Journalism as a profession: pros and cons, paradoxes of the profession. Profession journalist

  • 11.10.2019

When a child is asked about what he wants to be when he grows up, he usually answers: an artist, a fireman, a journalist. Many of these childhood expectations will never come true. Only a few manage to realize their childhood dream. Today we want to tell you what the profession of a journalist really is. We will cover the pros and cons, all the hardships of work and joyful moments in this article.

How and where did the profession originate?

For the first time in writing news began to spread in ancient Rome. Then information was passed from hand to hand on clay tablets.

But such progenitors of newspapers often fought, and their production was quite troublesome. During the Renaissance, news was already being circulated in the form of paper scrolls. But this way of transmitting information was also not convenient. The forefathers of news publications were handwritten, so it was very easy to falsify information. The first printed newspaper appeared in China. Already in the VIII century. residents of large cities could read state news and political decrees. Such newspapers were not printed, to the extent that this modern man. In the 8th century there were no printing presses, people used primitive methods - they made prints.

The first handwritten newspaper in Russia appeared in 1621. Its circulation was very small, so it was distributed to a narrow circle of close associates of the king. But the newspaper Vedomosti, which began to appear on a regular basis since 1702, was already truly printed. Today it is difficult to count the number of publications that exist in our country. 74,000 are officially registered, but not all of them function and release their products on time.

What journalists don't write about

Many young people, entering the institute, want to write the truth and only the truth. But the profession of a journalist, the pros and cons of which we will consider below, is not a job of describing life without embellishment. First of all, this is work on orders. In large newspapers, which are published in large circulation throughout the country, the customer is the government. So it was before, back in the time of Peter I, who first published the Vestnik. Of course, the media plays a huge role in Knowing this, journalists always try in their work in a veiled way to present the government in a favorable light (if it is, of course, government edition).

But magazines and newspapers are not only political. A journalist learns all the pros and cons of the profession when he starts working for a commercial publication. Here you need to write interesting articles, but according to the strict standards of the journal. And also do not forget that the printed edition lives off advertising, so hidden PR partners in glossy magazines can be found on almost every page.

Varieties of the profession

Journalism is a calling. But people of this profession can work not only in the printing industry, but where else?

  • In publishing houses.
  • On the radio.
  • On TV.
  • In the press offices.
  • in advertising agencies.

Each of these areas needs its own specialist. Of course, a journalist who has just graduated from the institute has an idea about the profession in in general terms. Subtleties and nuances are not taught at the university. If the student is very lucky, then during the practice he can get acquainted with various types journalism. But this rarely happens. The advantage of all areas of this profession is that it will not be difficult to retrain from one to another.

What qualities do you need to have to become a professional?

A person who has decided to connect his life with journalism, first of all, must be very sociable. Many evaluate this ability by the number of friends. It is not worth defining the skill of sociability in this way. A person who works as a journalist does not make friends with everyone he interviews. He just needs to know how to win people over.

Every job has its pros and cons. The profession of a journalist is no exception. Therefore, in addition to ease of communication and the ability to win over people, a person must also be able to get into someone else's soul without asking. Not all people are eager to tell stories frankly, and without an honest story, a good article will not work. Therefore, the audacity good sense this word, should be the quality of any journalist. Naturally, if a person wants to talk about interesting things He must have a broad outlook. You can't write a good article about the oil industry without having a good idea of ​​what oil is and where it is pumped from.

Is it difficult to study

A description of the profession of a journalist can be found in the brochure of almost any major university. But it's one thing - a beautiful article about study, and quite another - educational process. This is not to say that training as a journalist is difficult. But you need to understand that you will have to read a lot first of all, and only then write. After all, before you sit down to write an essay yourself, you need to learn the canons and rules for constructing any article. It is also desirable to develop your own unique style. After all, it is precisely by its presence that a good journalist is distinguished from an amateur. Naturally, education includes the study of foreign languages.

Some institutes teach only English, while others teach 3 languages ​​at once. Of course, you should understand that without knowing at least one foreign language, you won’t be able to go far up the career ladder.

The salary

Is the profession of a journalist in demand? Of course, its popularity is growing every year. Indeed, today paper publications are slowly dying, and all media are moving into the virtual space. How are journalists paid? Of course, you don’t have to wait for the golden mountains here. Like any creative activity, journalism is not very profitable.

But if we take into account that a large number of printed matter is still designed not for high-quality creative work, but for the commercial sale of goods, then such work is valued many times higher. This is a huge minus of the profession of a journalist.

