Cleaning a solid fuel boiler from soot, tar, ash and tar. Means for cleaning the combustion chambers of boilers, burners from soot, carbon deposits, Fauch Fauch Cleaning of coal boilers

  • 16.06.2019

Often in country houses closed heating systems are used. When it is possible to connect the heating unit to the gas main, then solid fuel boilers are used.

It is necessary to periodically clean from tar, soot and tar. Proper care of the product will extend its life.

Fuel and combustion effects

Heating devices can operate on several types of solid fuels, depending on the design:

  • firewood;
  • peat.

When burning any type of solid fuel, residues appear - soot deposits, tar, tar. They need to be removed from the system regularly. Ash, ash and other combustion products accumulate on the surfaces of the combustion chamber. This may affect the stability of the instrument and cause malfunctions.

Causes of solid fuel combustion products:

The appearance of soot:

  • there is not enough oxygen in the system and the combustion process is unstable;
  • not high enough.

Resin appearance:

  • low quality fuel;
  • raw fuel;
  • the temperature in the boiler is not high enough;
  • too much fuel loaded.

The appearance of tar:

  • weak air flow entering the combustion chamber;
  • the unit is incorrectly designed;

Unwanted waste occurs as a result of improper operation. These factors also affect the increase in equipment wear.

The benefits of regular cleaning

Cleaning a solid fuel boiler with your own hands is quite simple, especially with the help of special tools and products. There are only four methods for cleaning solid fuel boilers at home.

You can clean the boiler with:

  • pokers;
  • various special scrapers;
  • blades of various widths;
  • metal brushes;
  • ruff;
  • special means for cleaning boilers.

Cleaning Safety Rules:

  1. Do-it-yourself cleaning with tools and products is done only after complete shutdown of the boiler.
  2. In no case do not clean a running or hot boiler.
  3. During maintenance of the boiler, the damper must be fully open.

Read also: The device and features of a home-made long-burning boiler

The process of cleaning a solid fuel device from soot, tar and tar:

  1. The only process of cleaning the boiler, when you first need to heat it up, and then cool it down a bit.
  2. Use spatulas and scrapers to remove substances from the walls of the device.
  3. After cleaning, the boiler is heated up again so that the residues burn out completely.

Chemical cleaning

The dream of every home owner is the uninterrupted operation of all engineering systems, and especially heating systems. Of course, at the same time, it is desirable that the maintenance of gas equipment is required to be minimal. But in order to ensure a calm and warm life under the roof of your own house, you still need to strictly observe some non-difficult conditions, namely, a preventive inspection of the gas unit and the implementation minor repairs, if necessary. The most important tasks that will help add life to the boiler will be: cleaning the heat exchangers and removing soot.

What is a gas heating boiler

By design, a gas boiler is a combination of several diverse devices:

  • a heat generator in which, by burning fuel, thermal energy, consisting of a combustion chamber and a burner,
  • a heat exchanger in which thermal energy is transferred to a heat carrier, which is usually water, antifreeze or air,
  • housing, in which the above-mentioned parts are enclosed,
  • a special control device that controls the activity of the fuel supply,
  • chimney.

To ensure the high efficiency of the boiler, it will be necessary to systematically clean:

  • furnaces and chimney from soot,
  • heat exchanger - from scale.

Each type of cleaning must be carried out according to certain rules, the question of how gas boilers are cleaned should be considered in more detail.

How to clean a gas boiler - wash the heat exchanger

The heat exchanger is a system of pipes designed to move the coolant at the stage of its heating. Since the water that is used as a heat carrier is usually not sufficiently purified from impurities of various salts, scale settles on the inner walls of the pipes over time, the diameter of the tubes decreases as a result, and the speed of the coolant becomes lower. In addition, scale becomes a kind of barrier that reduces the thermal conductivity of metal fragments. All these negative aspects lead to serious consequences - a sharp decrease in the temperature of the coolant in the system.

