Capricorn zodiac sign stones talismans. Stone matching the sign by date of birth

  • 26.09.2019

It is possible to determine a suitable Capricorn stone by comparing the properties of stones and the qualities characteristic of people of this zodiac sign.

A correctly chosen stone can become a reliable talisman for the representative of Capricorn according to the horoscope, protecting a person from troubles and attracting happiness.

A huge role in choosing stones suitable for Capricorns is played by the decade in which man is born. This is due to the fact that, depending on the decade of birth, the signs of the zodiac have some of their inherent character traits more pronounced. To determine which stone is suitable for Capricorn, one should study in more detail the character traits inherent in this sign.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Capricorn

The sign of Capricorn is worn by people born between December 23 and January 20. These are very purposeful people, ready to work hard and diligently to achieve success in all areas of life. They are distinguished by longevity, restraint in emotions and far-sightedness. Therefore, representatives of this sign become excellent leaders. Excessive sensitivity, extravagance, gullibility are unusual for Capricorns. They are 100% pragmatists.

Capricorn of the first decade, born before December 31, is very hardworking and smart, does not like change and greatly appreciates financial independence. The representatives of the second decade are characterized by restraint, fidelity, exactingness to themselves and others. And people born in the third decade are very erudite, have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. V personal life they often do not have everything going smoothly, which is associated with selfishness and the desire for leadership.

Capricorn woman strives for independence and devotes a lot of time and effort to career growth.

She is very attractive and has refined manners. Despite self-confidence, he really needs compliments and praise. These women are characterized by prudence, restraint, responsibility. They make excellent housewives, faithful wives and attentive mothers.

The choice of a mascot depending on the date of birth

The Capricorn zodiac sign is one of the strongest and brightest, respectively, and Capricorn stones must have a very strong energy. Minerals and gems suitable for the Capricorn sign are stones belonging to the earth element. Amulet from desired stone worn by both men and women.

Amulets are useful for both women and men.

However, it should be recognized that women, who wear jewelry more often than men, are less pragmatic in nature and pay much more attention to the choice of stones. To figure out which stones are more suitable for a Capricorn woman, you should distribute them by date of birth.

First decade

Capricorns of the first decade are born under the influence of Jupiter. The sphere of influence of this planet is wisdom, power, luck, financial position. Capricorn, born under the influence of Jupiter, should choose stones that are energetically strong, helping to smooth out sharp character traits and enhancing the positive influence of the planet.

Agate and obsidian

For these purposes, the following stones are suitable:

  • agate;
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • amethyst;
  • coil;
  • obsidian.

Agate is a variety of volcanic quartz, striking with an abundance of shades contained in one stone. For Capricorns, agate is recommended to choose gray and blue shades. Agate is designed to protect human health, brings longevity, and also contributes to financial prosperity.

Tiger's eye is a yellow-brown mineral. It preserves the owner's internal energy, helps to gain internal strength and self-confidence.

The serpentine is named so due to its coloring, reminiscent of snake skin in the pattern. In the people it is called an insidious stone. It is believed that he is able to involve his wearer in empty entertainment and spending. Because of this danger, these stones, according to the zodiac sign of Capricorn, are more suitable than others. Capricorn with the help of the serpentine will be able to increase their vitality and curiosity. Obsidian, or volcanic glass, helps in making the right decisions, allows you to gain sobriety of mind.

In addition, it protects against enemies and contributes to the satisfaction of ambitions. Amethyst is capable the best way suitable for a Capricorn woman. This mineral is a symbol of harmony and purification, promotes spiritual growth, softens the character, helps to find inner peace.

Second decade

The second decade is marked by the influence of Mars. Mars is the symbol of the masculine. It is generally accepted that Mars provokes passion in a person. It also applies to anger, dominance, aggression. Since ancient times, this planet has been associated with wars.

People who are strongly influenced by this planet are categorical in their judgments, demanding and domineering. Honesty and loyalty are of great importance to them.

For Capricorns by zodiac sign, born under the auspices of Mars, the best fit:

  • chrysoprase;
  • onyx;
  • opal.

