How to name children born in May. We choose unusual and original names that are suitable for girls born in May

  • 26.09.2019

Men born in May are uncompromising, consistent in their actions and quite straightforward. The stubbornness of the May men borders on their stubbornness. In order for children to have only positive qualities, the names of boys born in May must be chosen carefully, taking into account such nuances as the meaning, consonance and character traits of May children. Only then can the bad qualities of character be mitigated and the good ones strengthened.

What is the character of boys born in May?

The character of men born in May is good family men, they can provide for the family and know how to make the family reckon with themselves. Although they are firm in character, they are more compliant in the family than with strangers. Too susceptible to women's tears, complaints, failures. They are always ready to help the weaker sex and because of this they often fall into a mess.

Many May boys love power and unwittingly seek to subjugate those around them. But sometimes this behavior leads to conflict situations... Boys born in May do not know how to give in and forgive. But, with such a character, men achieve a lot in adulthood, many men quickly rise up the career ladder. Their persistence helps them in this. Men born in May are people of action, and they act more often than they are tormented by doubts.

Besides, boys born in May are great materialists. They choose only profitable activities, that is, they choose a job that brings substantial material wealth. They can overshadow their favorite business that does not generate income, therefore, from May boys it turns out good leaders and leaders.

How should you choose a name for a boy born in May?

When choosing the names of boys born in May, pay attention to tough names with the meaning of firmness, strength. Such names will help the May child increase positive traits... If you want to endow a child unusual name With strong meaning, then we advise you to take a closer look at the following names: Zabir - "solid", "strong", Arsen - "strong", Gabriel - " the strong man God ", Valentine -" healthy "," strong ", Iliyas -" strong "," mighty. "These unusual, sonorous and beautiful names boys who are suitable for those born in May. But such men, having matured, will never be the first to reconcile, even if they admit their mistakes in their hearts. In addition, boys with the above names are most often influenced by their bad mood, and do what they regret for a long time. However, pride and stubbornness will not allow to correct the current situation.

Also, most May boys love comfort and convenience, and the more there are, the more satisfied they feel. And although May men have an unyielding character, most of them still become exemplary and respected heads of families.

Names of boys born in May:







According to folk beliefs May boys are some of the most stubborn, but purposeful children with a strong character. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is in May that the days of the saints Great Martyr George the Victorious and the Apostle John fall. These saints themselves were people of exceptional fortitude. In this regard, it is not surprising that babies born on Orthodox holidays have a strong character.

Back in the 12-13th century, shortly after the Baptism of Rus, the tradition of naming children in honor of the revered righteous was already widespread. It is believed that a child named after a holy righteous Christian will have a role model in front of him throughout his life. The patron saint will help you make a difficult decision at a crossroads, illuminate the road through life.

Choosing a name is a big decision

Preparing for childbirth, expectant mothers devote a lot of time to choosing a name for a child. It is tempting to call his son an original and memorable name. But you need to understand how responsible this decision will be. With the name that you give the child, he will go on throughout his life, and, more importantly, to appear before God. It is no coincidence that since ancient times the names were sacred meaning, therefore, during the sacrament of baptism, so much attention is paid to the selection of a name according to Christmas time.

If you know for sure that the birth of your child will take place in May, you need to choose a name for the boy in advance. Usually in Russia, names were chosen according to the calendar. The child was named according to the name day closest to his birthday. In May Orthodox name day a lot, so you can safely open the list and choose. Another choice is to refer to the church calendar. You can also discuss this issue with your spiritual mentor.

Matching name and character

Names have big influence on the character of the child. This is not only the choice of a guardian angel that will always protect your child from adversity, but also a serious event that in some way determines the fate of a person. May Day offers many options for strong and strong-willed names for a boy. Consider some of them, as well as what characteristics they carry for a boy.

  • George is a name of Greek origin, meaning "farmer".

the 6th of May Traditionally, the memory of St. George the Victorious (one of the most revered holy martyrs in Orthodoxy) is honored. George can be characterized as an attentive listener, a good and loyal friend. He is diligent and responsible, devoid of rancor.

  • Gregory is also a name of Greek origin. Means "not asleep".

One of the oldest Christian names, identified with the qualities of an ideal Christian. Gregory is characterized by the ability to stand up for himself and for his ideals of justice. Boy Gregory in childhood studies the world with curiosity, and growing up, he knows how to weigh words so as not to offend people.

  • Ivan is a common Orthodox name derived from the Hebrew "John", which means "have mercy on God."

May 21st Orthodox Christians all over the world pay homage to the memory of John the Theologian, the closest follower to Christ, who did not abandon Him even during the crucifixion. Ivan is an active boy, with a great will and a difficult character. About Ivanov, we can say for sure that the saying “to be born in May - to suffer all your life” is right. Such people are open, always ready to help, honor traditions and foundations, endure all trials on their way with perseverance.

  • Paul is a name of Latin origin meaning "small".

