International competition of children's creativity "Beauty of God's world. Regulations on the diocesan stage of the international competition of children's creativity "the beauty of God's world" Competition of drawings the beauty of God's world position

  • 22.08.2020

The Moscow city stage of the Annual International Children's Art Competition "The Beauty of God's World" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held until November 1, 2017.

Stages of the Competition.

It is held among students of Sunday, Orthodox secondary schools, gymnasiums, as well as children's and youth creative studios of vicariates (districts) of Moscow. The best works are handed over to the vicariate jury of the competition from September 25 to 29, 2017.

Determining the winners of the vicariate stage of the competition, organizing exhibitions in vicariates.

From October 16 to October 21, 2017, the vicariate jury of the competition submits to the city jury the winning works of the vicariate stage (1 work for each age group in each nomination) and a package (paper and electronic versions) of accompanying documents (Appendices 1, 2, 3) at Location: Moscow, Kashirskoe highway 64, building 1, Department of Religious Education of the Moscow City Diocese (metro station Kashirskaya, then to the stop "Sportivnaya").

The results of the city stage of the competition are summed up in the last ten days of October 2017 at the final meeting of the jury of the competition.

Additional information by phone of the department of religious education and catechesis of the Moscow city diocese: 8-499-390-63-28 or by e-mail [email protected]

Annex 1.

to participate in the competition of children's creativity

"The beauty of God's world"

Surname, name, patronymic (or name of the team) _______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth __________________________________________________________________________________________

Educational institution (organization) __________________________________________________________________________

Lecturer (supervisor) ____________________________________________________________________________

Title of the work __________________________________________________________________________________

Address of the participant of the competition ________________________________________________________________________________


Contact phone (fax, e-mail, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________

Each work must be accompanied by an Agreement of the parents (parent) or a person replacing him (official representative) on the transfer of rights to use the work to the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church and a copy of the birth certificate or passport of the author of the work.

Appendix 2

jury of the ________________ of the vicariate of Moscow

Competition of children's creativity "Beauty of God's world"

№№ Surname, name, patronymic Place of work / position E-mail address / phone

Appendix 3


about the children's competition

"Beauty of God's World"

in ________________________________________________________ Vicariate of Moscow



Number of participants by age groups First group: children under 8 years old Second group: children from 9 to 12 years old Third group: children from 13 to 17 years old Surname, name of the winners





Bible stories;

Spiritual world and world

earthly: Christ and

Church; Darling

temple: Beauty native

nature; My home, my

village, my city; My

family and friends) first group: second group: third group:



(In this nomination

can take part

only students

icon-painting schools or

workshops that have reached

age 13-17 years.

The work must be

completed with

observance of the canons


icon painting) Children under 8 years old (first group) do not take part in this nomination Children from 9 to 12 years old (second group) do not take part in this nomination third group:

Nomination -

"Painting for the third group:

porcelain (sketch)" (The nomination involves the participation of children aged 13-17, mainly students of art secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (has additional requirements for the design of works) Children under 8 years old (first group) do not take part in this nomination Children from 9 up to 12 years old (second group) do not take part in this nomination

TOTAL: TOTAL: _______ people took part in the competition.




The date of the__________________________________________________________________________________

Chairman of the Vicariate

jury of the contest "Beauty of God's World" /signature/

Appendix 4


about the International Competition of Children's Creativity "Beauty of God's World"

The International Children's Art Competition "The Beauty of God's World" (hereinafter referred to as the "Competition") is held as part of the International Christmas Educational Readings.


The founder of the Competition is the Moscow Patriarchate.

The Organizer of the Competition is the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church.


The children's art competition is aimed at:

· spiritual enlightenment, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation;

· introducing young people to Orthodox culture and world culture in general;

Identification and disclosure of young talents;

· Creation of an environment for creative communication of children and youth in Russia, near and far abroad countries.

