Renowned public relations professionals. Public Relations Specialist Job Description

  • 26.09.2019

As you know, absolutely everyone in Russia understands two things - politics and football. Everyone knows how to run a country and how to win the World Cup. However, sometimes one gets the impression that in the field of PR, or, in Russian, public relations, every first one is a major specialist. There is an opinion that this profession does not require any special skills, except for a well-suspended tongue. Let's try to figure out if this is really the case.




entry barrier


The image of the profession and its essence

The image of a creative loafer, whom the language has brought to a stable salary, has become firmly rooted in society. In another interpretation, the public relations manager is the anecdotal “PR girl.” Like any copy of the Western model, before taking its rightful place in Russian reality, the profession of a PR specialist has come a long way through criticism, misunderstanding, tacit acceptance - before realizing its necessity.

And what kind of incomprehensible public is this and why do you need to contact it?

If we give a clear definition, then Public Relations is the provision of a favorable information environment around the subject.

Both a private commercial company and a state structure can act as a subject. In addition, the subject can become and separate project, be it a book, an art exhibition, or even an invention.

The market economy, among other things, brought foreign business models to the Russian reality and established new rules of the game. And one of these rules - transparency of companies' activities for investors, the state, consumers, and society. It's not just about tax returns and annual accounts, but also to ensure that there is sufficient information about the company and its work, to form a positive public opinion, create the right reputation and increase the company's weight and credibility. This is when it comes to business. Of course, state structures have their own rules, but these structures do not exist in an airless space - and in one way or another they are obliged to inform the public about their actions.

We live in the information age. And the task of a PR specialist is to make information work for him, and not vice versa.

Communication with advertising

PR activity is at the junction, communication and. By the way, quite often many people confuse advertising and PR. Moreover, according to the latest version of the educational standard, the specialty that bachelors receive is called "Advertising and Public Relations."

Unlike advertising, PR does not set itself the task of selling, "selling". His task is to form an opinion, to correctly convey information. Therefore, a PR specialist must first of all learn how to work with information. It is necessary to develop the skills of searching and processing information, learn how to present it correctly and competently: at the next stage, he will have to select exactly the audience that needs this information, choose the method of information delivery. And after all this is done and the message goes "to the masses", he must achieve feedback from the "public".

When choosing this profession, you must be ready to play the role of a man-orchestra every day. A PR specialist is a press secretary, copywriter, event manager, strategist and journalist all rolled into one. Of course, ideally, managers should work in a team - and that everyone should have their own function. But the desire to save human resources and "optimize" the business leads to the fact that most often all these functions are combined in one employee.

What to read

What books should you read before deciding to choose this particular profession? Oddly enough, here it is best to recommend fiction, and not at all textbooks and “work notes” of honored figures in the field of communications. It is unlikely that today something better has been written about the career of a PR specialist than the book "Smoking Here" by Christopher Buckley, and something more interesting has been shot than the film "Wag" (there are several translation options for the title of this film into Russian, in the original it sounds like “Wag the Dog”). And in order to get rid of unnecessary illusions, the book by George Orwell "1984" is obligatory for reading.

Practice or theory?

Although in recent years almost every major university has opened a department of "Public Relations", higher education in this area has not yet achieved serious success. And most often, PR-specialists get into the ranks from related fields - from journalism, sociology, even philology. Moreover, only recently really useful and serious textbooks have begun to appear, which are most often based on the experience of their authors. After all, initially PR in Russia was built almost on an intuitive level. Foreign developments helped, but their adaptation to Russian reality also took a sufficient amount of time.

Public relations is a strictly practice-oriented specialty. You can try to understand the basics of communication theory, learn (finally!) the rules of the Russian language, memorize the structure of the pyramid Maslow's needs etc. But only practice allows you to really understand what's what in this area. At the same time, “knowing everything” will never work. PR is a constant learning from one's own and others' mistakes, it is analysis and introspection.

What to study

Let's try to translate these arguments into the plane of knowledge and skills that need to be acquired and developed.

Of course, communication skills are at the heart of everything: personal communication skills, negotiation skills.