In case of untimely flushing of the system, prerequisites for a serious accident may arise, including:

  • overheating of the boiler, because scale will prevent proper cooling of the coolant, which, in the process of reverse movement, should reduce the temperature internal parts heating elements,
  • damage to parts that can occur as a result of increased loads on circulation pump(caused by constriction of contaminated pipes),
  • increase in fuel costs.

The fight against scale can be done in several ways:

  • water pumped into the system under high pressure,
  • using chemicals,
  • by mechanical means.

The first method, due to its complexity (you will need a special compressor that allows you to create a pressure of tens of atmospheres), is acceptable if the work is performed by a team of specialists. The second and third is quite possible to produce independently.

The complexity of mechanical and chemical cleaning will be the need to completely dismantle the heat exchanger, this work will require certain knowledge and skills.

How is the mechanical cleaning of the heat exchanger performed?

First of all, it should be remembered that the heat exchanger has a rather large volume and is located directly above the combustion chamber; when trying to get to it, some difficulties may arise.

  1. First, disconnect the electrical wiring (if any) and the gas supply pipes from the boiler.
  2. Disconnect the heat exchanger from the heating system.
  3. Remove heat exchanger fasteners.
  4. Remove the heat exchanger from the boiler and start cleaning it.

After the heat exchanger is removed, you can see how thick deposits are on its walls, pins, scrapers, etc. can be used to remove them. tools. When performing work, care must be taken - otherwise the walls of the heat exchanger may be damaged.

It is more rational to perform mechanical cleaning after pre-soaking the part in a weak acid solution - this will soften the scale and it will be much easier to remove it.

Upon completion of the process, it is desirable to connect the heat exchanger to a source of running water - when the liquid passes through its internal cavities, it will be washed out of them a large number of mud. Flushing can be completed when the outflowing water is clear. Tapping on the walls of the heat exchanger with a rubber or wooden hammer will speed up the washing process.

Cleaning heat exchangers with chemicals

To fulfill chemical treatment heat exchanger will require a special device - a booster. Although the dry cleaning process itself is not difficult, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists before starting work.

It is not necessary to completely remove the heat exchanger, two pipes should be disconnected, a hose connected to one of them, a cleaning solution will be supplied through it. The supplied liquid will exit through another pipe and be fed into the booster through a hose connected to it. Such a connection will ensure the movement of the reagent in a circle.

Experts recommend choosing a booster equipped with an electric heating element. It will allow heating chemical composition, increasing the temperature of the reagent will increase the efficiency of washing and accelerate the process of destruction of deposited salts.

Various solutions sold in hardware stores can serve as chemical reagents. However, the choice of agent should be made taking into account the degree of contamination and the composition of the deposits, recommendations should not be ignored as to which materials this agent can be used to clean.

The most commonly used acids in cleansers are:

  • sulfuric or salty,
  • less often - phosphoric or nitrogen.

Such reagents can easily remove dense deposits of great thickness, including layers of trivalent iron. To remove small contaminants, you can use solutions of weaker acids: sulfamic or adipic. If desired, you can use special gels, they are diluted with water before use.

Cleaning boilers from soot

Natural gas, which is used to heat residential premises, is a relatively pure product. However, during its combustion, the release of heavy components of oil products is observed, it is they that contribute to the formation of a black layered film on the surface of the heat exchanger and combustion chamber. such a film significantly reduces thermal conductivity metal parts boiler i.e. contributes to a decrease in its effectiveness.

Since only the outer parts of the nodes will require cleaning, cleaning the boiler with your own hands will not be such a difficult process. First you need to determine the thickness of the soot layer:
if it does not exceed 2 mm, then a scraper or a damp sponge can be used to remove it,
if the layer is thicker, then the use of chemicals will be required, the best option is acid-containing compounds.

Chimney cleaning

An equally important measure is the removal of soot from the chimney. There are many ways to solve this problem - after all, our ancestors, who used stove heating, had to do this for many centuries in a row.

Modern chimneys, in accordance with the regulations, must be made of stainless steel capable of withstanding the effects of high temperatures and acid precipitation, which are formed during the combustion of natural gas. Sometimes they resort to installing a ceramic chimney, but with their high quality characteristics, ceramic models do not yet compete with metal ones. Regardless of the type and material of manufacture, chimneys are designed to improve draft. The accumulation of soot on the inner walls of the chimney pipes reduces draft, and therefore worsens the working condition of the boiler.

