Police (police) shoulder straps and ranks in pictures. What are military ranks and shoulder straps

  • 20.10.2019

A soldier's epaulets are a kind of calling card, that is, one glance at the shoulder insignia is enough to understand what rank a soldier has. The stars on the shoulder straps give enough information about which officers the soldier belongs to.

but modern look Shoulder straps and stars were not acquired immediately. In pre-revolutionary times, they were interspersed with additional stripes, which were called stripes. Only later did the stars on shoulder straps begin to show the soldier as a person belonging to a certain rank in the military hierarchy.

How did the stars on shoulder straps appear and what is their meaning

Back in the days Tsarist Russia military personnel differed significantly in appearance from ordinary citizens, since their clothes had their own special insignia. However, in that period of time, as such, shoulder straps, and even more so, stars did not exist. They were not the hallmarks of a soldier, as they are now.

As a rule, the appearance of a military man had few elements by which one could judge his rank and position in the army hierarchy. More attention was paid not to some individual details, but to all military clothing as a whole. Therefore, the status of a serviceman was evidenced by the outer cut of clothing, as well as the type of military weapons that the military always had at hand. Basically, this rule applied to senior and junior officers. Generals, for example, had their own insignia, which distinguished them from the background of military personnel who were lower in rank.

The reformation in this area took place during the reign of Peter the Great, who, in his travels abroad, was inspired by changes in the appearance of the army during the time of Tsarist Russia. Initially, breastplates, which looked like a scarf, became the basic attribute. It housed the heraldic symbols of the army in tsarist times. As the hour of the nineteenth century struck, a new transformation took place appearance clothing of a serviceman, which began to resemble a uniform in appearance, and it was more of a dress coat.

In addition, peculiar headdresses began to appear on the heads of officers, which also became part of the appearance of a soldier, as a badge of distinction.

After such transformations, it was the turn of epaulettes, which were the prototype of modern shoulder insignia. There is a significant difference between shoulder straps and epaulettes - the latter never had stars. Therefore, officers were distinguished in this case solely by color scheme epaulettes.

If these are junior and senior officers, then the shoulder insignia of tsarist times coincided in shade with the color of the uniform they wore. Generals, as a more privileged class in the military hierarchy, wore gold-colored epaulettes. Another difference between the royal epaulettes and the epaulets of the modern plan was that they were an adornment of a soldier, they were very catchy and elegant.

Often, for sufficiently wealthy military personnel, they were created to order from pure gold. Modern epaulettes are more modest, because after the Revolution took place, preference was given to practicality, not beauty.

In the twenties of the last century, the uniform of a serviceman changed epaulettes to shoulder straps of a modern type, which the Russian army still uses. Since then, there has also been a hierarchy in Russian army, which has survived to the present day.

For example, one star on shoulder straps meant that the serviceman had the rank of warrant officer, if the soldier had two stars, then this was already a major, if three, then the soldier moved to the rank of lieutenant colonel, and if four, then this was a staff captain.

Five stars means that the soldier has the highest military rank. If this concerns the ground forces, then this is a field marshal, and if these are naval forces, then the admiral of the fleet. However, five stars are not sewn on his shoulder straps, they are replaced by one large one and the coat of arms Russian Federation(in a modern interpretation).

However, in those days, epaulettes had not yet completely disappeared from military uniforms, since they were worn by colonels. And just as in the distant tsarist times, they did not have such insignia as stars. They entered the everyday life of a military man on a uniform only after Soviet times there was another reformation, which led to the fact that the soldiers began to wear overcoats.

In addition to the stars, brass buttons were also used in the Soviet army. In addition, emblems were used that showed the insignia of a particular type of troops. Since then, the uniform of a soldier has acquired the form that is used to this day.

Sequence of ranks and their corresponding stars

In the rank and file of the army, stars are not used today. The youngest rank of a soldier who is just stepping into military service- Private, he walks with epaulettes that do not have clear insignia. If this is a soldier who belongs to the security services, then an additional word is assigned to the rank. For example, if this is a prosecutor, then it is attributed to ordinary justice.

  • If this is a junior sergeant, then there are two transverse stripes on his shoulder straps.
  • If it's just a sergeant, then he has three stripes.
  • A few years later, the sergeant receives the rank of senior, and then a single strip appears on his shoulder insignia, which is twice as wide.

Stars on shoulder straps, ranks follow a clear pattern, since in each composition they differ only in number and size. Ensigns wear two stars, and senior warrant officers wear three on each shoulder strap.

After the military has passed the senior warrant officer, he goes into the category of officers.