Be sure to also learn how to work with sources: documents, the media and their representatives.

Let's not forget about competent oral and written speech: jokes about the already mentioned "PR girls" were born mainly from press releases with grammatical errors and unsuccessful attempts to negotiate with journalists.

The choice of the target audience most often follows from the strategic and marketing objectives. Therefore, you still have to delve into the essence and specifics of the company you work for. Yes, and horizons should be expanded in any case. Information delivery methods are standard in most cases, but no one will stop you from inventing something new. This is where creativity begins...

You can talk endlessly about the tasks that are set for a PR specialist in the course of daily work. Moreover, each area has its own specific issues and problems that cannot be known to an outside observer.

Work experience

You should start accumulating experience already in the course of your studies. In no case do I call for skipping lectures in search of work, but I also do not advise neglecting various internships.

PR specialists can find work under the wing of the company and become full-time employees (most often they are assigned to marketing departments so that they are closer to the consumer). Or they can join a team of their own kind in one of the many communication agencies.

It is clear that the great work of shaping public opinion starts from small things - from assistant work, from preparing press releases and editing other people's texts, from coordinating work in preparing events. In the future, functions and responsibilities will grow exponentially - and it will be the turn of planning, search non-standard solutions, process control. This path is approximately the same for a full-time employee of the company, as well as for the project manager of the agency.

The media is the main tool and lever of work. Therefore, it will be quite useful, at least for a short time, but to fit into the shoes of a journalist, that is, to visit "on the other side of the barricades." Even to be a freelance writer for a local newspaper. The experience you gain is invaluable anyway.


There is a lot of controversy right now about whether the PR profession in its current form will die out with the advent of the era of social networks. Discussions and round tables are held, workers frantically study the Western experience of working in the virtual space. Even beautiful definitions of new activities are given - SocialMedia Marketing, New Media PR. And it is no longer possible to ignore these new ways of delivering information and receiving feedback. But learning to work with them is possible and necessary.


Until now, PR specialists often face a lack of understanding of their mission and their work on the part of the very “general public” with which they try to contact every day. However, one has only to think, and it becomes clear that most of our judgments and opinions are the result of the subtle and painstaking work of PR managers. Think about what book or movie you discussed with your friends yesterday. Are you sure that you learned about them directly from space? Recall what motives prompted you to go or not go to the recent elections. Think about why you bought and read this particular magazine today or went to this particular news portal. As newsmakers like to say, no comment.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of "PR specialist" is your calling - do not rush. After all, then all your life you can regret the lost years for training and work in a specialty that simply does not suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career guidance test or order consultation "Career vector" .

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Supervisor "_________________"
_________________ (____________)
public relations specialist
1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a public relations specialist "_____________________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
1.2. A public relations specialist is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.
1.3. The Public Relations Specialist reports directly to __________________ Society.
1.4. A person with a higher education is appointed to the position of a public relations specialist. professional education in the specialty "Public Relations" without presenting requirements for work experience or higher education and additional training in the specialty "Public Relations" without presenting requirements for work experience.
1.5. The Public Relations Specialist should know:
- resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents related to the organization of public relations;
- bases of the legislation on mass media and advertising;
- international and Russian codes of professional and ethical principles in the field of public relations;
- specialization, features of activities and prospects for the development of the organization;
- bases of political science, sociology, psychology;
- basic methods of conducting qualitative and quantitative sociological research;
- methodology for monitoring the media;
- laws of composition and style of advertising messages, articles, appeals, public speaking;
- methods of analysis of statistical information; basics of office work;
- methods and means of formation and use of the organization's own database;
- methods of collecting and processing information using modern technical means and computer technology;
- Fundamentals of labor legislation;
- rules on labor protection.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of a public relations specialist, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.
The Public Relations Specialist has the following responsibilities:
Carries out work on the implementation of the organization's policy in the field of public relations and its individual stages.
Participates in the development of specific plans for the internal and external policy of the organization in the field of public relations.
Carries out constant interaction and maintains contacts with representatives of the media and the public, acquaints them with official decisions and orders of the organization's management, prepares responses to official requests, monitors the timely distribution of information materials about the activities of the organization.
Participates in the preparation and holding of briefings, press conferences, other events and promotional events held with the participation of representatives of the media and the public, provides their comprehensive information and organizational support.
Prepares press releases and other information materials for media representatives, monitors electronic and print media, participates in the preparation of information and analytical materials for internal use.
Develops information and advertising materials, prepares texts for the corporate publication, the official WEB-resource of the organization.
Participates in the preparation of tasks for sociological research and the preparation of final reports on the results of information and promotional events.
Performs work on the collection, storage, use and distribution of information materials, preparation of documents for archiving.
Ensures the implementation of management decisions, timely informs him about the current progress of work and their results.
The public relations specialist has the right to:
3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of a public relations specialist.
3.2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that fall within the competence of a public relations specialist.
3.3. Represent the interests of the enterprise in third-party organizations on issues related to its professional activities.
The Public Relations Specialist is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the head of the Company.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.
4.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.
5.1. The mode of work of a public relations specialist is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Company.
5.2. In connection with the production need, a public relations specialist is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).
6.1. To ensure his activities, a public relations specialist is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

