Teaching preschoolers the sound and letter e. Plan-outline of a lesson in teaching literacy (preparatory group) on the topic: summary of a speech therapy lesson sound and letter E

  • 30.09.2019

Recall pictures in the name of which there are sounds G, K.

2. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills. Work on the development of breathing and voice.

1. General relaxation. "Fish".

  1. Development of general motor skills.
  1. The development of fine motor skills. "Shark".
  1. Facial massage.

According to general rules.

  1. The development of facial muscles:

Furrow your brows;


Pull your cheeks into your mouth.

6. Development of articulatory motility. An exercise:

For the jaw: a sharp tilting of the jaw down:

The tongue got angry

He clenched his fist tightly.

He ran hard

The door opened and went out!

For lips: lips are “artists” (pronounce silently sounds a-o-e-i-u- s).

For the tongue: “tongue with a spatula”, “needle”, “hump”, “cup”; perform actions on text

Look to the right

Look to the left

Look down the path for puddles.

Didn't find anything, came home.

- Divers. Children "turn" into "divers". Speech therapist “Now we will go down under the water. Inhale through the nose (“dived”), exhale through the mouth (“surfaced”) - 2 times.

8. Exercise for the development of pronunciation and literacy.

1. Announcement of the topic.

Today we will get acquainted with the sound of E.

2. Acoustic - articulatory image of sound.

Isolated pronunciation of the sound E - in chorus, individually, with the connection of oral, tactile - vibration and acoustic control.

Sound characteristic.

The sound E is a vowel (air comes out freely through the mouth, without encountering obstacles), is indicated in red.

3. Development of phonemic hearing.

Raise the red flag when you hear the sound E.

4. Connection of sound and letter.

This is E

With an open mouth

And with a big tongue.

Finding the letter E in the split alphabet.

  1. Automation of sound in syllables.

Sound analysis and synthesis of syllables such as EK, KE.

Compiling them from the letters of the split alphabet, printing in notebooks.

  1. Automation of sound in syllables, words, sentences and texts.

A) - Pick up the names of children that begin with the sound E.

(Edik, Emma, ​​Elya.)

b) Name the pictures on the board. The division into syllables of words of a complex syllabic structure (Escalator, squadron, excavator, squadron, electricity). Recording a graphic scheme.

C) Sound analysis of the word Edik, the compilation of this word from the letters of the split alphabet.

D) Compiling a sentence with the word Edik according to the proposed scheme:

__________ __________ _________ .

Edik sees the popsicle.

E) Compilation of this sentence from the letters of the split alphabet.

Identification of words with the sound E from the poem.

Electricity in houses

The light is on the floors

We need to save light.

Do you remember or not?

  1. Fizkultminutka. Game Forbidden Movement.
  2. Exercise for the development of the lexico-grammatical side of speech.

Looking at a picture of a fish. The name of the body parts of the fish: head, gills, torso, tail, fins. The speech therapist tells the children that the body of most fish is covered with scales and that fish live in water.

The game "Name: whose fin, whose tail, whose head, whose body" (the formation of possessive adjectives).

Pike: Shark:

Head - pike head - shark

Tail - pike tail - shark

Torso - pike fin - shark

Fin - pike body - shark

  1. The result of the lesson and evaluation of children's activities.

What sound are we talking about today?

Describe this sound. Where do fish live?

What is their body covered with?

Alena Bolokhontseva
Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in preparatory group"The Sound and the Letter E"

Organizing time:

1. Our hero of the day smells of paints

Thousand house painted. painter

2. Pike, perch, perch,

Our catch has arrived. fisherman

3. No vest without stripes,

who is in a vest, that one. sailor

4. Furniture, bread and cucumbers,

Sell. sellers.

5. Guitar strings, patience, talent

Plus inspiration is the same. musician

6. The king today, tomorrow the thief,

All roles played. actor

7. With a book who is in hand is a writer

Who writes books? writer

8. Insidious fire will win

The one who is called. fireman

9. TV spare parts

Will pick us. telemaster

10. A choir is heard in the field of combines

The grain ship leads. combine operator

Main part:

Pantomime "Walking with the Forest". Children depict walking on tall grass, windbreak and bumps.

