Social conflict and its groups. Causes of social conflicts

  • 12.10.2019

History says that human civilization has always been accompanied by enmity. Some types of social conflicts affected a particular people, city, country or even continent. Smaller were the disagreements between people, but each species was a folk problem. So, already ancient people aspired to live in a world where such concepts as social conflict, their types and causes, would be unknown. The people did everything to realize the dreams of a society without conflicts.

As a result of painstaking and laborious work, a state began to be created, which was supposed to extinguish different kinds social conflicts. For this purpose, it was published a large number of governing laws. Years passed, and scientists continued to come up with models of an ideal society without conflicts. Of course, all these discoveries were only a theory, because all attempts were doomed to failure, and sometimes became the causes of even greater aggression.

Social conflict as part of the doctrine

Disagreements between people, as part of social relations, were highlighted by Adam Smith. In his opinion, it was the social conflict that was the reason why the population began to be divided into social classes. But there was also a positive side. After all, thanks to the conflicts that arose, the population could discover a lot of new things and find ways to help get out of the situation that had arisen.

German sociologists were sure that conflicts are characteristic of all peoples and nationalities. After all, in every society there are individuals who want to elevate themselves and their interests above their social environment. Therefore, there is a division of the level of human interest in a particular issue, as well as class inequality.

But American sociologists in their works mentioned that without conflicts, social life would be monotonous, devoid of interpersonal interaction. At the same time, only the members of the society themselves are able to kindle enmity, control it, and put it out in the same way.

Conflict and the modern world

Today is not a single day human life virtually no conflict of interest. Such skirmishes can affect absolutely any sphere of life. As a result, various types and forms of social conflict arise.

So, social conflict is the last stage of the clash of different views on one situation. Social conflict, the types of which we will consider next, can become a large-scale problem. So, because of not sharing interests or the opinions of others, family and even national contradictions appear. As a result, the type of conflict may change, depending on the scale of the action.

If you try to decipher the concept and types of social conflicts, you can clearly see that the meaning of this term is much broader than it seems initially. There are many interpretations of one term, because each nationality understands it in its own way. But it is based on the same meaning, namely the clash of interests, opinions and even goals of people. For a better perception, we can assume that any kind of social conflicts - this is another form of human relations in society.

Functions of social conflict

As you can see, the concept of social conflict and its components were defined long before modern times. It was then that the conflict was endowed with certain functions, thanks to which its significance for social society is clearly visible.

So there are several important functions:

  1. Signal.
  2. Informational.
  3. Differentiating.
  4. Dynamic.

The meaning of the first is immediately indicated by its name. Therefore, it is understandable that due to the nature of the conflict, it is possible to determine what state the society is in and what it wants. Sociologists are sure that if people start a conflict, then there are certain reasons and unresolved problems. Therefore, it is regarded as a kind of signal that it is urgent to act and do something.

Informational - has a meaning similar to the previous function. Information about the conflict is of great importance on the way to determining the causes of the occurrence. By processing such data, the government studies the essence of all events taking place in society.

Thanks to the third function, society acquires a certain structure. Thus, when a conflict arises that affects the public interest, even those who would previously prefer not to intervene take part in it. There is a division of the population into certain social groups.

The fourth function was discovered during the worship of the teachings of Marxism. It is believed that it is she who plays the role of the engine in all social processes.

Reasons why conflicts arise

The reasons are quite obvious and understandable, even if we consider only the definition of social conflicts. Everything is hidden precisely in different views on actions. Indeed, often some try to impose their ideas by all means, even if they cause damage to others. This happens when there are several options for using one item.

The types of social conflicts vary, depending on many factors, such as scale, theme, nature, and more. So, even family disagreements have the character of a social conflict. After all, when a husband and wife share a TV, trying to watch different channels, a dispute arises on the basis of a clash of interests. To solve such a problem, two TVs are needed, then there might not have been a conflict.

According to sociologists, conflicts in society cannot be avoided, because proving one's point of view is a natural desire of a person, which means that nothing can change this. They also concluded that social conflict, the types of which are not dangerous, can even be beneficial for society. After all, this is how people learn not to perceive others as enemies, become closer and begin to respect each other's interests.

Components of the conflict

Any conflict includes two mandatory components:

  • the reason for the disagreement is called the object;
  • people whose interests clashed in a dispute - they are also subjects.

There are no restrictions on the number of participants in the dispute;

The reason for the conflict may appear in the literature as an incident.

By the way, the conflict that has arisen does not always have an open form. It also happens that the clash of different ideas has become the cause of resentment, which is part of what is happening. This is how various types of socio-psychological conflicts arise, which have a latent form and can be called "frozen" conflicts.

Types of social conflicts

Knowing what a conflict is, what are its causes and components, we can distinguish the main types of social conflicts. They are defined by:

1. Duration and nature of development:

  • temporary;
  • long;
  • randomly generated;
  • specially organized.

2. Capture scale:

  • global - concerning the whole world;
  • local - affecting separate part peace;
  • regional - between neighboring countries;
  • group - between certain groups;
  • personal - family conflict, dispute with neighbors or friends.

3. The goals of the conflict and methods of resolution:

  • violent street fight, obscene scandal;
  • wrestling by the rules, cultural conversation.

4. Number of participants:

  • personal (occur in mentally ill people);
  • interpersonal (clash of interests different people e.g. brother and sister)
  • intergroup (contradiction in the interests of different social associations);
  • people of the same level;
  • people of different social levels, positions;
  • those and others.

