Interesting community names. How to choose the right name for a VKontakte group

  • 21.10.2019

The social network "VKontakte" is highly popular among Internet users from 15 to 40 years old. To date, over a hundred million accounts have been registered on this site. This network has received the attention of the audience, thanks to thousands of thematic groups that regularly update their content. It is important to pay attention to the fact that due to the popularity of thematic communities, their owners receive material income. It is quite easy to create your own community, because this process takes no more than a couple of minutes. However, come up with a unique and interesting name a group that grabs the attention of users is much more difficult. Below we propose to talk about how to name a group in VK in order to interest a potential audience.

There is a well-known saying: "As you name a boat, so it will float." This also applies to the name for the group in VK

The importance of choosing the right name

Quite a few Internet users know that the name of the thematic community on social networks has essential... Most people who start their own group try to surprise the audience with a playful or intriguing name. This approach can bring results, but it will not cause the proper reaction from the general public. The community creator should carefully analyze future activities and take into account many different factors. The name of the group is the main advertising tool. It is thanks to this component that the user will want to join the community.

In addition to the manifestation of imagination, during the choice of the name of the community, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of creating a group. If the purpose of the administrator is to obtain additional source earnings, you need to study basic principles search engine optimization and marketing.

Without this knowledge, it is almost impossible to reach the mark of several thousand subscribers.

In order to understand the importance of the right choice name for the group, a practical example should be considered. Let's imagine a user interested in a certain topic. During the search for a group, the search line is "driven in" keywords that are associated with the topic of interest. Examples of "keys" might be: "Cheap goods", "anecdotes" "science and facts" or "funny pictures". For such requests, the user will receive dozens of different options thematic communities, the names of which contain the above keys.

However, inappropriate use of keys can give exactly the opposite result. Experts in the field recommend considering the following criteria when choosing a name for a community:

  • thematic area;
  • the target audience;
  • creative and original name;
  • the presence of keywords.

Using all of the above parameters in a name is a rather tricky business. The presence of a large amount of text in the title distorts the perception, which is why the group loses its unique charm. Cool group names also have their advantages, however, they are incompatible with SEO rules.

It is important to understand that search engine optimization has big influence on the speed of community promotion. Many search engines display links to thematic communities in the search results bar, due to their coincidence with requests from users. This means that the group administrator needs to consider search engines as one of the tools to expand their target audience. This means that when choosing a name, it is imperative to take into account the topic of the group and the principles of SEO.

The name of the group should catch users

For example, let's give the name "Children's clothing from Aliexpress". This title takes into account both the topic and the target audience, which will consist of parents of young children. In addition, the words "Children's clothing" and Aliexpress are the keys that are set in the search bar when looking for a similar group.

Community administrators who want to use creative and funky names for their groups often face a situation where the chosen name is already taken. It is this factor that is the reason for the need to choose original name that will attract customers.

Important criteria when choosing a name

Newbies in the field of online community promotion often face the difficulty of choosing a name. Attempting to use keywords can lead to a loss of originality and uniqueness. In some cases, the importance of these parameters can significantly exceed the importance of search engine optimization.

As practice shows, most of the commonplace names that are used as names for groups have already been registered.

This problem can only be dealt with by choosing a unique name that has no analogue. Experts in the field recommend using a name for the group in the form of catchy phrases and sharp words that can reflect the themes of the future community. When choosing a name, it is necessary to analyze in detail the future group in order to identify the main keywords that are used by the target group when searching for content. Next, you need to select one or more words that will be used in the title.

As practice shows, the use of profanity can become a reason for blocking the community, so it is better to refuse obscene words. Many administrators recommend using such names, which can later become a kind of brand.

During the collection of information, it will be necessary to thoroughly analyze the most popular VKontakte groups. Among them we will single out such communities as "MDK" and "You will not believe!". If we analyze these groups in detail, we can conclude that their name does not have any keywords. But thanks to the increased promotion, these communities have turned into a real brand with more than several thousand fans.

