All red blocks in LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens. Lego Star Wars Walkthrough

  • 25.09.2019

Dexter's Diner

Place of deployment, neutral territory. Here you can choose to play any of the available levels, buy tips / heroes / bonuses or open them using codes (we are honest people, so we will not consider this option) and admire the assembled ships. You can also practice strength on interior items and collect a small initial capital (this opportunity will be available throughout the game, but then it will be more efficient to go through the old levels again).

Contains basic information about the gaming device. Easily bought up on the vine for only 360 units.

Of the 56 game heroes, 31 are available for purchase. The rest will be received for free in the story. The ability to purchase a certain character opens after you defeat / meet him on one of the game levels.

1) Racing droid - 250. Features: none.
2) PC droid - 350. Features: no.
3) Battle droid (security) - 300. Features: shoots, but slowly.
4) Battle droid - 200. Features: shoots, but slowly.
5) Battle droid (commander) - 1,000. Features: shoots slowly and talks on the radio, which, like, does not bring anything.
6) Droidek -10,000. Features: a protective field and a long deployment to a combat position.
7) Royal guard - 800. Features: shooter.
8) Padme - 800. Features: shooter.
9) Darth Maul - 15,000. Features: Sith.
10) Clone - 2,000. Features: shooter.
11) Geonosian - 2,000. Features: shoots, but slowly, can hover.
12) Battle droid (geonosis) - 300. Features: an old droid in a new coloring.
13) Super battle droid - 5,000. Features: shoots great.
14) Jango Fett - 65,000 Features: a good shooter, can soar above the ground, however, it doesn’t fly anywhere, but it’s a show off.
15) Boba Fett - 800. Features: an analogue of the boy Skywalker.
16) Luminara - 20,000. Features: Jedi.
17) Ki-Adi Mundi - 25,000. Features: Still a Jedi.
18) Keith Fisto - 35,000. Features: and another Jedi.
19) Shaak Ti - 15,000. Features: well, finally a Jedi, and I was already starting to worry ...
20) Count Dooku - 45,000. Features: Sith.
21) Grievous bodyguard - 30,000. Features: has a staff, jumps higher than others.
22) General Grievous - 200,000. Features: 4 lightsabers, jumps higher than others, handsome.
23) Clone (episode III) - 600. Features: shooter.
24) Clone (episode III, pilot) - 700. Features: shooter (albeit a pilot).
25) Clone (episode III, swamp) - 800. Features: you won't believe it, shooter.
26) Clone (episode III, walker) - 2,500. Features: that's why they are clones ...
27) Mace Windu (Episode III) - 30,000 Features: Jedi.
28) Disguised clone - 2,750. Features: shooter.
29) Darth Sidious - 150,000. Features: Sith.
30) Rebel Warrior -1,000. Features: shooter.
31) Princess Leia - 50,000. Features: shooter.

Purple - 50,000. All lightsabers become purple like Windu.
Large blasters - 50,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Classic blasters - 75,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Weak balsters - 100,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Silhouettes - 75,000. Black solid shapes instead of textures. Gothic.
Mustache - 150,000. Mustaches are added to all characters.
Tea cups - 175,000. Universal lethal cups instead of lightsabers and blasters.
Brushes - 200,000. Malicious Jedi cleaners on the warpath.
Set Detector - 750,000. All parts of the ship are marked with white arrows. Useful thing.
Invincibility - 1,000,000. She is the most.

Jedi counter
To get a part of a super set at a level, you need to fill the Jedi meter. To do this, you need to collect a certain number of parts. Attack objects around you or use the Force on them to get them. If you die in a bond battle, you will drop 2,000 pieces of parts that you can still pick up. Death from falling into an abyss or into any substance not intended for life is punishable by 1,000 units, which, however, you will no longer pick up (although there are exceptions, for example, one blue part falls out of the hero, which he immediately picks up in the fall) . In general, the characters are not particularly survivable, so be careful. The counter only needs to be filled once, after which you can lose parts without worrying about lowering it.

Ship details
In addition to the main super-set, each level has its own set of ten parts. These parts are well hidden and often require the efforts of several characters, that is, they can only be taken in free mode. For every assembled ship you will be given 50,000 units, so, in addition to the point in passing the game to the maximum, this is also a good income. Read more about the location of the parts in the passage of the levels themselves.

