Plan-outline of a lesson in teaching literacy (preparatory group) on the topic: summary of a speech therapy lesson sound and letter E. in the preparatory group

  • 30.09.2019


Topic: Sound-letter analysis"Sound and letter E".

Targets and goals: introduce children to the sound and letter e; to teach the correlation of sound with a letter and a symbol; to acquaint with the norm of articulation of the sound E; develop the skills of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis; enrich the vocabulary of children with words with the sound E; to form knowledge of spelling norms; practice making sentences using verbs perfect look.

Equipment: speech therapy albums, class presentation, projector, laptop, individual mirrors

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment ( slide 3)

(children enter, greet)

Welcome speech speech therapist slide 4

1. Consolidation of knowledge about the sound composition of the word. slide 5

Speech therapist Choose a word for the proposed schemes

Select the letter E.

1ist 3litk1 26l1k2

kr3 gi 1k1 pl3g

k1r1nd1sh k3k3r3z1 k2mn1t1

Key to schemes A-1, O-2, U-3

2. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson through the development of sound analysis slide 6

Make up the name of the girl from the first letters of the picture words. Write it down according to the diagram.

Speech therapist. What is the first sound in the word Emma? (E.) slide7 The topic of the lesson is the sound and the letter E. slide8

II main part

1. Pronouncing the sound E (working with mirrors). Acquaintance with the norm of articulation. slide9

2. Correlation of the sound E with the letter and symbol required

to indicate in writing

Speech therapist Listen to the story about the letter E. slide10

Letter E is unhappy

Uh-uh, - the letter E grumbled, - they put me almost at the very end of the alphabet ... Ek, I was brought there! Oh, I would like to start, in the first place! Hey letters. Let me go ahead! But the letters said:

Stay where you are. And do not talk in vain with your long tongue. Does it matter where you stand? It's important to be helpful.

3 . Examining the stylized letter E Reading a poem (you can prepare a student).

Letter E with an open mouth And a huge tongue!

Hey hey! - screamer screams. The tongue is sticking out of the mouth!

Examining and writing in a notebook the capital and capital letters e slide 11

4. Development of phonemic perception.

Speech therapist: Listen to the sounds, syllables and words and raise the red square if you hear the sound E.

Sounds: a, o, i, e, a, u, e, a, o, e.

Syllables: ep, in, at, then, uv, ev, ym, yk, ek.

Words: Emma, ​​Alla, Edik, Olya, Ira, Elvira.

5. Development of sound analysis at the word level.

Speech therapist: Emma brought pictures. Review them and name them. Try to explain the meaning of each word. Find among the pictures those that represent related concepts.

Pictures: popsicle, screen, excavator, airport, airfield, escalator, emblem, excavator, elevator, electric train, electrician. slide 12

6. Physical Minute slide13

Performing movements in the text (improvisation).

This is the sun, this

This is a desk, this is me!

7. Development of spelling norms. slide14

Speech therapist: Say for Emma the names of the pictures in syllables and write them down (writing on the board). Indicate the presence and place of sound E. Check slide15

8. Vocabulary Enrichment slide 16

Speech therapist: Look at and name the pictures. Write down their names, highlight the sound E.

(If children find it difficult to name words, the speech therapist offers them several options to choose from. If the help is used incorrectly, then the speech therapist himself explains the meaning of this word.)

Pictures Eskimo, bookcase, tour, screen, electric locomotive, Eskimo. Click check

9. Making sentences using perfective verbs slide 17

Speech therapist: Make sentences from sets of words.

yard, stands, in, excavator.

children, excursion, let's go, on.

Emma, ​​popsicle, delicious, bought

Click check

III. Summary of the lesson

Pronunciation, characterization of sound E. slide 18 Recall and inventing words for the sound E.

