Alexander gradsky children biography. Gradsky: a life full of love

  • 29.06.2020

Gradsky Alexander
94 chord selections


Alexander Gradsky was born on November 3, 1949 in the city of Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk Region.

His father worked as an engineer at a factory, his mother was an actress in a drama theater. At one time, she was invited to play at the Moscow Art Theater, but she was forced to leave with her husband to the Urals, where he was assigned after graduation.

The Gradskys returned to Moscow in 1957. Alexander's father worked at a factory (mechanical engineer), his mother led theater circles, and then was a literary collaborator in the Theater Life magazine. Due to the excessive employment of his parents, Alexander lived with his grandmother in the Moscow region, in the village of Rastorguevo, Butovsky district, before school.

In Moscow, the family for several years, until the early death of their mother (1963), lives in an 8-meter basement on the corner of Frunzenskaya Embankment, in the "company" of 9 more families. From 1958 to 1965, Gradsky, at the insistence of his parents, studied at a music school in the violin class (teacher "student of E.F. Gnesina" V.V. Sokolov). The following fact speaks of how good this teacher was: when Sokolov, for some purely domestic reasons, was forced to move to a less prestigious school named after. Dunaevsky - almost all of his "Gnessin" class left behind him. The boy really liked music lessons at school, but the need for many hours of home exercises was depressing.

In a comprehensive school, relations with subjects developed somehow immediately. Sasha did not like all mathematical disciplines, physics and chemistry, but history and literature immediately became his element. He read prose and poetry avidly, and at the age of thirteen he wrote his first poem. Early (at that time) he got acquainted with Western music (E. Presley, B. Haley, E. Fitzgerald, L. Armstrong, F. Sinatra), in the Soviet stage he prefers songs performed by M. Bernes, K. Shulzhenko, L. Ruslanova, is fond of classical singing (Caruso, Chaliapin, Gigli, Callas).

Sasha's uncle (mother's brother) worked in the Moiseev Ensemble (folk dance ensemble of the USSR), one of the few groups that were allowed to tour abroad not only in the countries of the socialist camp, but also in the largest capitalist powers. Thus, the uncle was among those who were lucky enough to participate in a three-month tour of America. When my uncle returned from abroad, he brought not only foreign things, but also records with outlandish music, which in the Soviet Union only party apparatchiks and diplomatic workers had the opportunity to listen to. In my uncle's collection there were as many as five or six (at that time - a rarity!) Records: Elvis Presley of 57, Louis Armstrong, an album by saxophonist Steve Getz, some blues. So, thanks to his uncle's magnificent records and a luxurious "proprietary" stereo system, Sasha already at the age of 10 - 12 got the opportunity to listen to the most modern, according to world concepts, music. But he was a novice musician, he could appreciate the quality of sound and voice ... Alexander himself believes that it was then that he received the first rock and roll impulse that fell on fertile ground - he was already fascinated by the work of domestic performers such as Mark Bernes, Claudia Shulzhenko and Lidia Ruslanova. And one more interesting fact: at the age of thirteen, young Gradsky went to the "sound letters" studio on Gorky Street (now Tverskaya) and recorded the song "Tutti-Frutti" by Little Richard. However, under socialist conditions, Presley's happy accident did not happen again, and the flexible gramophone record, according to Alexander, "is still lying around somewhere."

All this was subsequently reflected in the composition and manner of singing. Already while studying at school, Gradsky tries his hand at school evenings, sings, accompanying himself on the guitar and piano, plays in a theater group ...

At the end of 1963, Gradsky appeared in the Interclub of Moscow State University and sang along with a group of Polish students "Cockroaches" at several concerts (the repertoire included two blues and one rock and roll by E. Presley). The first song that Alexander Gradsky performed as part of “Cockroaches” is A. Babajanyan’s twist “ Best City earth."

1964 - the time of moving to a more or less decent apartment and ... THE BEATLES ...

At this time, it was decided to become a musician, singer, guitarist, composer, poet, in short - Alexander Gradsky ...

In 1965, A. Gradsky and Mikhail Turkov organized a group called SLAVIES. Later, Viktor Degtyarev (bass guitar) and Vyacheslav Dontsov (drums) join them. Two months later, Vadim Maslov (electroorgan). SLAVIES is the third Soviet rock band (after BROTHERS and SOKOLOV), which became famous and popular (lasted in this line-up for no more than a year). The group's repertoire consists almost entirely of songs by "The Beatles" and "Rolling Stones". Alexander Gradsky decided that only the Russian language should be the basis of his future music and songs, hence the creation of the SKOMOROKHI group by him (1966), focused exclusively on songs and compositions of his own composition and in Russian. In 1965, another significant event took place: Gradsky wrote one of his famous early songs "Blue Forest", which later became his hallmark. At the same time, he continues to work with Degtyarev and Dontsov in a group called SKIF. Initially, this group included Sergei Sapozhnikov (bass guitar), Yuri Malkov (drums) and Sergei Dyuzhikov (guitar) plus Gradsky. Landmarks - instrumental (big-beat) music. A couple of months later, Sapozhnikov and Malkov are exchanged for Degtyarev and Dontsov, then, instead of Gradsky, Yuri Valov comes (later a member of the American group SASHA AND YURA). Interestingly, after the departure of A.G. from SKIFOV, his relationship with Dontsov and Degtyarev did not stop, on the contrary, they organized a group called LOS PANCHOS and, until 1968, played Western hits at dances in clubs and schools.

The first Buffoons (except for Alexander Gradsky) are Vladimir Polonsky (drums), who later played for a long time in VESELIE REBYATA, and Alexander Buinov (piano), he also got into VESELIE REBYATA, after which he made a solo career. The uniqueness of this group consisted primarily in the fact that they "walked along paths unknown to anyone before them." Gradsky determined the "purity" of an idea, but otherwise everyone was equal. The songs of A. Buinov ("Alyonushka" and "Grass-Ant"), and the hits of the bass player Yuri Shakhnazarov ("Memoirs" and "Beaver"), who joined the line-up a little later, were also performed. Immediately after that, A. Buinov was drafted into the army and never returned to the group ...

The eternal lack of money for the purchase of equipment pushes the musicians of the group to work in the philharmonic. Gradsky accepts the offer of the then novice composer and pianist David Tukhmanov and goes on short tours around the country, playing the guitar and diligently not showing vocals so as not to "light up". Sometimes (already without Tukhmanov) Buinov and Polonsky join him, sometimes they work on a trip, and A.G. "conquers" Moscow with LOS PANCHOS; in 1968, Gradsky even got a temporary job at the famous VIA ELECTRON, where he replaced Valery Prikazchikov on solo guitar and again did not sing ....

During these two or three years, he traveled almost half of the Union with a very different repertoire and with a variety of musicians and soloists, and practically never sang anywhere ... Only once, to the roar of a stunned hall, did he sing a solo concert instead of a sick philharmonic soloist, calling by a different name...

That was the idea to earn money on trips for equipment, then come to Moscow, prepare a repertoire and "give out" Russian rock and roll ...

1969 "the year A. Gradsky entered the Gnessin State Musical Pedagogical Institute at the faculty of solo singing to the teacher L.V. Kotelnikova. Subsequently, he improves his skills in the class of N.A. Verbova. The teacher in the chamber class" G.B. Orentlicher; in the opera class, such masters as S.S. Sakharov, N.D. Shpiller and M.L. Meltzer. Gradsky begins a solo career in parallel, performing alone, with a guitar. The Ballad of a Poultry Farm, Buffoons and the small rock opera Fly-Tsokotuha belong to this time.

A significant period begins when Gradsky, in fact, becomes one of the first experimenters in rock with texts in Russian (own and famous poets). He also refers to Russian folklore.

In 1969 The Buffoons still play three together (A.G. plus Polonsky and Shakhnazarov), in 1970 Alexander Lerman, an intellectual, linguist and professional musician, leader of the WINDS OF CHANGE group (later, together with Yu.Valov, works in the USA) joins them in the group SASHA and YURA, at the same time teaches linguistics at an American university), and instead of V. Polonsky, who moved to the VIA FUNNY GUYS, comes the breathtaking drummer Yuri Fokin (then he left for the USA, now the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church in the parish near New York). This is the stellar group composition of SKOMOROKHOV. They freely sing songs of their own composition for three or four voices. Moscow conquered once and for all. Equal, as they say, no. Unfortunately, almost no records of that period have been preserved ...

At the end of 1971, A. Lerman and Y. Shakhnazarov (later the founder of the ARAKS group of the Lenin Komsomol Theater, whose name is associated with all subsequent musical successes of Lenkom, the man who then worked as the head of the music group A. Pugacheva) 10 days before the start of the all-Union festival in the city of Gorky leave Gradsky and Fokin ...

Fokin brings pianist Igor Saulsky, the son of a famous composer and jazzman, to Gradsky, and on the Moscow-Gorky train, Gradsky teaches Igor how to play the bass guitar and at the Silver Strings All-Union Beat-Group Festival in Gorky, sharing first place with the Chelyabinsk Ariel ”, “Skomorokhi” won 6 first prizes out of 8. And three of them - “for guitar”, “for vocals” and “for composition” - were personally received by Gradsky. All the previous seven years fit into twenty minutes of a fantastic show on the stage of the Gorky Palace of Culture. After the festival, from time to time, the group is joined by the flutist, pianist and vocalist Gleb May, who later made his own composer career, and the drummer from Yerevan Armen Chaldranyan...

The period of the first recording experiments begins. One of the jury members of the Gorky competition, musicologist Arkady Petrov, who at that time worked at the Yunost radio station, at his own peril and risk, organizes studio recordings of Gradsky and SKOMOROKHOV on the radio. Alexander Gradsky was the first among Soviet rock musicians to create a cycle of compositions based on the verses of Burns and Shakespeare - a kind of encyclopedia of rock styles: from blues to rock and roll (recorded on a disc 10 years later).

Here it becomes completely clear: SKOMOROKHI is Alexander Gradsky. Voice of America and Moscow Radio talk about him and the group, his first songs are heard throughout the Union.

Beginning in 1972, the group became Gradsky's individual instrument (along with guitar, vocals, etc.) to assert his musical and poetic ideas. Gradsky's first recordings in the studio became the only and first of their kind rock compositions in the USSR, recorded in a studio multi-channel way, in which he acted as a multi-instrumentalist, author of all the music, some of ("Only you believe me"), for the first time after Paul McCartney, was recorded by him entirely (parts of all instruments and voices) ... In the same 1972, at the suggestion of Tukhmanov, he recorded two of his songs for the LP "How beautiful this world" ("Gioconda" and "Once upon a time I was"), for the first time in the Union, 16-channel equipment is used.

In the same year, SKOMOROKHI went on tour to Kuibyshev and Donetsk. At the same time, A. Buynov, Y. Shakhnazarov, G. May, drummer Boris Bogrychev appear in their composition, especially for the trip ...

At the end of 1972, next to Gradsky, for the first time on stage, we see bass player Yuri Ivanov, who, practically to this day, is included, as needed, in the composition of SKOMOROKHOV.

At the beginning of 1973, Gradsky and Ivanov (by that time I. Saulsky was engaged in a number of other projects, playing alternately with different musicians and groups, as well as Yu. Fokin) constantly perform together, changing drummers and inviting either Fokin or Chaldranyan to different concerts (currently Igor Saulsky lives in the USA, having made a fantastic career as a professional computer programmer, manager and composer).

Leapfrog with the composition, given that the group (according to A.G.) should consist of no more than 4 people, leads to a search, and then to an invitation to the group of new members, as it turned out, permanent and forever true friends of Alexander Gradsky, with whom he recorded all the main songs, compositions, music for films, performances, vocal suites and much more ... An outstanding drummer, super jazzman and stylist Vladimir Vasilkov and one of the most powerful saxophonists and flutists of the Union Sergey Zenko, together with Gradsky and Ivanov, made up those SKOMOROKHOV, which we can hear in the recording and make sure of the skill of the whole group and each one individually.

In 1973, Alexander Gradsky's first solo EP was released with the compositions Spain, Buffoons, Blue Forest, Coal Miner's Girlfriend. In the same year, at one of the studio recordings, again organized by Arkady Petrov, Andron Mikhalkov - Konchalovsky, the director of the future film "Romance of the Lovers", invited by Petrov, appears in the control room. He immediately makes Gradsky an offer to participate in the film, first as a singer, and then as a songwriter, part of the poems and all the music ...

An unprecedented event for those times: a 23-year-old composer (not a member of the Union of Composers!) receives an order to write music for a 2-part musical film by one of the most famous and talented directors in the country ...

The picture was released on the screens of the Union in 1974, in the same year the first LP by A. Gradsky with music from "Romance", for which "Billboard" (international music magazine) awards Gradsky the title "Star of the Year" for 1974 for "outstanding contribution into world music" (quote).

In the same year, Gradsky received a diploma from the Institute. Gnesins as "opera and concert-chamber singer" (quote). In the same year he became a laureate international competition pop song Bratislava lira.

Career A.G. unfolds at breakneck speed. He gets the opportunity to tour the country, while his concerts are held in crowded halls with a huge public hype.

In huge sports palaces, he works three or four solo two-hour concerts a day, stunning the audience with a three-octave voice range, a completely unusual repertoire for that time, hard, hard rock accompaniment (in those cases when the SKOMOROKHI group is with him), an extraordinary acting style etc. All this work is organized through philharmonic societies, and the "seal" of official art appears on Gradsky's work, i.e. rock music can be legally allowed. Few people remember that A.G. "pierced" this insurmountable wall first, and behind him, into the resulting "gap", all the other rockers rushed ...

In 1974, Gradsky completed work on the cycle of songs "Reflections of the Fool".

In 1975, he works (in the footsteps of "Romance...") on several films, not forgetting about the recordings, even participating in the projects of other authors (G. Gladkov, V. Terletsky, E. Kolmanovsky, M. Fradkin, M. Minkov and etc.). At the same time, he entered the Moscow Conservatory in the composition class of T.N. Khrennikov and ... writes down "How young we were" by A. Pakhmutova and N. Dobronravov (you know the result ...). By the way, this song performed by Gradsky is the only one that was "promoted" by TV and Radio. All the rest of his work is still "clamped" to this day, despite any changes in politics and Everyday life...

In 1976, Gradsky composed and recorded the first part of the suite "Russian Songs", and in 1978, on the advice of A. Petrov, the second part. "Russian Songs" was the first rock record in the USSR (released in 1980), which became one of the most significant works in rock music of that time. The style of the album is defined as "vocal-instrumental suite".

Since that time, Gradsky "gives out" one studio work after another, vocal suites: "Utopia AG", "Satires", "Life Itself", "Star of the Fields", "Nostalgia", "Flute and Piano" to the verses of the classics, "Concert Suite", "Reflections of a Jester" (a collection of recordings from 1971-74, in which A.G. proves the possibility of singing in Russian in different rock styles), "Monte Cristo", "Expedition" on their poems, the opera "Stadium" (libretto by A.G. and Margarita Pushkina), the ballet "Man" (libretto by A.G.), intended for LP, but their publication is constantly delayed for "understandable reasons" ... "Record "here belongs to the suite "Reflections of the jester"; despite the release of the single in 1978, the entire work was published 16(!) years after the recording.

A.G. continues his touring activity, songs based on his poems, sometimes satirical, sometimes simply dangerous for the existing regime, actively appear in his repertoire ... He writes a number of articles in defense of the rock music genre, actively arguing with retrogrades and ... making himself a bunch of enemies.

Gradsky begins teaching, several years of work at the Gnessin School, he releases a course; the next few years, already at the Gnessin Institute, another course was released. This stage of his work ended with two years of heading the vocal department as a professor at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). According to him, further teaching is possible only if you have only your own class, most likely, you will have to create something like educational institution...

1980 - the year of Vysotsky's death becomes a turning point for A.G. He completely passes into the category of "Protestants", "kneading" tragic satire and dramatic lyrics on a fatal musical basis ("Song about a friend", "Song about television", "A loaf monologue for 28 kopecks from premium flour", "The story of a man, who could not go on vacation to the Canary Islands" and others). At first they do not "touch" him, then, in 1983 ... 84. some "troubles" happen, but the voice and talent are always "taken into account"... Gradsky "with a creak" was admitted to the Union of Composers only in 1987, and the first trip abroad (to the USA) took place only in 1988. to the conference, along with a group of artists, filmmakers and politicians. He sings brilliantly at the closing of the conference, the Americans give him a 15-minute standing ovation ...

1987 Work at the radio station "Youth". Alexander leads the Gradsky Hit Parade. It was there that the songs “Kino”, “Alisa”, DDT, “Cloudy Land”, Bashlachev, “AVIA”, “Zoo”, “Secret” were first heard. According to the composer's definition, his hit parade was the opposition to "boring officialdom".

In the same 1988, he already heard a 25-minute ovation in his address and, naturally, in the address of the famous conductor Evg. Svetlanov and stage partners, participants in the Bolshoi Theater performance "The Golden Cockerel", one of Rimsky-Korsakov's most difficult operas to perform . The Astrologer part, the most difficult part of the world opera repertoire, A.G. "clicks" like a nut...

By this time, thanks to the support of Valery Sukhorado, the director of Melodiya, he released almost all of his works in the form of LP, wrote music for the films Prisoner of If Castle and The Art of Living in Odessa, thus increasing the number of films with his music and songs up to 38! Since that time, he has gradually reduced his touring activities, completely switching to the creation of the Theater of Contemporary Music in Moscow. With the support of the Moscow Government, he receives a building in the city center, begins its reconstruction ...

The Moscow Theater and Concert Music Association (MTKMO), under his leadership, is implementing a number of complex projects, including: organizing two "crazy" solo concerts in Moscow (January 25, 1990 and March 17, 1995) with the participation of symphony orchestras and orchestras of Russian folk instruments, rock bands and their friends in the "workshop", the release of the "AG Collection", i.e. 13 CDs with a complete collection of works and recordings by Alexander Gradsky, the creation of two musical films "Anti-Perestroika Blues" (1991) and "Live in Russia" (1996).

The first trips abroad give results. Gradsky works in joint projects and concerts with such "whales" of Western music as Liza Minnelli, Charles Aznavour, John Denver, Kris Christophersson, Diana Warwick, Sammy Davis, GREATFUL DED, Cindy Peterson in the USA, Germany, Spain, Greece, Sweden. Finally, in 1990, after one of the joint concerts in Japan with John Denver, Gradsky received a contract with VMI (VICTOR), a leading Japanese company, released two CDs under its label (Metamorphoses and The Fruits From The Cemetery) and released several concerts in Japan with the most diverse repertoire, from his own songs in Russian to Western hits and Japanese classical romances ... Three of his ballets ("The Man", "Rasputin" and "Jewish Ballad") are staged by the Kiev Ballet Theater (choreographer G .Kovtun), and the last two - the Ballet Theater on Ice (artistic director I. Bobrin). All these performances are "tinkering" around Europe and America with great success. In spite of everything, he does not rest on his laurels and persistently continues, in the literal and figurative sense, the "construction" of his musical theater.

Alexander Gradsky is a popular personality with versatile talents in the field of vocals, music, and poetry. Everyone perceives him as the founder of rock in the vastness of Russia, besides, he is the owner of numerous awards for his contribution to pop, music and theatrical art, people's artist of the Russian Federation. The biography of this person is full of many interesting events.

Years of childhood and youth

Gradsky Alexander Borisovich was born on November 3, 1949 in the small town of Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk Region. In the family, he was the only child, parents - actress Gradskaya Tamara Pavlovna and mechanical engineer Fradkin Boris Abramovich. Childhood years passed beyond the Urals, but already in 1957 the family moved to Moscow, where at the age of 9 the boy was sent to a music school.

The training was given to the young man quite hard, daily classes oppressed him. However, the exhausting lessons did not discourage young Sasha's craving for music. It is worth noting that it was difficult for Gradsky to gain knowledge in a comprehensive school. He preferred literature and the humanities, thanks to which he wrote his first poem at the age of 14. At the same age, a desire for Western music manifested itself. Alexander especially appreciated the work of The Beatles.

The young man met his 16th birthday with the firm conviction that he would become a musician and singer. As part of the student team "Cockroaches", he performed under the name of his mother. The first of Gradsky's songs, "The Best City on Earth", gained popularity on a regional scale.

Alexander entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins for academic singing in 1969 and graduated from the university in 1974. Already in the course of his studies, he gained experience in solo performances. Later Gradsky's teacher at the Moscow Conservatory was the composer Tikhon Khrennikov.

Music as the meaning of life

The musician's career soared even more rapidly after graduation. He was the first who dared to experiment in his youth and use Russian-language lyrics in rock. As a student, Alexander organized the group "Skomorokhi", for which he independently composed the repertoire. This line-up went on tour around the country, and the halls were packed.

The popularity of the musician literally rolled over, several solo concerts were given daily. In 1971, the group performed at the All-Union Festival "Silver Strings", where after 20 minutes of performance they received 6 prizes out of a possible 8. At the same time, the compositions "How young we were" and "How beautiful this world" were created, which until 1990 were not sounded at any of the concerts.

Solo performance is not the only direction of Gradsky's work. He led a productive work on the creation of music for films. For example, "Romance of Lovers", written by him and performed in the film of the same name, brought great popularity and universal recognition. Moreover, this composition in 1974 became the reason for Alexander to be awarded, according to Billboard magazine, the title of "Star of the Year" for his outstanding contribution to music.

From the words of the performer himself, it follows that at that time his earnings exceeded the incomes of many famous people whose performances were broadcast on television. He called relations with then-famous stars neutral.

Active creative activity

Alexander Borisovich created more than one musical accompaniment to various works of art- cartoons, films, documentaries. His participation in some of them as an actor is noted:

  • 1972 - "Courtesy visit";
  • 1979 - cameo for the film "Cameron", consisting of 2 episodes;
  • 1991 - "Genius".

It is also known that Gradsky appeared in 2 video clips, 5 documentaries. More than 20 films featured his vocal parts. He also showed himself in stage productions. A striking example of this is the rock opera "Fly-Tsokotuha", in which the musician took part in 1967-1969.

The rock opera "Stadium", created in 1973-1985, became famous. The plot is based on real events (the 1973 military coup in Chile). Due to the mass repressions of Pinochet, many people died, among whom was the singer Victor Jara. His fate was the reason for the creation of a rock opera. The work does not contain the name of the place of events, the name of the hero, but the whole narrative points to the turbulent Chilean events. Gradsky took on the role of a singer, other heroes were played by famous artists:

  • Andrei Makarevich;
  • Alla Pugacheva;
  • Joseph Kobzon;
  • Elena Kamburova;
  • Mikhail Boyarsky.

The discography continues with the fact that in the 70s several records of the musician were released, after which he plunged into teaching and headed the vocal department at GITIS and the Institute. Gnesins. In 1985, Alexander develops music for the production of the first Russian rock ballet "Man" based on the novel by Rudyard Kipling. Subsequently, work took place on two more similar works - "Jewish Ballad" and "Rasputin".

Gradsky as a performer appeared at the Bolshoi Theater (1988) as the Astrologer (the opera The Golden Cockerel by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov). The conductor was Evgeny Svetlanov. In the 90s, the musician partially reduced his touring activities, directing all his efforts to the development of the Theater of Contemporary Music. Gradsky. Successful performances abroad in musical projects with such famous personalities were also abbreviated:

  • Liza Minnelli;
  • John Denver;
  • Chris Christophersson;
  • Diana Warwick and others.

New achievements

For successful musical activity in 1997, Gradsky was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. A little later, in 2000, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, with which V.V. Putin congratulated the rock musician.

Gradsky's musical activity with songs continues at the present time, as evidenced by the release of his 15 discs. The last high-profile work is the opera The Master and Margarita with a uniquely selected composition. Work on it was started in the 90s. The libretto by Pavel Grushko was not used for several years, then Gradsky improved the quality of the musical for 7 years. Already in 2009, the opera was ready, but never performed on stage. It exists in the form of a finished recording, where the musician personally performed the parts of the main characters. . Other parties went to Gradsky's star friends:

  • Grigory Leps;
  • Alexander Rosenbaum;
  • Joseph Kobzon;
  • Andrei Makarevich.

In the period from 2012 to 2015, the creative figure takes part as a mentor in the show "Voice". With him, the jury included Leonid Agutin,. The following participants became the winners and wards of Gradsky in the main vocal project of Russia:

  • Alexandra Vorobiev;
  • Dina Garipova;
  • Sergei Volchkov.

It is known that it was Alexander who was the most expensive judge on the project, because he worked for $ 7 thousand per day. Other judges had half the amount. However, there is no confirmation of such information from the side of the musicians. Gradsky was remembered by the audience for his ability to determine the age of the performer by his voice. He made a mistake only twice - he did not recognize Dima Bilan behind the screen and his son Daniel.

In 2013, the book “Alexander Gradsky. The Voice, written by publicist Evgeny Dodolev. The author assures that the material has been collected for about 20 years and includes statements, quotes from relatives and relatives of the musician.

Alexander Borisovich created a musical theater called Gradsky Hall. Only the best members of the Voice perform in it - Mikhail Ozerov, Valentina Biryukova, Bush Goman. Son Daniil works with Gradsky, his main specialization is PR of the official theater website, establishing contacts with his father's partners.

Life Pages

Biography and personal life Alexander Gradsky are multifaceted. The founder of rock in Russia married three times. The first wedding with Natalia Smirnova took place in her youth, but this relationship was not destined to last more than 3 months.

Gradsky's second marriage took place in 1976. The actress Anastasia Vertinskaya became the chosen one, but the rock musician was not happy with her either.

Almost immediately, since 2004, Gradsky begins cohabitation with Marina Kotashenko(Ukrainian model), and the age difference between the lovers is 30 years. Alexander does not hold high self-esteem and humor, and he met this girl on the street, offering to “touch history” together. Marina did not immediately recognize the rock star, but called back a few days later. Already on the first date, true mutual feelings arose.

In 2014, the newly-made wife gave the musician a son, Alexander. He was born in one of the prestigious New York clinics. Marina is in great relationship with her husband's older children. Moreover, Masha, who lives in Miami, accompanied her father's pregnant chosen one to America for childbirth. An interesting family fact: Alexander Jr. was born on September 1, the birthday of his own grandfather.

Sasha's upbringing is done by his mother, who refused advantageous offers directors. For her, this is a responsible step, because she studied at the acting department of VGIK, but does not improve herself, but devotes herself entirely to her family. The younger Alexander has a real reduced-size guitar, on which he was able to master the music from his favorite programs. The future of the baby is already predetermined by the parents: he will study in a music studio.

In the summer of 2016, photos of the Gradsky family on a beach holiday got on the Internet. There were evil tongues that called the couple "beauty and the beast." Yes, and the musician himself has repeatedly claimed that he is surprised at his wife and immensely grateful to her, because she could find herself a younger life partner.

Marina, on the other hand, never allowed herself liberties that could serve as a pretext for gossip. Currently, the family lives in the Moscow region, in the village of Novoglagolevo. Gradsky built a house of 400 sq. m., in his native walls, he gives vocal lessons, creates classical music. Having an active life position and being popular, the musician considers himself to be marginalized.

Alexander's dislike for the press is known for their excessive obsession and annoyingness in an effort to interview. It was from him that the word "journalist" came to the people. The composer maintains his own website, on which he demonstrates to fans the novelties created in his work, there is no account on Instagram.

Gradsky now

In the fall of 2017, the rock musician returned to the Voice project after a short break. It was not difficult for him to lead the ward to victory in the 6th season of the television competition. They became Selim Alakhyarov.

Admirers of the work of Alexander Borisovich expected the maestro in the next season, but he never appeared among the judges in “Voice. Children”, “Voice 60+”. At the end of 2018, good news was made public - Gradsky's young wife gave birth to her second son, Ivan. Newly minted parents do not comment on family life.

Alexander Borisovich Gradsky (November 3, 1949) is a famous Russian singer, performer and songwriter. He is considered one of the founders of classical Russian rock. Since 1999 he has been a People's Artist of Russia, and in 1997 Gradsky received the honorary title of Honored Artist.


Alexander Borisovich was born on November 3 in Kopeysk, in an average family. His father, Boris Abramovich Fradkin, was a mechanical engineer and worked almost all his life at a local plant, where he was loved and respected not only by his colleagues, but also by the administration. Gradsky's mother, Tamara Pavlovna Shitikova, had incredible creative abilities.

In early childhood, she taught herself to play the piano, and then, while still unmarried, worked as an accompanist at many Kopeysk events. That is why Alexander's passion for music, most likely, arose in him thanks to a talented and creatively gifted mother.

Sasha's childhood passed quietly. His parents almost never quarreled, the family lived in an average income and did not need help. Very often, Gradsky went to his grandparents, who, seeing his desire to study art, took him to theatrical performances, gave books by domestic and foreign authors, showed galleries and exhibitions of his native city.

With their help, Sasha developed much faster than his peers, therefore, having gone to school at the age of 7, it was rather boring for him to communicate with his peers, which is why Gradsky very often ran away from classes or simply closed in on himself.


At the age of fourteen, Alexander Gradsky is experiencing the first severe loss - his mother, who has been seriously ill for several months, passes away. Despite the fact that doctors predicted a similar end long before her death and prepared her relatives for the worst possible outcome, death makes the strongest impression on Sasha. Over the next year, he practically does not go to school, does not communicate with relatives, and does not even leave the house. After the young man recovers from a monstrous depression, he decides to take his mother's surname - Gradskaya, instead of his father's.

In order to further emphasize the love for his mother, young Gradsky decides to enter the conservatory. However, unfortunately, there are no such institutions in Kopeikino, so Sasha, after numerous quarrels with his relatives, moves to Moscow.

He does not enter immediately: for the first time, the examination board decides that the guy is too uneducated (in the musical sense) to study at the conservatory. Gradsky was denied admission, after which he went to private music courses with a tutor for a year, who tries to teach him everything he knows as much as possible.

By the way, Gradsky's training is quite easy: the young man quickly grasps new information, studies diligently and diligently, and even tries to write his own songs, which he shows only to his mentor.

This is followed by a second attempt to enter the Moscow Conservatory. This time, the young man's abilities amaze the examiners and, without further questions, he is enrolled in the group. This event becomes decisive in the fate of the future musician.


As it turned out later, Alexander Borisovich's desire to enter a higher musical institution was dictated by no means only by love for his mother. The young man, who at that time had already written several of his own songs, wanted to demonstrate his talent to the general public without fail. And what, if not a musical conservatory, can give more opportunities for self-realization?

So Gradsky began to learn musical skills and at the same time acquire fans, friends, comrades and those who wanted to show the young man's talent to the world. And in the early 70s, Sasha, while still a student, received a tempting invitation, which became his debut in the musical field. The fact is that at that time it was planned to shoot the film "Romance of Lovers", where Murad Kazhlaev was supposed to act as a composer.

However, for unknown reasons, he refused to participate in the project at the last moment, jeopardizing the very successful creation of the film. But enterprising Arkady Petrov and director Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, after a short search, found a young talent in the Moscow Conservatory - Alexander Gradsky, who was invited to take part in the film.

After the release of Romance of Lovers in 1974, for which Gradsky not only composed music, but also performed several parts on his own, the success of the novice musician was assured. He began to be noticed not only by domestic, but also by foreign publications, and Billboard magazine even named him "Star of the Year", which further strengthened Gradsky's position in the music world.


As soon as the name Gradsky gained worldwide popularity, the musician began to receive hundreds of offers related to theaters, cinemas and recording studios. Following his debut film, he wrote the rock opera Stadium, which he dedicated to the memory of Victor Jara. At that time, such a musical format was new to the general public, so Alexander took a big risk by composing a domestic rock opera. Nevertheless, the fears turned out to be false - the non-standard, powerful, gothic sound immediately captivated not only ordinary listeners, but also music critics, and a year later Gradsky released the second rock opera "The Man" (later it sounded on the stage of one of the Moscow theaters, who staged a production based on Rudyard Kipling).

It is difficult to say how many compositions Gradsky wrote in total up to the present moment. We can only list the most popular of them. They were such compositions as "Aria of Cavaradossi", "Ballad of a fishing village", "In the fields under snow and rain", "I go out alone on the road", "Burn, burn, my star", "To the end, to the quiet cross”, “How young we were”, “I dreamed of heights since childhood” and many others. Throughout his musical career, Alexander Gradsky has successfully collaborated with Pakhmutova, Dobronravov, Kolmanovsky, Rubtsov, Burns and other famous people in the musical field.

Personal life

Alexander Borisovich was married three times. The first time this happened in his youth, when he married a student at the conservatory Natalya, whom he fell in love with in his first year. However, the marriage did not last long, and the musician himself in the future more than once called him a “youth act”, referring to the fact that both he and she were in love and stupid for deliberate and right decisions, resulting in an error.

In 1976, at one of the musical events, Alexander Gradsky met actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. A close relationship develops between them, and after a couple of months the couple announces their engagement. But the marriage lasts until the official divorce in 1980, although, in fact, the spouses stop cohabitation two years earlier.

For the third time, Gradsky marries in 1981 a lawyer Olga Semyonovna. Two children are born in marriage, but by 2003 the musician announces his divorce from his wife and the transfer of half of his property to her. And since 2003, he has been living in a civil marriage with Marina Kotashenko, who is much younger than him.


  1. Alexander was born on November 3, 1949, in a small town - Kopeysk, which is located in the Chelyabinsk region. Mother was an actress, and father was a mechanical engineer. He was the only child in the family, therefore, little Sasha bathed in the love of his parents.
  2. In 1957, the family had to move from a quiet town to noisy Moscow. There, a boy at the age of nine enters a music school. It was very difficult for Sasha at the music school, at school they demanded a lot from him, so every day they exhausted him with various activities.
  3. At the age of fourteen, he wrote his first verse. His favorite band was The Beatles. As he got older, he realized that he wanted to connect his life with music. Therefore, he exhausted himself with work daily, he wanted to develop himself and spent all his time on music in order to find his own special style.


  • when he was sixteen years old, he already knew that he wanted to be a singer. And then he decides to take his mother's surname, and becomes a member of a little-known Polish group - "Cockroaches". The songs of this group were often heard at many events;
  • in 1969, after graduating from school, he enters the Academy of Music. Gnesins. Five years later, he graduated with honors from the university, where he got his first experience in solo performances. At the university, he spent all his time improving and searching for himself;
  • he listened to many famous performers, Alexander drew his inspiration by playing the guitar, he could easily come up with some kind of verse for some seconds, and within a few minutes he could come up with a good song. Music was in his blood.

Musical compositions

  • as soon as a young and aspiring singer graduated from the University of Academic Singing at the Russian Academy. Gnesins. His musical career slowly but rapidly gained momentum;
  • he is not afraid that he may be judged for a very unusual style, boldly experimented with music, making it the greatest masterpiece. In his youth, he creates his own group, which he calls "Buffoons". The group toured all over the country, and the popularity of Gradsky himself grew at an unprecedented rate;
  • and in 1971 the group performed at the Silver Strings festival, where young people were able to surprise the audience with their unusual music and style, it is not surprising that then the Skomorokhs received six prestigious awards;
  • at the same time he composes two legendary songs: “How beautiful this world is” and “How young we were”. These songs managed to make a splash, and the performer himself was made the most respected and recognizable performer.

Later years

  1. In addition to writing musical compositions and performing at concerts, Alexander was actively involved in writing songs for films. So, he wrote a song for the film "Romance of Lovers." Written songs became a real breakthrough in the composer's career. The music magazine "Billboard" recognized him as "Star of the Year" for the soundtracks to the film.
  2. In the early 80s, his popularity was growing, but Alexander himself decided to start teaching at GITIS. And later he fulfills his dream, the singer became the author of the rock opera - "Stadium".
  3. In the early 90s, he went abroad and began to develop there. And he did it perfectly, he managed to gain popularity abroad. He collaborated with world famous performers.

Participation in the Voice program

In 2012, he became a mentor of the program - "Voice". For about three years, he guided novice performers on the right path, among whom were: Dina Garipova, Sergey Volkov and Alexander Vorobyov.

When he had to do decisive choice, he invited his daughter Maria, who helped her father in the decision. Also, thanks to his many years of experience, he could easily determine the age of the young people who performed the songs.

Theatrical performances

Alexander Gradsky is a versatile person, in addition to composing songs, he was also involved in theatrical productions. In the late 60s, he took part in the rock opera "Fly-Tsokotuha". But great popularity came to Alexander after he became the author of the legendary rock opera - "Stadium".

In 1985, he had the opportunity to write music for the first Russian rock ballet "Man". After the successful premiere of the rock ballet, he worked on two other productions. In 2009, after a long preparation for a rock musical, Alexander finished writing the musical - "The Master and Margarita", but, unfortunately, it was never presented to the theater audience. There is only an audio recording, which is kept by Gradsky himself.

Movie roles

Alexander Gradsky wrote music for many films that managed to become cult. But besides this, he actively participated in some famous films as an actor. His film debut was A Courtesy Call, and in 1979 he played in two parts of the film, Tuning Fork. In 1991, he was invited to play in the film - "Genius". In total, Alexander Gradsky played in more than twenty films.


  1. "Courtesy visit" - 1972.
  2. “How beautiful this world is” - 1972.
  3. "Romance of Lovers" - 1974.
  4. "Concerto for two violins" - 1975.
  5. "Only you believe me" - 1979.
  6. "My life is in song" - 1979.
  7. "Let's Get Started" - 1987.
  8. "Monte Cristo" - 1989.
  9. "Genius" - 1991.
  10. "Untimely songs" - 1994.
  11. "LIVE in Russia" - 1996.
  12. "Gangster Petersburg" - 2000.
  13. Reader - 2003.
  14. "Master and Margarita" - 2009.
  15. "Neformat" - 2011.
  16. "Romances" - 2014.

Personal life

There were ups and downs in Gradsky's personal life. He has three marriages in the offing. The first marriage took place when Gradsky was young and married his girlfriend Natalya Smirnova, however, this marriage did not last long and the couple broke up three months later.

  • in 1976, Alexander married again and found happiness in the person of the famous Russian actress Anastasia Vertinskaya, and yet Gradsky did not find true happiness with her, and the couple filed for divorce;
  • but the musician found his true happiness a little later. His wife was an ordinary woman with whom he had been married for twenty-three years. In this marriage, they had two children, son Daniel and daughter Maria. But, unfortunately, in 2003 the marriage came to an end;
  • in 2004, he remarried model Marina Kotashenko, who is thirty years younger than him. In 2014, the couple had their first common son Alexander. With other children of Alexander, Marina maintains a good relationship.

How do you feel about Alexander Gradsky? We are waiting for your answers!

, opera, rock opera, blues rock, progressive rock

Alexander Borisovich Gradsky(at birth Fradkin; genus. November 3, Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk region, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, poet, composer. One of the founders of Russian rock. Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation (1997). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1999). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1999). People's Artist of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (2014). Head of the theater "Gradsky Hall".


Father - Boris Abramovich Fradkin (1926-2013), mechanical engineer. In 1957 the family moved to Moscow. Big influence his mother, graduate Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya (1928-1963), provided for the development of the future musician. Until the age of 14, he bore the surname of his father Fradkin, the surname Gradsky was taken immediately after the death of his mother in 1963 in memory of her. For several years he lived with his grandmother Gradskaya (Pavlova) Maria Ivanovna in the village of Rastorguevo, Leninsky district, Moscow region. Inspirations include: Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, The Beatles.

Founder of the third time creation (after " Brothers" and " Sokol") Soviet rock group " Slavs" () and brought him the greatest popularity - " Buffoons" (). He also took part in the groups: "Los Panchos", "Scythians", a group of Polish students of Moscow State University "Cockroaches", in which he performed songs by Elvis Presley and Arno Babajanyan's twist "The Best City of the Earth". Collaborated with composer David Tukhmanov, who subsequently invited him to sing several songs for the album How beautiful is the world, released in 1972 .

Graduate of the Faculty of Academic Singing of the GMPI. Gnesins (1974). He studied composition at the Moscow Conservatory with T. N. Khrennikov (- gg.)

In 1976, he recorded the composition of Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov "How young we were" for the film "My love in the third year". The song becomes a laureate of the festival "Song-77" and to this day is the "calling card" of the singer.

In 1988, he was able to go abroad for the first time (to the USA). The first trips abroad give results. Gradsky works in joint projects and concerts with such "whales" of Western music as Liza Minnelli, Charles Aznavour, John Denver, Kris Christophersson, Dionne Warwick, Sammy Davis, Greatful Dede, Cindy Peters in the USA, Germany, Spain, Greece, Sweden. Finally, in 1990, after one of the joint concerts with John Denver in Japan, Gradsky received a contract with VMI (VICTOR) - a leading Japanese company. She releases two CDs under her brand (Metamorphoses and The Fruits From The Cemetery) and gives several concerts in Japan with the most diverse repertoire, from her own songs in Russian to Western hits and Japanese classic romances. Three of his first rock ballets in the USSR ("Man", "Rasputin" and "Jewish Ballad") are staged by the Kiev Ballet Theater (choreographer G. Kovtun), and the last two by the Ballet Theater on Ice (artistic director I. Bobrin).

Author of music for more than 40 feature films, dozens of documentaries and animated films. Released more than 18 long-playing discs, author of several rock operas and rock ballets, many songs.

Participated in the TV program "White Parrot".

He positions himself as a marginal, he is demanding of his colleagues in the workshop, he does not welcome journalists (according to Yevgeny Dodolev, it was Gradsky who launched the words “scoop” and “journalist” in the media).

In 2013, the first book about the musician “Alexander Gradsky. The Voice".

In 2014, he opens his own Gradsky Hall musical theater in Moscow, the construction of which has been going on for more than 20 years. At the moment, all concerts and performances are a success with the audience. The theater troupe consists mainly of participants in the show "Voice", however, Gradsky often invites the best artists of the country to the theater to present solo programs.

Project "Voice"

In 2012-2015, he took part in the television project "Voice" on Channel One as a mentor. At the same time, in the first three seasons the programs were won by members of his team - Dina Garipova, Sergey Volchkov and Alexandra Vorobyova, respectively. In 2015, his ward - Mikhail Ozerov - took second place in the final. He invited his daughter Masha as an adviser to the show. According to Alexander Borisovich, participation in the project greatly facilitated his task of finding artists for the Gradsky Hall troupe, which opened in 2015.

In September 2017, he again became a mentor in the television project "Voice" on Channel One. His ward Selim Alakhyarov won the first place.

Related videos


Mother - Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya (1928-1963) - graduated from GITIS (N. Plotnikov's course), actress, director, then literary employee of the Theater Life magazine. Father - Fradkin Boris Abramovich (1926-2013) - graduated from MAMI, mechanical engineer, worked until the age of 83.

Uncle - Boris Pavlovich Gradsky (1930-2002) - mother's brother, soloist of the Igor Moiseev Ensemble, dancer, played the accordion, composed pieces for the accordion, died in 2002.

Alexander Gradsky with Marina Kotashenko (2005)

Alexander Gradsky was married three times.

The first wife is Natalya Mikhailovna Gradskaya. He calls his first marriage a "youth act".

The third wife is Olga Semyonovna Gradskaya (born June 7, 1960). They were married from 1980 to 2001. Two children:

In September 2014, the son Alexander was born.

In October 2018, the son Ivan was born.


Studio albums and minions
  • - Alexander Gradsky sings
  • - Romance of lovers (verses by N. Konchalovskaya, B. Okudzhava, A. Gradsky, N. Glazkov to music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1973)
  • - Alexander Gradsky sings songs from the movie "The Sun, Again the Sun" (entry 1976)
  • - Alexander Gradsky sings songs from the movie "My Love in the Third Year" (entry 1976)
  • - Alexander Gradsky and the ensemble "Skomorokhi" (verses by R. Burns and A. Voznesensky to music by A. Gradsky, recorded 1971-1974)
  • - Alexander Gradsky sings (verses by R. Burns, N. Aseev, A. Gradsky, V. Sautkin to music by A. Gradsky, recorded 1969-1972)
  • 1979 - Only you believe me (verses and music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1972)
  • - Russian songs (vocal suite on the theme of Russian folk songs, music, poetry and arrangement by A. Gradsky, recorded 1976-1978)
  • 1980 - We can't live without each other (entry 1980)
  • - The Bird of Happiness (entry 1980)
  • - Life itself (vocal suite on verses by Paul Eluard, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1981)
  • - Stadium (rock opera in two acts and four scenes, libretto and lyrics by M. Pushkina and A. Gradsky, music by A. Gradsky, recorded 1983-1985)
  • - Star of the Fields (vocal suite on verses by Nikolai Rubtsov, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1982)
  • - Satyrs (vocal suite on the verses by Sasha Cherny, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1980)
  • 1987 - Let's get started (music by A. Gradsky and D. Denver, lyrics by D. Denver and S. Tisdale, recorded 1985-1986)
  • 1987 - Utopia of Alexander Gradsky (vocal suite on verses by R. Burns, P. Shelley, P. Beranger, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1979)
  • 1987 - Reflections of a jester (vocal suite on verses by W. Shakespeare, R. Burns, N. Aseev, A. Voznesensky, A. Gradsky, V. Sautkin, music by A. Gradsky, recorded 1971-1974)
  • - Flute and piano (vocal suite on verses by V. Mayakovsky and B. Pasternak, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1983)
  • 1988 - Nostalgia (vocal suite on verses by Vladimir Nabokov, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1984)
  • 1988 - Man (rock ballet, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1987)
  • - Monte Cristo (verses and music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1987)
  • 1989 - Concert suite (verses and music by A. Gradsky, recorded 1979-1987)
  • - Expedition
  • - Metamorphoses (entry 1991)
  • - Untimely Songs (verses and music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1990)
  • 1994 - Fruit from the cemetery (verses and music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1991)
  • 1995 - The fruits from the cemetery
  • 1996 - Golden junk
  • - Reader (verses by A. Gradsky, N. Oleinikov, D. Lennon, P. McCartney, V. Blake to music by A. Gradsky, T. Weitz, A. Jackson, C. Brooks, D. Cook, R. Dunn, S. Wonder , entry 2003)
  • 2003 - Songs for Ira (Poems by A. Gradsky, V. Blake, N. Oleinikov to music by A. Gradsky, A. Jackson, K. Brooks, D. Cook, R. Dunn, recorded in 2003)
  • 2009 - Master and Margarita (rock opera in two acts and four scenes, libretto by A. Gradsky based on the novel by M. Bulgakov, poetry and music by A. Gradsky, recorded 1979-2009)
  • - Unformat (poetry and music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 2010-2011)
  • 2014 - Romances (entry 2010-2011)
Live albums and videos
  • - LIVE in "Russia"
  • - LIVE in "Russia" - 2
  • 2004 - LIVE in "Russia" - 2. Anniversary video concert (recorded on November 3, 1999 in the GKZ "Russia", Moscow)
  • 2010 - LIVE in "Russia". Anniversary video concert (recorded on March 17, 1995 in the GKZ "Russia", Moscow)
  • 2010 - Anti-perestroika blues (recording of the 1990 concert film)
  • 2014 - Concert-2010 (recorded on November 28, 2010 at Crocus City Hall, Moscow)
  • 1996 - Collection of Alexander Gradsky
  • 1997 - Legends of Russian rock. Alexander Gradsky and the group "Skomorokhi"
  • 2011 - "Favorites" by Alexander Gradsky
Guest performer
  • : David Tukhmanov - How beautiful is the world(songs: “La Gioconda”, “Once upon a time I was”)

Some songs from the repertoire

  • "Anti-Perestroika Blues" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • Aria of Cavaradossi (Recondita armonia…) (D. Puccini) from the opera Tosca
  • "Aria Calaf" (D. Puccini) from the opera "Turandot"
  • "Jose's Aria" (G. Bizet) from the opera "Carmen"
  • "The Ballad of the Fishing Village of Ayu" (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the movie "The Sun, Again the Sun"
  • “The God of Rock-n-Roll” (“Epitaph”, music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • “There will be gentle rain” (lyrics by S. Tisdale, trans. by L. Zhdanov)
  • "Waltz" (From this) (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • “Return” (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the film “Romance of the Lovers”
  • “In the fields under snow and rain” (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. by S. Marshak)
  • "In your eyes" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields"
  • “I go out alone on the road” (E. Shashina - M. Lermontov) Romance
  • "Burn, burn, my star" (P. Bulakhov - V. Chuevsky) Romance
  • "Let's Begin" (music and lyrics by J. Denver) - Spanish. Alexander Gradsky (in English)
  • "Double" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • “To the end, to the quiet cross” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”
  • "Road" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields"
  • "Gioconda" (D. Tukhmanov - T. Sashko)
  • "Yellow House" (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires"
  • “Once upon a time I was” (D. Tukhmanov - S. Kirsanov)
  • "Star of the Fields" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite of the same name
  • "Winter Morning" (lyrics by B. Pasternak)
  • “Winter Night” (“Melo, melo ...”) (lyrics by B. Pasternak)
  • “ How young we were" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the movie "My love in the third year"
  • "Lullaby" (lyrics by N. Konchalovskaya) from the film "Romance of the Lovers"
  • “To Russia” (“Get off, I beg you!”) (lyrics by V. Nabokov)
  • “Cling your face to the glass ...” (lyrics by P. Eluard)
  • "Lamentations" (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires"
  • “Showers on the sea (blues)” (music by T. Waits, lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • “Beloved, sleep” (music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by E. Yevtushenko)
  • "Love" (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the movie "Romance of the Lovers"
  • “I dreamed of heights since childhood” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the movie “Oh sport, you are the world!”
  • "Prayer" (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires"
  • “A monologue of a long loaf for 28 kopecks from premium flour” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • “We poured red wine (hit)” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • “We did not expect changes” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • “We cannot live without each other” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the movie “Oh sport, you are the world!”
  • "Our old house" (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. by S. Marshak)
  • "Do not sing, beauty" (S. Rachmaninov - A. Pushkin) Romance
  • "No one" (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film "The Sun, Again the Sun"
  • "Nothing in a Polushka" (Russian folk)
  • “Night song of a drunkard” (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satires”
  • "Night" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields"
  • “Settings” (“The son is roaring. Beaten for a deuce with a plus ...”) (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satires”
  • "About dogs" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields"
  • “In memory of a poet” (about V. S. Vysotsky) (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • "Duke's Song" (G. Verdi) from the opera "Rigoletto"
  • "Song of Dolphins" (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film "The Sun, Again the Sun"
  • "Song of a friend" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • "Song of Friendship" (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the movie "Romance of Lovers"
  • “Song of Gold” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie “Prisoner of If Castle”
  • "Song of the Ship" or "Grandfather's Boat" (E. Artemyev - N. Konchalovskaya) from the film "At Home Among Strangers, Stranger Among Our Own"
  • "Song of the Mother" (lyrics by N. Konchalovskaya) from the film "Romance of the Lovers"
  • “Song of the pendulum” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie “In August 44th ...”
  • "Song of Freedom" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie "Prisoner of If Castle"
  • "Song of the "crazy"" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film "Prisoner of If Castle"
  • “Song of Monte Cristo” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie “Prisoner of If Castle”
  • “Farewell” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie “Prisoner of If Castle”
  • "Song of the Birds" (lyrics by N. Glazkov) from the film "Romance of the Lovers"
  • "Song of Conscience" (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film "The Sun, Again the Sun"
  • “A song similar to all songs” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • "Song of the Jester" (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. by S. Marshak)
  • "Coal Miner's Friend" (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. by S. Marshak)
  • “On the Mute” (“I want to take a break from satire”) (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satires”
  • "Descendants" (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires"
  • "Santa Lucia" (T. Kottrau) Neapolitan song
  • "Blue Forest" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • "Buffoons" (lyrics by V. Sautkin)
  • "Sonnet" (E. Krylatov - A. Gradsky)
  • "Sports" - a song about the Olympics in Sochi 2014
  • "Theatre" (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires"
  • “Only once in a life there are meetings” (B. Fomin - P. German) Romance
  • "Only you believe me"
  • “Photo with me and with you (rock ballad)” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • "Southern Farewell" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
  • “I am Goya” (lyrics by A. Voznesensky)
  • "Furious construction team" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the film "My love in the third year"
  • “I will die in Epiphany frosts” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”
  • " Closing the circle" (K. Kelmi - M. Pushkin) - Spanish. in a group of rock musicians (Chris Kelmi, Yuri Gorkov, Konstantin Nikolsky, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Vitaly Dubinin, Sergey Minaev, Hovhannes Melik-Pashaev, Andrey Makarevich, Alexander Monin, Grigory Bezugly, Evgeny Margulis, Marina Kapuro, Pavel Smeyan, Zhanna Aguzarova, Anatoly Alyoshin, Andrey Davidyan, Valery Syutkin, Yuri Davydov, Alexander Ivanov, Alexander Kutikov, Dmitry Varshavsky, Artur Berkut)

rock operas

  • 1967-1969 - Fly-Tsokotuha
  • 1973-1985 - Stadium
  • 1979-2009 - Master and Margarita


  • 1985-1988 - "Man"
  • 1987-1990 - Rasputin
  • 1988-1990 - "Jewish ballad"


Movie roles

  • - Courtesy visit
  • - Concerto for two violins
  • - tuning fork - cameo
  • - Stained glass master
  • - genius
  • - Gangster Petersburg. Film 1. Baron


  • - One's own among strangers, a stranger among one's own
  • - Concerto for two violins
  • - The sun, again the sun
  • 1976 - Blue puppy (cartoon) - vocals of Sailor, Sawfish
  • - Legend of the old lighthouse (cartoon)
  • 1977 - The Princess and the Ogre (cartoon)
  • - Catch the wind (cartoon)
  • - Do not part with your loved ones
  • - Oh sport, you are the world!
  • - Life of Klim Samgin
  • - Pass (cartoon)
  • - Prisoner of the Château d'If
  • 1989 - Stereotypes (cartoon)
  • - In August 44th ...

Composer filmography

  • - Romance of lovers
  • - The sun, again the sun
  • - Legend of the old lighthouse (cartoon)
  • 1977 - The Princess and the Ogre (cartoon)
  • Let's talk brother...
  • 1978 - Catch the wind (cartoon)
  • - tuning fork
  • 1980 - Boomerang
  • - The investigation is conducted by ZnatoKi. Fire
  • - In one single life
  • - Pass (cartoon)
  • - Prisoner of the Château d'If
  • 1989 - Stereotypes (cartoon)
  • - In August 44th ...


  • - Alexandra Pakhmutova - “My life is in the song ...” (on the 50th anniversary of A. Pakhmutova)
  • 1979 - “Feat. Code 12080"
  • - “And the line does not end” (a cycle of poems by V. Nabokov, music by A. Gradsky)