Dream Interpretation to make repairs in someone else's house. Dream Interpretation repair in an old house, in an old apartment, school, church, office, kitchen, doors

  • 22.09.2019

Repairs from time to time require different things. It’s troublesome, but if the repair of an apartment or a car turned out to be successful, it pleases. So why dream of repair?

Make minor repairs in a dream, for example, to repair torn clothes, if it is clean, means to increase your income in reality. If you had to repair soiled clothes, then you want to restore justice, but you choose not the best time for this.

If you dream of repairs, then for a correct interpretation it is worth deciding what exactly was being repaired.

  • Dreamed repair work in your own apartment.
  • I dreamed of repairing someone else's housing.
  • We saw the repair work on the road.
  • I dreamed that you were repairing a car.

Each of these plots will have different meanings. What exactly - let's figure it out.

In my house

Why dream of repairing inside your own house? If the repair work inside the house was dreamed of by a young lady, while she does it herself, the dream means that the dreamer will be a reliable "rear" for her husband.

If a man dreamed of a repair in his own, and the dreamer is the initiator of the work, it means that success awaits him on the career ladder. An additional meaning of such a dream is that the sleeper can rely on partners or subordinates in work.

If a lot of effort and money was invested in repairs in a dream, according to the 21st century Dream Interpretation, then this promises improvements in life. But if you dreamed that you were going to carry out repairs in your apartment, and your hands did not reach it, the interpreter advises you to be more critical so as not to be deceived in your own expectations. To want to make repairs in your apartment in a dream, but to be without materials and tools, means that the dreamer needs to be more careful with money.

To make repairs inside your own home, says the Erotic Dream Book, means to try to return the variety and sharpness of sensations to your sexual relationship. The interpreter advises changing the tactics of behavior with a partner.

I dreamed of fixing the ceiling - Noble dream book says that the dreamer has lost his life goals and it's time to put them back. Pouring from the ceiling means that sometimes the sleeping person is overwhelmed by emotions that harm his relationship with others. If you want to establish a dialogue with people, you should trust logic more than feelings.

As the Alphabetical Dream Book says, repairing the kitchen in your dreams means that the near future will be successful for you.. The more expensive and better the finish in the kitchen turned out, the more successful the circumstances will be. However, if you dreamed that upon completion of the repair work, you mount in your kitchen new furniture, then the vision warns against careless behavior that could cause gossip about you.

To see that construction debris remained in the kitchen after repairs in a dream means that soon you will have an unpleasant conversation, without which, however, your business will not move forward. To see that the kitchen is clean and tidy after repair work - for men for profit, for women for marriage.

In all other places

To make repairs in a dream in a strange house means that the dreamer will voluntarily take upon himself the solution of other people's problems. The dream book warns against such a rash act, because it can take a lot of time and effort to solve someone else's problem. Why dream of repairing yourself on? The interpreters promise that such a dream promises a quick career advancement for the dreamer.

To dream that you had to do repairs in someone else's room means that in reality the sleeper can expect a valuable gift. The intrigue is that the gift will be from stranger.

If repair work takes place in your dream not indoors, but outside - let's say you are repairing your roof - then, according to Medea's dream book, this means that you have exhausted the ways to protect yourself from life's troubles. Repairing someone else's dilapidated roof means that you should not adopt other people's methods of overcoming obstacles, you need to come up with your own.

I dreamed of repairing - I would have to resolve the conflict in the workplace. Trying to make repairs new car- Freud's dream book says that this signals: the dreamer is trying to put things in order in his intimate life. In general, an attempt to repair new technology in dreams, the dream books say, indicates the anxiety of the sleeper. Interpreters advise comparing yourself less with others, then life will be calmer and more pleasant.

"The other day I dreamed weird dream. I am at home and I go from room to room. And there is complete devastation around and I understand with horror that the wallpaper is hanging, the ceiling is all shabby, in a word, urgent repairs are needed ... Could this mean something? Natalia, Omsk

Any dream can be put together like a puzzle, by collecting scattered particles, to see the whole picture, which will reflect our inner state. And if in a dream appeared house image, most often it symbolizes the personality and its multidimensional space. If you wander from room to room, then you are in search of yourself and, perhaps, in this or any subsequent dream, you can see something very valuable. Take a closer look at such dreams, they contain a hint and a magic key that can open the secret doors of your own nature.

The state of the room that you dreamed about in a dream can tell you what is happening in the space of your soul: is it clean or cluttered, everything is in order or repairs are needed.

