Moses in a basket. Children's Bible: Old Testament - Baby Moses in a Basket, Pharaoh's Daughter Finds Moses, Burning Thorn Bush

  • 25.05.2019

Baby Moses in a basket.

God loves His children and always cares for them. Exodus 2,110 WHAT YOU CAN DO DURING THE LESSON Play a game of "hide and seek" . Tell Who took care of little Moses. Make a picture of today's story. Act out today's story.

The basis of the lesson

In this lesson, we will look at the next book of the Bible, Exodus, and the new stage in the history of God's people that it describes. Now Israel is already presented as a nation, as an independent people, chosen by God, who receives laws in order to live by them. The event that forms Israel into the people of God is the deliverance from Egyptian bondage. To understand what liberation meant for the Jews is very difficult for ourselves, and almost impossible for children. It was the salvation of the Jewish nation and the sign of their acceptance by God as His chosen people. Even today, Jews remember the time when "we were slaves in Egypt and God freed us with His mighty hand." The legislator did it himself. “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.” (Ex 20:2). The liberation from Egypt is an example of the connection and relationship of the Jews with God. At this point, a parallel can be drawn between Israel and Christianity. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and then the descent of the Holy Spirit, is the beginning of our existence as children of God and members of His Church.

Today's story is directly related to children. All the events described in it are very close, understandable to kids, as they often occur in their Everyday life: danger, excitement, dramatic encounters, salvation, happy ending. They know what it is to ignore their freedom by adults, oppression and harassment in their own home environment. But we know that all this is in God's hand and all the events that took place in this story were under the direction of God. All the events that accompanied the birth of Moses were repeated exactly at the birth of the Savior. So, like Pharaoh killing Jewish babies, Herod slaughtered the little boys of Bethlehem. And in both cases, God saved His chosen one and sent him protection. Against the backdrop of both stories, we see the tragic struggle of an ancient serpent trying to thwart God's plan of salvation. And in both cases, God easily destroys all assassination attempts by the devil. Children cannot look back in history and understand that the amazing beginning of the election of God's people came through the salvation of a baby from the waters of the Nile. But they can understand God's care for little ones. God cared for Moses for the sake of His people, for their salvation and deliverance. But all this would not have happened if love and care had not been shown to a helpless baby. And God does not need anything to take care of every child.

During the classes

Materials Small doll. Start today's lesson with a game. Explain to the children that the game is called “hide and seek”, and tell them what you will hide and they will look for. Show the students your little doll and ask them not to peek when you hide it. (You can tell the children to bow their heads or close their eyes.) After you have hidden the doll, return to your seat and say, “Done.” Give the little ones time to look for the hidden toy. Give the child who finds it the opportunity to hide the doll again while the other children close their eyes. (If time permits, play this game until every child has the opportunity to hide the doll, but do not force him to do this if he does not want to). After the game, pay attention to everyone, praising them for their efforts in poring the doll. Then hold the doll up in your hands so that the children can look at it and explain what is in. There is a story in the Bible about one mother who had to hide in a safe place her baby not a doll, but a living boy!

bible story


1. Doll (used during the intro).

2. Box or basket (to put the doll).

3. Small towel or blanket.

4. Grass or hay.

The Bible tells us the story of a tiny boy. (show the doll). Mom and dad loved him very much. But they were very sad because the king who ruled that country did not like their little boy. The king especially disliked little boys from families that loved God. And so he issued a very bad decree. He told his soldiers, “Watch the people who love God. And if they have little boys in their family, then take them away and kill them.” Moses' mom and dad (that was the name of the baby) were excited. They loved God very much. They also loved their little son and, of course, did not want the king to harm him. But what could they do? We must hide our dear baby, Moses' mother said. “We will hide him very well in our house so that no one, no one will see him or hear him cry.” So every day she hid the baby and sang to him so that he would not cry. But little Moses grew bigger and bigger and wept louder and louder. His mom and dad were very worried and worried. They knew they had to find the best place in order to hide his child a place where the bad king and his soldiers could not find little Moses. “But where do we hide it? Moses' mother was excited.

And while she was sitting in excitement and praying, God gave her a great idea. “Yes,” she said. Mom put her baby (put the doll aside) and began to collect everything you need. She took a basket, a blanket, and some soft grass. (Put all these things in front of you.) First, she filled the basket with soft grass so that the baby would not be hard. (Do so). Then she swaddled little Moses in a soft, warm blanket and put it in a basket. It's all done now, Mom said. It is possible to carry our baby to a safe shelter. When it was still dark and all the people were sleeping, the mother took her boy out into the street. She walked and walked until she finally came to the river. And that the mother will put the child in the river? Yes, she did. She chose a place near the river, where a lot of grass grew, and very carefully lowered the basket into the water. And little Moses lay in that basket. When the mother saw that her baby was lying quietly, she went home. "I know that God will keep our little boy," she said. Moses' mother believed in God. Do you think little Moses was left alone? Not! His older sister hid in the bushes and watched the small basket in which he lay. And there was Someone watching over Moses, the One who always takes care of us everywhere. Do you know who it is? (Let the children respond.) Yes, it was God watching little Moses. Finally the sun came out. It was a wonderful morning! The princess, the daughter of the king, thought that on such a wonderful morning it would be good to buy. And she went down to the river. When she got there, she suddenly heard a strange sound.

The princess stopped and listened. "This sound is very similar to the crying of a child," thought the princess. She looked carefully around and saw a basket. When the basket was taken out and opened, the princess looked into it and smiled. “What a cute baby! she said to her friends. Now he will be my son!” (Look in your basket and carefully take the doll). Moses' sister was watching her brother. Miriam came out of her hiding place, approached the princess and said: “I can find someone who will take care of your new baby. I know who can feed him." “Do you really know? asked the princess, smiling. Thank you! I certainly need someone to take care of my new baby!” Do you know who sister chose to take care of her little brother? She went and brought Moses' mother. The whole family was very happy! Now them little boy was home again. He was safe! The princess will make sure no one does any harm to Moses. God showed great concern for little Moses, didn't he?



1. A small plastic doll or cardboard figurine of a child.

2. Music. Gather the children around you and say that you will be playing a game. Hold hands and make a big circle. Then tell everyone to let go of their neighbors' hands and sit on the floor (or grass if you're playing outside). Show the children the tiny doll or baby figure you brought. Hide the doll in your hands and then pass it around. While playing the game, you will hide it. Choose a volunteer to stand in the center of the circle with their eyes closed.

As the children pass “Moses” to each other, let them say these words:

Moses is hidden in a wicker basket.

He is not afraid of anything, God is with him everywhere and everywhere!

As soon as the rhyme ends, "Moses" should remain in the hands of the child who was holding the doll at the moment when these words ended. All children should stretch their arms out in front of them! Then ask your "detective" to open his eyes, walk in a circle, carefully look at everyone and point out the one who, as he assumes, has Moses hidden. The next "detective" will be the one who hid Moses. (Make sure the children hold the doll in their hands and do not deceive the one who is looking for it!).

Note: If you like, you can play this game to music (it will be faster than rhyming). While the children pass the doll in a circle, music sounds, and when you stop the music, the doll remains with the one who was holding it at that moment.


Materials Picture for the Bible story. (Each one).

At the end of the lesson, take a few minutes to remind the children that God cares about little ones today as well. (Give the children time to talk about their little siblings, cousins, and close friends.) Then explain that God also loves and cares for these children. Again join hands and thank God for His care and love, calling each of your students by name. If possible, give each child a picture of a Bible story to take home.


1. Overview of history.

a). If you have a children's picture book about Moses, you can review it with the children, repeating the story from the beginning. If you read a book, be sure to explain the difficult words to the kids or replace them with others. (For example, you can call the Israelites "God's people").

b). In order for the children to remember the story better, prepare a few things. Bring a basket or box, a large doll, a blanket or towel, hay, a crown for a princess, etc. to class. Set aside a time for each child to choose something for themselves. While the story is repeating, children must perform actions. 2. Picture by history. Draw on paper today's Bible story. Provide children with the following materials:

Sheet of blue paper (each).

Green paper (one third of a sheet for each child).

Brown paper for the basket.


Glue. Give the children sheets of blue paper and explain that it will represent the river. Then distribute the green paper (you should prepare it in advance in the form of a bush, making cuts from top to bottom not completely). Help the children glue the bushes on the bottom of the blue piece of paper. Make baskets out of brown paper and give them to the students. Finally, distribute the "babies" and show how to place them in baskets by inserting them into the slit. Then help the children glue the basket. If desired, you can stick the sun, clouds on your pictures.

3. Light snack. During your snack (cookies, juice) talk about babies and their needs. Let the children talk about babies they know and love. Name all the things babies need! (food, bed where they sleep, clean things) Moms and dads love them and how much they care about them. Conclude by reminding the children of God's love and care for babies and all who belong to Him.

4. Can you tell me? Here are a few questions that you or Anya doll can ask the children about the topic of today's lesson.

1. Why did Moses' mother have to hide him?

2. Who found Moses? 3. Who took care of Moses every minute? If you have time left.

1. To repeat today's story, bring a basket or box and the items that you used in " additional activities". Let the children choose their own roles and act out the Bible story.

2. If possible, bring water so that the children can act out the story of Moses in the basket on the river. You can improvise: bring a food tray (for the river) and make a basket out of paper, or use a plastic margarine box and a small doll. Let the children put the baby down and take him out of the basket.

3. Bring a few baby items (diapers, clothes, baby powder, bottles, etc.) Let your students imitate moms and dads to take care of newborn babies. As you play, remind them of God's love and care for every baby and every one of them.

4. Give the children crayons or markers. Draw with them, helping them, a picture for today's story.

5. If you have a cartoon about Moses, you can watch it with your children, explaining to them the course of events in an accessible way.

Pharaoh learned that the people of Israel are not weakened by hard work, but are getting stronger and stronger. Then he ordered that every newborn son of the Israelites should be thrown into the river.
An Israeli woman has a son. This woman knew that God could save her baby, so she prayerfully committed him to God's care. She hid her son for three months. But when it became impossible to hide him, she took a basket, pitched it, put the child in it and hid it in the reeds near the banks of the Nile River. The name of this baby is Moses.
God Himself chose him to help His people, and therefore He placed in the heart of his mother a firm assurance that the Lord would take care of his life. She sent her daughter to watch what would happen to the baby.
EXODUS 2:1-4

The pharaoh's daughter, along with her maids, went out to bathe in the river. Suddenly she noticed a basket among the reeds and heard the cry of a child. She ordered her slave to bring it.
Opening the basket, the pharaoh's daughter saw a crying baby, who was beautiful. She took pity on him and decided to take him in and adopt him.
The boy's sister immediately came up and asked if the princess wanted to find a nurse for him. The pharaoh's daughter agreed, and when the girl brought her mother, the pharaoh's daughter said to her: "Take this baby and feed it to me; I will repay you for it." The mother gladly took her son, thanking the Lord for He heeded her prayer. When Moses grew up, his mother brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and he lived in her palace as a son.
Although Moses grew up in Pharaoh's palace, he knew that he was a Jew. When he became an adult, he decided to see how his native people live. He saw how cruelly his people were oppressed. One day Moses noticed how an Egyptian was beating a Jew. Moses wanted to protect his fellow tribesman. He killed the Egyptian, and then hid his body in the sand.
The next day, Moses saw two Jews quarreling. He asked one of them: "Why do you beat your neighbor?" He replied: "Who made you a judge over us? Don't you think to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was frightened and thought: "Probably they found out about this matter." When Pharaoh was told what had happened, he wanted to kill Moses.
Moses fled from Pharaoh to the land of Midian. There he met the priest Jethro and his family and stayed with them. The priest Jethro married his daughter Zipporah to Moses.
EXODUS ch. 2&Z

Moses' life changed dramatically. He spent the first forty years of his life in Egypt, brought up as the son of a pharaoh's daughter. After that, for the next forty years, Moses was a shepherd for Jethro, his father-in-law.
After a long time, the king of Egypt (i.e. Pharaoh) died. And the children of Israel groaned from their work and cried out to...God.
“Moses was tending the sheep at Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. Once he led the flock far into the wilderness, and came to Mount Horeb of God. And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a thorn bush, and he saw that the thorn bush was burning with fire Moses said, "I'll go and see this great manifestation, why the bush doesn't burn."
The Lord saw that Moses was coming to look and called to him from the burning bush: "Moses! Moses!... Do not come here; take off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground... I am God thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Moses covered his face because he was afraid to look at God.
The Lord said to him from the bush: “I saw the suffering of my people in Egypt and heard their cry from their guides. honey... Behold, already the cry of the children of Israel has come to Me, and I see the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them.
But Moses doubted. He considered himself unworthy of such a great task. He said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?" To which God answered him: "I will be with you."
EXODUS 3:1-12

Although reo, compared with other types of plants - unpretentious flower, however, to improve its originality and decorativeness, it is necessary to follow the simplest rules for caring for it. One must always remember the thermophilicity of this amazing plant, which painfully tolerates low temperatures (even below 10ºС) and does not tolerate drafts. These and many other features of reo will be discussed in this article.

Reo flower: description

Reo is considered a relative of the well-known tradescantia. It really belongs to the species of tradescantia and zebrins (commelin family), however, some botanists believe that this plant forms a separate genus - Reo.

This flower is native to South and Central America. There he is found on the banks of rivers, on rocks and in tropical forests (on the edges), which indicates that he is undemanding to care for him. Also, this plant can often be found in the Antilles, Mexico and Florida.

Reo is a herbaceous plant with original and unusual multi-colored leaves: from purple-violet at the bottom of the plant to green at the top. The length of the leaves is 30 cm.

What features does the reo flower have (photo)?

Caring for him, as mentioned above, does not require much effort. Therefore, he is often an inhabitant of offices and apartments.

For a reo, a well-lit place, but shaded from the direct rays of the sun, is suitable. In summer, it is advisable to put a flower pot on a window in the eastern or western part of the room, and in winter time years - in the south. The fact is that reo is a flower that stretches out in low light, while the leaves turn pale and lose their attractiveness.

The optimum temperature for a flower in summer is from 20 to 24 degrees, and in winter - at least 16. There is one most significant whim for this flower. Reo does not like sudden changes in temperature and drafts.

The plant responds well to light top dressing (once every 14 days). To do this, you need to use a complex fertilizer with minerals, designed specifically for decorative foliage flowers. The splendor of the flower can be given by regular pinching the top of the main shoot.

Reo care at home

The indoor flower, due to its unusual appearance, has a different interesting name- "Moses in a basket." The uniqueness of this plant lies in the color of its long leaves and in the form of inflorescences.

Reo looks very impressive and original as a single plant, for which it is necessary to remove its side shoots. The latter can be used for breeding. They take root well in the spring and summer periods of the year. To give splendor to the bush, you need to give it the opportunity to grow.

At proper care a flower can be a wonderful living addition to a room's design. How does it look in room conditions reo (flower) The photo is shown below.


In spring and summer, it is necessary to water this plant abundantly, preventing the formation of stagnant water in the pot. Moderate watering in winter and autumn (2 days after the soil surface has dried) will keep the soil moderately moist.
Dropping lower leaves and poor growth are signs of overwatering. Very small leaves on the plant, on the contrary, indicate a lack of moisture.

The reo flower tolerates home conditions very well. As with many plants, periodic spraying of the flower with water is very useful. In severe dryness air environment leaf tips may turn brownish.

reo transplant

In general, the reo flower takes root perfectly at home (photo). Caring for him is the simplest, and transplanting does not cause difficulties.

Spring is the most good time for flower transplant. Pots need wide due to the growth in width of the root system of this plant. At the bottom of the container, it is imperative to put a layer of expanded clay or other material, since stagnant water is detrimental to the plant.

The substrate for the plant can be created by your own means and forces. The best soil mix for reo consists of the following components (all in one part):

The earth is leafy;

Earth with humus;

Sod land;

Reo breeding: ways

Reo is a flower that can be propagated at any time of the year. To do this, simply cut off any cuttings and plant them in separate containers.

In an old flower with a bare lower stem, it is necessary to separate the upper part with foliage and use it as a cutting. Such rejuvenation must be done once every four years.

It can also be propagated by seeds. They are sown in boxes with peat-sandy soil. The most suitable period is April.

Possible problems

  • The ends of the leaves darken, the leaves wrinkle and dry out - lack of watering or watering with cold water.
  • Chopping leaves - lack of vitamins and lighting.
  • Burns on the leaves - exposure to direct sunlight.
  • fall off lower leaves, the plant stops growing - redundancy of watering.
  • The color of the plant turns pale, the leaves become smaller - lack of lighting.
  • The leaves droop and become lethargic and soft - the cold air temperature in the room.

reo feng shui

The ancient East has always been famous for its teachings, thanks to which people could achieve harmony with themselves and inner perfection.

Plants in pots located on the windows help to normalize the atmosphere in the rooms. They create a kind of protection from external negativity. But the plants themselves must also be necessarily healthy, since diseased flowers can emit unfavorable energy.

Reo flowers can absorb aggression, anger hidden in someone. This plant quite easily relieves any stress at home and keeps the biofield in the same volume. A beneficial effect on blood vessels contributes to the overall positive state of a person.

Thus, caring for reo under normal home conditions is quite easy, you just need to follow the simple recommendations described above, and the plant long time will decorate the room with its attractive decorative look and benefit the owners with their good energy.

This plant blooms very unusually, for which it is called "Moses in a basket." From the boat-shaped bedspreads in the axils of the leaves, one or two small white flowers appear in the morning, in the afternoon they are drawn back into their double-shelled shell. Subsequently, the fruits develop there.

The characteristic form of flowering for reo connected this plant with biblical legends. Little Moses survived only because his mother put him in a basket and let him swim on the Nile when the pharaoh of Egypt ordered the death of all Jewish children. The pharaoh's daughter found the baby and adopted him, raised him along with the heirs to the throne. Later, the Lord called Moses to lead the people to the Promised Land from Egyptian captivity.

Rheo veiled belongs to the Commeline family and is a close relative of Tradescantia. It grows upward, forming a dense rosette of lanceolate, hard, shiny leaves 30-40 cm long. The leaves are dark green on the upper side, and dark purple on the lower side.

Reo is an unpretentious plant, place it in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. In the shade, a curvature of the trunk is possible, as well as the loss of a bright purple color by the leaves.

Reo loves abundant watering from spring to autumn, watering is reduced in winter, but the earthy coma is not allowed to dry out, it should be slightly damp.

Reo does not tolerate drafts, reacts poorly to increased dryness of the air. Regular spraying of the leaves is important, especially in winter, it is also advisable to place the plant on a pallet with wet pebbles or expanded clay. The tips of the leaves turn brown and dry out with a lack of moisture due to insufficient watering, as well as due to watering the plant with cold water.

The plant is undemanding to the temperature of the content, a wide temperature range is acceptable, but within reasonable limits.

Reo is easy to propagate by rooting lateral shoots cut at the base of the stem, the roots form very quickly in water, after which the reo is planted in a mixture of humus, peat, soddy soil and sand, having previously made it in a pot good drainage. Young plants will easily take root even in winter period. Reo also reproduces well by seeds, seeds are formed in a bivalve shell and often give abundant self-seeding.

Reo also has medicinal properties. In the Dominican Republic, reo is used as a diuretic, antipyretic and wound healing agent. In Colombia, it is a cough remedy. In Mexico, the juice is used instead of rouge, as it irritates the skin and causes redness. Cubans use the juice to stop bleeding from the gums, a decoction of the leaves - for respiratory diseases.

It is believed that this flower protects babies and brings happiness to the house. This Reo(Rhoeo), he is also Moses in a basket, he is also the Boat of Moses or the Boat of Moses, as well as the Cradle of Jesus. Caring for a reo in an apartment is very simple.

The belief that this plant is a talisman for young children is associated with its original appearance. The reo perianths look like boats, and white "babies" - flowers - look out of them. SoRhoeo is often associated with biblical stories about Moses and Jesus. Hence its popular names and belief in its positive energy.

Reo (Rhoeo)
In fact, these superstitions have nothing to do with the truth. Even if reo grows and blooms with might and main on the windowsill (another spelling is reo), this does not remove responsibility for the kids from their parents.

However, there is some truth: the Moses flower in a basket is really able to cheer up, because it is quite simple to maintain, and when good care in the apartment blooms willingly and profusely, delighting with its interesting boats-bracts. What does this exotic need?

This plant is the closest relative of tradescantia and golden mustache, because reo belongs to the commelin family. Accordingly, caring for him practically does not differ from the maintenance of such green friends.

The cradle of Jesus prefers bright diffused light. This flower can exist in less intense light. He will survive, but his share will be unenviable: the color of the leaves will fade, and you may not wait for flowering.

According to my observations, for Commeline, lighting plays a crucial role in growing. If they get their fair share of sun, they will have a lush "show" look. But with insufficient insolation, their shoots fade and stretch.

Rook Moses Reo
So, give the Boat of Moses the opportunity to sail in the scattered rays of the sun, and do not leave it without water. Watering the Boat of Moses needs regular watering. Reo does not tolerate both drought and strong overflows.

You also need to remember that this plant comes from the tropics. Therefore, it will respond with gratitude to the increased humidity of the air. However, it is one of the few natives of the rainforest that can tolerate the dryness around it.

According to the observations of many flower growers, it can growand on window sills near batteries in winter. This is one of the main advantages of reo. but high humidity air will contribute to its decorative appearance.

How reo blooms - photo
Unlike tradescation and zebrina, the Moses Boat flower is usually not cut, because in this case it loses its attractiveness. Indeed, many grow it not so much for the sake of a very original flowering, but for admiring its huge stems. Therefore, they are propagated by reo division of the rhizome or with the help of young shoots. By the way, my friend's reo bloomed after she rejuvenated the plant.

However, if the top of the stem accidentally breaks off, you can root it in water or soil. After all, the Flower of Moses is easily propagated by cuttings.

Also, this plant loves warm temperatures, regular top dressing in spring and summer. Like all commeline, it is better to rejuvenate in the spring. Although many flower growers prefer a regular transplant as needed.

Reo pleases with the original color of the leaves - they are green on top and purple below. Moreover, the more light there is, the brighter and more effective the color will turn out. And there is also reo motley. Its leaves can be light yellow with white stripes or feature pink ribbon patterns.