We went far into the forest and got lost. (Express the state of people lost in the forest.)

We got lost in the forest. (sad) Echo! Echo!

Everyone screamed "Ay!" (loud) Here's the fun.

Nobody responds. (sadly) It echoes every time

Only an echo resonates. Mimics us.

Our echo returns to us quietly “Ay! Ay! E. Blaginina

We found a path, we return home.

What is the first sound did you hear in the word ECHO?

Today we will listen and pronounce words from sound E, get acquainted with letter E.

Pronunciation sound in words.

Children, now we will go on a tour with you. What is an excursion?

Children's answers. In case of difficulty - an explanation of the teacher.

You will be the tour guide and I will be the tour guide. What are similar words called? (Related words.)

Formation of relative adjectives.

We go outside. What houses did you see on the street? (One-story, two-story, ... multi-story)– Complement suggestions: The house has a lot ... (floors). We climbed the fifth (floor). Went down from the fifth (floors).

Then we will take the subway. What is the name of the staircase that brings people down and up to the underground metro station? (escalator). Trains that carry people from one station to another are called (trains). Why are these trains called that? (They are powered by electricity). What other modes of transport are powered by electricity? (Tram, trolleybus).Let's think and name words related to the word electricity (electric train, electric locomotive, electric train, electrician)

Selection sound from a poem

Electricity in houses.

Lights are on the floors.

We need to save light.

Do you remember or not?

Name words from sound E. How do you understand the word save?

Next, we will go to a store that sells electrical appliances. Show pictures, children called: (iron - electrical appliance, etc.) Why are they called electrical appliances? Can children use electrical appliances? Why?

Let's continue the tour. Again we will go by train or, in other words, by electric train, only not underground, but on the ground. We are greeted by the person who drives the electric train, what is it called? (Driver). Whether there is a sound e in the word machinist? His name starts with sound E - Edward. He asks where we went.

(We went on a tour) The train brought us out of town so that we could see how such a huge, powerful machine works. (Excavator). What does an excavator do? What is the name of the person who operates the excavator? (Excavator operator).

Children came to us telegram from the north of Chukotka. We are invited to see the North by the northern inhabitants of the Eskimos. Repeat this word. We will bring them a popsicle as a gift. What is it? (Ice cream - delicious, sweet, cold). We'll fly north in an Airbus. (Airbus is a huge plane. There are a lot of passengers on board).

Physical education minute:

You're tired? Let's get some rest!

jump, jump

Jump, shut up (shhh,

Sit quietly, lie down.

Get up, straighten up

Stretch and bend.

Rested your body

Continuing our business!

game exercise "Say a word"

1. Long distance

He rushes without delay

It is written from the end with two C

It is called. express

2. To distant villages, cities

Who is on the wire?

bright majesty

This is. electricity

3. On a splinter, in a piece of paper

in a chocolate shirt

It asks for itself in the hands,

What is this?

4. Ukukalo, agakalo,

Shouted and cried.

And burst into laughter

It is called. echo

Visual gymnastics

Once - to the left,

Two to the right

Three - up

Four - down

And now we look around

To see the world better. (Children do exercises with their eyes).

Acquaintance with letter E

caregiver: Sound E on the letter is indicated letter E

With an open mouth

And with a big tongue

2. Over the meadows in the blue

flies by letter E

3. The letter E on C wonders

As if looking in a mirror

There is a resemblance for sure

Only there is no language.

caregiver: And now the guys will try to write the letter E(I distribute cards with letter E)

Finger gymnastics.

One thumb up

Index - behind him,

The middle one wakes up nameless,

He raised his little finger.

All got up - "Hooray!", "Hooray!"

It's time for them to go to work.

Final part:

Guys, with what new sound did we meet today?

Which one sound?

Russian words for the letter E

few in our vocabulary:

hey, and eh, and this one.

And the equator, relay race,

electricity, screen

came to us from distant lands.

But our language is used to them,

our language has become richer.

Related publications:

Topic: sound [sh] and the letter Shsh. Tasks: Educational: familiarization with the sound [w] and the letter Shsh. Improving sound analysis skills.

Educational tasks: 1. To consolidate the skills of distinguishing and pronouncing the sound [Щ] in syllables, words, phrases. 2. Exercise children in the ability to highlight.

