Pyrolysis heating boiler. Long-burning pyrolysis boilers: owner reviews, pros and cons

  • 27.06.2020

A comfortable life in the cold season is impossible without heating, unless you decide to spend the winter in Thailand or on some other exotic islands. As for stoves and boilers, a long-burning boiler is a very good alternative to other types of heating devices. It all depends on preferences and goals.

Suppose that in addition to the heat in the house, you are also interested in hot water supply, in which case you should pay attention to a double-circuit solid fuel boiler for long burning. Still, most likely, long-burning pyrolysis boilers with a water circuit will come across your eyes - unlike the first, manufacturers claim that they give much higher efficiency rates, because secondary gases will be burned out, and not released through the chimney. As for the price, Russian-made solid fuel boilers for long burning are cheaper than imported counterparts.

To facilitate the search among the numerous information, we have compiled a small rating of long-burning solid fuel boilers for premises for various purposes, so all that remains is to choose.


price, rub.

Briefly about the main

The body of Rod BS 04 is made of cast iron of the highest category. Power 22.5 kW (wood) and 23.3 (coal). Heated area 230 sq.m. The efficiency is high. Thermal insulation is excellent.

Made of steel 5 mm grade 09G2S. A 25 mm water jacket is drawn around the entire perimeter of the combustion chamber. Grid-irons - from a thick-walled seamless pipe. Power up to 60 kW.

Gas-generating boiler for working on logs. Power up to 80 kW. There is a display, you can connect an external control. Mains voltage is single-phase. Overheat protection.

Does not require control - just fill in the fuel and set the temperature. One bookmark is enough for 10-12 hours of work.

Power 20 kilowatts. You can add a heating element with a control panel to keep the house warm when there is no need to heat at full strength. Firewood cannot be used.

Runs on solid and liquid fuels, gas. Dual circuit. Designed for an area of ​​up to 250 sq.m. There are two fireboxes and a built-in 72 liter boiler. You can put burners.

Choose for houses up to 80 sq.m. One bookmark of firewood is enough for 72 hours (31 kg) and 120 hours of coal - 88 kg is placed at a time.

Steel. Power 15 kW. It is possible to connect an electric heating element. Fuel tank capacity, l: 35 Fuel type: coal.

Units in the line different power from 6 to 12 kilowatts. Equipped with an air vent and safety valve. Plus - autonomous operation without connecting to the mains.

Works on any fuel. Heats up very quickly. Power 9 kW, but enough for a room up to 100 sq.m.

It is equipped with a remote firebox, an upper heater and panoramic heat-resistant glass, which allows you to observe the combustion process and heat the stove from an adjacent room.

Designed for a maximum of 10 cubes. Firebox type - open. Plus - fast warming up due to the supply of air heated from the walls of the furnace into the heater.

There is a removable ash pan. Heats up quickly, but is only rated for 12 cubic meters.

Universal power 10 kW. The firebox is designed for half a meter logs. The shape is round and voluminous, due to which more fuel is placed and burns longer.

The advantage of such devices is versatility - one device both heats and heats water. Modern models are distinguished by high-quality assembly, economical fuel consumption and autonomy. If necessary, they can be equipped with a second circuit or a boiler can be connected.


Cast iron double-circuit solid fuel boiler of long burning, equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger and a thermomanometer. The water temperature is controlled mechanically. An anti-condensation pump is required. Also, this unit is constantly ranked among the best.



Applied in heating systems with natural and forced circulation of the coolant. I can use both as the main source and as a backup. The price of the unit is 42500 rubles.

  • affordable price;
  • good insulation and heat dissipation;
  • the ability to use any type of solid fuel;
  • easy to connect by yourself.

Users did not find any visible flaws.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers - semi-automatic devices from the Nedelka company, will help pass the cold nights without going down to the boiler room. You do not need to add fuel every 4 hours, because this is a long-burning boiler for up to 7 days, it will work quietly without additional bookmarking - all thanks to the manufacturer's proprietary technology.


Price 100450 rubles.

  • fan and control panel are included;
  • options: underfloor heating, boiler with indirect heating.
  • not easy cleaning, takes about 2 hours;
  • condensation inside, corrosion as a result;
  • high price.

Wismann - a long-burning pyrolysis boiler is available in gradations from 18 to 45 kW. It is made of cast iron, and the firebox is made of refractory steel 0.8 cm. It is very easy to control it using the primary and secondary air dampers. A long-burning wood-fired boiler with a furnace, a fairly deep clay chamber, allows you to fit firewood up to 0.5 m long - this increases the time until the next refueling. The consumed temperature mode is visible on the electronic display.

Equipped with silicon nozzle. It is equipped with an automatic limiter that limits temperature fluctuations within the safe limits established by the manufacturer. The number of rotational movements of the fan can be controlled via the panel. Long-burning wood-burning boilers for home heating from Viessmann will give you comfort, warmth and trouble-free operation.


The cost of equipment is 138,700 rubles.

  • not subject to corrosion;
  • protective heat exchanger and smoke exhauster;
  • easy to clean;
  • connects both independently and in addition to the existing boiler.
  • high price;
  • fuel needs to be topped up every 4 hours.

These long-burning pyrolysis boilers with a water circuit operate from one bookmark to 12 hours, delivering 24 kW. Completely independent of auxiliary energy sources - unscheduled power outages are no longer a problem. The presence of two circuits makes it possible to heat water, in addition to heating.


Price 88000 rub.

  • economical fuel consumption;
  • All controls are mechanical.
  • do not use antifreeze;
  • frequent cleaning of ash and soot;
  • sometimes comes across a flimsy assembly of the body, especially the doors;
  • without expansion tank;
  • "eats" a lot of firewood.

Medium-power long-burning coal-fired boilers for private houses, they transfer the accumulated energy to the water circuit through the grate. Pushers are cleaned automatically thanks to a specialized mechanism. The built-in sensor makes thermoregulation of draft automatically.


Price 44300 rubles.

  • the ability to add a heating element with a control panel to maintain heat in the house when it is cool, but not enough to heat at full strength.
  • cannot be fired with wood;
  • inconvenient location of the thermostat.

The main difference between country units and home units is the absence of the need for frequent refueling. We do not visit the country house so often, but this does not deprive us of the need to maintain heat there. Depending on the chosen model, it is necessary to throw firewood into the combustion chamber from once every 3-4 hours and up to 12 hours.


Another double-circuit solid fuel boiler for long burning. It will give warmth to a cottage, country house or dacha with an area of ​​up to 250 sq.m. Austrian quality guarantees uninterrupted operation from one load, more than 9 hours. The device is combined, which expands the user's ability to use, in the literal sense, any type of fuel. The firebox is made of steel 0.5 cm thick.



Price 148900 rubles.

  • built-in boiler for 72 l;
  • the ability to put burners;
  • a separate pump is not required;
  • complete with thermometer, ash pan and cleaning tool.
  • after prolonged use, it may crack when turned on;
  • a large amount of dust and soot falls on the operator when casting coal;
  • requires frequent cleaning.