Thank you for the lesson slide 19

Methodological development of the synopsis logopedic lesson on the topic "sound and letterE»

Purpose: to introduce children to the vowel sound E and the letter E



introduce children to the sound E,

characterize the sound

determine the number of syllables in a word

identify percussive sound

be able to come up with words with this sound,

build reading habits


develop sound analysis and synthesis,

develop phonemic awareness

develop memory, attention, communication oral speech, fine motor skills hands


cultivate communication skills

cultivate a sense of empathy, compassion for a loved one,

to form rules of conduct in situations "Home Alone", "I'm lost",

ability to work in a team

Lesson type: Lesson learning new material

Lesson form: lesson travel

Forms of work: individual, group.

Methods: explanatory-illustrative, problem-search, independent work.

Health-preserving technologies:

compliance with safety regulations and sanitary standards;

alternation of work and rest (warm-up);

observance of the light regime

Lesson equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, subject pictures, handouts

Class: 1 a

Lesson duration: 40 min.

During the classes:

Organizing time.

Hello dear guys. I'm very glad to see you all. It's time to start the lesson, it's time to answer my questions. The one who will sit in place will say: what time of year is it in the yard, time of day, day of the week, month, date. (Each child is asked a question according to the level of complexity. As practice shows, the most difficult question is about the time of day).

Well done, everyone is sitting in their places, which means that you all answered my questions correctly.

Main part. Topic of the lesson

I simulate a knock on the door.

Guys, what should you ask when they knock on the door? (Children: "Who's there?")

- Is it possible to open the door when you are alone at home? And when you are not alone at home? What is the best way to deal with such a situation? (Children: "Call an adult.")

- Guys, now you are not alone, and I am with you, an adult. Let's open the door. Oh, yes here ... Guess the riddle, who?

Wears skirts and dresses

Likes to play with dolls.

Mom is not a son at all,

She will be called daughter.

(Children: "Girl")

A girl came to visit us. What is it with her? (Children: "She is crying").

- Why is she crying? What happened to her? (Children's answers from personal experience).

- What are we going to do? (Children: "Let's help her").

- That's right, guys. And to help, you need to find out what happened to her, what is her name. Let's meet the girl. What question should be asked? (Children: "What's your name?")

I arrange pictures with images of objects: popsicle, carrot, poppy, bus.

- Guess the name of the girl by the first sounds of the objects shown in the pictures,

Guys, what sound do we hear at the beginning of the word "Emma". With what do you think

sound we will get acquainted today? (Children: "With the sound of e")

What is he? (Children: "Sound [e]. It is a vowel").

- Percussion or unstressed sound [e]? (Children: "Shock").

Game "Catch the Sound"

I've run out of words. Make up your own words with the [e] sound. Where do we hear the sound [e] in a word? (Working with handouts, word scheme - bird, sound - circle)

- Well done.

- Look, this is how the sound [e] is indicated by letters: printed and written, uppercase and lowercase. (Show pictures).

What does the letter "e" look like?

The letter "E" on "C" marvels,

Like looking in a mirror

There is a resemblance for sure

Just no language.

Emma, ​​what happened to you?

Girl: “Ay, ay-ay-ay, I won’t find my mom and dad” (learning with children: sad, quiet, loud).

So what happened to her guys? Where else can you get lost? What should you do to not get lost anywhere?

- Well done, you know what to do, but little Emma did not know. And here's what happened to her.

III. Consolidation of the studied material.

Emma went to the forest for mushrooms. She walks along the first path:

Reading letters, syllables with children (differentiation: letter and syllable, how many syllables, how many letters we see, vowel and consonant, inventing words for a letter, syllable, being on the path of a word, characterizing the sound [e]).

She walked and walked, but did not find mushrooms.

Emma went on the second track:

Went and walked and found this:


What letter did the wolves eat? How many syllables are there in words? What vowels are stressed in them?

- Emma helped the words, but did not find the mushrooms. Emma went along the third path, saw a bunny here.


The gray bunny washes

A gray bunny is going to visit,

I washed my ears, I washed my eyes,

Washed out the mouth. Washed out the nose

He washed his tail and ran to visit.