I am familiar with the instruction __________________/_________________/


The content of the professional activity of public relations specialists is one of the urgent problems of the theory and practice of public relations. Without clear ideas about the content of this activity, it is impossible to determine the main directions and specific guidelines in the professional training of the relevant specialists. In the specialized literature, many authors pay sufficient attention to the content side of the professional activities of public relations specialists. Here are some of the most significant, in our opinion, points of view on this problem, which give a more or less clear idea of ​​it.

First of all, one should turn to one of the modern classics of the theory and practice of public relations, Sam Black. In his book An Introduction to Public Relations, he identifies ten main areas PR, which make it possible to obtain the most general ideas about the content of the professional activities of public relations specialists and the content of their professional training. These areas are:

1) public opinion;

2) public relations;

3) government relations;

4) social life;

5) industrial relations;

6) financial relations;

7) international relations;

8) relations with consumers;

9) research and statistics;

10) mass media.

More specifically, Sam Black expresses the content of the activities of professionals in the field of public relations in the tasks facing them. According to the classic, the main tasks PR cnecialists are:

1) consultations based on an understanding of human behavior;

2) analysis of possible trends and prediction of their consequences;

3) study of public opinion, expectations and views of society and development of recommendations for the implementation of necessary measures;

4) establishing and maintaining mutual communication based on the reliability and completeness of information;

5) prevention of conflict and misunderstandings;

6) promoting the establishment of mutual respect and social responsibility;

7) harmonization of personal and public interests;

8) improving friendly relations with staff, suppliers and customers;

9) improvement of industrial relations;

10) attracting qualified personnel and reducing staff turnover;

11) expansion of the market for goods and services;

12) maximizing profitability;

13) formation of corporate identity.

1. Programming, including problem analysis, setting goals, identifying groups of people whose support or mutual understanding the organization needs, and planning the necessary activities.

2. Relationships established and maintained with different groups of people and organizations, which is essential for collecting, correctly assessing information and making recommendations.

3. Preparation and publication of publications, reports, articles, and other information materials for external and internal groups.

4. Establishment of information dissemination systems through the press, radio and television, professional publications, formation and maintenance of publishers' interest in information.

5. Organization of the release of publications, films, programs, multimedia, photographs in close contact with experts on these issues, which requires knowledge of the technical aspects of production.

6. Organization of special events such as press conferences, exhibitions, demonstrations, ceremonial meetings, awards, etc. This requires careful planning and coordination, attention to detail, preparation of special booklets and messages.

7. Preparing speeches for others and being able to give speeches.

8. Research and evaluation related to the ability to collect information in a variety of ways, including work in the library, interviews, informal conversations, the use of public opinion researchers.

In this aspect, the list of job responsibilities of a specialist in the field of public relations is important from a practical point of view. This:

1. Writing and editing. Drafting press and broadcast announcements, feature articles, newsletters for employees and external stakeholders, letters, communications to Web site and other intelligence services, shareholder and annual reports, speeches, brochures, film scripts and slide shows, articles in professional publications, institutional advertisements, and product and supplemental technical materials.

