What does the dream book promise if you dreamed of a mobile phone? Why dream of a mobile phone.

  • 30.09.2019

Neither Freud nor Jung said anything about mobile phones. And in our time, cell phones have already become an integral part of life, and therefore our dreams. Having become a symbol of reliability, mobile phones have ceased to be an indicator of social status. We feel connected to the whole world when mobile phone at hand. If in a dream you see a phone, then this indicates a reliable connection with additional features (or, at least, your desire for this).

One possible explanation for the appearance of this image in a dream is a desire to increase social status in order to motivate the need to use a mobile phone. Try to remember who and under what circumstances you called, because cellular telephone can also symbolize safety.

What is the phone for you - part of the social image or an indispensable means of communication?

Does your cell phone annoy you by constantly ringing and preventing you from enjoying the silence?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Dial a phone number in a dream and get stuck on the number "9" means that in reality you will remain in the cold, as your entourage weaves all sorts of intrigues behind your back.

However, the person who first comes to you or calls on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the fetters of intriguers with minimal losses.

If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while.

If at the same time it is difficult for you to turn the disk or you do not get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of deprivation and failure will take you by surprise.

If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck in your life will pass quickly and leave no trace.

To dial a phone number in a dream and remember only the number "9" means you need the help of a person who is superior to you in mind.

Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or his phone number ends with "18".

If in a dream you add up all the numbers in a phone number and get a nine, then a global event will soon happen in your life, for example, you will be given a Nobel Prize or sent to prison.

Whether the change will be pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, if not, then get ready for the worst.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation by numbers

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Dream Interpretation - Phone

The phone appeared a long time ago, but even in the most popular ones this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the advent of this miracle of technology.

Today this is very unfair, because the phone is an indispensable attribute of our life, so it may well appear in dreams.

If you call someone on the phone, it means that confidential information will soon be entrusted to you, but you, unfortunately, will spread it “in secret to the whole world”, what will follow is better for you, because only you can realistically assess the importance of the information received and the degree her secrecy.

If they call you on the phone: in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure time, and not only leisure time, you will not Starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about the person around whom these gossips curl.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation mobile phone

At present, a person can hardly imagine his life without a mobile phone. V modern world people daily use technical devices that were unknown a century ago. They give us comfort, allow us to use time more rationally and let lightness and joy into life. The phone has become a commonplace for us, without which we cannot even leave the house, and even the younger generation cannot imagine themselves without this necessary accessory.

Every day we receive calls, spend hours talking or writing important messages. All these actions are quite ordinary and do not cause much surprise, even if you happened to find modern model or lose. And what do such circumstances that come to us in a dream promise? Despite the fact that this device is absent in the ancient interpreters, its importance should by no means be underestimated.

Be an observer

If you dreamed of a mobile phone

In a dream, we are often destined for the role of an observer, where everything has to be seen from the side. Why dream of such a state of affairs? Pay attention to the state of the cellular device.

Phone model

Dreamed of the most ordinary phone? Or some antique model? This fact is important, sometimes even fatal.


An unremarkable cell phone indicates that someone is building insidious plans against you. These people are jealous of your success and progress in business, and may even hide in a circle of friends. The dream interpretation advises to be more careful and not completely trust other people's advice, which can be confusing and harmful.


What is the dream of a new, just released model? The dream says that your life has developed successfully. You have reached good heights in your career, a delicious dinner awaits at home, and your relationship with your wife or spouse is full of warmth and harmony. But you lack something new and bright. New acquaintances, an interesting hobby will help restore the former taste of life.


If you dreamed of an old phone

Observed a model that seemed very outdated? This episode characterizes you as a very conservative person. In particular, this trait is manifested in relationships. Fear of change, some old-fashionedness and obsolete views make it difficult to build a strong and lasting union. We should not begin to follow the stereotypes that society dictates to us. Courage and self-confidence will help to correct the situation.

Phone status

Why dream of a mobile phone with a broken screen, or vice versa, a new model that pleases the eye?

  1. New. A harbinger of a mass event where you can meet new people. As a result of acquaintance, you will gain many connections that will help you reach the top of your career. There is also a high probability of meeting with your destiny, the union with which will last long time and will give a lot of pleasant moments.
  2. Broken. It would seem that this dream cannot promise anything good and bright. In fact, this symbol speaks of your hidden phobias and fears. First of all, you experience a panic fear of spending your life alone. It should be remembered that thoughts are material, so you should get rid of vain worries. Well, if you can’t eliminate anxious feelings, redirect them in a positive direction, strengthening the family union.
  3. Broken. The dream interpretation claims that you tend to see only the tip of the iceberg in solving problems. You tend to avoid troubles by accumulating them, as a result of which huge debts and neglected situations arise. This dream encourages you to face your fears and not back down at the first failure.
  4. Broken screen. Why dream of a screen that shatters to smithereens? This is a symbol of the fact that you have little understanding of people's feelings and do not have a sense of tact. It is quite problematic for you to determine their motives, to be sensitive and to draw correct conclusions about actions.
  5. Stranger. A mobile phone that does not belong to you indicates an excessive presence in the lives of other people. Out of good intentions, you strive to help every person or friend you know, to give valuable advice and improve their lives. But as a result of such a lifestyle, you forget about your desires and aspirations. Such a position can lead to devastating consequences.

For a woman, such a dream speaks of the sincere motives of her chosen one. The spouse has strong feelings for you and thanks for every day that he spent with you.

Sleep interaction

If called

Despite the fact that a mobile phone has become a completely common and unremarkable phenomenon in the life of every person, in a dream it can lead to a variety of consequences. In dreams, we are subject not only to discuss the problems that have arisen on it, but also to find it or lose it.

Make a call

Why dream of a long conversation with a friend or an important deal over the phone? In the world of dreams, many different variations await us about the calls made, and the dream book does not skimp on detailed interpretations.

Talk on the phone

On my own telephone conversation says that you are surrounded by envious people. Unkind people hide behind the masks of friends and prepare to stab in the back. Also, other variations of the conversation await in the arms of Morpheus.

  1. It is hard to hear the interlocutor. This detail suggests that you are too fixated on yourself and your needs. Family members crave more attention and warmth, bumping into coldness and indifference. The dream interpretation convinces that it is never too late to change the current situation by revising your values ​​and guidelines.
  2. Emotionally speaking. A symbol of imminent problems and troubles that have arisen on domestic grounds. This episode will not bring any serious consequences, but it is worth remembering that relationships need constant work from both sides.
  3. The conversation is interrupted. If the connection is constantly interrupted, then in reality you have problems with your chosen one. Be a little wiser and try to compromise. Then the union will be strong, full of love and adoration.

Hear the call

If you listened to the interlocutor

If in your dreams you happened to make a call, then this is a wonderful sign that speaks of the support of others. But why dream of hearing it?

  1. Answer. Very soon the threshold of your house will be crossed uninvited guests. They will delight you with good news and surprises. You just have to show the maximum of goodwill and hospitality.
  2. Hear, but do not respond. You do not want to think about the future and solve existing problems, which leads to mental anxieties and torments. But you are worried in vain, because the difficulties are actually not as terrible as they seem.
  3. A familiar number is calling. Soon you will have to solve someone's conflict or problem. The person who asked for help will rely on your experience and knowledge. But do not allow situations where your skills will be used.

Circumstances in a dream

Why dream of finding or losing a mobile phone? Or was it lucky to receive it as a gift?

  1. Buy. The dream interpretation claims that you are too slow in making decisions. Due to indecision inspired from childhood, you hesitate to offer creative ideas to the manager or the work team. In this regard, the chances of getting a new, higher-paid position are reduced. The same situation applies to personal relationships. You are trying to find the perfect darling, and in pursuit of ideals, you may end up with nothing.
  2. Crashed. Did you have a dream in which the phone crashed in front of your eyes? Avoid dubious, untrustworthy transactions that can lead to the loss of a large amount of money or other property. Also, do not exclude natural phenomena, which can lead to a sad outcome.
  3. Stole. Both in a dream and in reality, theft is an unexpected event that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. It’s doubly disappointing when you can’t find the culprit of the incident. Such a sad dream means disappointment from loved one. Perhaps it will be an unkind act or immoral behavior. Although these actions will not concern you personally, the opinion of a friend will no longer be the same.
  4. Search. This means that you are in search of what you like. Knowing yourself will surely lead to positive results, give you an interesting hobby, a suitable soul mate and a brilliant business idea. It remains only not to stop searching and go towards your destiny.
  5. Find mobile. According to the dream book, to find this means of communication - to great success. What has been worked hard will finally bear fruit. Moreover, luck and incredible luck will literally haunt you in all areas.
  6. Cell phone broke. If in a dream the device suddenly broke in your hands, then you are in a state of detachment from outside world. The feeling of unity and companionable fun is alien to you. Increasingly, feeling alone in the crowd, you experience hopelessness and uselessness. But do not forget that the darkest hour is before dawn, so do not despair.
  7. Gave. Did you receive such a wonderful gift in a dream? Major changes are coming that will change your life. There is no need to interfere or worry, because your loved one will take care of everything. You just have to watch the outcome of events.
  8. Lose mobile. Unfortunately, those people who meant a lot to you will leave your life. Most likely, they will change their place of residence or lose interest in you, but they will be replaced by new personalities. The newly-appeared comrades will have unclean motives for you, so treat their company with caution and avoid gossip and intrigue.

Miller's dream book claims that a mobile phone portends a meeting with insincere people and receiving false information.

Anchor points:

Call from mobile phone

In a dream, you saw a mobile phone - restful life. The dream in which you called from him - a dream you see portends a new relationship. Someone called on the phone in a dream - parting with a soulmate. I dreamed that you asked him to call someone - a long relationship. If the phone was asked from you - a strong attraction to a certain person. In a dream there were a lot of mobile phones, in reality - you do not use your capabilities to the maximum, if you try, you can achieve more.

Gaining and losing it

In a dream, you bought a mobile phone, in life - emotional experiences for one of your loved ones. They gave it to you - be prepared for high-profile conflicts that will ruin your reputation. In a dream find mobile phone on the street - short-term relationships. If, on the contrary, you have lost it, relations with certain people have clearly exhausted themselves.

The dream in which you gave the phone is a pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex. mobile phones was small – successful completion of tasks at work. large saloon cellular communication- dreams of improving relations with superiors. Break the phone quarrel with an old friend. Buying it not for yourself - such a dream portends power over someone. A mobile phone was stolen from you in a dream - new acquaintances.

Expensive, cheap mobile phone

In a dream, a mobile phone was very expensive - a dream is a dream at the beginning of a romantic relationship. If it cost very little, relations with colleagues will be very tense due to the struggle for a place in the sun. Phone of a well-known company- dreams of betrayal, perhaps your secrets will be revealed. The dream in which you saw a place where phones are made is a difficult relationship. Seeing a person with an expensive phone in a dream is an improvement in relations with a loved one.

Why dream that in a dream you managed to find a phone? This means that soon you will gain remarkable self-confidence and even power over events or a certain person. The dream book will tell you what you should pay attention to when deciphering such a plot.

Where to start?

The interpretation of sleep is recommended by the dream book to be based on its main image. So the telephone symbolizes the need for communication and information exchange. It is also an unbearable desire to attract someone's attention or vice versa to get rid of it.

What are you afraid of?

Why dream that I had a chance to find my own phone? The dream book claims that you will get what previously seemed out of reach. For women, a similar plot in a dream means that she will have envious girlfriends.

Did you dream about your phone? The find marks news or information that you do not want to hear or are simply afraid to find out. The vision also indicates a certain society in which you do not really like to appear.

Why else dream that you were lucky enough to find a phone? In fact, your mobile phone makes it clear that you need to get rid of obsessive fears and believe in yourself.

Get ready!

Had a dream that they found someone else's phone? Dream Interpretation suspects that you will receive an invitation to a noble event. This is a sign of rumors or an unexpected visit from a chatty girlfriend.

Did you happen to see someone else's mobile phone in a dream? People or some kind of incident will disrupt all plans and distract you from your usual activities for some time.

Get together!

Why else dream that you had a chance to find a phone? If in a dream you found a cell phone and hastily read all the messages on it, then in real life you will have to make every effort to bring a certain enterprise to the final.

Did you dream that your cell phone was full of messages and unanswered calls? The dream book is sure that you need to quickly navigate the situation in order to find the best way out as soon as possible.

I had to see that you found not one cell phone, but many at once? This is a reflection of the many connections that help achieve what you want.

Interpretation by appearance

The dream book advises further decoding, taking into account the condition of the tube.

  • Whole and working - to new troubles and worries.
  • Completely broken - confusion, inadequacy.
  • Non-working - to discuss someone else's life.
  • Without buttons, screen - selection, waiting, hitches.
  • Dear - a meeting with an important person.

Had a dream that you managed to find a cheap and “old” phone? In a dream, this is an eloquent hint that you are clearly exaggerating the failures that have happened to you.

Miller's Warning

The original dream book of Mr. Miller claims that to see a found mobile in your dreams means that you will receive secret information that you cannot keep in yourself and will ring out to the whole world.


Did you happen to find a phone in a dream? This sure sign subconscious that you need to listen to someone's advice or your own intuition. The mobile here acts as a natural link between the dream vehicle and the real Ego.

If you dreamed that you found a mobile phone you didn’t know, then try to call it and listen to what they say on the other end of the wire.


Why dream that you happen to find a phone and then lose the device? There are certain rules that limit you and your behavior. The loss of a tube in a dream symbolizes the disclosure of external or internal boundaries.

In general, the dream book believes that finding and then losing a pipe in a dream is best. This is a sign that you can actually get rid of unnecessary problems or at least take a break from them.

comments 9

  • I dreamed that I was in the hospital like many years ago. With 4 girls that were then lying there with me alone. Her bed is opposite the window. She often put on make-up and got sick, well, she told us so. I go to her bed, and there is a white sigma phone. I took it in my hands and sat on my bed. I tried to recruit relatives and ended up in Russia. The phone changed in my hands, became in a golden case and wide. Suddenly, the girl got up from the bed, although she was not there. And some song sounds beautiful about love. About some branches.

  • Now I dreamed that I was walking along the path, I found the phone and at first I didn’t take it. Then he rang, I decided to pick up and answer the call with good intentions. On the other side of the tube, the girl just asked how and where to get there, because she does not know the area. Then, she switched off. The second call came in, in the end I said that I had found the phone and would return it only to the owner. I brought it home and waited for it for a very long time, even put it to charge. But she never came, and I woke up.

  • I dreamed that my mother and I go shopping for shoes and among the shoes I find an expensive smartphone "Huawei", at first I wanted to take it for myself, but then my mother took it and told the cashier that someone's phone was here. Well, I unlocked it, it was without a password and it showed up social network Like. But a girl of 11 years old was standing nearby and the cashier asked: is this not your phone? Then my mother says: yes, suddenly look at yours. And in general, she took him to herself.