As a rule, the main visitors to the thematic communities are young people. To attract this audience, administrators use slang phrases and obscene language. This method besides the pluses, it has one significant drawback. Such a community can be blocked by the administration of the resource at any time. Every year, the rules for users are becoming more and more stringent. It will be quite disappointing when a community with several thousand followers gets deleted due to the wrong name.

The name of the band plays a very important role in its promotion.

How to choose a successful name

What can you call a group in VKontakte? The choice of a name for a community is limited only by the imagination of its creator... The first step is to choose a title (title), which will reflect the title. Such a title should contain thematic focus and keywords. After that, you will need to carefully analyze the information that will be indicated in the section describing the group (Description). This section provides text based on search engine optimization. In the description of the community, those keywords are indicated that for some reason did not fit the name of the group.

Next, we will reveal one of the secrets associated with the topic under consideration. Even the most experienced SEO and SMM business specialist cannot give a clear answer to the question related to choosing a name for a thematic group. The disclosure of this information could lead to a pursuit of a high rating, which will negatively affect the content.

In order to choose the correct name for the group, you should use the following procedure:

  1. Analyze competing communities in detail in order to identify the most original names.
  2. Choose easy-to-remember and laconic phrases.
  3. Use a variety of keyword analysis services to help you choose the right name.

Illustrative examples

Let's look at the most beautiful names for groups that can be used on the VKontakte network. If the future group will be dedicated to TV shows and films, you can choose such phrases as "Cinema Masterpieces", "New Cinema", "Coffee, Cookies and Melodramas", as well as "Best Bestsellers". Combining these phrases creates a completely unique title that will appeal to most users.

What can you call a group in VKontakte

Today, thematic communities dedicated to business are especially popular. When creating such a group, you should use words similar to the terms "profit", "income" or "success". In the name of such groups, you can often see such phrases as "Millionaire's Club", "Thoughts of a merchant" or "The Secret of Success".

A separate category is entertainment communities, where various media files are published. In the case of this direction, phrases such as "Fresh jokes", "Deadly demotivators" and other popular slang expressions are used. Success in this area can only be achieved through original content. In the event that information published in the community is copied from other resources, the group will not receive high popularity. Remember that by building a community, you are building the future brand. Therefore, you should not focus on fashion trends, which may lose their popularity over time. The name chosen must always be up-to-date.

When creating a group on VKontakte, you should focus on the target group. Think about whether you can offer your followers rich and interesting content. An attempt to copy other people's publications can lead to a decrease in the level of traffic. The group administrator needs to create a unique atmosphere that will attract all users of this social network.

How to name a VKontakte group? What to write in the description? What is better to put on an avatar? For a beginner, these questions seem elementary - you can put any picture on an avatar, a couple of words about the group will be enough in the description, and the name is a simple phrase. If you do, the chances of creating a popular group are minimal. Why? Are there any rules for creating VKontakte groups? , let's try to think of a name to give her.

Before creating your own group name - look at the favorites... What are the names of the most popular VKontakte groups? How many are there? Can you take their place?

In our example, we see the most popular group "Do You Know?" We are for a healthy lifestyle".

If you look at the most popular pages:

  1. MDK;
  2. Corporation of evil;
  3. 5 best films;
  4. Vkontakte team;
  5. Music.

It is worth noting that the top Vkontakte groups are constantly changing and you need to focus not on this list, but independently study the top. To do this, click on our page "Groups" - "Search for communities".

You need to be guided by the top groups in order to realistically assess your capabilities. Each top group closely monitors high quality and unique posts. It takes no man's work to create a popular and interesting group. Don't think that you can attract users on your own and create new posts every day.

Take a look at the most popular bands. How can you take their place? The first thing you need for this is the name of the group, quality content, interesting posts. Second and most important - large number and attendance. If you can fill a group with interesting posts alone, then how to get a million subscribers?

