Tattoo one love for life. How a tattoo changes a person

  • 29.06.2020

Now tattoos are no longer considered some kind of underground trend, and tattoos can be seen on a person of any age, gender, profession and worldview. The tattoo decorates, emphasizes the character of a person, his beliefs and affections. But is this really all that a tattoo can do, because this drawing remains with a person forever? In this post I will try to figure out whether a tattoo can change people, influence their character and change lives.

You can’t go to a girl with empty hands, so get both hands tattooed on yourself.

It is difficult to call a tattoo just an ornament, and not everyone can decide on it, because one phrase always looms in the head: “this is for life.” And the point here is not the worn out and, in my opinion, meaningless argument “How will you look when you become a grandmother?”, But the fact that this drawing will be with you throughout your life, you will see it every day and, in in the end, it will begin to be perceived as an integral part of you, like moles or blue eyes (green, brown, whatever).

So, before you get yourself a tattoo, you need to seriously think about what exactly will appear on the skin, and how it will affect life. I'm not talking about mystical cases, but about a completely scientific explanation - about psychological factors and the impact on the human subconscious. But let's talk about everything in order.

The agony of choice or how we decide to make it

What pattern will you choose when you decide to get a tattoo? The simplest answer: of course the one you like. There is an opinion that a person likes in others what he himself has. Each person loves himself very much (despite inferiority complexes and imaginary imperfection), and therefore his qualities, seen in someone else, attract him.

That is, the chosen tattoo is a reflection of your character, those qualities that you value in yourself or those that you would like to see. It is like a small reflection of you, a symbolic expression of your essence. Here are some reviews on this subject from the tattoo artist and people who have made tattoos.

There are two main opinions, either a tattoo affects a person, or a person chooses a certain tattoo for himself because of some personal characteristics that affect the pattern and size. If you look from this point of view, people with certain characteristics make themselves certain tattoos. I believe that it is necessary to consider not only how a tattoo affects a person, but also why he made such a drawing for himself in the first place.

I am of the opinion that a person gets a tattoo as a reflection of his personality and personality. And this is often backed up by experience. Even in some popular lettering there is a sense, but not what is written there, but why a person made such a tattoo for himself. Sometimes, looking at tattoos, you can determine what their carrier is.Alexander Sinitsyn, tattoo artist, Novosibirsk

I think that we cannot do anything that would not be peculiar to us, to some extent predetermined. This is such fatalism. The tattoo, yes, the decoration, it is, but, like any decoration, there is the personification of me.Galea Aponeurotica

It's hard to answer in general since I only have two small tattoos. In a text tattoo, of course, there is a core that is tied to a certain moment in life. I think that short phrases on the body are either a reminder to yourself that you don’t want to forget (for introverts), or a message to others (for extroverts). Anastasia Goloborodko

On the other hand, as some well-known writers and philosophers, such as Hermann Hesse and Erich Fromm, believed, a person initially contains all the qualities of a personality and all characters at once, and he can manifest them at any moment.

If you make yourself a tattoo, expressing any one personality traits, you emphasize them, and, focusing on them, as if affirming just such a character, reducing the opportunity to manifest another. After all, what we think of ourselves is what we are.

A little about the subconscious

Besides focusing on certain personality traits, a tattoo is something you see every day. Any images that fall into the area of ​​​​your attention (or are not even noted in consciousness), settle in the subconscious and from there influence behavioral reactions.

Now imagine: a pattern slowly appears on your skin, endowed with a special meaning, appears with painful sensations that last for several days. It is likely that before getting a tattoo, you considered this drawing for a long time, thinking whether it was worth doing and where exactly.

This alone is enough to leave a serious imprint of the image and what is connected with it in the subconscious. And if you consider that after all this, you continue to see a tattoo every day, without even paying attention to it ... well, you understand.

The BBC has an excellent film about the influence of the subconscious on our lives (BBC. Horizon. Can the subconscious mind be controlled?). It shows how little we actually control, and how much information is left out of our attention, but nevertheless, this information is used and affects us.

Maybe a matter of faith

Speaking about the influence on the psyche, of course, one cannot exclude the factor of faith. If you believe that a tattoo will change something in your life, most likely it will. In general, it is human nature to believe in mystical powers that can help, protect, and even radically change life.