  • The junior lieutenant has one star on shoulder straps. On the shoulder insignia there is a small star, which indicates the initial step among junior officers. On their shoulder straps there is one gap, which is a red stripe on which all the stars are located.
  • Often people who are not yet very well versed in such a hierarchy are wondering, two stars on shoulder straps - what title? In the junior staff, this is a lieutenant, his stars are located at an equal distance from each other on both sides of the central strip.
  • Three stars on shoulder straps - this is a senior lieutenant, where the third star is slightly higher than the first two. Therefore, in order to determine the name of the rank to which a soldier currently belongs, it is necessary to decipher the meaning of the stars on his shoulder straps. This can be done very easily, since it is enough to know the number that a particular rank has, as well as the principle of their location on shoulder insignia. Therefore, when asked, three stars on shoulder straps - what rank, the soldier knows for sure that this is a senior military officer.
  • The captain has 4 stars on shoulder straps. At the same time, he combines the position of the stars of all previous ranks, and the fourth is slightly higher than the previous three.

Senior officers have the following rank hierarchy:

  • About how many stars the first stage has, every soldier knows by heart. The hierarchy begins with the major, who has one star on shoulder straps and two gaps, which appear as two parallel red stripes. The star, which is slightly larger than the stars in the younger composition, is located exactly between the two gaps.
  • The second step is the lieutenant colonel, in which the stars are located on two parallel gaps, and at the same distance between themselves and from the edge of the shoulder straps.
  • Colonels have 3 stars on shoulder straps, in which the first two stars on shoulder straps are located in the same way as that of a lieutenant colonel, and the third is slightly higher.

After the serviceman has passed all the stages in the senior officer corps, he moves to the so-called elite, that is, to the senior officer corps. On shoulder straps of this composition there are no red parallel stripes, but there is a border of a certain color. If these are ground forces, then the border is red.

Here is the following hierarchy:

  • The first step of the military elite is a major general, who in the naval forces corresponds to the rank of rear admiral. The soldier who bears this rank has one star, which is larger in size than used in the senior staff.
  • Next comes the lieutenant general with two stars, which are arranged in a row, which is the difference from the features of the location in the senior officers. The stars line up, but at a strictly defined distance in relation to each other.
  • If there are 3 stars on shoulder straps, then this is the rank of lieutenant colonel. A soldier who is in this rank has one star more than the previous general, which is located just above the two already on shoulder straps.
  • An army general has four stars. For a long time this rank was considered the highest in the military hierarchy. However, a few decades later, the rank of marshal was introduced. At the general of the army, the stars are arranged in a row and occupy most of the shoulder strap.

Marshal, currently considered the highest rank among military personnel, has one large star, the diameter of which is 4 cm, and the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is located higher. The edging of the star and the coat of arms is golden.

Features of wearing stars

Recently, military personnel have often had to wipe their stars so that they have a sophisticated shine. However, to date, such attributes as false shoulder straps have been put into circulation, on which stars are not sewn on, but embroidered. That is, the stars on shoulder straps are not made of metal, but their two-dimensional copy is created using special threads.

Now metal stars are used only on shoulder straps intended to be worn at parades and other solemn events that concern military people. If we are talking about field conditions, then just the mentioned false shoulder straps are common in this territory, since during the battle the stars can simply fly off the shoulder strap.

Such a technique is additionally of a strategic nature, so as not to betray the location of not only a single soldier, but also his comrades. A strategic decision often saves an entire company or battalion, since in the field it is very important to take into account any alignment of events. If we talk about ceremonial insignia, then before going out, a military man rubs them to a shine, which is a manifestation of respect towards comrades and senior military personnel.

Ranks, insignia and shoulder straps of the police of the Russian Federation

The ranks of the Russian police are divided into four groups.
The first group is the junior commanding staff - sergeants, foremen and warrant officers.
The second group is the middle commanding staff - lieutenants and a captain.
The third group is the senior commanding staff - major, lieutenant colonel and colonel.
The fourth group - the highest commanding staff - major general, lieutenant general, colonel general and police general of the Russian Federation.
Ranks of police officers are assigned for life. And upon retirement, the “retired” attribute is added to the existing rank at that time (for example, retired captain, retired major or retired colonel, and so on)
The ranks of the police of the Russian Federation are assigned sequentially. A police officer must serve a certain fixed term. In Russia, all ranks are divided into first and next.
The next title in the Russian Federation is not easy to get. When assigning it, special attention is paid to the education of a policeman. But there are also moments when the next rank can be assigned to a policeman ahead of schedule, for any of his special distinctions for the good of the motherland. Although if the policeman at that time served in the previous rank less than half due date then the early assignment of the next rank or its increase is postponed.
All police ranks in Russia, from a cadet to a police general of the Russian Federation, have their own insignia and shoulder straps. But how to determine the rank and position of a police officer? Here is a descriptive table:

This table, which is below, is already a little outdated, and has undergone changes, but not significant ones - on the pursuit of an ordinary and other shoulder straps there is no “police” emblem next to the button, and on the chase of a foreman, according to the old, a longitudinal wide strip for the entire shoulder strap, according to the new strip also longitudinal and wide, but short, which can be clearly seen in the photo above. Well, the shoulder strap "Police General of the Russian Federation" is slightly changed, mainly in color. And so, everything is the same - the titles are as they are.