Chrysoprase - very beautiful semiprecious stone Green colour. It is often used to make jewelry. Chrysoprase is designed to bring success and victory to its owner. In addition, the action of this mineral is aimed at subduing anger, brings clarity of mind and helps to accept right decisions. It is believed that it helps only those honest people whose thoughts are pure.

Chrysoprase and Onyx

Onyx - very popular, widely used in many areas of human life. In a silver frame, the onyx amulet shows its best properties. Onyx helps its owner to concentrate and cool the mind. The mineral has a positive effect on human health, protects against accidents and brings harmony in thoughts and deeds.

Opal is a gemstone composed of water, mineral and crystal. This is a stone of incredible beauty, with many shades.

A girl wearing light-colored opal jewelry will be freed from depression, will be able to find reliable friends and harmony with herself. Opal is able to develop intuition and creativity. According to the horoscope, this stone for a Capricorn woman will help strengthen self-confidence, soften such traits as stubbornness and selfishness.

third decade

Those born in the third decade are under the auspices of the most powerful planet - the Sun. It is the Sun that determines the effect of other planets on the signs of the zodiac. These people are very energetic, active, hardworking. They are self-centered and like to be the center of attention. Stones for Capricorn, born under the influence of the Sun, the following are suitable:

  • Garnet,
  • ruby,
  • tourmaline,
  • hyacinth.

Garnet is a mineral of red color and its shades. Depending on the color and type of stone, garnets are classified as semi-precious or precious stones. A talisman for a woman in the form of a decoration with a pomegranate will help to find love and family happiness, since since ancient times it has been a symbol of love and heartfelt experiences.

Ruby is a gemstone, a transparent variety of corundum. A ruby ​​amulet is a symbol of power.

Since ancient times, this stone has been a favorite decoration of royalty.

It helps its owner gain self-confidence, vitality and strength. It is not recommended to be worn by cruel and hypocritical people. And for honest and kind people, it is a talisman against the evil eye and envious people. In addition, the ruby ​​attracts financial well-being.

Garnet and ruby

Tourmaline is a precious mineral that has an incredibly large range of colors. It is difficult to mine and highly valued. When choosing tourmaline as a talisman, it is very importance has a color range of stone. is a symbol of the feminine. And the polychrome mineral of red-green shades symbolizes male power and valor. At the same time, this mineral contributes to harmony and family happiness and helps to purposefully go towards the intended goal.

Transparent tourmaline brings calmness and concentration of thoughts, red symbolizes love and develops creativity, black tourmaline is considered a witch's stone.

Hyacinth is a variety of red-yellow zircon. It is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. In ancient times, it was believed to promote wealth and help uncover deceit. Hyacinth also helps to cope with despair and depression. It is recommended to wear a stone during periods of trouble; during prosperity, hyacinth will not benefit the owner.

What else you need to know when choosing a mascot?

What stone is Capricorn's main talisman and helps to reveal the full potential of his personal characteristics?

Many experts in the field of astrology believe that this is opal and onyx. It is these minerals that have the properties that are able to develop best qualities Capricorns, such as determination, harmony of thoughts, develop erudition and organizational skills.

In addition, this mineral suppresses dominance, selfishness, protects the health of its owner. Sapphires and emeralds are contraindicated for wearing, they can take energy from Capricorns. And citrine can provoke rash decisions, involve in adventures and turn Capricorn's prudence into deceit.

Important stones for Capricorn men are chrysoprase and onyx. Jewelry with these stones will help a man gain self-confidence, sanity, calmness and prudence. When choosing stones that suit Capricorns according to the zodiac sign, it is important to take into account the individual character traits of a person.

Starting to wear certain stones-talismans, Capricorn is recommended to listen to inner feelings. If a person experiences discomfort and discomfort, then the stone does not suit him.

Capricorn Woman

This article will discuss whether this is a sign for ambition and leadership qualities. He stands out in the crowd because he is different from others. Capricorns are focused on success in life, career advancement. The women of this winter sign are charming and always look good. They clearly understand what they want and systematically go to their goal. As a rule, having achieved everything that they have planned, Capricorns live in a secure old age.