There are many different classifications and divisions that are considered arbitrary. Thus, the first 3 types of social conflicts can be considered key.

Solving problems that cause social conflict

Reconciliation of hostile parties is the main task of the state legislature. It is clear that it is impossible to avoid all conflicts, but it is necessary to try to avoid at least the most serious ones: global, local and regional. Given the types of conflicts, social relations between the warring parties can be established in several ways.

Ways to resolve conflict situations:

1. An attempt to get away from the scandal - one of the participants can isolate themselves from the conflict, transferring it to a "frozen" state.

2. Conversation - it is necessary to discuss the problem that has arisen and jointly find its solution.

3. Involve a third party.

4. Postpone the dispute for a while. Most often this is done when the facts run out. The adversary yields to interests temporarily in order to collect more evidence of his innocence. Most likely, the conflict will resume.

5. Resolution of conflicts that have arisen through the courts, in accordance with the legal framework.

To reconcile the parties to the conflict, it is necessary to find out the cause, purpose and interest of the parties. Also important is the mutual desire of the parties to come to a peaceful resolution of the situation. Then you can look for ways to overcome the conflict.

Stages of conflict

Like any other process, the conflict has certain stages of development. The first stage is considered to be the time immediately before the conflict. It is at this moment that the collision of subjects occurs. There are disputes over different opinions about one subject or situation, but at this stage it is possible to prevent inciting an immediate conflict.

If one of the parties does not yield to the opponent, then the second stage will follow, which has the character of a debate. Here, each side is furiously trying to prove its case. Due to the great tension, the situation escalates and after a certain time passes into the stage of direct conflict.

Examples of social conflicts in world history

The main three types of social conflicts can be demonstrated by the examples of long-standing events that left their mark on the life of the population then and influenced modern life.

Thus, one of the most striking and well-known examples of global social conflict are the First and Second World Wars. Almost all existing countries took part in this conflict, in history these events remained the largest military-political clashes of interests. Because the war was fought on three continents and four oceans. Only in this conflict was the most terrible nuclear weapon used.

This is the strongest, and most importantly known example of global social conflicts. After all, peoples that were previously considered fraternal fought against each other. There are no more such terrible examples in world history.

Much more information is available directly about inter-regional and group conflicts. So, during the transition of power to the kings, the living conditions of the population also changed. Every year more and more public discontent grew, protests and political tensions appeared. Many moments did not suit the people, without clarifying which it was impossible to strangle the popular uprising. The more in tsarist Russia the authorities tried to crush the interests of the population, the more conflict situations on the part of disgruntled residents of the country intensified.

Over time, more and more people became convinced of the infringement of their interests, so the social conflict gained momentum and changed the opinions of others. The more people became disillusioned with the authorities, the closer the mass conflict approached. It was with such actions that most of the civil wars against the political interests of the country's leadership.

Already during the reign of the kings, there were prerequisites for the beginning of social conflicts on the basis of dissatisfaction with political work. It is these situations that confirm the existence of problems that were caused by dissatisfaction with the existing standards of life. And it was the social conflict that was the reason to move on, to develop and improve politics, laws and government abilities.

Summing up

Social conflicts are an integral part of modern society. The disagreements that arose even under the tsarist regime are a necessary part of our current life, because, perhaps, it is thanks to those events that we have the opportunity, maybe not enough, but still it is better to live. It was only thanks to our ancestors that society moved from slavery to democracy.

Today, it is better to take personal and group types of social conflicts as a basis, examples of which are very often encountered in our lives. We face contradictions in family life, looking at simple everyday issues from different points of view, we defend our opinion, and all these events seem to be simple, ordinary things. That is why social conflict is so multifaceted. Therefore, everything that concerns him needs to be studied more and more.

Of course, everyone keeps saying that conflict is bad, that you can’t compete and live by your own rules. But, on the other hand, disagreements are not so bad, especially if they are resolved at the initial stages. After all, it is precisely because of the emergence of conflicts that society develops, moves forward and seeks to change the existing order. Even if the result leads to material and moral losses.

The social heterogeneity of society, the difference in income levels, power, prestige, etc. often leads to social conflicts.

They are an integral part public life and are always associated with the subjective consciousness of people, the inconsistency of their interests of certain social groups. Aggravations of contradiction give rise to open or closed conflicts only when they are deeply experienced by people and are realized as incompatibility of goals and interests.

Conflict- this is a clash of opposing goals, opinions, interests, positions of opponents or subjects of interaction.

social conflict- this is a confrontation between individuals or groups pursuing socially significant goals. It occurs when one side seeks to realize its goals or interests to the detriment of the other.

English sociologist E. Giddens gave the following definition of conflict: “by social conflict, I understand the real struggle between acting people or groups, regardless of the sources of this struggle, its methods and means mobilized by each side.

Conflict is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Every society, every social group, social community is subject to conflicts to one degree or another.

In science, there is a special branch of sociological knowledge that directly studies this social phenomenon - conflictology.

The main subjects of conflicts are social groups, since their needs, claims, goals can only be realized through the use of power. That is why such political forces as the state apparatus, political parties, parliamentary groups, factions, “influence groups”, etc. take part in conflicts. It is they who are the spokesmen for the will of large social groups and the main bearers of social interests.