2. Relations with the media. Contacts with representatives of the media, magazines and Sunday supplements, with independent writers, as well as with representatives of professional publications. The purpose of such contacts is "to persuade the relevant publications or mass media to publish (or broadcast) news and stories about the organization (these news and stories can be prepared by the organization itself). Responding to requests from the media, checking published materials and access to influential sources of information.

3. Research. Gathering information about public opinion, trends, emerging issues, political climate and legislation, media reports, special interest groups and other matters relating to the shareholders of the organization. Browsing the Internet, operational information services, government electronic databases. Planning research programs, conducting surveys, organizing orders from research firms.

4. Management and administration. Drawing up programs and plans in cooperation with other managers; identifying needs, setting priorities, identifying community groups, setting goals, and developing strategies and tactics. Administration of personnel, budget and program schedules.

5. Consulting. Recommendations to the top management of the company on the social, political and regulatory environment; holding consultations with the management team on how to avoid a crisis (and how to respond to one if it occurs); working with key decision makers to develop strategies for managing critical and sensitive issues and responding to them in a timely manner.

6. Special events. Organization and holding of conferences to discuss news, meetings, days open doors, grand opening of exhibitions, etc. with "cutting the ribbon", celebrations of anniversaries, events related to the transfer of donations to charitable foundations, visits of dignitaries, contests and competitions, award programs and other special events.

7. Oral presentations. Speaking to various groups, assisting others in preparing speeches, and managing a dedicated speaker's bureau to provide a "platform" for the organization in front of its important audience of listeners.

8.. Production. Creation of communication tools based on knowledge and ability to use the possibilities of multimedia, including visual and design tools, photography, layout and desktop computer publishing systems; recording and editing of audio and video information; preparation of audiovisual presentations.

9. Training. Prepare executives and other staff speakers for working with the media and public speaking. Improvement in other employees of the organization of their oral and written speech. Assistance in making changes to organizational culture, policy, structure and process.

10. Contact. Acting as a liaison with the media, the local community and other internal and external groups. Acting as an intermediary between the organization and its key stakeholders: listening to their concerns, negotiating, resolving conflicts and reaching agreement. Acting as a hospitable host when meeting guests and visitors of the organization; organization of their leisure.

The above areas of professional activity of specialists in PR, their functions and duties are in the nature of a simple enumeration based on empirical experience. Undoubtedly, this information is of great practical value and gives a general idea of ​​the content of the professional activities of public relations specialists. But for a deeper theoretical understanding of this problem, systematization and a certain classification of the functions of the professional activity of PR specialists are necessary. Research attempts of this kind have been made in a number of publications by domestic theorists and practitioners of public relations. In particular, Professor I.P. Yakovlev proposes to divide the functions of public relations specialists into two groups.

The first group combines the functions of collecting and analyzing information (work at the input of the system). These include the following features:

1) research of public opinion, analysis of statistical data, generalization of the results of sociological, psychological, economic and other studies;

2) study of legal, economic, political and other documents;

3) scanning publications in the press on issues important to the organization;

4) contacts with journalists, representatives of government bodies, investors, social groups, social movements;

The second group combines the functions of disseminating information (work at the output of the system). Here are the following features:

1) preparation of information materials (brochures, articles, press releases) for the press, governing bodies, investors, etc.;

2) informing the public about the goals and problems of the organization at press conferences, in the media, in mail, etc.;

3) improvement of relations with consumers (participation in the creation and placement of advertising and promotion of goods on the market, organization of special events, etc.);

4) information impact on deputies and executive authorities for the adoption of more advanced laws and decisions.

Further, Professor I.P. Yakovlev, in accordance with the well-known in foreign practice PR a four-stage algorithm for developing a specific program, public relations or RK campaigns proposes to single out in relation to the process of activity in the field PR the following features:

1) research, related to the collection, processing and analysis of information;

2) planning, related to the definition of goals, objectives and the development of an action plan for their implementation;

3) organizational, consisting in the participation of a specialist in the "implementation of the planned activities;

4) expert, manifested in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the work done and the identification of new problems that need to be addressed.