The average salary in the country ranges from 15,000 to 60,000 rubles. The specific figure will depend on the abilities, length of service and work experience in a particular field.

Notable Representatives

Best of all, people who are journalists by profession can tell about their vocation. A. Malakhov's stories about his work are unusual. He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University with honors. Red diploma confirmed high level young professional knowledge. Andrey improved his skills in the USA, watching foreign professionals. Returning to his homeland, Malakhov hosted the program "Style" on the radio. Andrei managed to become not only a popular journalist, but also a scandalous TV presenter. Currently, A. Malakhov is transferring his knowledge about the basics of the profession to the younger generation within the walls of the RSTU.

Anna Politkovskaya is another well-known graduate of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. Popularity came to the woman when she actively wrote articles about the conflict with Chechnya. During her short life, Anna managed to work as a columnist in many newspapers, the most famous of them: Novaya Gazeta, Air Transport, Izvestia. The woman was distinguished by her original style letters and a rather bold choice of topics for articles.


Working as a journalist is interesting, no matter what. It is especially great that you can turn your hobby into a permanent source of income. Pros of being a journalist:

  • It is possible to always be in the thick of things. After all, thanks to special privileges, journalists can even go to places where no VIP guests can enter. Even if there is no opportunity to highlight the material seen, there is always something to tell friends, acquaintances and relatives. And most importantly, thanks to such “excursions”, life will definitely not be ordinary.
  • Self-expression through articles. Everyone needs to be creative in some way. Here journalists also find application to the abilities. They form their own unique style and write articles.
  • Traveling is a unique opportunity to learn something new, get acquainted with the culture of other countries, and also just satisfy your own curiosity. Most people go on business or vacation once a year, but journalists can fly to other countries 5 times a month.

  • dating interesting people- Another privilege of representatives of this profession. Movie and show business stars, writers, poets, directors and artists - all these people are unique and they have a lot to learn. But journalists have the opportunity not only to get to know these people better, but also to ask them all the questions that interest them.


Choosing the profession of a journalist, of course, you need to know and reverse side medals. The main disadvantages of such work:

  • An irregular working day is, of course, a big drawback. Often you have to stay up late, and sometimes even work at night. Sometimes it is not even possible to go somewhere with the family for the weekend.
  • Constant stress - work in a rush mode, sometimes too expressive people with whom you have to talk can ruin your mood. Sometimes in this mode you have to work all week or even a month.
  • Often there is not enough time for personal life- family and friends go by the wayside. Just like a hobby. Many evenings will be busy with work. Opportunities to read, go to the pool or have dinner with friends will be extremely rare.

Further prospects for the development of the profession

Journalism is an area that is becoming more popular year by year. Popular topics change, but the essence of the profession of a journalist remains unchanged. Even despite the fact that now less than half of the people of our country read books, leafing through the newspaper in the morning is an obligatory ritual for many. People love news and they want to receive it. That is why the duty of a journalist is to describe events as truthfully as possible so that ordinary people are aware of what is happening in our country.

A journalist is a specialist engaged in journalistic activities in newspapers, magazines, on television and radio, and in other media. He obtains information and transmits it to his readers, listeners, viewers, thereby participating in the formation of public opinion. The journalist finds interesting topics for articles, reports and broadcasts, prepares and edits messages and materials for the media. These specialists need to get news, express their opinion on the issues under discussion, and make forecasts for the development of socially significant processes.

Talented young people with a penchant for humanitarian education and with a pronounced interest in literary and journalistic activities come to the profession of a journalist. Almost everyone is involved in creative competitions, "try the pen". Some of them are still in their school years at the school of a young journalist. Rich adults also come into journalism. life experience and basic humanitarian education (for example, philological, historical). Basic knowledge of the profession of a journalist can be obtained in specialized institutions of higher professional education.

Requirements for candidates

A qualified journalist should know:

  • classical and modern literature;
  • theory and practice of journalism;
  • psychology;
  • methods of analysis of social and cultural processes;
  • professional office equipment.

A qualified journalist should be able to:

  • collect and highlight important objective facts (from interviews, surveys, documents and other sources);
  • highlight current events public life;
  • independently analyze and interpret occurring phenomena and events;
  • establish contact with any interlocutor, observe the behavior and life of people and understand the psychology of people from different walks of life;
  • quickly switch from one job to another;
  • work in a team of professionals;
  • promptly prepare printed material for publication, giving it a certain literary and artistic form in accordance with the requirements of the style, genre, and canons of literature.

Individual characteristics of a specialist:

  • striving for continuous self-development;
  • excellent command of oral and written speech;
  • observation;
  • well-developed lexical abilities;
  • a strong propensity to work in the field of communication;
  • propensity to work with information;
  • logical abilities;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • activity and physical mobility;
  • high emotional stability.


The journalist chooses a topic and an object for study. He quickly collects useful factual information, including from direct communication with a large number of people different professions and different social levels. The collection of information may involve field work, business trips. Facts from interviews and documents will form the basis of the planned material.

The journalist carefully processes the material, comprehends, analyzes, finds the exact words and images, works with the text. As a result, an informational note, an article, an essay in a newspaper or magazine, a television program appears.

Journalists in the editorial offices work with letters from readers, with authors, prepare the texts of manuscripts for typesetting, proofread and edit the text, participate in layout (they decide how best to place the material within the framework of a newspaper or magazine issue).

Profession categories

Gonzo journalist is obliged to directly participate in the described events in order to most accurately describe these events and emphasize the main meaning of what is happening. The use of quotes, sarcasm, humor, exaggeration and even profanity are also an integral part of this style. Unlike alcohol and drugs, which are not so obligatory hallmarks gonzo.

The reporter - a media employee (not necessarily full-time) sent to the scene of the event and reporting information (report, correspondence) “from the scene” to the editorial office. In printed media (most often in newspapers) they write text messages, in audiovisual media (TV, radio) they work in the frame or on the air, in Internet publications they create multimedia content.

Commentator - position in the media, mainly on television and radio. The person in this position is the author of comments in relation to a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bevents (for example: public, political, sports). In the editorial division, the post of commentator is usually given to a professional journalist for whom the relevant field is an area of ​​specialization. Sometimes the functions of the commentator are performed by browsers. Often outsiders from the relevant field are invited to comment.

Reviewer - unlike a journalist, prepares for publication (for broadcasting) summary information on a specific topic, obtained from different sources.

Photojournalist is a photographer working in the reportage genre and providing his photographs to a periodical.

The salary

If a journalist begins his professional career as a freelance correspondent who is fed by his legs, then he can count on a fee form of payment - one tenge per sign , for example, an article of 6,500 characters will cost 6,500 tenge. The same form of payment is for freelance journalists, that is, those who are on “free bread”. After the journalist manages to prove himself, his fees increase.

The average salary of a journalist in Kazakhstan is from 70,000 to 100,000 tenge plus fees.


Journalists are well aware of the truth: first you work for your name, and only then the name works for you. Most often, you have to start a professional career as a freelance correspondent who is fed by legs, and even then not very satisfying. But after the journalist manages to prove himself, he will no longer have to run after the editors, they themselves will try to attract him to their publication. How quickly this time will come depends solely on the journalistic abilities of a person and the desire to "unwind", as well as on a certain amount of luck.

The scope for activities is very large - editorial and publishing, literary and art criticism, advertising or PR.

In journalism, vertical career growth is possible. good specialist can be appointed first as a section editor, then as a head of department, then as a production editor - up to the position of chief editor of the media.

However, not all journalists aspire to take managerial positions. Many are not interested in promotions, they are more attracted to horizontal career development. A free schedule allows them to work in several media at once. And it's not just about the opportunity to have big fees. Many journalists are attracted by the opportunity to reach their potential to the fullest extent, to get away from using the usual algorithms in their work, often rigidly set by the format, in other words, to avoid professional deformation and emotional burnout and expand your creative horizons.

Pros and cons of the profession

A journalist is not so much a profession as a way of life or vocation. This confirms the fact that the world knows many excellent journalists without special education. A journalist can work in completely different ways. This can be work on the news, an independent view of current events, as well as various creative projects, including private ones. A journalist may, by the nature of his activity, not be tied to an office or editorial office, work part-time, part-time, as well as a freelancer. An obvious advantage is the active lifestyle of a journalist and a lot of communication with various interesting people.

Career in the profession it is practically absent, in any case, it is not multi-stage, as in other professions. A good journalist can be promoted to column editor, then to department head, then to production editor, and that's pretty much the whole career move. Freedom of speech, which is so loudly declared democratic states and for which the profession of a journalist is so valued, in reality it often turns out to be custom-made or subject to severe censorship. Journalist - dangerous profession, many bright minds paid with their health, and even with their lives, for the truth, which is inconvenient for individual people. Another drawback is increased employment: journalists often do not have time either for their personal lives or for a good sleep. As well as the inability to abstract from what is happening, since all information is perceived as an occasion for new articles and reports.


  • neuro-psychic;
  • cardiovascular;
  • respiratory organs;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic infectious;
  • visual and auditory analyzers;
  • speech apparatus.

Profession myths

Myth 1. Sociability and charm are the main keys to success.
Of course, some qualities instilled in early childhood are necessary for a journalist, but not speed of reaction and impudence, as is commonly believed. It is very important to have endless curiosity and enjoy learning new things. And besides this, there must be an almost physical need to tell this new thing to others. Such a person cannot calm down until he turns what he sees or hears into a coherent story. It is impossible to instill this property, it is either already formed or not. As for sociability, everything is not so simple here. It is clear that you have to talk, ask questions that are not always pleasant, and in general, somewhat impose your company. But it is wrong to think that journalists do not experience a certain embarrassment when communicating with strangers. However, the desire for information is stronger. There are many professionals who look and act like absolute introverts. Some are shy, others are silent and eccentric. But at the same time, having a sincere and unflagging interest in the world around them, they can win over people, and therefore receive exactly as much information as they need. Insolence and impudence, contrary to popular belief, are sometimes even harmful to a journalist. These qualities indicate a lack of firmness of character and perseverance. And perseverance and purposefulness are one of the most important qualities in this profession.

Myth 2. If a child writes well at school, it means that he has a penchant for journalism.
Of course, the ability to write texts brings one closer to the profession. Even on television and radio, the printed text is made first, and then the picture or sound. But to say that journalism is the lot of the humanities, people who are prone to figurative thinking, would be wrong. Today, journalism is becoming more analytical and tough. Publicism of thick magazines is gradually being replaced by dispassionate analytics and dry reporting - and this is a worldwide process. Therefore, those who are most in demand and successful are those who can think logically, separate the main from the secondary, structure information, etc. Experienced journalists admit that in unusual situation they seem to be watching what is happening from the side and reflexively come up with words and phrases, putting them into a printed text. TV people - respectively, into the picture on the screen ... This descriptive type of reaction to the environment makes just a curious person a journalist.

Myth 3. Studying at the faculty of journalism is funny company plus unobtrusive training in the correct smile in front of the camera.
Dilettantes of a wide profile - this is how teachers of journalism departments sometimes call their students. And indeed, what only future workers of the pen have to learn. Unlike most Western countries, where a journalist is taught in a compact (three months) exclusively in the profession, our programs are sometimes filled with unnecessary disciplines. Firstly, the course of the modern Russian language (unfortunately, not mastered by everyone). If we add stylistics and editing here, then we can say that the journalist has been doing this for all five years. Dictations, tests, essays are an invariable and very dreary component of a carefree student life. Secondly, all fiction- from ancient to modern Western, from ditties to Pelevin and Sorokin. It is clear that students have to read mountains of books, not only fascinating, but also unbearably boring. Therefore, examinations in literature are a serious test of loyalty to the profession. And also the history of domestic and foreign journalism, publishing technologies, foreign languages, sociology, law, political science, advertising. In addition, the program has many subjects that are not directly related to the profession, but add erudition and develop the flexibility of the mind - philosophy, psychology, religious studies, logic, economics. It is clear that every year more and more attention is paid to the technical side of the work of a journalist. If earlier everything was limited to a photography course and a couple of practical exercises in an educational television studio, then modern students seriously master electronic media, computer design and layout, computer science and mathematics.

Myth 4. The faculty of journalism can teach professions.
One of the most mysterious subjects studied by journalism students is called journalistic skills or the basics of journalism, or the basics of the creative activity of a journalist. The full name depends on the imagination of the institute's leadership. Teaching this subject consists of lengthy lectures and analysis of student work. It's good if the lectures are read by guest stars - practitioners who daily and hourly face the basics of creative activity. It is worse when teachers teach mastery, who have long departed from practical work. Despite the undeniable and undeniable value of a general humanitarian education, which a good institute provides, a creative journalist is shaped by practice.

Myth 5. The work of a journalist is continuous detective investigations, interviews with stars and press conferences with receptions .
In fact, it will be necessary, at least at first, to write informational notes five to ten lines long, compose simple messages, collect information for reviews. Draft work, which consists of three-quarters of the work of an experienced journalist, takes up all the time for a beginner. Before the most ordinary interview is published, for example, with an ordinary official, you need to do the following: understand who you need to talk to and about what, find the necessary phone number by calling different departments and divisions of the department, conduct long and tedious negotiations with the secretary, trying to respond politely to stupid questions, to arrive at the right time and try to extract at least something from the official that differs from official documents, decipher the tape (that is, print everything that is recorded on it), build a lively and fascinating interview from the received, send it for approval, try to convince the interviewee that his editing makes the material unreadable, make corrections and again send the material for approval (this stage can be repeated many times), shorten the interview, because it turned out to be one and a half times longer, manage to do all of the above on time. Endless phone calls, the sometimes exhausting search for the necessary information from a variety of sources, overcoming the resistance of those who do not want the press to interfere in their affairs, trips from one end of the city (or country) to the other, the constant readiness to break away - without this, a journalist cannot become real master. An article, a report, a TV show is just the tip of the iceberg, the result of a lot of hard work.

In Paris, the weekly "Salt and Pepper" is published, in which there are only two pages. It is published on special waterproof paper. The weekly is intended for those who cannot get rid of the habit of reading at the table while eating. "Salt and Pepper" offers readers a selection of the most current events in the world and in the country, as well as the latest anecdotes.

In the United States, an hourly newspaper, Latest News, is published. Its first readers were passengers on Pan American airliners that shuttle every hour between Washington and New York.

The release of the weekly La Gazette, which is published in Montpellier, France, was preceded by promising announcements from the publishers that a wide variety of surprises await readers. The first issue of the weekly was over two meters wide.

The New York Times breaks records both in terms of the thickness and volume of advertising placed, and in the number of journalistic awards awarded to its employees. She also owns another record: it is in the New York Times that George Merie works, who has the longest mustache among American colleagues - 66.5 cm.

For twenty years, journalist Bill Coyland has been publishing weather reports for the Sarasota, Florida newspaper. The summaries are clothed in poetic form.

At an auction in London, a copy of the Boston Globe for April 12, 1912, which reported the sinking of the Titanic, was sold for $304.

Due to a shortage of paper, the May 17, 1921 issue of the Izvestia newspaper was printed on canvas. Immediately there was an appeal: “Take care of the newspapers, we have few of them! After reading, pass the newspaper to another!”

The world's first newspaper for women appeared in Germany in 1798. It was called the Frauenzimmer Zeitung.

In 1786, a reader's letter was first published in the newspaper Zeitung fur Stedte, Flecken und Dörfer. Then it turned out that in reality its author was the publisher of this newspaper, the priest Burns. In this way, he wanted to encourage his subscribers to think. Old journalistic trick...

The Prussian King Frederick II is credited with saying that "if you want to make a newspaper interesting, you cannot command it." However, it was under him that the first censors appeared in the editorial offices.

The German Kölnische Zeitung of 4 May 1817 came out with a completely blank front page. So its publisher Marcus Dumont expressed his protest against the dominance of state censorship.

Journalist Mike Wallace has won 20 Emmy Awards in his 60-year career, mostly on CBS. He has interviewed prominent news figures including Deng Xiaoping, Ayatollah Khomeini, Kurt Waldheim, Yasser Arafat, Anwar Sadat, Vladimir Putin, Salvador Dali and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Video about the profession

AT modern world There are a lot of professions, one of the interesting ones is the craft of a journalist. A specialist in this field is a person who can write beautiful texts capable of engaging any reader. The profession studies many sciences and data, that is, a person who has chosen this specialty must be able to describe events taking place in the world. In addition, he must present this news in an interesting way so that people have a desire to read it.

If we consider the profession of a reporter, then it can be noted that people should publish their work, and those who have a lot of articles in their desks are not considered journalists in any way.


Many researchers argue that journalism appeared at a time when technological process there was no talk. But in reality this is not the case. And this kind of activity has beautiful story, and therefore it can be considered that journalism is the oldest profession.

A few centuries ago, people lived and had no radio, no TV, no telephone. But they somehow learned the news. In the 17th century, the king issued a decree that people should be warned about reforms, and it was then that the discussed sphere was born. The first Russian newspapers began to be printed, which laid the foundation for the development of journalism in Russia. This area was constantly developing, and people were closely connected with the press.

The importance of the profession

There is an opinion in the world that journalism as a profession should be considered primarily from the side of sociology. It is also worth noting that this is a very significant specialty in the modern world, since changes and innovations appear in the country every year, with which it is necessary to acquaint the population with.

Only the journalist is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to the public. A person who is engaged in journalism can be called a link between readers and ongoing actions. It is important that he not only promptly provide information, but also personally convinced of their veracity.

The uniqueness of the profession

Only a competent person who knows how to formulate his thoughts well and convey to the reader can be a professional worker in this area. interesting information. After all, the main job of a correspondent is to write articles for people. Journalism as a profession is a very interesting and useful activity, because in addition to good pay, there is always the opportunity to visit different countries, and not at your own expense.

Those people who consider themselves reporters should be responsible for every word and be responsible for the uniqueness of their article. Very often, linguists and teachers of the Russian language work in this area. After all, to write a beautiful and competent article, you need to have great vocabulary and be versed in the rules of our mighty language. The most important thing that journalists should be able to do is inspire people's trust.

Profession risks

Many people who want to connect their lives with this field of activity ask themselves: "Is journalism a dangerous profession or not?" You can safely give an affirmative answer, because in order to get a unique and interesting material for an article, sometimes you have to work in the most difficult conditions.

Also, reporters try to get the information that other people try to hide from the press. Some negligent workers can rightly be considered representatives of the yellow press. They often resort to falsifying information, and this reduces the trust of readers. The reason for issuing deliberately false information may be the pursuit of fame, drawing attention to the publication, or simply a lack of quality material.

Features of the profession

Below we consider the following topic: journalism as a profession, the paradoxes of the profession. Bringing the latest news to the population is an important part of the modern state.

  • a philosophical paradox that indicates that a person can write on any topic that is relevant and interesting to the people;
  • the desire to become independent and say whatever you want;
  • the creative side can also be called a feature of the profession, because some people love their profession so much that they are ready to work night and day to benefit people and delight them;
  • efficiency is distinguishing feature any journalist, he must grasp everything on the fly, write articles and release them to the public;
  • It can also be considered a paradox that a journalist is a rather controversial profession, because it is often very difficult to obtain the necessary information;
  • work is like a vacation - this is how this sphere can be explained (a correspondent even on vacation is looking for materials for an article);
  • The more a specialist in this field works, the more he learns, develops and acquires new skills.

Journalism as a profession is not only very popular, but also has many positive aspects.


There is no single answer to the question about the education of a journalist. There are agencies that accept only qualified specialists with the appropriate education. And there are those where they mainly look at the person and his work experience.

A lot of people who work as correspondents come from other professions, as they have the gift and ability to write interesting and reliable news about the news. Of course, in order to achieve a good result, the author must have not only knowledge of the language and a large vocabulary, but also be mobile, always ready to fulfill his professional duty.

Advantages and disadvantages

Journalism (the pros and cons of the profession become apparent already in the process of training a specialist) is a very popular specialty. If a person is interested in this field of activity, then first of all he must evaluate all its positive and negative sides.

The benefits of this hard work are as follows:

  • free schedule;
  • you can delve into the profession from the school bench;
  • there is an opportunity to constantly be in the center of attention and communicate with people;
  • you can travel at the expense of the company and get to know the world;
  • a multi-stage career ladder, climbing which depends only on personal qualities;
  • communication with influential personalities;
  • constant self-development.

The disadvantages of this profession are:

  • a high level of material that needs to be prepared and handed over;
  • negative emotions and experiences;
  • overwork and stress;
  • sudden business trips;
  • preparation of a large number of documents for travel to other countries;
  • high degree of responsibility;
  • prejudice of people.

From all these points, it becomes clear that before you connect your life with this area, you should think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons.

Specialist Abilities

Many people do not quite correctly understand what exactly a journalist does. Journalism as a profession implies not only finding interesting and fresh information, but also the correct presentation of material to the masses. In fact, learning this is not so easy. The innate qualities of a person play an important role. Of course, a reporter must be a literate person, otherwise no one will read his creations. In addition, information must be presented correctly so as not to accuse or offend anyone.

The qualities of a journalist include:

  • speed of reaction;
  • efficiency of movement;
  • the ability to convey the most deaf news;
  • attentiveness;
  • the ability to properly deal with criticism;
  • persistence in obtaining information;
  • creativity;
  • desire for details;
  • patience.

Tasks of a specialist

A correspondent is a person who is always in the thick of events, scandals, incidents and meetings. Therefore, journalism as a profession (photos of whose representatives appear in the press from time to time) is in great demand. Often reporters themselves give interviews and take part in surveys.

The tasks of an information worker include the following:

  • critical approach to information analysis;
  • selection in in large numbers information of key aspects;
  • collection of data from different sources;
  • accessible and understandable news reporting;
  • search for more authoritative sources to confirm the accuracy of information;
  • comparing your material with competing publications;
  • prompt arrival at the scene;
  • quick formulation of thought.

This profession is in great demand among people who always try to be in the spotlight and like to be aware of all the events even before they are known to the rest. Thus, we can conclude that journalism is a professional field that opens up many opportunities for a person, from traveling to different corners the world before meeting famous personalities.

Here we are done brief digression on the topic "Journalism as a profession: what is it". Now you are familiar with this difficult craft and have a general idea about this field of activity.

There are a lot of professions in the modern world, one of the interesting ones is the craft of a journalist. A specialist in this field is a person who knows how to write beautiful texts that can attract any reader. The profession studies many sciences and data, that is, a person who has chosen this specialty must be able to describe events taking place in the world. In addition, he must present this news in an interesting way so that people have a desire to read it.

If we consider the profession of a reporter, then it can be noted that people should publish their work, and those who have a lot of articles in their desks are not considered journalists in any way.


Many researchers argue that journalism appeared at a time when there was no question of the technological process. But in reality this is not the case. And this kind of activity has a beautiful history, and therefore we can assume that journalism is the oldest profession.

A few centuries ago, people lived and had no radio, no TV, no telephone. But they somehow learned the news. In the 17th century, the king issued a decree that people should be warned about reforms, and it was then that the discussed sphere was born. The first Russian newspapers began to be printed, which laid the foundation for the development of journalism in Russia. This area was constantly developing, and people were closely connected with the press.

The importance of the profession

There is an opinion in the world that journalism as a profession should be considered primarily from the side of sociology. It is also worth noting that this is a very significant specialty in the modern world, since changes and innovations appear in the country every year, with which it is necessary to acquaint the population with.

Only the journalist is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to the public. A person who is engaged in journalism can be called a link between readers and ongoing actions. It is important that he not only promptly provide information, but also personally convinced of their veracity.

The uniqueness of the profession

Only a competent person who knows how to formulate his thoughts well and convey interesting information to the reader can be a professional worker in this area. After all, the main job of a correspondent is to write articles for people. Journalism as a profession is a very interesting and useful occupation, because in addition to good pay, there is always the opportunity to visit different countries, and not at your own expense.

Those people who consider themselves reporters should be responsible for every word and be responsible for the uniqueness of their article. Very often, linguists and teachers of the Russian language work in this area. Indeed, in order to write a beautiful and competent article, you need to have a large vocabulary and be versed in the rules of our mighty language. The most important thing that journalists should be able to do is inspire people's trust.

Profession risks

Many people who want to connect their lives with this field of activity ask themselves: "Is journalism a dangerous profession or not?" You can safely give an affirmative answer, because in order to get a unique and interesting material for an article, sometimes you have to work in the most difficult conditions.

Also, reporters try to get the information that other people try to hide from the press. Some negligent workers can rightly be considered representatives of the yellow press. They often resort to falsifying information, and this reduces the trust of readers. The reason for issuing deliberately false information may be the pursuit of fame, drawing attention to the publication, or simply a lack of quality material.

Features of the profession

Below we consider the following topic: journalism as a profession, the paradoxes of the profession. Bringing the latest news to the population is an important part of the modern state.

  • a philosophical paradox that indicates that a person can write on any topic that is relevant and interesting to the people;
  • the desire to become independent and say whatever you want;
  • the creative side can also be called a feature of the profession, because some people love their profession so much that they are ready to work night and day to benefit people and delight them;
  • efficiency is a distinctive feature of any journalist, he must grasp everything on the fly, write articles and release them to the public;
  • It can also be considered a paradox that a journalist is a rather controversial profession, because it is often very difficult to obtain the necessary information;
  • work is like a vacation - this is how this sphere can be explained (a correspondent even on vacation is looking for materials for an article);
  • The more a specialist in this field works, the more he learns, develops and acquires new skills.

Journalism as a profession is not only very popular, but also has many positive aspects.


There is no single answer to the question about the education of a journalist. There are agencies that accept only qualified specialists with the appropriate education. And there are those where they mainly look at the person and his work experience.

A lot of people who work as correspondents come from other professions, as they have the gift and ability to write interesting and reliable news about the news. Of course, in order to achieve a good result, the author must have not only knowledge of the language and a large vocabulary, but also be mobile, always ready to fulfill his professional duty.

Advantages and disadvantages

Journalism (the pros and cons of the profession become apparent already in the process of training a specialist) is a very popular specialty. If a person is interested in this field of activity, then first of all he must evaluate all its positive and negative sides.

The benefits of this hard work are as follows:

  • free schedule;
  • you can delve into the profession from the school bench;
  • there is an opportunity to constantly be in the center of attention and communicate with people;
  • you can travel at the expense of the company and get to know the world;
  • a multi-stage career ladder, climbing which depends only on personal qualities;
  • communication with influential personalities;
  • constant self-development.

The disadvantages of this profession are:

  • a high level of material that needs to be prepared and handed over;
  • negative emotions and experiences;
  • overwork and stress;
  • sudden business trips;
  • preparation of a large number of documents for travel to other countries;
  • high degree of responsibility;
  • prejudice of people.

From all these points, it becomes clear that before you connect your life with this area, you should think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons.

Specialist Abilities

Many people do not quite correctly understand what exactly a journalist does. Journalism as a profession implies not only finding interesting and fresh information, but also the correct presentation of material to the masses. In fact, learning this is not so easy. The innate qualities of a person play an important role. Of course, a reporter must be a literate person, otherwise no one will read his creations. In addition, information must be presented correctly so as not to accuse or offend anyone.

The qualities of a journalist include:

  • speed of reaction;
  • efficiency of movement;
  • the ability to convey the most deaf news;
  • attentiveness;
  • the ability to properly deal with criticism;
  • persistence in obtaining information;
  • creativity;
  • desire for details;
  • patience.

Tasks of a specialist

A correspondent is a person who is always in the thick of events, scandals, incidents and meetings. Therefore, journalism as a profession (photos of whose representatives appear in the press from time to time) is in great demand. Often reporters themselves give interviews and take part in surveys.

The tasks of an information worker include the following:

  • critical approach to information analysis;
  • highlighting key aspects in a large amount of information;
  • collection of data from different sources;
  • accessible and understandable news reporting;
  • search for more authoritative sources to confirm the accuracy of information;
  • comparing your material with competing publications;
  • prompt arrival at the scene;
  • quick formulation of thought.

This profession is in great demand among people who always try to be in the spotlight and like to be aware of all the events even before they are known to the rest. Thus, we can conclude that journalism is a professional field that opens up many opportunities for a person, from traveling to different parts of the world to meeting famous personalities.

So we have finished a brief excursion on the topic "Journalism as a profession: what is it." Now you are familiar with this difficult craft and have a general idea about this field of activity.

Not easy and very responsible. A journalist must be able to collect, process and present information to an audience. This requires more than just training and education. A person must be a journalist by vocation. (See also:)

There are three areas of specialization in journalism:

  • print journalists;
  • media workers;
  • photojournalists.

But all these specialists have one thing in common - they must be able to quickly and efficiently process information, as well as be able to correctly and competently present it.

Journalists are also classified according to their areas of work. These can be observers of sports, political or economic news, journalists from various industries and international affairs.

Being a journalist has its pros and cons. This is interesting and creative work. You can do what you love and get paid for it. But you will have to work hard before you find a suitable and well-paid position.

Working on television, a journalist can become famous. But fame has its obvious drawbacks.

Every year in Moscow there is an international action "Profession - Journalist". This is a festival within the framework of which a competition among journalistic works is held. Journalists of various directions can take part in it. They present their reports, investigations, films and other thematic works to the public and the jury. Traditionally, at the festival, many works are dedicated to outstanding journalists and colleagues who died doing journalism.

The exhibition also features many projects by various photojournalists. Reporting from hot spots and works devoted to military operations are especially popular. Organized the festival "Profession - Journalist" of the Guild of Journalists and Film Directors of Russia. The event is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the country.

An action is being held at the Central House of Journalists in Moscow. The jury members are distinguished journalists, film directors and producers.

The profession of a journalist requires a lot of work. It's more of a lifestyle than a job. A journalist must always be at the center of events. Night calls and working overtime are an integral part of his life. Therefore, not everyone can be a journalist. It’s not enough just to be able to write well, you need to live it and devote most of your life to your work.

Journalists perceive everything around them as material for a potential report, it is difficult for them to disconnect from work even on weekends. Therefore, before becoming a journalist, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons and think carefully. After all, being a journalist is not easy. You need to fully dedicate yourself to this work.