Fundamentals of marketing strategy. Marketing Strategy: Development Examples

  • 10.10.2019

This is a type of entrepreneurial activity aimed at determining its position in the market for the services provided by the enterprise, determining a strategy for promoting a product group or service from producer to consumer.

What is meant by strategic marketing?

Through strategic marketing, the position, preferences and requirements of the consumer are analyzed, all this data is used to produce a new group of goods or provide services.

Marketing is characterized by planning the range of products, determining the pricing policy, that is, setting a certain price for the product for which the buyer will purchase it. Strategic marketing also determines how products will be transported, i.e. the most economical options for the delivery of goods to the consumer are sought out, optimal conditions for storage and warehousing of the released product group are selected. The purpose of strategic marketing is also to determine the direction for the wholesale and retail sales of products, to provide customer service in the halls of trade, to provide the necessary assistance in choosing a particular product. An important aspect of marketing is the possibility of purchasing products on credit, when the consumer pays for the goods already purchased for some time. Advertising campaigns are organized, where the manufacturer in an impersonal form communicates with potential consumers through the media: television, radio, printed materials, by mail or via the Internet, also considers the installation of billboards, applying advertising text to vehicles.

Goals of strategic marketing consist in the systematic collection and analysis of the obtained data on the sale of products. The combination of all these methods will constitute strategic marketing, and not separately for each position, only by drawing up a program of action can success be achieved in the prosperity of the enterprise.

Prosperous businesses have one feature: they pay great attention to the consumer, and for this they use strategic marketing. They are united by the desire to understand and satisfy the consumer as best as possible, the employees of the enterprise are set to produce only excellent quality products, which leads to the greatest satisfaction of consumer demand. Knowing the marketing strategy, you can significantly increase the distribution of products in the consumer market, which will certainly lead to an increase in the profits of the enterprise.

How does strategic planning work?

Strategic planning is characterized by setting goals, strategies and a specific direction for their achievement. It contains several steps:

  • Strategic, or long-term planning, its purpose is to determine the important tasks for product marketing
  • Tactical planning currently used, it is needed to determine the tasks for the year

Under strategic planning understand the creation and support of the strategy of the enterprise to achieve its goals, the identification of opportunities for marketing. It is developed for a long time, it includes the following points:

  • The long-term goal of the marketing enterprise is determined
  • Marketing strategy is defined
  • The economic portfolios of the enterprise are monitored, their development in the future

The purpose of marketing is to be able to consider different areas of the enterprise's activities, aimed at transforming the consumer's needs into profitable articles of the enterprise, in achieving predictable results on, in determining the social significance of the enterprise.

Marketing goals can be achieved if several conditions are met.:

  • The enterprise has the availability of the necessary resources
  • The production process does not violate the ecological situation
  • The internal capabilities of the enterprise allow me to implement the plans

To determine the goal of the marketing policy of the enterprise, they use analytical data on the strengths and weaknesses of production, the possibility of optimizing production lines, and be able to foresee threats to the production of goods in advance.

Fundamentals of Strategic Marketing consist in the process of choosing strategic actions in the general direction of the enterprise, aimed at increasing business. When developing a strategic line for an enterprise, data can constantly change, so enterprises cannot stop at just one chosen strategy, they must adapt to market conditions, cyclically, changing the primary goals set for new solutions.

An important difference between strategic planning is the difficulty of determining digital indicators in determining the usefulness of a particular decision. To do this, it is required to develop and constantly adjust an evaluation system based on the commonality of a digital indicator, this can be a monetary indicator of costs, with a numerical value of the estimates.

How the stages of the strategy are developed

  • Analyzing the state of the sales market
  • A qualitative assessment of the state of the sales market for the current period is made
  • A thorough study of competitors is carried out, the competitiveness of the enterprise is determined
  • The goals of the strategic policy of the enterprise are set
  • An analysis of the sales market segment is carried out, the desired target segment is determined. To do this, it is necessary to conduct consumer market research
  • An analysis of the strategy alternative is carried out, the desired option is determined
  • Determining the positioning of the product group in the consumer market, developing means to determine the competitiveness of the company's products
  • Preliminary assessment of strategic policy and control instruments is underway
  • Thorough research is carried out on the state of the sales market and the external environment of the enterprise

To conduct market analytics, the following components are used:

  • Market boundaries are defined
  • The saturation of the market with goods of one group is estimated
  • The market share of the enterprise in total production is determined
  • The competitiveness of the sales market is assessed
  • The development trend of the sales market is determined

The main component of market analytics is marketing research, which is carried out both in the office and in the working environment of the enterprise.

The analysis of the external macro environment is carried out according to the following components:

  • macroeconomic factor. Separate factors of the economy in environment should be subject to constant diagnostics, subject to evaluation, since the economic condition directly affects the achievement of the company's goals. These include: the development of inflation rates, international balance of payments, the level of employment of the population, its financial capabilities, demographic growth, etc. Any of these factors can cause either a threat to the activities of the enterprise, or open up additional opportunities.
  • political factor. If the enterprise takes part in the political programs of the state, then the state exercises control over the norms and acts of local, federal authorities, calls on the enterprise to follow their instructions.
  • technological factor. Analytical actions on the technological environment will help the company develop new solutions for the production of a product group in time, use Scientific research, a new technology to create an enterprise development project as a whole. It is important for any leader to keep abreast of all changes in production technology.
  • social behavior - important factor when analyzing changes in morals in the social system, where it is necessary to determine the role of entrepreneurial activity, women, representatives of the national minority of the society, analyze the situation of consumer protection.
  • international factor. Those enterprises that operate in the international market must constantly monitor all changes taking place in the international market for the sale of products.