And finally, according to the third basis, the system of social relations, I.P. Yakovlev singles out economic, political, cultural and social functions. The scientific value of the proposed classification, in our opinion, lies in the fact that it allows one to approach the analysis and practical implementation functions of a specialist in PR complex, in their close relationships and mutual intersections.

If you are considering other options (besides employment as a public relations specialist), then do not limit yourself to this selection of ads, in our many other positions for different positions. There you can also use the search for offers of direct employers and agencies.

Applicant requirements:

With successful experience in the field of PR for at least 3 years!!! - well-developed organizational and communication skills; - Excellent PC skills; - the ability to work with documents, - the presence of 2 accounts in social networks - VKontakte, Facebook - with at least 500 friends! (links must be included in resume!)

Salary: from 41,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in PR or related fields; experience with websites easy learning, diligence and a great sense of responsibility.

Salary: from 24500 to 26000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Knowledge of methods and means of planning and organizing scientific events (congresses, conferences, seminars, master classes), generalization and processing of information, including the use of computer technology, Internet communications, communications. English is welcome.

Salary: up to 50,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher specialized education; Knowledge in English; Creativity and good artistic taste; Competent written and oral speech, writing skills; Communication skills and customer orientation; Ability to multitask and result oriented; Confident PC user; Desire to develop in the field of museum communications.

Applicant requirements:

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Competent oral and written speech, High level of computer proficiency, knowledge of graphic editors and English as an advantage

Salary: from 45,000 to 65,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 42,000 to 46,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Please send your resume if you meet all the requirements for the vacancy. Public relations education, advertising or related specialty (philology, journalism). Written literacy ( business correspondence), grammatically correct speech; Possession of polygraphy (the ability to make outdoor advertising, layout, develop corporate identity, etc.) Knowledge of Word, PowerPoint, Excel; Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesigh, Flash, CorelDraw, Acrobat 9, web technologies Ability to use photographic equipment at the advanced user level, work with Canon EOS. Personal qualities: creativity, quick learner, sociability, non-conflict, high working capacity, activity! Ready to work weekends and holidays. Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Certificate of good conduct. Medical book.

Salary: from 52,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Education: Higher (major in journalism and public relations)

Salary: up to 35,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Competent speech, knowledge of office work, accuracy, knowledge of Word, Excel, knowledge of English.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education in the humanities, PR as an advantage Experience in the field of PR from a year High PC and Internet literacy - a confident user; knowledge of MS Office, Power Point. Excellent communication skills and high organizational skills

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Excellent organizational skills in terms of creating, conducting and informing BTL projects. - High communication skills. - Correct oral and written language. - Proficiency in English at a level not lower than Intermediate. - Knowledge of modern pr-technologies and tendencies.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

1 year experience as a Marketing and Advertising Manager.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education(priority in the specialization of advertising, public relations, marketing); 3 years of experience in a similar field; Excellent knowledge of Russian and English; Fluency in PC, including special text and graphics programs.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education, specialization - marketing, PR, SMM. - Mandatory experience in copywriting and SMM - promotion (you must provide a portfolio). - Understanding the specifics of creating content for various sites. -Ability to plan work time and prioritize in multitasking conditions. -Ability to work with a large amount of information. -Confident user: MS Office - excellent knowledge, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop - welcome. - Striving for professional growth and self-development.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Professional qualities: - Copywriting (it is necessary to provide a portfolio). - SMM - promotion (you must provide a portfolio). - Understanding the specifics of creating content for various advertising and PR platforms. - Ability to plan work time and prioritize in a multitasking environment. - Ability to work with a large amount of information. Work experience of 3 years in the field of marketing, advertising, PR in the position of: PR manager, SMM specialist - promotion. Higher education, prof. specialization - marketing, PR, SMM. Confident user: MS Office - excellent knowledge. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop - welcome. English: basic knowledge. Personal qualities: - Initiative - Stress resistance - Sociability - Attention to detail Striving for professional growth and self-development.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (public relations). Knowledge of the basics of legislation on the media and advertising, ethical principles in the field of public relations. 3 years experience in a similar position. SEND ONLY SUMMARY

Applicant requirements:

Experience in successful work with social, non-commercial topics Experience in organizing and conducting PR events Experience in maintaining a media database, individual work with journalists Experience in public speaking Writing press and post-releases, advertising texts Skills in working with new media Ability to work with graphic programs Knowledge of basic programs MS office Language literacy Punctuality Openness and friendliness. Additional skills (advantages when considering a resume): Knowledge of foreign languages ​​Experience in SMM Possession of photography and video filming.