Pauls are usually sociable and moral people. Such a boy in childhood observes the prohibitions of his parents. Growing up, he becomes a couch potato, calmly walking towards his goal.

  • Cyril - among the ancient Greeks it meant "lord", and from Persian - "sun".

May 24 celebrate the memorable day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, who donated literature to the inhabitants ancient Russia... The boy, whose name is Kirill, is characterized by curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He does not give in to someone else's influence, while he chooses his own path.

The boy's name according to the calendar

In the Orthodox month, there are many options for how to name a boy in accordance with the date of his birthday. Every day in May calendar has several masculine names, so future parents should have no problem choosing. Traditionally, the name was determined according to the calendar as follows:

  • or on the child's birthday;
  • or on the eighth day from birth;
  • or on the fortieth day from birth, when it is supposed to perform the sacrament of baptism.

The mother and father have at least fifteen alternatives for selection. An important point which must be taken into account - some Orthodox names in the world have a slightly different form. For example, the one named at baptism Dionysius, whose Angel days fall on the 4th, 19th, 25th and 31st, will be called Denis in the world. The same situation is with Yegor, whose baptismal form according to the calendar is George.

Boy names by date of birth

Below we provide a list of Angel days in May so that you can choose a name for your newborn boy according to the calendar:

As you can see, there are a lot of options. If you are guided by the criteria that we talked about above, determining the names according to the calendar, then three dates are highlighted, and then the name of the child is already selected. The main thing here is the desire of the parents, but in case of difficulty, they can turn to a spiritual mentor or priest who will baptize the baby in order to choose a different name.

Choosing a name according to the Orthodox calendar

Many people turn to the calendar when deciding what to call their son. Orthodox holidays to find there a holy righteous patron for the child. This the right decision, as we have already talked about. There are several major Orthodox holidays in May, the proximity of which to the birth of a child will help you decide on your future name.

  • May 6 - memory of George the Victorious. You can call your son George or Yegor.
  • May 8 - commemoration of the Apostle Mark.
  • May 10 - commemoration of the holy martyr Simeon. The son can be called Semyon.
  • May 13 - memory of Jacob Zebedeev. Modern version name - Yakov.
  • May 15 - memory of St. Athanasius the Great. Also the day of uncovering the relics of the passion-bearers Boris and Gleb. When they were baptized, they were given the names Roman and David, which are very common in recent years.
  • May 21 - memory of John the Evangelist. It is customary to call boys born on this day Ivans.
  • May 24 - Day of Remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In addition, since in the world Cyril was called Constantine, you can call your son so.

These righteous people left a significant mark on the history of Orthodoxy. If one of them becomes the patron saint of your baby, he will always be accompanied by light and good luck in life.

Choosing a name for your baby ... Can you find a more exciting event in the life of new parents, starting from the moment you heard the first cry of the most dear and beloved man in the world? But this issue must be approached with all the responsibility that the mother and father of a newborn are only capable of. After all, a name is given to a person for life. And he must wear it with his head held high.

The name has its meaning and its history. The name is inseparable from the person. It bears the imprint of his personality. From it you can learn a lot about a person. Someone, when choosing a name for a newborn, is guided by church calendar, someone calls the child, relying on their intuition, someone just likes certain names by their sound.

Here was born to you in the spring, in the month of May, a wonderful boy. What should you call it? In order not to just give a beautiful name to your little son. So that this name brings good luck and happiness in his life!

How to name a boy born in May

Did you know that the season can also significantly tip the scales in favor of certain names. What are the best names for children born in winter, spring, autumn or summer? What to name a boy in May or a girl in December? After all, choosing the right name, you will help your child successfully develop in himself those positive qualities that are inherent in him by mother nature, and with greater efficiency to fight the negative coming from outside.

For example, babies born in spring are characterized by vulnerability and indecision. Most often, it is their self-doubt that prevents them from achieving great success in their careers, becoming leaders, since everything is in perfect order with their giftedness. They are thoughtful and judicious. But, with the same, selfish and stubborn.

Based on such, even if brief and generalized, characteristics of temperament, we can safely conclude that spring children - March, April or May - are best suited for names that sound "firm", names that were glorified by great commanders and fearless conquerors. With their energy, they will resist the gentleness of the character of their owners. How to name a boy in May? And remember the lessons of history! Who was there the most courageous, decisive and invincible? ..

Names of boys born in May

Energetic and responsible. Kind and optimistic. "Dawn" - if we say about people born in the fifth calendar month, just one word. They are the soul of any company. They are excellent workers and benevolent knights. What are their names? Boys and men whose birthday is in May?

And their names are:

  • Ivan, Cyril, Anatoly and Victor;
  • Vitaly, Grigory, Fedor and Alexey;
  • George, Maxim, Valentin and Afanasy;
  • Nikita, Pavel, Gleb and Roman.
  • Anton, Kuzma, Alexander and Nikifor;
  • Leonty, Denis, Vsevolod and Gabriel;
  • Vasily, Makar, Peter and David;
  • Artem, Timofey, Stepan and Andrey.

