Do-it-yourself pyrolysis furnace for processing electrical wires. Pyrolysis type furnace: principle of operation, scheme, independent production

  • 27.06.2020

Brick ovens have been popular since ancient times. At first glance it may seem that this is one of the most simple designs for heating a private house. However, in the case of prolonged daily use, it may cause a large number of various nuances. For example, for the construction of a stove, a special foundation will be needed, which is made by professionals. Such services are not cheap, as a result, it turns out that a brick stove becomes a costly and troublesome business. A pyrolysis oven can be a good substitute, some elements of which can be easily made by hand.

Brick ovens are popular due to their durability.

Constructions of this type are quite often used in country and private houses, in summer cottages, that is, in places where there is no central gas main and heating.

Some people want to build one that will work on the principle of pyrolysis. It is quite simple to build such a structure if you know the manufacturing technology.

This device can work not cyclically, but regularly. You only need to add fuel a few times a day.

Advantages and disadvantages of the pyrolysis oven

The advantages of this type of design include the following:

  1. Maintaining the set temperature of the heat carrier for a long period. This can be achieved by increasing the volume of the chamber to be loaded.
  2. The minimum content of harmful substances at the time of fuel combustion. With this design, you can maintain a healthy and comfortable atmosphere in the premises, if it is correctly installed.
  3. In such a stove, various wastes can be burned, such as rubber, fiberboard or plastic. All such materials can be used as fuel. However, this does not mean that the fuel should consist exclusively of waste. Waste should be 1/3 of all fuel.

This stove also has some drawbacks. The most significant of them are the following:

  1. fuel requirements. All fuel must be dry. Wet wood should not be used, since with wet fuel the pyrolysis process will not be possible. Instead of receiving thermal energy, it will be lost with steam and combustion products.
  2. Relatively large sizes. This is a disadvantage if the stove is planned to be located in a small room.
  3. Comparative energy dependence. A fan that will maintain thrust will not be able to constantly work.
  4. The stove needs constant care. It will be necessary to add firewood in a timely manner and remember that it is necessary to close the dampers after the firebox. Before the next firebox, be sure to select coal from the stove, and then perform all the steps again.

Before performing installation work, you will need to draw up a diagram of the manufactured structure and perform necessary calculations. The easiest way is to take a ready-made scheme, for example, based on Belyaev's calculations. It is calculated for a brick structure with a power of less than 40 kW.

The perimeter of the furnace is laid out from ceramic brick. To arrange internal partitions, you will need to use fireclay bricks. You can use the design after it is assembled and the fan is connected. It is imperative to take into account the burning time for all materials in order to add fuel on time. Pressed briquettes can be used as materials for heating. After starting the pyrolysis furnace, it is quite important to determine its coefficient useful action. This is easy to do: you just need to smell the smoke that comes out of the chimney. If there are no carbon monoxide impurities in it, then this means that the efficiency is at a high level.

In the process of building a pyrolysis stove with your own hands, you must comply with all existing fire safety rules. If any of the rules is violated, then the design can cause not only material damage, but also a threat to the health of residents and visitors to a private house in which a do-it-yourself brick pyrolysis oven is installed. The design is recommended to be placed in a separate non-residential room. For the stove, you need to arrange a base of brick or concrete screed. The combustion chambers must be additionally protected with a sheet of thick metal.

The fuel for the pyrolysis oven must be dry.

One of the significant advantages of such a stove is that in this case both water and air can be used as a heat carrier. Therefore, in winter period pipes will be protected from freezing, and therefore it will not be necessary to drain the system.

A boiler of this type must be located at a distance of 20 cm from the walls. The room with the furnace must be equipped with additional ventilation.

To build a stove with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following elements:

  1. Ceramic brick (approximately 400 pieces).
  2. Chamotte brick (about 100 pieces).
  3. Steel sheet with dimensions of 6x1.5 m. The thickness of the product must be more than 4 mm.
  4. Cast iron grates (3 pcs).
  5. High power fan. The minimum possible power is 300 watts.
  6. Lever temperature controller.
  7. The door blew.
  8. Furnace door.
  9. Electric apparatus for welding.
  10. Electric drill.
  11. Several grinders with different circle diameters.
  12. Pipes of various diameters.
  13. Proftruba.
  14. Electrodes for electric welding.
  15. Temperature sensor.

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Do-it-yourself pyrolysis oven: manufacturing process

It is quite difficult to build such a furnace with your own hands from brick. In case it is available full set necessary technical support, there will be a large number of nuances in connection with which you need to get advice from a specialist with relevant work experience.

You will need to work with a high combustion temperature and comply with existing sealing requirements, which is quite difficult to do yourself. You should be aware that such a design does not need to be connected to the heating system, since this device will simply heat the air in the rooms.