In conflictology, much attention is paid to the concept of the strength of the participants in a social conflict.

Power- this is the ability of the opponent to realize his goal against the will of the interaction partner. It includes a number of different components:

1) physical force, including technical means used as an instrument of violence;

2) an information-civilizational form of the use of social force, requiring the collection of facts, statistical data, analysis of documents, study of expert examination materials in order to ensure complete knowledge about the essence of the conflict, about one’s opponent in order to develop a strategy and tactics of behavior, use materials that discredit the opponent, etc. d.;

3) social status, expressed in socially recognized indicators (income, level of power, prestige, etc.);

4) other resources - money, territory, time limit, psychological resource, etc.

The stage of conflict behavior is characterized by the maximum use of force by the participants in the conflict, the use of all means at their disposal. A significant influence on the development of the conflict is exerted by the surrounding social environment, which determines the conditions in which the social conflict proceeds.

It can act either as a source of external support for the participants in the conflict, or as a deterrent, or as a neutral factor.

Social conflict usually goes through major stages.

In conflictology, it is customary to distinguish the following stages of the course of the conflict:

1) a hidden stage, at which the contradictions between the participants in the conflict are not yet recognized and are manifested only in explicit or implicit dissatisfaction with the situation;

2) the formation of a conflict - a clear understanding of the claims, which, as a rule, are expressed to the opposite side in the form of demands;

3) incident - an event that takes the conflict to the stage of active actions;

4) active actions of the parties that contribute to the achievement of the highest point of the conflict, after which it subsides;

5) the end of the conflict, and it is not always carried out by satisfying the claims of the parties.

It is also necessary to remember that at any of these stages, the conflict can end either independently, or by agreement of the parties, or with the participation of a third party.

2. Types of conflicts

In modern sociological literature, there are many classifications of types of conflicts on various grounds.

From the point of view of the subjects entering into the conflict, four types of conflicts can be distinguished:

1) intrapersonal (can take the following forms: role - occurs when conflicting requirements are made to one person about what the result of his work should be; intrapersonal - can also arise as a result of the fact that production requirements are not consistent with personal needs or values );

2) interpersonal (can manifest itself as a clash of personalities with different character traits, attitudes, values ​​and is the most common);

3) between the individual and the group (occurs if the individual takes a position that differs from the position of the group);

4) intergroup.

Conflicts can be classified by spheres of life into political, socio-economic, national-ethnic and others.

Political- these are conflicts over the distribution of power, dominance, influence, authority. They arise from the clash of different interests, rivalry and struggle in the process of acquiring, redistributing and exercising political and state power.

Political conflicts are associated with consciously formulated goals aimed at winning leading positions in institutions in the structures of political power. The main political conflicts are:

1) between branches of government;

2) inside the parliament;

3) between political parties and movements;

4) between various links of the administrative apparatus.

Socio-economic- these are conflicts over the means of subsistence, the level of wages, the use of professional and intellectual potential, the level of prices for goods and services, access to the distribution of material and spiritual wealth.

National-ethnic- these are conflicts that arise in the course of the struggle for the rights and interests of ethnic and national groups.

According to the classification D. Katz conflicts are:

1) between indirectly competing subgroups;

2) between directly competing subgroups;

3) within the hierarchy and about remuneration.

Conflict Explorer K. Boulding highlights the following types conflicts:

1) real (existing objectively in a certain social subsystem;

2) random (depending on minor points in relation to the fundamental contradictions that cause conflict);

3) substitutive (which are a visible manifestation of hidden conflicts);

4) based on poor knowledge (the result of inept management);

5) hidden, latent (participants for various reasons cannot fight openly);

6) false (creating only appearance).

The current view is that some conflicts are not only possible, but may even be desirable.

Accordingly, there are two types of conflicts:

1) the conflict is considered functional if it leads to an increase in the efficiency of the organization;

2) the conflict can also be dysfunctional and lead to a decrease in personal satisfaction, group cooperation and organizational effectiveness.

3. Compromise and consensus as a form of completion of social conflict

An external sign of conflict resolution may be the end of the incident.

Elimination of the incident is necessary, but this is not a sufficient condition for resolving the conflict. Complete resolution of the conflict situation is possible only when the conflict situation changes.

This change can take many forms, but the most radical change is the one that removes the causes of the conflict.

It is also possible to resolve a social conflict by changing the demands of one side: the opponent makes concessions and changes the goals of his behavior in the conflict.

In modern conflictology, two types of successful conflict resolution can be distinguished: compromise and consensus.

Compromise is such a way of resolving a conflict when the conflicting parties realize their interests and goals through either mutual concessions or more concessions. weak side, or to the party that managed to prove the validity of its claims to the one who voluntarily renounced part of his claims.

Consensus- the presence between two or more individuals of similar orientations in any respect, one or another degree of agreement and consistency in actions. It is easy to see that it is precisely at the stage of conflict resolution that such a situation is possible under certain conditions.

M. Weber considers consensus as an integral characteristic of any human community, as long as it exists and does not disintegrate.

He contrasts consensus with solidarity, arguing that behavior based on consensus does not require it as a condition.

At the same time, it must be remembered that consensus does not completely exclude the conflict of interests between the parties. Also, the consensus does not completely rule out the possibility of a new conflict flaring up.

According to M. Weber, consensus is an objectively existing probability that, despite the absence of a preliminary agreement, the participants in one form or another of interaction will treat each other's expectations as significant for themselves. Thus, consensus is not always associated with conflict behavior.