Of course, the list goes on and on. The main thing is that you will decide how you want to see your son in the future. And for this image, for sure, it will not be difficult to choose a name.

May girls are demanding and principled from birth. After all, their character is very tough and prickly. May is the most blooming and joyful month, but he decided to show all his severity on the children born in this month.

It is because of this that the name for a girl born in May should be chosen soft and feminine.

After all, only a beautiful and sonorous name will help to reveal in the baby all that hidden kindness and joy that she hides.

Girls born in May are uncompromising and vindictive. They will always try to subdue all the people around them.

Babies do not tolerate disobedience. They can easily break all ties with a person, although in the future they will often regret such a rash decision.

Families of May girls can be strong only if the other half completely and without objection gives up the leading place in the union.

If this is not the case, the relationship or marriage can quickly fall apart, because they can easily find a temporary connection on the side.

It will be very difficult for girls in May to communicate with people. Because it's hard for them to find mutual language with the people around them, and sometimes even with the family.

They do not know how to forgive and give in. Even for the smallest oversight, they can be offended for a long time. But most often, children will take revenge for insults, after which the connection with the offender can be interrupted forever.

That is why such babies will have few friends, but those who remain will be faithful to them. Despite such obvious shortcomings, babies are very successful in business. They quickly take the leading steps at work and quickly climb the career ladder.

They make excellent administrators and leaders. After all, they can easily subdue all colleagues. It is because of such an unbending and tough character that the question of what name to give a girl born in May disappears by itself.

Undoubtedly, a good-natured and joyful name will suit her. After all, it will help to reveal goodness and femininity in a girl, which sometimes many cannot see.

Choosing good names for girls born in May

Undoubtedly, when choosing a name, a girl should take into account what successful and relevant names are this month.

After all, if you choose an unfortunate name, the baby may not be lucky for the rest of her life.

Actual names for girls born in May:

Happy names in May for girls are:

  • Elizabeth
  • Irina
  • Tamara
  • Faina
  • Kristina
  • Alexandra

The unlucky names in May for girls are as follows:

  • Galina
  • Diana
  • Aurora
  • Milena

May Girl Names Every Day

As well as by month, there are lucky names for every day.

It is worth listening to the advice about the name for the girl and choosing it depending on the day the baby was born.

April 31: Faina, Khristina, Juliana, Olesya, Claudia, Christina, Matryona, Claudia, Camilla, Isabella, Ulyana, Julia, Alexandra.

Choosing a name for a girl by her zodiac sign

In May, babies are born under the zodiac signs Taurus and Gemini.

Babies born under the Taurus zodiac sign are distinguished by a strong craving for material goods.

The little ones are kind, energetic and hardworking. Family plays an important role in their life, they are very attached to their household.

Taurus are well organized, they always know what, though, and achieve it at any cost.

Names for such babies need to be soft and sonorous.

Names for girls born under the Taurus zodiac sign:

  • Wanda
  • Zinaida
  • Isabel
  • Lydia
  • Lucius
  • Tatyana

Gemini babies love to live in luxury. They can take care of the house with enthusiasm, which makes them great housewives.

Since childhood, they are endowed with a sharp mind, excellent reaction and intuition. Also, babies are very emotional, mood and desire can change every five minutes, so it will be difficult to communicate with others.

Regardless of the difficulties in communication, Gemini girls will have many friends, because they are kind and inquisitive, they also like to have fun and communicate.

Names for girls in late May - early June need to be chosen sonorous, kind, but firm.

Names for girls born under the zodiac sign Gemini:

  • Antonina
  • Elena
  • Louise
  • Ninel
  • Taisiya
  • Elsa

Names of girls in May according to the Orthodox calendar

Many parents are wondering if a child can be baptized in May. The belief that children cannot be baptized in May has been going on since ancient times. May is a month of field work. And precisely because there was no time for christening, they began to say that it was not advisable to baptize children in May.

There is also a well-known sign: Those who were born in May will toil for a century.

This sign has also gone from ancient times. And it is associated with the lack of time for parents. The fact is that pregnant women tried to cause premature birth so that the baby was born either in March or April.

And if, nevertheless, the child was born in May, then the parents simply did not have time to educate and look after him. Therefore, the children of May, from the very childhood, faced difficulties, which gave its reflection in his later life.

The name of the girl in May according to the church calendar

Despite all the advice from the outside, how to name their baby, parents can choose a name corresponding to the calendar. After all, if you choose one of the names provided by the church, the baby will be under the supervision of the saint in whose honor she was named all her life. And in the future she will always be lucky.

Names for girls born in May according to the calendar:

May 31: Claudia, Alexandra, Euphrosinia, Christina, Faina, Matryona, Julia, Juliana, Khristina, Faina, Ulyana, Olesya, Camilla.

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