To enhance the moment of heat transfer from the inside, it is necessary to line the stove with special fireclay bricks; from the outside, the structure is lined with refractory bricks.

To build such a boiler, you will need not only to have the skills to work with a grinder and measuring tools, but also to be able to weld metal.

It should be understood that the manufacture of a pyrolysis stove consists not only in laying bricks, but also in installing or constructing a boiler, which is the main element of the entire fixture.

The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made boiler, and then overlay it with bricks. Thus, it is possible to obtain a brick structure, which only needs to be installed and connected.

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How to install the boiler correctly?

It is worth remembering that the boiler is a fairly large piece of equipment that weighs a lot. Therefore, you will definitely need to make a base for the structure.

If a private house has a simple floor base without reinforcement, that is, there is no concrete slab under your feet, then you need to dig a hole 20-30 cm deep, and then pour concrete mortar into it. In some cases, the foundation is laid out with bricks, but here everything depends on the personal preferences of the owner of a private house.

The concrete base is a solid structure that can easily support the weight of the stove, while the foundation will not deform for a long period.

The first step is to decide where it is best to place the stove. You need to choose only from non-residential premises. In spite of the latest technology, the pyrolysis stove will produce toxic substances when burned. If there is a depressurization of the structure, then big problems can arise.

In the process of laying, you need to use a special solution of sand and clay. It is not allowed to use a standard cement mixture, since at high temperatures it can form cracks and pass gases and combustion products.

Ordinary building bricks will be used to zero out the base. After that, only refractory ceramic material may be used.

Often, in conditions where it is impossible to connect central heating, the owners resort to installing various mechanisms that provide autonomous maintenance comfortable temperature air and water in the house.

This is convenient, because you can do it yourself, regardless of heating season, regulate its beginning and end.

In addition, this method of heating a house is more profitable than heating with gas. One such device is the pyrolysis oven. long burning.

What is pyrolysis

Pyrolysis is a complex technological process. Its working principle is to decompose organic matter exposed to high temperature without access to air. The described stage takes place in the lower chamber of the pyrolysis oven.

The decomposition products are soot and pyrolysis gases. Further, these gases, passing into a special second chamber of the pyrolysis boiler, undergo combustion in a large amount of oxygen, which leads to the release of energy dissipated in the form of heat.

Thus, the scheme of the structure of the pyrolysis furnace is quite simple. Its main component is a system of two chambers: a furnace and a gas combustion chamber.

In the furnace, after the combustion of dry fuel, a small amount of solid residue remains, and afterburning of the gas occurs in the upper chamber. In addition, the scheme of the pyrolysis furnace involves a special valve in the chimney to control the flow of oxygen into the chamber, thereby reducing the intensity of the unit, or, conversely, increasing it.

Since these stoves are universal in relation to the combustion products used, craftsmen use variety of options fuel for their units. However, most modern boilers operate using solid fuels. Such heating devices work on wood and pellets.

It is important to take into account that solid fuel for a pyrolysis boiler must be sufficiently dry, and its average moisture content reaches no more than 12%.

The following types of fuel are distinguished:

  • Firewood. Firewood is made from various breeds and types of trees. For example, birch and coniferous plants. Also, oak firewood is quite heat-intensive, however, its wood is quite expensive, and most of these trees are listed in the Red Book due to uncontrolled cutting. In addition to the trees listed above, firewood from alder, ash and hazel is often used.
  • Pellets. They are compressed vegetable raw materials in the form of separate small cylinders. Straw, husks and branches are used as raw materials for the manufacture of pellets.
  • Coal. Such raw materials are used to maintain heat in industrial premises.
  • Eurowood. Their more common name is "fuel briquettes". Unlike pellets, they are large in size, however, the raw materials for their manufacture remain the same.

Advantages and disadvantages of units

Among the wide variety of heating units, two main groups are distinguished according to the principle of heat transfer, these are:

  • Furnaces with a water circuit. In such units, water is heated, which gives off heat to the environment for a long time, due to which a long-term maintenance of a high temperature in the room is ensured. Among the advantages of such heating systems, one can single out their profitability and relatively low costs. However, there is a high risk of freezing the colorimeter, and the cost of additional plumbing work with such a unit can unpleasantly surprise the owner.
  • Furnaces with different options placement of heat exchangers. In this case, the firebox is located above or below the air chamber. In the first case, it is necessary to install special smoke exhausters and fans. They create forced traction. If the firebox is under the air chamber, then natural draft works here.

Classification of pyrolysis furnaces by cycle

The operating cycle of the pyrolysis boiler includes: drying, pyrolysis of wood, cooling of charcoal.

According to the duration of the cycle, models with a short and long cycle are distinguished.

In the first case, the entire turnover of the cycle is usually about 7 hours, while in the second case this number increases to several days.

Material classification

There are a large number of types of pyrolysis boilers.