It is easy to see that Weber's interpretation considers this social phenomenon in the broadest sense of the word.

From this we can conclude that consensus is not always generated by conflict, just as conflict does not always end in consensus.

With this understanding of consensus, behavior based on consent is different from behavior based on contract. At the same time, consensus is the primary form - it arises in the minds of people.

The treaty is secondary, since it is the normative consolidation of consensus.

Achieving consensus in society presupposes achieving political consensus.

It is usually understood as a state of agreement in relation to a particular political course in general or its individual aspects.

At the same time, such consent is not identical with joint actions and does not necessarily imply cooperation in the implementation of the relevant goals and objectives. The very degree of agreement in consensus may be different, although it is understood that it must be supported, if not by an overwhelming, then at least by a significant majority.

Varying from problem to problem, the degree of consensus is usually higher in views on provisions of a more general, abstract nature.

That is why the conflicting parties, for more successful negotiations, need to start them with such topics, as this will give them more chances to find a common consensus.

In order to maintain consensus in society, three circumstances must be taken into account.

First, the natural willingness of the majority to follow the laws, regulations, and norms in force.

Secondly, a positive perception of institutions designed to implement these laws and regulations.

Thirdly, the feeling of belonging to a certain community, which contributes to a certain leveling of the role of differences.

One of the conditions for the development of society is the confrontation of different groups. The more complex the structure of society, the more it is fragmented and the greater the risk of such a phenomenon as social conflict. Thanks to him, the development of all mankind as a whole takes place.

What is social conflict?

This is the highest stage at which confrontation develops in relations between individuals, groups, and the whole society as a whole. The concept of social conflict means the contradiction of two or more parties. In addition, there is also an intrapersonal confrontation, when a person has needs and interests that contradict each other. This problem dates back more than one millennium, and it is based on the position that some should be “at the helm”, while others should obey.

What causes social conflicts?

The foundation is contradictions of a subjective-objective nature. Objective contradictions include the confrontation between "fathers" and "children", bosses and subordinates, labor and capital. The subjective causes of social conflicts depend on the perception of the situation by each individual and his attitude towards it. Conflictologists distinguish the most different grounds for a confrontation, here are the main ones:

  1. Aggression, which can be shown by all animals, including humans.
  2. Overcrowding and environmental factors.
  3. hostility towards society.
  4. Social and economic inequality.
  5. Cultural contradictions.

Separately taken individuals and groups can conflict because of material goods, paramount life attitudes and values, powers of power, etc. In any field of activity, a dispute can arise due to incompatible needs and interests. However, not all contradictions develop into confrontation. They talk about it only under conditions of active confrontation and open struggle.

Participants in social conflict

First of all, these are people standing on both sides of the barricades. In the course of the current situation, they can be both individuals and legal entities. The peculiarities of social conflict are that it is based on certain disagreements, because of which the interests of the participants collide. There is also an object that may have a material, spiritual or social form and which each of the participants seeks to obtain. And their immediate environment is the micro or macro environment.

Social conflict - pros and cons

On the one hand, an open clash allows society to evolve, to achieve certain agreements and understandings. As a result, its individual members learn to adapt to unfamiliar conditions, to take into account the desires of other individuals. On the other hand, modern social conflicts and their consequences cannot be predicted. In the case of the most difficult development of events, society can completely collapse.

Functions of social conflict

The former are constructive, while the latter are destructive. Constructive ones are positive - they defuse tension, carry out changes in society, etc. Destructive ones bring destruction and chaos, they destabilize relations in a certain environment, destroy the social community. The positive function of social conflict is to strengthen the society as a whole and the relations between its members. Negative - destabilizes society.

Stages of social conflict

The stages of conflict development are:

  1. Hidden. Tension in communication between subjects is growing due to the desire of each to improve their position and achieve superiority.
  2. Voltage. The main stages of social conflict include tension. Moreover, the greater the power and superiority of the dominant side, the stronger it is. The irreconcilability of the parties leads to a very strong confrontation.
  3. Antagonism. This is a consequence of high tension.
  4. Incompatibility. Actually, the opposition itself.
  5. Completion. Resolution of the situation.

Types of social conflicts

They can be labor, economic, political, educational, social security, etc. As already mentioned, they can occur between individuals and within each. Here is a common classification:

  1. In accordance with the source of occurrence - a confrontation of values, interests and identification.
  2. According to the consequences for society, the main types of social conflicts are divided into constructive and destructive, successful and unsuccessful.
  3. According to the degree of impact on the environment - short-term, medium-term, long-term, acute, large-scale, regional, local, etc.
  4. In accordance with the location of opponents - horizontal and vertical. In the first case, people who are on the same level are arguing, and in the second, the boss and the subordinate.
  5. According to the method of struggle - peaceful and armed.
  6. Depending on the degree of openness - hidden and open. In the first case, the rivals influence each other by indirect methods, and in the second they move on to open quarrels and disputes.
  7. In accordance with the composition of the participants - organizational, group, political.