These devoted women, who do not like to show their feelings, remain true to themselves and their principles for life.

If you want to present a gift to this business lady, then give her jewelry, it will come in handy, especially if it contains a mineral that suits her according to her zodiac sign.

Which gemstone suits Capricorn

A sign under the auspices of Saturn, whose lucky color is blue, suits a set of strong stones, which can harm other signs, but here they will only benefit. These include: pearls, ruby, labrador, malachite, onyx, agate, chrysolite, obsidian, tourmaline, smoky and rose quartz, hematite, serpentine, chrysoprase, pomegranate. But the main talisman for Capricorns is He brings good luck, wealth and prosperity to the sign of the Earth.

Keep me my talisman

And what stone suits Capricorn and is in favorites? In addition to sapphire, talismans and amulets for the winter constellation of the earth element are ruby, onyx and malachite. Let's talk about them in more detail. I would like to note that, having chosen about five stones from the above stones, Capricorn can wear them all year round, regardless of the season, which other signs cannot boast of.

Which stone is suitable for Capricorn woman: ruby

Ruby has always been famous as a strong talisman in love matters, helping the owner to find his "second half". In addition, the stone is able to ward off damage and the evil eye, make the owner strong and wise. Keeps from poisoning and natural disasters, accidents.

Which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman: onyx

This mineral is known for its medicinal properties. The stone of leaders and leaders, so husbands were afraid to give to their wives for fear that they would dominate the house. The gem is also known for the fact that, set in silver, it gives the meaning of life and drives away sadness, melancholy and other negative thoughts.

Which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman: malachite

An amulet for creative Capricorns, or for people of science and all kinds of knowledge. Broadens the mind. Helps to find inner peace and freedom. It also bestows love and good luck on the wearer. Connects the inner world with the outer spiritual world the owner, teaches to live in harmony with himself and others.

Capricorn and the world of stones

In addition to all of the above main stones, the following, minor, but no less strong stones for Capricorn, will suit this unemotional and calm practice. So, these include: rock crystal, pyrope, epidote, lapis lazuli, diamond, citrine, amber, jasper. Diligence representatives of the signs of the Earth do not hold. But Capricorn is not enough creativity and the ability to see things through to the end. For these purposes, the world of stones will serve you faithfully.

You need to choose a stone for Capricorn as a talisman, depending on what goals they are pursuing and what they want to achieve. Capricorns are distinguished by prudence, so a stone is suitable for them, helping to make the right, and most importantly, informed decisions. Also, talisman stones should protect Capricorn from negative influences, protect from troubles and bad mood.

Capricorn is a sign of the Earth element. Women and men born in this constellation practically do not care which talismans to use. However, even such self-sufficient and self-confident individuals simply need magical helpers.

Capricorns tend to be somewhat inconsistent and often have trouble getting things done. Therefore, when choosing a stone, one should give preference to minerals that affect these character traits. Fiery and red gems will help you complete what you started, and make informed decisions based on experience and rationality.

The planet of this sign is Saturn. She connects those born in this constellation with dark and cold gems that help Capricorns in their endeavors.

Purposefulness and resilience are two main traits that distinguish those whose zodiac sign is Capricorn. From childhood, people born in this constellation take life seriously and thoroughly.

Characteristics of Capricorn

As a rule, Capricorn will not pay attention to the opinions of others, doing everything in his own way and relying on himself. Sometimes it seems that they are separated from the rest of the world and live by their own rules.

Both women and men are not afraid hard work, always follow the set goals and achieve excellent results. The guarantor of the desired result will be the patience and practicality of those born in the constellation Capricorn.

Capricorns provide good support to their friends and relatives, help with advice, however, they are absolutely indifferent to mass gatherings, parties and holidays. Although sometimes a sensual nature is hidden behind some detachment and isolation.

Stones suitable for Capricorn

Like everyone else, men and women born in the constellation of Capricorn need protection from negative influences and bad people. A stone for Capricorn must have an “earthly” origin, since the owner of such a magical item belongs to the elements of the Earth. The stone talisman of Capricorn should be a match for its owner. He should emphasize and develop the strengths of the character and reduce the influence of the negative sides.