Shoulder straps and ranks of the Russian police

Shoulder straps

Ordinary policeman -

On shoulder straps there are distinctive signs - a button and next to it the emblem "police", Police cadets have a distinctive sign on shoulder straps - letter K

Junior commanding staff - sergeants, foremen and warrant officers.

Shoulder straps of a junior sergeant, a sergeant and a senior sergeant have rectangular tabs located transversely to the shoulder strap. Two tabs - junior sergeant, three tabs - sergeant, one wide transverse tab - senior sergeant, the same wide tab, but only longitudinal - vertical - foreman.


On the shoulder straps of the ensigns there are small stars vertically without gaps, two stars, and three stars. Two stars - ensign. Three stars - senior warrant officer.

The average commanding staff - lieutenants and captain

On shoulder straps there is a vertical red stripe, which is called a clearance. The stars are small. Military rank lieutenant. One star is located on the red stripe - junior lieutenant, two stars across the strip between them - lieutenant, three stars - two transversely, the third on the stripe - senior lieutenant, four stars - two transversely, and the third and fourth on the stripe - captain.

Senior Commanding Staff - Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel

There are two gaps on the shoulder straps - red stripes located vertically along the entire shoulder strap.
Large stars from one to three. One star in the middle inside the bands is a major. Two stars located on the bands themselves transversely - lieutenant colonel. Three stars - two on the stripes transversely, one between the stripes slightly ahead of the two - Colonel.

The highest commanding staff - generals and police general of the Russian Federation

Stars are large without gaps.
On shoulder straps, the stars are in a vertical position.
One star in the middle - major general two stars - lieutenant general three stars - colonel general. One even larger star with a large three-headed coat of arms of Russia is a police general of the Russian Federation.

The terms of service of the rank in the police of Russia are assigned in ascending order after a certain period of work experience.
Private - one year of service. The same period of 1 year - for junior sergeant. 2 years - in the rank of sergeant, 3 years - for senior sergeant. Ensign - up to junior lieutenant 5 years. Senior lieutenant - 1 year, lieutenant - 2 years, senior lieutenant and captain - 3 years, major - 4 years. The lieutenant colonel has 5 years.
For a colonel and general, rank promotions are awarded only for any special merits and distinctions in front of their native fatherland.
A similar rule does not apply to the highest rank - police general of the Russian Federation.

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Everyone has ever thought about what the stars, stripes and other figures on the shoulder straps of the police, military or other law enforcement agencies mean. Those who often communicate with the military or police, work with them or have gone through military service will be able to tell without hesitation how, for example, the shoulder straps of a police major differ from the shoulder straps of a colonel. But for people who are far from military affairs, this can be a difficult task. Shoulder boards are shoulder badges showing the rank of a police officer, military officer, or sailor.

Below we consider the police shoulder straps of Russia, their structure, features and differences.

Major's shoulder straps

Consist of two vertical stripes and stars, since this title refers to the senior staff.

The size of the stars and their placement are governed by the following principles:

  1. Number of stars - 1;
  2. The size of the stars is 13mm;
  3. The gap between the lower edge of the shoulder strap and the center of the star is 50mm.

Police officers and ensigns

There is an important feature: military and police shoulder straps differ only in color. Ensigns are similar. This means that determining the rank of an employee is quite simple - you just need to carefully look at his shoulder straps, and draw a conclusion based on the location, size of the stars and other distinguishing features. All aspects of the appearance of shoulder straps are regulated by the state.

So, the rank system in the Russian police is divided into the following groups:

  1. Junior management staff - consists of sergeants, petty officers, ensigns.
  2. Medium composition - consists of lieutenants, captains.
  3. The senior team consists of majors, lieutenant colonels, colonels.
  4. The highest composition - includes the following titles: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, general.

Sergeants are divided into:

  • junior sergeants;
  • sergeants;
  • senior sergeants.

Ensigns are divided into:

  • ensigns;
  • senior lieutenants.

Lieutenants are divided into:

  • junior lieutenants;
  • lieutenants;
  • senior lieutenants.

Let's carry out a detailed analysis of shoulder straps of each group.

The first thing to start with is the number of stars and their size. It is this criterion that allows you to quickly determine the title.

In this aspect, the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the military forces are based on the following principles:

Size and number of stars

  1. Sergeant major, ensigns, lieutenants and captains;
  • the size of the stars is 13 millimeters;
  • the number of stars is 1, 2 or 3. in ml. Lieutenant, Lieutenant, and Art. lieutenant respectively. 4 for the captain. Sergeants and foremen wear badges.

  1. Major, lieutenant colonel, colonel;
  • the size of the stars is 20 millimeters;
  • the number of stars is 1 for a major, 2 for a lieutenant colonel, 3 for a colonel.

On the shoulder straps of the senior staff there are also two gaps (not to be confused with the stripes). The lumen is a red band, usually 0.3 cm wide.