You can determine the amount of accumulated soot by analyzing the frequency of the boiler: its constant use will contribute to its rapid accumulation. In this case, cleaning gas boiler from soot, as well as from the chimney, must be carried out at least twice a year.

The intensity of acid condensate accumulation is influenced by temperature environment- the lower it is, the more actively the formation of sediment that is detrimental to pipes occurs.

Severe soot clogging threatens:

  • thinning the smoke hole, reducing draft and smoke emission can create conditions in the house that are dangerous to human health (suffocation from carbon monoxide poisoning may occur),
  • since soot is a flammable material, the possibility of a fire will be quite real.

If you do not know how to clean the gas boiler and remove soot from the chimney, then it is best to turn to professionals - they will do the job efficiently and in a short time.

Soot removal mechanically

If you decide to do everything yourself, then you will need to purchase the appropriate tools for cleaning chimneys:

  • hard brushes,
  • scrapers, other hard devices for mechanical cleaning.

The most effective way to date is cleaning with a special vacuum cleaner. Accumulated in any quantities, the dirt is quite easily removed through a special pocket. The included device, drawing in air, removes all accumulations on the walls of the pipe, leaving it intact and clean.

Experts consider a special vacuum unit to be an ideal cleaning unit, it is capable of removing dirt of any composition in any quantity, but it is usually used by professionals - the cost of such an installation is within 100 thousand rubles.

When doing the work with your own hands, you can use all kinds of brushes or brushes, but you should not forget that their diameter should slightly exceed the diameter of the pipe. A very thick layer of soot can be removed with a scraper, then carefully treat the pipe with brushes or a brush. Of course, you can carry out such activities yourself. Nevertheless, at least once every few years, it is advisable to call a master who can realistically assess the condition of the pipe and determine the presence of flaws in it, if any.

The chimney can also be cleaned from the outside, lowering a brush on the transformer handle into it, the structure should be weighted with a plumb line. Under its action, the brush will move down more actively, cleaning the pipe walls will accelerate. The crumbling soot is removed from the chimney through a special pocket, using a small scoop or vacuum cleaner.

Chemical cleaning of chimneys for gas boilers is rarely used, this method is more acceptable for wood stoves and fireplaces. If gas is used as fuel, then most likely it will be necessary to pay attention to the fight against condensate.

Why install condensate collectors

As we have already mentioned, acidic deposits are formed along with soot during the combustion of gaseous fuels, which can have a detrimental effect on the material from which chimneys are made.

Installation special devices- outlets and condensate collectors allows you to get rid of acid-containing vapors and completely protect chimney pipes from destruction. Today, technologists are actively developing more effective methods removal of acid condensate, which will allow for uninterrupted operation and extend the life of the chimney pipes.

Each owner country house always strives to ensure that his home was warm and comfortable, especially on cold winter evenings.

To maintain a stable temperature regime in a residential area, as a rule, heating systems are used, the main unit of which, in particular, can be a solid fuel boiler.

The stable and uninterrupted operation of the boiler unit largely depends on proper care behind him. One of the services is boiler cleaning.

In this article, we will talk in detail about what combustion products are, why they appear, and also how to effectively remove them from a solid fuel boiler.

In contact with

  • Raw material for incineration
  • Combustion products and their cause
  • Negative Consequences of Accumulation
  • Regularity of cleaning procedures
  • Cleaning methods

Raw material for incineration

For the furnace of a solid fuel boiler, the following types of raw materials are used:

When burning this raw material, as a rule, ash and ashes remain, as well as other combustion products that settle on the working surfaces of the combustion chamber, which further negatively affects the efficiency of the boiler.

Combustion products and their cause

By-products that appear during the combustion process are:

  • soot;
  • resin;
  • tar.