The participants of the Competition, reflecting in their works everything that surrounds them in everyday life - their family, friends, home and city, nature in its various manifestations, transfer to paper their vision of the world created by God, children learn to see beauty around them, and means to love your land, your homeland.


The competition of children's creativity is held in the field of fine arts.

All rights to the works submitted to the Competition belong to the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Students of general education (secondary), secondary special educational institutions, institutions of additional education, Sunday schools, pupils of preschool and other children's institutions in Russia and abroad can take part in the Competition.

the first group up to 8 years;

The second group is 9-12 years old;

The third group is 13-17 years old.

Topics, nominations of the Contest and the number of prizes in each nomination are approved by the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church annually and published on its official website by September 1 of the year in which the Contest is held.

Works are not reviewed and are not returned.


Works sent to the Competition must meet the following requirements:

Works are performed in graphic (pencil) or painting (watercolor, gouache, pastel, oil, ink) technique;

the size of the works is not less than 30×40 cm and not more than 50×70 cm;

Works have margins not less than 0.5 cm wide;

Works are not issued with a passe-partout or frames;

· on the reverse side of the work must be indicated: last name, first name, age of the author, phone number for contacting parents or official representatives of the author (indicating the code of the country and locality), the title of the picture, as well as the last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher, the full name of the educational institution , his address;

· The work must be completed in the year in which the Competition is held.

Each work must be accompanied by an Agreement between the parents (parent) or a person replacing him (official representative) on the transfer of rights to use the work to the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Works that do not meet the specified requirements will not be accepted for the Competition.


The competition is held in two stages.

· takes place at the level of the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. Responsible for organizing and holding events in the dioceses are the diocesan Departments of Religious Education and Catechism with the support of the regional Departments of Culture (as agreed);

· to evaluate the works (determine the winners) in the diocese, a jury of the diocesan stage of the Competition is formed under the chairmanship of the ruling Bishop;

· the results of the first stage of the Contest are summed up by November (inclusive) of the year in which the Contest is held;

· the results of the regional stage of the Competition are documented by the decision of the jury and approved by the ruling Bishop;

· a copy of the Jury's Decision is submitted to the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church along with the best works;

· No more than 15 (fifteen) winning works are delivered to the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church on time, no later than November 20 of the corresponding year, at the address: 127051, Moscow, st. Petrovka, d. 28/2, Department of religious education and catechesis,

competition "The beauty of God's world." Delivery of works to the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church is carried out at the expense of the diocese (diocesan administration);

· Works that have not passed the first stage of the Contest are not accepted for the second stage.

· takes place in Moscow, in the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church;

· Summing up the results of the second stage of the Contest is carried out by the jury until December of the year in which the Contest is held;

· The jury of the second stage of the Competition, headed by the Chairman of the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church, is formed from clergy, artists, culture, literature, science and teachers.


The results of the Competition are the results of the second (final) stage of the Competition.

The results of the Competition are published on the official website of the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church

Based on the results of the Competition, an exhibition may be held and a catalog of the winning works submitted to the Competition in the current year published.


The awarding of the winners of the first stage of the Competition is held in the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church in a solemn atmosphere. Awards and gifts to the winners of the diocesan stage are determined by the responsible persons of the diocese.

The awarding of the winners of the second stage of the Competition is held in Moscow during the International Christmas Educational Readings. The winners of the Competition, who took 1st place in each nomination, are awarded with Patriarchal letters and valuable gifts. Participants of the Competition, who took 2nd and 3rd places, are awarded with certificates of the Chairman of the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church and valuable gifts.

Regulations on the International Competition of Children's Creativity "Beauty of God's World"

The XI International Children's Art Competition "The Beauty of God's World" (hereinafter referred to as the "Competition") is held as part of the International Christmas Educational Readings and is timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The founder of the Competition is the Moscow Patriarchate.
The Organizer of the Competition is the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church.


1. The competition of children's creativity is aimed at:
- spiritual education, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation;
- introducing young people to Orthodox culture and world culture in general;
- identification and disclosure of young talents;
- creation of an environment for creative communication of children and youth of the Vologda region.
2. Participants of the Competition, reflecting in their works everything that surrounds them in everyday life - their family, friends, home and city, nature in its various manifestations, transfer to paper their vision of the world created by God, learn to see the beauty around them, which means to love your land, your homeland.


1. The competition of children's creativity is held in the field of fine and applied arts.
2. All rights to the works sent to the Competition belong to the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Vologda Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.
3. Pupils of secondary specialized educational institutions, institutions of additional education, Sunday schools, pupils of preschool and other children's institutions of the Vologda Oblast can take part in the Competition.
4. The competition is held in three age categories:
- the first group up to 8 years;
- the second group of 9-12 years;
- the third group of 13-17 years old.
5. Topics of nominations of the Competition in 2015:
- "MAIN TOPIC": Remember! Thanks for the victory; Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory ...; Nativity; Bible stories; The spiritual world and the earthly world; Christ and the Church; Favorite temple; The beauty of native nature; My house, my village, my city; My family and friends.
- "ORTHODOX ICON": Only students of icon-painting schools or workshops who have reached the age of 13-17 can take part in this nomination. Works must be performed in compliance with the canons of Orthodox iconography. A copy of the birth certificate must be attached to the work.
- "PORCELAIN PAINTING": The nomination involves the participation of children aged 13-17, mainly students of artistic secondary and secondary specialized institutions.

6. The number of prizes in three categories - 30.
In the nomination "Main topics" are awarded - three first places (one in each age group); 6 second places (two in each age group); 9 third places (three in each age group).
In the nomination "Orthodox icon" are awarded - 1st place; 2 second places; 3 third places.
In the nomination "Painting on porcelain" are awarded - 1st place; 2 second places; 3 third places.
Works are not reviewed and are not returned.


1. Works sent to the Competition must meet the following requirements:
- works are performed in graphic (pencil) or painting (watercolor, gouache, pastel, oil, ink) technique;
- the size of the works is not less than 30x40 cm and not more than 50x70 cm;
- works have margins not less than 0.5 cm wide;
- works are not issued with a passe-partout or frames;
- on the reverse side of the work must be indicated: surname, name, age of the author, telephone number for contacting parents or official representatives of the author (indicating the code of the settlement), the name of the picture, as well as the surname, name, patronymic of the teacher, the full name of the educational institution, his the address;
The work must be completed this year.
2. Each work must be accompanied by an Agreement between the parents (parent) or a substitute person (official representative) on the transfer of rights to use the work to the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. The works must be accompanied by a copy of the birth certificate or passport of the participant of the Competition.
3. Works that do not meet the specified requirements are not accepted for the Competition


1. The competition is held in two stages.
2. The first (regional) stage of the Contest (from September 14 to November 1):
- takes place at the level of the Vologda diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church;

To evaluate the works (determine the winners), a jury of the diocesan stage of the Competition is formed in the diocese, chaired by the ruling Bishop;
- the results of the regional stage of the Competition in the Vologda Oblast are drawn up by the decision of the jury and approved by Metropolitan Ignatius of Vologda before October 30 (inclusive) 2015;
- a copy of the Jury's decision is sent to the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Vologda Diocese, along with 15 best works, which are delivered to Moscow;
- works that have not passed the first stage of the Contest are not accepted for the second stage.
3. The second (final) stage of the Contest (from November 15 to December 10):
- takes place in Moscow, in the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church;
- summing up the results of the second stage of the Competition is carried out by the jury until December 10, 2015;
- the jury of the second stage of the Competition, headed by the Chairman of the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church, is formed from clergymen, artists, culture, literature, science and teachers;


1. The results of the Competition are the results of the second (final) stage of the Competition.
2. The results of the Competition are published on the official website of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church
3. Based on the results of the Competition, an exhibition may be held and a catalog of the winning works submitted to the Competition in the current year may be published.


1. The awarding of the winners of the first stage of the Competition is held in the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church in a solemn atmosphere. Awards and gifts to the winners of the diocesan stage are determined by the responsible persons of the diocese. An exhibition of the best children's creative works will be organized.
2. The awarding of the winners of the second stage of the Competition will be held in Moscow during the XXIV International Christmas Educational Readings. The winners of the Competition, who took 1st place in each nomination, are awarded with Patriarchal letters and valuable gifts. Participants of the Competition, who took 2nd and 3rd places, are awarded with certificates of the Chairman of the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church and valuable gifts.
3. Organizational, informational and documentary support for the activities of the competition committee for awarding prizes to the XI International Competition of Children's Fine Arts "The Beauty of God's World" in 2015 in the Vologda Region is carried out by the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Vologda Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.


I AM, __________________________________________________________________,

residing at: ______________________________________________


as a legal representative of ________________________________________________________________

(Full name of the child)

on the basis of _____________________________________________ (a document confirming that the subject is the legal representative of the ward), I hereby give my consent to the transfer of copyright to the creative work __________________________________________________

(Full name of the child)

Department of religious education and catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church.

I confirm that in giving such Consent, I am acting of my own free will and in the interests of my ward.

Date: _________________

Signature ________________/__________________________


  1. FULL NAME. legal representative and child specify COMPLETELY!

  2. The address residence fill FULLY! (city, street, house, apartment).

  3. Title, series and document number confirming that the subject is the legal representative of the ward, be required and complete!

  4. Signature must be only legal representative child !

If these conditions are not met, the consent will be considered invalid!

Oroik of the Russian Orthodox Church

Official Agreement

I AM, (surname, name and patronymic of the parent in full) ,

I agree to the transfer of rights to use my child's work,

(surname, name of the child)

student(s) of (name of institution) of the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church.

"___" ________ 2015 ________ / _____________

(signature) (surname, initials)

On November 15, 2018, the results of the International Children's Art Competition "The Beauty of God's World" were summed up. More than three thousand children's works from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries took part in the competition.

This year, especially high-quality organization and holding of the regional stage of the competition was noted in the St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Makhachkala, Rossoshansky, Shchigrovskaya dioceses.

The work of the jury was headed by the chairman. This year, the jury was attended by an independent observer - teacher of the MBOU DOD "Mtsensk Children's Art School" Evgenia Savchuk.

The best works will take part in exhibitions, which are traditionally held as part of the International Christmas Educational Readings. “In 2018, thanks to the support of the Presidential Grants Fund, together with Rossotrudnichestvo and ANO Generation, we were able to present the creative works of the winners and participants of the competition in Armenia, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria and Italy. Visitors to the exhibitions highly appreciated the talent of our children,” said Hieromonk Trifon (Umalatov), ​​executive secretary of the Beauty of God’s World competition.

At the end of the meeting, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, in consideration of many years of work, Metropolitan Mercury presented the medal “In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church” to Yevgenia Savchuk, teacher of the Mtsensk Children’s Art School. For nine years, her pupils have become winners of the International Children's Art Competition "The Beauty of God's World".

Blessed diplomas of the Chairman of the Synodal Department for many years of assistance in organizing and holding a competition of children's creativity were awarded to: Yulia Nuzhdina, a teacher of additional education at the State Budgetary Institution of Education of Moscow “Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolors by Sergey Andriyaka with a Museum and Exhibition Complex”; Honored Artist of Russia, teacher of the State Budgetary Institution of Education of Moscow “Moscow State Specialized School of Watercolors by Sergey Andriyaka with a Museum and Exhibition Complex” Alexander Volkov.

With the blessing of the Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk Mercury, the children who won prizes will be awarded with trips abroad. They will also have excursions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they will take part in creative master classes.

The winners will be awarded in Moscow as part of the XXVII International Christmas Educational Readings.

The list of winners is published on the website of the Synodal Department for Religious Education and Catechism.

"Orthodox Education" /

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The II International Competition of Children's Creativity "The Beauty of God's World" is held within the framework of the XV International Christmas Educational Readings 2007.

1. Founders and organizers of the competition

1.1. The founder of the competition is the Moscow Patriarchy.

1.2. Contest organizers:
∙ Office of the Moscow Patriarchy;
∙ Organizing Committee for the preparation of the XV International Christmas Educational Readings;
∙ ;
∙ Children's literary and art gallery "Firebird".

1.3. The jury of the competition is headed by the Director of Affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate. The jury includes representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate, figures of literature, art and culture, teachers.

2. Goals and objectives of the competition

The competition is aimed at spiritual, moral and patriotic education and upbringing of children and youth. The competition is designed to promote the development of the creative potential of the young generation, its wider familiarization with Orthodox culture and world culture as a whole. It should help create an environment for creative communication between children from the CIS countries and far abroad, as well as more widely attract parishioners of Orthodox churches to participate in the Readings.

3. The theme of the competition is "The beauty of God's world"

Competitive works should be devoted to understanding by children, through fine arts, that the world is God's creation - it is rich and diverse, wonderful in its beauty, and everything in it is filled with life. The sky and the sun, the stars and the moon, the flying clouds are beautiful... The earth and everything on it are beautiful: grass and trees, mountains, rivers and seas, fish, birds and animals...

And God created this whole world for the good of man, so that he becomes better and kinder.

Participants of the competition must reflect in their drawings and other types of fine and applied art their vision of God's wondrous world, created for the life and benefit of people with their daily and military labors and holidays. The disclosure of the proposed topic involves the formation in children and youth of readiness and desire to live in this world in friendship, love and joy.

4. Competition conditions

4.1. Pupils of general education and Sunday schools, Orthodox gymnasiums and lyceums, art schools and studios, pupils of preschool and other children's institutions in Russia and abroad can take part in the competition. The competition is divided into three age groups:
- the first group - children under 8 years old;
- the second group - children 9-12 years old;
- the third group - children 13-17 years old.

4.2. The competition is held in two stages. The first stage takes place at the regional level, its results are summed up from November 20 to November 30, 2007. Diocesan departments of catechesis and religious education are responsible for organizing and holding the event in the regions.

The works of no more than 10 winners of diocesan competitions must be sent to the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church before December 10, 2007 at the address: 103051, Moscow, st. Petrovka, 28/2, Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery, Department of Religious Education and Catechism, for a children's drawing competition.

Works are sent with a cover letter signed by the diocesan bishop according to the attached form.

The second stage of the competition takes place in Moscow. The works of the winners of the second stage, selected by the jury, will be presented during the Christmas Educational Readings at the exhibition in the State Kremlin Palace in January 2007.

4.3. Requirements for drawings and other types of children's creativity:
∙ genre, materials and technique of execution of drawings and other types of creativity are not limited;
∙ dimensions of drawings - not less than 21x29 cm and not more than 50x70 cm;
∙ drawings are not made out with a passe-partout and frames;
∙ on the reverse side of the work, the surname, name, age are indicated
the author, the name of the drawing, as well as the surname, name, patronymic of the teacher and the address
(school, parish, diocese).

5. Distribution of places in the competition

18 award places are provided for awarding the winners of the competition:
∙ first places - three (one in each age group);
∙ second places - six (two in each group);
∙ third places - nine (three in each group).

6. Summing up the competition

6.1. The jury will sum up the results until January 20, 2007. The jury determines the winners who took first, second and third places in each age group. The winners will be announced during the Christmas Readings.

6.2. The winners who take the first three places are awarded with Honorary Patriarchal Certificates and gifts, those who take second and third places are awarded with certificates and gifts from the Organizing Committee of the Readings. Three participants of the competition, who won first place in their age group, will receive an invitation to Moscow for the Christmas Readings.

6.3. The best drawings will be presented during the Christmas Educational Readings at the exhibition in the State Kremlin Palace.

6.4. A booklet with the best drawings and a list of participants in the competition will be published for the Christmas Readings.