According to the material from which the boiler is made, stone and metal are distinguished.

Stone stoves today are in rather low demand and are installed extremely rarely.

The metal pyrolysis combustion boiler is used much more often, because it is more efficient than its predecessor. Such a unit is also easy to assemble and, if desired, can be moved from one room to another.

Among the metal pyrolysis boilers are:

  • Furnace stove. Perhaps, the pyrolysis potbelly stove is the most convenient and multifunctional heating system. It can be used for cooking purposes, for baths and saunas, and is also often used for heating both residential and non-residential residential buildings.
  • Buleryan oven. One of the most versatile and frequently installed types of pyrolysis boilers. Provides heating for both residential and non-residential premises.
  • Bubafonya oven. The design of such a boiler is extremely simple and understandable to any non-professional welder. In most cases, it is used to warm non-residential premises.
  • The furnace on the fulfilled oil (working out). It is also not used for heating residential buildings, but it is actively installed in non-residential premises. It is very easy to manufacture and is a fairly economical model.

Among the brick structures, it is customary only to single out the Kuznetsov stove, which can be installed both in a living room and in a bathhouse.

In addition, cooking is possible on such ovens. Their main advantage the fact that the release of heat generated in them is softer, and such furnaces retain heat longer.

The main disadvantages are the large dimensions of the furnace and its non-mobility. They are more problematic to install and install. Brick pyrolysis ovens, most often, look more aesthetically pleasing than metal ones.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a heating unit, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the furnace.

The advantages of choosing pyrolysis boilers are their high efficiency (up to 85%). This indicator is ensured precisely due to the combustion of the gas released in the furnace (pyrolysis gas).

Combustion products do not contain harmful substances and are environmentally friendly. Also, when operating a pyrolysis boiler, it is possible to use a wide range of fuels. Such a device does not need to be monitored constantly, unlike conventional furnaces. When choosing a pyrolysis oven, you should pay attention to a large number of factors.

For instance:

  • Purposes of use. For heating non-residential premises, it is better to use metal stoves, because. they are more compact and easy to install.
  • Location of the oven. An important factor in choosing a furnace is its location. In the garage, metal pyrolysis furnaces are usually used, while stone structures can often be seen at home.
  • The volume of the room. To heat a small garage or house, in order to save space in the room, they often resort to using small structures. Often, these are metal pyrolysis boilers. Since stone stoves often occupy a larger area than metal products.
  • Fuel used. As mentioned earlier, most pyrolysis ovens are capable of running on various types solid fuel. Therefore, this is rarely the limiting factor when choosing a pyrolysis boiler.

Also, there is the possibility of independent design and manufacture of a pyrolysis boiler, which is a great advantage for many, even non-professional, welders.

How to make a metal pyrolysis oven with your own hands

As you know, all metal pyrolysis furnaces are very mobile and can be moved in space. Therefore, many choose this type of stove.

To date, a large number of schemes for their manufacture have been presented, therefore, creating your own highly efficient heating unit is no longer problematic.

When designing a homemade pyrolysis oven, it must be taken into account that the pyrolysis process is not regulated, so you should pay due attention to the choice of materials: they must be of sufficient quality.

With the right materials, a do-it-yourself pyrolysis boiler can serve its owners for a long time.

A metal furnace is made from durable and high-quality steel sheets, usually 2 walls are formed in the furnace. Between them the space is filled with water or sand.

The blower fan is an essential component of the stove, in which the gas chamber is located below, and provides such an element for supplying these gases downward, where the process of afterburning the gas residue takes place. Also, no less popular are pyrolysis ovens from gas cylinders.

What you need to make

It is possible to make a pyrolysis oven from improvised materials without resorting to the purchase of expensive elements. To create a pyrolysis oven, you need a basic set of tools, as well as the main components of the oven itself.

Among them:

  • Drill.
  • Metal thickness 4-7 mm.
  • Fan.
  • Sensor.
  • Welding machine and electrodes.
  • Bulgarian, grinding and cutting wheels.
  • Refractory brick (for long-burning brick boilers).
  • Grids.
  • Pipes of various sections (rectangular and round).
  • Steel strip.
  • Two small doors.

Necessary calculations

In the process of creating an efficient pyrolysis furnace, one of the main points is a well-drawn drawing and diagram of the future design.

To this end, it is necessary to determine in advance the desired size of the unit, the shape of the body, as well as options for the location of the cameras. Also, you need to calculate the required power of the device.

To do this, there are various formulas by which you can determine its effectiveness.

First of all, it is worth determining the amount of energy needed to heat the entire room.

Calculate this value by the formula: M \u003d amount of heat / (15.5 * 0.8 * 0.5) (given that only 80% of the fuel burns out completely, and the efficiency of a home-made stove is approximately 50%). Next, the required volume of solid fuel combustion is calculated.