The reasons for the appearance of these substances are the following important points:

  1. Causes of soot:
    • there is not enough oxygen for the combustion process;
    • fuel combustion temperature is too low.
  2. Factors affecting the appearance of resin:
    • low-quality fuel is used;
    • the fuel material has a high degree of moisture;
    • the boiler operates at a low temperature;
    • too much fuel is loaded into the furnace.
  3. Tar appears in the following cases:
    • weak injection of air flow into the combustion chamber of the pyrolysis boiler;
    • incorrect design of the unit;
    • low chimney.

As you can see, the main reasons for the appearance harmful substances is poor fuel and technical aspects of the organization of the combustion process.

Experts advise: use only high quality fuel - otherwise the wear of the boiler will increase rapidly.

Negative Consequences of Accumulation

An excess of harmful substances in a solid fuel boiler leads to the following consequences:

  • the thermal qualities of the boiler are rapidly falling;
  • heating in the house is significantly reduced;
  • there is an increase in the consumption of fuel material;
  • service life is greatly reduced.

Specialist's note: timely cleaning of a solid fuel boiler contributes to its efficient functioning.

Regularity of cleaning procedures

The interval between cleaning wood, pellet or pyrolysis boilers depends primarily on the quality of the fuel material:

  • if high-quality fuel is used, then the boiler unit must be cleaned once a month;
  • in the case of using fuel of low quality and with a high degree of humidity, then cleaning should take place once every 15–20 days.

Despite the indicated deadlines, you must always monitor the operation of the solid fuel boiler, and in case of violation of the working rhythm, you can perform an extraordinary cleaning.

Cleaning methods

Probably, every owner of the boiler thinks about how to clean the unit and how to do it right. There are four main ways to clean the boiler from soot, tar and tar. Their features are the following important points.

mechanical cleaning. It is a cleaning of a solid fuel boiler from combustion products using a special set of tools, which includes the following elements:

  • poker;
  • scrapers of different sizes;
  • shoulder blades of various widths;
  • metal brushes;
  • ruffs of various configurations.

It should be understood that the boiler is cleaned of soot using these tools only when the unit has cooled down completely.

Important point: when cleaning a solid fuel boiler, the damper must be fully open.

As for cleaning the wood boiler from tar and tar, the stages of work will be as follows:

  • initially, the unit is heated, since the resin and tar have a solid structure, which softens when heated;
  • using spatulas and scrapers, substances are removed from the walls;
  • after cleaning is completed, the temperature of the boiler is increased for a while in order to burn out the remains of tar and tar.

Thus, we see that it is quite possible to clean a solid fuel boiler from soot, tar and tar with your own hands.

Chemical cleaning. A feature of this method of cleaning a solid fuel boiler from harmful substances is the use of various chemicals, and the entire scope of work can be performed in two ways:

  1. The agent is poured directly onto the burning fuel (the composition of such substances contains a set of crystals that react with soot and tar, crumble them, and then go out with smoke).
  2. With the help of special chemicals, the working surfaces of the boiler are treated, which are contaminated with tar and tar (as a rule, the main components of these products are solvents and acid-based reagents).

Specialist's note: when cleaning the boiler with chemicals, safety measures must be observed!

"Soft blasting". This method is considered an American technology for cleaning a pyrolysis or wood-burning boiler from combustion products.

Its essence is that with special device a special solution is applied to the contaminated surfaces of the boiler, which includes chalk and baking soda.

Steam cleaning of the boiler. The essence of the method lies in the fact that with the help of a steam generator, the walls of the boiler are processed, while the boiler unit also undergoes disinfection.

Cleaning a solid fuel boiler from soot, tar and tar can be done in a way that suits you in terms of financial capabilities and labor costs. And in conclusion, I would like to dwell on one more aspect of cleaning the boiler from combustion products. There are also several folk methods cleaning the boiler from soot and tar.

So, for example, salt is poured onto burning firewood, which accompanies the removal of soot along with smoke. Also, dried potato peels are placed on the burning fuel, which, releasing starch, significantly soften the contaminated surfaces for subsequent cleaning. We hope that our information will help you so that your home is always warm and comfortable.