- The bunny ran away and left a book with a rebus. Let's guess it:


(Children attach the letters with magnets to the cells, but first this work is done in rows on the tables, in teams).

Emma played with the puzzle and suddenly realized that she was lost. She sat down in a clearing and cried loudly, and this is what happened to her further in the forest...

Watching the cartoon "Echo" using multimedia equipment.

Guys, who helped Emma? (Children: "Echo")

What does an echo usually do? (Children: "Repeat after everyone")

Echo game

IV. Summary of the lesson

- Guys, who came to visit us today? What happened to her? Where did Emma and I travel to? What sound did Emma bring? Can you describe him? Guys, Emma liked you all so much, and she wants to give you all gifts (coloring sheets with objects on E). What did you like the most today? Will we ever travel again? And now, guys, our journey is over, we got up beautifully and said goodbye.

I decided to take the development of the abstract on this particular topic, since I think that it is rather difficult and difficult to pick up the material with the letter E and beat the situation with it. Maybe someone will benefit from my experience.

- the correct pronunciation of the sound E in syllables, words and sentences;
- familiarity with the letter E "
- to exercise children in the pronunciation of words of a complex syllabic structure;
- develop sound-letter analysis;

Download abstract
- teach children to print the letter E;
- find the correct image of the letter E among others, construct from elements;
- to consolidate the ability to analyze the proposal;
- Refine and expand vocabulary.
- subject pictures, in the names of which there is a sound E;
- model of a train with three cars (with two, three, four windows); sets for
drawing up schemes; proposal scheme; ropes of different lengths; sample
writing the letter E "miracle tree" with letters; cut alphabets; notebooks;
cards with written letters E, pencils.

Course progress.
I. Organizational moment.
- The one who calls the vowels will sit down.
- Think of words in which the vowel sound is at the beginning of the word.

II. Development of articulatory motor skills.
for lips:
"Fence - Tube";
for language:

III. Work on the development of breathing and voice.
"Peonies". We smell the flowering peonies: inhale through the nose - exhale through the nose;
inhale through the nose - exhale through the mouth.
Voice exercises: draw out the sounds: a-a-a, o-o-o, u-u-u,
and - and - and.

IV. Acquaintance with the sound of E.
1. Isolation of the sound E from words.
- A bear came to visit us, her name is Emma.
- Say this word.
- What is the first sound you hear?
2. Pronouncing the sound E in chorus and individually.
3. Clarification of articulation and characterization of the sound E (vowel sound, denoted
red token)

V. Automation of sound E in syllables.
1. Repetition of syllables: where - bde - pte - kte, pte - bde - where - kte.
2. Sound analysis and synthesis of syllables EK, KE.
Game "Live Sounds". Children pronounce syllables in turn, conduct sound analysis: name the first sound, the second sound; after that, two children choose what sound they will be and become correct sequence, each naming its own sound; the rest of the children check the correctness

VI. Automation of sound E in words.
1.- Listen to the words and repeat: HEY, THIS, FLOOR, EDIK, ELLA, ELSA.
What is the first sound in each word?
2.-Name the pictures that are on the board: SCREEN, EXCAVATOR, TOUR GUIDE, ESCALATOR, ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, ECLAIR, ESKIMO, ELECTRIC, ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE. (Speech therapist helps to name unfamiliar words).
What is the first sound in each word?
3.-Division of words into syllables.
Train game. The pictures are distributed among the cars in accordance with the number of syllables in the word (after slapping each word)

VII. Fizkultminutka.
Game Forbidden Movement.
- Children, now I will give different commands, and you will follow them, but the “hands down” command will be the “forbidden movement”. (Hands on the belt, up, down, to the shoulders, down, sat down, waved, hands on the head, down, etc.). The most attentive wins.

VIII. Introduction to the letter E.
- Let's help Emma the bear get ready for school, introduce her to the new letter E.
The speech therapist shows the image of the letter in the picture and reads the verse:
"This is E with an open mouth and a big tongue."