Types of parts and their cost
Silver detail - 10 units.
Gold detail - 100 units.
Blue detail - 1000 units.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Chapter 1, negotiations

Since in itself the passage of levels is nothing complicated and incomprehensible, I will only describe noteworthy moments + receiving ship details.

All designations of directions "to the left", "to the right", etc. are given relative to the camera, not the player.

1. Use the droid to open the first door on the left in the hallway. Inside, stand with both heroes on the buttons (if the second character is controlled by a computer, he will do it himself), kill the droids and take the part.
2. Switch all six blue levers. The detail will appear in front at the height of the jump.
3. Open the second door on the left with the droid. As Skywalker Boy, dive into the mine and turn off the protective screens. Build a column and jump from it to the part.
4. Switch the six purple levers in the same way.
5-6. Open R2-D2 the third door. Force the ship in the center. Jar-Jarom jump from the platform next to the screen and take the part. From the same platform, open the shaft at the top and climb into it. Use hover R2 to fly over the chasm, then jump on the ship and take another part from it.
7. Having opened the passage in the small room with the Force, climb onto the created building and jump up.
8. Once in the hangar, jump in an arc to the next ledge, or go down, build a platform by force and Jar-Jarom jump there too.
9. Move the structure in the nearest corner and climb from it to the platform. Open door R2-D2. Inside, by manipulating the buttons, remove the cap that covers the engine.
10. Build a lift to the platform next to the magnet, activate the lever on the wall to start the movement of the platform, climb on it and wait until it reaches the part. Or just use hover R2 to get to the target from the starting position of the platform.

Notes: The Jedi's counter is easy to dial and easy to follow.

Characters received: TS-14. Features: can open some doors.

Chapter 2, Naboo Invasion

1. In the small cul-de-sac on the right, build a platform with the Force and shoot from it at the target.
2. After you remove the tree blocking the way, attack it until it is completely destroyed.
3. After blowing up the ship blocking the path, jump from its remains up.
4. Remove these remains and jump into the opened niche.
5. Use the Force on the plants on the way to the stairs. Some of them will make a characteristic sound and leave behind some object. The last plant will leave the platform. Move it to the right place and take the part by Jar-Jar.
6. Climb up to the ledge from which you took the parts to build the platform.
7. After removing the parts blocking the log, go down to the ledge formed by them.
8. Dive into the mine along the way.
9. Detail behind the door guarded by three droids, just after the swamp.
10. In the last location, assemble a three-piece constructor.

Note: The droids coming from the forest are endless. Don't try to kill them all.

Characters received:
Jar Jar Binks. Features: jumps higher than others.

Chapter 3, Escape from Naboo

1. First make out door partitions three dice, then stack them on top of each other and take the piece by Jar-Jar.
2. At the top, before passing to the next location, pull out two platforms from the wall and fly from the upper R2 to the corner - there is a detail hidden in the greenery.
3. In the next area, immediately go down.
4. Having crushed the windows, go to the left edge and jump down. Kill the droids and go right.
5. Here, below, fly over the abyss R2, climb up the shooter, lay down the droideks, climb up again and take the part.
6. In front of the large gate (which opens with a shot at four targets), climb the stairs behind the columns and climb up with the shooter, then dive into the mine.
7. From the mine, move to the left and get over to the balcony.
8. In one of the three closed cells on the left.
9. There are four trees around the central button. Destroy the crowns and build the bases in one column, climb onto it and jump up.
10. In one of the closed cells on the right, there is also an exit from the level.

Notes: to fill the counter, demolish everything, up to the balcony railings.

Characters received:
Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka. Features: they can shoot at targets and climb up on fishing lines in certain places (hereinafter simply arrows).

Chapter 4, Mos-Espa Race

1. At the end of the blocked rise on the right, before entering the cave.
2. Inside the cave.
3. In a shootable canyon, on the left side.
4. At the turn-out of the canyon, between the pillars.
5. A little further under the arch with right side. Of the two accelerations, choose the right one.
6. Right on course, after a series of accelerations, before climbing.
7. In the middle of the third section of the track, in front of one of the acceleration groups.
8. Before the finish.
9. Between two accelerations on the straight of the first section, appears on the second lap.
10. Also the first section, to the right of the acceleration just before the descent down. Take on the third lap.

Note: The advice given to you at the beginning is very helpful. I recommend holding this button down and not releasing it. On the second section of the third circle, immediately turn right and hold the left turn key before accelerating so as not to drive into the stone ahead. In order to meet in time on the third section of the third circle, it is necessary to drive through all the accelerations and not run into the bombs scattered in abundance around. To get parts, knock down small posts and crystals in the cave. In case of destruction of the car / loss on any of the sections of the track, 2,000 units are taken away from you, which you will not return, so try to pass everything on the first try. And remember that the counter only needs to be filled once, and then you can lose details as much as you like. Alternatively, the counter can be dialed already on the first two (or even on the first one) circles, and then it doesn’t care about anything.

Receiving characters: none.

Chapter 5, Recapture the Teeid Palace

1. In the right corner of the first location, go up with the arrow and go around the window bars.
2. To the left of the first part, break the window with shots and climb into the hole.
3. In the first hall, destroy the statue and stand on the button below it.
4. Before the next door R2 opens, turn left, deal with the enemies and climb onto the ledge. Open the doors and take the item. Attention: the door can only be opened by the dark side of the Force, therefore, you must have a Sith.
5. To the right of the fountain, climb up with the shooter. The part will again be outside the windows, this time they can be broken.
6. To the left of the same fountain, dive into the mine, climb up to the mouth to the right, build a platform and jump to the part.
7. At the lift for R2 (next location), jump down and go left.
8. In the far corner of another hall, put two tables on top of each other, climb up on them, up again as an arrow and along the ledge to the left.
9. In the hangar, from one of the platforms on which the pilots are kept, move the shooter to the ledge with the part.
10. From another such platform (it is closest to the exit), you can climb onto the highest ledge in the hangar. Follow it to the right to the detail.

Note: Sometimes a piece of furniture only becomes destructible after some power preparations. So, for example, in one of the halls, you need to put tables and chairs in a row, move glasses and dishes from the neighboring cabinet to the tables, and only then you can cut them into pieces.

Characters received:
Padme (fight). Features: shooter.
R2-D2. Features: can open certain doors and hover in the air for a while.
Anakin Skywalker (boy) Features: can climb into mines.

Chapter 6, Darth Maul

1. Above the right ship, at the height of the jump.
2. Above the left ship, but higher: repair it first and then take the part to Jar-Jar.
3. Using the Force together, climb onto the platform above the passage and open the door R2. Inside, walk over all the lamps on the floor to reveal a detail.
4. While chasing Maul, climb up with the shooter, go to the platform, lift it up with the Force and jump on it with Jar-Jar. And there's a huge amount of detail.
5. Go down - you will stumble upon another detail.
6-7. On both sides of the entrance to the next location, the consoles for R2 start moving the platforms on the sides. Both will take you to the details.
8-10. On the platforms from which Maul will throw items at you.

Notes: After you kill all the droids by reflecting blaster shots at them, Maul will throw an object at you that must be Force sent back at him. In practice, it has been noticed that it is better not to hold the Force button for interception, but to press it. When two commander droids appear, try to get through to them - they can call for reinforcements endlessly. The last battle consists of three stages. On the first one, Maul is easily attacked with an area slam (press the attack button while double jumping). On the second, he will throw objects at you. Keep in mind that your Strength will stop working if an object flies off the screen, so get closer to the enemy. In the third stage, Maul becomes immune to normal attacks and invariably successfully attacks you with something like a choke. As soon as you notice that the character has a red halo, switch to another and beat the Sith when he starts to lift a comrade into the air, at which time he is vulnerable (if you play hot-seat, then, of course, you don’t need to switch anywhere, just act together).

Receiving characters: none.

Modern kids no longer dream of becoming famous astronauts in order to surf the vast universe. Now every second kid wants to be like Luke Skywalker - an invincible character from the world-famous Star Wars movie saga. And the fascinating series of Lego Star Wars constructors will be able to help them in this.

Inspired by the famous Star Wars movie, the Lego star wars series is the most popular Lego series in the world. Vivid character images, well-designed models, a huge variety of Lego Star Wars sets, a recognizable brand and everything known world- Lego star wars has everything to become the most popular designer in the entire globe. Millions of kids from different corners of the world pick up Lego Star Wars pieces every day to create something new, fun and exciting by sharing interesting ideas with your best friends.

The universe is filled with secrets, monsters, villains, heroes, asteroids and planets. Every grain of sand in this magical world holds secrets that only the chosen one can unravel. Lego star wars is not an ordinary constructor, but a whole mysterious world that is waiting for its brave heroes. And your child will certainly become one, you just need to buy him a Lego Star Wars set.

A unique series of Lego star wars constructors consists of more than a hundred different pieces of military equipment (attack aircraft, aircraft, spaceships) and characters (Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Yoda, Ahsoka, etc.). With the help of designers from the Lego Star Wars series, you can play new plots of the space saga right in your room.

Each piece of equipment from the Lego star wars series consists of a huge number of different parts. And therefore, you should not be surprised if one day, looking into the children's room, you see the Lego Star Wars constructor in a disassembled state. Believe me, ingenuity and ingenuity will help your kid to make his own unique and original spaceship out of the Lego Star Wars constructor, which the director of this film never dreamed of.

Each Lego star wars set also includes space weapons - a variety of blasters and lightsabers that will amaze with their realism not only their little owners, but adult Star Wars fans.
Your child will certainly appreciate Lego Star Wars, and you can get a solution that can satisfy all his aspirations.


Any equipment from Lego star wars consists of a huge number of details with which your child will develop his imagination, inventing more and more new space units.


Hundreds of pieces of space technology and mysterious Lego Star Wars characters will help your child invent all sorts of space stories and adventure.

Bright colours

Various Models characters, space combat equipment and weapons - all this has a very bright and colorful appearance. In addition, Lego star wars is completely harmless to the health of your kids, and this, you see, is the most important thing.

As you can see, Lego Star Wars is perfect choice for your child. Give him Lego star wars and you will see a happy smile and indescribable joy on his face!

Build a replica of the R2-D2 robot and learn the secrets of the droids with the new collection of Star Wars. Gather Your R2-D2". publishing house DeAgostini.

The R2-D2 astromech droid was conceived by director George Lucas, drawn by artist Ralph McQuarrie, and designed by the talented designers of Elstree and Industrial Light & Magic in 1976. Appearing on the screen more than 40 years ago, this robot has become one of the most vivid images embodied on the movie screen. Learn the history of the little astromech (as well as other droids, machines and mechs) as they are traced step by step through the creation of the filmmakers.

Model R2-D2

Build your R2-D2 with parts that not only replicate original Star Wars props, but also feature state-of-the-art electronic components. Inspired by the movie hero robot, your fully functioning R2-D2 model is half the size of its predecessor, but similarly designed and looks exactly like the droid on screen. When you're done building, you can keep the shiny new look of the robot, or give it a bit of a "worn-out" look like a movie character.

  • Easy assembly
  • Metal and plastic chassis parts
  • advanced electronics
  • Video / camera
  • Projector
  • Powerful engine, autonomous movement and ability to avoid obstacles
  • Smartphone control
  • Sound recognition function
  • Obstacle recognition
  • Original sound and lighting effects
  • Does not require programming

When your R2-D2 is ready, download the dedicated droid control app to your smartphone or tablet. Insert batteries and connect R2-D2 to your WiFi networks. Equipped with sensors, camera, microphones, multi-level logic control and powerful engines, this robot is able to interact with its owner, move and act in the same way as its prototype, the astromech from the Star Wars movie.

Robot size:
Height: 47.3 cm.
Case diameter: 20.2 cm.
Base width (including "legs"): 31.4 cm.
Scale: 1:2.


Creation of the galaxy. This fascinating section will take you behind the scenes and see what techniques were used by the filmmakers of the time. You will learn a lot about filming, creating scenery and props, as well as how the images of the saga characters were embodied. Step by step you will go all the way - from the director's idea to its final implementation.