Summary of GCD on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Letter E, sound [E]" MKDOU TsRR DS No. 37 p. Chuguevka Chuguevsky district of Primorsky Krai. Synopsis of the GCD on teaching literacy in the preparatory group Topic:.

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Methodological development of the synopsis logopedic lesson on the topic "sound and letterE»

Purpose: to introduce children to the vowel sound E and the letter E



introduce children to the sound E,

characterize the sound

determine the number of syllables in a word

identify percussive sound

be able to come up with words with this sound,

build reading habits


develop sound analysis and synthesis,

develop phonemic awareness

develop memory, attention, communication oral speech, fine motor skills of hands


cultivate communication skills

cultivate a sense of empathy, compassion for a loved one,

to form rules of conduct in situations "Home Alone", "I'm lost",

ability to work in a team

Lesson type: Lesson learning new material

Lesson form: lesson travel

Forms of work: individual, group.

Methods: explanatory-illustrative, problem-search, independent work.

Health-preserving technologies:

compliance with safety regulations and sanitary standards;

alternation of work and rest (warm-up);

observance of the light regime

Lesson equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, subject pictures, handouts

Class: 1 a

Lesson duration: 40 min.

During the classes:

Organizing time.

Hello dear guys. I'm very glad to see you all. It's time to start the lesson, it's time to answer my questions. The one who will sit down in place will say: what time of year is it in the yard, time of day, day of the week, month, date. (Each child is asked a question according to the level of complexity. As practice shows, the most difficult question is about the time of day).

Well done, everyone is sitting in their places, which means that you all answered my questions correctly.

Main part. Topic of the lesson

I simulate a knock on the door.

Guys, what should you ask when they knock on the door? (Children: "Who's there?")

- Is it possible to open the door when you are alone at home? And when you are not alone at home? What is the best way to deal with such a situation? (Children: "Call an adult.")

- Guys, now you are not alone, and I am with you, an adult. Let's open the door. Oh, yes here ... Guess the riddle, who?

Wears skirts and dresses

Likes to play with dolls.

Mom is not a son at all,

She will be called daughter.

(Children: "Girl")

A girl came to visit us. What is it with her? (Children: "She is crying").

- Why is she crying? What happened to her? (Children's answers from personal experience).

- What are we going to do? (Children: "Let's help her").

- That's right, guys. And to help, you need to find out what happened to her, what is her name. Let's meet the girl. What question should be asked? (Children: "What's your name?")

I arrange pictures with images of objects: popsicle, carrot, poppy, bus.

- Guess the name of the girl by the first sounds of the objects shown in the pictures,

Guys, what sound do we hear at the beginning of the word "Emma". With what do you think

sound we will get acquainted today? (Children: "With the sound of e")

What is he? (Children: "Sound [e]. It is a vowel").

- Percussion or unstressed sound [e]? (Children: "Shock").

Game "Catch the Sound"

I've run out of words. Make up your own words with the [e] sound. Where do we hear the sound [e] in a word? (Working with handouts, word scheme - bird, sound - circle)

- Well done.

- Look, this is how the sound [e] is indicated by letters: printed and written, uppercase and lowercase. (Show pictures).

What does the letter "e" look like?

The letter "E" on "C" marvels,

Like looking in a mirror

There is a resemblance for sure

Just no language.

Emma, ​​what happened to you?

Girl: “Ay, ay-ay-ay, I won’t find my mom and dad” (learning with children: sad, quiet, loud).

So what happened to her guys? Where else can you get lost? What should you do to not get lost anywhere?

- Well done, you know what to do, but little Emma did not know. And here's what happened to her.

III. Consolidation of the studied material.

Emma went to the forest for mushrooms. She walks along the first path:

Reading letters, syllables with children (differentiation: letter and syllable, how many syllables, how many letters we see, vowel and consonant, inventing words for a letter, syllable, being on the path of a word, characterizing the sound [e]).

She walked and walked, but did not find mushrooms.

Emma went on the second track:

Went and walked and found this:


What letter did the wolves eat? How many syllables are there in words? What vowels are stressed in them?

- Emma helped the words, but did not find the mushrooms. Emma went along the third path, saw a bunny here.