When choosing a mineral, you need to rely entirely on your intuition. As a rule, it does not fail people born in this constellation. Therefore, the talisman stones chosen by Capricorns are distinguished by efficiency and strength. Also, the stones should help Capricorns to deal with malfunctions in the digestive system and improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

The most suitable stones that Capricorn can use as a talisman are obsidian, tourmaline, onyx, topaz, rock crystal, garnet and jade. Jewelry with these minerals can be worn by both men and women.

Obsidian for Capricorn

One of the main minerals, with the use of which the talisman for Capricorn will be most effective, is obsidian. It is believed that obsidian is one of the most suitable stones for Capricorn.

This gem dark shades associated with the earth, and this is the most suitable earth sign. Obsidian stones guarantee their owner powerful protection against different kind trouble. Obsidian gives both the Capricorn woman and the man inner protection. It helps to make correct and informed decisions. Also, this stone keeps its owner from stupid and thoughtless actions.

The stone is able to guide Capricorn through life, making his path easy. The most effective will be a talisman with a stone of dark red color. Therefore, dark red gems are most suitable for Capricorns. In such color scheme the stone helps to find inner harmony and get rid of anxiety.

As for the protective functions, the obsidian stone helps mainly to easily survive failures and not stop there. Obsidian helps to take the blows of fate and endure them without loss, rather than protect its owner from trouble.

Tourmaline for Capricorn

Tourmaline is considered a very powerful talisman for Capricorn. It is best to give preference to gems of black and green shades. After all, they are most suitable for Capricorns and have a powerful protective effect.

Black stones are considered strong in terms of protective properties. This stone for Capricorn will become a very powerful protector. Such a talisman stone can protect a person from dangers, troubles or enemies. It will also reduce Negative influence the environment, such as weather influences. Black tourmaline will also strengthen the body in general and help get rid of muscle pain and lower back problems.

The talisman of health is green tourmaline. This mineral will help improve heart function, relieve fatigue and cheer you up. Talismans with tourmaline are recommended for Capricorns to always carry with them and touch the mineral in exciting moments. Both women and men can use the gem.

Onyx stone for Capricorn

The precious mineral Onyx is a very popular talisman among those born in the Capricorn constellation. A black gem is considered the most suitable and strong. Black onyx is a stone that will become a faithful companion of Capricorn.

This gem gives its owner self-confidence and self-confidence. It helps to overcome doubts, bring the matter to the end and stop doubting yourself. In addition, onyx stones are able to save a person from trouble and avert severe misfortune.

Also, black onyx stones will attract good luck in all endeavors and promise success to a person.

As for the healing properties of the mineral, this stone for Capricorn has a positive effect on the entire human body as a whole. Of particular note is the healing properties of the gem. The stone is especially recommended for those who have recently recovered from an illness. After all, onyx stones contribute to a quick cure and strengthen the immune system.

Since Onyx is considered a very strong mineral, it is not recommended to buy it remotely, from the photo. It is best to either accept the gem as a gift or hold it in your hands for a few seconds before buying. After analyzing the sensations, it will be possible to understand whether onyx is suitable for a person or not. Photos and images are not always effective when choosing such an important item as a talisman.

Rhinestone for Capricorn

Talismans with rock crystal for people whose zodiac sign is Capricorn will help facilitate the work with a large amount of information. This stone for Capricorn also helps to streamline thoughts and assess the situation without unnecessary emotions.

This mineral has an impact on Capricorn's sociability, making them sociable and facilitating contact with other people.

Talismans with dark rock crystal are recommended for men, which will attract prosperity and popularity among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Women should give preference to a light stone, which will help build harmonious relationships in the family.

Garnet stone for Capricorn

A symbol of good luck and luck for people whose zodiac sign is Capricorn is considered to be a garnet stone. To attract good luck, it is best for Capricorn to use talismans with a red garnet. This gem not only attracts luck, but also enhances the influence of its owner on others. In addition, talismans with pomegranate are perfect for people of creative professions, as they contribute to a creative upsurge and the awakening of passions.