Ways to resolve social conflicts

The most effective ways to resolve conflicts:

  1. avoidance of confrontation. That is, one of the participants leaves the "stage" physically or psychologically, but the conflict situation itself remains, since the cause that gave rise to it has not been eliminated.
  2. Negotiation. Both sides are trying to find common ground and a path to cooperation.
  3. Intermediaries. include the use of intermediaries. His role can be played by both an organization and an individual who, thanks to the available opportunities and experience, does what would be impossible to do without his participation.
  4. postponing. In fact, one of the opponents is only temporarily losing ground, wanting to accumulate strength and re-enter the social conflict, trying to regain what was lost.
  5. Appeal to arbitration or arbitration court. At the same time, the confrontation is dealt with in accordance with the norms of law and law.
  6. Force method with the involvement of the military, equipment and weapons, that is, in fact, war.

What are the consequences of social conflicts?

Scientists consider this phenomenon from a functionalist and sociological point of view. In the first case, the confrontation is clearly negative and leads to such consequences as:

  1. Destabilization of society. The levers of control no longer work, chaos and unpredictability reign in society.
  2. The consequences of social conflict also include participants in certain goals, which are to defeat the enemy. At the same time, all other problems fade into the background.
  3. Loss of hope for further friendly relations with the opponent.
  4. Participants in the confrontation are removed from society, they feel dissatisfied, and so on.
  5. Those who consider confrontation from a sociological point of view believe that this phenomenon also has positive sides:
  6. With an interest in a positive outcome of the case, people are united and mutual understanding is strengthened between them. Everyone feels his involvement in what is happening, and does everything so that the social conflict has a peaceful outcome.
  7. Existing structures and institutions are being updated and new ones are being formed. In the newly emerged groups, a certain balance of interests is created, which guarantees relative stability.
  8. Managed conflict additionally stimulates the participants. They develop new ideas and solutions, that is, they “grow” and develop.

social conflict(from lat. conflict- clash) is the highest stage in the development of contradictions in relations between people, social groups, society as a whole, which is characterized by a clash of opposing interests, goals, positions of subjects of interaction. Conflicts may be covert or overt, but they are always based on a lack of agreement between two or more parties.

The concept of social conflict

It is one of the varieties of social conflict.

The word "" (from lat. conflict) means clash (of parties, opinions, forces). The concept of social conflict as a collision of two or more subjects of social interaction is widely interpreted by representatives of various areas of the conflictological paradigm. So, in the view of K. Marx in a class society, the main social conflict manifests itself in the form of an antagonistic class struggle, the culmination of which is a social revolution. According to L. Koser, conflict is one of the types of social interaction, during which there is a "struggle for values ​​and claims to status, power and resources, during which opponents neutralize, damage or eliminate their rivals." In the interpretation of R. Dahrendorf, social conflict is a variety of intensity types of clashes between conflicting groups, in which the class struggle is one of the types of confrontation.

It is an open confrontation, a clash of two or more subjects (sides) of social interaction, the causes of which are incompatible needs, interests and values.

The conflict is based on subjective-objective contradictions. However, not every contradiction develops into a conflict. The concept of contradiction in its content is broader than the concept of conflict. Social contradictions are the main determining factors social development. They "penetrate" all spheres of social relations and for the most part do not develop into a conflict. In order for objectively existing (periodically arising) contradictions to transform into a social conflict, it is necessary that the subjects (subject) of interaction realize that this or that contradiction is an obstacle to their achievement of vital goals and interests. According to K. Boulding, the conflict arises when the "matured" contradictions are recognized by the parties as incompatible and each of the parties seeks to seize a position that excludes the intentions of the other side. Therefore, conflict contradictions are subjective-objective in nature.

Objective contradictions are those that actually exist in society, regardless of the will and desire of the subjects. For example, the contradictions between labor and capital, between the managers and the ruled, the contradictions between "fathers" and "children", etc.

In addition to objectively existing (arising) contradictions, imaginary contradictions may arise in the imagination of the subject, when there are no objective reasons for the conflict, but the subject is aware (perceives) the situation as a conflict. In this case, we can talk about subjective-subjective contradictions. Another situation is also possible, when conflict contradictions really exist, but the subject believes that there are no sufficient reasons for the conflict.

Contradictions can exist for quite a long period of time and not develop into a conflict. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that the conflict is based only on those contradictions caused by incompatible interests, needs and values. Such contradictions, as a rule, give rise to an open struggle of the parties, confrontation.

The causes of the conflict can be a variety of problems, for example, a conflict over material resources, over values ​​and the most important life attitudes, over power (domination problems), over status-role differences in the social structure, over personal (including emotional -psychological) differences, etc. Thus, conflicts cover all spheres of people's life, the totality of social relations, social interaction. Conflict but in essence is one of the types of social interaction, the subjects and participants of which are individual individuals, large and small social groups and organizations. However, conflict interaction involves the confrontation of the parties, i.e. with. actions of subjects directed against each other.

The form of clashes - violent or non-violent - depends on many factors, including whether there are real conditions and opportunities (mechanisms) for non-violent conflict resolution, what goals the subjects of confrontation pursue, what attitudes the conflicting parties are "guided", etc.

So, a social conflict is an open confrontation, a clash of two or more subjects (sides) of social interaction, the causes of which are incompatible needs, interests and values.

Structure of social conflict

In a simplified form, the structure of social conflict consists of the following elements:

  • object - the specific reason for the collision of subjects;
  • two or more subjects, conflicting because of any object;
  • incident - a formal reason for the start of an open confrontation.

Conflict is preceded by conflict situation. These are contradictions that arise between subjects about the object.