Salary: from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: up to 30,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Competent speech (oral and written). Ability to write interesting texts. The ability to develop communities and attract subscribers without cheating and their direct purchase. Have an idea about web analytics (Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica). Knowledge of graphic packages for photo processing, creating pictures. Experience organizing events is desirable.

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education - journalism / linguistics / public relations. Experience in the profile of 3 years. Correct oral and written language.

Salary: from 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Possession of different styles of writing The ability to quickly understand an unfamiliar topic Literacy Creativity Initiative Computer skills at the level of a confident user Responsibility Stress tolerance

Salary: from 60,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher professional education (philological or journalistic). At least 3 years experience as a PR Specialist. Bring your articles and press releases to the interview.

Salary: up to 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in successful work with social, non-commercial topics Experience in organizing and conducting PR events Experience in maintaining a media database, individual work with journalists Experience in public speaking Writing press and post-releases, advertising texts Skills in working with new media Ability to work with graphic programs Knowledge of basic programs MS office Language literacy Punctuality Openness and friendliness Additional skills (advantages when reviewing resumes): Knowledge of foreign languages ​​SMM experience Possession of photography and video filming.

Salary: from 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in successful work with social, non-commercial topics Experience in organizing and conducting PR events Experience in maintaining a media database, individual work with journalists Experience in public speaking Knowledge of the principles of promotion in in social networks Drafting press and post-releases, advertising texts Knowledge of MS Office basic programs Language literacy Openness and friendliness Additional skills (advantages when reviewing resumes): Possession of photography and video filming. Ability to work with graphic programs

Salary: from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

With successful experience in the field of PR!!! well-developed organizational skills and communication skills, excellent PC skills, the ability to work with documents, the presence of 2 accounts in social networks - VKontakte, Facebook - with at least 500 friends! (links must be included in the resume!) We invite for a permanent job (part-time work is excluded) for the vacancy of "Public Relations Specialist" to promote the programs of the Foundation of an active, hardworking, mobile and sociable person.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher professional (journalism, advertising and PR, public relations) education; - Musical education is welcome; - At least 1 year work experience, preferably in the field of culture; - Confident PC user: MS Office; - Literacy, perseverance, responsibility, creativity, communication skills.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (preferred: public relations, advertising, journalism, linguistics). Experience is not important Possession of information search and analysis technologies, knowledge of media analysis Knowledge of the principles and methods of preparing analytical reports Knowledge of the principles, methods and tools strategic planning communication Knowledge of cross-functional interaction and project management English at least Intermediate level

Salary: from 52200 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Degree in Public Relations preferred. Knowledge of business style/etiquette. Competent Russian language (oral/written). Ownership of office equipment. Confident PC user: Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel, HTML, graphics skills (CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Illustrator CS). Basic skills: editing and proofreading text, working in social networks (Facebook, instagram, Vkontakte, You Tube), video processing, working with the media, experience in participating in conferences, events.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (philological or Faculty of Journalism); 3+ years of experience as a press secretary, journalist is required; good knowledge of Word, Excel; competent written and oral speech; good communication skills; responsibility, diligence, discipline; skill to work in team.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education: journalism/public relations; Impeccable literacy; Knowledge of English at a level not lower than intermediate (as an advantage); Ability to collect, analyze information and write materials in various genres; Knowledge of the principles of work of editorial offices of various media; Three years of work experience in press services, editorial offices of newspapers/information portals/information agencies.