The gray bunny washes

A gray bunny is going to visit,

I washed my ears, I washed my eyes,

Washed out the mouth. Washed out the nose

He washed his tail and ran to visit.

- The bunny ran away and left a book with a rebus. Let's guess it:


(Children attach the letters with magnets to the cells, but first this work is done in rows on the tables, in teams).

Emma played with the puzzle and suddenly realized that she was lost. She sat down in a clearing and cried loudly, and this is what happened to her further in the forest...

Watching the cartoon "Echo" using multimedia equipment.

Guys, who helped Emma? (Children: "Echo")

What does an echo usually do? (Children: "Repeat after everyone")

Echo game

IV. Summary of the lesson

- Guys, who came to visit us today? What happened to her? Where did Emma and I travel to? What sound did Emma bring? Can you describe him? Guys, Emma liked you all so much, and she wants to give you all gifts (coloring sheets with objects on E). What did you like the most today? Will we ever travel again? And now, guys, our journey is over, we got up beautifully and said goodbye.

I decided to take on the development of a summary on this particular topic, since I think that it is quite difficult and difficult for the letter E to pick up material and beat the situation with it. Maybe someone will benefit from my experience.


Subject: Sound [e], letters E, e.

Target: Consolidation of concepts about vowel sounds, their distinctive features.


Educational: P continue acquaintance with the sound [e] and letters E.e; sound analysis of words.

Developing: Develop sound analysis skills.Develop visual memory.Develop articulatory, fine, general motor skills.

Educational: Cultivate self-control skills.Cultivate the ability to listen to your comrades.

Material: presentation-5 min.

Vocabulary work: ostrich Emu.

Individual work with Alikhan -learn to give complete answers.

GCD progress

1.Org. moment
- The one who names the first sound in the word will sit down: aster, autumn, apricot, iris, mind, street, name, vegetables, perch, ear.

2. Look at me, let's repeat the rule of speech with you:

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game

Yes, we speak clearly

We are not in a hurry!

3. Guys, now we have a literacy lesson for you.What are we learning in this lesson? ( sounds and letters)

How are sounds different from letters?

(We hear and pronounce sounds, and we read and write letters)

What are the sounds?

(vowels and consonants)

What sounds are called vowels?(They can be sung, extended, and when pronouncing sounds, the air does not meet obstacles)

What color are the vowels?(in red)

Give an example of vowel sounds.(A O U Y Y I)

Remember the rhyme about vowel sounds.

Vowels are drawn
ringing song,
may cry
And scream.
In the dark forest
Call and call
But they can't
Whistle and grumble.

What sounds are called consonants? (Do not sing, there is a barrier)

Give an example of consonants. (R, M, T, V,…)

What are consonant sounds? (voiced and deaf)

Remember the poem about consonants.

All consonants agree

Whisper, whisper, whistle,

Even snort and creak,

But they don't want to sing

4. Post subject.
- The girl Elya came to visit us (slide number 1)
What is the first sound in her name?
How are the lips?
- Let's sing a sound, pull, is there a barrier in the mouth?
What will be the sound of E?
- Today, together with Elya, we are going on an excursion, and we will look for words with the sound E.
5. Speech charging.
- On the way we will play "repeat games"

6. Development of phonemic hearing. Game exercise "Hear the sound"

Children clap their hands when they hear the sound [E].

A, u, uh, and, oh, uh, u, uh, eh, es, op, ash, mind, ti, le, this, he, echo, popsicle, beetle, relay race, shop, excursion.
Isolation of sound in words.
- Elya walks down the street and sees him driving ... (excavator) (slide number 2) What is it for? Who is working on the excavator? Count how many syllables are in the word excavator?

7. Visual gymnastics

Once - to the left,

Two to the right

Three - up

Four - down

And now we look around

To see the world better.(Children do exercises with their eyes).
8. Formation of compound words.
Elya goes further and approaches .... - What is Elya good for? (slide number 3)
- There are many floors in this house. So what kind of house is this? (multi-storey) What will we call the house if it has one floor? Three floors? Five floors?
- What other parts does the house have? In which word is the sound [E] heard: windows or floors?
9. Physical Minute
10 . Sound analysis.
- Elya goes further and suddenly sees a zoo. (slide number 4) - What animals do you see in the zoo? (lion, monkeys, fox). Ella wants to eat. (slide number 5) What will she choose popsicle or candy? Why? Divide the word eskimo into syllables.
- Ela liked one of the inhabitants of the zoo. Who it is, you will find out by guessing the riddle. (slide 6)
- It's an EMU ostrich.
- Make a diagram of this word. How many sounds are in a word? What is the first sound? Last? How many syllables are in a word?

