Animal in English it or she. Is it possible to use the personal pronouns He or She when talking about an inanimate object? Object case of personal pronouns

  • 02.07.2020

Source: The article originally appeared in The New York Times, by Philip Corbit, who is represented by the Standard Editor in charge of updating the paper's correct style manual. A standard editor is a specialist who responds to internal and external complaints about errors and shortcomings of publication articles.

Most of the inquiries I receive as the person in charge of the New York Times textbooks are about the mechanics of language. Do you capitalize the word after the colon? Should the verb in this case be written in the subjunctive mood?

From time to time, such aspects also acquire a political context. Recall, for example, discussions around tolerant headlines about transgender people or the issue of politically charged distortions in names in other countries. The Times Insider (New York Times' Inner Kitchen) tells how we make news, record shows, and write analytics. Follow our work on Twitter. Want to let us know what you think? e-mail.

One question that came in last week was almost philosophical. How should the word be used with the noun "cow" (cow, - ed.) "who" or "which"? My answer, as an editor of proper style guides, is not a philosopher: it depends on the situation.

Such interest Ask comes from the Princeton philosopher Peter Singer, who is known as the intellectual leader of the animal welfare movement. To the question, he added the statement that he himself uses "who" in reference to animals in his own lyrics to emphasize that they have a personality.

He said he was pleasantly surprised when he found the same usage in an Associated Press headline about a cow rescued in Queens: "Cow Who Escaped New York Slaughterhouse Finds Sanctuary." - ed.). Professor Singer wanted to find out what is The New York Times policy - "that" or "who" for cows?

We do in some cases use "who" with animals, but the choice does not depend on the reasons that Mr. Singer is guided in his materials. Personal pronouns "he", "she", "who" (as a consequence - ed.) We apply only to those animals that have been given a name or when their gender is specified. Simply put, we do not completely abandon "it", "that" and "which". Here’s a line from The New York Times reporting guide:

animals. Apply "it" to an animal, not "he" or "she" unless the animal's gender was mentioned or its personal name was given: "The dog was lost, it howled. Adelaide, who was lost, howled. The bull tossed his horns.”

Professor Singer's use of "who" is related to his views on animal welfare. In our style guides, we are not trying to promote any point of view or agenda, our goal is to follow the usage that is widely accepted among our readers. It is typical for native English speakers, as far as I know, to reserve "he", "she", and "who" for animals with which they feel a personal emotional connection. In other cases, referring to animals as "it", "that" and "which" is the norm.

In the case of the Queens cow, our editors might be faced with two conflicting approaches to judging the event. “Freddie,” as the lucky cow was called, was named “who” in the headline, but left “that” in the first sentence of the article itself.

We exchanged emails with Peter Singer, in particular, he wrote that the norm is gradually changing before our eyes. If you use the word “who” in a Google search, you can find a huge number of uses of this word in relation to household animals, including deer and ants.

The Queens case raises another question of a very different kind, which Professor Singer and some of our other readers have noted. Was the escaped animal a cow? It may seem strange, but English language, despite the ubiquity of livestock, there is no single name for a bull and a cow, which would allow not to specify the gender.

The most accurate meaning of the word "cow" is, of course, a female. Freddie, like most slaughter cattle, was most likely a castrated male, although young bulls are also sent for slaughter, as well as females. However, many dictionaries allow, as a generally accepted norm, the use of the word "cow" as a term that can be used to generalize both cows and bulls in. It follows that it's safe to yell "away, cow" if she's charging at you in Queens, even if you don't have time to analyze her gender.

Translated by Valentin Rakhmanov.

Today we will look at this important thing in practical grammar of the English language, as the use of personal pronouns 3rd person singular in relation to inanimate objects. So, we are interested in is it possible to use the personal pronouns He or She when speaking about an inanimate object? In English-speaking countries, usually He or She, in relation to an inanimate object, is spoken only in a joking manner.