  1. Major General, Lieutenant General, Colonel General
  • The size of the stars is 22 mm.
  • Number of stars - 1 for a major general, 2 for a lieutenant general, 3 for a colonel general

  1. Police General
  • The size of the stars is 40 millimeters
  • Number of stars - 1

The title of "general of police" is carried by only one person - the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who is the main person in this state body. If the general retires, he will turn into a "retired police general", since the ranks remain with the representative of the law forever.

The gap between the edge of shoulder straps and the center of the star

The next aspect is the gap between the edge of the shoulder straps and the center of the star, which is strictly established by the state. Different shoulder straps have a different gap.


  1. For a major general, this distance is 50 millimeters.
  2. The colonel general and lieutenant general have 25 millimeters.
  3. The major and junior lieutenant have 45 millimeters.
  4. The colonel, lieutenant colonel, captain, lieutenant and ensigns have 30 millimeters.

Note that if there are 2 or more stars on shoulder straps, then the regulated distance between them is 25 mm, by analogy with the USSR (the requirements have not changed much since that time). Therefore, a person who often encounters shoulder straps and understands them will easily understand the differences between, for example, a lieutenant and a lieutenant colonel in diameter (13 and 20 mm, respectively). Using this method, you can easily distinguish other ranks

Chevrons and their location on the sleeve

There are two options for the location of the chevrons. More reliable and common - sew them on. You can also just stick it with Velcro. This feature is relatively new, but it's very easy to lose a chevron, which is highly undesirable. Since few people want to lose their patch and ruin their uniforms, most Interior Ministry employees use the conservative first method. The chevron is sewn at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder, which does not apply to winter jackets. For them, a different principle is used: the chevron is located in the center of the outer pocket, if the latter is available.

Requirements for the location of patches

The next topic is about patches on jackets. Like everything else, they are arranged according to certain standards.

For example, the distance between the red line on the back and the patch should be 1 centimeter. “Face” stripes are located in a similar way, but are already attached above the patch pocket.

After the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the renaming of the police to the police, the conditions for the design or location of epaulettes, chevrons and stripes generally remained the same. Only a few colors have changed. The most notable change is the renaming of the militia to the police. The names of law enforcement officers, their powers and some other details have also been changed.

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Which turned out to be more convenient and practical. Compared to the previous one, it began to look more dignified and solid. And this is important, because good relations between people and representatives law enforcement will depend, among other things, on the positive perception of their appearance and not just professional qualities.

The changes also affected police insignia, including shoulder straps. Curved stripes are now present on shoulder straps, but their meaning has been preserved since Soviet times.

A Brief History of Police Insignia

Some historians agree that until the time when the armed forces could appear in our country, functioning on a regular basis, military ranks had few differences. So, in senior and junior ranks, differences could only be detected by the cut of the uniform and type of weapons.

Some modernization was carried out during the reign of Peter I. The then officers began to wear gorgets, which were badges such as scarves with elements of state heraldry. TO early XIX centuries, innovations were introduced into the Russian army in the form of uniforms, outwardly similar to the current ones (“tail coats”).

Hats appeared, which began to emphasize the difference in military ranks. Little by little, epaulettes began to enter the custom of military mods. The officer's epaulettes were made in the same color as the uniform itself, while the general's were distinguished by golden hues.

In the early 20s of the 19th century, the military uniform of Russian soldiers began to stand out with the appearance of stars. The presence of one asterisk could mean that the soldier is an ensign, two - a major, three - a lieutenant colonel, four - a staff captain. But the colonel walked with epaulettes, which did not have asterisks at all. From the 1840s, non-commissioned officers began to have something similar to insignia. These were transverse stripes, somewhat similar to the sergeant's stripes of the times Soviet Union.

The appearance of an analogue of the first shoulder straps

Something similar to shoulder straps with stars of more or less modern designs began to appear in the Russian state from the middle of the 19th century. Their appearance by some historians is associated with the introduction of new models of military uniforms, and specifically with the overcoat that is now familiar to us all. Shoulder straps with sewn-on galloons and stars were fixed in the area of ​​​​the shoulders on the uniform. The size of all officer epaulettes, along with the highest ranks, was completely the same.

Following the revolution of 1917, stars with shoulder straps, which were perceived by the Bolsheviks as a symbol of tsarism and autocracy, were simply abolished. However, over time, the military Soviet leadership decided to return the historical insignia. Initially, this was expressed in the appearance of sleeve patches, and already starting from 1943, shoulder straps.

Shoulder straps and ranks of Russian police officers

The distribution by military ranks and the use of insignia, including shoulder straps, is used not only by the Russian army, but also to determine special ranks by law enforcement and other structures. Due to a certain level of similarity between military and police activities, the placement of stars and other elements on police shoulder straps is similar to that of the Russian army.

Stars on the shoulder straps of ordinary police officers in order

On the shoulder straps of ordinary police officers there is a distinctive sign - a button, next to which there is an emblem with the inscription "police". Police cadets have a distinctive sign with the letter "K" on their shoulder straps.