11 . Work with proposals.
There is a store on our way. (slide number 7). What does it sell? (electrical appliances)

Does this word have an e sound?
- Why are they called that?
- Elya bought in the store... What did she buy? (slide number 8)
Why did she buy a refrigerator? What are other electrical appliances for?
12. Acquaintance with the letter.
- Together with Elya, let's get acquainted with the letter, which we will designate the sound [E]. (slide number 9)
- What does she look like? (slide number 10)
Parade alley! Parade alley!
Bounce! And the clown is the letter E!
The letter E flies over the fields in the blue
This swallow returns home in spring.

13. Finger gymnastics
14. Writing a letter in the air.
Now get your index fingers ready. We'll write the letter E in the air. (I stand with my back to the children, lift up right hand and with my index finger I write a letter in the air, commenting on my actions: put a point, draw a line in a semicircle from left to right, down, round, to the left, stop, draw a straight line in the middle. Children repeat after me.)

15. Summary and evaluation of children's activities.
- Eli's walk has come to an end, she says goodbye to us. (slide number 12)
- Let's remember what words we met with the sound E.
- What electrical appliances were sold in the store?

16. Reflection.

Guys, Eli has emoticons in her shopping cart, but they are different. We will see.

What is the difference?(mood: joy, thoughtfulness, sadness)

If today it was easy for you in class, you coped with all the tasks - take a joyful emoticon, if there were difficulties, but you tried to overcome them - a thoughtful emoticon, and if it was very difficult - a sad one.

Svetlana Arsentieva
Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "Sound E and letter E"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "Sound E and letter E"

To teach children by ear to identify the sound E in a series of vowels;

Introduce the letter E e;

Work with the generalized meaning of words;

Exercise in the formation of adjectives from nouns (fox tail, etc.);

Develop spatial orientation;

Practice using spatial prepositions.

Equipment: a set of demonstration pictures; masks of wild animals; mirrors; rattle, house drawing, magnetic board, bell, soundtrack of animal movement music (fox, hare, squirrel, wolf, bear)

Lesson progress:

Bell ringing.

V: Uh-uh! Wake up quickly!

Get on the road soon!

To make it more fun

We need to find friends!

Guys, I dreamed today weird dream. Some strange creature invited us all to visit. Shall we go? (children's answers). Of course, we will go and we will go on a horse. We stand next to each other. We move with jumps, clicking our tongues. Well, let's go.

I'll go to the forest on a horse, I'll find a little house. (we walk in a group along the tables)

- Tr-r-r! First stop Dozhdinkino. How does the rain drip? (drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip). Let's all slap the rhythm of the droplets together. (///, ///)-3 times. We went on with jumps, clicking our tongues.

-Trrr! Second stop Dorozhkino. Clap the rhythm of the stomp top-top / top top-top / top (//-/, //-/)

-Trrr! The third stop is Bolotnoye. Our feet are sucked in by the bog. We slap the rhythm: chap / chap-chap, chap / chap-chap. (/-//, /-//)

-Tr-r-r! Here is the Gromovo station.

We slap the rhythm: bang-bang / bang, bang-bang / bang. (//-/, //-/)

We approach the magnetic board with a drawn house.

We walked, walked, approached the teremochka. Finger game:

There is a house in the field (fold the palms in a corner - “roof”)

Smoke coming out of the chimney (fingers crossed)

He is not low, not high (without separating the fingers, lower your hands down, palms look at the floor, raise your hands up)

There is a padlock on the door

Finger game "Castle"

Blew, blew, blew on the lock,

Twisted, twisted, twisted the lock,

Knocked, knocked, knocked the lock,

Pulled, pulled, pulled

And our lock was opened.