If Capricorn needs to overcome problems and adversity, the pomegranate will provide support and make sure that the situation is resolved without much emotional upheaval. Gives a pomegranate to women good mood and worldly wisdom, for men - self-confidence and a sharp mind. Capricorn women should wear a stone in a pendant around their neck. With this, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity will attract the attention of men, will be able to develop wisdom and will always be in a great mood. Lonely ladies, wearing pomegranates, will soon be able to meet their love.

Stones according to the signs of the zodiac

Stones according to the signs of the Zodiacs are excellent talismans that will attract good luck, luck and positive events into a person’s life. Depending on which precious and ordinary stones are suitable for a person, you can make an excellent gift for yourself or a loved one.

Donated gems are not recommended to be accepted from evil and envious people - such an item will not bring any benefit. If you are going to buy a stone for yourself, you should not rely on the photo. It is best to hold the mineral in your hand for a few minutes and analyze your feelings. If the stone only gives positive emotions it's definitely worth buying.

A gemstone will be a beautiful trinket if bought for the occasion or as a tribute to fashion. But "his" pebble is able to protect, bring good luck, happiness and even wealth. Those who were born in late December - January are interested in which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman.

earth element

What cannot be taken away from Capricorns is their stubborn disposition and desire to stand firmly on their feet. Their patron is the earth, and the colors of the elements are brown (soil) and green (grass is the favorite food of goats). Minerals of earthy origin can become a talisman for representatives of this zodiac sign. Think about what function your lucky stone should perform first of all. After all, it is impossible to find universal talismans suitable for all occasions. If you are looking for a stone amulet for a Capricorn woman and want it to help you make the right decisions in life, protect you from reckless actions and mistakes, turn your attention to obsidian. The most earthly of all existing minerals will protect against negative influences and make fate work for its owner.

Tourmaline - a talisman for health

No wonder people say that you can buy everything except health. And if you ask yourself which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman and which one will keep her healthy, then this is undoubtedly tourmaline. Carrying this mineral with you, the owner of the amulet will forget about fatigue, muscle pain during exercise, as well as problems with the heart and back. Tourmaline has a positive effect on the entire body, it is able to energize and heal from the blues. Green and black stones will work most diligently for the benefit of their mistress. It should be remembered that black tourmaline protects well from dangers, and the green mineral is considered to be healing, it gives a woman strength and energizes.

Black onyx: for the successful completion of the work begun

Each talisman has its own forte, and what stone of Capricorn (women according to the horoscope) will help to give confidence in the begun and very important work? Among the precious minerals there is a mysterious and mysterious stone of black color. It's about onyx. Wearing a ring with such an amulet, a woman will never lose faith in herself, even if the work begun is extremely difficult. In addition, black onyx will drive away the troubles associated with an evil and envious eye from its owner, and it can also help speed up the postoperative rehabilitation period. As you can see, the gem of a Capricorn woman is by no means a diamond. And by the way, there is no need to be sad about this. Diamonds may be on the list of jewelry, but sparkling miracle crystals will not bring any benefit. However, as well as harm.

For different characters

In fact, there are no identical women, just as there are no identical characters among them. One may be impossibly unsure of her abilities and be afraid to take on new challenges, while the other is not at all accustomed to trusting people, which she later sometimes regrets. On the one hand, the habit of trusting strangers with caution can in itself save a woman from disappointment. However, not all so simple. There are such suspicious natures who are able to find a colossal catch in the most seemingly harmless act. What is recommended in this case? The stone of the zodiac sign Capricorn (a woman will be delighted with his beauty) is rock crystal. This mineral will help create sincere and relaxed communication, and the owner's character will become softer and more accommodating. It is very good to carry rock crystal with you if you notice a lack of emotionality.

Garnet stone for Capricorn woman

The girl who at least once read the book by Alexander Kuprin " Garnet bracelet”, probably thought about the crazy power and magic of the blood red stone. Young ladies and married Capricorn women are incredibly lucky, because pomegranate is their lucky love amulet. A married lady wearing jewelry made of such a stone will protect her husband's thoughts and actions from betrayal and the destruction of family ties. In addition to attracting the attention of a beloved unmarried young lady, pomegranate will bring good mood and popularity.