Salary: from 46700 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (journalism, philology, PR, sociology). Writing skills for articles, news, interviews, press releases. Understanding the role and tasks of corporate media in the field of communications. Skills in organizing corporate events, promotions. Skills of working with information resources, moderating information on the site. Skills of working with contractors for the purchase of souvenirs and promotional products. Multitasking skills. Higher education (journalism, philology, PR, sociology). Additional Information Having a portfolio of own materials published in corporate media, in periodical industry media is welcome. Knowledge of English is welcome. Experience in large manufacturing companies with an extensive network of branches and subsidiaries is welcome. Experience with graphic editors (photo processing, layout, design) is welcome.

Salary: from 35,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Age from 25 years; higher education; work experience experience self-study and conducting PR companies good communication skills; attentiveness, diligence, goodwill; Ability and desire to work in a small team; competent written and oral speech; presentable appearance, accuracy; confident PC user.

Salary: from 50,000 to 55,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education: journalist, marketer, PR manager, insurance; Experience in these industries is desirable; Proficiency in English: oral and written; Knowledge of graphic editors is an advantage; Work experience, knowledge of the sphere, the insurance market in Russia and abroad as an advantage.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

3+ years work experience is a MUST! Higher education in the profile.

Salary: from 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

В\о, similar work experience from 3 years. English is fluent. Pleasant appearance, competent oral and written speech.

Salary: from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Punctuality Responsibility Communication skills Experience in organizing interaction with veteran, patriotic and sports-patriotic organizations, law enforcement agencies and control and supervisory authorities

Salary: from 100,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Relevant work experience in a similar position (preferably with knowledge of aspects of the metallurgical industry); - ability to write business and creative texts, publications; - experience in working with all-Russian and specialized publications; - experience in working with press services; - Experience and / or participation in the preparation of advertising campaigns.

Salary: from 40,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience with OUR CITY PC portal at the level of a confident user of microsoft office at the level of a confident user of e-mail Viber WhatsApp Messenger of office equipment (printers, scanners, etc.) experience in housing and communal services (will be considered as an advantage) responsibility, work with large amount of information

Salary: up to 35,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in large-scale events (festivals, competitions) Experience in working with an audience of more than 200 people High efficiency, responsibility Excellent knowledge of Word, Excel, Power Point. Competent speech (oral and written)

Salary: from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Confident PC user. Experience in theater is preferred.

Salary: from 80,000 to 95,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Mandatory experience in the field of preparing press releases, preparing and editing business texts Skills in developing the concept of stands and other accompanying materials for participation in exhibitions Skills and experience in the content of the corporate website

Salary: up to 85,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

The presence of self-implemented projects. Experience in developing various PR-companies. Participation in exhibitions, conferences. Excellent quality of prepared articles, press releases, and other materials. Successful experience working with the media. Correct oral and written language. Initiative, active position, vigor, attentiveness. Confident PC user.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education in journalism / public relations / advertising Advanced training courses in journalism - welcome PC - confident user (Word, Power Point, Excel, Photoshop) English - fluent Oral and written literacy in Russian and English. languages ​​Responsibility, sociability, non-conflict

Salary: up to 70,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (preferably - journalism, PR, philology) - Experience in a similar position in the pharmaceutical and related markets, as well as logistics, food industry is required - Experience in creating PR texts on any subject - Experience in preparing presentations for top management, corporate presentations - Ability to quickly dive into the specifics of the industry and work with information - Experience working with journalists - Excellent communication skills, competent written and oral speech - Good knowledge of Power Point, Photoshop

Salary: from 55,000 to 65,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education specialized. - Experience in marketing and PR for at least three years. - Experience in writing and implementing PR strategies is desirable. - Successful experience in organizing PR and marketing events, public speaking, experience in writing articles. - Knowledge of the market of educational literature is desirable, experience in working with a similar target audience will be an advantage. - Willingness to travel. Personality: Active life position, mobility, excellent communication skills, structuredness, interest in the profession.