For example, sailors use the pronoun she when referring to a ship. Recently, there has been a tendency among English-speaking motorists to talk about their car using He or She. But it looks more like a joke, or like an accent, emphasizing a special relationship to your transport. It is believed that in English to say about the car "she" or "he" is the same as in Russian to call it by name. Although, this also happens. At the same time, Americans, newborns of unknown sex and young children, as well as animals, can sometimes call it. It is worth saying that although animals are most often called it, nevertheless, he and she are still used for animals when the sex of the animal is known, and this rule is especially applicable to pets. Also in English, where the animal, according to general rule neuter - it, there are generic divisions for individual animals - they are used to accurately indicate the sex. Inanimate objects with which people have a "close relationship", such as ships, are sometimes referred to as she. Countries that are viewed as political rather than geographical entities are sometimes also used with she. This rule also applies to cities.

In general, you should not think that everything that is inanimate is it. Since in English nouns denoting all inanimate objects, concepts, as well as some living beings (animals and children) are neuter, they are all replaced by the pronoun it. Therefore, the pronoun it corresponds in Russian to pronouns of all three genders and is translated into Russian he, she, it, depending on the gender of the noun it replaces.

So, let's sum up. In relation to an inanimate object, the personal pronouns He, She are used if:

  • She is used in relation to countries, especially when they are perceived as a political or cultural unity, and not a geographical concept. Last year Italy increased her exports by 10%. Italy increased its exports by 10% last year.
  • The names of parts of mechanisms or moving objects are often replaced by a pronoun she. Peter took my watch and said, “She is 3 minutes slow”. Peter took my watch and said: “They are 3 minutes behind.” / Let's move this bed to the corner. Oh, she is heavy! Let's move this bed into a corner. Oh yes, it's heavy!
  • Pronoun use she in relation to the ship. What a lovely ship! What's she called? What a beautiful ship! What is it called?
  • Owners of cars, motorcycles, etc., pilots often talk about their aircraft and sailors about their ships. she, expressing, as a rule, a positive attitude - tenderness, care.

You are already familiar, and although, at first glance, their use is not at all difficult, many students get confused even in this simple topic. We are going to reveal to you little secrets that will help you clearly distinguish between the pronouns “it” and “they”, “them” and “their”. Let's start in order.


« It"(he, she, it, it) is a pronoun used for inanimate objects(lifeless things) and animals (animals).

  • I have a new dress; it is silk. - I have a new dress; it is silk.
  • The bird is hungry - feed it. - the bird is hungry - feed it.

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« It' is often used in reference to small child, especially if its gender is not specified.

  • The baby is crying because it has a stomachache. The child is crying because his stomach hurts.

« It" may refer to the statement contained in the first part of the sentence.

  • I have made a mistake and I know it. I made a mistake and I know it.

« It" can act as a subject in .

  • It is snowing. - snowing.
  • It is spring now. - spring is now.
  • It is difficult to learn English grammar. It is difficult to learn English grammar.
  • It is 5 o'clock. - It's 5 o'clock now.

« It» is used in the same sentence with a collective noun:

  • The company has taken a decision to sell its products at a lower price. The company has decided to sell its products at a lower price.
  • The jury will return with its verdict very soon. The jury will be back with their decision very soon.

But when the collective numeral refers to the individual members of it, instead of "it" you need to use "they".

  • The company divided in their opinion regarding some aspects. – the members of the company were divided in their opinion regarding some aspects.


« they" (they) is used in relation to people in general: " They say love is blind”, in relation to the authorities in general: “ They warned me that would cut off my gas”.

"They" can be subject, implying a noun in plural mentioned earlier:

  • Take these chocolates as they are very tasty take these chocolates, because they are very tasty
  • Such things may be very expensive, but they are very beautiful - such things can be very expensive, but they are also very beautiful.


« Them” is the pronoun “they” in the object case - “they, them, theirs”, which indicates a relationship with a plural noun, for example:

  • They are my friends and I like them. They are my friends and I love them.
  • We have good dictionaries and you can use them. We have good dictionaries and you can use them.


Concerning " their”(them), it possessive pronoun plural, formed from "they", expressing the belonging of the subject to a noun in the plural:

  • My friends have visited me. These are their things. - My friends visited me. These are their things.
  • We help our employees and their families. We help our employees and their families.

The pronouns "their" and "them" are often confused, because they can be translated the same way: “their” (of whom? - accusative case) and “them” (whose? - expresses belonging), but you need to follow the context and use each of the pronouns for its intended purpose.

Test: it, they, them, their

1. You have a camera with you, so it is easy to take beautiful photos and send …. to your family.

2. I managed to complete my test and hand … to the teacher on time.

3. Take off your dirty boots and leave … outside.

4. If she drinks too much coffee, … may cause heart problems.

A legal entity is a certain legal fiction. Grammatically, an inanimate person. It operates through its governing bodies, which may be sole (for example, CEO, otherwise it can be called - sole executive agency, and GD - animated) or collective.
Legal entities are created, among other things, in order to separate the property liability of the founder of a sole proprietorship or legal entity (that is, so that, for example, the founder’s own property is not transferred to third parties for debts). The scope of rights for legal entities and individuals is different. They may or may not match.
For example, the Charter or the Memorandum of Association of a legal entity. It (they) should be used. A legal entity is an inanimate person who assumes rights and obligations, participates in litigation, etc. through authorities or representatives.
If we are talking about governing bodies: if their functions are performed by people (animate), then either he / she or they and who instead of which, although which is also acceptable. Depending on what you want to emphasize: the collective decision of the people who make up the Board or depersonalize to an inanimate Board of Directors, etc.

Agreements and parties to the Agreement.
You have never been embarrassed by Sellers / Buyers and then they throughout the contract ... (This just emphasizes that the legal entity is a collective, for example, a joint-stock company).
The owner of the property in the Agreements, for example, purchase and sale, becomes not a person who acts on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney (in the Russian Federation, by virtue of the law, the General Director and other persons specified by law), or the founders of the legal entity or other persons by proxy, but the legal entity itself , i.e. inanimate face. Therefore, it or they are appropriate. Emphasizing that, for example, equipment purchased by a legal entity through its manager does not become the property of the legal entity, but still the legal entity. Although the lawyer's understanding of the contract, for me, but maybe. and for others, if there he / she does not affect the company, it is much worse when the patent becomes not a patent, but a certificate, and the State Registration Bulletin without transliteration is simply the Official Gazette translated into English, and STC - supplemental type certificate - a certificate on additional activities (for air contracts ...), and not an additional type certificate, as it should be, and this contract becomes this one, etc. etc.

Other contracts: they are always based on the construction of the contract of sale, therefore, even if this is a different type of contract, the services are provided to you by the legal entity, i.e. an inanimate person, and not the director who entered into this agreement. Although I emphasize once again - he / she will not affect the understanding of the essence of the contract, but only the knowledge of the subject by the translator.

See below the commentary of the speaker in English. language (this is from Kudoz):
It or she/he buyer / seller: referred to as "it" or "he"? it (or possibly "they")
Definitely not "he" - that would never be right if the party is an organization of some sort.

Some people treat a government, company, etc. as being an inanimate entity and so use "it"; others treat it as a group of people, and so use "they"; personally, I think the latter solution sometimes sounds slightly more natural - or at least, leads to fewer odd-sounding phrases!

But if we think of each of these as "a party to the contract", then the use of the singular seems OK - just imagine if you went through your text and replaced each occurrence of the pronouns with "the 1st Party" or "the 2nd Party".

On balance, I think it really has to be "it": "The Company agrees to pay damages; it will however endeavor to minimize these at all times."

Topic “Animals \ Animals”- one of the first encountered when learning English. Today we will look at how pets, wild animals, groups of animals (such as a flock) are called in English, and also learn how animals “speak” in English. All words are given with transcription and translation.

Names of pets in English

domestic animals Pets
cow cow
bull bull
horse horse
stallion [ˈstæljən] stallion
Mare mare
goat goat
he goat goat
sheep [ʃiːp] sheep
ram ram
donkey [ˈdɒŋki] a donkey
mule mule
pig pig
cat cat
dog dog
calf calf
lamb lamb
Foal foal
piglets [ˈpɪglət] piglet
kitten [ˈkɪtn] Kitty
puppy [ˈpʌpi] puppy
mouse mouse
rat rat
chinchilla [ʧɪnˈʧɪlə] chinchilla
hamster [ˈhæmstə] hamster
guinea pig (cavy) [ˈgɪni pɪg] [ˈkeɪvi] cavy


  1. mouse-words mice, not mouses.
  2. Word sheep also in the plural sheep(forms match).

Wild animals in English

wild animal wild animal
wolf wolf
Fox Fox
bear bear
tiger [ˈtaɪgə] tiger
lion [ˈlaɪən] a lion
elephant [ˈɛlɪfənt] elephant
ape (monkey) [ˈmʌŋki] a monkey
camel [ˈkæməl] camel
rabbit [ˈræbɪt] rabbit
hare hare
antelope [ˈæntɪləʊp] antelope
badger [ˈbæʤə] badger
squirrel [ˈskwɪrəl] squirrel
beaver [ˈbiːvə] beaver
zebra [ˈziːbrə] zebra
kangaroo [ˌkæŋgəˈruː] kangaroo
crocodile [ˈkrɒkədaɪl] crocodile
rhino (rhinoceros) [ˈraɪnəʊ] rhinoceros
deer deer
lynx lynx
seal seal
tortoise (turtle) [ˈtɔːtəs] [ˈtɜːtl] turtle
Cheetah [ˈʧiːtə] cheetah
hyena hyena
raccoon raccoon
giraffe [ʤɪˈrɑːf] giraffe
hedgehog [ˈhɛʤhɒg] hedgehog
leopard [ˈlɛpəd] leopard
panther [ˈpænθə] panther
elk (moose) [ɛlk] () elk
anteater [ˈæntˌiːtə] ant-eater
opossum (possum) [əˈpɒsəm] ([ˈpɒsəm]) opossum
puma (cougar) [ˈpjuːmə] ([ˈkuːgə]) puma
wolverine [ˈwʊlvəriːn] wolverine
dinosaur [ˈdaɪnəʊsɔː] dinosaur

note: word deer also in the plural deer, forms match.

Animal groups in English

In addition to the names of individual animals, there are names of groups of animals. In Russian, we say a herd of sheep, a pack of wolves, but not a herd of wolves and a pack of sheep. Here is what groups of animals are called in English with a rough translation (approximate, because the exact one depends on the context):

Group name Transcription Approximate translation
colony (of ants, rabbits) [ˈkɒləni] the colony
swarm (of bees, flies, butterflies) Roy
flock (of birds, geese) flock
herd (of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats) herd
pack (of dogs, wolves) flock, pack
school (of fish) flock, shoal
pride (of lions) pride, flock
nest (of snakes) nest
litter (of puppies, kittens) [ˈlɪtə] brood, offspring, litter

As you can see, some words are similar to Russian, some are very different: we also say “ant colony”, but we don’t say “rabbit colony”. What amused me most of all was that a group of kittens, puppies and other cubs is called a litter - literally, scattered things, garbage, a mess.

What do animals say in English? Song for children

Another one interesting topic relating to animals is how their “speech” is rendered in English. For example, we say that a bird chirps “chirp-chirp” and a pig grunts “oink-oink”, but an Englishman would say that a bird chirps “tweet-tweet” and a pig grunts “oink, oink”.

There are two groups of words to be distinguished here:

  • Onomatopoeia like “quack-quack”, “oink-oink”.
  • Verbs that call the process of “speech” itself, for example: quack, grunt.

Onomatopoeia is well demonstrated in this children's song:

And here is a list of some, let's say, verbs of speech. In parentheses are the names of animals and birds to which these actions may apply.

Now consider which animals these “verbs of speech” refer to:

  • growl- bears, tigers, lions
  • squeak– rodents (mice, chinchillas, etc.), rabbits
  • scream- monkey
  • roar- lions, bears
  • cluck- Chicken
  • moo– cows
  • chirp- crickets, cicadas
  • bleat- goats, sheep
  • bark- dogs
  • howl- dogs, wolves
  • quack– ducks
  • hiss– snakes
  • tweet- birds
  • meow, purr– cats

Here are some examples with some verbs:

Can you hear the dogs barking? Go, check the backyard. - Listen, dogs. bark? Go check out the back yard.

Whose cat is meowing outside for like an hour? Whose cat is this for about an hour meows on the street?

The mouse sqeaked and hid under the pillow. - Mouse squeaked and hid under the pillow.

My neighbor's dog howls like a wolf every night. - My neighbor's dog howls like a wolf every night.

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