What are the goals of strategic marketing?

One of the important tasks of strategic marketing consists in constant monitoring of the situation at the enterprise, establishing the possibility of reorienting the activities of the enterprise in those directions that provide its greatest development, which should lead to the greatest profitability.

Basically, strategic marketing includes pre-planned marketing analysis, research, market segment definition and product group positioning in sales markets. As follows from the tasks of marketing, they must have their own tactical actions. There are mainly tactical and strategic tasks.

The main tasks of strategic marketing are :

  • Orientation of the company's activities to meet the needs of the consumer
  • Installation life position enterprises
  • Substantiation of their conclusions before the management of the enterprise

All activities of the enterprise must comply with the principle: "to produce such products that the consumer needs, and not try to sell him unnecessary goods." If you follow this principle, then the company at any time should be able to restructure its activities to the needs of the purchaser, while the products should be of high quality.

The main objective of marketing is to ensure customer satisfaction at the market level, through which the maximum profit of the enterprise is achieved.

Marketing is one of the components of the market mechanism, it should work in the following areas:

  • Try to streamline the sales market, because it works according to its own rules, make it transparent, when you can assess its condition, set parameters and directions for its development. It is important to predict the development of the market, or to make an attempt to predict the future
  • Try to reduce the spontaneity of the sales market, using its regulation
  • The competition of a product group must be orderly and subject to restrictions, to seek the exclusion of unscrupulous competitors.
  • Regulation of the production process and trade operations at the request of the sales market, aimed at satisfying the consumer
  • Try to develop and implement new technological solutions, they must have their own rationale, affect the turnover and distribution of the company's products
  • The entire marketing process should provide a greater return on the advertising company, influence the sales market and shape it in the interests of the enterprise, ensure the greatest attractiveness of the product group for the consumer.

Each enterprise operating in the sales market has its own tasks; they underlie strategic marketing. Here it is possible to allocate aggression to a certain market share, or to allocate, or take into account intermediate tasks. For each enterprise they have their own, aimed at achieving a specific goal, leading to prosperity and well-being.

What is the role of strategic marketing in enterprise development?

The main function of the producers of goods, working on marketing principles, is to satisfy the consumer, the production itself should be oriented to the sales market.

Key Roles of Strategic Marketing :

  • Orientation to the final result in the production and marketing sphere
  • Devotion of all efforts in the main strategic marketing to conduct research in the production area and product sales
  • The priority role of marketing should be aimed at long-term results, not short-term ones. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a study of the forecast in the activities of the enterprise, try to find ways to develop a new product group, which should increase the profit of the enterprise.
  • Link together strategic and tactical planning, which will be aimed at satisfying the consumer in their needs, and at the same time they must fulfill the interests of the enterprise

The following positions are typical for the strategic marketing of an enterprise:

  • Analytical analysis of the external environment. It uses data from the market component, political and economic conditions, the state of the social and technical sphere. Analytical data is used to determine the key components of the successful operation of the enterprise, according to which data is generated on the estimated properties of the external environment, the capabilities of the enterprise are established
  • Analytics of consumers, both existing and prospective. To do this, studies of the social, economic opportunities of the consumer, who purchase goods of our and competitive production, are carried out.
  • A thorough analysis of already released and upcoming products is being carried out, work is underway to create a new product group and possible improvements in the products manufactured by the enterprise are being studied: new packaging and assortment are being developed. Those goods that are not in demand by the consumer should be discontinued.
  • A project of trade turnover is created, the sales market for products is analyzed. Here you can connect your own trading places and industrial warehouses
  • The marketing service must ensure the formation of consumer demand, using combined advertising campaigns, stimulating the consumer through a system of discounts, sales, which will ultimately affect the profitability of the enterprise
  • A new pricing strategy is being developed, using new system pricing for manufactured product groups
  • Enterprise marketers make up strategic marketing plan, which includes planning, monitoring the implementation of strategic marketing by each of the entire chain of the enterprise, analyzing the profitability, effectiveness of the marketing steps put into action.

Strategic marketing on the example of JSC "Progress"

Using the example of Progress OJSC, let's look at new methods in organizing the entire commercial activities enterprises in a market economy. (This enterprise is not really operating and is presented as a subjective example for the thematic disclosure of the article)

The main factor in regulating the economic activity of an enterprise is the ability to make optimal forecasts for further development, the choice of tactical and strategic actions.

To conduct strategic planning, it is required to consider the entire enterprise as a whole, with a focus on long term which will determine all directions of its activity.

After the management realized the impossibility of managing the enterprise as it was in Soviet times, it began to think about reorienting the main activity according to the principles of marketing, which includes a set of practical methods for managing an enterprise in times of market relations.

Having undertaken in advance significant decisions about the creation of a marketing department, the management team is already in practice beginning to closely engage in marketing, that is, to analyze, plan, implement and control the activities of the entire enterprise in order to better meet consumer needs, this is the main task.

Analysis is necessary to identify and determine the assessment of the sales market, the external environment, and the analysis data is used to establish new capabilities of the enterprise, identify weaknesses and all kinds of difficulties in its activities.