What do all these minerals have in common?

We talked about the fact that each stone of Capricorn (woman) according to the horoscope performs only its main mission. However, having studied all the characteristics, it is easy to reveal that almost all amulets have one similar feature: they give a woman self-confidence. And let somewhere this confidence is connected with love relationship, and somewhere with business. The main thing is that the stone is able to work for the benefit of its mistress.

Bright agate will bring longevity

Agate is a mineral that has many interesting shades. Which of the existing shades will Capricorn choose? A talisman stone for a woman will definitely be bright, rich and original. The brighter it is, the better it will work. In fact, agate is very strong amulet. Take a closer look at it if you are experiencing health problems, and it will bring you longevity; be with him if you are afraid of danger, and he will charge you with energy.

Favorite talisman

Buy agate, and you will forget about what poverty is, because your career will rush up high. Put a pebble on a chest of drawers in the form of a cute souvenir, and your family will get rid of empty and useless quarrels. That is why bright agate is so fond of wearing Capricorn. A talisman stone for a woman will make her more sexy in the eyes of the stronger sex, because everyone knows that what attracts men is not the packaging, but the inner content. However, if there is little secret Why not use them?

Stones for unmarried women

Among the amulets and amulets that can attract the love and attention of the chosen one, in addition to the pomegranate, there are also purely girlish pebbles. Which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman if she is not yet married? There are several such minerals, but the main amulet for unmarried women is carnelian. If you wear jewelry with such a pebble, then the young lady is provided with long youth and beauty. For those who are eager to get married, and always out of great love, carnelian will be a real find.

Carnelian saves nerves

This stone, like all other amulets of the sign, is able to give strength, it would seem, in the most hopeless situations. It will also fulfill cherished desires, eliminate depression and help you gather your courage at the end of a tiring day at work. It is useful to wear such a stone for a girl who is unsure of her own psychological stability, and then she will forget about sudden bouts of hysteria.

Which stone suits Capricorn (woman): colors of the zodiac constellation

Who is Capricorn? Mythical goat-footed hunting god, gifted with a fish tail while helping the warriors of Olympia. We have already talked about the native colors of the elements (earth). let's consider lucky stones zodiac sign, based on the shades inherent in the star patron. If we take into account the mother-of-pearl iridescent color of the tail donated by Zeus, then it will be milky white with a shimmer of pearls. This version among astrologers is new and quite controversial, so if you are asked which stone is suitable for Capricorn (woman) as a talisman, do not rush to answer.

Black Diamond

Well, let diamonds in the usual view are not talismans for those born in January, but an unusually rare black diamond belongs to the group of “their” jewelry. Most likely, you can’t buy it in a regular store, but in the Turkish bazaar you risk getting a painted fake. But if you manage to get a real black diamond, then be sure of your exclusive chosenness. Such a mineral in itself opens up additional astral powers, moreover, it can act as the main character in real magical rites on the very highest level. The woman herself will not be able to set up the amulet, she will need to seek help from a professional in the field of magic. You won’t have to do anything bad, because the pebble will be set up according to the boomerang principle: to drive away bad thoughts and actions of other people, turning all evil against the offender.

Zodiac Opponent

What gem of Capricorn (female) symbolizes grass? Of course, emerald. So it might seem to an uninformed observer. However, astrologers back in the distant Middle Ages unanimously announced that the emerald categorically does not fit this zodiac sign and is its opponent.

Capricorns are purposeful with a clear life position. Representatives of the sign are diligent, energetic, practical. This helps to achieve success and makes the names of Capricorns in the lists of famous personalities.

These include: - predictor Nostradamus, writers Jack London, John Tolkien and Charles Perrault, scientist Isaac Newton, singer Elvis Presley.

By the way, Al Capone and Muhammad Ali are also Capricorns. Astrologers say that they can help to reveal the inner potential of the representatives of the sign. Here is a list of recommended minerals.