Watch a video in which an experienced user explains in detail how to properly clean a solid fuel boiler from tar:

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How to clean a solid fuel boiler from tar, tar and soot: features of the work

Each owner of a country house always strives to ensure that his home is warm and comfortable, especially on cold winter evenings.

To maintain a stable temperature regime in a residential area, as a rule, heating systems are used, the main unit of which, in particular, can be a solid fuel boiler.

The stable and uninterrupted operation of the boiler unit largely depends on proper care for it. One of the services is boiler cleaning.

In this article, we will talk in detail about what combustion products are, why they appear, and also how to effectively remove them from a solid fuel boiler.

In contact with

Raw material for incineration

For the furnace of a solid fuel boiler, the following types of raw materials are used:

  • firewood from different types of wood;
  • coal of various types;
  • peat;
  • pellets.

When burning this raw material, as a rule, ash and ashes remain, as well as other combustion products that settle on the working surfaces of the combustion chamber, which further negatively affects the efficiency of the boiler.

Combustion products and their cause

By-products that appear during the combustion process are:

  • soot;
  • resin;
  • tar.

The reasons for the appearance of these substances are the following important points:

  1. Causes of soot:
    • there is not enough oxygen for the combustion process;
    • fuel combustion temperature is too low.
  2. Factors affecting the appearance of resin:
    • low-quality fuel is used;
    • the fuel material has a high degree of moisture;
    • the boiler operates at a low temperature;
    • too much fuel is loaded into the furnace.
  3. Tar appears in the following cases:
    • weak injection of air flow into the combustion chamber of the pyrolysis boiler;
    • incorrect design of the unit;
    • low chimney.

As you can see, the main reasons for the appearance of harmful substances are poor fuel and the technical aspects of the organization of the combustion process.

Experts advise: use only high quality fuel - otherwise the wear of the boiler will increase rapidly.

Negative Consequences of Accumulation

An excess of harmful substances in a solid fuel boiler leads to the following consequences:

Specialist's note: timely cleaning of a solid fuel boiler contributes to its efficient functioning.

Regularity of cleaning procedures

The interval between cleaning wood, pellet or pyrolysis boilers depends primarily on the quality of the fuel material:

  • if high-quality fuel is used, then the boiler unit must be cleaned once a month;
  • in the case of using fuel of low quality and with a high degree of humidity, then cleaning should take place once every 15–20 days.

Despite the indicated deadlines, you must always monitor the operation of the solid fuel boiler, and in case of violation of the working rhythm, you can perform an extraordinary cleaning.

Cleaning methods

Probably, every owner of the boiler thinks about how to clean the unit and how to do it right. There are four main ways to clean the boiler from soot, tar and tar. Their features are the following important points.

mechanical cleaning. It is a cleaning of a solid fuel boiler from combustion products using a special set of tools, which includes the following elements:

It should be understood that the boiler is cleaned of soot using these tools only when the unit has cooled down completely.

Important point: when cleaning a solid fuel boiler, the damper must be fully open.

As for cleaning the wood boiler from tar and tar, the stages of work will be as follows:

  • initially, the unit is heated, since the resin and tar have a solid structure, which softens when heated;
  • using spatulas and scrapers, substances are removed from the walls;
  • after cleaning is completed, the temperature of the boiler is increased for a while in order to burn out the remains of tar and tar.

Thus, we see that it is quite possible to clean a solid fuel boiler from soot, tar and tar with your own hands.

Chemical cleaning. A feature of this method of cleaning a solid fuel boiler from harmful substances is the use of various chemicals, and the entire scope of work can be performed in two ways:

  1. The agent is poured directly onto the burning fuel (the composition of such substances contains a set of crystals that react with soot and tar, crumble them, and then go out with smoke).
  2. With the help of special chemicals, the working surfaces of the boiler are treated, which are contaminated with tar and tar (as a rule, the main components of these products are solvents and acid-based reagents).

Specialist's note: when cleaning the boiler with chemicals, safety measures must be observed!

"Soft blasting". This method is considered an American technology for cleaning a pyrolysis or wood-burning boiler from combustion products.

Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of a special device, a special solution is supplied to the contaminated surfaces of the boiler, which includes chalk and baking soda.