Well, we opened the lock. Come into the house, sit down. (children sit down)

V .: Strange, but no one is at home. Guys, let's say hello to the owner, maybe he will answer us.

V: Oh! Who is it that answers us? (Answers of children).

I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess and find out who is the owner of this house.

I am silent - it is silent.

I scream - it screams.

Well fun, well fun!

Teasing us with you ... (Echo). (children's answers)

V .: Of course, ECHO. Echo prepared a surprise for us. See the letter? Let's see what's in the envelope. And there are pictures in the envelope. We will review them with you. (Children take turns taking pictures from the envelope)

On the typesetting canvas, one picture per sound E.

Can you name what is in the picture?

What sound does the word begin with?

Where is the sound E: in front, in the middle or at the end?

Is there an E sound in this word? Where is he located?

V .: Guys, did you guess what sound we are going to talk about today?

That's right, it's the E.

Take mirrors. Let's see how we all get the sound E.

What are the lips doing? - The lips are smiling.

What are the teeth doing? - The teeth are visible, there is a gap between the upper and lower teeth.

Where is the wide tip of the tongue? - The wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors.

Where is the back of the tongue? - The back of the tongue is raised and slightly tense.

How does the air come out when you pronounce the sound E? - The air comes out freely and smoothly. There are no obstacles in the way of the air flow.

The sound E is sung. So what sound E is: a vowel or a consonant? (children's answers).

Attention game.

B: Let's play. Remove the mirrors and prepare your palms. I will pronounce vowel sounds, and you, having heard the sound E, clap your hands once.

V .: Guys, I want to reveal one secret to you ... The sound E is indicated by the letter E. And what does it look like? (children's answers)

V .: Guys, it seems that ECHO is bored. Let's cheer him up.

1,2,3,4,5 - I start to conjure,

I begin to conjure, to turn children into a beast. (children are given masks of wild animals).

Attention game. The music of the movement of animals turns on in turn. Children, to the music of a certain animal, perform movements characteristic of this animal. (Fox, hedgehog, hare, wolf, squirrel, bear).

Game "Hide and Seek"

1,2,3,4,5, we will play hide and seek. (music sounds, children run and hide behind chairs). The teacher approaches each child asks a question, and the child answers.

Whose ear is that sticking out? - bear ear protruding

Whose tail is visible? - fox tail visible

Whose nose do I see? - you see a squirrel nose.

Whose paw is visible? - the hare's paw is visible ...

The game "Where did you hide and where did you get out from?"

Children are asked questions:

Where were you hiding? Where did the bear come from? (The answers use spatial prepositions - in, on, for, under, with, because of, from under)

Game Say Your Name

V .: Have we found everyone, have we lost anyone? I'm walking, walking, walking, I'm carrying a rattle, take the rattle, tell me your name. (Children are given a rattle. Children take turns tapping their “name” of the animal in syllables: fox, hare, bear, elk, squirrel)

Finger game.

From your fingers, my friend, fold the tower. (fold palms in corner)

This is the gate, this is the “castle”, put your palms in front of you-

This is the window, here this is a pipe(“glasses”, hands up)

All wild animals come here. (arms forward, grasping movements)

The moose here is horned, (cross your palms)

And the bear is shaggy, (squeeze and unclench your fingers)

And a prickly hedgehog, (interlace your fingers)

Jumping squirrel (2 claps)

Here is a gray bunny (ears from the fingers of the left hand)

Here is a red fox, ("muzzle" from the fingers of the right hand)

And a gray wolf cub ("claws" from the fingers of the left hand)

And a gray mouse. ("muzzle" from the fingers of the right hand).

We found everyone, we did not lose anyone.

1,2,3,4,5 I start to conjure,

I start to conjure, to turn animals into children

(Children take off the masks of wild animals).

What sound are we talking about today?

E- what sound - vowel or consonant? Why do we call this sound a vowel?

Name the objects with the sound E.

Well done. Well, we worked today, and now it's time to return to the group. Let's say goodbye to Echo.

Children: Goodbye!

Echo: Goodbye-I-I!

We sit on a horse.

I want to ride a horse, I want to ride a horse

We return to the beloved garden on a horse again.

(Movements with jumps one after another, clicking the tongue).