Shoulder straps and ranks of the junior commanding staff of the police

The shoulder straps that junior sergeants, sergeants and senior sergeants have have rectangular tabs that are located across the shoulder straps. Two ribbons indicate the rank of junior sergeant, three ribbons - sergeants, senior sergeants wear one wide transverse ribbon on the pursuit, the same wide ribbon, but located vertically, is worn by foremen.

Shoulder straps and ranks of ensigns of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The shoulder straps of each ensign are decorated with small stars arranged vertically. Shoulder straps with two stars are worn by warrant officers, and with three - by senior warrant officers.

Shoulder straps and ranks of the middle commanding staff

On shoulder straps of the average composition there is a vertical red stripe, which is called a clearance, as well as small stars. With one asterisk located on the red strip, junior lieutenants go, with two asterisks on shoulder straps and a transverse strip between them - police lieutenants, with three asterisks (two are located in parallel, and the third on the strip) - senior lieutenants, with four asterisks (two parallel and two on the strip) - captains.

Shoulder straps and ranks of the senior commanding staff

Shoulder straps differ from the shoulder straps of previous employees by two gaps - red stripes located vertically along the entire length of the shoulder strap. There are also stars of large sizes from one to three. Majors wear one star in the middle inside the stripes. Shoulder straps with two stars located on the strips themselves parallel to each other are worn by lieutenant colonels. Shoulder straps with three stars, two of which are placed parallel to the stripes, one in the middle of the stripes slightly in front, are worn by colonels.

Shoulder straps and ranks of the highest commanding staff

General's epaulettes have large stars arranged vertically and do not have gaps. With one star in the middle of the shoulder strap, major generals walk. Lieutenant generals go with two stars, colonel generals go with three stars. Shoulder straps with one large and three-headed Russian coat of arms are worn only by police generals of the Russian Federation, which is a rarity in this service hierarchy.

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Each detail of the military uniform is endowed with practical meaning and appeared on it not by chance, but as a result of certain events. It can be said that the elements of military uniforms have both historical symbolism and utilitarian purpose.

The emergence and development of shoulder straps in the Russian Empire

The opinion that shoulder straps come from a part of knightly armor, designed to protect the shoulders from impact, is one of the most common misconceptions. A simple study of the armor and army uniforms of the past, from the second half of the 12th to the end of the 17th century, allows us to conclude that nothing like this existed in any army in the world. In Russia, even the strictly regulated form of archers did not have anything similar to protect the shoulders.

Shoulder straps of the Russian army were first introduced by Emperor Peter I between 1683-1698 and had a purely utilitarian meaning. The soldiers of the grenadier regiments and the Fusiliers used them as additional mount for backpacks or cartridge bags. Naturally, epaulettes were worn exclusively by soldiers, and only on the left shoulder.

However, after 30 years, with the increase in the types of troops, this element is distributed among the troops, still serving one or another regiment. In 1762, this function was officially assigned to shoulder straps, starting to decorate the uniforms of officers with them. While in the army Russian Empire it was impossible to find a universal pattern of shoulder straps. The commander of each regiment could independently determine its type of weaving, length and width. Often, wealthy officers from prominent aristocratic families wore a regimental insignia in a more luxurious version - with gold and precious stones. Nowadays, shoulder straps of the Russian army (pictures below) are a desirable item for collectors of military uniforms.

During the reign of Emperor Alexander I, shoulder straps take the form of a cloth valve with a clear regulation of color, fasteners and decor, depending on the number of the regiment in the division. The epaulettes of officers differ from those of soldiers only by trimming with a gold cord (galoon) along the edge. When the knapsack was introduced in 1803, there were 2 of them - one for each shoulder.

After 1854, they began to decorate not only uniforms, but also raincoats and overcoats. Thus, the role of "determinant of ranks" is forever assigned to shoulder straps. By the end of the 19th century, soldiers began to use a duffel bag instead of a knapsack, and additional fastening on the shoulders was no longer required. Shoulder straps get rid of fasteners in the form of buttons and are tightly sewn into the fabric.

After the collapse of the Russian Empire, and with it the tsarist army, epaulettes and epaulettes disappear from military uniforms for several decades, recognized as a symbol of "unequal rights of workers and exploiters."

Shoulder straps in the Red Army from 1919 to 1943

The USSR sought to get rid of the "remnants of imperialism", which also included the ranks and epaulettes of the Russian (tsarist) army. On December 16, 1917, by the decrees of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars "On the elective beginning and organization of power in the army" and "On the equalization of the rights of all military personnel," all previously existing army ranks and insignia were canceled. And on January 15, 1918, the country's leadership adopted a decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA).

For some time, a strange mixture of military symbols operated in the army of the new country. For example, insignia are known in the form of armbands in red (revolutionary) color with the inscription of the position, similar to the tone of the strip on the sleeves of a gymnast or overcoat, metal or cloth stars different sizes on the headdress or chest.

