchildren - grandfather Ivan
Nephews - Uncle Vanya

This list goes on. But all these appeals are quite acceptable in their situations, and it would not always be good to address him “Ivan Petrovich Sidorov” in any place and for any reason, but sometimes it is appropriate to speak simply and in monosyllables: doctor, colonel, Sidorov, author, grandfather, father, husband and so on.

Now let's go back to the Lord. The Bible presents, according to some, about three hundred names and titles of God, which we can use. These names and titles are in some cases translated into Russian, and in some cases they are left as they sound (sometimes approximately) in the original ancient Hebrew and Greek languages ​​in which the Bible was written. I cannot give all the names and titles of God, but I will name a few:

Lord God = Adonai Elohim
Jehovah = Jehovah
Sabaoth = God of armies
Father = Abba
... and many others.

There are some people who would like to choose individual names and titles and dictate to all Christians how they should be used. Yes, we are used to the fact that there are certain rules of etiquette for different situations. For example, it would not be quite decent for the son of a teacher in the classroom to address her as "mother" and not "Maria Ivanovna" during the lesson. But who can force him to call his mother by her first name and patronymic at recess, for example?

You have Holy Scripture. It contains texts that directly say: “Our Redeemer is the Lord of Hosts, His name is the Holy One of Israel” (), and there are texts that warn us: “Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him without punishment who takes His name in vain" (). You can call God the way Jesus Christ taught: "Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven" (). Your personal relationship with the Lord should be your own - after all, you are His son! In one situation, you, along with everyone, list the most exalted titles of Your Father, calling Him full name, and in another case, you can call Him affectionately childishly - God. And no one has the right to condemn you or dictate to you.

God bless you!

Vasily Yunak

Read more on the topic "Miscellaneous":

Please tell me, director Ivanov - is "director" a name or position? And Mr. Ivanov - "Mr." is a title or a name? So how do you say God and Lord is the name? God has a name, and you cite the tetragrammaton YHWH, which occurs over 7,000 times in the Bible. Throughout the world, his reading is reported as Jehovah or Yahweh, so why don't you finish this in your answer and don't quote Exodus 3:15? Let's honestly insert this Tetragrammaton in all the places in the Bible where it appears in the original texts. I do not hope for your answer, but I am glad that there are still people who read the Bible and meditate. Goodbye.

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, a resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

The question of the names of God is resolved in ancient and late patristics, as well as in biblical science. Both representatives of patristic theology and scholars in the field of biblical science are unanimous in their opinion that the Holy Scripture reveals to us several Divine names. This is disputed only by representatives of some sects, in particular, "Jehovah's Witnesses". They claim that there is only one hidden name (Jehovah) that they revere. Everything else, they say, titles. This statement is completely contrary to the sacred texts.

Holy writers use the word shem(name). It applies not only to God, but also to people. It is present in the book of Exodus (3:13-15). Prophet Moses asks: And they will say to me: What is His name? God said to Moses: I am the One. The Hebrew text contains a four-letter word: yod, r(x)e, vav, r(x)e (YHWH). This word was called tetragrammaton (tetra - four; gramma - letter). The Jews have not pronounced this name for some time. One of the Jewish traditions dates the beginning of this prohibition to the time of the high priest Simon the Righteous (3rd century BC), after whose death the priests stopped using the tetragram even in worship. Therefore, another name was placed next to the tetragram, also consisting of four letters: Aleph, Dalet, Nun, Yod. It was pronounced instead of a tetragram - Adonai. Unlike royal title adoni(master, lord) Adonai(my Lord) in the Bible refers only to God. In a number of places this name as an address is already found in ancient texts: Gen.15:2,8; Exod. 4:10,13; Tue 9:26; Joshua 7:7 etc. The Hebrew alphabet consists of only 22 consonants. Around the 6th century A.D. a system of vocalizations (nekudot), masoretes (Heb. mazar- legend), i.e. keepers of the legend, deliberately transferred vowel sounds from the name Adonai to a tetragram. Medieval European scholars did not notice this convention and mistook the spelling of these vowels for their own tetragram vowels. Therefore, for several centuries, the tetragram was pronounced incorrectly - Jehovah. However, already in the 16th - 17th centuries, a number of prominent Hebraic scholars (Buxtrophy, Drusius, Capell, Althingius) objected to such a reading. Since the exact pronunciation was not offered in return, it continued to be the same - Jehovah. In the first half of the 19th century, the German scholar Ewald proposed another reading - Jahvah (Yahvah). This proposal was not accepted immediately, but only after the support of such prominent researchers as Genstenberg and Reinke. The reading proposed by Ewald is not the discovery of the true name. It was obtained by the philological method. Therefore, two options are possible: Jahvah and Jahveh. Our outstanding researcher, Archbishop Feofan (Bystrov), based on historical data, considered the most plausible pronunciation Jahveh (Yahveh).