Preparatory actions on the spot

Usually the assembly of the furnace itself takes place already at the place where it will stand in the future. Therefore, it is important to prepare the installation site well.

The stove itself should be located at least 0.8 m from each nearest wall. At the place of its installation, a base is laid out of bricks or other non-combustible material, such as a sheet of iron, about 0.15 cm thick. In addition, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis base should be chosen so that it is an order of magnitude larger than the stove itself.

Manufacturing process

For the manufacture of a pyrolysis furnace, first of all, it is necessary to make special metal blanks. By welding all the details, they get the frame of the stove.

After that, its walls are made, in which special holes for the firebox and an ash hole are made.

Also, in one of the side walls it is necessary to make a gap, which will act as a blower with a damper. It is made of a pipe with a round cross section and its diameter is 5-6 cm.

To connect the stove to the chimney, it is necessary to attach a branch with a diameter of about 11-12 cm to the hole in the lid, to which a bur is attached - a damper that delays the exit of gases from the afterburner, ensuring their combustion in full.

Tips for making your own brick oven

Although a metal pyrolysis combustion furnace is more efficient and popular, a brick one is also often installed.

Do-it-yourself brick pyrolysis oven, like a metal one, requires accurate calculations, diagrams and drawings. They use a special type of brick - refractory, which from an aesthetic point of view is no worse than usual.

Fireclay bricks are also needed for the manufacture of all its internal partitions. Often such heating installations located in saunas and residential buildings. Brick pyrolysis ovens at first glance can look like a fireplace and create a rather pleasant and cozy atmosphere in a house or bath.

Rules for operation and maintenance

Long-burning stoves are convenient to use, since the fuel burns out almost completely. Soot remains in small quantities, respectively, the boiler does not require constant cleaning. Regular repair of the pyrolysis boiler is simply the timely elimination of various malfunctions.

When changing the shape of the firebox door, it should be corrected or simply replaced. If the structure diverges along the weld seam, then it is necessary to stop the operation of the unit and urgently fix the problem. Using a faulty pyrolysis boiler can be dangerous for its owners.

In order for the pyrolysis oven to be safe to use, it is necessary to follow the scheme and calculations, as well as select quality material and correct technique.

Follow these tips for use:

  • Dry solid fuel. The moisture content of the fuel is not more than 10-15%, otherwise it threatens to quickly bring the unit into a faulty state.
  • The chimney of the boiler is removable. This allows for easy removal of soot and condensate.
  • In no case should there be combustible objects or structures near the stove.

Residents of remote residential areas or summer cottages, where civilized benefits in the form of a gas pipeline are still unavailable, they are wondering about efficient and cost-effective heating.

Long burning process, reproducible pyrolysis boiler allows significant savings with low fuel consumption. Comparing it with other representatives of the heating segment, there is a longer operation at the rate of one refueling. It is this feature that makes these devices so popular.

The principle of pyrolysis

Pyrolysis - thermal splitting of organic or inorganic compounds (coal, wood, etc.) in conditions of lack of oxygen. This means that fuel materials do not burn to the ground, but begin to decompose into solid precipitates, while releasing pyrolysis gases. After that, the gas substance mixes with oxygen, which leads to complete combustion of both fuel residues and gas.

Photo 1 Factory pyrolysis furnaces look compact and diverse.

It's important to know! It turns out that two stages are used in the technology to burn combustion products. Thus, the first stage (pyrogenic processing of wood) involves the splitting of fuel into solid residues, as a result of which the process of obtaining coke is reproduced. However, this stage is not the main one. The greatest heat transfer is justified by the combination of gas and air, which occurs in the second stage.

Pyrolysis oven device

For a better understanding of the optional device of this kind of design, let's take a closer look at the principle of its operation and the operation of each element separately. It is worth noting that these heating devices have a non-standard arrangement of compartments, due to which it was possible to achieve high efficiency and high economic performance. The operation algorithm of the pyrolysis oven is as follows:

  1. Like other representatives, there is a built-in type firebox in the body of the device, into which wood is laid. The features of this compartment include restrictions on air flow. All parts are hermetically sealed - the door closes tightly. There is also a ventilating device that performs supply and exhaust functions.
  2. After laying firewood, ignition is carried out either manually or with a special burner.

Photo 2 Scheme of operation of the pyrolysis furnace structure.

  1. It will take some time for the firewood to ignite. After that, the access of oxygen to this block is limited.
  2. The lack of air does not provoke combustion, but charring, which causes the release of gases. Through the air channel, the volatile mixture enters the next chamber. At this level, the gas mixes with oxygen, the mixture of which is subject to combustion. At this point, a greater percentage of heat transfer is formed.