Since 1924, in the Red Army, it was proposed to recognize the ranks of military personnel by the buttonholes on the collar of the tunic. The color of the field and edging was determined by the type of troops, and the gradation was extensive. For example, the infantry wore crimson buttonholes with black trim, the cavalry wore blue and black, signalmen wore black and yellow, etc.

Buttonholes of the highest commanders of the Red Army (generals) had the color of the field according to the type of troops and were sheathed along the edge with a narrow golden cord.

In the field of buttonholes there were copper figures covered with red enamel. various shapes, allowing to determine the rank of commander of the Red Army:

  • Privates, junior officers - triangles with a side of 1 cm. They appeared only in 1941. And before that, servicemen of these ranks wore "empty" buttonholes.
  • The average command staff - squares 1 x 1 cm in size. In everyday life, they were often called "cubes" or "head over heels".
  • Senior officers - rectangles with sides 1.6 x 0.7 cm, called "sleepers".
  • The highest command staff - rhombuses 1.7 cm high and 0.8 cm wide. Additional signs the differences for the commanders of these ranks were chevrons of gold galloon on the sleeves of the uniform. The political composition added to them large stars made of red cloth.
  • Marshals of the Soviet Union - 1 large gold star in the buttonholes and on the sleeves.

The number of characters varied from 1 to 4 - the more, the higher the rank of commander.

The rank designation system in the Red Army was often subject to changes, which greatly confused the situation. It was not uncommon for military personnel to wear obsolete or even self-made badges for months due to supply disruptions. However, the buttonhole system has left its mark on the history of military uniforms. In particular, epaulettes in the Soviet army retained the colors according to the types of troops.

Thanks to Decree Supreme Council USSR of January 6, 1943 and the Order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 25 of January 15, 1943, shoulder straps and ranks returned to the life of military personnel. These insignia will exist until the collapse of the USSR. The colors of the field and edging, the shape and location of the stripes will change, but in general the system will remain unchanged, and subsequently the shoulder straps of the Russian army will be created according to similar principles.

The servicemen received 2 types of such elements - everyday and field, having a standard width of 6 cm and a length of 14-16 cm, depending on the type of clothing. Shoulder straps of non-combat units (justice, military veterinarians and doctors) were deliberately narrowed to 4.5 cm.

The definition of the type of troops was based on the color of the edging and gaps, as well as the stylized symbol on the lower or middle (for private and junior) parts of the shoulder strap. Their palette is less diverse than before 1943, but the primary colors have been preserved.

1. Edging (cord):

  • Combined arms (military registration and enlistment offices, military institutions), infantry units, motorized rifles, quartermaster services - raspberry.
  • Artillery, tank troops, military doctors - scarlet.
  • Cavalry - blue.
  • Aviation - blue.
  • Other technical troops - black.

2. Clearances.

  • Command (officer) composition - Bordeaux.
  • Quartermasters, justice, technical, medical and veterinary services - brown.

They were designated with asterisks of different diameters - for junior officers 13 mm, for senior officers - 20 mm. Marshals of the Soviet Union received 1 major star.

Shoulder straps for everyday wear had an embossed gold or silver field, rigidly fixed on a solid cloth base. They were also used on the dress uniform, which the military wore for ceremonial occasions.

Field epaulettes for all officers were made of silk or khaki-colored linen with edging, gaps and signs corresponding to the rank. At the same time, their pattern (texture) repeated the pattern on everyday shoulder straps.

From 1943 until the collapse of the USSR, military insignia and uniforms underwent repeated changes, among which the following are worth noting:

1. As a result of the reform of 1958, the everyday shoulder straps of officers began to be made of dark green cloth. For the insignia of cadets and enlisted personnel, only 3 colors were left: scarlet (combined arms, motorized rifles), blue (aviation, airborne forces), black (all other types of troops). The gaps of officer epaulettes could only be blue or scarlet.

2. Since January 1973, the letters "SA" (Soviet Army) appeared on all types of shoulder straps of soldiers and sergeants. A little later, the sailors and foremen of the fleet received the designations "SF", "TF", "BF" and "Black Sea Fleet" - the Northern Fleet, the Pacific Fleet, the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets, respectively. At the end of the same year, the letter "K" appears among cadets of military educational institutions.

3. The field uniform of the new model, called "Afghan", came into use in 1985 and was widely distributed among military personnel of all branches of the armed forces. Its peculiarity consisted in shoulder straps, which were an element of the jacket and had the same color as it. Those who wore the "Afghan" sewed stripes and stars on them, and only the generals were given special removable shoulder straps.

Shoulder straps of the Russian army. Main features of the reforms

The USSR ceased to exist in the fall of 1991, and with it the shoulder straps and ranks disappeared. The creation of the Russian Armed Forces began with Presidential Decree No. 466 of May 7, 1992. However, this act did not describe the shoulder straps of the Russian army in any way. Until 1996, military personnel wore SA insignia. Moreover, confusion and confusion of symbols occurred until the year 2000.