Encyclopedia of droids. Find out what other droids (designed for everything from medical to military) surround R2-D2 in the Star Wars universe. We will explain the functionality of the robots with the help of the designers' sketches, the engineers' explanations and the complex technical analysis presented in the section.

Fundamentals of Robotics. Familiarize yourself with the device and the principle of operation of the components that you receive with the release. Illustrated articles will help you understand the functions of electronic and mechanical parts - sensors, motors, Wi-Fi devices, logic boards, and so on.

Assembly instructions. Step-by-step illustrated instructions will help you assemble your R2-D2 from the parts that come with each release and check its functionality at every stage of assembly.

Exit Schedule

№1 – Assembly Parts – 18.12.2017
№2 – Assembly Parts – 2018
№3 – Assembly Parts – 2018
№4 – Assembly Parts – 2018
Frequency: weekly.

Where could I buy

Subscribe to the collection "Star Wars. Gather Your R2-D2":

Whole line computer games according to LEGO is based on one continuous mocking. It is not so difficult when everything that is around consists of small details. And since everything consists of small details, it can be easily and beautifully destroyed! .. Paradise for the arcade. They did the arcade.

History reference

Basically, it was done in two parts. Released in 2005 lego Star Wars: The Video Game, which takes place during the new trilogy (episodes I, II, III), and in 2006 - LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

And only in 2007 on consoles (and already in 2009 on PC) did a combination of these two games come out, and even with additional materials. They called the resulting miracle LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Surprisingly, the developers managed the almost impossible: to make the characters alive. Of course, the masterpiece original helps a lot in this, but every cutscene in this game (and in almost the entire subsequent series, it should be noted) is also a mini-masterpiece. The heroes here do not speak, explaining themselves exclusively by gestures and lively facial expressions. The emotionally waving LEGO figure is fun in itself. Especially if this figurine is, say, Master Yoda. Something else is more interesting - the game uses to its fullest the fact that everything around is a constructor.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

The gameplay itself is almost as simple as instructions for a tea bag: run, shoot / swing a lightsaber (depending on who we play), periodically jump and use the Force on all kinds of objects around. However, not without a whole bunch of pleasant things and special abilities of some characters. The brave pair of C-3PO and R2-D2 mastered door-breaking without any problems, and its more squeaky representative also mastered horizontal flight. Jar Jar's double jumps can only be envied. True, all three do not know how to fight, but let the partners who are more savvy in such matters do it better.

Lightsabers repel projectiles, the Force is great at pushing back / strangling (again, depending on who we play) enemies. There are so many characters in the game that you can't remember them all.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

Along the way, we can collect local... money. They also look like LEGO pieces (this should hardly surprise you). If we collect a certain number of them within the level, we will get a part for a supership. Also, at each level there are 10 special parts, from which ships are obtained more modestly.

Of course, speaking of LEGO Star Wars, one cannot fail to mention the main plus of this game (and the entire series as a whole) - there is a co-op! At least two characters always participate in the action, and at any time, by pressing F2, you can connect for the second one. The co-op is only on one computer, but in this case it's a big fat plus. Because the entire LEGO series is first and foremost a family series. Whether you play with a friend, with children or with parents - it does not matter at all. The whole game is kind, really sometimes funny humor, which only becomes funnier in the company.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

The graphics have not changed throughout the history of the series. She just doesn't need it - in the end, no matter what quality the textures are here - good or ultra-good, you can live without anti-aliasing, and effects are the tenth thing. The main thing is that it the same LEGO. Good old constructor with good old heroes. And we play for them. With such a mixture, even the seemingly dormant sentimentality in relation to games wakes up.

Masterpiece. The first game in the series is still the most successful within its own series, and, perhaps, in the niche of parody games in general. Wonderful humor, familiar characters (although a thorough knowledge of the original is not necessary) and all this in the wrapper of the legendary designer. An excellent game and an extremely successful use of two licenses at once.

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

"Luke, I'm your constructor!" Game Review

A long time ago
In a galaxy far, far away...

Not only children like LEGO bricks, a huge number of people collect them or even simply use them as interior elements. At the moment there is a large number of different series of LEGO, including the favorite of many Star Wars. In fairness, it should be said that they cannot be called full-fledged gadgets. But the holidays are coming and LEGO can be a good gift for both your child and yourself. Today we will focus on the most interesting (and commercially available) sets of the aforementioned Star Wars series.

Death Star 10188

The Death Star needs no introduction - perhaps the largest, most detailed and expensive set in the Star Wars series has been produced since 2008 and is now quite difficult to find on sale. Consists of 3803 parts and has dimensions of 41x42 cm, assembled 41 cm, width - 42 cm, includes 24 figures. You can buy from 7100 UAH, in the official online store - $400 (6500 UAH / 21700 rubles).

Sandcrawler 75059

The Sandcrawler is an armored tank for transporting droids and vehicles across the deserts of Tatooine. It consists of brown and beige panels, moves on tracks, the direction changes with a lever. The back part is folding, there are two active winches, one outside, the second inside. Part of the roof is raised to examine the interior. Consists of 3296 parts, dimensions: 24x48x16 cm, includes 7 minifigures with accessories: Luke Skywalker, Owen Lars, 4 Jawas, C-3PO, R2-D2, R2 Unit, R1-G4, R5-D4, repair droid (Treadwell Droid ) and power droid (Gonk Droid). At the moment, it is difficult to find on sale, the price is about 4400 UAH or 16250 rubles.

Ewok Village 10236

Ewok village from the planet Endor from Star Wars: Episode VI. Return of the Jedi. A set of Ewok forest dwellings with hiding places in tree trunks, a lightsaber cache, webs, traps and catapults. 1990-piece set includes R2-D2 and 16 minifigures with weapons: Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, 2 Rebel soldiers, 5 Ewoks, 2 scout troopers and 2 stormtroopers. It costs about 4000 UAH or 13500 rubles. Currently available on Amazon.

Red Five X-wing Starfighter 10240

Collectible detailed model of the legendary X-wing Starfighter, featured in many events in the Star Wars universe, including the climactic battle near the planet Yavin in which Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star. Quantity of parts is 1558. The set includes a ship, information stand and R2-D2 droid figure. Assembled dimensions: 52x46x26 cm. You can buy for 3200 UAH or 13900 rubles.

R2-D2 10225

Large collectible model of the droid R2-D2, one of the symbols of Star Wars, Anakin's assistant and Luke Skywalker with movable and retractable parts. It copies the original from the film as much as possible, can turn its head. The front panel opens to allow a peek inside. There is a circular saw with rotating element and connector. TO Number of parts: 2127, dimensions: 380×580×100 mm. They sell for 3500 UAH or 16900 rubles.

Millennium Falcon 7965

The Millennium Falcon is a spaceship piloted by Han Solo and his aide Chewbacca. Appears in the 4th, 5th and 6th episodes of the film. According to George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, the design was inspired by a hamburger, and the cockpit should look like an olive stuck to the side. Number of parts: 1238, size: 578x375x85 mm. Includes 6 minifigures, swivel laser guns, rocket launchers and an opening cockpit with interior. It is difficult to find in our stores, but it is on eBay, the last price was 1900 UAH.

Imperial Star Destroyer 75055

The Star Destroyer is a class of Imperial Navy starship that appears in all films of the original Star Wars trilogy and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. There are 8 guns with a spring mechanism and a handle for their direction. The lid comes off to reveal swivel crew chairs, weapons rack, bridge, instrument panel and a hologram of Emperor Palpatine. Includes 6 minifigures: Darth Vader, Imperial officer, 2 stormtroopers, Imperial crew, Imperial naval trooper, Emperor Palpatine's hologram and a mouse droid. 1359 parts, dimensions: 582x378x103 mm. It costs about 1900 UAH or 6150 rubles.

Republic Gunship 75021

Republic fighter, featured in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, the Battle of Geonosis. Includes 4 ball turrets with minifigure cockpit, opening front compartment, side and rear doors and a dive bike. Includes 1175 pieces and minifigures of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, a clone trooper captain, a clone trooper and 2 battle droids. Dimensions: 48x37.8x9.4 cm Available for 1740 UAH or on eBay.

Jabba's Sail Barge 75020

Jabba's sailing ship with cannon, rockets, wheels, drop sides, removable deck, prison, kitchen and Jabba's throne. 850 pieces, 6 minifigures: Jabba, his servant Re-Yees, Princess Leia Organa, R2-D2, Max Rebo and Weequay. Size: 22x43x22 cm. About 1670 UAH or 4500 rubles.

AT-AT 75054

Imperial AT-AT walker from battles on the snowy planet Hoth from Star Wars. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. opening cockpit movable legs, swiveling head, opening doors, side hatches and spring-loaded cannons. 1137 parts, 5 minifigures: AT-AT driver, General Veers, snowtrooper commander and 2 snowtroopers. Dimensions: 480x378x71 mm, 1600 UAH or 5500 rubles.

MTT 75058

The Trade Federation presents a multi-purpose transport - an armored vehicle for delivering battle droids or weapons to the battlefield. Raising parts of the roof are provided for access to the insides, using a rotating lever mounted on the side, it is possible to raise the protective round manhole and push the metal ramp with the droids in front. Hidden in the main section are weapon racks, tools, and a platform for transporting a PK-series work droid. The tail section of the MTT houses the Single-Seat Aerial Platform for battle droids. 954 parts, assembled size: 15x31x14 cm. Includes 12 minifigures with weapons: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Naboo officer, pilot droid, PK-series work droid, battle droid and 6 battle droids. 2000 UAH or 9500 rubles.

The Ghost 75053

Starship "Ghost" of the forces of the rebels from the animated series "Star Wars Rebels". There are two cockpits for rebel pilots, a 360° rotating cannon turret, two spring-loaded cannons, ejection pods, a compartment for a spare missile and a lightsaber. Includes 4 minifigures: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Zeb Orrelios and a stormtrooper. 929 parts, dimensions: 33x27x13 cm. 1400 UAH or 4100 rubles.

Jedi Defender-class Cruiser 75025

In-universe Jedi Defender Cruiser Star Wars: The Old Republic. Spaceship- mobile Jedi base with secret hatches and four turrets. Functional parts of the set: moving propellers near the engines, ejected escape pods, 360-degree moving forward cannons, opening front hatches and retractable landing gear. The set contains 4 figures, 927 parts. You can buy for 1300 UAH or 6900 rubles.

AT-TE 75019

At the Battle of Geonosis, clone commander along with Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Coleman Trebor use heavily armored combat vehicle "AT-TE Walker". Features movable legs, opening cockpit, top and rear hatches, 2 moving laser cannons and a rotating top cannon with dual flick missiles. Includes 5 minifigures: battle droid, battle droid commander, Mace Windu, Coleman Trebor and clone commander. The size of the assembled walker is 22x43x29 cm, 794 parts. 1800 UAH or 4800 rubles.

Mos Eisley Cantina 75052

The Mos Eisley Cantina bar on the desert planet Tatooine from Star Wars: Episode IV. New Hope. In addition to the bar and figures, the set includes the Landspeeder from the movie. Includes 8 minifigures: Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Greedo, a sand trooper and 3 musicians from Bith, for a total of 615 pieces. You can buy for 1150 UAH or 3900 rubles.

Jek-14's Stealth Starfighter 75018

A stealthy black spaceship, upgraded model of the Jek-14 clone Starfighter with retractable landing gear, minifigure cockpit, fold-out wings, cannon and R4-G0 droid. 550 parts, r Assembled fighter measures 10x35x34 cm. Includes Jek-14 minifigures, Bounty Hunter, Clone Commando and R4-G0 astrodroid. 1200 UAH or 3500 rubles.

Jedi Scout Fighter 75051

A Jedi reconnaissance fighter with a twin cockpit that opens to two sides, space for a rear drone, a rotating cannon, two spring-loaded rocket launchers, a rear rotating cannon, and a cargo compartment for storing holocron containers. 490-piece set with 4 minifigures: Jack-14 warrior, Ithor Jedi, astromech droid and RA-7 series protocol droid. About 1100 UAH or 3330 rubles.

AT-AP 75043

Heavy armored walking tank AT-AP from the Clone Wars, the battle for Kashyyyk. Equipped with a spinning blaster cannon, a spring-loaded spinning top cannon and a retractable third leg. Includes Clone Commander Gree, Warchief Tarfful and 2 droid minifigures. 717 details. 1050 UAH or 3200 rubles.

Rancor Pit 75005

Lair of Rancor - a five-meter monster from the planet Dathomir. Located in the dungeon of Jabba the Hutt and used by him to eliminate debtors. 380 parts, skeleton and 3 minifigures: Luke Skywalker, Malakili, Gamorrean guard. It costs about 850 UAH or 2800 rubles.

B-Wing 75050

Star Wars B-Wing Rebel Fighter: Episode VI. Return of the Jedi with rotating cockpit, folding wings and active spring-loaded cannons. This set contains 448 pieces and 3 minifigures: Ten Namb in a red pilot suit, Rebel Alliance general Ayren Kraken and a B-wing fighter pilot. Sold for 800 UAH or 2700 rubles.

Coruscant Police Gunship 75046

Police combat ship Coruscant, shown in the 5th part of the animated television series "The Clone Wars". Features sliding doors, folding wings, retractable landing gear, rear weapon bay and 2 spring-loaded shooters. Includes 4 minifigures Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka and 2 shock troopers. Number of parts: 481, dimensions: 28x39.8x29.9 cm. You can buy for 940 UAH or 5600 rubles.

Droid Gunship 75042

Droid Gunship Use from the Battle of Kashyyyk (The Clone Wars). The front combat compartment can be detached, turning into an independent combat unit, can drop bombs, has laser guns in the front and side with a spring mechanism. Includes minifigures of Chewbacca, a member of the 41st Elite Corps and 2 droids. 439 parts, price - 680 UAH or 2300 rubles.

Umbaran MHC (Mobile Heavy Cannon) 75013

Umbara's mobile heavy cannon from the Star Wars: Attack of the Clones animated series. It has a rotating and elevating cannon, two opening cockpits, movable legs and a missile launcher. Includes 4 minifigures: Ahsoka Tano, 212th Clone Trooper and 2 Umbarans. 493 details. Issue price: 770 UAH or 4100 rubles.

Z-95 Headhunter 75004

Fighter Z-95 from the animated series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars." Opening cockpit, folding chassis, rear weapons bay. 373 parts, 3 minifigures: Clone Pilot, 501st Clone Trooper and Pong Krell. 635 UAH or 2060 rubles.

Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon 75045

Republican AV-7 anti-tank gun with folding legs for maximum stability and a spring-loaded gun. Includes Plo Koon minifigures, 2 clone warriors and a droideka, 434 pieces. 690 UAH or 3800 rubles.

HH-87 Starhopper 75024

HH-87 Starhopper gunship with opening cockpit for Obi-Wan, 4 flick missiles and a pirate speeder. Includes 3 minifigures with weapons: Obi-Wan Kenobi disguised as Rako Hardin, Cad Bane and guard Nobody. 362 parts, the size of the assembled fighter is 15x23x37 cm. You can buy for 660 UAH or 3900 rubles.

Duel on Geonosis 75017

The duel between Master Yoda and Count Dooku on the planet Geonosis from Star Wars: Episode II. Clone attack. 391 pieces, speeder and 4 minifigures with weapons: Count Dooku, Yoda, Poggle the Lesser and Dooku droid pilot. 623 UAH or 1960 rubles.

Snowspeeder 75049

snow fighter from battles for the planet Hoth from the movie "Star Wars. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. D a two-man cockpit with their weapons, spring-loaded shooters hidden under each wing, a tail blaster, an AT-AT harpoon and a tripod-mounted ground cannon. Includes 3 minifigures with weapons: Luke Skywalker, Dak Ralter and a snowtrooper, 279 pieces. 570 UAH or 1750 rubles.

Droid Tri-fighter 75044

A Tri-fighter with spring-loaded cannons and a buzz droid. Includes Chancellor Palpatine, buzz droid, guard battle droid and battle droid minifigures with weapons and accessories. 262 parts, prices: 650 UAH or 3400 rubles.

Homing Spider Droid 75016

A homing spider droid from battles for Geonosis. It has flexible legs, a rotating head, a rising lower cannon and missiles. 295 pieces, includes 4 minifigures with weapons: Stass Alli, clone trooper and 2 battle droids. sell for