Steam cleaning of the boiler. The essence of the method lies in the fact that with the help of a steam generator, the walls of the boiler are processed, while the boiler unit also undergoes disinfection.

Cleaning a solid fuel boiler from soot, tar and tar can be done in a way that suits you in terms of financial capabilities and labor costs. And in conclusion, I would like to dwell on one more aspect of cleaning the boiler from combustion products. There are also several folk methods for cleaning the boiler from soot and tar.

So, for example, salt is poured onto burning firewood, which accompanies the removal of soot along with smoke. Also, dried potato peels are placed on the burning fuel, which, releasing starch, significantly soften the contaminated surfaces for subsequent cleaning. We hope that our information will help you so that your home is always warm and comfortable.

Watch a video in which an experienced user explains in detail how to properly clean a solid fuel boiler from tar:

The main heat generator in the house is the boiler, which is considered the main link in heating system. There is a wide range of boilers on the market today. different kind. The most popular of them are gas units, which are distinguished by efficiency, compactness and design. They are perfect for heating both private and country houses.

One of the advantages of a gas boiler is the fact that it does not need to make a boiler room. On the other hand, cleaning the boiler in the house is not very convenient, as this is a very dirty job.

In order to ensure the smooth operation of a gas boiler, it is important to know the basic rules for caring for it. To understand how to clean a gas boiler at home, it is important to follow a clear algorithm of actions. There are floor and mounted boilers, the cleaning of which is slightly different.

When Cleaning Is Necessary

If the operation of a gas boiler is characterized by a decrease in temperature, and gas consumption has increased significantly, it is worth starting to clean the boiler. Sometimes you can smell carbon monoxide. To perform high-quality maintenance of the unit, it is important to familiarize yourself with the device of the gas boiler.

If the boiler is not cleaned in time, then the plaque that appears on the heat exchanger during operation can create a situation where the internal parts of the heating element cannot fully function.

Items to be cleaned

The device contains nodes that need to be cleaned with constant regularity. The main components are the igniter, gas filter, burner with nozzles, firebox, heat exchanger and chimney.

When starting to clean the nodes, it is worth adhering to the algorithm of actions that must be followed in strict sequence. For example, it would be unwise to clean the burners, put them back in place, and then start cleaning the chimney channels.


During normal operation of the igniter, the flame burns with a cone-shaped blue flame. When the fire turns orange or yellow, it indicates that the burner is dirty. If it is not planned to clean the entire boiler, then only it can be cleaned.

By cleaning the igniter, you can restore the boiler to work, but this will not increase its efficiency.

Burners and jets

Although burners and jets can be cleaned separately, it is still better to perform a comprehensive cleaning.

It is advisable to carry out work at least once a year before starting the boiler.

It is worth noting that this detail is considered the main one in the operation of both wall-mounted and floor-standing boilers. Its main function is to supply fuel.

Chimney channels

The products of combustion of gas, passing through the chimney channels, give them their heat. If there is soot inside the channel, then it acts as a heat insulator, and therefore the thicker its layer, the more gas needs to be spent to heat the coolant to a given temperature. Awareness of this will not allow the street to be heated instead of the house, and will encourage cleaning.

The amount of soot formed in the boiler is affected not only by how well it works, but also by the quality of the gas supplied - it can be poorly cleaned or there are too many added impurities in it. In some areas, instead of pure gas, a mixture is supplied, which contains up to 30% air.

Cleaning the outdoor boiler

The work must be carried out by specialists, but, following step by step instructions, you can clean the outdoor gas boiler yourself. In the process of cleaning the boiler from soot, you should use the following tools:

  • Ershik.
  • Open-end wrenches No. 10, 8, 17, 13, 9.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Regular brush and metal brush.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start cleaning, you need to shut off the gas supply.

  • Under the boiler door it is necessary to unscrew the fastening screw, using the key No. 10, having removed the door.