The military uniform of the Russian Federation was almost entirely developed on the basis of the Soviet legacy. However, the reforms of 1994-2000 brought several changes to it:

1. On the shoulder straps of the sergeants (foremen and sailors of the fleet), instead of the transverse ribbons from the braid, metal squares appeared, located with the sharp side up. In addition, Navy personnel received a large letter "F" in their lower part.

2. Ensigns and midshipmen had shoulder straps similar to those of soldiers, trimmed with colored galloon, but without gaps. The long-term struggle of this category of servicemen for the right to officer insignia was devalued in one day.

3. There were almost no changes in the officers - the new shoulder straps of the Russian army developed for them almost completely repeated the Soviet ones. However, their sizes have decreased: the width has become 5 cm, and the length - 13-15 cm, depending on the type of clothing.

At present, the ranks and epaulettes of the Russian army occupy a fairly stable position. The main reforms and unification of insignia have been completed, and in the coming decades, the Russian army does not expect any significant changes in this area.

Shoulder straps of cadets

Students of military (naval) educational institutions are required to wear everyday and field shoulder straps on all types of their uniforms. Depending on the clothes (tunics, winter coats and overcoats), they can be sewn on or removable (jackets, demi-season coats and shirts).

Cadet epaulettes are strips of dense colored cloth, sheathed along the edge with golden braid. On the field camouflage of army and aviation schools, the letter "K" is mandatory sewn 15 mm from the bottom edge yellow color 20 mm high. For other types of educational institutions, the designations are as follows:

  • IWC- Naval Cadet Corps.
  • QC- Cadet Corps.
  • H- Nakhimov School.
  • Anchor symbol- Fleet cadet.
  • SVU- Suvorov School.

On the field of shoulder straps of students there are also metal or sewn-on squares, with an acute angle facing upwards. Their thickness and brightness depend on the rank. A sample of shoulder straps with a layout of signs, presented below, belongs to a cadet of a military university with the rank of sergeant.

In addition to shoulder straps, belonging to the military educational institutions and the position of a cadet can be determined by sleeve emblems with a symbol-coat of arms, as well as by "kursovka" - charcoal stripes on the sleeve, the number of which depends on the time of training (a year, two, etc.).

Shoulder straps of privates and sergeants

Privates in the ground army of Russia are the lowest. In the troops of the Navy, they correspond to the rank of a sailor. A conscientiously serving soldier can become a corporal, and on a ship - a senior sailor. Further, these military personnel are able to move to the sergeant rank for the ground forces or the sergeant rank for the Navy.

Representatives of the lower military units of the army and navy wear shoulder straps of a similar pattern, the description of which is as follows:

  • The upper part of the insignia has the shape of a trapezoid, within which a button is located.
  • The color of the field of shoulder straps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has a dark green color for everyday uniforms and camouflage for field uniforms. Sailors wear black cloth.
  • The color of the edging indicates the type of troops: blue for the airborne forces and aviation, and red for all others. The Navy frames its epaulettes with a white cord.
  • At the bottom of everyday shoulder straps, 15 mm from the edge, are the letters "VS" (Armed Forces) or "F" (navy) of golden color. The field ones do without such "excesses".
  • Depending on the rank, within the framework of private and sergeant compositions, acute-angled stripes are attached to shoulder straps. Their number and thickness are the greater, the higher the position of the serviceman. On the shoulder straps of a foreman ( highest rank sergeants) is also the emblem of the troops.

Separately, it is worth mentioning warrant officers and midshipmen, whose precarious position between privates and officers is fully reflected in their insignia. For them, the shoulder straps of the Russian army of the new model seem to consist of 2 parts:

1. Soldier's "field" without gaps, trimmed with colored galloon.

2. Officer stars along the central axis: 2 for an ordinary ensign, 3 for a senior. A similar number of signs is provided simply to warrant officers and senior warrant officers.

Shoulder straps of junior officers

The lower officers begin with a junior lieutenant, and complete it with a captain. Stars on shoulder straps, their number, size and location are identical for the ground forces and the Navy.

Junior officers are distinguished by one clearance and from 1 to 4 stars of 13 mm each along the central axis. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1010 of May 23, 1994, shoulder straps can have the following colors:

  • For a white shirt - shoulder straps with a field white color, emblems and golden stars.
  • For a green shirt, everyday tunic, jacket and overcoat - green insignia with gaps according to the type of troops, emblems and stars of gold color.
  • For the Air Force (aviation) and everyday top uniform - epaulettes of blue color with a blue lumen, an emblem and golden stars.
  • For the front tunic of any kind of troops - insignia of silver color with colored gaps, galloon and gold stars.
  • For the field uniform (only the Armed Forces) - camouflage shoulder straps without gaps, with gray stars.

Thus, for junior officers there are 3 types of shoulder straps - field, everyday and full dress, which they use depending on the type of uniform worn. Naval officers have only everyday and dress ones.