Salary: up to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Communication skills, ability to work with a large amount of information - English: Upper-intermedia - Excellent computer skills, good skills in Power Point, Adobe Reader, Corel Draw, Fotoshop

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education (state university - mandatory!) - Knowledge of English is welcome. - Creative approach to work

Translated from English as "public relations". V modern world it is difficult to do without a constant flow of information and means of communication. Such relationships are significant area, which is aimed at the activities of the company, government agencies, as well as public organizations.

What is the public and what is its main role?

The public is any groups that are interested in the results of a particular company. Public relations are actions that are aimed at establishing certain relationships with other people. A variety of programs can be included in this area and field of activity, which will help to create good relations and contacts with organizations. This process occurs through the formation of an optimal image for enterprises. The main task is to completely neutralize possible adverse events, as well as rumors.

Public relations helps to create or completely eliminate the achievement of the goal. Public relations is usually referred to as marketing strategies. Through this line of work, it is possible to develop strategic management internal and external areas in any organization.

Main functions of advertising and public relations

Advertising and public relations are developed in special departments of the company. Much attention is primarily paid to creating a positive image for enterprises. These departments perform the following functions:

  • Building a positive relationship with the press. Companies must provide only positive news and important information about activity.
  • Promotion of goods or products. Specialists carry out a variety of activities that can ensure product recognition.
  • Corporate communications. External and internal events are held that are able to popularize the policy of companies in the shortest possible time.
  • For the further adoption of legislative acts, it is necessary to take care of fruitful cooperation with the executive bodies.
  • Access to advice. Advertising and public relations is primarily the development of recommendations that relate to corporate policy in situations where there is room for negative impact on the further reputation of the company. Business leaders should be informed in time about the best tactics for forming a positive public opinion.

Public relations is not science or modern technology. This is an objective and important function that is always present among people.

What personal qualities should a communications specialist have?

A public relations specialist must find personal contact with all clients, draw up work plans, write relevant texts, and also engage in research work. It is possible to select the most demanded personal qualities that such an employee must possess:

  • Ability to work with literary sources.
  • Possessing oratory skills.
  • Knowledge of analytics. That is, a person must be able to perform an analysis of emerging problems.
  • Creativity - finding fresh and effective solutions in the prevailing situations.
  • Customer persuasion.
  • Making interesting and effective presentations.

A public relations specialist must receive an appropriate education in the economic field. This activity is related to the distribution and interpretation of financial information flows.

The main functions of departments that are responsible for public relations

Each company has divisions and departments that are responsible for specific tasks. The public relations department was created in order to disseminate information about a particular activity of the organization. Specialists must develop and maintain a positive image of the enterprise, conduct advertising campaigns, and be responsible for the distribution of corporate information products. This includes websites, newspapers, television and other media.

The main tasks performed by the Communications Department can be identified:

  1. Conducting speeches and organizing press conferences.
  2. Analysis and development of an information program that corresponds to the activities of the enterprise.
  3. With the help of the media, you need to create a positive image of the organization.
  4. Selection of video materials, creation of your own music library, which reveals the main activities of the enterprise and all structural departments.
  5. Holding a round table, meetings with important people, interviews with representatives of the media, where the most important and topical issues will be raised.

External public relations functions

To create and regularly maintain a positive image of the company, it is necessary to take care of external functions. They can be directed directly at the public, which may have a negative attitude towards the activities of the enterprise. Most often, this attitude is due to the fact that the organization is engaged in the production of products that are of poor quality. They can also pose a risk to human health.

In this case, public relations will help to correct the negative perception of customers about products that were created with a clear violation of environmental safety standards, if the organization had accidents on its account, as well as unacceptable actions on the part of managers and employees.

Internal functions of public relations

Over the past few years, social and ethical marketing has been developing in enterprises and companies. Today it is the dominant task in the field of commodity production. This concept and public relations indicate that there is a need to reflect certain interests of society in order to create a stable position of the product in the markets.

Thanks to market research and public relations, it is possible to analyze the missing new products on the market, get large orders, close successful deals, get important contracts, guarantees, change the established credit conditions. In this way, it is possible to make changes in the marketing policy, change the established prices for products, improve service, open new markets, so that work is constantly adjusted. Public relations allows you to analyze favorable economic conditions and draw up financial reports.