Probably, there are people who believe that if you get a tattoo, then something in his life will change a lot in better side, but such people, in order for witchcraft to work, need a ritual, candles, skulls, and that a shaman with a tambourine would certainly tattoo them. Personally, it seems to me that this is all psychosomatic, it will work if you strongly believe in it. I heard something similar in Thailand Buddhist monks put on stream.

In Thailand, there really is such a tradition. In March, the Bang Phra Monastery hosts a festival magical tattoos, sacred drawings that only men can receive. Thais believe that Sak Yant tattoos with prayer and blessings provide protection from all misfortunes.

It probably really helps them if they believe.

We are well aware that it is not a tattoo that changes a person, but only he himself. And the belief that a tattoo will help in this, like a kind of amulet or talisman, just helps. As you remember, in Ryazanov's famous film "Beware of the Car" there was a phrase that all people believe: some believe that there is a god, others that he does not exist. So here too.Andrey Lord, tattoo artist, UFO art workshop, St. Petersburg

So, if you believe in mystical powers, a tattoo is a great choice. Unlike a talisman, you will not lose it, and if something helps you, why not?

In connection with all of the above, I would like to give some advice about tattoos:

1. See who we are

When you have chosen the pattern that should appear on your skin, consider it in more detail: all the details that are in the pattern, especially if it is complex, the general feeling of it. Since you chose it, it reflects some traits of your character, personality traits. Think about it, do you want these character traits to stay with you for the rest of your life? And one more thing: the process itself can be fascinating, because it is a kind of “cast of your nature”.

2. Better no names

Each person goes through his own path during his life, and it is almost impossible to share it with someone. People often break up, and affection is replaced by indifference or hatred. Tattoos with the name of an ex-lover (oh), of course, can be scored with new ones, but even if photos can cause a bunch negative emotions What can we say about the pattern on the skin. And so that you don’t want to do like the British Thorz Reynolds, who cut out a piece of skin with a name former friend It's probably better to choose something else.

3. Be careful with symbols

If you are not a logical impenetrable nihilist, whose sound mind does not accept mysticism so much that she runs away from him in horror, it is better to be careful using ancient symbols, gods and spirits, which, at one time (or still), believers do not deprive of attention.

I had somehow mystical story. One friend decided to get a tattoo of a Japanese water cap. This is such a harmful spirit that lures people into the lake and strangles them there. On the morning of the day when I was supposed to tattoo him, his 1,000-liter marine aquarium burst. In general, he decided not to do this tattoo.Roman Lemekh, tattoo artist from Black Bird salon, Moscow

4. Positive

Probably, few people will agree to get a tattoo that will initially symbolize something negative, but there are those. As you know, anger and fear lead to the dark side of power, and the constant reminder of the negative is unlikely to make you happy, even if it looks mega cool.

Introverts are quite difficult people. This is not to say that they do not like people. They are just very selective. And therefore, such people need to be told in a special way about themselves. And, of course, one of the popular ways to express yourself is a tattoo.

Day.Az, with a link to Mashable, presents 25 perfect tattoos that will suit introverts.

Timshel is a famous quote from John Steinbeck's novel East of Eden. This Hebrew word means "you can" and symbolizes that a person always has the right to choose.

Notes. If music means more to you than just sound. Such tattoos can be done on the rib, behind the ear, on the neck.

Lines. Thickness is your personal choice. They symbolize a strong personality.

Dots. The ellipsis symbolizes eternity. Some do each point at special moments in their lives.

Little wave. Water is a symbol of purification and the beginning of a new one. Wash away all the bad things from life.

Symbols from alchemy. Ideal for those who feel connected to the earth elements.

Egyptian hieroglyphs. Depending on your desire, you can tell about something important using Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Border of a country or city. The outline of a country or city that has special meaning to you.

Roman numerals. It could be your date of birth or any other significant date in your life.

Rings. They are similar to Indian henna patterns and symbolize health and good luck.

Paper plane. Ideal for avid travelers. Symbolizes a creative and cheerful personality.

Heart impulse. Means life.

Needle and thread. Suitable for fashion lovers.

Constellation. Fans of Doctor Who and astronomy will find this tattoo perfect.

Cat. The silhouette of a cat is elegance.

Camera outline. You are an observer.

Wood. Shows a passion for nature and life.

Se la vie. From French, "this is life", can mean different things, depending on your vision.

carpe diem. A popular Latin expression means "seize the moment". You can also use "YOLO" - You Only Live Once (you only live once).

Paw print. Love to the animals.

Sun. A call to happiness and positivity.

Snowflakes. They have a very beautiful and interesting design. Associated with a unique and beautiful personality.

So it goes.
It translates as "such things" and means that life goes on. This is the author's commentary on someone's death in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5.

The little Prince. A famous image from the book "The Little Prince" by Exupery. Tattoo - optical illusion. Adults see a hat, and children see a snake that swallowed an elephant. A reminder to not take everything too seriously.

City skyline. Whether it's one city or a combination of several, this tattoo will keep your travels in mind.

A tattoo may simply be a pattern designed to beautify us. But sometimes there's a story behind the picture full of love, happiness and sorrow. The site has collected stories where one tattoo could completely change a person's life.

Someone gets a tattoo just to decorate their body. But for many, this is a kind of ritual, the ability to imprint on the body significant event or the memory of a dear person. With the help of tattoos, people experience difficult moments in their lives or express support for loved ones. It is not always a large colorful drawing with many details. Sometimes it is more important for people to make a small reminder that only he will understand.

We have collected touching stories about people who left an important message on their bodies. We also talked with those for whom a tattoo is not just beautiful drawing, but something more. Something that can truly change lives.

Ariana Kazarinova

Photo: personal archive of Ariana Kazarinova

I got this tattoo in one of the most significant periods of my life. He divided it into before and after.

This tattoo is about acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, your essence and your capabilities. What does third eye mean? For some, this is just a definition from Wikipedia, for someone it is something quite tangible. For me, he became a symbol of what helped me look at familiar things differently.

At a certain point in my life, long before this tattoo, I realized that I was not alone. With me my whole universe, my whole world. I began to see what was previously hidden from my eyes, to feel things hidden from the material world. What cannot be touched can only be felt. Thus began my esoteric journey, full of all sorts of discoveries, ups and downs. I was immensely grateful to the Universe for this opportunity to feel the subtle plan, for trusting me. I couldn't leave it without a sacred mark on my body. In response to my desire, the world gave me myself the best master I didn't even look for him, he found me himself. I came only with an idea, he drew me a sketch that exceeded all my conceivable and unimaginable expectations. He painted what my soul feels, and to this day I am very grateful to him for this.

Varvara Popova

Photo personal archive of Varvara Popova

I am 26 years old, I have four tattoos and I teach Russian language and literature. The first tattoo - a glyph that I came up with myself, I did in a difficult life period. She symbolized for me rebirth and transformation, the passage of initiation through dying.

For me, a tattoo is one of the ways to assign your body to yourself. I perceive my body as a repository of unique experiences and at the same time as a canvas that carries a message to the world. My message to the world is about love for what you do, freedom and dreams that deserve to be fulfilled.

The largest and most noticeable tattoo is a mountain in the clouds, framed by ice axes. It represents a collective image of Khan Tengri and Matterhorn. I made it as a sign of love for my main passion - the mountains, which for me embody strength, beauty, eternity and the path to the divine. I got this tattoo - and in the same year I got to Khan Tengri, and this meeting turned my life upside down.

Ekaterina Ivanova

Photo: personal archive of Ekaterina Ivanova

I wanted a tattoo for a long time, I was thinking about the appearance of a small, but significant drawing or inscription for me. I really wanted to get a tattoo on my wrist, but my mother dissuaded me, insisted that the place should be such that it could be easily hidden under clothes. Then it seemed to me that she was so worried in vain, but now I am very pleased that I listened to her opinion, because a noticeable tattoo hardly added bonuses at work in a public institution. There is some dress code in clothes and requirements for appearance. Although the tattoo would not have been the reason for the refusal of employment, it would not have helped in the work either.

I am satisfied with my mini-tattoo, I wear it with joy, I don’t want to redo it and change it. On the neck is the inscription Sic volo, which in Latin means "According to my will." This inscription did not appear by chance, in my opinion, it is very important for every person to be aware of himself, his desires and needs and try to live in accordance with them. Will is what distinguishes us from animals. Her efforts can change your life. I like the idea that we can leave something to ourselves according to our ideals and thoughts according to our will.

Victoria Sorokina

I've always liked tattoos. From the age of 17, I already knew that I would definitely do something special on my body. But for a long time I could not find something that would resonate with me. I didn’t want to fill just a beautiful drawing, for me a tattoo has a sacred meaning.

Only after 8 years I found what I was looking for. Now on my left hand there is a mirror of Venus with flowers. The tattoo looks very gentle, but for me it has incredible power. It clearly shows who I am. The sign of Venus is often stuffed by feminists - women who fight for equal rights with men. Who believe that each of us is visible and significant to this world. That the stereotypes that clearly indicate what we should be and what we need to do are becoming a thing of the past.

Before getting a tattoo, I was afraid to say that I was a feminist. But now I have accepted it as part of myself. Stop hiding what is important to me. I became more open, began to defend my interests more clearly and speak more boldly about feminism. Because this movement is still associated with a huge number of stereotypes. For example, they tell me that I can't be a feminist - I'm married! By the way, the tattoo was a wedding gift from her husband. But that means we still have a lot of work to do. And the tattoo gives me strength and confidence that I can handle everything.

Some will say that these are not changes. But the real change always comes first from within. And on this inner work I also need strength and confidence, which I always have when I look at my tattoo.

Alina Shanti

I have several tattoos. I approached each of them thoroughly and deliberately, understanding what I was putting on and what meaning it had. One of the tattoos, a Buddhist mantra, was made many years ago. It was based on a mantra dedicated to one of the goddesses, who helps in difficulties and is also the patroness of travel. Oddly enough, but soon I began to travel and discover new countries. At the moment I have 20 countries on my account. In difficult periods of my life, I was magically pulled out of various troubles. A car stopped in time to make a halt before the collapse of stones in the Himalayas, or boarding a bus on a randomly changed route a couple of hours before the mudflows. At these moments, it was as if an invisible force appeared and helped me. Either mysticism or just a coincidence.

I made another of the tattoos according to my own sketch. This was a mandala into which I put creative energy. This drawing was made at a difficult time for me and was important for me personally. At that moment, I did not expect anything, but I did it as a certain reminder for myself and a guide to the vector that I was going to. It so happened that the inherent creative energy resulted in interesting projects. I began to receive various proposals for cooperation and partnership. met with interesting people and customers. I don’t remember the moment when I myself was looking for projects - the work itself finds me and allows me to fulfill my wildest dreams!

Andy Grant

Photo by @andygbootneck

Marine Andy Grant was a big fan of Liverpool Football Club. He even got a tattoo of the fan motto You'll Never Walk Alone ("You will never walk alone"). In 2009, in Afghanistan, Andy hit a mine, lost half of his leg and part of his tattoo. Now only You’ll Never Walk is left of the phrase (“You will never walk”).

The mockery of fate first led Andy into a deep depression. Parents gave the guy a dog in the hope that she would be able to get their son out of this state. Andy started jogging with the dog as he got used to the prosthesis. This passion completely changed his life. Andy became seriously interested in running, took first place in the London Marathon and even entered his name in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest runner with an injury. He recently wrote his own book, which he named after his tattoo - You'll Never Walk. Today he travels with lectures and presentations and inspires people around the world.

Alistair Campbell

A father's love sometimes knows no bounds. A resident of New Zealand, Alistair Campbell, was very worried that his daughter Charlotte would be teased. The baby suffers from hearing problems and is forced to wear a fairly visible hearing aid. To support the girl, Alistair shaved his head and made an unusual tattoo. A drawing of a cochlear implant appeared above his left ear. At the sight of her father with a tattoo, Charlotte said that it was cool.

Recently, Alistair's son also began to lose his hearing. The father was not taken aback - and now a hearing aid flaunts over each ear of Campbell. Children are not at all complex because of their devices and are grateful to their father for support. Everyone should have such a cool dad!

The phenomenon of the influence of tattoos on the fate of a person has been proven by modern scientists and psychologists. Wearable drawing is not just a fashionable decoration, but a special symbol that accompanies a person all his life. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes encountered mystical phenomena that are difficult to scientifically explain.

Can a regular tattoo change a person's character? How to protect yourself from its negative impact? Which sketch to choose to bring happiness and good luck to life? What is the impact of tattoos on a person's life? And is it really worth getting a tattoo? The recommendations of psychologists and experienced tattoo artists will help you make the right decision.

Excursion into history

Body painting is rooted in those distant times, when people did not yet know how to read and write. A tattoo helped to convey information to others. It was she who served as a kind of "passport" of a person, by which it was possible to determine the social status, marital status, merits and achievements, as well as character. Drawings were applied in public in front of all members of the community. The process was accompanied by special rituals and rituals, the celebrations of which sometimes lasted for months.

In many tribes, the tattoo served as an amulet that protected from evil spirits. For example, the Indians of North America decorated their faces with a demon mask in order to deceive him and avoid death. Often there were images of totem animals and symbolic ornaments that protected the owner from enemies, troubles and troubles, provided a positive influence on fate. Occultism was also common among pagans. The tattoo helped to establish a connection with the other world, dead relatives and leaders. Piercing bodies with pointed stones or sticks, people fell into a trance and communicated with the world of the dead.

In medieval times, tattoos were banned for religious reasons. In the middle of the 20th century, body painting was revived as a fashionable youth trend, but people stopped attaching importance to the meaning of images. Only at the beginning of this century, scientists became interested in the question of the influence of tattoos on the fate of a person and came to interesting conclusions.

Influence on fate: examples

How do tattoos affect fate? As a result of the research, it turned out that wearable drawings are constructive and destructive. The same image can have opposite meanings different people. The answer lies in the subconscious of the person himself, in the purposes and reasons for which he chose this or that image.

A person endows a tattoo with mystical properties, sometimes without even suspecting it. Any wearable drawing is done for a reason. The owner puts a special meaning into it, bears the idea of ​​a sketch for a long time and, as a result, realizes his plan. This whole long process is accompanied by certain emotions and experiences that affect the subconscious of a person. He draws attention to the tattoo so much that he “charges” it himself, and this affects his future life and destiny.

Stories of tattooed people

Take, for example, the image of an eagle or a tiger. If the owner of such a tattoo has a strong strong-willed character, then the tattoo will only emphasize his dignity, strengthen faith in his own strength and serve as an incentive for further self-improvement. A soft, modest, indecisive person with such a pattern will only aggravate internal conflict. Trying to match the unattainable image, he is even more disappointed in himself. All this renders Negative influence to the psyche. This is one of the clearest examples of how the same tattoo can have destructive or creative properties.

Flour of choice: is it worth it?

To decorate your body with tattoos or not is a personal matter for everyone. You should not go to a tattoo parlor if you have doubts about this or you know that such an act will not win the approval of friends or relatives. If you are a Christian, then take note that the Bible forbids body drawings for believers.

If you still dare to take such a step, listen to the following recommendations.

Before you go to the tattoo parlor, carefully weigh the pros and cons, listen to the above recommendations, consult with your relatives. Only a prudent and responsible approach to business will lead you to accept right decision and will allow you to enrich your destiny and life.

“To live is to make things, not to acquire them,” said Aristotle. It is interesting what the ancient Greek philosopher said about tattoos. Is it an acquisition or an action? Usually they say: - make, not buy it.

It turns out that it has the right to become a part of real life, full of events and adventures. It is in memory of them that many paint the body. Someone seeks to imprint on it their views on the universe, or the motto of being. So, in our field of attention tattoo about life. Let's try to systematize them and analyze the meaning of the main symbols.

The meaning and classification of the tattoo "Life"

    One of them - tree of life. Tattoo is made up of three worlds. Roots - underworld, the receptacle of the souls of the dead. The trunk is the earthly world, and the branches are heavenly. Tree of Life Tattoo means a spiritual connection with the ancestors and the desire to know the highest goal of being. The nuances of the image may indicate important points in fate. For example, difficulties are often noted with cracks in the trunk. Dried leaves and branches indicate the loss of loved ones.

    The second scheme of the universe, often displayed in tattoos, is the world on three pillars. This is how the ancients saw life. They believed that the earth lay on the back of a giant tortoise. She stands on three elephants, and those - on the same number of whales swimming in the ocean. The design speaks of the instability of being. The precarious balance can be broken at any moment, and the person wearing the tattoo understands this.

    The third model of the world - flower of Life. Tattoo is a graphic symbol consisting of an interweaving of many circles. The outer contour of the sign is also close to a circle. speaks of the belief that everything arose from the great emptiness, or thought of the Creator. The Flower of Life is a diagram found in many ancient temples, for example, in the synagogues of the cities of Masad and Galilee. Drawing also means faith in the mathematical accuracy of being. The distance between the spheres in the symbol is equal to the distance between the tones in the music. In the scheme, one can also consider the stages of division of a human embryo born from only one original cell.

The second category of tattoos about being - inscriptions for a tattoo about life. Their meaning is not a secret. Language symbols, in whatever language they are, are subject to translation. Most often they use Arabic script, hieroglyphs, Latin, English, or Spanish texts. Favorite quotes and aphorisms about life are displayed on the body. Here are some common sayings:

“Life is a mountain. Go up slowly, go down quickly. Guy de Maupassant

“You live a real life if you are happy for others.” Johann Goethe

“It is not death that is worth fearing, but empty being.” Bertolt Brecht

“Spend your days on something that outlasts you.” Forbes

“It’s not worth losing its meaning for the sake of life.” Junius Juvenal

Of the phrases, the authorship of which, so to speak, is folk, the most popular is the line "My life my rules". Tattoo inflicted by wayward, strong-willed individuals. Sentimentality and strength of feelings are seen in tattoo "One life - one love". Salon visitors also choose slogans: live without regrets, live forever, the world is beautiful. in the forefront and tattoo "Thank you parents for life". Some ask for interpretation thank you mom for life tattoo.

The third category of tattoos about life is indirect. These are abstract images, in which the relation to being is encrypted. Keith Urban, for example, has such a tattoo. This is an American country music singer. The man wears the image of a phoenix bird on his arm.

She is known for her ability to rise from the ashes. Therefore, Keith's tattoo can be deciphered as: - "Whatever happens in life, you need to move on." Famous people often asked about life. The subjects of all three categories of tattoos are displayed on the bodies of the stars. Consider examples.

Celebrity tattoos about life

Inscriptions for a tattoo with a translation about life once viewed by Victoria Beckham. An exquisite tie descends from her hairline down her back. Her translation: “I love life and belong to it.” Some interpret the inscription differently: - "I love myself and belong to myself." There are those who claim that Victoria's body is inscribed: - "I love my husband and belong to him." In general, Arabic script is full of mysteries for ordinary Europeans and Americans. It would be easier to translate tattoo in latin about life.

From the category of indirect tattoo "The meaning of life" you can take Pamela Anderson's tattoo as an example. She wears barbed wire on her forearm. In several interviews, the diva admitted that this is a reflection of her life. Pamela always feels the pressure of society, "suffocates" from its framework.

The tree of life has become a tattoo of the hero of a series of programs about polygamous families. The program "My Five Wives" is broadcast on the channel "TLC". The head of the family is Brady Williams. In one of the series, a man showed his home a tattoo in the form of a powerful trunk with five branches. These are symbols of women. Each branch has leaves. Their number is equal to the number of children from each of the spouses. Such an interpretation of a well-known story is ideal for an unusual family. The picture reflects Brady's views not only on the universe, but also on marriage.

Drawing by Brady Williams is located on the forearm. This area is well visible. That is, the family man does not hide his tattoo. But for tattoo about life other areas of the body are also relevant. We will figure out exactly where it is worth making this or that image.

Drawing a tattoo "Life"

If large-scale plots with a tree of life or three whales and a turtle are chosen, you will have to take your back, torso, hips, calves, or forearms under them. Otherwise, the picture will be crumpled, not visible from a distance, small nuances will not enter. This also applies to some plots of the indirect group of tattoos. If you want to draw fighting warriors as a sign that life is a struggle, you should not expect to paint over only one finger of your hand.

Tattoo "Life is beautiful" and other inscriptions, as a rule, fit on most zones. If desired, a compact font is simply selected, or an abbreviated version of a phrase. For example, thanks for life tattoo- an alternative to the full version of "Thank you for the life of your beloved daddy and mommy."

The place for tattoos is often chosen taking into account the existing skin imperfections. So, tattoo "My life - my rules", photo which many are looking for, is able not only to express life position but also to cover the scar. With the help of a wearable pattern, you can also mask a birthmark. Let nothing stop you from living and enjoying life. After all, in order to act, and not just acquire, you need confidence in yourself, your capabilities and strengths.