Shoulder straps of middle officers

The group of ranks of the Armed Forces begins with a major and ends with a colonel, and in the Navy - from a captain of the 3rd rank to, respectively. Despite the differences in the name of the ranks, the principles of construction and the location of the insignia remain almost identical.

Shoulder straps of the Russian army and navy for the average composition have the following distinctive features:

  • In everyday and formal versions, the texture (embossing) is more pronounced, almost aggressive.
  • There are 2 gaps along the shoulder straps, 15 mm from the edges and 20 mm from each other. They are absent on the field.
  • The size of the stars is 20 mm, and their number varies from 1 to 3 depending on the rank. On the shoulder straps of the field uniform, their color is muted from golden to silver.

Officers of the middle ranks of the Armed Forces also have 3 types of epaulettes - field, everyday and dress. Moreover, the latter have a rich gold color and are sewn only on the tunic. For wearing on a white shirt (summer version of the uniform), white epaulettes with standard insignia are provided.

According to surveys, the major, whose stars on shoulder straps are lonely (and it is very difficult to make a mistake in determining the rank), is the most recognizable serviceman among that part of the population that has nothing to do with the military sphere.

Shoulder straps of senior officers of the Armed Forces

The ranks in the ground forces have undergone significant changes during the creation of the army of the Russian Federation. Presidential Decree No. 466 dated May 7, 1992 not only abolished the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union, but also stopped the division of generals into military branches. Following these adjustments, the uniform and shoulder straps (shape, size and insignia) were subjected to.

Currently, senior officers wear the following types of shoulder straps:

1. Ceremonial - a field of golden color, on which sewn stars are located in an amount corresponding to the rank. The army generals and marshals of the Russian Federation have the emblems of the army and the country in the upper third of shoulder straps. The color of the edging and stars: red - for the ground forces, blue - for aviation, airborne forces and military space forces, cornflower blue - for the FSB.

2. Everyday - the color of the field is blue for senior officers of aviation, the Airborne Forces and the Aerospace Forces, for the rest - green. There is a edging with a cord, only the general of the army and the marshal of the Russian Federation also have a star outline.

3. Field - khaki field, not camouflage, like other categories of officers. The stars and coats of arms are green, several shades darker than the background. There is no color edging.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the stars that adorn the shoulder straps of the generals. For country marshals and army generals, their size is 40 mm. Moreover, the last symbol has a substrate of the best silver. The stars of all other officers are smaller - 22 mm.

The rank of a soldier, according to general rule, is determined by the number of characters. In particular, it adorns 1 star, a lieutenant general - 2, and a colonel general - 3. At the same time, the first of those listed is in its position below all in the category. The reason for this is one of the traditions of the Soviet era: in the USSR army, lieutenant generals were deputy generals of the troops and took on some of their functions.

Shoulder straps of senior officers of the Navy

The leadership of the naval forces of the Russian Federation is represented by such ranks as Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Admiral and Admiral of the Fleet. Since the field uniform is not provided for in the Navy, these ranks are worn only by everyday or dress shoulder straps, which have the following features:

1. The color of the field of the solemn variant is gold with zigzag embossing. The epaulette at the same time frames the black edging. In everyday epaulettes, the colors are reversed - a black field and a gold cord along the edge.

2. Senior officers of the Navy may wear epaulettes on white or cream shirts. The epaulette field corresponds to the color of the clothes, and there is no edging.

3. The number of sewn stars on shoulder straps depends on the rank of the soldier and increases depending on his promotion. Their main difference from similar signs in the ground forces is a substrate of silver rays. Traditionally, the largest star (40 mm) belongs to the Admiral of the Fleet.

When dividing the troops into the Navy and the Armed Forces, it is assumed that some swim, while others move on the ground or, in extreme cases, in the air. But in fact, the Naval Forces are heterogeneous and, in addition to ship teams, include coastal troops and naval aviation. This division could not but be reflected in shoulder straps, and if the former are classified as ground combat arms and have the appropriate insignia, then with naval pilots everything is much more complicated.

The senior officers of naval aviation, on the one hand, have ranks similar to the generals of the Armed Forces. On the other hand, their epaulettes correspond to the uniform established for the Navy. They are distinguished only by the blue color of the edging and a star without a ray substrate with the corresponding design. For example, the ceremonial epaulettes of a major general of naval carrier-based aviation have a gold field with an azure border around the edge and a star outline.

In addition to epaulettes and the uniform itself, military personnel are distinguished by many other insignia, including sleeve insignia and chevrons, cockades on headdresses, symbols of military branches in buttonholes and breast symbols (badges). Together, they can provide an informed person with basic information about a military man - the type of troops, rank, term and place of service, the intended scope of authority.

Unfortunately, most people are just in the category of "ignorant", because they pay attention to the most noticeable detail of the form. Shoulder straps of the Russian army in this case are quite grateful material. They are not overloaded with unnecessary symbols and are of the same type for different kinds troops.