  • The wire that connects the piezoelectric element and the ignition electrode is carefully disconnected.
  • Using the key number 10, you need to unscrew the thermocouple retainer.
  • The thermocouple is unscrewed from the valve with a key No. 9. During operation, it is necessary to control that the thermocouple does not rotate.
  • Now you should note the depth of entry of the nozzle into the burner. This is done so that the boiler settings are not damaged.
  • Armed with a key number 17, you need to unscrew the copper pipe fastening nut from the burner to the valve.

  • The ignition electrode is unscrewed from the pilot burner with a key No. 10. And the copper tube is unscrewed from the valve and burner. The fastening screws located near the pilot burner should be unscrewed with a screwdriver. Most often, the gasket located under the burner needs to be replaced. In a situation where the nozzle does not lend itself, it can be carefully tapped with a wrench.
  • Now you should unscrew the screws securing the burner to the base of the boiler and the screw itself securing the structure in order to remove the burner.
  • We pull the copper tube out of the valve, lowering the burner down.
  • Now you can pull out the burner.
  • We also remove the thermometer sleeve from the boiler.

  • Armed with a key number 10, you need to unscrew the 4 screws that secure the top cover of the boiler and the insulation sheet. It is subsequently removed along with the insulating sheet underneath.
  • Two nuts that fasten the flue to the structure of the unit unscrew and remove the terminals from the draft sensor, removing the flue itself.

  • The swirlers must be removed from the heat exchanger by cleaning them with a brush. If necessary, it is advisable to use a metal brush. outer surface parts are also cleaned with a brush.
  • The channels of the heat exchanger can be cleaned with a brush to the full depth.

  • Clean the gap between the floor surface and the unit. In work, you can use a vacuum cleaner, which will perfectly cope with exfoliated debris.
  • Slightly releasing the screw, which fixes the depth of entry of the nozzle into the burner, pull it out. In this case, you will need key number 13. The burner can be cleaned with a brush, brush. For hard-to-reach places use a vacuum cleaner.
  • It is necessary to clean the gas duct on both sides.

  • The nozzle should be cleaned with a thin needle or wire. It is important to use a needle with a smaller diameter than the nozzle opening. Otherwise, the combustion mode may be disturbed.
  • The main burner goes to its place.
  • Installed in place copper pipe and the nozzle, having previously screwed the nut onto the valve. Only now you can proceed to attach the nozzle to the burner with key No. 13 according to the existing mark. Consistency is necessary to prevent thread failure in the valve body. The nut on the copper tube can be tightened completely.

  • The pilot burner, cleaned with a metal brush, is installed on a new gasket.
  • The nozzle is purged and cleaned of clogging.
  • Using a #10 wrench, connect the copper tube to the burner and valve.
  • Continue to assemble the parts in reverse order. It is worth recalling that it is undesirable to clamp the ignition electrode strongly during connection. Otherwise, the part may easily crack.
  • All connections are washed. The check is carried out only when the device is turned on.

As a result of the work done, the boiler starts up easily and can quickly reach the desired temperature.

Eliminate clogging of the mounted boiler

The principle of cleaning a mounted boiler from soot does not differ much from the method described above. As for the double-circuit boiler, it also has a heat exchanger, the cleaning of which must also be taken with all responsibility.

You can clean the heat exchanger with a booster as follows:

  • To increase the cleaning ability of the reagent, it is heated in a special tank.
  • Under pressure, the reagent is fed into the pipes.
  • During circulation chemical agent, the scale lags behind the walls and pours out with the composition.
  • A special solution neutralizes the acid composition upon completion of work.

Acid solution is able to cope with even the most persistent pollution. As a result, the throughput and thermal conductivity will increase.

With hydrodynamic flushing

This method does not oblige to disassemble the equipment. During the cleaning process, water is pumped in and pressure is built up. The rapid movement of water breaks down deposits and brings them out. Sometimes, critical pressure indicators may not be noticed, which can provoke a pipe rupture. This method is best left to professionals.

As a result of the work done, the boiler starts up easily and can quickly reach the desired temperature.


In this video you can see how to clean a floor gas boiler:

Watch a video on how to tell when it's time to flush your heat exchanger. You will also be shown and told how to flush with chemicals: