Dream Interpretation. alms - all interpretations

  • 23.09.2019

Giving alms in a dream is regarded as a positive sign if it was done sincerely. Otherwise, such a dream predicts big trouble. The most popular interpretations of what this symbol may still dream of will be explained by the dream book.

Miller's position

Miller's dream book explains giving alms near the church as the dreamer's pity for the requests for monetary alms that agitated him. In addition, he will not be able to satisfy them due to his own financial difficulties.

Don't miss the chance

Why there is a dream associated with such circumstances can be interpreted in different ways. Its interpretation depends on the feelings accompanying sleep.

Giving alms, having a cheerful and high spirits or a feeling of release from severe anxiety, predicts good news. This means a good opportunity to increase your wealth in the future. But the dream book adds that before that it will be necessary to show oneself with better side: show nobility, generosity and restraint.

Giving alms against the will, by decree or with discontent does not bode well. The dreamer in life is waiting for a conflict with real evil, which has the appearance of a person.

Shouldn't lie

Giving alms with complete indifference - bad sign. The dream interpretation explains this by the fact that other people are indifferent to the dreamer in life.

With sincere zeal, richly dressing someone is an ambiguous symbol. After a black streak of bad luck, the dreamer will have a luxurious and prosperous life.

Giving alms to all those in need, without exception, symbolizes the inexplicable success of previous undertakings that have moved from a fatal point.

Opinion of others

Why might a lover dream of giving alms? Sometimes it's not good to see similar dream. The dream interpretation says that the dreamer's love in real life remains invaluable. The opposite side, which does not attach much importance to it, believes that it is obliged to receive this feeling.

Giving alms to an alcoholic, assuming in advance that he will spend on alcohol, means that people take the dreamer for a stupid and naive person.

The worst thing is to see a dream where the dreamer gives very small and meaningless amounts as alms. This means a contemptuous attitude of people in the future, which will deprive the dreamer of self-confidence.

Save yourself from trouble

Why does this vision dream of those who ask for alms? The dream interpretation is interpreted as coming for the dreamer financial profit, success in all his endeavors, deeds and operations.

To personally distribute alms in a dream, which means that great misfortunes will bypass the dreamer. The one who sees such a dream is not afraid of illness, misfortune and minor misunderstandings.

Having given everything that he owns in a dream, a person condemns himself to a great spiritual insight in real life.

The identity of the person asking

The dream book notes that the meaning of the dream itself depends on the personality of the one who had to donate money:

  • for an elderly person, the dreamer against his will must hide his face;
  • a disabled person to a successful deal;
  • for an alcoholic, the conflict will be resolved in favor of the dreamer;
  • homeless relatives will appreciate the actions taken;
  • to the madman, knowledge previously hidden will become available;
  • to a familiar person to renounce their own interests.

Dreamer personality

Why such a dream is dreamed depends on the server himself. For a criminal to share money with those in need means to be released soon.

Miller's dream book

Giving alms in a dream - this dream means that those in need will turn to you for help, but you will not be able to help them because of the poor state of your affairs. For young people, he promises attacks of treacherous rivals. Helping charitable organizations - such a dream predicts that your rights to own some profitable property will be challenged; a dream of trouble and ill health. Asking for alms or accepting charitable help - such a dream means that years of hard work and loss will pass until you achieve success in business, which will be very stable. In general, a dream about alms portends good things if people give and accept it very willingly.

See Alms in a dream

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

in a dream, both asking and receiving alms is to wealth.

I dreamed of Alms, what does it mean

Dream Interpretation Hasse

I dreamed of your alms to the poor - this means that your projects will be unsuccessful; to accept alms yourself - a dream suggests that a major loss awaits you, and in the near future.

Alms in a dream - what is it for?

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Give alms - get rich. They asked - glory awaits you.

Why dream of Almsgiving

Dream Interpretation Longo

Giving alms to an old person or a person - such a dream informs that among your acquaintances you are forced to live, as if in a dress, to portray not what you really are. And yet there is a person next to you whom you can completely trust. In the very near future, you may find yourself in a difficult situation, and this person will come to your rescue.

Dreamed of Alms

French Dream Interpretation

If you gave alms in a dream, this portends your worthy behavior in some difficult situation. Alms were served to you - a dream for an early inheritance. Beg for alms - for love adventures.

Alms in a dream

Modern Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you had a chance to beg, then in reality very soon you will have to pay for the sins committed earlier. At the same time, they saw themselves in a dangling - which means that the retribution will be very severe.

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Rule with an iron hand, iron fist (strength, strong power), hairy hand (protection, money), hand washes hand (support). I wash my hands - step back from business. Warm your hands on this - income, a winning situation. Without dirtying your hands - without risking anything. Submit or...

Dream Interpretation: what the Beggar is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A bad sign is to see yourself or one of your friends as a beggar in a dream. This is a signal of worries and hardships that warn you. For a young woman, such a dream portends someone's inappropriate interference in her life plans. If the beggar in your dreams is old and decrepit, ...

If in a dream you see "Beggar"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream of yourself or one of your friends as beggars - bad sign: unpleasant chores and hardships lie in wait for you. For a young woman, such a dream portends someone's inappropriate interference in her life plans. Giving alms to a beggar in a dream means that the real circumstances of your ...

Article author: site
  • Giving alms to the poor and wretched means that in reality you will receive profitable proposition which will bring you considerable profit and allow you to expand your business.
  • If a complete tramp and drunkard begs for alms from you, this portends contentious issues about the right to property that will be resolved in your favor.
  • If you yourself beg for alms, having no means of subsistence, it means that in reality you will incur significant expenses, having started an unprofitable enterprise.
  • If you are given alms willingly and generously, this portends a stable cash income and long-awaited success after many failures. If you are thrown miserable pennies and do not give alms at all - in reality you will experience humiliation that will unbalance you.
  • Help charitable organizations - Your rights to own some profitable property will be challenged.

See interpretation: charity, money, help

Eastern female dream book

  • If alms are given or taken not of good will, such a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Family dream book

  • The dream in which you give alms means that in real life you will not be able to respond to the pleas of the poor for help.
  • A young man who sees himself giving alms will have to confront treacherous rivals.
  • If in a dream you beg for alms or receive charitable help, you have lasting success in business ahead of you.

Modern dream book

  • If in your dream alms are given or taken not of good will, then such a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • General value dreams in which you give alms are exceptionally favorable.
  • If you personally give alms, then in reality you will not suffer from illnesses; in addition, all sorrows will leave you, and problems will be easily solved.
  • If in a dream alms are given to you and a learned person does this, then you will benefit from his knowledge; if you were given alms by a craftsman, that is, a worker, his craft will also be for your benefit.
  • Asking for alms is a sign of future success. If you beg for alms, but your prayers are ignored, then in reality your affairs will not be very favorable.
  • If you owe a large amount to someone, and then you see in a dream that you are giving alms, in reality your debt will be written off.
  • If a prisoner gives alms in a dream, he is destined to be released soon in reality.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Debts, finds, losses, gifts, alms, wealth
  • Giving in debt is gossip / loss, which is easily forgotten.
  • Unsuccessfully demand a return - your work will pay off.
  • Borrowing is the loss of a friend.m
  • They demand repayment of the debt from you - a terrible event / your life will go along a new, calmer road.
  • To count your debts - to receive profit.
  • Giving alms is a profit, a good time will come soon.
  • To ask her - there is a profit or inheritance.
  • Take - be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances.

Freud's dream book

  • Giving alms in a dream means that in difficult situation You will be able to behave with dignity. If in a dream you are given alms, it means that soon you will receive an inheritance. If, on the contrary. You beg for alms - love adventures await you.

Old Russian dream book

  • If you dreamed that you were giving alms to a weak or old person, the dream says that you are forced to appear in the company of people you know not the way you really are. You put on a mask and live with it. But among you there is a person whom you can unconditionally trust. He will repeatedly help you out in a difficult situation that may arise in the very near future. To give alms near a church in a dream - you feel that you are doing something wrong, but you don’t know how and what needs to be changed. Your dream suggests that you yourself need to look for a path for yourself, not forgetting about God. Watch in a dream stranger gives alms to one of your friends - you are fascinated by an idea that has long become irrelevant, and for some reason you cannot refuse it. By your perseverance, you, without realizing it, deliver a lot of anxiety to others. To see that alms are being served to you, although in real life you are quite a successful person, this is a dream warning. You are given to understand that you live too carelessly, without thinking about the future. If you do not change anything in your behavior, then in the very near future you will have to give up some part of your favorite pleasures and habits due to a shaken financial situation. If in a dream you saw several people at once who asked for alms from passers-by, it means that you feel that some person from your environment is strongly attached to you, but with all your desire you cannot reciprocate. To save this person from suffering, and at the same time yourself from obsessive attention, read the conspiracy to dislike.

Erotic dream book

  • Asking for alms in a dream means that in reality you will most likely find yourself in an uncomfortable position when you are presented with a difficult choice. It is likely that you will literally be offered to make love for money.
  • If you dream that you are giving alms to a beggar, this means that in real life you are wasting time with a loved one and giving him your love and affection in vain: he still does not appreciate this and may soon leave you.

Esoteric dream book

  • Giving is getting rich.
  • Ask for fame.

Miller's dream book

  • To dream that you are giving alms means that you will be alarmed by the pleas of the poor for help, while your affairs will be in a state of stagnation and you will not be able to support the petitioners.
  • To dream that you are helping charitable organizations means that your rights to own some profitable property will be challenged. Troubles and bad health threaten you.
  • For young people to dream that they are giving alms, portends that they will be bothered by treacherous rivals.
  • Asking for alms or receiving charitable help portends you a lasting success in business that awaits you after several years of hard work and losses.
  • In general, a dream about alms bodes well if it is given and accepted by people willingly.

Aesop's dream book

  • ask (and receive) - wealth.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Giving or accepting alms means that your business will prosper and you will get rich.

Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Alms in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream of Almsgiving

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Serve at the completion of some work - to profit, at the beginning of it - to stagnation in business. If you help charitable organizations in a dream, you will dispute your ownership rights, as well as have troubles and illnesses.

Asking for alms in a dream, when in reality you have to start a new business, the business can be profitable, but this will be associated with your humiliation. Asking for alms in a dream or receiving charitable assistance when you have already begun to do some business - to enduring success and profit. A dream about alms, when it is willingly given to you or accepted by you, is a softening life problems. However, this dream is in any case bad for health, it means the dream that you had, for more details on why Alms is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Why dream of Alms for a woman:

Giving alms to the poor, the orphans and the poor - you will receive a profitable offer that will bring you profit. Asking for alms - you will incur significant losses by starting a disadvantageous enterprise. To receive generous alms is a stable cash income and long-awaited success after many failures. Get miserable pennies - experience humiliation

Summer dream interpreter

In a dream, everything can be dreamed, as the proverb says: "Don't renounce prison and money." If you see that you are asking for alms, and near the church, your sins before God are already too great, pray for mercy before it's too late.

Seeing someone on the porch with an outstretched hand asking for alms - you will beg for mercy, but in vain.

Autumn dream interpreter

To ask for alms in a dream is to expect justice from fate, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Almshouse - In a dream you live in an almshouse - you have to go to church and confess.

Church - To ask for alms on the church porch in a dream - to wealth, for details, if you dream of Alms, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Almsgiving in a dream?

If alms are given or taken not of good will, such a dream is an unfavorable sign.

Spring dream interpreter

Giving alms in a dream - to the forgiveness of your sins by the Lord, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Almshouse - to be in an almshouse and give alms - to sorrow.

Porch - stand on the porch and ask for alms - to debts, loss of money or property, read on if you want to know what Alms is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

Why dream of Alms in a dream book?

The dream in which you give alms means that in real life you will not be able to respond to the pleas of the poor for help. A young man who sees himself giving alms will have to confront treacherous rivals. I dreamed that in a dream you beg for alms or receive charitable help - you have lasting success in business ahead of you. In general, a dream about alms bodes well if it is given and accepted by people willingly.

I dreamed of alms - To visit an almshouse in a dream and distribute alms means that your soul asks for mercy.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed of Almsgiving in a dream, what is it for:

Alms - to give - to do a stupid act Sometimes - to get rid of karma. Beg for money - bad dream to humiliation. To receive suddenly - to the successful use of someone else's stupidity.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

I dreamed of Alms in a dream, interpretation:

Charity is a rarely expressed emotion. Give alms - express your innermost thoughts or feelings. Asking for alms is a desire to be more frank with you or more clearly show your disposition towards you.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

I dreamed of Alms - what does a dream mean?

You dreamed of Almsgiving, what is it for - Steady success in business. Imagine that you are giving generous alms to dozens of beggars. If alms are given to you, then it is colossal: you receive the largest banknotes.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of Almsgiving, why:

Alms - You seem to be talking to someone about alms - some pleasant events will brighten up your life; pleasant memories will brighten up leisure; good music will enhance the impact of memories. You give alms to someone - you will take an ardent part in the fate of your friend. You refuse alms - you will be to blame for your failure; do not sin on bad luck. It is as if you are asking for alms - your loved ones will express a desire to help you, and these will not be empty words, which are often said in the hope of hearing thanks! I can manage myself; another interpretation of sleep: hard work will really exhaust you, but success will be overwhelming.

Russian dream book

I dreamed of Almsgiving in a dream, why:

What does it mean to ask for alms in a dream - humiliation, illness.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of alms in the fall?

You dreamed of Alms what it is - Asking for alms in a dream - waiting for justice from fate.