First capricorn stone women - . He helps the lady avoid loneliness. Representatives of the sign are brought to him by excessive seriousness, exactingness.

People "peck" at the charm of Capricorns, but step aside, realizing how much they want from them. Capricorn women stones make it softer.

In addition, rock crystal teaches to distinguish lies from the truth. With this, most winter ladies have problems.

Which stone is suitable for Capricorn? woman who loves the rules and dependent on the opinions of others is needed and.

With him, ladies begin to focus not only on others, but also on their own intuition, feelings. Red crystals also help to understand that sometimes it is useful to move away from established foundations.

- one more stones,suitable for capricorn woman. Representatives of the sign are "prescribed" bright varieties of chalcedony.

They keep out of poverty. For a Capricorn lady, financial well-being is especially important.

Worries about another important aspect of life - family and children. The mineral is considered fertility. It is given to the weaker sex in order to create happy marriage and give birth to offspring.

It helps to find a loved one. This Capricorn stone women according to the horoscope gives girls a special charm, makes them desirable, alluring.

Among the crowds of fans, it remains to choose a really worthy one. Doing it calmly, again, will help. It inspires confidence and keeps you young.

- a mineral that appreciates Capricorn zodiac sign. woman stone chooses to achieve the goal.

For many representatives of the sign, the path to the intended is all that is focused on. Crash is unacceptable.

It will save even on a difficult path, accelerate it, bring success.

And samples of the mineral "straighten" melancholic, of which there are many among winter women. Jade becomes their personal source of positivity and joy in life.

stones,suitable for capricorns men - . They help you take risks. Gentlemen born in winter do not go for this.

Meanwhile, I want to drink champagne. There are many businessmen among Capricorns. Sometimes, justified risk is required.

This is where it helps. It contributes to successful transactions, financial gains.

Onyx pacifies arrogant habits. This capricorn stone men, closed and arrogant outwardly. Such characteristics hinder communication, networking.

Onyx helps not to keep everything in oneself, openly show emotions, be friendly and sociable. Another function is to prevent accidents and diseases.

Capricorns are erudite, thinking people. Suits them. Smoky enters capricorn stones because of the ability to improve memory and logic.

With rauchtopaz it is easier to perceive new data. The variety relieves excess tension, stress.

What stone is Capricorn makes you want to find a life partner? This .

He helps the demanding representatives of the sign to come to terms with the minor shortcomings of the chosen ones.

It is difficult for Capricorns to tie the knot, as there are always "higher" goals that the family can interfere with.

But it prevents winter men from being mistaken, revealing the truth that relatives are only help on the way to their plans.

Here's what stone suitable for capricorn regardless of gender. Representatives of the sign strive for stability.

The green mineral is its guarantor. The stone restores balance in the body, thoughts, feelings, energizes.

- a breed that can subconsciously choose Capricorn. stone talisman brings prosperity, which people born in winter so long for.

It also contributes to strong friendship, which is so valued by the representatives of the sign.

The third aspect of the action of the stone is assistance in learning, which the lion's share of Capricorns continues throughout their lives.

- another mineral that tends to choose Capricorn. Zodiac sign, a rock which is otherwise called, gives melancholic moods to its wards.

Serpentine takes away from Capricorns negative energy. Interestingly, serpentine is not recommended for any other representative of the horoscope. He puts up obstacles on the way to goals and is only ready to help Capricorns.

The serpentine can be worn by Gerard Depardieu, Dima Bilan, Konstantin Khabensky, Renata Litvinova.

Each of them - Capricorn. Zodiac sign,"evil" stone who gives only good.

Experts advise choosing minerals, guided not only general recommendations but also a specific date of birth.

Capricorn zodiac stones selects according to three periods. Agate, jade, malachite, serpentine were born from December 22 to January 2.

From January 3rd to 13th - time, chalcedony and agate. The first half of the month is homely, calm Capricorn. Stone according to the horoscope he is chosen to give courage and determination.

Capricorn stone by date of birth from the 14th to the 20th of January is a pomegranate. Suitable in the same way, rauchtopaz and.