Stropuva offers solid fuel boilers for long burning. The equipment allows you to heat a room with a square up to 80 sq.m. From one bookmark, heat is given off for 72 hours - this is only a plus, but coal gives an even more amazing effect - 120 hours. 31 kg of firewood up to 45 cm long is placed in the combustion chamber at a time, and as much as 88 kg of coal. The manufacturer offers a wide palette, so the device will fit into any interior.


The cost is 65,000 rubles.

  • fired with coal, pellets, briquettes and firewood;
  • complete set.
  • there is no ash pan;
  • tar is formed, gives a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • short reverse thrust provokes tar settling;
  • the use of wet fuel will cause streaks on the floor around the machine.

NMK Siberia will help to heat the cottage in the cold season. The technology used allows not to feed the fire every two hours, because one bookmark is enough for a whole day.

NMK Magnum KDG 15 TE


Price 36500 rub.

  • the ability to equip additionally with remote control and heating element;
  • mediocre efficiency.

Ideal option for heating greenhouses. It is convenient that the water circuit system is easily connected, due to which both the soil will warm up and the air inside.

Prometheus 12M-3

Heating boiler for solid fuel of long burning Russian production, made of refractory steel. Equipped with a three-way heat exchanger, a water jacket and three vertical chambers. The damper is controlled automatically. The device is able to give off heat for 8-12 hours, from the moment the combustion chamber is filled. The firebox is lined with refractory fireclay - this also affects the amount of energy released. Able to warm the room up to 100 square meters.

Prometheus 12M-3


Price 31500 rubles.

  • equipped with an air vent and a safety valve;
  • Autonomous operation without connection to the mains.
  • not intended for firewood;
  • serves no more than 5 years;
  • eats a lot of fuel.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers from a domestic manufacturer devour any kind of solid fuel - so there should be no problems with this item. It will ideally fit into auxiliary, industrial or residential buildings up to 90 sq.m. It can also be connected to gas if you purchase a gas burner.


The cost is 28600 rubles.

  • omnivorous, efficient;
  • heats up quickly.
  • difficulties during installation and cleaning;
  • can give off a campfire smell;
  • smokes during combustion;
  • the combustion chamber is too small.

The design is in many ways similar to a classic stove, but the heated smoke is not directed into the chimney, but is used to heat the stones located in the heater. When choosing, the type of heater and heat exchanger is important. Also pay attention to the principle of operation used to heat water.


The NMK company produces a Magnum long-burning boiler, but besides this, there are still worthy models for a bath. This long-burning solid fuel boiler is an improved version of the Siberia furnace. Made from 6mm refractory steel sheets. "Raskochegarit" a bathhouse with a volume in the range of 12-24 m³. Secondary afterburning of gases allows you to extend the heat output without additional casting of firewood. The stones used to create the steam cloud heat up in 2 hours.

Sauna stove "Katun"

The dimensions of the stove are relatively small - 78x57x90 cm. The total weight is 160 kg, the weight of the stones reaches 200 kg. The cost is 25,000 rubles.

  • can be fired with brown coal;
  • clear glass system;
  • cleaning the chimney is much easier due to the structure of the equipment;
  • option of equipping with a heat exchanger;

Minus one - for such a baby the price is high.

A wood-burning boiler is suitable for a cozy bathhouse with a volume of no more than 10 cubic meters. Made from heat resistant steel. Above is a compartment for heating stones. The manufacturer recommends using only a certain type of stone - so that the heat transfer is more efficient.

The dimensions of the stove are relatively small - 67x42x61.5 cm. The total weight is only 40 kg, the weight of the stones is 20 kg. Chimney diameter 115 mm. The cost is 6670 rubles.

Plus - affordable price. Minus - not suitable for large steam rooms.

Wonderful long-burning solid fuel boilers from GREIVARI will not leave indifferent those who like to take a steam bath. Heating boilers on long-burning wood will quickly heat up a steam room with a volume of 12 m³, thanks to the wall thickness of the combustion chamber of 6 mm. Stones up to 45 kg are placed in the heater. Customer reviews are very optimistic, and they are selling it like hot cakes.

Unit weight 53 kg. Chimney diameter 115 mm. Price 9200 rub.

  • removable ash pan;
  • heats up quickly.

Minus - not suitable for large bath rooms.

Buying equipment will help not only keep the car warm, but also create comfortable conditions for repair work. Starting a car in the cold season is directly related to the ambient temperature.

Kupper Comfort

A compact, economical long-burning wood-burning boiler works up to 7 hours from one tab. Weighs only 67 kg - installing it yourself will not be difficult. Made from thick steel sheets.

Kupper Comfort


Price 20450 rubles.

Plus - universal, safe.

Minus - the installation requires the help of specialists.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers are the choice of garage owners. You can heat it with anything, moreover, you can burn the accumulated garbage, and also get heat from, it would seem, such uselessness. A power of 12 kW is enough to heat 120 sq.m.


The cost is 25,000 rubles.

The priority is compact size - it takes up a lot of space, but heats up very slowly.

Which is better - a long-burning boiler on coals or wood

This question is always asked by those who are just thinking of switching to non-solid fuel boilers for long burning. Consider the positive and negative aspects of each type of fuel.

In general, these are all the main criteria by which one or another type of fuel is chosen.

VIDEO: What is the difference between a long-burning boiler and a conventional one

Gasification of private sectors is progressing by leaps and bounds. But until now, many settlements are heated by coal or firewood. And when the "blue fuel" will reach them is unknown. But the budget is not rubber. Looking at the rising prices for firewood, coal or pellets (pressed fuel), people clutch their heads. However, there is a way out of the situation - long-burning solid fuel boilers with a water circuit, saving both firewood and time. You need to heat once a day, and for some models even once a week is enough. Today we will figure out what kind of “miracle unit” this is, why it is so rarely necessary to heat it and how much such a boiler costs.

Read in the article

Solid fuel boilers for long burning with a water circuit: advantages and disadvantages

Long-burning solid fuel boilers for heating are an opportunity to provide a home with heat and create comfortable living conditions, while consuming less wood or coal than when using a conventional stove. Such a unit has a lot of advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • economy achieved by a high coefficient useful action;
  • the unit is easy to maintain;
  • low cost;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.

Depending on the model, such units may be equipped with additional options that will facilitate the heating process. However, it is not without drawbacks, among which it is worth noting the need for periodic cleaning and loading of fuel (in comparison with gas and electrical equipment). But these shortcomings disappear if we compare the device with conventional stove heating.

The principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler for long burning

The principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler for heating a house is based on the properties of wood, to emit a gas called pyrolysis during combustion. In a wood stove, this gas is not used in any way for a constructive reason. It is itself a fuel, which, when burned, produces a large amount of heat. Using pyrolysis gas, engineers managed to increase the efficiency of long-burning solid fuel heating boilers by minimizing open flames.