Despite the exact data of biblical science, representatives of the sect "Jehovah's Witnesses" built their "dogmatics" on the basis of an erroneous reading of the tetragram. The author of the letter does not talk about his religious affiliation, but his pathos is not accidental. “All over the world, his reading is transmitted as Jehovah or Yahweh…”. First of all, we must ask: what is the name? Jehovah or Yahweh? After all, they are completely different. Secondly, is the “reading given as Jehovah” all over the world, or among members of a sect? I will cite the opinion of not an Orthodox theologian, but a modern Hebraist professor at Harvard University, Thomas O. Lambdin, about the name contained in the tetragram: “Initially, it was most likely pronounced as Yahwe. Then, out of pious motives, they stopped saying it, replacing it with Adonay (Lord) when reading aloud. This custom, which arose already several centuries BC. and reflected the Masoretes in their punctuation, transferring the vocalization of the word Adonay to the letters standing in the biblical text [the author has a tetragram in the text in Hebrew script - yod, g(x)e, vav, g(x)e]. Thus was born a "hybrid" spelling that did not reflect any real pronunciation. Later, the conditional Masoretic spelling was read literally by European scholars - hence the incorrect form “Jehovah” that does not correspond to either ancient or later traditional reading ”(Thomas O. Lambdin. Textbook of the Hebrew language, translated from English, M., 1998, p. 117). Regarding pronunciation Yahweh the learned Hebraist writes only presumably: "pronounced more likely like Yahwe." In contemporary Western theological literature Yahweh occurs very often, but is it possible to prayerfully invoke a name if it is not revealed to us, but received through linguistic research. Is it possible to include it in prayers if the scientists themselves are not completely sure of its accuracy?

How do Orthodox Christians pronounce the biblical outline of the tetragram? In full agreement with the Old Testament temple tradition. Since it was read in the Temple Adonai(Lord), then 72 Jewish interpreters when translated into Greek in the 3rd century BC. Curios (Lord) was placed in place of the tetragram. The holy apostles turned to the Greek Bible. This is proved by the analysis of the text of the Gospel. Following them, we pronounce - the Lord.

Let us consider another fundamental question: is there one name of God, or are there several of them? Let's turn to the Holy Scriptures.

1. Same word shem(name), as in Exodus (3:13-15), also stands in those places where there is no tetragram: “you must not worship a god other than the Lord; because his name is jealous; He is a jealous God” (Ex. 34:14). The Hebrew Bible says: Shemo El- kanna(name God jealous) .

2. In the book of Isaiah we read: “Our Redeemer is the Lord of Hosts, His name is the Holy One of Israel” (Is.47:4). In Heb. text: shemo kedosh Israel. Should we trust our own preconceived notions or the prophet Isaiah? In his book the name of God Holy of Israel occurs 25 times (1:4; 5:19, 24; 10:20; 12:6; 17:7; 29:19; 30:11-12, 15; 31:1; 37:23; 41:14, 16:20; 43:3, 14; 45:11; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 60:9, 14). It is quite clear from the context that Holy of Israel used as the name of God. It is enough to take those places where it is quite synonymous with the tetragram. For example, "they will put their trust in the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, wholeheartedly" (10:20). In the first part of this verse there is a tetragram.

3. “Only You are our Father; for Abraham does not recognize us, and Israel does not recognize us as their own; Thou, O Lord, our Father, from of old is Thy name: "Our Redeemer" (Isaiah 63:16). Again the Hebrew text uses the same word as in Exodus 3:13-15) – shemo(name). Goel(Redeemer) as the name of God is also found in other places of Holy Scripture.

4. The Lord of Hosts is His name” (Is. 48:2). Another name is indicated here - Sabaoth (Heb. Tsevaot; from the creatures. Tsava - army). We also meet other prophets to testify to this: “The Lord God of hosts is His name” (Amos 4:13); “Your name is called upon me, O Lord God of hosts” (Jer. 15:16).

5. Other names were also used: El (Strong, Strong), Elohim (in the Greek Bible - Theos; in Slavic and Russian - God), El-Shaddai (in the Greek Bible - Pantokrator; in Slavic and Russian. Bible - Almighty), etc. The prayerful mention of any of them meant invoking the name of the Lord.

The opinion that there are several divine names in the Old Testament is not only an opinion Orthodox theology, according to the author of the letter. I will again cite the opinion of a non-Orthodox learned Hebraist. Thomas O. Lambdin in the Hebrew Textbook highlighted a special paragraph "Excursion: names God in the Old Testament": "Most often God in the Old Testament is called names Elohim and YHWH… Attaching the prepositions be, le and ke to names Elohim and Adonay have one feature: the initial aleph in pronunciation it is lost along with the vowel following it” (p. 117-18).