In order to promote a new group and make it popular, it will take a little investment... If you make groups for yourself and your friends - you can refuse the help of strangers, but if you decide to create a new popular community -.

We choose the name of the Vkontakte group. Fundamental rules

  1. No mate! So, you decided to call your public some kind of obscene word. Why shouldn't you do this? For example, we will take the public "S * uyali ?!". Despite a large number of subscribers, it has a rather low traffic compared to similar ones. Adult independent people are unlikely to want to post your posts, and, as you know, all underage users are often controlled by their parents. Give up swearing both in life and on social networks!
  2. Language. The best way- Russian language. There are very few groups in the top that have names in the Latin alphabet. This can be attributed to various acronyms and abbreviations.
  3. The length of the name. Try to keep the title short. If your public is about finance, you shouldn't write "Successful types of income for everyone." You can limit yourself to one word - finance. If you can't limit yourself to one word, you can choose a bright phrase. Publics, which in their name contain a few words quite a lot - "School of Beauty", " Olympic Games". But it is worth remembering and understanding - it is desirable that the name of your public meets one key request.
  4. Keywords. It used to be that a group name should contain keywords. Using them, search engines will be able to find your group both on Vkontakte and on other resources. In reality, this is a bit different - it is not at all necessary that there are keywords in the name of the group. You can write them side by side. So, your group can be found by search engines, and you can only get to the top by increasing your number. You can and should write keywords in the group description, posts and discussions. At the same time, it is worth remembering the measure - your text should not be spammed.
  5. Originality. Bands with original names rarely make it to the top. It is desirable that the name of the group coincides with one of the common keywords. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to advance.

It's quite easy to create a name for a Vkontakte group - you just don't need to do extra work and be wise. Think about what word will maximally decipher the content of your group - this will be your name. You can limit yourself to one word - choose an interesting phrase.

Are you creating a new public on VK? Want to come up with a sonorous and effective name for your band? At first glance, it seems simple, but in fact, the name is one of the key indicators that will further affect the possibility of your public being in the TOP. “As you name your ship, so it will float” - this proverb describes as best as possible the importance of choosing the correct name for the public.

You will need to choose not only a cool name for the Vkontakte group, but also a productive one. How to name the VKontakte group correctly, today's article will tell you.

Decide on the theme of the public

First, find out for yourself what is the main idea of ​​the group and what do you want to convey to your subscribers? Because by choosing the name of the public, you agree to follow this idea throughout the entire period of the group's existence. If you decide to devote the topic of public to clothing, then do not deviate from the course. Visitors can simply leave it if they see a large amount of information not related to clothing. The name of the public should fully reflect the topic of the Vkontakte group.

This will enable any user to find it by typing a topic of interest into a search engine. For example, if a person is looking for a group that uplifts the mood, then he will enter the word "Humor". If you call your community that, then having a sufficient number of subscribers, you will be able to adequately occupy the first positions in the search.

The main criterion for you should be the comfort of your subscribers. When your users read interesting content on the desired topic, the number of target audience will increase without additional leverage on this process.

What is SEO optimization? And how is it applied in choosing a name for a public?

Do you want your public to be in the TOP with a high probability? Then you need to be able to conduct SEO optimization: generate keywords and choose the most effective ones. Having selected the main topic, you will need to check several dozen keywords for search frequency. To do this, you can use online resources such as and These services will help you find out which keywords are in demand in Google and Yandex.

Next, in order to choose a suitable name, analyze for what keywords your groups exist and how many subscribers they have. If, for example, with the name "Humor" in the TOP there are publics with a number of subscribers of 3 million people, and with the name "Anecdotes" about 1 million, then it would be more logical to choose the name "Anecdotes". Truth?

What is the promotion of the Vkontakte group? - In constant analysis of the actions of their competitors. To achieve high results, you will need to analyze more than one or two successful Vkontakte groups. This will help you create your own public promotion strategy.