It's important to know! Pyrolysis ovens are represented by a wide variety model range. The essential difference lies in the type of the second block. In some modifications there is an additional ventilating device, in others - this section serves the fan of the combustion chamber. There are samples that operate on natural draft. In this case, the flue mechanism is equipped with several shutters to seal the device.

  1. A rotating retort is used to unload coal in both industrial and domestic appliances. Most often, it is represented by a round-shaped device that descends on furnace supports.
  2. If coal is not extracted, it will also be subject to combustion, while maintaining the necessary temperature indicators in the first furnace section. As a result, all processes are practically waste-free - fuel materials are burned to the ground, with a minimum amount of residual ash.

It's important to know! The pyrolysis oven must be cleaned of ash no more than once a week, subject to continuous use. If the operation is not carried out daily, then less frequently.

Advantages and disadvantages

The pyrolysis type device has an extensive list of advantageous characteristics. Let's focus on the key ones:

  • high efficiency is achieved due to the complete burnout of the fuel. One loading cycle allows for much longer heat transfer, in comparison with analogues.
  • Rapid warm-up of the device. This ensures efficient heating of the room in a short time.
  • The level of efficiency reaches 85%.
  • The use of environmentally friendly materials in production, as well as to ensure operation that does not emit substances harmful to human health and the environment when heated. The oven is virtually smokeless.
  • The power range is adjustable depending on the needs of the user - 5-100%.
  • The viewing device can be paired with a heating circuit.
  • The pyrolysis device does not require constant monitoring. Loading bio-fuel is carried out once a day, and the cleaning process is performed once a week, without the need to turn off the machine.
  • The device is universal, which allows you to use different types fuel - liquid or solid composition. Samples operating on used oil are also presented.

Photo 3 Staged processes of heat generation.

Despite the predominance positive aspects, such designs have several disadvantages:

  • to ensure a sufficient level of heating, large ovens are required;

Photo 4 An optional device of a design operating on the principle of pyrolysis.

  • it is required to equip the site for the placement of fuel materials;
  • any combustion process is accompanied by the release of impurities and odors. Despite the fact that the peculiarity of this stove is that there is practically no smoke, it is still necessary to organize a ventilation system in the room where the device is located.
  • The escaping gases have a sufficiently low temperature, so condensate accumulates at the outlet. Its presence is noted in the chimney and in the outlet channel. In some factory models, a drive is provided for its collection, which requires periodic cleaning.

Advice! When reproducing the furnace device on its own, it is necessary to choose a chimney with a large diameter. According to the same principle, the exit system is organized, necessarily insulated in the area facing the street. Thus, it is possible to eliminate the problem of freezing, with a decrease in external temperature indicators.

  • To ensure maximum effective work it is required to mount a blower in the device, and a pump is built in for the heating system. All these devices led to the dependence of the entire furnace on the power supply.

DIY low-power pyrolysis oven production methods

Despite the fact that structurally the furnace has a complex device, it is possible to independently reproduce the heating mechanism. Most simple models performed by the method brickwork or using a gas cylinder, however, only a device made of metal sheets can be called aesthetically attractive.

Photo 5 Scheme-drawing of the pyrolysis boiler.

Survey designs with low power (25 kW) are suitable for heating country house or any utility rooms, with a total cubic capacity of not more than 100 m 2. A small device will have distinctive features in comparison with the classic version:

  • not connected to the central heating system;
  • it is not required to install a supercharger, because in this case, the combustion compartment is located above the level of the gasification chamber. This allows you to create natural traction.
  • Since the device is not automatic, it will be necessary to periodically adjust the combustion mode and monitor the operation of the device.

It's important to know! The high-quality operation of the furnace is based on the following principles: oxygen is supplied to the gasifying compartment in small doses. For this, a regulating system is equipped - a damper. An air vent is also made here, through which the required volume of air masses is supplied to the device.

Photo 6 Structural details of a low-power pyrolysis device.

The process of independent production of a review device consists of the following steps:

  1. Using the selected scheme of steel sheets, the furnace body is equipped. Using a welding machine, all the elements of the box are welded. Two holes are made for subsequent equipment with ash pan and firebox doors. Placement is necessarily taken into account - the furnace block is located above the blower. They are separated by a cast iron grate.

Advice! The role of the simplest adjusting air supply system can be performed by the ash pan door.

  1. The gas combustion unit is located directly above the primary gasification chamber. They are separated by a cut-off plate made from heat-resistant steel sheet. An oxygen supply channel is equipped in the furnace, in which a damper acts as a regulator.
  2. The doors are made from the same sheet metal. The corners help reinforce the design. To ensure the proper level of fire safety, latches must be made on the doors.

It's important to know! A wide range of finished parts for furnace devices is on sale, including doors with latches.

  1. Fireclay fire-resistant bricks are being laid inside the furnace block. Thus, the structure is protected from burning through, and an even distribution of heat is also ensured.