IX. Letter letter E with a finger in the air, construction from ropes.

X. Printing the letter E in notebooks point by point.

XI. Find correct letters Uh, circle them with a red pencil (the cards are on the tables of each child).

XII. Find the letter E on the "Miracle Tree" (count).

XIII. Sound-literal analysis of the word ECHO.
1. Sound analysis of the word, laying out the scheme. (One child performs at the blackboard, the rest in their places)
2. Composing a word from the letters of the split alphabet.

XIV. Drawing up a sentence with the word ECHO according to the proposed scheme.


XV. The result of the lesson and evaluation of children's activities.
- What sounds did you hear?
- Describe the sound.
What words do you remember with the sound E.

Target: Introduce children to the sound and letter "E".

Tasks: strengthen discrimination skills and correct pronunciation sound "e", in syllables, words, phrases; exercise in determining the place of the sound "e" in words, in pronouncing words of a complex syllabic structure; learn to determine the shortest and longest word; improve the skills of sound analysis of the word, printing of syllables, words, sentences; to form the skill of reading sentences with different intonation; to teach children to ask questions to animate and inanimate objects; to fix the visual image of the letter, to develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention.

Equipment: demonstration material - subject pictures with the sound "e", a magnetic board, colored markers, the letter "e", reading tables, a ball; handout - ropes, notebooks, pens, colored pencils, cards with the letter "e" and "s".

Lesson progress

I . Organizing time.

The one who names the first sound in the word sits down: arch, wasps, smart girl, ears, hoop, etc.

1. Repetition of the past:

Clarification of the articulation of the sounds "a", "y", "o" and their characteristics.

2. Acquaintance with new material. The speech therapist makes a riddle:

Nobody saw him
And to hear - everyone heard.
Without a body - but it lives,
Without language - it screams. (Echo)

What is the first sound we hear in the word "echo"?

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson.

3. Acquaintance with the articulation of the sound "e". (When pronouncing the sound "e" lips "laugh").

4. Choral and individual pronunciation of the sound "e".

5. Characteristics of the sound "e". (The sound "e" is a vowel, it can be sung and pulled, indicated in red).

6. Didactic game"Clap, don't yawn!" The speech therapist pronounces a series of sounds, syllables, words, and the children clap their hands if they hear the sound "e": e, a, e, y, o, e; eh, ah, uh, eh; Emma, ​​Anna, Edik, echo, Olya.

7. Game exercise "Speech exercise" (children repeat the chain of syllables):

ep-op-up oop-ep-op yip-up-ep
yip-ep-ap ep-ap-ep op-up-ep

8. Didactic ball game "Where did the sound "e" hide?" (determining the position of the sound "e" in words). Speech material: poet, elf, emblem, whatnot.

9. Didactic game "What's gone?" (support - subject pictures with the sound "e": popsicle, excavator, electric train, screen:. Speech therapist exposes

5 subject pictures on a typesetting canvas, the children close their eyes, the teacher removes one picture, the children open their eyes and answer the question: "What is missing?").

10. Pronouncing words of a complex syllabic structure, dividing words into syllables, determining the shortest and longest words: tightrope walker, electric welder, electric locomotive, electric iron, tour guide, electrician, crew, electrical appliance, eucalyptus.

11. Didactic exercise "Who is it? What is it?". Continue row:

  • Who is it? This is a girl, a butterfly, a cat:
  • What's this? This is a doll, a chair, a ball:

12. Physical Minute.

Stand up together, stretch!
Walk, turn around.
Hands to the right, hands to the left
And then be bold.
Get up again, stretch
And smile at each other.

13. Acquaintance with the letter "e" (showing the letter). The speech therapist reads a poem:

This is E
With an open mouth
And with a big tongue.

14. Laying out the letter "E" from the ropes, drawing "e" in the air.

15. Work in notebooks. Printing letters "E", "e"; syllables: "em", "ep", "et", "ek", "me", "pe", "te", "ke"; words: "it", "emu", "emma".

Writing off sentences from the board: "Here is Emma.", "There is an emu."

16. Sound analysis of the word: emu (a sketch of a sound scheme in notebooks).

17. Reading sentences with interrogative and declarative intonation:

Who is this? This is a cat. Who is this? This is Emma. Who is this? This is a spider.

III. Summary of the lesson:

1. - What sound and what letter did we meet today? Describe the "e" sound.

2. - Cross out the letter that is different from the rest (work on cards):

3. Evaluation of children's activities.

Correction-developing tasks.

To teach a child to single out a word from a series that differs from the rest in syllabic structure.

Learn to distinguish between animate and not animate objects learn to ask relevant questions: who is it? what is this?

Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sound [E].

Exercise the child in pronouncing words of a complex syllabic structure.

To teach a child to reflect interrogative and narrative intonations in writing using a dot and a question mark.

Exercise 1. An adult pronounces a series of layers, and the child listens carefully and names a word that differs from the others in its syllabic structure:

poppy - buck - so - banana; catfish - com - turkey - house; lemon - wagon - cat - bud; poppy - cancer - broom - tank.

Task 2. Acquaintance with the sound [E]. Guess the riddle, name the first sound in the riddle:

Lives without a body

Speaks without language.

Nobody sees him

And everyone hears. (Echo)

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [E]:

Lips in a smile;

The teeth are close;

The wide tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised;

The neck "works".

Sound symbol [E]: the girl reproachfully says to the kitten: "Eee..."

Characteristic sound [E]: the sound [E] is a vowel, it can be sung (tongue, lips and teeth do not interfere with the free passage of air). Designation: red circle.

Task 3. phonetic exercise.

What do fishermen say when a fish is off the hook? "Uh...h!"

Task 4. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [E)":

uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh...; eh, ah, uh, eh...; Emma, ​​Anna, Edik, echo, Olya.

Task 5. Repeat a series of syllables for an adult:

pte-kte-bde-where; kte-bde-where-pte.

Task 6. Find superfluous word in a row (according to the presence or absence of sound [E]):

bus, echo, orange, watermelon; this, echo, Edik, antennae.

Task 7. Remember the names of people starting with the sound [E] (Ella, Edik, Edward, Eleanor, Emma).

Task 8. From a number of drawn objects, select those in the name of which there is a sound [E].

Task 9. Speak words that are complex in syllabic structure with the child in syllables, explaining to him the meaning of these words. Divide words into syllables. Find the longest and shortest word. If possible, make a sentence with each word:

tightrope walker, squadron, electric welder, electric locomotive, electric iron, tour guide, electrician, crew, electrical appliance, eucalyptus, elevator.

Task 10. Explain to the child that all animate objects answer the question: who is it?, and inanimate objects - to the question: what is this? Learn to ask questions to animate and inanimate objects.

Continue row:

Who is it? It's a girl, a cat, a dog...

What's this? It's a car, a table, a jacket...

Didactic game "The fourth extra" (on the basis of animation or inanimate objects):

car, plane, table, grandfather; crow, nightingale, chair, cow.

Task 11. Introduction to the letter E.

The letter E opened its mouth:

Either he yawns, or he sings.

O. Hoffman

What else does the letter E look like?

Letter E from fingers: thumb and forefinger right hand form a semicircle, and the index finger of the left hand is the “tongue” of the letter E.

Letter games.

Task 12. Independent sound-syllabic analysis of the word Edik: drawing up a diagram from circles; laying out of the letters of the split alphabet, reading, cheating.

Reading sentences with interrogative and declarative intonation. Writing sentences under dictation with the help of an adult, reflecting interrogative and narrative intonation in writing (use of a period and a question mark).

Who is this? This is a cat. Who is this? This is Edik. Who is it here? This is a fly.