My home is my castle

If in a dream you saw a certain room, in order to decipher the vision, first determine exactly where the action takes place: is this a public building or a private one? If you are in a dream in a factory, factory or office, and there are some changes, so wait for the transformations in social life and at work. If a own house- talking about you.

dreamed house facade- it means how you see yourself in the eyes of others. For example, dreaming wooden hut as if talking about the desire to create "environmentally friendly", healthy relationships with people.
seen house without windows and doors means your excessive closeness and emotional deafness.
dreamed fence around the house- it symbolizes the protection and boundaries you set with people. The construction of the fence indicates an urgent need to isolate yourself from the outside world, or vice versa, about your alienation and anxiety.
If the house is slightly destroyed, requires whitewashing, repair or painting, it means that your self-esteem suffers, it seems to you that you or your appearance does not meet the expectations of other people.

how appearance at home, and its atmosphere and interior decoration, which appeared in a dream, in life most likely reflect your current state. It can be not only about order or disorder in the soul, but also about bodily well-being.

the interior of the house, seen in a dream can mean the needs, conditions and problems of a person in real life. In order to understand what is at stake, remember what the purpose of a particular room is.
Kitchen- a place of cooking, in dreams reflects the processes of preparing raw ideas or projects into something suitable for consumption. This image is associated with close relationships, as it is associated with the hearth.
Bedroom- draws attention to the need for rest, but is often associated with the intimate side of life.
Bathroom- means the area of ​​feelings and sexual relations. Wash in the bathroom or shower - the desire to cleanse yourself, wash away the feeling of guilt. bathtub overflowing with water- means an excess of emotions that are about to break out.
See toilet- means getting rid of the accumulated negativity, the need to remove from your life what poisons it.
Pantry- It's time to remember the accumulated reserves: knowledge, skills, experience. If everything in your “bins” is overgrown with dirt and dust, try to clean the room in reality: disassemble the shelves and get rid of the rubbish. In the meantime, there may be a clarification, and you will look at problems or tasks with a fresher look.
- our house begins with it. And if he dreamed in a dream, then there is a need to make decisions, to embark on the path of change.
House roof and attic
symbolizes the head and the thoughts and plans, dreams and expectations that arise in it.
Basement- this is a kind of image of the unconscious, in which countless impressions, desires and anxieties have accumulated. Going down into a dark, scary basement is a deepening into yourself in order to study your own impulses or deal with outdated complexes.
dreaming wall means some kind of obstacle that stands in real life and that needs to be overcome.
Floor in a dream - in life it can symbolize support under your feet and confidence in material well-being.
Ceiling- the desire to break through limitations to higher goals.
symbolize the ability to rise and fall in terms of growth and development (it is not for nothing that they say: “the ladder of success”). Climbing up - such an action can signal an increase in tension or excitement, going down - a decline in activity.
Elevator, escalator, funicular- you do not want to make independent efforts to solve problems. An unmanaged elevator reflects fears that external circumstances are stronger than you.

Window in a dream - in real life they symbolize the opportunity to see the space outside of oneself, to go beyond one's own limitations.
appear in dreams when you need to find output out of the situation or to come in into a new living space: say, find a job, become more open in relationships. Closed door symbolizes a temporary ban. Depending on the context of the dream, you need to understand what your task is: to find the key and open the door, stop breaking in where you shouldn’t, or find workarounds.

Big rework

Repair or alteration in an apartment or house, dreamed in a dream, indicate a thirst for updates, a need to make changes in real life, to put thoughts and feelings in order. If you are at the very beginning of the path, you may see a dilapidated, neglected house that needs to be tinted and repaired. Pay attention to your emotional and physical state: you need care, you should take a break from the general fuss and devote time to yourself.

Sometimes recurring dreams about problems in the living room indicate health problems. In this case, the upper floors correspond to the upper body, and the first floors - to the lower. Attic and roof, as mentioned above, symbolize the head, if in a dream you are blown away, it means that migraines are possible, headache or mental disorders. Most likely, such phenomena will be associated with the restrictions or requirements that society, society or parents impose on a person. When the norms of morality go against the true needs and feelings of the individual, it really begins to “destroy the head”. If the roof is leaking and needs to be fixed, it means that you live with emotions, and not with reason: thoughts, dreams and reason literally “flood” different feelings.

Problems with pipes and plumbing in a dream may indicate violations in the emotional sphere (if flooded or broken faucet). By the way, when similar troubles occur in reality, then you should pay attention to your own emotions: it is possible that a breakthrough of accumulated feelings will follow global changes in life.

If you dreamed unfinished house It means that you need to make some efforts for self-improvement.

Floor repair in a dream it is a symbolic creation of a new foundation and support in life. If in a dream the floor looks reliable and beautiful, it means that in reality you will have good transformations, a change of lifestyle. Always pay attention to assistants or masters who appear in a dream: if they are familiar people, they can play a role in the “repair” of your life not in a dream, but in reality.

broken windows may portend failures or quarrels (glass symbolizes fragility). Insert new windows- this desire to better see the situation and yourself in it. If the glass is transparent, and the window opens beautiful view, then the opportunities will be favorable.

Focus on the door will indicate a search for a new path, especially if in a dream you are repairing a door or replacing it with a new one.

Holes in the walls - may in reality mean the destruction of your borders or protection, which has already happened or may happen in the near future. Patching such holes is an attempt to cope with a state of vulnerability.

When in a dream paint the walls, or you find yourself in a renovated apartment in which the walls wallpapered a certain color and pattern, it makes sense to analyze the color palette: each color carries its own energy and affects the human psyche.
Red- will excite and activate, orange- talk about the need for joy and sexual pleasure, yellow- about strong-willed efforts and determination, green- about calmness and thirst for freshness, blue- about tenderness and protection, blue- means a search for oneself, a wise attitude to life, Violet- color changes. Each color has its own nuances, positive and negative influences. But in order to understand what this or that coloring dreamed of, it is enough to be attentive to your own feelings: it is pleasant for you to be in this color scheme or not so much? If yes, then feel free to introduce the dream color into real life (choose appropriate clothes or small details) - the color will feed you with its energy.

In response to a letter from reader Natalya, I will say that any dream in which you trying to put things in order, doing repairs, seeing pictures of cleaning, calls to “clean up” one’s own life and make positive transformations in it: “sweep” unnecessary relationships or ways of responding from your inner space, “patch up” holes and injuries of the soul, and prepare for a period of change. And in order for the internal alteration to be successful, do a mini-repair and clearing the rubble in reality - do a general cleaning in the apartment, create a positive feng shui, change the interior items and bring the color palette from your dream into your environment. The result will not keep you waiting!

Seeing repairs or doing repairs yourself: a sign that you need to fix your affairs.

A more accurate meaning of sleep depends on what exactly is being repaired.

Apartment renovation in your house: symbolizes family problems.

Repair of clothes: means problems with reputation or position in society.

Shoe repair: portends difficulties in advancing your plans, and so on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

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Dream Interpretation - Repair

The dream in which you started in the apartment overhaul and temporarily turned it into the devil knows what - this is a harbinger of the turbulent changes you have undertaken, which in the end will not lead to any result.

Proudly showing your apartment in a dream, which after repair has become like a picture, means that further events in real life will unfold in full accordance with your plans and desires.

Interpretation of dreams from

Making repairs in an apartment is the first, most difficult step towards the realization of an old dream. How fast and successful they will be in real life will indicate the speed and quality of the work done in a dream.

If someone else is doing repairs in your apartment, you will receive an unexpected pleasant surprise from a complete stranger. It will be so pleasant that you yourself will want to make someone happy.

A dream for a woman, in which she makes repairs with her husband, suggests that a new surge is planned in their relationship, they will become closer to each other. If at the moment they are in a quarrel, it will soon be forgotten, and its cause eliminated.

If you dream that repairs are being made in one room, despite the fact that the rest of the apartment needs it even more, the dream says that these metamorphoses in relations will only be an appearance of improvement, which will inevitably very soon make itself felt with new outbursts of negativity.

If you dream of repairs at work, the interpretation depends on how successful it was, whether you liked the looming picture, and whether any result was visible at all. If you saw in a dream only dirt from whitewashing and Construction Materials- expect negative changes in your work.

The meaning of sleep repair - Hasse's dream book

Renovation of an old house dreams of settling old conflict situations at home, at work, with friends. The main reason for restoring peace will be the discomfort you feel because of these disagreements.

If in a dream you are making repairs in a new house, redoing construction flaws, re-pasting ready-made wallpapers that you didn’t like, etc., then in reality you should refrain from buying expensive equipment that decides business negotiations and other responsible decisions. If you can take time to think, ask for at least one day without thinking.

A dream may have a more precise indication if you are trying to fix a particular thing.

If in a dream repair in new apartment costs due to lack of funds - you should cut expenses in reality, you will soon need money for a more necessary occasion than now.

Why do you dream of repairs - an esoteric dream book

If in a dream you see how someone is doing European-quality repairs in a house (in your home), then you can shift part of your current worries onto other people's shoulders. At the same time, your soul can be calm, because everything will be done with full responsibility and in a timely manner.

If during the repair in the house you supervised the work, pointed out the shortcomings to the builders or asked to redo something, it will be so in life. This could apply to any area of ​​your business.

Worst of all, if the house after the repair caused you complaints, you saw obvious shortcomings and flaws of the builders. In this case, it’s better for you not to entrust important matters to others in reality, no matter how oathfully they promised you deadlines and quality.

Doing repairs in the house yourself is a big bureaucratic chore.

If the results of this in a dream pleased you, walking around the offices will not be in vain.

Why dream of repair - a modern dream book

The renovation of an apartment in a dream portends imminent positive changes in relationships, work, and other areas of life. We are not talking about cardinal upheavals, but taking into account past mistakes and experience gained, you can adjust in better side what you already have.

If you made repairs in a new apartment in a dream (but did not redo what is already in it), then a fresh breeze of more fundamental changes will blow in your life. Expect new acquaintances, moving, traveling, etc. All this will be a joy to you, you can safely go towards a change in life scenery.

I dreamed of a renovation in someone else's apartment - this is a warning that you want in reality more than your finances allow. In addition, you are trying to satisfy these desires, which, with such an unreasonable approach, will very soon