As for SEO optimization, I wanted to add - do not get carried away with the use of keywords in the group name. The rule "the more the better" does not apply here. You can again analyze the places in the TOP. The first positions are most often occupied by groups with a single word name, for example "Love", and not "Love and Relationships". Even if the second has more followers than the first.

Therefore, avoid this mistake when creating the name of your public. This applies to absolutely any topic - about love or technology, it does not matter. Also, I advise you to use keywords in the content of the group, this will give you additional bonuses when promoting a public.

The second factor of promotion to the TOP

Obtaining subscribers is something that any group administrator strives for. If you have created an effective name, you still have to reach that coveted number of subscribers in order to get into the TOP.

Do you know why everyone strives to get into the TOP? This factor will help to steadily increase the number of your subscribers without additional influence on this process. Otherwise, you will have to use or cooperate with intermediaries who will provide you with the required audience size.

It is important not only to have a wide target audience, but also necessarily active. If in your public there are stable dialogues between subscribers, discussions are held, then people simply cannot resist joining your public. Therefore, while increasing the number of subscribers, make sure that your new users are real people. Fake pages that will just hang like a heavy load in your user list will not give you the desired effect.

Share the article with your friends. This information will surely facilitate the way to bring the public to the TOP. Subscribe to my blog updates and you will always be aware of interesting and useful ideas.

See you soon, friends!

The popularity of the VKontakte group largely depends on its name. It is the name that can attract or scare away new subscribers. Original and catchy names are always interesting: a person can enter the community just for the sake of curiosity, and then join it. How do you come up with the right name? This question is of interest to absolutely everyone who decided to create their own VKontakte community, but first of all - those who plan to profit from this.

    • What are the communities
    • What to come up with a name for a group in VK: a few tips
    • How to come up with a community name

What are the communities

VK communities are mainly divided into groups and public pages... Groups are more suitable for discussion, exchange of views and comments, and public places are more suitable for providing information about a person or organization.

There are entertainment communities where various funny stories, jokes, funny statuses, motivators, etc. are published. There are also advertising communities, communities of interest (cooking, children, cars), information communities and groups aimed at learning something.

According to the degree of privacy, closed and open groups are distinguished.

Before creating your own community, you need to clearly understand what your goal is and what your group or public should be .. Go to communities and carefully study all the information to make the right decision.

Watch the related video:

These tips are valuable for those planning to start their own group and capitalize on it. They will also be useful for those who promote VKontakte. own business or a company.

First, the administrator needs to decide on the topic. Think about what kind of information will be placed in the group and for whom it is intended. Upon seeing the name, visitors should immediately understand what your community is about. The administrator, in turn, must be clearly aware of what audience he wants to attract, and what benefit his group can bring.

Think about the keywords in your topic. After all, people can be attracted not only from VKontakte, but also from the Internet: some can find a group or public through search engines. That is why it is necessary to clearly think over which keyword will be contained in the group name. As statistics show, the same similar queries are entered into search engines every day, which are asked by thousands of people. If your group has a keyword in the name, this way they will be able to find it.

To choose the name of the VKontakte group correctly, you must use the correct keys. For the keys to be correct, you can use the Wordstat service from Yandex.

For example, enter the phrase there: earnings on the Internet. This phrase has received more than 140 thousand requests on the Internet, which means that a group with such a topic can become very popular. It's another matter that all the “hottest” topics have already been processed by your competitors - you will have to try very hard to stand out from their background and attract subscribers. To find out what competitors are writing about, you need to visit their groups and analyze the information received (We recommend reading the article “ The largest publics on VKontakte».

Develop your Vkontakte community wisely: Explore the complete guide to making money on Vkontakte

How to come up with a community name

Let's see what name is suitable for a group on VKontakte. It should be:

  1. Catchy. Upon seeing it, the person should be tempted to learn more and visit your group. The competition on VKontakte is enormous, and every administrator should clearly understand this. So what do you do? Think about an original and catchy name.
  2. Catching. Having seen it, a person should want to visit this particular community.
  3. Short. This is the essence of success: a long and boring band name will not attract anyone. Ideally, the title should be 2-3 words long. Many webmasters try to fit all descriptions to it in the group name, but this should not be done. Some administrators include a number of key phrases or words in the group name. This is done to attract visitors, but you shouldn't do that either.
  4. Capacious. Despite the brevity, the title should contain a keyword or words, and also inform about the focus of the community - entertainment, educational, informational, etc.
  5. The name must not contain profanity, otherwise the group may be blocked. Some might argue that names with foul words already exist. These communities were created a long time ago, but for deadline all the rules have changed.

Sometimes associations work well: for example, there is a rather popular group “Ward No. 6”. Unlike other humorous groups, the title does not contain the words "humor" or "laughter", but everyone knows what this community is about. The same goes for the “90-60-90” community - it is immediately clear that it is dedicated to weight loss issues.

Other examples of successful names for entertainment groups: Smile, Deadly humor, Laugh to tears, Sarcasm,, Witty.

Now you can easily come up with a name yourself. Designate keywords and write down everything that comes to mind in sequence. Sooner or later, you will find the right word or phrase.

We hope these tips will help you build an interesting community and find the best name for it. It should be remembered that the name of the VKontakte group is just one of the many components of success. The community should be constantly active and discussed, the information on the wall should be constantly updated. You need to learn to attract new members and publish useful and interesting content. Only then will your community be successful and generate substantial income for you.

Do you want to know more about making VKontakte and other types of earnings on the Internet? The most up-to-date information is collected here: 50 ways to make money online

If you created a VK group to make sales, then you should think about other options for selling goods on the Internet, for example, through Avito. Read the article about the possibility earnings on message boards and find out which products are better to sell and how to do it right.

If a group in contact was created to receive Additional income and you want to quickly increase your income, you should take the course money management not only to learn the tricks that rich people use to increase their capital, but also to learn how to make good money ourselves.

As you know, any community on the VKontakte social network has its own name, which has the ability to attract or, conversely, repel the attention of users. Precisely in order to avoid negative side this question, you need to know about the rules for choosing a name for a public.

The question posed by the topic of this article is easily resolved by creative approach and compliance with some of the most important rules. Moreover, if the creative side of the issue can be solved technical means then the rules deserve the most attention.

The name for the group, regardless of its subject matter, should contain the minimum number of words, but without prejudice to the semantic load. The best option would be to take as a basis from one to three words that complement each other and fully reveal the main direction of the community.

When choosing, one should not deviate too much from the topic of the group, but this is still allowed in some individual cases. For example, instead of directly pointing to content, you can use associations.

If you are creating a group for a business, it is best to use the name of your organization as the name. However, when resorting to this approach, one should not forget about the rules outlined above regarding the simplicity and capacity of the name.

Whenever possible, pay special attention to key occurrences, thereby optimizing the community for search engines... Thanks to this, users can easily find your public in both internal and external search engines.

The last most important rule regarding the chosen name is to refuse the use of special characters. Not every user is able to correctly read and understand such content.


Choosing a name, you probably have an idea of ​​the target audience of the group. Based on this, you can resort to optimizing your content, for example by writing it using suitable slang.

As a name, you can use existing brands, diluting it with something unique. This approach will greatly simplify the search for a group, but only if there are not too many competitors.

When trying to achieve uniqueness, you should not change existing words by adding extra letters or numbers. Even if you can't come up with something of your own, using correctly spelled words will better reflect the perception of the community by users.

When the name is found and verified, do not change it unless it is provided for by the community theme. In general, however, some fixed keywords should remain in the title.


To greatly simplify the selection of the name, you can turn not only to the group's theme, but also to things that are close to you. For example, on VKontakte there are many publics where existing names of food or films act as the name.