The most common mistakes in the operation of generators. How to choose the right gasoline power plant: an educational program for the buyer Maintenance of generators

  • 15.06.2019
Do you need a power plant for backup power supply with a capacity of 5 kW, which one is better to choose gasoline or diesel?

If intensive use of the generator is planned, or diesel units are already used (for example, a boiler) and it is possible to connect to a fuel tank, then it is better to choose a diesel engine.

  • Which generators are more reliable: inverter or conventional "on the frame"?

    More reliable and cheaper - generators on the frame, inverter installations - more compact, lighter and quieter.

  • Can the generator be used indoors?

    Yes, it's possible. At the same time, the room must be equipped with an exhaust gas removal system, supply and exhaust ventilation.

  • Can the device be used negative temperatures?

    Yes it is possible. It is better to store the generator at zero or positive temperature.

  • Which gasoline and oil to use?

    Specifically for each model, you need to look in the instructions for the generator. In the general case - 92nd gasoline and mineral oil 10W30.

  • What is the resource of the generators?

    Specifically for each model, you need to look in the instructions for the generator. In general: Gasoline generator (HONDA, Briggs & Stratton, Robin SUBARU engines) - 3500-4000mo/hours, liquid-cooled diesel generator with an engine speed of 1500rpm (MITSUBISHI, Perkins, John Deere, Volvo, MTU engines, etc.) etc.) - 35000-40000 moto / hours.

  • Can a welding machine be connected to the generator?

    Theoretically, no welding work you need to use a generator with a welding function. Practically, it is possible. To determine the power of the generator, you need to look at the power consumption on the welding machine. If this is not possible, approximately - for welding with a 3mm electrode 5-6kW, 4mm electrode - 8kW, 5mm electrode - 10kW.

  • What is a UPS generator for?

    The generator does not need a UPS to run. UPS in conjunction with the generator will help ensure stable operation gas boiler, will provide electricity for the moment between the disconnection of the main network and the connection of the generator. For details on the purpose and application of the UPS, see the UPS section.

  • Why is a casing needed? What are the advantages of a shell design?

    With regard to gasoline generators and air-cooled diesel generators, the casing performs noise protection functions. The casing on liquid-cooled diesel stations, in addition to noise protection, protects the generator from precipitation, and together with the heating option, from frost, which allows you to install the station on the street.

  • What gas do gas generators run on?

    Methane, propane, biogas.

  • How long gas generator can work non-stop?

    Regardless of the type of fuel (gas, gasoline, diesel), air cooling stations - 6-8 hours of continuous operation, liquid cooling - constant operation.

  • What is the difference between nominal and maximum power gas generator?

    Regardless of the type of fuel (gas, gasoline, diesel), the rated power shows what power the generator can produce for a long time of operation (it is this value that you need to focus on when choosing a generator), the maximum power shows what maximum power the generator can produce during a short period of time (this parameter is important for selecting a generator for consumers with high starting currents: pumps, refrigerators, air conditioners, power tools, etc.).

  • Is it difficult to connect the generator to gas?

    Connection to the main gas will require coordination with local authorities. gas services, you can connect to the gas tank yourself, you do not need to coordinate anything.

  • Is it possible to make the generator turn on and off automatically when there is a power outage in the network?

    Perhaps if the generator has an electric start.

  • How much power do you need a gas generator to work with a welding machine?

    Theoretically - none, for welding you need to use a generator with a welding function. Practically - you need to look at the power consumption on the welding machine. If this is not possible, approximately - for welding with a 3 mm electrode 5-6 kW, 4 mm electrode - 8 kW, 5 mm electrode - 10 kW.

  • What parameters to pay attention to when choosing a welding generator?

    Welding current A - characterizes the capabilities of the station in the mode of operation of the welding machine (direct current - a better weld, the higher the current value, the larger the diameter of the electrode can be used for welding), kW power - characterizes the capabilities of the station in the mode of operation of the electric generator.

  • First of all, when choosing a generator, pay attention to its power. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate electrical power all consumers in your country house: lighting, household appliances, etc. When calculating, it is necessary to divide the power indicated on the nameplate by cosφ indicated on the same nameplate (most often cosφ \u003d 0.8): the result will be the power that the appliance will consume. The amount received must be increased by 15 - 20% (this is a "margin of safety": something else was brought to the dacha, but not connected anymore - the electrical protection is turned off). Plus, do not forget that at the time of switching on electrical appliances consume a little more power.

    Traditionally, for a summer resident there is a choice between gasoline and diesel generators. Let's see which is better.

    Of course, there is another option, but gas is rare in summer cottages, so we will consider it in the following notes, as well as windmills and solar panels.

    If your cottage is electrified and the generator will be an additional source of power (in case of an emergency power outage), then, with a small power consumption (up to 12 kW), you can use a single-phase gasoline generator. The simplest two-stroke engines allow only 500 hours of MTBF. Therefore, it is more profitable to immediately choose a generator with a four-stroke engine.

    An electric generator of greater power (produced up to 20 kW) will not be economically profitable: fuel consumption increases sharply. A gasoline generator has a significant drawback - it cannot work for a long time without interruption due to overheating.

    If the cottage is not electrified and the generator is required for permanent use, then you should choose a diesel generator that suits your power.

    Modern cottages consume electricity much more than 12 kW: water heating, electrical appliances in the kitchen, several refrigerators, a jacuzzi, floor and wall heating, and other consumers. For such a summer residence, you should choose only a diesel generator.

    Diesel engines are much more reliable than gasoline engines and allow up to 4000 hours of operation between failures.

    A case from practice: in the winter they turned off the light for several hours,. provided a gas boiler, refrigerator and TV.

    If the cottage is electrified, then you should choose an uninterruptible power supply: the automation will connect and disconnect the power plant at the right time without human intervention. It should be taken into account that all types of engines require a stop for cooling (on average after 8 hours of operation) and maintenance. Such stops should be planned in accordance with the operating instructions.

    One rule should be remembered: the generator engine should be started with the load disconnected (kettles, lamps, power tools, etc.). This is due to the large starting current; a particularly large surge will be on the so-called reactive load - a load in which there is an inductance coil (for example, the motor winding of an electric drill).

    What generator to buy for the country?

    Before the country generator, in addition to providing the required number of consumers, the following tasks are set:

    1. economical fuel consumption - usually this,
    2. safety and ease of operation and maintenance,
    3. or the possibility of using
    4. and - if you intend to transport it.

    Opinion of an experienced summer resident: generators on a diesel engine are considered the best. They are more powerful and more reliable. But if you do not spend a lot of time in the country, then it is better to take a gasoline one. It is much more mobile and a little cheaper.

    Based on these criteria, the following options can be distinguished:

    • Among gasoline generators, the LDG3600CLE electric generator worth 32,955 rubles and the Caiman RG2800 inverter worth 122,390 rubles are popular.
    • Among diesel engines there is a Pramac E6000t portable generator worth 75,100 rubles and a DHY6000LE-3 worth 52,990 rubles.
    • Several Yet budget options you will find in .

    All questions regarding the selection, installation, operation of low-power power plants are answered by Energomodul specialists.

    Is a manual or electric starter preferred for a 6kW small power plant?

    It is problematic for a sports unprepared person to start a 6 kW power plant using a manual starter (rope). We recommend buying power plants equipped with an electric starter (ignition key) for a power of more than 5 kW.

    I have a small 220V welding machine that runs on a regular outlet, which gasoline generator should I choose for it?

    A household socket has the following characteristics: 16A, 250V - this is 4 kW. But we must remember that the welding machine has a starting current, so it is better to purchase a gas generator with a power reserve, we recommend 5-6 kW.

    How long can my gasoline generator run without stopping?

    Low-power (up to 15 kW) gasoline and diesel generators operate at 3000 rpm and not designed for permanent work. All low-power power plants are divided into three groups:

    • Group I - household portable power plants, the annual operating time should not exceed 250 hours per year;
    • Group II - semi-professional power plants, annual operating time should not exceed 500 hours per year;
    • Group III - professional power plants, annual operating time of more than 1000 hours per year is possible.

    To clarify which group your gasoline generator falls into, you need to contact the seller.

    Can a gasoline generator run outdoors? I have seen such installations in operation many times in parks near shops and stalls.

    The gas generator can work outdoors in good weather and even in the rain, as the electrical part has a degree of protection of the shell IP23.
    The first digit 2 is protection against foreign objects having a diameter >12.5 mm.
    The second number 3 is protection against liquid penetration (protection against rain when water flows vertically or at an angle up to 60° to the vertical).
    Still, in heavy rain, you should not leave the gas generator. Remember that you are dealing with electricity. And most importantly, the power plant must be grounded before starting.

    I purchased a 4 kW gas generator in a large store on the Moscow Ring Road. I need to mount it in the country and install an autorun system on it in case of power failure. The store refused to help me. Advise what to do?

    If your gasoline generator is equipped with an electric starter (started by turning the key, from the battery), then autostart can be set on it, but if the generator is started by a manual starter, then autostart cannot be set. In any case, the specialists of our company will help to install your gas generator in the country.

    I want to buy a 10 kW gasoline power plant, but I am embarrassed by the small fuel tanks installed on them, only for 5-6 hours of continuous operation. Can I put an extra container of fuel nearby?

    Absolutely not! The installation of additional containers for flammable liquids with a flash point below 61 degrees Celsius, the so-called flammable liquids, is prohibited. You can recommend installing a diesel power plant, and already put a fuel tank up to 5000 liters to it.

    In the cottage I installed a gasoline power plant with a capacity of 8 kW, but I rarely use it, once every 3-4 months. And when it is required - I can not run it, because. the battery runs out, you have to pull the manual starter, and this is very difficult. Advise what to do?

    To prevent battery discharge (battery), we can install an automatic charger, it will keep the battery charge constant.

    What difficulties can arise when installing a low-power power plant? Will I be able to mount the gas generator myself, in a specially built room?

    There are no difficulties, it is necessary to create three systems - electrical, exhaust and ventilation. You can if you are a welder, ventilator and electrician.

    I need a low power 6 kW power plant. I can not decide, advise on the choice: buy a gasoline or diesel power plant? What is the difference?

    Each type of power plant has its pros and cons, everyone chooses a gasoline or diesel engine according to their requirements, we can only compare, and you make a decision. So:

    gasoline generators compared to diesel generators: cheaper in cost, have a lower weight, less noisy, easier to start from a manual starter, work well at low temperatures, but have higher fuel consumption, fuel is more expensive, engines have less motor life * 2-3 times .

    * - engine life, the operating time of any machine with an internal combustion engine or the internal combustion engine itself to the limit state at which their further operation is generally impossible or is associated with an unacceptable decrease in efficiency and violations of safety requirements.

    Let's say you decide to buy a gasoline electric generator for your dacha. And everything seems to be fine - both the price suits, and the power, but ... all the same, doubts arise regarding the purchase. And their main reason is a small motor resource, which usually does not exceed the ridiculous (from the point of view of a motorist) 500-600 hours for two-stroke engines and 3000-4000 thousand for four-stroke ones. What to do? First of all think...

    In order to estimate the approximate service life of the purchased generator, you must first determine what you are buying it for. Here, after all, this is the case - depending on what kind of situation you have in your country house with power supply. It may be very bad - and then the generator may be required to work for several hours every day ... or it may be that long power outages occur no more than once a week and last no more than an hour.

    So let's figure out about 500 hours of service life - is it a lot or a little?

    Let's start with the worst option - the electricity goes out often and your gas generator will have to work 3-4 hours a day. In this case, its motor resource will be enough for 120-150 days. Assuming that the summer season continues in middle lane Russia for about 4 months (from mid-May to mid-September), it turns out that the generator will last only one season.


    But! Firstly, it must be taken into account that we are not staying at the dacha without getting out for 4 months, but we are limited to holidays and weekends - this will be in total 50 days. Of which almost half will be in June-July, when the nights are short and the need for electricity is minimal. But even if we assume that the electricity in your suburban area will be cut down strictly in the evenings, when you want to turn on the TV, then all the same, the possible service life of the generator increases to three seasons.

    And if we assume that the generator will have to be run once a week, then even up to 7-8 years. This term is already more solid ... but by no means final.

    Firstly- the service life of the generator will be extended (and significantly - up to 50%) if every 100 hours (that is, at the end of the summer season) its maintenance is carried out: oil change, Supplies and filters.

    Secondly- the wear of the generator during this period may not be fatal at all. For example, the piston rings in the engine itself may wear out, the brushes in the electric generator may go bald, rubber seals and fuel hoses may leak. This is unpleasant - but not fatal, in the service center all these parts can be replaced in a day, after which the generator can be operated further.

    True, one more thing must be borne in mind ... There is no need to be very happy if the summer season is so successful that there is no need to start the generator at all. This is also not very good - after all, gas generators are designed for serious operation, and with prolonged downtime, some components may lose their qualities.

    So a gasoline generator needs to be started from time to time (at least once a month) and connected to it with a load of 75-80% of the maximum power. At least half an hour or an hour a month, a gasoline generator needs to work ... and it will not hurt you to cut the grass with an electric lawn mower.

    In general - long (up to 10-12) years of life for your gas generator.

    Off-grid generators are often indispensable, and full list their possible applications will be very long - from providing electricity for a weekend beach party to permanent work at a private building. A wide range of work performed has generated a large number of types of autonomous generators that differ both in design and characteristics. What they have in common is the principle of operation - an internal combustion engine of one type or another rotates the shaft of an electric generator, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

    • household generator- this is, as a rule, a portable unit with a gasoline engine, not intended for long-term operation, having a power of several kVA.
    • Professional generators have increased power and uninterrupted operation time, and for greater fuel efficiency and increased resource, engines are usually installed on them. At the same time, if household electric generators generate a current of 220 V, then the vast majority of professional generators are designed for 380 V output voltage. Large dimensions and weight force either to place powerful generators on a wheeled chassis, or to make them stationary.

    So, in this classification, we have already found a number of constructive differences. Let's consider them in order.

    As you know, a gasoline engine can work like. At the same time, low efficiency and a limited resource make two-stroke engines not the most the best choice to drive an electric generator, although they are simpler in design, which means they are cheaper and lighter.

    A four-stroke engine, although it harder and more expensive consumes much less fuel and able to do much more. Therefore, generators up to 10 kVA are usually equipped with engines of this type.

    Gasoline engines of electric generators are mainly single-cylinder units with forced air cooling, the preparation of a combustible mixture is carried out using a carburetor. To start them, either a rope starter is used, or an electric start is additionally included in the design (then, in addition to the battery, such generators also have a 12 V output: the battery is charged from this circuit and consumers designed for low-voltage power can also be connected to it). The most common motors with a cast-iron sleeve and an overhead valve gas distribution mechanism are, as a rule, GX motors and their copies.

    Domestic gasoline generator engines not intended for long-term continuous operation. Exceeding the operating time specified in the operating instructions (usually no more than 5-7 hours) will reduce the life of the motor.

    However, even the most advanced gasoline engines have a limited resource: with proper care, they will work 3-4 thousand hours. Is it a lot or a little? With occasional use on the road, for example, to connect a power tool, this is a fairly large resource, but constantly powering private house from a gas generator means to sort out its engine every year.

    Much have more resources power units, in addition, they are more profitable during long-term operation due to greater efficiency. For this reason, all powerful generator sets, both portable and stationary, use diesel engines.

    For such units, a number of disadvantages of diesel engines compared to gasoline ones (high cost, greater weight and noise) are not fundamental, there is a certain inconvenience only when starting diesel engines in cold weather.

    During operation, please note that long work idling without load is harmful to them: completeness of fuel combustion is disturbed, which leads to increased soot formation, which clogs the exhaust, and dilution of engine oil by diesel fuel seeping through the piston rings. Therefore, the list of routine maintenance for diesel power plants necessarily includes their periodic output to full capacity.

    In addition, there are generators that work. Structurally, they are no different from gasoline, except for the power system: instead of a carburetor, they are equipped with a reducer for regulating gas pressure and a calibrated nozzle that supplies gas to the intake manifold. At the same time, such generators can use not only a cylinder of liquefied gas as a fuel source, but also a gas network - in this case, fuel costs become minimal. The disadvantage of such generators is low mobility ( gas bottle larger and heavier than a gas tank, which, moreover, can be refueled on the spot), as well as an increased fire hazard, especially with illiterate operation. However, as a backup power source in a house connected to a gas main, this is a good option: there is no need to take care of maintaining the level and quality of fuel in the gas tank, and the engine life when running on gas is higher than when running on gasoline.