Under the influence of growing social tension, the conflict situation is gradually transforming into an open social conflict. But the tension itself can exist for a long time and not develop into a conflict. In order for the conflict to become real, an incident is needed - a formal reason for the start of the conflict.

However, the real conflict has a more complex structure. For example, in addition to the subjects, it involves participants (direct and indirect), supporters, sympathizers, instigators, mediators, arbitrators, etc. Each of the participants in the conflict has its own qualitative and quantitative characteristics. An object can also have its own characteristics. In addition, the real conflict develops in a certain social and physical environment, which also influences it. Therefore, a more complete structure of the social (political) conflict will be discussed below.

The essence of social conflict

Sociological understanding and modern understanding of social conflict was first laid down by a German sociologist G. Simmel. In work "Social Conflict" he notes that the process of development of society goes through social conflict, when obsolete cultural forms become obsolete, “demolished” and new ones are born. Today, a whole branch of sociology is already engaged in the theory and practice of regulating social conflicts - conflictology. The most famous representatives of this trend are R. Dahrendorf, L. Koser. C. Bouldinghydr.

German sociologist R. Dahrendorf created theory of the conflict model of society. According to the scientist, in any society, social conflicts can arise every moment, which are based on a conflict of interests. Dahrendorf considers conflicts as an indispensable element of social life, which, being sources of innovation, contribute to the constant development of society. The main task is to learn to control them.

The American sociologist L. Koser developed the theory of positive-functional conflict. By social conflict, he understood the struggle for values ​​and claims to a certain status, power and resources, a struggle in which the goals of opponents are to neutralize, damage or eliminate the enemy.

According to this theory, social inequality, which inevitably exists in every society and causes natural social dissatisfaction of people, often leads to social conflicts. L. Koser sees the positive functions of conflicts in the fact that they contribute to the renewal of society and stimulate social and economic progress.

General theory of conflict owned by American sociologist K. Boulding. The conflict in his understanding is a situation in which the parties realize the incompatibility of their positions and at the same time strive to get ahead of the opponent, beat him. V modern society According to Boulding, conflicts are inevitable, so it is necessary to control and manage them. Main signs of conflict are:

  • the presence of a situation that is perceived by the opposing parties as a conflict;
  • the parties to the conflict have opposite goals, needs, interests and methods of achieving them;
  • interaction of the conflicting parties;
  • results of conflict interaction;
  • using pressure and even force.

Of great importance for the sociological analysis of social conflicts is the identification of the main types. There are the following types of conflicts:

1. by the number of participants in the conflict interaction:

  • intrapersonal- the state of dissatisfaction of a person with any circumstances of his life, which are associated with the presence of contradictory needs, interests. aspirations and can cause affects;
  • interpersonal - disagreement between two or more members of one group or several groups;
  • intergroup - occur between social groups that pursue incompatible goals and interfere with each other by their practical actions;

2. according to the direction of conflict interaction:

  • horizontal - between people who are not subordinate to each other;
  • vertical - between people who are subordinate to each other;
  • mixed - in which both are presented. The most common are vertical and mixed conflicts, averaging 70-80% of all conflicts;

3. according to the source of occurrence:

  • objectively determined- caused by objective reasons, which can be eliminated only by changing the objective situation;
  • subjectively conditioned related to the personal characteristics of conflicting people, as well as situations that create barriers to satisfying their desires, aspirations, interests;

4. According to its functions:

  • creative (integrative) - contributing to renewal, the introduction of new structures, policies, leadership;
  • destructive (disintegrative) - destabilizing social systems;

5. according to the duration of the course:

  • short-term - caused by mutual misunderstanding or mistakes of the parties, which are quickly recognized;
  • protracted - associated with deep moral and psychological trauma or with objective difficulties. The duration of the conflict depends both on the subject of the contradiction and on the character traits of the people involved;

6. according to its internal content:

  • rational- covering the sphere of reasonable, business rivalry, redistribution of resources;
  • emotional - in which participants act on the basis of personal dislike;

7. according to the ways and means of resolving conflicts there are peaceful and armed:

8. taking into account the content of the problems that caused conflict actions, they distinguish economic, political, family, household, industrial, spiritual, moral, legal, environmental, ideological and other conflicts.

The analysis of the course of the conflict is carried out in accordance with its three main stages: pre-conflict situation, the conflict itself and the resolution stage.

Pre-conflict situation- this is the period when the conflicting parties evaluate their resources, forces and consolidate into opposing groups. At the same stage, each of the parties forms its own strategy of behavior and chooses a way to influence the enemy.

The direct conflict this is the active part of the conflict, characterized by the presence of an incident, i.e. social actions aimed at changing the opponent's behavior. The actions themselves are of two types:

  • actions of rivals that are open in nature (verbal debate, physical impact, economic sanctions, etc.);
  • hidden actions of rivals (associated with the desire to deceive, confuse the opponent, impose on him an unfavorable course of action).

The main course of action for covert internal conflict is an reflective control, meaning that one of the opponents, through "deceptive movements", is trying to get the other person to act in this way. how beneficial to him.

Conflict resolution is possible only when the conflict situation is eliminated, and not only when the incident is exhausted. The resolution of the conflict can also occur as a result of the depletion of the resources of the parties or the intervention of a third party, creating an advantage for one of the parties, and, finally, as a result of the complete exhaustion of the opponent.

Successful conflict resolution requires the following conditions:

  • timely determination of the causes of the conflict;
  • definition business conflict zone- causes, contradictions, interests, goals of the conflicting parties:
  • mutual desire of the parties to overcome contradictions;
  • joint search for ways to overcome the conflict.

There are various conflict resolution methods:

  • avoidance of conflict leaving the “stage” of conflict interaction physically or psychologically, but the conflict itself is not eliminated in this case, since the cause that gave rise to it remains;
  • negotiation - avoid the use of violence, achieve mutual understanding and find a way to cooperate;
  • use of intermediaries conciliation procedure. An experienced mediator, which can be an organization and an individual, will help to quickly resolve the conflict there. where without his participation it would not have been possible;
  • postponing - in fact, this is a surrender of its position, but only temporary, since as the forces accumulate, the party will most likely try to return what was lost;
  • arbitration or arbitration, - a method in which the norms of laws and rights are strictly guided.

The consequences of conflict can be:

1. positive:

  • resolution of accumulated contradictions;
  • stimulation of the process of social change;
  • convergence of conflicting groups;
  • strengthening the cohesion of each of the rival camps;

2. negative:

  • tension;
  • destabilization;
  • disintegration.

Conflict resolution can be:

  • complete - the conflict ends completely;
  • partial- the conflict changes the external form, but retains motivation.

Of course, it is difficult to foresee all the variety of conflict situations that life creates for us. Therefore, in resolving conflicts, much should be decided on the spot based on the specific situation, as well as the individual psychological characteristics of the participants in the conflict.

test in the discipline "Sociology"

on the topic "Social conflicts, their causes, types and role in public life"

Introduction _____________________________________________________________3

1. The concept of social conflict ___________________________________4

2. Causes of social conflicts __________________________________ 5

3. Types of social conflicts ___________________________________________ 8

4. The role of social conflicts in public life _________________9

Conclusion __________________________________________________________11

List of used literature _________________________________12


Social heterogeneity of society, differences in income levels, power, prestige, etc. often lead to conflict. Conflicts are an integral part of social life. The modern life of Russian society is especially rich in conflicts.

Social conflicts in modern Russian society are organically linked to its transitional state and the contradictions that underlie conflicts. The roots of some of them lie in the past, but they get their main aggravation in the process of transition to market relations.

The emergence of new social groups of entrepreneurs and owners, growing inequality, become the basis for the emergence of new conflicts. A social contradiction is being formed in society between the elite, representing various groups of new owners, and a huge mass of people who have been removed from property and from power.

Social conflicts in modern Russia are particularly acute and often use violence. Based on the deepening of the crisis state of society, leading to clashes of various forces and communities, social contradictions are aggravated and social conflicts become their result.

Conflicts are formed in various spheres of society and are usually referred to as political, socio-economic, spiritual, national, etc. All of them belong to the category of social conflict, which is understood as any kind of struggle and confrontation between communities and social forces.

The concept of social conflict

Conflict- this is a clash of opposite goals, positions, views of the subjects of interaction. At the same time, the conflict is the most important side of the interaction of people in society, a kind of cell of social life. This is a form of relationship between potential or actual subjects of social action, the motivation of which is due to opposing values ​​and norms, interests and needs.

The essential side of social conflict is that these subjects act within the framework of some wider system of connections, which is modified (strengthened or destroyed) under the influence of the conflict.

The conflict is associated with people's awareness of the contradictions of their interests (as members of certain social groups) with the interests of other subjects. Aggravated contradictions give rise to open or closed conflicts.

The sociology of conflict proceeds from the fact that conflict is a normal phenomenon of social life, the identification and development of conflict as a whole is a useful and necessary thing. Society, power structures and individual citizens will achieve more effective results in their actions if they follow certain rules aimed at resolving the conflict. Thus, under social conflict in modern sociology they understand any kind of struggle between individuals, the purpose of which is to achieve or maintain the means of production, economic position, power or other values ​​that enjoy social recognition, as well as the conquest, neutralization or elimination of a real or imaginary enemy.

Causes of social conflicts

In the development of the conflict, in its transition to the stage of extreme aggravation, much depends on how exactly the very initial, initial events leading to the development of the conflict are perceived, what importance is attached to the conflict in the mass consciousness and in the consciousness of the leaders of the relevant social groups. To understand the nature of the conflict and the nature of its development, the "Thomas theorem" is of particular importance, which states: "If people perceive a certain situation as real, then it will be real in its consequences." In relation to conflict, this means that if there is a mismatch of interests between people or groups, but this mismatch is not perceived, felt or felt by them, then such a mismatch of interests does not lead to a conflict. Conversely, if there is a community of interests between people, but the participants themselves feel hostility towards each other, then relations between them will necessarily develop according to the pattern of conflict, not cooperation.

When considering the causes of a particular conflict, it must be borne in mind that every conflict is somehow personified. Each of the parties to the conflict has its own leaders, leaders, leaders, ideologists who voice and broadcast the ideas of their group, formulate “their” positions and present them as the interests of their group. At the same time, it is often difficult to figure out whether this or that leader is put forward by the current conflict situation or he himself will create this situation, since he, thanks to a certain type of behavior, takes the position of leader, leader, “spokesman for the interests” of the people, ethnic group, class, social stratum, political party, etc. In any case, in any conflict, the personal characteristics of leaders play an exceptional role. In each specific situation, they can lead the case to aggravate the conflict or find means to resolve it.

World experience allows us to identify some of the most characteristic sources on the basis of which the causes of conflicts are formed: wealth, power, prestige and dignity, i.e. those values ​​and interests that matter in any society and give meaning to the actions of specific individuals participating in conflicts.

Each of the parties perceives the conflict situation as a certain problem, in the resolution of which three main points are predominant:

· firstly, the degree of significance of the wider system of relations, the advantages and losses arising from the previous state and its destabilization - all this can be designated as an assessment of the pre-conflict situation;

Secondly, the degree of awareness of one's own interests and the willingness to take risks for the sake of their implementation;

Thirdly, the perception of each other by the opposing sides, the ability to take into account the interests of the opponent.

The usual development of the conflict assumes that each of the parties is able to take into account the interests of the opposing side. This approach creates the possibility of a relatively peaceful development of the conflict through the negotiation process and making adjustments to the previous system of relations in the direction and scale acceptable to each of the parties.

• during negotiations, priority should be given to discussion of substantive issues;

The parties should strive to relieve psychological and social tension;

the parties must demonstrate mutual respect for each other;

· negotiators should strive to turn a significant and hidden part of the conflict situation into an open one, publicly and convincingly revealing each other's positions and deliberately creating an atmosphere of public equal exchange of views;

All negotiators must be willing to compromise.

Types of social conflicts

Political conflicts- these are conflicts, the cause of which is the struggle for the distribution of power, dominance, influence and authority. They arise from various interests, rivalry and struggle in the process of acquiring, distributing and exercising political and state power. Political conflicts are directly related to winning leading positions in the institutions and structures of political power.

Main types of political conflicts:

conflict between the branches of government;

· conflict within parliament;

• conflict between political parties and movements;

· conflict between different parts of the administrative apparatus.

Socio-economic conflicts- these are conflicts caused by means of subsistence, the use and redistribution of natural and other material resources, the level of wages, the use of professional and intellectual potential, the level of prices for goods and services, access and distribution of spiritual goods.

National-ethnic conflicts- these are conflicts that arise in the course of the struggle for the rights and interests of ethnic and national groups.

According to the classification of typology by D. Katz, there are:

conflict between indirectly competing subgroups;

conflict between directly competing subgroups;

conflict within the hierarchy over rewards.

The role of social conflicts in public life

In modern conditions, in essence, each sphere of public life gives rise to its own specific types of social conflicts. Therefore, we can talk about political, national-ethnic, economic, cultural and other types of conflicts. political conflict- this is a conflict over the distribution of power, dominance, influence, authority. This conflict can be covert or open. One of the brightest forms of its manifestation in modern Russia is the conflict between the executive and legislative authorities in the country, which lasted throughout the entire time after the collapse of the USSR. The objective causes of the conflict have not been eliminated, and it has entered a new stage of its development. From now on, it is being implemented in new forms of confrontation between the President and the Federal Assembly, as well as the executive and legislative authorities in the regions. notable place in modern life occupy national-ethnic conflicts- conflicts based on the struggle for the rights and interests of ethnic and national groups. Most often, these are conflicts related to status or territorial claims. The problem of cultural self-determination of certain national communities also plays a significant role. play an important role in modern life in Russia. socio-economic conflicts, that is, conflicts over the means of subsistence, the level of wages, the use of professional and intellectual potential, the level of prices for various benefits, over real access to these benefits and other resources. Social conflicts in various spheres of public life can take the form of intra-institutional and organizational norms and procedures: discussions, requests, adoption of declarations, laws, etc. The most striking form of expression of the conflict are various kinds of mass actions. These mass actions are realized in the form of presentation of demands to the authorities by dissatisfied social groups, in the mobilization of public opinion in support of their demands or alternative programs, in direct actions of social protest. Mass protest is an active form of conflict behavior. It can be expressed in various forms: organized and spontaneous, direct or indirect, taking on the character of violence or a system of non-violent actions. Mass protests are organized by political organizations and so-called “pressure groups” that unite people for economic purposes, professional, religious and cultural interests. Forms of expressing mass protests can be such as: rallies, demonstrations, picketing, civil disobedience campaigns, strikes. Each of these forms is used for specific purposes, is effective tool solving very specific problems. Therefore, when choosing a form of social protest, its organizers must be clearly aware of what specific goals are set for this action and what is the public support for certain demands.


Summing up social conflicts, it can be argued that the existence of a society without conflicts is impossible. One cannot categorically call conflict a manifestation of the dysfunction of organizations, deviant behavior of individuals and groups, a phenomenon of public life, most likely conflict is a necessary form of social interaction between people. Due to the fact that social conflict is a multifaceted phenomenon, it is presented in the work from different angles of viewing this problem. The main aspects of social conflicts are singled out and their characteristics are given according to their main components. So this paper reveals the concept, causes, types and role of social conflicts.

There are effective ways to resolve conflicts caused by differences in views, attitudes, mismatches of goals and actions. They strengthen relationships and are therefore extremely valuable. Successful conflict resolution together can bring people closer together than many years spent in mutual exchange of pleasantries.

List of used literature

1. Druzhinin V. V., Kontorov D. S., Kontorov M. D. Introduction to the theory of conflict. - M .: Radio and Communication, 2001.

2. Zborovsky G. E. General sociology: Textbook. – M.: Gardariki, 2004.

3. Radugin A. A., Radugin K. A. Sociology: a course of lectures. - M.: Center, 2002.