Our discussion is not an academic theological debate, but is of fundamental importance. The position expressed in the letter is directed against the doctrine of Holy Trinity. To this end, the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is denied. In order to avoid dangerous mistakes and delusions, it is necessary to get rid of narrow ideas that bind the mind and spiritual eyes. The revelation about the Holy Trinity is given in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Matthew, our Lord Jesus Christ, sending disciples, says: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (28:19). It is impossible to know the Father without believing in the divinity of the Son: “We also know that the Son of God came and gave us light and understanding, so that we may know the true God and be in His true Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life” (1 John 5:20).

To the question What is the name of God? According to the Bible. What do you think? given by the author Apricot the best answer is Jehovah

Answer from ******* [guru]
Just don't talk about "Tetragrammaton", okay? :))

Answer from quatrain[guru]
Who do you mean - Yeshua, or his DAD?!))

Answer from European[guru]
He appeared to Moses as Jehovah, to David as Hosts, in the flesh He appeared as Jesus...

Answer from Lu Mai[guru]
Also ask: Have you read the Bible?

Answer from Dmitry Selin[expert]

Answer from gone. I apologize if I offended[guru]
he is not called. he climbs everywhere.

Answer from Y.V.[guru]
Why does God need a name if he is alone? You won't confuse him with anyone.

Answer from Vlatson[guru]

Answer from Salam Aleikum[guru]
Yes, he is not named in any way, if he is the only one. Then the name makes no sense. I don’t remember what Sabaoth is, but Jehovah or Yahweh means the One who is, the Existing One. This is not a name, but an attempt to name God as one of his attributes. Since most of the signs are unknown, they single out the known for certain - it is real. Like calling a person not Petya or Vasya, but: hey, you, a man in a green hat. But "the man in the green hat" is not a name, right.

Answer from Yoman Shevchenko[guru]
He has many names.

Answer from Vladimir Sklyarov[guru]
Jesus Christ.

Answer from Dima[guru]
Lord God, Most High, King of kings, Jehovah, Michael, Jesus Christ, God the Son, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, Son of Man... .

Most importantly: But God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.
(Rom. 5:8)

For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.
For everyone who is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that conquered the world, our faith.
Who conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
This is Jesus Christ, who came by water and blood and the Spirit, not by water only, but by water and blood, and the Spirit testifies of Him, because the Spirit is truth.
For there are three that testify in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
(1 John 5:3-7)
And the Lord passed before him, and proclaimed: The Lord, the Lord God, is merciful and merciful, long-suffering and merciful and true,
preserving [truth and showing] mercy to thousands of generations, forgiving guilt and crime and sin, but not leaving without punishment, punishing the guilt of the fathers in children and in the children of children up to the third and fourth generation.
(Ex. 34:6,7)

Answer from Caramel[guru]

Name of God
Educational Bez: when the Jews read prayers or scriptures in their temples, they called God (Adonai). The name Jehovah (Yahweh) (Yod (Yud), Hey, Vav, Hey (this is how the names of these letters sound in the ancient alphabet), or in conditional Latin transcription - YHWH) appears around the 12th century AD, when vowels were taken from the word (Adonai ) and substituted for consonants. Therefore, in old testament the word Yahweh (Jehovah) is not. (According to Jerome of Stridon (this man lived in the 4th-5th centuries AD, the author of the canonical translation of the Bible from Hebrew into Latin (Vulgate), the Jews had 10 names of God in use and Yahweh was only 9 names of God)) A total of 5269 manuscripts are known New Testament and in none of them, the name Yahweh (Jehovah) is not, the question arises, if Christ says: "I have revealed Your name to them" (John 17:26), and Christians do not use Jehovah anywhere, then whose name did he reveal?

1 On the cross, Jesus prays: "Eloi! Eloi! lamma savahvani? - which means: My God! My God! Why did you leave me?" from Mark (15:34) Eloi and not Yahweh (Jehovah)

2 The mystical name of Christ is Emanuel, which means God is with us (based on the previous paragraph, it is not difficult to guess where the abbreviation for the word God is in this name)

3The name that Jesus revealed in the prayer "Our Father" is the name "FATHER" (FATHER).

Daniel 9:19 "Your name is called on your city and on your people"

5 John 17:6 "I have made your name known to men." If the name of God, as some argue, is Yahweh (Jehovah), then what is the meaning of this saying, because the name Yahweh (Jehovah), it seems, was discovered by Moses))

6 John 16:24 Christ asks to pray in His name (Jesus Christ)

John 14:14 "If you ask anything in My (Jesus Christ) name, I will do it."

Acts 9:13-16, John 1:12, explicit emphasis on the name of Jesus Christ

Acts 1:24 - The Apostles PRAY to Jesus

Corinthians 1:2 "To those who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

Philippians 2:9-10 "Wherefore God also highly exalted him and gave him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth"

7 In the Garden of Gethsemane, the guards retreat from Christ, after His words I am (Jesus calls Himself Yahweh (Jehovah)) for the same thing, the Pharisees, etc. persecute Christ.