At its core, strategic marketing contains a number of articles on which significant decisions are made for the enterprise by the management team to improve their core activities.

There are 4 main areas marketing strategy :

  • Landmark is a qualitative assessment of the criterion for choosing the activity of an enterprise
  • Task - contains the quantity of products produced
  • An important feature of any strategic marketing is the establishment of rules for the relationship with the external environment, here it is necessary to determine the type of activity of the enterprise, develop new types of products, and determine the sales market. It is also necessary to determine how the company can achieve the superiority of its products over competitors. All these actions constitute a product-market strategy, or a business strategy.
  • Organizational concept strategy. It provides for the establishment of special provisions for the greatest benefit of the enterprise in the internal environment, the organization of the greatest productivity

What is the difference between marketing strategies at Progress OJSC?

  • Basically, all marketing policy activities are aimed at establishing the general direction of the enterprise, working in this direction, the greatest increase in productivity is achieved, and the position of the enterprise in the sales market is strengthened.
  • Strategic marketing involves a search technique, the role of which is to focus on a particular area, with the development of its potential. Work is being done here to eliminate other possibilities if they are incompatible with the main strategy. After the intended goals are achieved, strategic actions can be stopped.
  • When defining strategic actions, it is not possible to immediately establish their results, which may appear at the time of leaving the action plan. And to establish the direction, incomplete, generalized information is used that makes up alternative projects. During the search, certain alternative solutions may come up, with more accurate information, but this may lead to questionable conclusions, according to the initially established strategy. And without feedback it is impossible to use the established strategy.
  • When drawing up a project of action, both a strategy and a guideline are used. At first glance, it may seem that they have the same meaning, but this is far from the case. Under the benchmark understand the specific goal to which the enterprise is striving, and under the strategy, those means by which it can be achieved. Typically, benchmarks are for higher level decision making. And strategic actions, provided that there is only one set of guidelines, will not fulfill their main role if they are not changed. They are so interconnected that they can simultaneously be a guideline and a set of strategic actions developed in the internal environment of the enterprise, for management they can be of a strategic nature, and among employees - a guideline for further activities.

What are the methods of strategic marketing?

Strategic marketing refers to a special type of enterprise management, where both internal structural objects are managed and the position of the enterprise in the external environment is determined. A modern enterprise must manage a whole system of marketing methods with intermediaries, consumers and other contacts. It is typical for consumers to hear information about manufactured products from the words of friends, colleagues at work, and at the same time pass it on to other consumers.

Strategic marketing involves the use of different methods of influencing the consumer :

  • Through advertising
  • Sales promotion
  • Mass media
  • Personal trading events

Sales promotion is possible in short-term incentive methods that involve some encouragement to purchase a product or use a service.

In the mass media, it is possible to stimulate demand for a product group, it is not carried out personally by the enterprise, you also need to pay for it. The meaning of this method is that the product is being presented, important information about it is communicated in a benevolent direction by distributing it in print publications.

In a personal sales event, an oral presentation of the product is carried out during a conversation with one or more potential purchasers, the purpose of which is to sell it.

Each company has its own methods of strategic marketing, but which methods to apply?

The marketer must be well versed in the effectiveness of strategic marketing, his actions can be a chain of interrelated methods:

  • Orientation of the enterprise to manufactured products. For example, you have made, in your opinion, excellent quality products, but this is only half the battle. The introduction of new products can be considered completed only when the consumer truly appreciates it, considers it necessary to meet their needs. But they acquire the product that they know well, understand it, and know its merits, scope, use, and from which you can get satisfaction. It is important to understand that with the release of a new product, unknown to the consumer, which contains the latest technological solutions, there may be a risk of a lack of sales. When a new product group is released, which has no analogues yet, a special marketing approach should be carried out, where the consumer will work on its description, purpose, method of use, and tell how difficult it is to live without it.
  • With the release of a completely new product group, the data of the old market research will no longer be suitable, since there is no way to find out from the consumer what they did not know about before, because they did not use this product.

Let's look at the example of several well-known enterprises that have used strategic marketing methods for their prosperity and well-being.

The well-known stationery sticky notes, which are pasted in a prominent place with the necessary text, went to the consumer for a long time, and only when the consumer realized how convenient and practical they were, then he began to use them and purchase them more often. Why this example? Only after purchasing the product, the consumer can truly appreciate its need for everyday life, and get satisfaction with the product.

A fairly well-known enterprise also used strategic marketing, and, at great expense, began to produce a special fiber that has the properties of steel and great flexibility. As the company's management thought, all buyers should be satisfied with the release of this product on the market. And only after the creation of a new product, it began to look for customers, ways to implement it, and develop areas of application. It sincerely believed that large capital investments and the use of innovative technologies would allow them to get ahead and overtake their competitors, becoming the market leader. But the results did not live up to their expectations. Only after certain marketing actions aimed at explaining the significance of products in certain technical areas, determining the scope of its application, did the digging business go smoothly.

It is important not only to develop the latest product, it is important to be able to form a new type of industry, and only under these conditions can an enterprise have low production costs and low risks.

If you decide to use this method of strategic marketing, in the already established environment of your enterprise, and before incurring the costs of the production process, then it would be good to find out if there are such consumers who are interested in your new product, whether they will acquire.

You can significantly reduce the amount of risk if you have a strong belief that your business will definitely increase sales.

  • Usage general scientific method when the method of an integrated approach to studying the state of the market is used, all activities related to the release of products are established

Any of the applied methods of strategic marketing should lead the enterprise to the highest goal: conquering the market, and achieving the greatest profit.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Hello! In this article, we will walk you through the process of developing a marketing strategy.

Today you will learn:

  • What are the types of marketing strategies;
  • How to develop a marketing strategy for an enterprise.

We have already written a large detailed article about. Below, we will briefly recall the views and move on to the development and examples.

Types of Marketing Strategies

Depending on what competitive advantage the company has, strategies are divided into:

  • Differentiation strategy- involves the selection of the company among competitors due to the high quality or special properties of the product;
  • cost leadership strategy- allows the company to set the lowest price on the market, due to lower production and sales costs compared to competitors. You can minimize costs if you have any objective advantage: economical equipment, advantageous geographical location, special production technology, and so on;
  • cost focus strategy- this strategy is a cost leadership strategy, but addressed to only one segment of consumers;
  • A strategy to focus on differentiation- this strategy is a differentiation strategy, but addressed to only one segment of consumers.

Pricing strategies are divided into three types:

  • Price leadership - the lowest price on the market;
  • The strategy of following a competitor is the average market price;
  • The cream skimming strategy is the highest price on the market.

The main types of commodity strategies:

  • Innovation strategy - the creation of a completely new product for the company;
  • Modification strategy - creating different versions of existing products;
  • The withdrawal strategy is to stop the production / sale of the product.

The main types of distribution strategies:

  • Exclusive distribution - distribution of the product only through its own channels;
  • Selective distribution - distribution of the product through highly specialized channels;
  • Intensive distribution - distribution through any channels

The promotion strategy depends on what promotion tools you have chosen for the product or company.

Stages of developing a marketing strategy

The process of developing a marketing strategy for an enterprise consists of three large sections - analytical, practical and control over implementation.

Analytical stage

The development of any strategy is a consistent implementation of the following actions:

  1. General Market Analysis. Here it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the market, market capacity, market potential. This will allow you to correctly set strategic planning goals.
  2. Determining the level and highlighting the main market players. This stage is easy to implement using two tools: the “5 forces of competition by M. Porter” model and the “Positioning Map”.

The model “5 forces of competition by M. Porter” consists of 5 blocks describing the key market players: competitors (number, company names, market shares, competitive advantages, and so on); consumers (number, presence of associations, volume of purchases, and so on); companies producing substitute goods (quantity, market shares, cost of switching consumers to them); suppliers (their number, the possibility of replacement, purchase volumes, and so on); new players (barriers to entry and exit, factors limiting and stimulating their emergence).

Based on the description, each block is given an assessment of the level of danger. The future strategy should be aimed at minimizing this danger.

A positioning map is an excellent tool for finding your niche in the market and determining the company's place among competitors. It is a coordinate system, the number of axes of which depends on the number of parameters by which we compare ourselves and our competitors.

Each axis consists of ten divisions in the positive area and ten divisions in the conditionally negative area (in the case of a position map, it will not be negative).

Example. We sell dandruff shampoo. The parameters by which we evaluate our position in the market will be as follows: price (X-axis, positive area), density (X-axis, conditionally negative area), packaging convenience (Y-axis, positive area), efficiency (Y-axis, conditionally negative area ). We evaluate our shampoo for each parameter on a scale from 1 - the lowest indicator, to 10 - the highest indicator and make appropriate marks on the axes, we do the same with competitors' products.

When all the points are affixed, they must be connected with a line. As a result, we will get a map of our product and competitors' products. It will clearly show in what parameters we are succeeding, and in what we are lagging behind. This will allow us to decide on a strategy competitive advantage and positioning strategy.

  1. Consumer Analysis, allocation of the target audience and target segments.
  2. Analysis of the internal state of the company, its strengths and weaknesses. For these purposes, we conduct a SWOT analysis, during which we evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, opportunities and threats.
  3. Analysis of the organization's product portfolio. At this stage, we need to determine the place of each product in the organization's product portfolio: share in the profit structure, growth rates, sales volume, prospects.
  4. Setting the organization's marketing goals. It is the goal that determines the future marketing strategy of enterprises. Let's analyze the two goals and the strategies that are used to achieve them.

At the same time, it is necessary to set more than one goal, as in the example, but also to work out the tasks that need to be completed to achieve it, but for these tasks, subtasks, and so on.

This process is called goal tree building. For example, the goal: increase in sales; tasks: expanding the range, attracting new consumers, developing a product distribution system; subtasks: development of new product variations; search for new distribution channels, development of a promotion program, and so on.

As you can see, tasks and subtasks already contain a certain focus of marketing strategies.

This concludes the analytical section of developing a marketing strategy, we begin to develop a marketing plan.

Practical stage - development of a marketing plan for the enterprise

So we come to the development of the heart of the marketing strategy - the marketing plan. At this stage, all efforts are focused on determining measures to improve the company's position in the long term.

As part of the marketing plan of the enterprise, it is necessary to work out the following elements:

  • "Tools" of competition. We choose those parameters of a product or company that distinguish us from competitors. We develop a development plan for each parameter. Determine the strategy of competition;
  • Action plan in each target segment. For the most promising segments, measures can be taken to expand the range, increase the number of outlets, and in less promising segments, on the contrary, reduce their influence. We determine the development strategy for each target segment;
  • Elements of the marketing mix. We summarize and determine the actions for each element of the marketing mix, draw up a calendar plan, assign responsibility and determine the budget. We choose a strategy for each element of the marketing mix, taking into account the chosen strategies for competition and segment development.

Control and analysis of marketing strategy

The marketing strategy of an enterprise must be flexible in order to respond to changes in the external environment, the actions of competitors and consumer behavior. Therefore, after you have begun to implement a marketing strategy, it is necessary to carry out activities to monitor its implementation.

Marketing audit - systematic analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise for compliance with the company's position of the adopted marketing strategy, followed by the adoption of corrective actions.

At the same time, analytical work takes place in the same way as in the development of a marketing strategy for an enterprise. Our goal is to identify changes and adjust the marketing strategy.

An example of an enterprise marketing strategy

We will omit the analytical stage of building an enterprise marketing strategy so that you can visually see how the strategy is formed according to the goals of the organization.

For example, we bake cabbage pies and want to sell them. And as you know, sales without marketing are impossible today, so we are starting to develop a marketing strategy. A little about the product: homemade pies, only natural ingredients, prepared according to a traditional recipe. We have no cost advantage.

Target segment: small cafes.

Our goal: ensuring sales volume at the level of 50 thousand rubles per month.

Tasks: finding and attracting customers; search and selection of distribution channels.

Subtasks: development of a promotion program for each distribution channel and consumer segment.

Competition strategy: our competitive advantage our product. In positioning, we focus on its naturalness and traditionality, that is, the quality of the product. In addition, it is not a mass product, so we choose a strategy of focusing on differentiation and develop our product further (for example, adding different spices).

Action plan in each target segment: we are expanding our presence in the segment of small cafes, expanding the assortment with various additives and sizes of pies. You can choose a modification strategy and also offer cabbage pies according to a traditional recipe.

Elements of the marketing mix: we need to attract new consumers, for this we form a promotion program using online promotion tools aimed at the target segment; distribution strategy - exclusive, we will distribute pies using a page on a social network.

In terms of pricing strategy, we have a choice between a mid-market strategy and a cream skimming strategy. Everything will depend on the uniqueness of your product in a particular geographic market. For example, in America, traditional Russian cabbage pies will be a unique product and you will be able to set a high price.

Most enterprises, in order to achieve colossal heights in development, necessarily create strategies. No well-known company could exist in the modern expanses of the market if it did not adhere to them.

What is a marketing strategy?

Marketing strategy is one of the elements of business plans. It is aimed at developing, manufacturing and bringing to consumers goods and various services that will meet their needs.

Also, a marketing strategy can be described as a large-scale plan to achieve the main goals of the company. Its development is based on the study of the target market sector, the creation of a marketing mix. Be sure to determine the time frame of the main events and resolution financial matters. It is considered the foundation of any advertising strategy. Not a single marketing company bypasses the study of the situation that is developing on the market.

The primary task of marketing is to develop and implement a marketing strategy by any means. The main strategies are as follows:

  • Attracting buyers.
  • Product promotion plan.

Without these two main components, marketing will not exist.

Also, marketing strategy is characterized as a complex of various principles. Thanks to them, the company forms marketing goals and is able to organize their implementation in the market.

Any marketing strategy must accurately delineate the sections of the market where the company will focus its efforts. They will differ in preference and profitability. For each of the segments, you need to develop your own marketing strategy. This takes into account the following: goods, prices, promotion of goods, as well as sales. The marketing strategy of any company is always enshrined in an individually drawn up document "Marketing Policy".

Types and analysis

The work of any company is based on certain principles. An analysis of the marketing strategy is required. Its main tasks are:

  • To study effective demand for goods, be sure to pay attention to sales markets.
  • It also substantiates the plan for the manufacture and sale of goods of the appropriate volume and assortment.
  • To analyze the factors that form the elasticity of demand for goods, the degree of risk of not being in demand for products is also assessed.
  • Assess the ability of a product to compete with other products and find reserves to increase competitiveness.
  • Develop a plan, tactics, methods and means that generate demand and stimulate the sale of goods.
  • Assess the sustainability and efficiency of production and sale of goods.

For a company to reach the heights, it must not only develop its own, but also carefully study the best trending marketing strategy. Example: Schulco, Coca-Cola, etc.

To create an effective strategy, you must first study its types. So, the following classification is common:

  • The strategy of conquering a part of the market or expanding this share to optimal performance. It involves access to the necessary data, indicators of the norm and the mass of profit. At the same time, it becomes much easier to achieve greater profitability and production efficiency. The conquest of the selected segment is carried out due to the appearance and introduction of a new product to the market.
  • Innovation strategy. It implies the production of goods that have no analogues.
  • Strategy of innovative imitation. It is based on the combination of all the novelties of competitors.
  • Product differentiation strategy. Based on the improvement and change of familiar products.
  • Cost reduction strategy.
  • Waiting strategy.
  • Consumer individualization strategy. The most common at the moment among manufacturers of equipment that has a production purpose.
  • Diversification strategy.
  • Internationalization strategy.
  • Cooperation strategy. It is based on the beneficial cooperation of a certain number of enterprises.

How are marketing strategies developed? Researching

The development of a marketing strategy takes place in several stages:

- First- market research. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the market, the share of the enterprise in this segment. You also need to assess the volume and trends of the market. It is imperative to conduct an initial assessment of the competitive level.

At this stage, the external macroeconomic environment is necessarily analyzed. The following is being studied:

  1. macroeconomic factors.
  2. political factors.
  3. technological factors.
  4. social factors.
  5. international factors.

- Second phase- assessment of the current state of the company. It includes mandatory analysis:

  1. Economic indicators.
  2. Production capacity.
  3. Marketing.
  4. Portfolios.
  5. SWOT analysis.

Another important point is forecasting.

- Third stage- competitors are analyzed, the ability of the enterprise to surpass them is assessed. This stage includes the main steps:

  1. Finding competitors.
  2. Calculation of the strategy of opponents.
  3. Definition of their main goals.
  4. Establishing strengths and weaknesses.
  5. The choice of a competitor that you will attack or ignore.
  6. Assessment of possible reactions.

-Fourth stage- setting the goals of the marketing strategy. First of all, it is necessary to assess the current problems, the need for their solution is determined, and the tasks put forward are considered in more detail. Only then arrange the goals in the order of the hierarchy.

- Fifth stage– dividing the market into segments and choosing the right ones. In addition, consumers and their needs are studied in detail. The methods and period for entering segments are also set.

- Sixth stage- positioning is being developed. Experts give recommendations on the management and movement of communications in marketing.

- seventh stage- an economic evaluation of the strategy is carried out, and control tools are also analyzed.

Any plan and development should be based on real facts, for this it is necessary to organize marketing research that will tell you exactly what to focus on. These studies need to be done regularly as the market changes and so do consumer preferences.

The purpose of marketing research is to create an information and analytical base, with the help of which management decisions are then made. But to study individual components, individual schemes are created. The marketing strategy also depends on the components of marketing. Example: study of products, prices. Next will be general scheme. It has been developed and successfully applied by many companies. Currently, it is also very often used in practice.

Marketing research is carried out in several stages:

  1. The problems and goals of research are determined.
  2. A plan is being developed.
  3. Implemented.
  4. The obtained results are processed and brought to the authorities.

Proposal of professionals

Marketing services are provided by specialists in this field. This is an activity that is associated with the study of the state of the market and the situation on it, trends towards different kind changes, which allows the manager to properly build his business. There may also be other reasons for studying the market. Marketing services include research, without which the entrepreneur will not be able to start his production and start manufacturing a new product.

The success of the company and a long stay in the market are ensured by the right approach to doing business and constant monitoring of the situation in economic sphere. If management plans and analyzes its actions, then any risks will be identified on early stage and steps have been taken to minimize them. A marketing strategy is a huge mechanism for such planning, which determines the goal to which you need to go, and how to achieve it.

It is believed that such a tool is needed only by large enterprises. But can a business of medium and small type be successful if the top management does not analyze the pros and cons of its activities, plan further steps according to the financial condition and possible competition? The basics of a marketing strategy should be of interest to any manager or marketer in order to find the perfect path to achieve high results with minimal losses. What is such a strategy, what types of activity planning exist and how to use them - details in the article.

Understanding the essence

Enterprises at any stage of their development use different methods of promoting and fighting competitors. The complex of such events is called corporate strategy. One of its links is a marketing strategy, the specificity of which determines the direction of the organization's actions, taking into account its internal capabilities and the influence of the external environment.

An entrepreneur should always have a picture of the desired result, or rather, the position that the company should take, say, in 3-5 years. To achieve the goal, you need to make a plan and evaluate your capabilities.

You can randomly spend a large amount on a product that only at first glance seems to be in demand among the consumer and cost-effective for the manufacturer. But by releasing it large volume, the company is facing sales difficulties or the buyer does not show due interest, because the niche is already occupied and the consumer has chosen a similar product on favorable terms from competitors. It follows that an entrepreneur should not take hasty steps without prior preparation and careful analysis, which is included in the list of marketing strategy methods.

Instructions for successful development should be prepared, risks taken into account, the right niche chosen, consumer demand, market assortment and the position of competitors in the selected segment analyzed. At manufacturing enterprise of any scale, a preliminary program for reaching a specific level can be drawn up for one year, five years, or a longer period. If the external or internal conditions that are taken as the basis for marketing planning change, it is always possible to adjust the program. Even the most seasoned marketer or manager cannot foresee all the nuances of the economic situation on the market.

Proper management always involves the use of a marketing strategy so that the company does not stray from the right path, does not waste time and money.

Different planning methods

The management strategy in the organization depends on the specifics of the activity, the time of presence in the market and other criteria. There is a certain classification of marketing strategy. Let's look at the main types of large-scale strategies in order to understand in which direction an enterprise can move.

Leader position, power strategy

The essence of planning is to take a leading position among competitors in the sale of goods on the market. The focus is on increasing the pace of production. The company's goal is to produce a large volume of high quality products. The product range is standard, it can be updated, but only slightly. Typically, such a strategy is chosen by large firms that have been on the market for a long time, but want to improve their positions without investing extra effort and money. Careful control of expenses and labor productivity is carried out. The forces of marketers are aimed at increasing the volume of the manufacturer's presence.

This type of planning is also called concentrated growth tactics. The boundaries of presence are expanding due to new territories, modernization of the existing sales line, release of updated goods (improvement of the production recipe without financial losses).

But it is worth considering the fact that even the most sought-after product has stages of popularity and there may come a time when the consumer will look for something new.


This type of strategy involves expanding the specifics of the enterprise, that is, the activity is not concentrated on one product or service, but is focused on offering the consumer an additional assortment. Suppose a farmer initial stage chose the sphere of animal husbandry in a narrow direction - breeding and keeping cows for milk. But there is a desire to cover another segment - breeding of elite breeds for sale to other farmers. Or add cowsheds with places for keeping pigs for meat.

So that the entrepreneur does not find himself in a losing position, you should not focus on only one direction. The economic situation is always unstable, and it is necessary to predict its development.

An example is present in trade (expanding the range of branded goods), in pharmaceuticals (wholesalers open their retail pharmacy chains at more affordable prices for buyers).

But you should not expand the specifics of economic activity too much, you can not get the expected profit if you are torn in different directions.

Specialized, niche promotion tactics

Both in production and in trade or services, there are two directions in reaching the target audience:

  • Mass - designed for the main categories of consumers, which are the majority.
  • Individual - focused on a narrow circle of people, products or services in a single copy or limited edition at a fairly high price.

This type of planning to move the organization towards the goal is quite risky, especially for new business participants.

The strategy is based on the search for promotion options in a specifically selected (special) segment. It can be a niche (unique) product or a product of mass demand, but only one type, for example, branded clothing for children under one year old.

The task of marketers is to plan the work in such a way that the organization takes the lead in the chosen segment even after 10-15 years. Particular attention is paid to potential competitors in order not to give them the opportunity to bypass the company.

Having considered several types of marketing strategies, we can say that this general classification planning to achieve the goal.

Additional Methods

Each type contains narrower elements of promotion in the market:

  1. Commodity. The focus of marketers is the quality of goods, the range of products, the characteristics of raw materials.
  2. Price. A strategy is being developed to hold, lower or increase the price. Results are determined by the presence or absence of competitors. Producers choose consumers from the economy class, middle class or elite. Discounts, promotions are launched, the design changes, additional services appear (for example, an additional guarantee for household appliances).
  3. Firm. Enterprise promotion strategies that apply only to a specific brand.
  4. . This is a separate strategy, in which the success and recognition of the manufacturer or seller depend on the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. You can spend a lot of money on advertising, but not get the expected profit.

Regardless of what marketing tactics an entrepreneur chooses, it is necessary to understand the steps in the formation of an action plan, which is commonly called the "marketing policy" of the organization.

Formation process

Any strategy takes time and is formed in a certain sequence:

  1. Determination of the company's opportunities for marketing activities. Weak and strengths, the ability to fight competitors, financial opportunities, the pros and cons of previous promotion attempts. These features determine the ways to achieve the goal.
  2. Stage . The choice of a niche in which the entrepreneur can operate without serious risks. We study consumer demand, niche employment, the pros and cons of this particular market direction.
  3. on paper with all the recommendations, actions. Analysis of the financial costs of an advertising campaign, release or development of a new product. This stage can be considered the main and rather laborious.
  4. Final result. After studying the program compiled by marketers, the management apparatus evaluates the marketing strategy and makes a decision: the use of tactics or its further refinement. The functional elements of the marketing strategy are taken as a basis and transferred to special departments for implementation.

A sample marketing strategy can be borrowed from successful competitors if there is no time or money to develop your own plan. The development of different levels of business requires different approaches.

Some organizations go with the flow and don't get hung up on developing a strategy. External economic factors, consumer demand, the financial position of the company create special conditions for the development or modernization of activities.

Sometimes the criteria for choosing a business area are reduced to the fact that the demand for a particular product or service, for example car tires or hairdressing services, there is always. Why not take up the implementation of this project, rather than spend time describing methods for achieving results. Of course, this is not the right approach, but it is the case in small businesses.

Regardless of what type of activity is chosen and what is its volume in the general economic market, it should be understood that a marketing strategy is a whole system of interrelated activities aimed at creating comfortable working conditions. But it cannot be overestimated either, a strategy is just a plan of possible actions that is offered to the management apparatus as a choice of further actions.

Summing up

Trade, construction, medical services, finance, other forms of economic activity cannot stand still if they want to be successful and attract their target audience. This requires serious work and the formation of your marketing strategy, which must be adjusted to the conditions of reality.

Planning allows you to assess your capabilities, predict or prevent the risk of being left out of the selected segment. Leaders of large companies spend heavily on marketers to keep up-to-date information and dynamics of the enterprise. The types of tactics described in the article are just a general idea of ​​​​how you can achieve your goal. Each strategy is worth studying in detail in order to find effective methods for your promotion.

Like any serious business, own business requires a certain sequence of actions and logic in decision-making. At the same time, the management should be clearly aware of what goals it sets for itself, in what terms it intends to implement this or that plan, and, guided by this, pursue a certain policy of actions designed for a long term and perspective. In business, this planning is called a marketing strategy.

Enterprise marketing strategy - essence and classification

The marketing strategy of an enterprise is a set of decisions and activities aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the enterprise.

Strategies are classified according to many criteria: according to the state of the market, according to the position of the enterprise in the market, in relation to the enterprise's competitors, marketing and product strategies, and so on.

Marketing strategy of the enterprise depending on the state of the market and product

There are two market conditions: existing and new (which consumers do not yet know about or one that is just being formed). The goods (services) are divided in the same way. The marketing strategy of an enterprise is built depending on which market and what product the company is promoting, there are four main types of such strategies.

Market penetration

It is used by enterprises operating in a well-established market with old goods. As a rule, a follower strategy is used: on the one hand, no active aggressive actions, on the other hand, certain measures are taken to create competitive ability.

Market Development

It is used when an enterprise with an existing product wants to find new ways of marketing. This may be the search for new markets geographically, attracting a different target audience, presenting a familiar product in a new quality (with other options for its use), and so on.

Product development

Riskiest strategy: developing a new or unknown product in an old market. The most risky strategy, but also promising highest profit in case of success (due to the uniqueness of the product).


This type of strategy is carried out by enterprises promoting a new product in new markets. Includes many variety of options actions.

Marketing strategies in relation to competitors

Actions in relation to competitors are divided into two large groups:

  • defensive strategies;
  • offensive strategies.

The formation of an enterprise's marketing strategy depends on the goals of the enterprise and on the position taken: a developing, young enterprise or a market leader with stable positions.

Defensive Enterprise Marketing Strategies

Enterprises implementing this type of strategy aim to keep their business and income at the current level, without taking any action to put pressure on competitors. The system of marketing strategies of the enterprise is divided into several types.

Positional defense

One of the weakest defensive strategies is that the company takes its product to such a level that competitors have no chance. It can be quality, low production costs (which allows you to set a minimum price), prestige trademark etc.

Flank defense

The company strengthens its position in the market, based on the alleged attacking action of competitors. One of the most successful strategies, because it allows you to easily move on to offensive actions.

Precautionary Defense

At first glance, it looks like a flank defense, but it is more of a psychological nature: the defense is carried out by information.

Counterattack for market leaders

The counterattack includes an economic blockade and similar active actions against competitors. Typically, such a strategy is practiced by large companies - market leaders.

Mobile protection

The strategy is to expand production, thus the company provides itself with additional footholds.

Weakness Reduction

It consists in the elimination of the weakest branches of the enterprise, the refusal to produce unprofitable goods.

Offensive Marketing Strategies

New enterprises, just developing their business, use offensive strategies in order to conquer the market, a separate market segment or take the place of a competitor enterprise.

There are several types of offensive strategies.

Frontal offensive

The company sets lower prices than competitors, conducts larger promotions, produces several times more goods, and so on.

flank offensive

The strategy is to attack the weaknesses of competitors: the capture of territories, uncovered market segments, the provision of services to the consumer that competitors cannot provide, and so on.

Consumer environment

The strategy involves attacking on all fronts and offering the consumer similar goods and services, but of better quality.

evasive maneuver

The strategy implies active development where the enterprise has such an opportunity, even if at the moment such tactics do not correspond to the interests of the enterprise. Upon success, the activity can be transferred to a convenient site.

guerrilla war

The strategy is a series of small attacks on different fronts: prices, advertising, legal promotions. On the one hand, tactics are good for unpredictability, on the other hand, they are quite resource-intensive.

Product marketing strategy of the enterprise

Commodity strategy of the enterprise is to choose actions to implement the plans of turnover. This includes everything from the formation of the assortment to the provision of services to accompany the goods.

By and large, product strategy can be called part of the overall strategy of the enterprise. When forming a product strategy, one must take into account that the process of winning over a consumer begins from the very start, therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider everything, even when making a decision to release a particular product.

There are two main types of product strategies:

  • differentiation;
  • diversification.

Product differentiation

The strategy is to change the properties of the product. In this case, in fact, the product may remain unchanged, but the consumer must think that the product is different, in which case sales are provided even at a higher price than competitors.

Product differentiation (change) affects not only the packaging and properties of the product itself, but also sales methods, outlet design, staff training, additional services (service, delivery, promotions, and so on).

Product diversification

The strategy is to release a new product that has nothing to do with the main production of the enterprise. Sooner or later, every large enterprise faces the task of releasing a new product. In order for the strategy to be implemented successfully, it is necessary to conduct thorough market research: the demand for the product from a potential consumer, pricing policy, the intentions of competitors in this area, the possibility of applying the latest technologies etc.

Marketing sales strategy of the enterprise

Sales organization is one of the most important components in the strategy of any enterprise. The choice of the optimal marketing strategy involves issues of distribution channels, distribution methods and related promotions.

It should be borne in mind that marketing can be simple (the producer interacts directly with the consumer) and complex (the producer interacts with the consumer through a system of intermediaries).

Also, sales can be divided into direct (the same as simple), indirect (same as complex) and combined (a combination of direct and indirect is used). The enterprise must weigh the pros and cons of using one or another type of marketing. For example, the marketing strategy of an enterprise may involve the creation of its own chain of stores, but such a move is only advisable if the profit covers costs by twenty-five percent or more, otherwise it is better to invest in the development of production.

Distribution networks are divided into:

  • traditional;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • multichannel (combine two or more systems).

Traditional distribution networks

Such a network unites producers, intermediaries and marketers, each of which pursues only its own goals and benefits. This is how most distribution networks are built.

Vertical distribution networks

They are a network where all participants strive for a common result, pursue one goal. This usually happens if the production and distribution point belong to the same enterprise, or in the case when the manufacturer and the marketing organization regulate their cooperation with any documents.

Horizontal distribution networks

They represent an association of several manufacturers to conquer one market.

It should be noted that the choice of an enterprise strategy is a very important step, consisting of many factors, and the chosen strategy must correspond not only to the goals and objectives of the enterprise, but also to the external situation.