Classification of units: what to look for when choosing

The choice of a long burning boiler depends on several factors. The weight of the equipment is taken into account, but only if it is planned to place the device on the wall. The main attention is paid to the main parameters. To determine them, consider the classification of aggregates.

Fuel combustion method: which is better

There are two types of devices - volatile and non-volatile. Consider their differences, pros and cons.

A traditional volatile boiler is comparable in appearance to a conventional stove, which has a window in the upper part. Fuel is loaded into it. Firewood or coal smolders inside, there is no open flame, but the release of this heat is sufficient. At the same time, a special fan is periodically turned on, removing excess oxygen from the furnace. Due to the absence of an open flame, fuel is saved and the time interval between its bookmarks is increased.

Such a unit is equipped with an afterburner, providing increase in efficiency up to 80÷85%. These devices are reliable and durable due to the simplicity of their design, but they have the disadvantage of being volatile. When the power is turned off, the fan stops turning on and smoldering does not occur. The solution would be to purchase a UPS (uninterruptible power supply).

What is a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler

Non-volatile devices are called pyrolysis devices. The difference from the previous version is that the fuel is first dried, after which degassing occurs. As a result, more than 80% of substances are converted into gas, the combustion temperature of which is 2 times higher than that of firewood. To understand how it works, we suggest watching a short video:

Advantages - efficiency (up to 95%), efficiency and autonomy (power outages are not terrible).

What type of fuel to choose

An important parameter for saving the family budget is the type of fuel that the unit will use. The choice here will depend on what is more profitable to purchase in a particular region. If a person lives where there is a lot of forest, naturally he will choose a wood-fired boiler. But it is worth noting that long-burning coal-fired boilers require bookmarks less often than wood-burning ones.

Number of contours: how important is this parameter

The choice for this parameter depends on the availability of hot water in the house. Double-circuit devices are more expensive, but they make it possible, in addition to heating, to organize hot water supply in a dwelling. If the house is not hot water this factor is crucial, especially if small children live in the house.

Important! An additional circuit enables uninterrupted hot water supply only in the presence of cold water. If there is no running water in the house, there will be no point in overpaying.

Selecting a device for heating by power

The power of the unit determines the ability to heat a given area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Nothing complicated. We buy more expensive and there are no problems. But the question arises, why overpay for unnecessary power? Yes, and fuel for such equipment takes more. back side medals - insufficient power. In this case, the equipment will not heat the room up to comfortable temperature- and again money thrown to the wind.

In order not to be mistaken with the power of a solid fuel boiler, we suggest using an online calculator. It will eliminate the error in the calculations that a person can make. All that is required from the user is to enter data in the appropriate fields and click the "calculate" button. The program will display the required equipment parameter in kW.

Calculator for calculating the power of a solid fuel boiler for long burning

Efficiency of solid fuel boilers of long burning

Efficiency is the most important parameter to which attention is paid. It depends on him how well the room will be heated, and how much firewood or coal will have to be purchased for winter period. The higher this indicator, the greater the savings in the family budget will be received by the owner. But the cost of equipment with high efficiency is higher.

Good to know! By overpaying when buying equipment with high efficiency, you will save money later. Fuel over the winter will take less at the same temperature in the home.

How important is the volume of the loading chamber

The loading chamber should be as large as possible. It depends on how often you have to lay fuel. Models with small chambers operate on one load for 8÷24 hours, but there are those that do not require fuel for 5÷8 days. But here, too, much depends on the type of fuel. The most unpretentious in this sense are coal devices.

Important! Solid fuel boilers require long burning when installing a separate room, which means that the volume of the loading chamber will depend on the area of ​​​​the furnace. When purchasing a unit with a large load, you should consider whether it will fit in the room intended for it.

Also, many users of such boilers will be interested in the question of how much fuel the selected equipment will “eat up”. To do this, we also suggest using a special calculator.

Calculator for calculating the required amount of solid fuel

Send the result to my email

Types of solid fuel units for long burning

Such units are divided into three types: pyrolysis, pellet and boilers with the principle of upper combustion. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

Unit with the principle of top combustion of fuel

The principle of operation of such a device differs from other types in that the coal in the chamber burns from above, and the flame goes down as it burns out. It happens like this.

An air supply pipe is installed above the fuel, at the end of which there is a bell. The flame from the top layer of fuel is supported by preheated air from the socket. As the coal burns, the telescopic tube lowers. Thus, the process is maintained until complete burnout. The heat exchanger with the heat carrier is located by a shirt around a fire chamber.

Such boilers are convenient in that they do not need to be filled frequently. One load (through the door on top) is enough for 5÷8 days. Ash is removed through the lower hatch. More expensive models equipped with a door along the entire length of the cylinder. Here, the cost increases due to the complexity of manufacturing the unit.

Pellet boilers and their advantages over other types

Pellets are granules of compressed fuel. The advantages of pellets in shape and size, which allow you to automate the process of feeding into the furnace. Consider the advantages of this type of boilers.

Pressed pellets are cheaper than firewood or coal, which saves the family budget in heating season. In addition, an automatic solid fuel boiler has to be loaded less often, it requires less maintenance. The temperature in the room can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the fuel supply to the furnace. For these reasons, the popularity of pellet boilers is growing every year.

But, even after studying the information presented, it will be difficult for a person who has not encountered such equipment to make a choice. To resolve this issue, we will present a rating of the best manufacturers representing long-burning solid fuel boilers on the Russian market.

Rating of manufacturers of solid fuel heating boilers for a private house

There are quite a few manufacturers of such products, but we will try to highlight the top three from them. It is gratifying that a Russian manufacturer deservedly rises to the first place in today's rating.

Manufacturer of solid fuel boilers "Teplodar"

The company presents a wide range of not only solid fuel boilers, but also other thermal equipment. This is one of the leaders in the market of such units not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. The quality of the consumer does not cause any complaints. Here is what Internet users say about this manufacturer:

Dmitry721, Ukraine: In the process of installing a heating system at one of the construction sites of our company, I first encountered the equipment of the Teplodar company. A solid fuel boiler Kupper OVK-18 was installed. With its average power, the boiler turned out to be very productive and with a fairly high efficiency. (According to the product passport, the efficiency is 80%). The first launch (ignition) was carried out on wood. Although the model is designed not only for firewood, but also for coal and peat briquettes. (…) With a high heat output, it is also economical. Structurally, the manufacturer provides for the replacement of the burner, which will allow the use of other types of fuel, but this has not been tested. Confidently working for the second season ...

More on Otzovik:

Representative of Germany "Buderus": competitor of Russian brands

The company appeared on the Russian market in 2004. It was the only warehouse located in Moscow. But already in 2008 the Buderus network grew to 25 representative offices. German quality, known throughout the world, has done its job - the popularity of solid fuel boilers of this brand is growing every year. However, although Buderus units can compete with a domestic manufacturer in quality, they clearly lose in terms of the price of equipment. The cost of boilers of this manufacturer is 3-5 times higher than Russian ones. And therefore - the second place of today's rating.

More on Otzovik:

"ZOTA" is another Russian in our ranking

Relatively young company founded in 2007. The manufacturer is constantly improving models, the cost of which is low. The ZOTA company could compete for the second place in the rating, but a not too wide range of models failed due to the company's youth. The quality of the units is at a decent level, although there were some shortcomings. Users complain about the lack of pressure gauges, small volumes of loading chambers and the complexity of maintenance.

At what price can you buy a long-burning solid fuel boiler

You can buy such equipment both in specialized stores and on Internet resources. Let's try to summarize the information on Russian-made solid fuel long-burning boilers, as well as their foreign competitors, which we managed to collect by considering the characteristics of some models and their cost as of January 2018.

Photo Make and model Power / efficiency, kW / % Fuel type Average price (as of January 2018), rub.

Stropuva Mini S88/85 Firewood, briquettes56100

Conord KS-T-1111/80 Firewood, briquettes11800

Buderus Logano G221-2525/78 Firewood, coal, coke115000

Wattek PYROTEK 3636/90 Briquettes, firewood172000

Lavoro Eco С3232/85 Peat briquettes, coal69300

NMK Magnum KDG 20 TE20/80 Coal, coal briquettes35000

Galmet Top 1515/85 Firewood, briquettes, coal85000

Looking at the presented table, one can understand that the prices for Russian-made solid fuel boilers are much lower than their foreign counterparts.


Heating houses with solid fuel boilers is quite a common occurrence in small towns where there is still no gas. The fuel used in most cases is the most ordinary firewood or fuel briquettes.

The disadvantage of such boilers is that they are forced to make many approaches to throw up more and more new portions of fuel. Long-burning pyrolysis boilers are deprived not only of this drawback, but also of some others - we will talk about this as part of our review.

Features of pyrolysis boilers

Traditional wood-fired boilers are annoying because they require constant supervision. That is, every 2-3 hours they need to put more and more portions of fuel in them, otherwise the pipes in the house will become cold. It is especially hard at night, when instead of a restful sleep, households get headache in the form of cooling heating. On the one hand, sleeping in a cool place is good for health. On the other hand, meeting the morning, desperately chattering your teeth, is not very pleasant.

Classic boilers for home heating have another important drawback - low efficiency. The fuel in them burns out very quickly, most of the heat simply escapes into the atmosphere. Together with it, combustion products containing combustible gases fly into the air. They can be used to obtain additional portions of heat - this is what happens in pyrolysis boilers for long-term combustion.

As you already understood, solid fuel pyrolysis heating boilers are devoid of both of the above disadvantages.. They are endowed with capacious fireboxes, burning solid fuel according to a slightly different principle. Here are their main features:

The principle of operation of a solid fuel pyrolysis boiler is very simple. Although this figure does not cover all the nuances, it conveys the essence of the technology in full.

  • Large volume of the furnace - up to several tens of liters. Due to this, the frequency of approaches for laying fuel is reduced several times;
  • The pyrolysis principle of combustion - allows you to get much more thermal energy from the same amount of firewood;
  • Quite large - in fact, there are two fireboxes. In one, firewood slowly burns out, and in the second, the products of combustion released from the wood are burned;
  • Low combustion temperature - reduces the thermal load on the metal.

Long-burning pyrolysis boilers are somewhat more complex than their traditional counterparts, but they provide significant fuel savings.

It should be understood that due to complex design, often containing elements of automation, pyrolysis boilers are distinguished by a high price. So initial costs on their purchase may seem large. But in the future they will definitely justify themselves.

Operating principle

Now we will try to understand how a long-burning pyrolysis boiler is arranged and how it works. The principle of operation is very simple and complex at the same time. Pyrolysis is described in the school physics course - being heated in a confined space, wood emits combustible gases that can be ignited and heat generated. In fact, there is no direct combustion of wood in such an experiment.

In long-burning pyrolysis boilers, firewood still burns, but with limited air supply. We can say that this is a slow smoldering. Having flared up, the tree begins to emit combustible gases that burn in the afterburner. In total, we get two sources of heat - these are burning wood and burning wood gas. The effect of such staged combustion is felt in the form of fuel savings of up to 40%.

Wood gas in pyrolysis boilers for long-term combustion is formed as a result of slow smoldering of fuel. At the same time, the equipment heats the air, which, together with wood gas, is fed into the afterburner. There, the mixture ignites and burns to form a large number heat. At the same time, the quantity harmful emissions, compared to traditional boilers, is extremely small.

Thus, a pyrolysis boiler is a direct fuel saving, since more heat can be released from the same portion of firewood. Instead of 10 cubic meters of firewood for one winter period, only 6-7 cubic meters can be used. At the same time, users will not need to put all new portions of firewood into the insatiable firebox every 2-3 hours.

Long-burning pyrolysis boilers are available in several modifications:

Despite the low burning rate of the fuel, the emitted porylysis gases are able to pump the flame to a similar bright white-yellow color.

  • Non-volatile - they operate on natural traction and are mechanically controlled;
  • Volatile - here the pyrolysis proceeds using forced draft. This increases the efficiency of combustion;
  • With a different arrangement of the afterburning chamber - it can be located above the combustion chamber or below it. Also on sale there are modifications with a sequential arrangement of cameras.

There are many modifications, but in general, the device and the principle of operation are almost the same.

Long-burning volatile pyrolysis boilers are good because they often have automation that can control the power of the equipment and the intensity of combustion, focusing on the temperature of the coolant or the temperature in the rooms.

Long-term combustion in pyrolysis boilers is ensured by two factors at once. The first factor is the low burning/smoldering rate of wood. The second factor is the large volume of the combustion chamber. For example, pyrolysis boilers with a furnace volume of 50 liters and even more are on sale. It is not surprising that the frequency of approaches for loading fuel is reduced to 1-2 times a day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pyrolysis boilers have a number of advantages over their traditional counterparts. But they also have some disadvantages. Let's discuss all their pros and cons:

  • Profitability - it varies from 10 to 40%, depending on the model, intensity of combustion and air temperature outside the window;
  • long burning - you can put fuel only 1-2 times a day. For example, morning and evening. At any time of the day, the house will be warm;
  • Ecological cleanliness - firewood burns almost completely, with minimal emission of combustion products;
  • Almost complete heat transfer to the heating system - the temperature of the exhaust gases here is lower than in traditional boilers;
  • In long-burning pyrolysis boilers, various power control mechanisms are often implemented - they work by adjusting the intensity of fuel smoldering and gas supply to the afterburner.

There are also disadvantages:

Due to the impressive dimensions, you will have to find a lot of free space to accommodate the boiler. Basement and attic are the most promising options.

  • High cost - user reviews say that long-burning pyrolysis boilers are very convenient, economical and practical. But the initial costs for their purchase are extremely high (most true for powerful volatile models);
  • Energy dependence - such units are more efficient, but require connection to the mains (the total electricity consumption is small, but in its absence, work will be difficult or impossible at all);
  • Large dimensions - long-burning pyrolysis boilers are noticeably larger than any other solid fuel units.

The disadvantages are not the most serious, some of them can be neglected. But you have to put up with the high cost.

Fuel used

We have already said that long-burning pyrolysis boilers run on wood. This is a fairly common and inexpensive type of fuel. In some cases, firewood can be obtained completely free of charge. But these boilers can operate on many other types of solid fuels. For example, in some stores we can buy a pellet pyrolysis boiler. It works on fuel pellets on the same principle as the above units.

The main advantages of pellet models are automated fuel supply (implemented in some units), low ash content of fuel.

You can also purchase a pyrolysis boiler on coal. It will please you with long burning and high efficiency. coal boilers work on the same principle of operation, generating combustible gas from hard coal. Due to the powerful calorific value, the frequency of approaches for laying fuel is lower than when using long-burning wood-fired pyrolysis boilers.

Popular Models

Popov's pyrolysis boiler is a simple non-volatile unit made of steel. The design turned out to be so successful that many craftsmen copy it, assembling heating equipment with their own hands. The presented boiler is omnivorous, it can burn almost any solid fuel. And an impressive furnace of gigantic volume allows you to count on almost 24 hours of continuous burning. At the same time, the fuel burns almost completely, forming a minimum of components harmful to nature.

One of the advantages of this pyrolysis boiler is the possibility of laying logs custom size(up to 75 cm in low-power models up to 240 cm in the most productive units), which ensures long-term burning. The maximum power of the equipment is 1000 kW, the minimum is only 25 kW. Depending on the selected operating mode, the efficiency of the device varies from 75 to 95%.

Boilers Geyser

Equipment from the manufacturer of the same name is represented by two lines - household and industrial. Household pyrolysis boilers Geyser of long burning have a capacity of 10 to 50 kW. They can operate on any solid fuel, characterized by a high efficiency. The volume of the furnace for the smallest model is 40 liters. The equipment is non-volatile and is characterized by extreme simplicity in operation and unpretentiousness.

Boilers Buderus

Solid fuel pyrolysis boiler of long burning Buderus Logano G221-20 from the well-known trademark Buderus is an excellent acquisition for heating your home. Its power is 20 kW, thanks to which it can heat rooms up to 200 square meters. m. The control here is mechanical, connection to a power source is not required. The heat exchanger here is made of cast iron - this affects the cost of the model, but makes it durable and resistant to corrosion. True, the efficiency of the heating unit is only 78%.

Its closest analogue is the more advanced long-burning pyrolysis boiler Buderus Logano S171-22 W. It has a high efficiency, which is 87%. The use of forced draft is responsible for this - inside we will find a small fan. Another difference is the steel heat exchanger. This does not add reliability, but it makes the equipment more affordable. The average fuel consumption is about 6 kg/h.

Boilers Bastion

Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers of long burning Basting series M-KST belong to non-volatile equipment working on wood and other types solid fuel. The line has been produced for 3 years and is characterized by a low number of negative reviews. The younger model has a power of 12 kW, the oldest - 50 kW. The boilers are endowed with powerful cast-iron heat exchangers, the minimum volume of the furnace is 40 liters. Of the benefits - a reliable design and affordable cost.


Pyrolysis is widely used in different industries. This chemical process is in demand and for heating residential areas.

Pyrolysis occurs with any kind of solid raw materials:

  • Firewood.
  • Small branches or sawdust.
  • Briquettes.
  • Peat.
  • Brown coal.
  • Pellets.
  • Coke.

However, the most efficient pyrolysis unit operates on fuel with increased level release of volatile substances - on wood 80-100 mm thick. Together with them, pellets or wood waste are used.

Attention! It is not advisable to use only sawdust or pellets - the boiler does not produce heat with them or it efficiency is reduced to a minimum.

Pyrolysis boiler: what does it mean, its device

Design pyrolysis boiler as follows:

  1. Chimney.
  2. Control block.
  3. Loading bunker.
  4. Nozzle.
  5. The combustion chamber.
  6. Heat exchanger.

The heating boiler based on pyrolysis is a two-chamber unit - this is its feature. The main chemical reaction in these chambers is:

  1. Loading chamber or gasifying chamber. Here there is a preliminary thermal decomposition of raw materials. Organic matter under the influence of high temperatures turns into a combustible gas. To maintain smoldering, primary air is directed into the chamber. Burning at temperature 300-800°C.

Photo 1. Fuel loading chamber in a pyrolysis boiler. Interior decoration made with fireclay bricks.

  1. The combustion chamber. After smoldering, the released air and gas enter here. Here, the resulting gas burns like ordinary natural gas. Temperature on average 1200 °C. It is at this stage that a lot of heat is released, which is necessary for heating. At the same time, there is a strong aerodynamic resistance, so forced draft is necessary, the role of which is played by a smoke exhauster.

Two spaces between chambers divides the grate into which fuel is loaded. There it is set on fire and the smoke exhauster is started. The grate prevents heat from escaping from the upper loading chamber and provides a light flow of primary air.

Pyrolysis furnaces equipped with traction switches that ignite the fuel. Thus, at the beginning of ignition, the boiler functions as a direct combustion device, and after closing the valve, it switches to pyrolysis.

Types of pyrolysis devices, characteristics

Pyrolysis-based boilers differ in their structure. Yes, there are:

  • Burner chamber on top. Occurs rarely. The advantages of the design are that the flue gas passes freely into the afterburner, and after burning it immediately enters the chimney for further cooling. Among the minuses is the location of the smoke system is uneconomical, since initially more consumables are required for the manufacture of such a design.

Photo 2. Pyrolysis boiler with a bottom afterburner. The arrows indicate the component parts of the device.

  • Burner chamber from below. The most common and most comfortable type of construction. It is convenient for the user to lay firewood, since the camera is not on the floor. And also the chamber has a direct exit to the lower chimney, and from there to the chimney. However, this design also has its drawbacks. So, ash from the loading compartment clogs the second chamber, so it is cleaned more often. In addition, it is necessary to provide enhanced traction so that the smoke moves down.

As well as pyrolysis boilers differ in the type of traction used:

  1. Natural pull. No need for an electrician. However, operation requires a fairly high chimney with powerful natural draft, which will be expensive.
  2. Forced boost and traction. The boiler becomes volatile, however, the speed of entering the mode increases. Such a unit is equipped with fans and smoke exhausters, which are controlled by automation - the dependence on weather conditions completely disappears and the combustion efficiency increases. This type of firebox can operate at maximum efficiency for 4-5 hours, and this 20% more than a natural draft boiler.

There are two types of heating pyrolysis devices:

  • For water heating. Water acts as a heat carrier, which is heated in a heat exchanger, then poured through pipes into radiators. The temperature is maintained by constant circulation.
  • For air heating. At home, it is used much less frequently. Often used for heating outbuildings or in industries. Thermal energy distributed in the room with the help of warm air masses. They are heated as a result of the combustion of raw materials. Heat is distributed through aluminum pipes and blowers. Such a system is controlled by automation, so the owner can easily configure it according to his needs.

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How to choose such a device

When choosing a unit based on pyrolysis pay attention to its key characteristics:

Case quality. Previously, the body of the firebox was made mainly of cast iron.

Now manufacturers produce an all-welded body made of sheet material.

The main thing here is its thickness.

It depends on the power of the boiler:

  • 15-65 kW: internal structures 5 mm, outdoor - 4 mm;
  • 75-110 kW: internal - 6 mm, external - 5 mm;
  • 135-195 kW: inside - 8 mm outside - 6 mm;
  • 200 kW or more: internal components - 10 mm, outdoor - 8 mm.

Power. This indicator depends on the heated area. There are many methods for determining power. The simplest and best among them is to take as a basis 1 kW per 10 square meters heated area.

Experts recommend the unit with 10% power reserve. So, for placement on 120 square meters suitable boiler for 16 kW. If the area of ​​the territory 160 square meters, the power of the device must be at least 18 kW, and so on in the same way.

Reference. If the height of the ceilings in the heated room exceeds 3m, for each additional meter, the boiler power is added by 1-3%.

Energy efficiency. Indicates the ratio of useful heat, which was consumed, with the volume of consumed raw materials. This indicator depends mainly on fuel. So, for effective heating, only dry Consumables.

However, they also take into account the volume of the loading chamber, which holds firewood up to 60-65 cm. Besides, both cameras cover with a special a layer of ceramic concrete- it maintains the right temperature inside. As a result, fuel is burned better and more efficiently.

Important! The optimal boiler is one that provides at least 10 continuous hours of burning raw materials and serves uninterruptedly for 20 years.

Price. Pyrolysis boilers are more expensive than other types of heating boilers. However, there are options here too. Yes, domestic 2-3 times cheaper imported, and in terms of characteristics they are not inferior to foreign counterparts.

Pros of using

  • burning duration.

After one bookmark, such a device works smoothly. till 12 o'clock, that is, you have to load it 2 times less than other solid fuel boilers.

However, it all depends on the type: an ordinary firebox with firewood works on the order of 4 hours and with upper combustion - on average 30 hours on wood and 5-7 days on coal.

This effect is provided at the expense regulated process burning. In many modern models, automatic regulation of work. The duration of burning also depends on the volume of living space, the air temperature in the room and on the street, the design of the unit and its power.

  • efficiency 85—90%.
  • Complete combustion of raw materials.

Less consumption of raw materials less often it is necessary to clean the gas ducts and the ash pan.

  • Environmental friendliness.

Smoldering wood or similar fuels release 3 times less harmful substances than in other solid fuel boilers. In addition, harmful emissions into the atmosphere are minimized by the hot temperature in the upper chamber.

  • Profitability.

Even large unchopped firewood is suitable for burning. In addition, double-chamber combustion reduces excess air in the flue gas, which also improves economy. Compared to other types of solid fuel boilers, the efficiency of pyrolysis units is higher by 5-8%.


  1. Energy dependence. Most often, such boilers cannot work without a smoke exhauster. Forced draft requires a system with a generator. The fan uses electricity in the amount of at least 80-100 W.
  2. High price. Average 1.5-2 times more expensive other types.
  3. Sensitivity to fuel moisture. Maximum dryness required. Yes, burning 1 kg firewood from 20% humidity, the power of the equipment will be 4 kW. If you take 1 kg firewood from 50% humidity, power decreases 2 times and achieve everything 2 kW.
  4. Unstable operation of the unit at low loads (below 50%), the growth of tar in the gas outlet.
  5. Large dimensions pyrolysis equipment.
  6. Pyrolysis boilers are exclusively single-circuit. To heat water for domestic needs, you will need a separate unit.
  7. Unable to automate fuel loading process- loaded exclusively manually.

Safe use

The functioning of the pyrolysis boiler means working at the highest possible temperatures. Therefore, each manufacturer makes high demands on the installation and operation of equipment.

The installation is carried out by a qualified person. The boiler is located in a separate room with good ventilation, a chimney is installed on the unit.

Also take into account the following operating rules:

  • In the absence of sufficient draft or the necessary heat carrier, the boiler must not be operated.
  • It is forbidden to trust children or any unauthorized persons to load and ignite the equipment.
  • The temperature of the water in the pipe system going through the boiler, must not exceed 95 °C. If the indicator is exceeded, the flame in the unit chamber is temporarily weakened with sand. In parallel with this, all possible chimney dampers are opened.
  • The boiler gets very hot during operation, so there should not be flammable materials and objects near it.
  • It is strictly forbidden to modify the design of the boiler and use it for other purposes.

Photo of pyrolysis boilers

Photo 3. Pyrolysis boiler installed at home. Firewood for kindling is stored next to it.

Photo 4. Pyrolysis boiler from the manufacturer Viessmann. The device is equipped electronic control.

Photo 5. Pyrolysis boiler with a lower type of fuel loading is quite large.

Useful video

Watch a video that demonstrates the operation of a pyrolysis boiler, tells how to heat it.


Pyrolysis boiler - good alternative to direct combustion units. However, some experts recommend buying pyrolysis equipment as a backup heat source complete with electrical or gas boiler. If you still install pyrolysis as the main heat generator, you will need competent design and highly qualified specialists for installation.

  • What is wood pyrolysis

    Pyrolysis is the decomposition of a substance under the influence of temperature.
    wood pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of a wood substance.

    Under the influence of temperature, wood decomposes into products wood pyrolysis - carbon (charcoal) and volatile hydrocarbons (pyrolysis gas). Wood pyrolysis products are combustible substances. When - we see combustion (oxidation) of wood pyrolysis products. Without preliminary pyrolysis (thermal decomposition), wood will not burn. Preliminary pyrolysis of the wood substance is a prerequisite for the combustion of wood. In any fire and stove, at the tip of a burning match and in a raging forest fire, the same thing always happens - the thermal decomposition (pyrolysis) of the wood substance and the combustion (oxidation) of the wood pyrolysis products are continuously going on. If the wood does not burn, it means that there is no sufficiently strong and effective process of pyrolysis of the wood substance that can support the combustion of wood.

    Ignition and burning of wood

    If the wood is heated long enough and strongly enough, its thermal decomposition will begin, followed by ignition of the pyrolysis products. The first, sluggish process of wood pyrolysis begins already when it is heated to a temperature of 120°C ... 150°C. Then, as it heats up, thermal decomposition intensifies and becomes noticeable to the naked eye. At a temperature of 250°С...350°С, the wood surface becomes charred and white smoke appears. At this temperature, short-term ignition of pyrolysis products can occur. With further heating of the wood to 600 ° C, the inevitable ignition of these very products of thermal decomposition - the formed charcoal and pyrolysis gas - will occur. If the ignition zone is not supercooled, the wood will catch fire and burn. You can read more about the process of burning wood in the article "".

    What is pyrolysis wood combustion

    Basically, any combustion of wood is pyrolysis, since any combustion of wood is preceded by its preliminary - thermal decomposition. The combustion of wood cannot be any other than pyrolysis.

    What is a wood burning pyrolysis boiler

    Wood pyrolysis boiler - this is a heating equipment that works on wood and organic heating briquettes, according to the principle of (separate) combustion of fuel. Since, with such separate combustion of fuel, pyrolysis gas is released (generated), pyrolysis boilers are often called "gas generating" or "gassing". Specialists can separate these concepts for those cases when it is really important. For the average consumer, there is only one thing to remember:

    The main difference between the pyrolysis boiler is the presence of a two-chamber body structure, which provides separate combustion of fuel.

    You can read more about pyrolysis boilers in the article.

    Fuel for wood pyrolysis boiler

    The fuel for the pyrolysis boiler is also fuel briquettes (wood and organic). In a small percentage (no more than 15-25% of the total mass), you can add wood chips, sawdust, shavings, small wood waste and even pellets.

    Despite the fact that pellets are 100% wood, they cannot serve as the main fuel for a pyrolysis boiler, due to their fine fraction. The minimum size of pieces of fuel for a pyrolysis boiler is 70-100 mm in diameter, no less.

    Fossil energy carriers and products of their processing - gas, oil, coal and coal fuel briquettes, as well as rubber products and plastic-containing substances cannot serve as fuel for a pyrolysis boiler.

    The work of a wood pyrolysis boiler (video)

    Poryskav on the web, easily found good video about the operation of the pyrolysis boiler. The screen clearly shows that firewood (fuel) is loaded into the upper (pyrolysis) chamber. There, the wood smolders and decomposes under the influence of high temperature. This releases flammable pyrolysis gas. Then, already in the lower chamber - this gas burns out like ordinary natural gas. The remains of wood burn out in the upper chamber.

    How to choose a wood pyrolysis boiler

    Nowadays, wood pyrolysis boilers are not made and sold only by the lazy. It is no wonder. In times of fuel crises, wood heating is a tidbit and a balm for the heart. However, REAL pyrolysis boilers are not “too tough” for every manufacturer and seller. Because this thing is very material-intensive and cumbersome. And since, "in vain to shove a pile of metal and ceramics to distant lands" - no one will, then when buying a pyrolysis boiler, you need to immediately tune in to work with a domestic manufacturer or a well-established dealer network.

    It is with them that it will be necessary to agree on the following issues, which are paramount when buying a wood-fired pyrolysis boiler:

    Lining of wood fired pyrolysis boiler

    The lining is obligatory for a wood pyrolysis boiler.
    And the point here is not at all in protecting the metal from burning out.
    Metal, just nothing threatens.

    But the process of wood pyrolysis itself can suffer from hypothermia. Because, active thermal decomposition of woody substance is possible only at a temperature of at least 600 ... 800ºС. And, if the fuel comes into contact with the steel water-cooled walls of the boiler body (t = 120 ... 250ºС), it will simply go out or burn badly. It turns out that the lining of the pyrolysis boiler protects the combustion zone of fuel (firewood) from hypothermia.

    In addition, the lining kit of any pyrolysis boiler contains the most important detail, without which the operation of a pyrolysis heating unit is simply unthinkable - this is a ceramic NOZZLE!

    Explanation of the importance of the nozzle
    - Absolutely all pyrolysis boilers must have two chambers - a loading chamber (for wood pyrolysis) and a combustion chamber (for burning pyrolysis gases). These two chambers are necessarily connected by a ceramic nozzle, which is the main attribute of the combustion of pyrolysis gases.

    The ceramic nozzle of a wood-burning heating pyrolysis unit is its "Achilles' heel". The nozzle of the pyrolysis boiler withstands thermal shocks with an amplitude of almost 600ºС, wears out very quickly, collapses and fails. The service life of the nozzle, a maximum of 3-4 years. After that, it will need to be replaced.

    And, if the service life of the boiler body is 15-20 years, and the service life of its lining parts is 3-4 years, then this means only one thing - periodically the lining parts of the pyrolysis heating unit will need to be bought from its manufacturer and changed.

    Hence the conclusion - you need to take products from well-known manufacturers who have an established dealer network and there should be no problems with the purchase of spare parts.

    - If you decide to purchase a wood-burning pyrolysis boiler, try to immediately buy a lining kit for it. The seller's answer will be a balm for the heart. Either it (lining, nozzle) is on sale, or it is not. In any case, this will save you from big problems in the future, because the lining of wood-burning pyrolysis boilers is unique in its configuration and you can buy it only from the manufacturer.

    Thus, it turns out that pyrolysis boilers are tied to their manufacturer, because only the manufacturer of the pyrolysis boiler can buy its lining

    The thickness of the metal body of the wood pyrolysis boiler

    Nowadays, the cast-iron boiler body is a rarity. All modern wood-burning boilers have an all-welded steel sheet metal body. When choosing a pyrolysis wood-burning boiler - be interested in the thickness of the metal of its body.

    Here, indicative information on the thickness of the metal of the pyrolysis wood-burning boiler body, depending on its power:

    Wood Pyrolysis Boiler Weight

    A third follows from the first two questions. As soon as it was decided that the pyrolysis heating unit should have thick walls of its body and a thick lining, then its weight should be serious. The way it is. Pyrolysis boilers are a heavy thing. And, if the weight of the wood pyrolysis boiler is less, respectively, the manufacturer saved on metal or product lining.

    Good and light wood pyrolysis boilers - do not exist

    Here is the approximate weight of pyrolysis boilers depending on their power:

    Note. Information taken from the technical department of one of the leading manufacturers of wood pyrolysis boilers.

    Wood Pyrolysis Boiler Dimensions

    The dimensions of a wood pyrolysis boiler are made up of a combination of the dimensions of the combustion chambers plus the dimensions of the heat exchanger. Must be at least:

    Note. Information taken from the technical department of one of the leading manufacturers of wood pyrolysis boilers.

    Heated area for wood burning boiler

    The most important thing is to choose a wood pyrolysis boiler in size.
    There are many tips and tricks here. The simplest and most proven old-fashioned way is to select a heating unit at the rate of 1 kW per 10 m 2 of the heated area. You need to choose with a margin of 10%. Accordingly, a 16kW boiler is needed for 120m 2, a 18kW boiler for 160m 2, and so on ... If the manufacturer did not “fool” with the power indicator of a wood-burning pyrolysis boiler, everything will work.

    Small correction for room height
    - If the height of the heated room is more than 3m, then for each meter above, you need to add the power of the selected boiler + 1 ... 3%.

    What to do after choosing a wood burning boiler

    (comic advice from the manufacturer)

    After choosing and buying a wood-burning boiler, the question arises - what to do with it now, actually?

    Transportation of wood burning pyrolysis boiler
    Proper transportation of the wood burning boiler is very important. Best of all, pyrolysis boilers are not transported, but tilted to the installation site. At the same time, one should not forget that the more often the boiler was “hipped” on mother earth, the stronger the lining and the boiler body became. "Shaking", you know, it's the right thing. Naturally, such a heating unit will last longer.
    (The ideal option for moving the boiler in space is “off-road dragging”) If, at the same time, the lining is slightly scratched, the door or the automation unit falls off, do not be discouraged. Feel free to call the manufacturer's technical support department and demand replacement of low-quality parts. At the same time, do not forget to cut off (tear off) temperature sensor, type - he fell off.

    Installation and connection of a wood pyrolysis boiler
    When installing a wood-fired pyrolysis boiler, feel free to ignore any plumbing rules, SNIPs and, most importantly, common sense! Remember that wood-burning boilers can work even "lying on their side"! Wood fired pyrolysis boilers do not require skilled labor to install and maintain them. It's WOOD. Call the "shabashnikov", "sandalte" the pyrolysis boiler to your heating system and immediately call the manufacturer's technical support service.

    Recruitment of personnel for the maintenance of a wood pyrolysis boiler
    When recruiting personnel, for the role of an operator of a wood-burning pyrolysis boiler, choose drunks from the gateway. They will certainly be able to chop and stuff firewood into the boiler furnace. And, squeeze the automation buttons - call one of your friends to higher education was a man, that is.

    Maintenance of a wood burning pyrolysis boiler
    Someone invented the maintenance of a wood-fired pyrolysis boiler. Rave. What is there to serve? He stuffed firewood, set it on fire and let it burn. Well, there is some ash and ashes. So they themselves fall out of the boiler when the doors are opened.
    Does the manufacturer remind you of the need to open the heat exchanger once a season and clean the surface of the pipes from soot? Nonsense. Why get your hands dirty to clean what you can't see?

    Instruction manual, passport and warranty card
    Each pyrolysis boiler is accompanied by "Operating Instructions", "Passport" and "Warranty Card". What is it and why is it done?

    • Warranty card
      - It can be hung in a frame, there are beautiful seals and signatures
    • The passport
      - Well, this is in case the special services become interested in the origin of the boiler. Then you need to put your passport in their nose and send it to hell.
    • User manual
      - Oh, it's important! It's just that you don't have to read it.
      In fact, this is paper for the first ignition of the boiler.

    Electronic control unit (automatic)
    It has only six buttons. This is much less than on a mobile phone. So there won't be any problems. We press the buttons and see what happens. The button "for self-destruction" is not provided by the manufacturer, so nothing threatens the consumer.

    The first ignition of a wood pyrolysis boiler!
    Song! It is very important, at the first ignition, to attribute all your problems to the manufacturer! At the same time, you need to remember that you need to call the technical support service until you are completely satisfied! And where should they go. That's what they get paid for!

    Incidentally, the marketing department technical service factory, with great pleasure they read the “Operating Instructions” by phone, which is applied to each pyrolysis boiler. In addition, for a small fee, the same "Operating Instructions" is read in verse and to the accompaniment of a tambourine.

    Condensate in the body of a wood pyrolysis boiler
    Don't trust anyone. None exist in nature! These are all inventions of the manufacturer. As soon as you see a puddle under your pyrolysis boiler, immediately start calling the manufacturer. And the more often, the better. Let them come and take their holey trough. Then, having talked enough on the phone and taking on faith the statement about condensate, it will be possible to relax a little.

    Practice has proven that after about a day or three, and in especially severe cases - just a week later, all owners of pyrolysis boilers adapt to heat the boiler so that condensate formation is reduced to zero. However, at the first ignition, a sea of ​​condensate is guaranteed. In some cases, its amount can reach tens of liters.

    Firewood for wood pyrolysis boiler
    need raw. Moreover - wet or freshly cut.
    Did you read somewhere that pyrolysis boilers allow you to burn firewood with a moisture content of up to 70%? Right. This is the kind of firewood you need to shove into the firebox. And if the firewood is also frozen and with pieces of ice, then this is generally a class. It is this wood that will give the greatest amount of heat during combustion. As for the type of wood, we choose poplar. It is cheaper than oak and gives a lot of fine ash. In addition, it is much more pleasant to look at a huge pile of low-calorie poplar blocks than a pair of high-quality oak logs. Low-calorie food is in vogue these days. Everyone wants to lose weight. Now, both low-calorie yogurts and lard. Therefore, it is also fashionable to harvest low-calorie firewood for the winter. Type - the most squeak, on the topic.

    As you know, you need to laugh after the word "shovel". You can smile at this place.

    Nostalgia for the gas idyll

    Oh, it was a good thing - gas heating.
    Oh, what a song it was - the mass gasification of the Soviet Union.
    And what words were in it - Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod.
    The people then accepted the innovation with a bang! and whole streets, cities and villages switched from coal-wood furnace heating for gas heating - civilized. O! gas boilers and plates very quickly won the hearts of consumers and firmly entered the household and industrial life. Heating plants have almost completely switched to gas. All new boiler houses were designed and built only for gas. Mankind breathed a sigh of relief and for many years gas became one of the main sources of thermal energy.

    Gas heating - an unaffordable luxury

    Recently, the situation has changed dramatically.
    Natural gas has risen in price. Moreover, the price has risen so much that the unexpectedly coming winter spoils the mood of absolutely everyone who does not live in a hut. Gas wars and gas crises have long become the norm and no longer surprise anyone. Suddenly blocked gas pipelines and highways are the favorite chips of the current government. The irresistible rise in the cost of gas heating has a negative effect on the “fatness” of the wallet, threatening to bring the latter to a state of pronounced dystrophy. The cost of gas heating has increased so much that sometimes it’s easier to turn it off completely and sit in felt boots than to pay fabulous bills

    Gas heating, from a basic necessity, gradually turned into a luxury item

    Bah, even the newly-minted post-Soviet bourgeoisie have problems with gas heating. True, for a reason other than financial. Money, just like the bourgeoisie - in bulk. But gas can only be used if there are gas pipelines. And no one has been building them for a long time. There is no mass gasification - and that's it. So the gentlemen sit, sir, with their own money - and in unheated country houses. Such are the things.

    There is only one way out - to find another source of thermal energy and say "good bye" to gas as fuel

    Wood heating - as an option

    A lot has been said about alternative energy carriers, and even more has been written. As an option - wood heating. Even prosperous and well-fed Europe does not disdain wood-burning heating. Why be ashamed of us orphans. Fortunately, scientific and technological progress and gentlemen, manufacturers have turned their clear eyes to this problem and “riveted” such an incredible number of modifications to wood-burning boilers that their eyes run wide. Yes, now only the lazy do not make wood-burning boilers. This is what confuses the inexperienced consumer. In this article, the author ventured to summarize his experience in working with wood-fired pyrolysis boilers and give some advice on their selection and selection. Some of the tips are presented in a comic form, which does not detract from their informational value.

    Alternative Heating:

    : "(link-category)"

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