How to decorate glass doors. Door design and decor

  • 23.06.2020

You are tired of your old doors and want to update them - no problem! Door decor is an activity for creative and interesting people. Yes, there is a crisis in the yard, and many of us do not have enough money for a full-fledged expensive repair. But this is no reason to deny yourself comfort. You will not need large sums and huge expenses to decorate the doors of the house. How can you make door decor with your own hands: paint, wallpaper, self-adhesive film, vinyl stickers or polyurethane moldings, and so on.

This is the easiest do-it-yourself door decor at home. This year, embossed doors, painted in different colors with a smooth transition (gradient), are in fashion.

The black door with a white stripe, delicate light green, lavender, light purple colors look beautiful.

Wooden interior doors can be painted alkyd paint. This paint has an affordable price, but the disadvantages include a pungent smell that does not disappear for a long time. Oil formulations are also popular, the disadvantage is that the paint dries for a long time.

Acrylic paints require varnish to be applied on top, since acrylic itself is quite unstable to friction and wet exposure. For wood, nitro enamel is optimal.

If your door is chipboard, you'd better use oil or nitro paint. Acrylic, thermal enamel - an ideal paint for MDF. Let me remind you the basic rules for painting doors:

Stencil design - master class

With the help of a stencil, you can quickly and accurately make the decor of interior doors at home with your own hands. A stencil can be purchased, or you can make your own using cardboard or plastic. In order to make a stencil for doors, you will need thin cardboard or thick polyethylene (a film for greenhouses is suitable).

When making a stencil, make sure that there are no very thin bridges between the cutouts. Print out the picture you like. If the drawing is large, we glue several sheets of paper together, cut out the figure and put it on cardboard or film.

Outline and cut small manicure scissors. Our drawing is done in black and gray paint. The drawing is located either in the center of the door, or it will be several drawings - you choose. In any case, the door leaf is required to measure and mark the place of the drawing before work.

Acrylic paints are perfect for this type of decor - they dry quickly and do not spread.

For work you will need:

  1. Masking tape to keep the stencil on the door.
  2. Foam sponge.
  3. Tassel.
  4. Cotton pads or a clean napkin.
  5. Acrylic paints.
  6. Rubber spatula.

Before decorating the door, you need to prepare the door leaf. We remove the remnants of the old paint, dirty spots, greasy places with a spatula. If there are small cracks or irregularities, it is better to putty them. Next, it is better if you cover the door with 2 layers of paint, both layers should dry. We fix the template on the prepared surface. It is convenient to do this with ordinary tape.

We prepare the paint. Its composition in consistency should be like thick sour cream. If the paint is liquid, add thickeners. Instead of a thickener, PVA glue can be added to acrylic paint.

Pour paint into a convenient container (you can take a disposable plate), dip a sponge into it so that the layer is thin. Wet the sponge several times and apply the paint in the slots of the template. We work with light, as if “bumping” movements. Before the paint is dry, remove the stencil. If the drawing is smeared somewhere, carefully remove the excess with a cotton pad and tint with a brush. You can correct the lines with a rubber spatula. If you are making several drawings, let the first one dry first, after which you can continue.

Here's how to decorate a wall. Similarly, you can decorate the door.

Using a stencil, you can make a beautiful pattern on any surface, and the door is no exception. It is not at all difficult to decorate a door in an apartment with such drawings. This does not require artistic talent, enough accuracy and taste. This door decoration will become the hallmark of your home.

A very simple and budgetary way to decorate is polyurethane door decor.

Moldings are figures, details that imitate stucco molding. Most often used in a classic interior. Moldings are most often made of polyurethane, less often - from foam. A good decorative element can come out of polyurethane. Details are glued, painted on top in the desired color.

The stores now have such a large selection of various wallpapers. One piece is enough for you to decorate several doors. If a piece of wallpaper remains after the repair, it can also be used to your benefit. You can stick wallpaper on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe door, or you can - on individual parts. Embossed wallpapers, drawings with imitation of bricks look beautiful.

Even if you decide to simply change the door handles for products from a different material, this will be enough for decoration. Perhaps the door with new handles will look completely different. And there is always a choice of this fitting. First of all, these are handles from natural wood. Choose the color of the wood to match the color of the door.

Glass pens have been used for a long time, but recently there have also been pens with LED backlight: these are all kinds of flowers, stars, balls, and so on. See how original they look:

Choose a door handle that matches the style of your apartment and so that it is convenient for you to open and close the door.

A very simple and budget decor of an old door can be made using a self-adhesive film. Your old door should not have cracks, bulges, or other flaws. If the surface is uneven - you need to bring it into good condition - otherwise the self-adhesive film will not lie down as it should and the drawing will not turn out the way it should be.

Self-adhesive is sold in large stores, you will find many options on the net. There are such beautiful drawings that you just can't take your eyes off. Decorating old doors with your own hands is a good opportunity to refresh the interior on a budget.

The original design of the doors of the house is not always the prerogative of professionals. With great desire and creativity An unusual door decor can be made by any talented person. From our selection, you will learn how to decorate a door with your own hands in the five most accessible ways for an amateur.

How to ennoble the door of the house with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself door decor is a whole complex of stages, and according to the vast majority of experts, starting preparation is considered perhaps the most important part of the work.

As a rule, the owners decide to decorate the old doors of the house in an original way, courageous people who are ready to decorate beyond recognition a brand new home door are rare, because new thing often looks good.

Let's start with the simplest, namely, what needs to be done before decorating the front door? In this case, we are talking about the street, front part of the door leaf. According to statistics, more than 70% of owners prefer to install metal doors at the entrance.

The easiest way is to paint the outer part of the metal door under the stencil.

Steel structures outside are made in only two ways - painting and cladding with wood or MDF. In both cases, you should try to remove the old paint, clean the base with emery and degrease it.

Remove paint from steel sheet possible in three ways:

  1. The easiest thing is to buy a wash and dissolve the coating. The method is fast and effective, but only if the door of the house faces the street. In a closed entrance of a multi-storey building, there may be problems with neighbors, because the wash is a “wildly” smelly and harmful thing;
  2. You can also buy a nozzle in the form of an iron brush (cord brush) for a grinder and scrape off the paint with it, here the only problem is noise;
  3. Relatively quiet, harmless and at the same time effective way is to heat the base with a building dryer and scrape off the coating with a spatula, but if inside iron door foam, then the temperature may slightly melt the insulation.

The most innocuous way to remove old paint is to heat it up with a building hair dryer.

Do not try to heat up old paint with a blowtorch or gas burner, firstly, you can cause a fire, and secondly, at this temperature, the metal can be partially deformed, and burnouts will appear on the tree.

Potholes and chips in an old shield made of MDF or chipboard are cleaned with an iron brush and covered with putty, in this case the composition is taken for outdoor woodwork, and when the putty has completely hardened, the surface is sanded with emery and covered with primer.

Continuous application of putty with a spatula.

Preparing an old wooden door is not much different from preparing the same chipboard. First of all, you need to remove upper layer old paint or varnish. In addition to the three methods of cleaning listed above, here you can also take a sharp steel scraper and try to clean the paint with it, physically difficult, but quite realistic.

Places for installing the lock must be prepared especially carefully.

When did you get rid of old finish, you need to clean and slightly expand visible cracks with a knife or chisel. Next, pick up a grinder with medium emery and grind the surface.

It will not work to level the surface with one emery, therefore, before decorating the old door, all serious defects need to be puttied, dried and once again go through the sanding machine, but now with thin emery.

Acrylic putty is one of the best compounds for leveling wooden doors.

Then you brush off the dust and cover the tree with acrylic or latex primer. In principle, you can grind by hand, but it is long and hard.

Five ways to decorate doors

The decor of the front door made of wood (from the side of the dwelling) is no different from artistic decoration internal, interior doors, except that it is desirable to take waterproof compositions and be sure to prime the base.

Method number 1. Staining

The easiest way to decorate an old door with your own hands is to paint it. It is difficult to call such a house door decor original, but we mentioned it, since painting is an integral part of most more complex types of finishes.

If complex original decor the door does not appeal to you, just paint it.

  • Despite the apparent simplicity, there are some nuances in painting, so that the composition lies evenly and without streaks, it is better to remove the canvas from the hinges and paint horizontally;
  • If you are painting for further door decoration, then take acrylic or acrylate paint;
  • Nitroenamel dries within an hour, plus it has a glossy sheen, but such compositions are made on a solvent, respectively, they smell sharp;
  • Oil paints are the most affordable option, but they are not very suitable for decoration, there is only simple coloring here.

Method number 2. Wallpaper for old doors

First, about the wallpaper itself:

  • You should not take paper models, because the finish should not only be beautiful, but also hardy, and paper will lose all attractiveness in a year;
  • Textured vinyl-coated wallpaper is best used for accents, that is, in fragments. Plus, vinyl is afraid of the claws of pets;
  • The best option is to decorate old doors with non-woven and glass wallpapers, they are durable, hardy, retain their appearance for a long time, and most importantly, do not stretch when wet.
  • But a truly win-win do-it-yourself door decor is a photo wallpaper. They cost not much more than a standard interlining, and the effect can exceed the wildest expectations.

Properly selected photo wallpaper will turn the room into a fairy tale.

If the base is well leveled and primed, then you can safely buy ordinary wallpaper paste and glue it on it. Without primer, for example, when pasting doors painted with nitro enamel, it is better to take PVA.

Cut the fabric to size.

The usual instruction:

  1. Remove handles and other fittings from doors;
  2. Prepare the base;
  3. Apply glue to the base;
  4. Lubricate the wallpaper with glue;
  5. Glue the wallpaper to the doors, and expel the air with a special plastic spatula. While the wallpaper is drying, drafts should be excluded.

There is important point: if you took non-woven or glass wallpaper, then they are not smeared with glue, glue is applied only to the base.

We expel the air and decorate the doors with polyurethane moldings.

The door will look original, one might even say chic, if you decorate it with polyurethane moldings. Moreover, it is necessary to take polyurethane and glue it on liquid nails or some similar composition. Styrofoam fillets look the same, but they are easy to break.

Method number 3. "Creative mess"

This do-it-yourself door design can be safely called truly unique. After all, even the most best wallpapers this is still a serial product, and here you create your own unique picture.

This method also looks especially attractive because it is not necessary to grind or putty the doors, all the bumps and defects will be hidden by the relief ornament, it is enough just to degrease or prime the base.

We will do the general relief decoration of the door using papier-mâché from egg trays. There is nothing complicated here: take an egg tray and knead it, naturally it will tear, but it doesn’t matter, because we don’t need clear sizes.

Cooking and gluing papier-mâché.

Papier-mâché is glued to the doors with any high-quality glue, for example, "Moment" or you can use a glue gun.

The more small things there are, the more original the panel will turn out.

In addition to egg trays, we need various small trash. Everything from buttons to a broken computer mouse will come into play here, and the more diverse this “garbage” is, the higher the likelihood of creating a truly unique decor. Small things are also glued to the door, choose the pattern yourself.

For decor, any old things are suitable.

After the door is decorated in this way, it needs to be painted, the paint, as it were, depersonalizes small details, turning them into a big picture. A roller and brushes will not help here, of course, so you need to buy aerosol enamel, it is better to take a car one, it is of better quality. The canvas takes about 2 cylinders.

Aerosol enamel for outdoor and indoor use.

Method number 4. The simplest decoupage

Do-it-yourself door decoration using decoupage technique can be different, but since we are talking about the most affordable methods, we will use three-layer paper napkins with a pattern as the main material.

Decoupage technique is not new, but always original.

We start work, as usual, that is, leveling, puttying, grinding, painting. Next, we need the napkins themselves and PVA glue.

We don’t need napkins completely, we are only interested in the top layer with a pattern, and we separate it from all napkins. Be careful, the paper is very thin and tears easily.

We tear the napkins into strips.

Now napkins with an ornament need to be torn into strips. Keep in mind: you need to tear, not cut, we are interested in elements with jagged edges. Since we were tearing the correct square, we will have two strips with even edges, they need to be set aside, and the entire middle should be torn into small squares.

Tear the middle stripes into small squares.

PVA glue in the form in which it is sold does not suit us (very thick), therefore, before decorating the door, we dilute the glue clean water in a ratio of 1:1.

Strips with a smooth edge are glued first. Take a soft brush and first smear a fragment of the door with diluted glue. After that, carefully apply the strip and level it with a brush on the plane. You should not pay attention to small wrinkles, they will only make the decor better.

When the contour is pasted over, you start arranging the middle part. The technology is the same: lubricate the base and glue the very small squares of napkins that we have folded separately.

PVA glue at normal room temperature dries on average for about a day. Next, buy a clear acrylic lacquer and cover the doors with it. It is not advisable to take another varnish, since initially we painted the base with acrylic paint and the reaction to a different composition can be unpredictable, up to rejection.

Decoupage with paper napkins looks original and simple to arrange.

Method number 5. Fashionable Shabby chic

If it is easier to explain, then the overseas name Shabby Chic this is one of the many options for artificial aging; after processing, the wood acquires a grayish noble shade.

Please note: the base here is not initially polished, but on the contrary, the surface is stitched with an abrasive ball. This ball is a stiff, metallic brush that picks up the soft tissue of the array, leaving tough, well-defined fibers.

Brochure wood with an abrasive ball.

Now we need to lightly sand our door with an abrasive wheel. In hard-to-reach curly nooks and crannies, you will have to grind manually with an emery cloth with P180 grain.

Grinding wooden doors with an abrasive wheel or P180 emery.

Do-it-yourself door decoration using the Shabby Chic technique looks like this:

  1. The first layer is applied with white acrylic paint and immediately wiped off with a napkin, after which we leave the door to dry for 2 hours;

  1. After 2 hours, apply a layer of paint a little darker and also quickly wipe off the excess with a napkin;

  1. After 2 hours, apply a third, dark layer of binder and wipe again with a napkin;

We erase the next layer of binder with a napkin.

  1. After half an hour, we take the finishing varnish, cover the doors with one layer and leave to dry for another half hour (the finishing varnish dries quickly);

  1. After drying, we take P180 emery and grind to a tree, but without fanaticism, not evenly;

  1. Finishing is completed by applying 2 layers of finishing varnish, the first layer is a primer, the second is a front one. Everything, finishing is finished.


Now you know how to decorate an old door in five relatively easy ways, there are other options in the video in this article that are also worthy of attention.

Mirror door decor is fresh and original.

Let's look at a few of the most simple ways do the decor of interior doors with your own hands using improvised materials.

As you know, doors are not eternal, and anything can happen. For example, often scratches, chips, cracks appear on the door leaf. In this case, you can repair, replace or decorate carefully, hiding all defects.

Covering the door with wallpaper

To decorate the door, you can use not only paper, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, but also fabric or liquid.

In this case, the canvas should be prepared by removing a layer of paint in advance, filling irregularities, cracks and sanding the surface.

The applied primer layer will provide additional adhesion of the wallpaper to the door surface.

Wallpaper can be pasted over both the entire canvas and the panels, cutting out pieces of wallpaper of a suitable size. Don't forget to choose the glue that suits the type of wallpaper and dilute it according to the instructions.

Wallpaper classic

Lubricate the cut wallpaper with glue and apply it to the door, making sure that there are no jams and distortions. We smooth the wallpaper with a soft cloth, roller or wide plastic spatula. Carefully cut off the excess with a clerical knife. Additionally, you can decorate by gluing a foam plinth frame over the wallpaper.

For the period of drying of the wallpaper, it is advisable to close the windows in the house and exclude the appearance of drafts, a sharp temperature drop.


The door decorated with fabric looks very unusual and attractive. In addition to the standard surface preparation, attention should be paid to the fabric itself, ascertaining the degree of shrinkage.

We cut off a small piece of fabric, measure its dimensions, moisten it with water and dry it. After drying, we again take measurements, comparing the readings and finding out the degree of shrinkage. If the value is large, then we also wet the entire piece of fabric before decorating and leave it to dry.

Note! You can use not only a single piece of fabric, but also cut fragments different color and invoices. This technique is called "patchwork" and is often used by designers in the design of premises.

For fabric, casein glue, a composition based on CMC, as well as Bustilat or Gumilaks mastics are best suited. We apply the adhesive to the fabric and apply it to the door, smoothing it with a spatula. When pasting the door with fragments, it is important to monitor their geometry, otherwise the work will look sloppy.

Additionally, you can decorate the door with beautiful furniture carnations, shiny nylon or leather cords, fabric paint, baguette frames.

- are universal. They cover not only walls, but also doors, creating unimaginable patterns and compositions. In this case, you do not have to mess with cutting canvases. However, it will not be possible to expose the door to moisture. Therefore, for decorating a door in a bathroom or kitchen, this method is unacceptable.

To work, you need a dry wallpaper mixture, a few spatulas different sizes, hopper gun, roller, clear lacquer, color.

Decorate the door with a mirror

Highly unusual finish doors can be crafted using mirrors. Such decor will not only attract everyone's attention, but also visually expand the space of the room, add light. However, cutting and attaching a classic glass mirror is very inconvenient, since there is an alternative - acrylic panels with amalgam, which has excellent reflectivity.

Acrylic mirrors are available in a wide range color scheme. You can choose any shade you like or several to make a mirror panel. Plastic panels do not break, are easily processed and attached to the door, and are light in weight. The cost of mirrored plexiglass is not the lowest, but the quality and aesthetic qualities are fully consistent with the declared prices.

ThicknessColorTrademarkSheet size, mmPrice per sheet, rub
SPD (Italy)1220*2440 5950
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2050*3050 11150
PLASKOLITE (USA)2050*3050 14000
PLASKOLITE (USA)2030*3050 15700
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2030*3050 16000
3 red, blue, green, orange, yellow, black
(colored opaque)
Extruded acrylic glass ZENOCRYL OPAQUE XT2050*3050 10989
3 color transparent (red, orange, yellow, light blue, blue, green, violet)1220*2440 5453
3 fluorescent transparent (yellow, pink, brown)Cast acrylic glass ZENOCRYL TRANSPARENT1220*2440 5075

Before attaching the mirror plastic to, you should carefully level the surface by deepening the nail heads, sanding and covering all the bumps / recesses with putty.

at the door and reverse side acrylic canvas without fail, a deep penetration primer is applied. After it dries, the cut panels are fixed with double-sided tape and mounting adhesive. For convenience, use mounting suction cups, with their help it is much easier to carefully glue the panels to the door leaf.

As one of the decoration options, you can consider figured acrylic mirrors. Such a mirror can be attached in the center of the door or you can purchase several elements and arrange them beautifully. Usually small parts are produced with an adhesive layer already applied.

Even from such a simple material as buckwheat husks, excellent work is obtained. The cost of the material is minimal, but the service life of such a coating, unfortunately, cannot be called too long.

Step 1. Remove a layer of old paint from the door, the existing vinyl coating, eliminate all irregularities with putty.

Step 2. Remove the door from the hinges and put it on the floor / stools / table. We paint the door leaf with dark brown paint. If there are glass inserts on the door, we protect them with masking tape.

Step 3. We thickly grease the dried door with PVA glue, lay out the husk, distributing it with our hands. If necessary, add small gold sparkles.

Step 4. We cover the door with a transparent varnish (glossy or matte). It is advisable to apply three layers in order to qualitatively fix the buckwheat on the door leaf.

A beautiful door is ready. To prevent the door from knocking out general design room, decorate the picture frame in the same way and place the creation on one of the walls.

We decorate the door in vintage style

Vintage is sophistication and sophistication, the beauty of artificially aged things, in harmony with the chic of individual decorative elements. The door in vintage style will become a work of art, an exclusive element of the interior.

For decoration you will need:

We will combine door painting with decoupage technique and add decorative elements in addition. We will carry out the work on the already removed from the hinges, puttied and carefully sanded door, laid horizontally.

Step 1. Paint the door white. We apply the paint with a wide brush with stiff bristles in one direction, in a thin layer.

Step 2. When the paint dries, gently sand it with coarse sandpaper, achieving the effect of "old times".

Step 3. We start decorating the panels or the central part of the door. We tear musical notebooks and old newspapers into small pieces with our hands. We draw a field for activity of a rectangular or square shape on the door with a pencil. Lubricate the outlined areas with PVA glue. Immediately lay out the paper randomly, smoothing it with your hands. On top, apply a transparent varnish in two layers.

Step 4. Along the perimeter of the areas pasted over with paper, we fasten a black baguette to the mounting glue.

Additionally, you can decorate with a beautiful wreath, a large lace bow or plastic beads imitating pearls (glue-based).

There are many other ways to decorate doors. Operate with the materials available in your home arsenal, connect your imagination and create your own masterpieces.

Entrance door prices

Entrance doors

Video - A variety of ideas for decorating doors

Video - Applying patina to the door

Video - Self-decorating the door

11 best manufacturers of interior doors

A photo Name Rating Price

EL "PORTA ⭐ 100 / 100

TRIADOORS ⭐ 99 / 100

STATUS ⭐ 98 / 100

SOFIA ⭐ 97 / 100
#5 ART DECO ⭐ 96 / 100 1 - voice

PROFILDOORS ⭐ 95 / 100

ONYX ⭐ 94 / 100


MATADOR ⭐ 92 / 100

VOLHOVETS ⭐ 91 / 100

ALVERO ⭐ 90 / 100

Doors el'PORTA

Doors el'PORTA are doors with Italian architecture, produced in Russia. Models modern design and trendy shades, materials of the highest quality. el'PORTA interior doors are manufactured using modern Italian and German equipment. Various decorative door coverings allow you to choose the best option in terms of price and performance.



  • 3D-Graf - Structural decorative material increased density. It has a pronounced texture, medium wear resistance;
  • eco-veneer is an anti-vandal decorative material that imitates a cut of a real tree. High wear resistance, resistance to mechanical damage, fade resistant, moderate moisture resistance;
  • aqua doors - doors that are not afraid of moisture;
  • enamel - a multilayer material that imitates enamel, but has higher.


– each product is an effective combination of the priorities of modern materials, trouble-free fittings, successful construction and design solutions. Such doors are very appropriate in rooms decorated in modern high-tech or minimalist styles.


  • modern innovative coating Renolit (Germany) stands out for its strength, durability and environmental safety;
  • carelessness. It is enough to wash it occasionally with ordinary furniture care products (not containing abrasives);
  • doors can be installed in any room, even with high humidity;
  • easy to use, as well as durable and reliable.

— Stylish minimalist design will appeal to the modern city dweller. A rich choice of textures and finishes allows you to harmoniously fit these doors into a new, as well as into an already finished interior. Telescopic door trim- this is constructive solution door frame, allowing adjustment to any wall thickness.


  • due to the telescopic effect, the design is suitable for walls of any thickness. Thanks to a tighter fit to the wall, the box does not warp over time;
  • harmless material based on polypropylene;
  • a jointed massif of Angarsk pine is used in order to ensure the stability of the frame, low weight of the canvas, as well as the environmental safety of consumers.

Sofya doors are an author's design product, impeccable European quality and prompt service. Factory "Sofya" performs a full cycle of product creation from the development of the design of each door collection with Italian designers, the development of manufacturing technologies with German engineers.


  • door painting based on safe acrylic-based components used in the medical industry;
  • absolute precision in the execution of all joints in the most unusual collections;
  • careful selection and research of the materials used;
  • ecological, strong and durable in operation.

— direction Design by ARTDEKO is interior doors for true connoisseurs of beauty and comfort. Warm shades of natural wood, exquisite shapes, luxurious decor of classic doors will become a real decoration of the interior. Manufacturability and concise forms of doors in modern style— an example of high design for adherents of minimalism.


  • veneer is used from valuable wood species such as oak or ash;
  • inserts made of transparent, frosted, colored or patterned glass;
  • are made on high-tech equipment by qualified specialists using high-quality raw materials and materials.

- this type of door structure is a collapsible structure of individual elements (tsarg). The main advantages of this design are its high maintainability, due to the ability to replace any part of the door during operation and a huge range of various models, both in modern and classical style.


  • resistance to chemical and physical influences;
  • a feature of the coating is its pronounced deep “brushed” structure with a glossy lacquer monochromatic surface or a matte lacquer monochromatic surface;
  • Complete with German Simonswerk hinges and German KFV lock.

03.09.2016 15051

The front door is the first thing a guest sees when entering an apartment or house. She is the real “face” of the building, because the first impression often depends on her appearance. It is not surprising that the owners strive to decorate the door, to make it unusual and stylish.

What is used for decoration?

The front door can be metal, wooden, metal-plastic, double or single. As for the decor, it is selected based on their own preferences, financial capabilities,.

The design of the front door is carried out using:

  • accessories and decorative elements;
  • paints;
  • artificial leather;
  • lining;
  • PVC, MDF, fiberboard, veneer or plastic panels;
  • glass inserts, gratings, elements of carving, forging, metallography.

Let's talk more about these methods.

Importance of fittings

First of all, take care of the accessories. It is a decorative element, the presence of which transforms appearance doors and the whole house.

The following accessories and decor elements are sold in stores:

  1. . Without them, it is impossible to imagine the input structure. It is easy to get standard models, in the form of palms, animals, pistols, cartoon characters - whatever your heart desires. If they seem too extravagant, take a closer look at the handles in the classic style with a comfortable streamlined shape or strict modern models.
  2. Lock. This is not only a locking mechanism, but also an accessory that can create a memorable style. When choosing a lock, it is important to consider the degree of protection and reliability, but do not forget about the appearance. Stores offer original models made from a variety of materials.
  3. Peephole. They are equipped with each door, but if a peephole is present, it should be beautifully decorated. Stickers and painting look good.
  4. A hammer. On such a popular element, and it does not fit every door. But the classic design with it looks great. It is worth paying attention to the hammer if you like antiquity, vintage, especially since models of absolutely any shape and color are sold. The hammer is also a useful detail: guests can easily reach you.
  5. Call to . An alternative to a hammer is a bell, a convenient and useful accessory. A bell that glows in the dark, in the form of a bell, a carved leaflet, a computer keyboard - there is a wide choice!
  6. Visor. Gain, made in the form of graceful curls, flowers or twigs. They are offered and they will fit the fashionable plastic door.
  7. Lighting elements. Effective if it's dark on the porch. Be sure to take care of sufficient lighting, hang one ceiling, two lamps on both sides of the door or make a full-fledged illumination.

The front door looks great if fittings made in the same style are installed.

Buying a kit that includes doorhandle, lock and hammer, it is easy to create a single interesting ensemble.

In addition to the elements installed on long time, there are others that are relevant in holidays. So, on the New Year with garlands and tinsel, and for Christmas they put a wreath of pine needles on the door. Similar wreaths with attached mock-ups of krashenok are appropriate for Easter. In this way, it is easy to create a holiday mood and make the decor of the front door really original.

Door leaf decoration

The finish of the door leaf is also important. You will need materials:

  • common variant. The surface covered with it withstands temperature changes, becomes resistant to excessive moisture, ultraviolet radiation. There is a huge number of shades, which makes it possible to choose any design options for a metal or wooden door. A liter of such paint will cost 500-2000 rubles. depending on the brand and additional features. Water-dispersion acrylic paints that do not fade in the sun, are non-toxic and frost-resistant, cost from 200 to 2500 rubles. per litre. Some of them create effects: “rough canvas”, “wrinkled silk”, “cork” and others.
  • Alkyd paint is ideal, as it repels water well. But such a coating does not differ in durability. The price is in the range of 400-1000 rubles. per litre.
  • Hammer coating is useful if you plan to design metal doors. It is non-toxic, decorative, increases the strength and durability of armored structures. The price of a liter is about 1000 rubles.
  • Painting with nitro enamel will decorate the front door and save money: the price of 1 liter is about 200 rubles. It is applied with a spray gun on a primed surface, protects the metal from corrosion and shines beautifully after drying.
  • Powder paints are safe, aesthetic, reliable, but expensive: processing one standard metal door will cost 1700-2000 rubles. In addition, it will not be possible to paint on your own: the surface is sprayed in special chambers, and then varnished.
  1. Clapboard. This material is made from various breeds trees in different colors. Decorating the entrance is easy: in stores you can find material that is suitable for the price and fits into the design. Depending on the type of wood and thickness square meter costs 150-600 r. If issued steel door, previously a frame of planks is attached to it, to which the lining is already nailed.
  2. Artificial leather. In hardware stores, it is easy to pick up leatherette of the desired shade and texture. The price of a running meter is 180-450 rubles. You will also need wallpaper nails and insulation (foam rubber or polyethylene).
  3. PVC panels. This inexpensive (a square meter costs up to 200 rubles) decorative material is characterized by functionality, aesthetics, and resistance to damage. That is why it is great for front doors.
  4. Fiberboard panels. There are thin (up to 4 mm thick) and thick (up to 20 mm) models. The first option does not differ in durability and strength, but is cheaper. MDF cladding looks advantageous, but it is inexpensive: the price ranges from 150-250 rubles. per square meter. Fiberboard panels are also beautiful, hygienic, with good soundproofing properties and moisture resistance. The price is low: the material is sold even for 50 rubles. per square meter.
  5. Plastic panels. Also available in two versions: thin and thick. The price of finishing with plastic is 80-400 rubles.
  6. Veneer panels. The material is made from precious woods, including exotic ones, but it costs more: you will have to pay up to 5,000 rubles per square meter.

Old Door: Rescue Operation

The options listed are suitable to decorate an old door. Worn out by time, cracked, out of fashion or boring, the surface will take on a new look, stylish and original.

The main thing when choosing materials for decorating the front door is not to forget about its practical purpose. You should immediately think about sound insulation and insulation, treat the surface with anti-corrosion compounds or antiseptics, eliminate flaws and close up the gaps that have formed.

A well-worn door can be painted. And it is not necessary to use only one shade. Popular methods are:

  • Monochromatic coloring. Do not forget to clean the surface and primer before applying the paint, removing the old finish beforehand.
  • Coloring in several shades. Colors should be combined with taste, ensuring that the front doors in the interior look harmonious. If there are moldings - embossed contours - they are highlighted with paint in a contrasting color.
  • Drawings. They are created with a brush or stencils - depending on what the skill is enough for. Try using painter's tape: it's stuck on to form a pattern. After that, the surface is painted.

Not less than interesting option decor is the use of photo wallpapers. With their help, the door will turn into almost anything! You can even put your own photo on it. Wall murals are glued to a surface cleaned of old paint, dirt and well treated with sandpaper, and varnished on top.

As you can see, decorating the front door is a simple task: you only need to turn on your imagination and carefully choose the material.