Advice! Since the brick has good thermal conductivity, and can also retain heat on the surface for a long time, it can also be used to veneer the fireplace itself. The flue pipe must be thermally insulated from the outside facing the street. The thrust in the design is regulated by a gate.

Photo 7 View of a home-made boiler operating on the principle of pyrolysis.

Among a number of heat-generating devices, a pyrolysis-type furnace has a number of significant advantages, which is why it is popular.

Eco-friendly homestead: Let's find out what is the principle of operation of pyrolysis furnaces and how they are arranged. Is such an option as a do-it-yourself pyrolysis oven possible?

It is hardly worth saying that in regions where wood or coal was the most affordable fuel, solid fuel boilers and stoves.

Anyone who has at least once encountered this type of heating device knows how inconvenient they are. Of course, at any time they can be replaced, for example, with electrical counterparts, but this is not a way out. After all, electricity today is the most expensive energy source.

Everything was decided, as always, quite simply. Pyrolysis furnaces and boilers appeared on the market. What is the principle of their work, and how are they arranged? Is such an option as a do-it-yourself pyrolysis oven possible?

What is pyrolysis?

Let's start with this question, because it is laid down in the principle of operation of such a furnace. Pyrolysis is the slow combustion of fuel at not very high temperatures (200–800C) and a small amount of oxygen. If we consider how the same firewood burns, then they practically do not burn. This process is more correctly called smoldering.

By the way, experts often call such combustion dry distillation. In the process of smoldering, firewood decomposes into two elements - wood coke (this is the solid part) and pyrolysis gas. This whole scheme was conceived only in order to obtain exactly the gas, which is further mixed with oxygen according to the technology and burned in the adjacent chamber. This creates a very high temperature, which goes to heat the room.

Surprisingly, the pyrolysis gas itself binds to carbon, and this chemical element is also involved in the combustion process. And this leads to the fact that the smoke coming out of the furnace contains practically no harmful substances. environment chemical substances. Note that coke is not a waste product either. It burns beautifully, releasing a certain amount of thermal energy. So the effect of such a furnace is double.

It is necessary to note one more very interesting fact. The pyrolysis process is exothermic. This means that the heat released during the combustion of fuel is used not only for heating the room, but also for drying firewood, as well as pyrolysis gas. And you are well aware that the lower the moisture content of the fuel, the more efficiently it releases thermal energy.

Advantages and disadvantages of pyrolysis ovens

Unfortunately, these units have enough shortcomings, although they have quite significant advantages. Let's start with them.


  • High efficiency. In fact, these are long-burning furnaces. If the firewood is correctly placed in the combustion chamber, then they can smolder there from 8 to 48 hours. It all depends on the size of the furnace.
  • The second follows from the first - the possibility long work offline. This quality does not differ from conventional solid fuel boilers.
  • In carbon monoxide low interest carcinogenic substances.
  • In long-burning stoves, various wastes can be used instead of firewood and coal. For example, pieces of chipboard or fiberboard, plastic or rubber, waste Agriculture- stems and foliage of plants, cobs, etc.

Attention! Very important point when choosing the type of fuel. It should not contain a large amount of various non-combustible impurities. 30% is the maximum limit.


Oven in operation

Factory-made long-burning stoves and boilers are too expensive. That is why many home craftsmen make them with their own hands. By the way, the quality of home-made units is not lower than the factory ones. Certainly, appearance much inferior, but the efficiency is not lower.

  • Sufficiently large size of the heater.
  • Special requirements for fuel. It is believed that the firewood used must be dry, otherwise the pyrolysis process does not occur. And this is a decrease in efficiency. In fact, pyrolysis gas mixes with wet vapors, and therefore does not burn out completely. It just goes out into the street with carbon monoxide and smoke through the chimney.
  • Unfortunately, furnaces and boilers of this type are connected to the network. alternating current. They cannot provide themselves with good traction on their own, so a fan is built into the design of the unit.

Pyrolysis oven device

The main feature of the long-burning furnace design is the presence of two fireboxes. Firewood is laid in the first firebox, which smolders there, releasing pyrolysis gas. The latter enters the second furnace, where it is forcibly fed Fresh air. The resulting air-gas mixture burns there.

Both furnaces are separated by a metal partition with a gap for the passage of gas and smoke. As mentioned above, an exhaust fan is installed in the chimney to increase draft. There is another model in which the fan is installed near the second combustion chamber. It provides oxygen supply and carbon monoxide exhaust forcibly.

Working scheme of the furnace

Boiler diagram

We return to the topic of our article. It is very difficult to assemble a long-burning pyrolysis-type furnace on your own. To do this, you will need an impressive list of materials. Yes, and the skills to work with certain tools will also come in handy. For example, you must be a professional welder. We add that for the manufacture of such a boiler you will have to fork out a lot. But even this will be several times cheaper than purchasing a factory-made unit.

Before proceeding with the implementation of the planned plan, we recommend that you find a design diagram on the Internet, calculate its power, and only after that proceed to preparatory work. The most common pyrolysis boiler scheme is the Belyaev unit with a capacity of 40 kW. It will provide heat to a fairly large private house. But this is just one option. Even the Belyaev boiler can be slightly modified to reduce or increase the performance of the heater. For example, you can slightly reduce or expand the firebox.

One interesting fact should be noted. Very often, in long-burning furnaces, not liquid, but air is used as a heat carrier. To do this, a pipeline is arranged throughout the premises of the house, through which hot air moves. This design is laid either on the ceiling or on the walls. The return pipe is located near the floor, and in it the cooled air moves by gravity to the furnace. A very effective scheme, especially if the owners rarely visit Vacation home. In this embodiment, the coolant never freezes.

Pyrolysis boiler installation

Boiler installation

The impressive weight of the pyrolysis stove requires a solid and reliable base on which it will be installed. So good foundation- the main requirement of the installation process. Everything else will relate to fire safety rules, which must be strictly observed.


  • A separate non-residential premises is organized under the long-burning furnace. This will be the boiler room.
  • On the floor in front of the combustion chambers a metal sheet 2 mm thick.
  • The gap between the walls and the boiler must be at least 20 cm.
  • It is obligatory to have a window with a minimum area of ​​100 cm² in the boiler room. It is through it that fresh air will flow.

Attention! A chimney laid through an uninsulated attic must be insulated. If this is not done, condensate will begin to settle on the inner walls of the chimney pipe. Mixed with soot, it forms tar. All this reduces the life of the chimney and reduces its internal diameter.

And one more point to which you need to pay attention. Making a long-burning furnace with your own hands requires an accurate determination of the efficiency. If it is low, then it is impossible to guarantee effective heat transfer. Therefore, even at the start-up stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the smoke coming out of the chimney. You can already tell by smell how much carbon monoxide is in it. If there are a small number of them, then the efficiency of your boiler is quite high. By the way, we recommend to carry out such testing on all power modes.

Furnace or boiler?

Choosing heating

Today there is a lot of controversy around, as it seems to us, a trifling matter. And the question is put like this - should a metal pyrolysis boiler be called a furnace? In general, the situation is not the most impasse. It all depends on how comfortable you are. Although many believe that the boiler should be installed in a water or air heating system. And the stove should work as a heating device like a radiator. What about water heaters? After all, they are also cut into the piping system of the water heating circuit.

But let's not dwell on this issue. Let's just consider how you can make a brick oven using the pyrolysis principle with your own hands.

Let's start with the fact that manufacturers of pyrolysis boilers consider it a problem to manufacture a unit with a power of less than 15 kW. Therefore, you will not find such copies for sale. What are the owners to do? small dachas and cottages? This is where the same pyrolysis oven made of long-burning bricks comes to the rescue. In fact, this is still the same boiler, only in the form of a brick stove.

The importance of this design lies in the fact that it is necessary not only to comply with the requirements of the pyrolysis principle, but also to take into account the high thermal loads on the brick walls. Therefore, correctly carried out lining of combustion chambers is a basic and strict requirement, which increases the life of the unit.

The long-burning stove itself is assembled like a regular stove, only with two adjacent fireboxes. They are separated by a brick partition, in which cast-iron grates are installed from below. Wood is burned in one chamber, and pyrolysis gas is burned in the second, which is drawn into the furnace with a fan. Here it is enriched with oxygen, which comes here through ventilation duct installed in the floor of the combustion chamber.

An air collector is made in the partition between the chambers, through which carbon monoxide and thermal energy enter another chamber with a heat exchanger. And then all the remaining products of combustion of the fuel are sent to the chimney.


Unfortunately, solid fuel boilers are gradually becoming obsolete. Many residents of cities and villages, in pursuit of convenience, try to use gas or electric heating units. The main reason is the autonomy of operation. But with the advantages of these devices, we lose more. The comfort and warmth of the house has always been created by a stove in which firewood crackled. Yes, and there are obvious savings, so it’s worth rethinking the choice. Especially when leaving the city in your small house We try to find peace and solitude in it. And little things like crackling firewood help with this. publishedIf you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Before every owner country house there is a question about the choice of heating system.

The main selection criterion is the energy resource, as well as the cost of building and maintaining the system. An alternative option today are. Every year the popularity of such designs is growing rapidly.

The peculiarity of the pyrolysis furnace is that it runs on solid fuel, which is recognized as the most economical energy resource to date. These ovens are suitable option for heating a country or private house. In addition, a pyrolysis oven can be easily built with your own hands.

Working principle and advantages

The design is based on pyrolysis - the process of gas-generating combustion. When fuel is burned, the room is heated.

According to the principle of operation, such furnaces resemble a dry distillation boiler. Thermal energy released during the combustion of fuel is used to heat the air.

Solid fuel is set on fire and closed in the furnace. At the same time, a fan is put into operation, as a result of which combustion occurs with a minimum amount of oxygen.

This causes the fuel to decompose into wood coke and pyrolysis gas. When combined with oxygen, the gas begins to burn intensively, as a result of which a large amount of thermal energy is released. It will be enough for both space heating and water heating.

The advantages of a pyrolysis oven include:

  • high efficiency, which is expressed in the control of the strength and duration of combustion;
  • fuel economy;
  • use of wood industry waste as fuel;
  • absence of harmful substances in combustion products.

All these advantages explain the growing popularity of modern pyrolysis furnaces. The main advantage of the design is that it can be made with your own hands. The main thing is to have at hand a drawing of such a furnace and certain materials. Each master will be able to ennoble and heat his house with the help of such a stove.

Scheme and components

The design of the oven is quite simple. It consists of two combustion chambers. These chambers support pyrolysis during combustion.

The first chamber is used to load solid fuel, it is tightly closed to prevent oxygen from entering the combustion zone.

When the fuel burns without the participation of oxygen, pyrolysis gas is released, which is transferred to the next chamber. It is in it that the afterburning of gas is carried out. To improve the combustion process, secondary gas is allowed into the second chamber.

A traditional oven consists of the following functional elements and assemblies:

  • gasification chambers;
  • grate metal grate;
  • a chamber in which the afterburning of fuel is carried out;
  • air supply systems.

When assembling a pyrolysis oven with your own hands, it is worth considering the presence of all structural elements. If at least one of the listed nodes and chambers is missing in the system, then the furnace will not work as it should.

Self Assembly Options

Pyrolysis ovens are quite expensive, so many owners are thinking about how to make it with their own hands.

Homemade designs can be made from various materials such as gas cylinder, tin cans, barrels, bricks and more.

Depending on the material of production, all furnaces are conventionally divided into:

  • stone;
  • metal.

Stone or brick ovens are rarely used. This is due to the fact that its construction will require a lot of investment and time.

Of course, recently such designs have undergone some modifications, which has significantly increased their efficiency. As for metal furnaces, they are especially popular. The fact is that they can be made even from an old gas cylinder or barrel.

Depending on the principle of operation, the fuel and material used, all furnaces are divided into the following types:
  • oil-fired oven;
  • Kuznetsov oven;
  • Lachinyanka;
  • Bubafonya.

The principle of operation of all these structures is the same - the afterburning of gas that is released from the fuel. But, when choosing a design, it is worth considering some features of each type.

So, stoves that run on waste oil are undesirable to use in a bathhouse and other residential premises. They are ideal for heating garages and other non-residential premises.

Of course, it is worth considering that small furnaces running on waste oil have high productivity. All you need is a cup of oil to work.

from brick

To build a brick oven you will need:

With such materials and tools at hand, you can build a furnace with your own hands. Of course, do not forget about some of the nuances on which the strength and efficiency of the heating structure will depend.

If you have opted for brick oven, then the construction process will look like this:

If necessary, you can decorate the structure. For this, facing bricks, stone and other materials that can withstand high temperatures are often used.

From a gas bottle

The metal pyrolysis oven is often made from old gas cylinders and is called Bubafonya.

A feature of the Bubafonya stove is that it can be used on different fuels.

To make such a design with your own hands, you will need tools:

  • hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • pliers.

The manufacturing process of the Bubafonya furnace is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Cut off the top convex part of the balloon.
  2. Be careful: cut the top of the cylinder below or above the weld, as the connecting seam is internally reinforced with a metal plate, which can make cutting difficult.

  3. A hole for the air duct is arranged in the center.
  4. At the top of the cylinder body, a hole is made for the chimney.
  5. Make a gas diffuser with a pipe through which oxygen will be supplied to the second chamber.
  6. Weld the chimney.

As you can see, you can easily make a stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands. But it is worth paying special attention to cutting the balloon. Before you start working with the grinder, you need to make sure that there are no gas residues in the cylinder, for this the cylinder is completely filled with water.

To ensure the normal functioning of the oven, you must follow some professional advice:

  1. For heating, solid fuel is used, the humidity of which should not be more than 20%.
  2. The chimney of a metal furnace should be removable, which will make it easy to clean soot and condensate.
  3. During operation, the stove heats up to high temperatures, so there should be no combustible objects and structures near it.
  4. Study the operating modes of the stove, which will allow you to choose the best option.

Compliance with all these tips will make it possible to ensure a long service life of the furnace. And do not forget that special attention should be paid to fire safety rules.

Watch the video in which the specialist explains how to make a small pyrolysis oven with your own hands from cans: