Need a pump to maintain. The difference between pressure-boosting pumps and circulation pumps: tasks and the principle of operation of the equipment

  • 23.06.2020

Residents of an ordinary apartment in a multi-storey building may encounter a rather unpleasant situation: due to the weak pressure in the water supply, it is not possible to take a shower, wash the dishes or do laundry in a quality manner. A check of the pipes shows that they are in perfect order and not clogged with debris, and the neighbors do not suffer at all from a similar problem, which confirms that there is insufficient pressure in only one room. The solution to this problem is to install a pump that will increase the pressure.


As a rule, a pump to increase water pressure is used in cases where the water pipes are relatively new, they are not clogged with anything, as well as a filter with aerators, and the liquid still flows slowly. This is usually due to the fact that water initially enters the water supply from the central riser under low pressure. In most cases, buying a pump completely solves this problem, bringing the pressure to normal.

According to European standards, the pressure in the pipeline should be approximately 4-5 bar or atmospheres, which is explained by the requirements for plumbing fixtures. For example, if the pressure corresponds to 2 atmospheres, then the washing machine may simply not start. If we talk about jacuzzis or showers with special functions, then the situation becomes even stricter - an indicator of 4 bars will be the minimum allowable for them.

Therefore, insufficient pressure can really lead to big problems.


Raising and constant maintenance of pressure in the system is carried out using two types of pumps: circulation or self-priming. The first design is arranged as follows: there is a rotor, an impeller is fixed on it, and there is also an engine that rotates the entire system. The circulation pump is called because of the promotion of fluid circulation in the pipes. Suction pumps are characterized by higher performance and more complex device. They are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator with a special membrane. Water is first supplied to the storage tank, and then enters the water supply. It can be concluded that the circulation pump, which raises the pressure, is able to solve the problem only in a separate area, and the suction pump can regulate the water supply throughout the apartment or even the house.

Pumps that increase the pressure in the water supply are also divided into two large groups: with the so-called "dry" rotor and "wet" rotor. "Wet" models are much more compact than "dry" ones. They do not make noise during operation and do not require special maintenance due to the fact that the lubrication of parts is carried out by itself, by pumping liquid. Such a booster pump simply cuts into the pipe and functions like a conventional flow pump. Installation takes place in front of the draw-off point or in front of household appliances, for example, a washing machine that requires water at a certain pressure.

These models are cooled due to the fact that water is pumped.

Among the disadvantages of this type of booster pump, it is distinguished that it does not have high performance and does not demonstrate a high pressure increase coefficient. In addition, the "wet" unit can only be installed in one position: the rotor axis electric drive can only be placed in a horizontal plane.

The second variety are models with a "dry rotor". They possess best power and performance when compared with "wet" models. Such a pressurizing unit can be used simultaneously for several points of water intake. Its power unit is equipped with an individual air cooling system and is located slightly away from the main body. As a result, a "dry" pump can only be attached to the wall surface cantilever. The internal parts of these models are periodically subject to friction, so it is necessary to ensure constant lubrication. In addition, it is worth bearing in mind that it creates significant noise.

The device is cooled with the help of blades located on the shaft.

In general, the water pump should only be started when the liquid head is reduced. Control systems that offer both manual and automatic modes help to ensure this. In the first case, the owner himself turns on the pump if he sees that it is necessary to raise the pressure. Of course, he must control its use and prevent situations when the pump runs dry, without water.

In a situation with automation, the water flow sensor is responsible for the operation of the device. It turns on when liquid appears in the pipeline and turns off when it is lowered. Thus, the pump is protected from running dry and, accordingly, from overheating and damage. Most often, the design is sold, being equipped with a sensor, but otherwise it can be purchased.

When the part is bought separately, it is mounted after the pump itself.

If the installation is carried out in a domestic water supply system - that is, in a situation where the liquid pressure can be both normal and reduced, then it is recommended to give preference to an automatic pump with a water pressure sensor. The device will turn on when the pressure is below normal, and turn off when everything is in order. When problems arise in large apartments or a house, you can also purchase a whole pumping station. In addition to the pump, the kit includes a membrane-type accumulator and a pressure sensor. They will not have to increase the water pressure, as they will create it on their own.

Used for hot and cold water supply different systems pumps. To interact with hot water structures are made from special materials that are heat resistant. Due to this, the price for them is much higher than for models that are in contact only with cold water.

There are universal models that work in both cases.

The water pump responsible for the increased pressure in the system also has the following technical characteristics: maximum flow, flow rate at which the equipment turns on in automatic mode (ranges from 0.12 to 0.3 liters per minute), maximum and rated power, temperature working environment and the dimensions of the suitable piping.

Separately, it is worth mentioning automatic fire-fighting devices that increase pressure, because these pumps are used not only in everyday life, but also in industry. They are large standby units and are used in various plumbing systems, as well as in fire extinguishing, irrigation and water cooling systems.

Their design is based on vertical and horizontal pumps, but the final design depends on the requirements of the customer.

Scope of application

As a rule, in a private house you can independently adjust the water pressure in the pipeline, but in an ordinary city apartment there are no such opportunities. The inhabitants of the upper floors have the hardest time. It is possible that the old pipes are thoroughly overgrown with rust or limescale. The reason for the drop in pressure can also be filters that have not been changed or cleaned for a long time. In addition, there is also a human factor - utilities do not perform their duties qualitatively, a neighbor narrowed the diameter of the pipe for one reason or another, and sometimes the required power of centralized equipment was initially erroneously calculated. In such cases, all sorts of everyday problems begin to arise: you can take a shower only if the neighbors have gone to work, the washing machine malfunctions, the gas boilers and electric boilers. There are also situations when the pressure level in the water supply system not only fell, but simply does not exist, and the water does not reach the consumer. For example, if the riser is too long and the booster pumps at the inlet are not able to raise the water to a sufficient level.

You can also find pumps that increase pressure from car wash owners, however, in this case they differ from pipeline ones. The body is made of plastic, metal or high-quality alloy. Due to the movement of the pistons in the piston chambers, a high pressure is created inside the system. In such designs, there is also a control system that prevents dry running. When the release valve in the pistol is closed, the automation switches off the electric motor. This happens at the moment when the pressure inside the pump rises to the working one.


Undoubtedly, the best manufacturers booster pumps are considered European firms. However, domestic companies also demonstrate decent results, especially in collaboration with Chinese ones.

The German unit "Wilo PB-201EA" is considered the best water pump produced in this country. It provides for both manual and automatic control, has a capacity of 3.3 cubic meters per hour and a head of 15 meters. In addition, it functions seamlessly in hot water and is able to withstand temperatures up to +80 degrees.

The Russian-Chinese booster pump "Jemix W15GR-15A" occupies a leading position in the "dry rotor" category.

It is inexpensive, reliable and can be used in both hot and cold water.

The Danish device "Grundfos UPA 15-90 (N)" is equipped with a stainless steel case and an asynchronous motor. It can operate either in manual or automatic mode. The pressure corresponds to 8 meters, and the flow is 1.5 cubic meters per hour. It is very economical, because the power consumption reaches only 0.12 kilowatts. In addition, it does not make a lot of noise, is very resistant and has protection against overheating and dry running.

"Comfort X15GR-15" is one of the best budget water pumps. It is made in Russian-Chinese production and has the following parameters: productivity - 1.8 cubic meters per hour, pressure - 15 meters. The device functions both in manual and automatic modes and is mounted horizontally with additional fixation to the wall. The maximum possible water temperature reaches 100 degrees, which means that it can be used in both hot and cold water supply.

The pump consumes little energy, is not subject to corrosion and is cheap.

Among the pumping stations, the Danish booster station "Grundfos MQ3-35" is distinguished with automatic control. The suction depth reaches 8 meters, the head is 34 meters, and the flow rate is 3.9 cubic meters per hour. The station is equipped with a self-priming pump, an electric motor and a hydraulic accumulator.

It is reliable and has an anti-cycling function.

How to choose?

The more carefully the buyer approaches the process of choosing a pump, the better effect he will get as a result.

When purchasing a device, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • Device power. Knowing this indicator, you can determine how many pumps can serve water intake points. The required power depends on which taps, which household appliances and in what quantity require pressure increase.
  • Noise level. This option is also recommended to know in advance.

  • installation requirements. Some models can only function in conjunction with pipes of a certain diameter. Otherwise, the pump will not only not cope with the increase in water, but will also quickly fail, being operated with overloads.
  • The height of the water level created by the pump. This indicator is relevant in the case of pumping stations serving several apartments at once.

  • The performance of the device or the amount of liquid that the pump is able to pump in order to create the required pressure in a certain time. It should be borne in mind that the value of this indicator should be higher than the average water flow at the water intake point where the pump will be installed.
  • The maximum allowable water temperature. Depending on this indicator, it is determined whether the pump will be installed for cold or hot water supply.
  • Device dimensions. They need to be known in order to determine in which section of the water supply the pump will be installed.
  • Manufacturer. It is recommended to give preference to well-known companies with due authority and numerous positive reviews.

In this case, you can count on warranty, maintenance, and repair.

First of all, a pump is selected based on the outlet pressure, which should reach 4 bar. When choosing a high-pressure pump, the presence of automation or manual control can be decisive.

Wiring diagram

The wiring diagram for the pressure booster is simple. The pump must be installed in front of the water intake points. Thus, as soon as it senses a slight movement of water, the flow sensor will react and the pump will turn on. To create a system that will provide stable pressure to all devices in need, you will also first have to think about the distribution of water. Installing the pump at the right point will allow you to limit yourself to one device serving all water intakes.

If in a private house required pressure is not available in the rooms of the upper floors, then it is worth thinking about using a pumped-storage membrane tank of the maximum possible volume and a high-pressure pump. An increase in flow will turn on the pump, which, in turn, will serve the system on all floors. Such a pumping station operates in automatic mode. Its main element is centrifugal pump self-priming type. Even if the pressure in the pipes is at zero, it will raise the water from the required depth, for example, from the basement sewer, and create the required pressure. The pressure switch will be responsible for turning on the electric motor only in a situation where the pressure is below the required level. The storage tank will create a certain supply of water. It will also be under pressure and will go into consumption if the water supply to the main is interrupted. Following this scheme, the pumping station will raise the water up and provide the necessary pressure.

IN high-rise building it is recommended to create a similar system, but with large capacities, with a huge reservoir and with the collected funds from the residents near the entire riser. The basement houses a pressurized supply of water, the required amount of which will be provided to each resident.

How to install?

Installing a pump to increase pressure with your own hands is very simple - the installation is no different from tapping other devices into the pipeline. The first step is to turn off the water supply. If there are common valves that are located outside the apartment, then you should take care that they do not accidentally open. A pipe is cut off at the selected section and a pump is inserted into the freed space, which has two taps: at the inlet and outlet. If necessary, they will allow you to replace or repair the device. During installation, it is also important to consider which direction the water usually moves.

At both ends of the pipe, an external thread is also created, while the adapters have an internal one. Adapters are also supplied with fittings.

Then, depending on the material from which the pipes and the booster itself are made, technologies are applied to connect. For example, to work with polymer pipes a soldering iron is required. Then the integrity is checked, and the control procedures are carried out under pressure and the motor is connected to the mains. To do this, a three-core cable is drawn connecting the pump to the electrical panel. If possible, it is better to organize an additional outlet near the installation site and connect the device through a separate residual current device. After the final check in operating mode, you can complete the procedure.

As a rule, the installation of the pump is carried out according to the instructions that were originally attached to it.

If a model can only be mounted in a certain position, this condition will be indicated.

  • Before buying a pump, it is still worth clarifying what condition the system is in. For example, a divider on a faucet must be cleaned of contaminants, for example, using citric acid. If this is not done, then the accumulating calcium salts can critically reduce the working openings, which will lead to negative consequences. It is also recommended to go to the neighbors and find out if they have the same problems. In the case of a positive answer, it becomes clear that the reason is more global, and it cannot be solved by simply buying a pump.
  • It is also worth remembering that the situation becomes critical when the pressure drops below 1-1.5 atmospheres. The normative indicator corresponding to the operation of household appliances is from 2 to 3 atmospheres, and the norm for pipes is 4 bar. If the pressure in the tubes is less, then the devices turn off.

At 6-7 bars, leaks appear in the line, and at 10 atmospheres, the pipes can break.

The main difference between a circulation pump and a booster (pressure) pump is the function. Ensuring the movement of fluid through the water supply / heating system and creating increased pressure in certain areas are different tasks. These tasks are solved by different equipment. We deal with the principle of operation of devices and identify how exactly the circulation pump differs from the booster.

booster pumps

The task of the booster (pressure) pump is to increase pressure in a certain area. This is a narrow-profile equipment, which is why manufacturers cannot boast of a huge number of models. However, the range is sufficient, and there are even leaders:

  • AC159-160A AQUARIO,
  • PB WILO,
  • UPA 15-90 GRUNDFOS.

The greatest demand is for equipment that can raise the pressure from 0.2 to 1 atm (that is, at least 0.8 atm). To raise up to 3.5 atm, booster stations are used that are larger than the pump and have a slightly different configuration (the storage tank is often included).

Principle of operation

The impeller, mounted on the shaft opposite the suction pipe located in the lower part of the body, sets the water in a radial movement (with a minimum of hydraulic losses) in the direction from the center. In the process of this movement, through the work of the internal radial blades of the impeller, the mechanical energy is converted into kinetic energy. The flow rate increases. At the outlet of the impeller, a spiral is installed that directs water into the diffuser. In it, part of the kinetic energy is converted into pressure, that is, the energy of pressure.

Diagram of a horizontal device

Inkjet devices

A special feature is the suction effect created by the ejector installed in the housing and connected to the suction chamber. One part of the pumped water passes to the discharge pipe, the second part is recirculated. Recirculation provides a vacuum in the suction chamber. Jet centrifugal devices are produced in two configurations: one-piece and with a separate unit, where the ejector and suction chamber are located. These models are used in the organization of autonomous water supply from an external source (well).

Vortex devices

Feature - the presence of many radial blades on the periphery of the impeller. The vanes transfer mechanical energy to the water while recirculating it radially between the vanes themselves and the double channels located on either side of the impeller. Each blade takes part in the transfer of energy - the pressure builds up gradually. Result: smooth and strong flow, high outlet pressure.

Circulation pumps

The task of the equipment is to ensure the continuous movement of water. Circulation pumps are used in heating systems and hot water systems (including underfloor heating). The device sets the water in motion, but the pressure in the system does not change. Devices are divided according to the type of rotor into wet and dry.

"Dry" circulation pumps

In "dry" type devices, the rotor does not come into direct contact with the liquid. The working surface of the rotor and the motor are separated from each other by sealing rings (stainless steel). The water film located between these rings during the operation of the device seals the connection due to the difference in pressure (external and system). The rings are self-adjusting (adjustment is ensured by a clamping spring).

One of the advantages of "dry" pumps is high efficiency (up to 80%), the disadvantage is the equally high noise background created by the cooling fan.

"Wet" circulation pumps

In "wet" type devices, the rotor contacts the liquid directly. It consists of a housing (materials: aluminum, bronze, stainless steel, cast iron) with a ceramic or steel motor located inside and an impeller fixed on the shaft. The stator and rotor are separated by a special glass, which provides insulation for live elements. All parts of the device work in the pumped medium (except isolated ones).

Water plays the role of a coolant and lubricant. There is no fan, which reduces the noise background to zero, but at the same time the efficiency drops significantly - up to 55%.

"Wet" pumps are used in individual systems, dry - in industrial and others that require power, not silence.

What is the difference between a circulation pump and a booster pump

Circulation and booster pumps are fundamentally different. They have different tasks, different solutions to these problems: circulation - a device that ensures the movement of the coolant in the system, pressure - a pump that increases pressure in certain sections of it.

The circulation pump sets the liquid in motion by sucking it in on one side and ejecting it on the other due to centrifugal force. The same principle is the basis of work drainage pumps. The pressure remains static.

Circulation pump

The booster pump has an effect specifically on the pressure - it increases it.


Let's look at an example:

  • water enters the plots along the highway from the water tower;
  • in the line pressure 1 atm;
  • during the period of active water consumption, the pressure drops to 0.2 atm, which is not enough to supply water to the second floors;
  • a booster pump is connected to the line, and while maintaining active water consumption, the pressure in the system is kept at 2 atm.

Prior to connecting the booster pump, the system successfully functioned with the circulation pump, but could not cope with increased water consumption.

As for the choice of which pump to install - circulation or booster, the question is incorrect: the system may well include both devices - it depends on its complexity. Circulation will ensure the movement of the coolant, booster - pressure in the right areas, for example, at a gas boiler. The system can function successfully without a booster (relatively simple ones do not need them, which is why the device is considered narrow-profile), but not with it alone: ​​the device increases pressure, and does not ensure the movement of the coolant. That is, "vs" does not work here.

When calculations are made by specialists, such a question does not even arise: if a pressure pump is needed - it is included in the system, if it is not needed - it is not included. Given the importance of the location of the device in the system, we recommend contacting the masters, and not trying to assemble it yourself.

Video: circulation pump

Pumping equipment that raises water pressure is in great demand among consumers. This is due to its capabilities, low weight and dimensions, as well as ease of use. The Gulfstream online store presents modern models water booster pumps Jemix with built-in electric motors with a power of 0.09 - 0.26 kW.


Jemix Water Booster Pumps have the following features:

Increase the pressure of water entering the housing from the centralized water supply system up to 8 - 18 m.

· Provide fast installation of the supercharger due to its maximally simplified design. To do this, the kit includes union nuts for connecting to pipes. Connecting dimensions of pumping equipment Jemix - 12 or 15 mm.

· They have trouble-free operation due to the presence of a control unit and a built-in flow sensor.

These advantages testify to the expediency of using such equipment. The cost of such units is much lower than that of pumping stations with a hydraulic accumulator.

Jemix range of booster pumps

The Gulfstream store offers a wide range of Jemix boosting equipment. These are the W and WP series with automatic control. The materials for them are plastic (impeller), steel (shaft) and cast iron (housing), thanks to which the equipment is characterized by uninterrupted operation for at least 10 years.

Owners of apartments and cottages will be interested in step-up units W lines. They have a "dry rotor"(the electric drive is separated by a seal from the housing and the impeller), give a head of 8 - 18 m at a capacity of up to 30 l / min. Liquid temperature up to + 110 ° C is allowed.

More powerful units are suitable for cottage owners WP wet rotor series. Their head is 9 or 12 m, the flow rate is 25 or 50 l / min. The temperature of the liquid is not more than + 70 ° C.

Everything pump equipment equipped with a control unit for selecting the operating mode - Manual, Auto or Off.

Quality booster pumps from Gulfstream

To purchase water pressure booster pumps, contact the Gulfstream online store. We offer consumers high-quality Jemix brand equipment at affordable prices. For assistance in the selection of such pumps and their order, call us at the numbers listed on the site.

Without running water, life in apartment buildings is unthinkable. But not always its presence pleases apartment owners. It's all about the water pressure, which can be so low that household appliances such as a washing machine, dishwasher, gas water heater simply refuse to work. It even comes to the point that water does not flow to the upper floors of houses at all. If it is impossible to somehow increase the total pressure, then you can do this only in relation to your apartment by installing a pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment. Of course, such a step would be rational if the reason for the low pressure does not lie in the supply water riser or clogged water pipes Oh.

The booster water pump is designed to create an acceptable pressure in the water supply. If the pressure in the region of 4 atmospheres is the norm, then in practice we record its decrease to a value of 1-1.5 and even lower. And to work, for example, a washing machine requires a pressure of at least 2 atmospheres. A jacuzzi and a shower cabin will not want to work at such a pressure at all, since they are designed for 4 atmospheres. However, even higher pressure is dangerous for pipelines. Already at a pressure of 7 atmospheres, some elements of the water supply network may be damaged. That's why pressure must be within certain limits and be stable.

It is especially offensive for the residents of the upper floors during peak hours, when, having come from work in the evening, it is impossible even to wash properly. At the same time, the inhabitants of the lower floors have a normal pressure. In this case, a circulation pump for increasing water pressure, embedded directly in the inlet water main, is able to give residents a complete sense of comfort.

What parameters differ in booster pumps

Pumps that increase the pressure of water in the water supply system differ in several ways:

1. By type of management.

  • Manual control, in which the device is constantly on or off. The owners only make sure that there is water in the system. When working “dry”, the serviceability of the device is not guaranteed. It can just burn out from overheating. Therefore, such a device turns on when performing some one-time operations, and after their completion it turns off;
  • Automatic control. A special sensor turns on the unit when the need arises. The same sensor turns off the automatic water pressure booster pump when there is no water in the system.

2. According to the permissible temperature of the water in the pipes.

The fact is that not all household pumps for increasing the water pressure in an apartment can transport cold and hot substances. This indicator should be guided when buying a pump.

There are 3 types of pumps:

  • apparatus for cold water only;
  • pumping device only hot water;
  • universal device for working with liquids of any temperature.

3. According to the pump cooling method. The cooling system protects the pump from possible overheating.

Can be of two types:

  • Cooling by the flow of liquid flowing through the pump ("wet rotor"). They work almost silently. May overheat if operated without water;
  • Cooling by rotating blades mounted on a shaft ("dry rotor"). Such devices are characterized by an increased noise level, but greater productivity.

Features of self-priming pumping station

In apartments located on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, water may not reach at all. The way out in this situation is to install a self-priming pumping station. A typical station consists of a pump, a pressure switch and a membrane tank (hydraulic accumulator). The pump supplies water to the tank, from which it is supplied to the draw-off points under a certain pressure pre-set by the owner using a pressure switch.

Tip: Some pumping stations may be without a hydraulic accumulator, but it is recommended to purchase equipment with an accumulation tank into which water will be pumped. The larger it is, the longer the station will last, since the pumping unit will turn on less often.

The station pumps liquid into the tank, after which it turns off. However, the consumer can use the water from the tank even if it is not in the water supply at all. When the water leaves the tank, the relay will turn the station back on.

Note that such a pump can also be used to increase the water pressure in the country, both for water supply and for irrigation.

Before buying a station, check its maximum pressure. For example, a Grundfos JP Booster 6-24L self-priming water pressure booster can supply water with a maximum pressure of up to 48 m, and its tank volume is quite impressive - 24 liters.

What to look for when choosing

When buying an electric water pump to increase pressure, check with a consultant for the following nuances:

  • power. The more powerful the device, the more consumers will be able to enjoy its benefits. Consider the number of taps in the apartment and household appliances connected to the water supply;
  • the noise level that different models different;
  • certain pump models are designed for specific pipe sections. If you use a device for a water supply system with an inappropriate cross section, the pump will work with overloads, and the pressure will be less than the calculated one;
  • the height of the water level. A pump for water pressure in a water supply system, designed for a lower load, may simply not reach the liquid to the desired level (this item applies to the purchase of a pumping station);
  • the size of the unit also matters, because sometimes it has to be installed in very small rooms in which the entrance to the apartment is located;
  • An important factor is the reliability and fame of the manufacturer.

Installation of equipment in the apartment

Installation of a water pressure booster pump in an apartment is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The pipe on which the pump will be installed is marked taking into account the length of the pump and adapters.
  2. Water is shut off in the apartment.
  3. The pipe is cut in two marked places.
  4. A thread is cut from the outside of the cut ends of the pipe.
  5. Adapters with internal threads are screwed onto the pipes.
  6. The fittings included in the kit are screwed into the adapters. When installing the pump, be guided by the arrow on the body of the device, which shows the direction of fluid flow.
  7. A three-core cable is pulled from the electrical panel to the pump. It is advisable to equip a separate outlet near the pump, and connect the pump through a separate RCD.
  8. Turn on the pump and check it. Pay attention to the absence of leaks from under the fittings. Tighten fasteners if necessary. For better sealing, use FUM tape by winding it around the thread.

Popular Models

Tip: try to choose a pump made by a well-known company that specializes in the production of such equipment. These manufacturers include Grundfos, Jemix, Wilo.

Consider the most popular data models of manufacturers.

Wilo PB-088EA

This is a compact pipe-mounted model designed to pressurize cold and hot water pipes. For cooling, a flowing liquid is used. There is a flow sensor that turns on the pump when water consumption starts. The Wilo water pressure booster pump operates in two modes: automatic and manual mode. Protected against overheating and dry running. The device is quiet, with an anti-corrosion coating applied to it.

Specifications Wilo PB-088EA:

  • maximum pressure - 9.5 m;
  • working environment temperature 0 - +60 degrees;
  • power - 0.09 kW;
  • productivity - 2.1 cubic meters per hour;
  • connection diameter - 15 mm or 1/2 inch.

For this pump for increasing the water pressure in the apartment, the price will be about 4,000 rubles.

The Grundfos pump for increasing water pressure is mounted on the apartment pipeline thanks to small size and weight. Works with water of any temperature. It has protection against overheating and dry running. Type of cooling - water. The pump has an anti-corrosion coating and is characterized by a low noise level.

The device has 3 operating modes:

  • "OFF" - disabled. The liquid circulates in the pipes without the participation of a pump.
  • "MANUAL" - forced activation of the pump. It works constantly, so the dry run protection does not work.
  • "AUTO" - the pump turns on automatically when a water flow of about 90-120 l / h occurs. When the flow decreases, the pump switches off automatically.

Specifications UPA 15-90:

  • maximum pressure - 8 m;
  • working environment temperature +2 - +60 degrees;
  • power - 0.12 kW;
  • productivity - 1.5 cubic meters / h;
  • pipe diameter - 20 mm or 3/4 inch.

The average cost is 6000 rubles.

Jemix W15GR-15A

This device maintains the optimum pressure of the working medium in the system. The engine is cooled by an electric fan ("dry rotor"). Works in manual or automatic modes. As a disadvantage, the excessive noise of the operating pump is noted.

Specifications Jemix W15GR-15 A:

  • Maximum pressure - 15 m;
  • working environment temperature 0+110 degrees;
  • power - 0.12 kW;
  • productivity - 1.5 cubic meters per hour;
  • connection diameter — 15 mm.

The price for it is within 3000 rubles.

Proper installation of a pump to increase the water pressure with automatic control will ensure the water needs of the apartment for many years to come. During the installation process, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For more long work It is highly desirable to install a mechanical filter at the pump inlet. Thus, you will protect the equipment from foreign particles entering it;
  • The device must be installed in a dry place in a heated room. At negative temperatures the water in the pump may freeze, damaging the inside of the device;
  • A shut-off valve must be installed upstream of the pump. This will make it possible to carry out preventive maintenance of equipment when the water flow is turned off;
  • Gradually, during operation, the vibration acting on the pump can loosen the device, which may cause leaks at the points of its attachment. Therefore, first check the tightness of the connections.

A properly selected and correctly installed pump to increase the working pressure of water in an apartment water supply system will solve your problems associated with low level water pressure in an apartment of any number of storeys.

Consumption ecology. Manor: The lack of sufficient water pressure in the system is, of course, not a disaster, but there is little pleasant in such a situation. If you wash the dishes or take a shower as little as possible, then household appliances, such as a washing machine or Dishwasher may simply refuse to work. Luckily, water pressure pumps have been invented to solve these kinds of problems.

The lack of sufficient water pressure in the system is, of course, not a disaster, but there is little pleasant in such a situation. If you wash dishes or take a shower somehow, then household appliances, such as a washing machine or dishwasher, may simply refuse to work. Luckily, water pressure pumps have been invented to solve these kinds of problems.

How it works

The problem of low pressure in the water supply is solved using two types of devices: circulation and self-priming pumps. The former are simpler and easier to install into the system. A conventional circulation pump consists of a rotor, an impeller mounted on it and an engine that rotates it all. Usually, if there is water in the system, but its pressure is weak, one or two pumps are enough.

The task of increasing the pressure in the water supply system is solved in two ways: by installing a circulation or centrifugal self-priming pump

But if water does not flow to the upper floors at all, you will have to install a high-power pumping station with a hydraulic tank. Such a device is simply installed as part of a plumbing system in a suitable location. The impeller spins, giving the water flow additional acceleration.

As a result, the pipes fill with water faster, providing the necessary level of pressure in the water supply. This compact devices low power, designed to solve local problems. Suction pumps are characterized by higher performance and more complex device.

In addition to a suction pump capable of pumping water to a considerable height, the system is also equipped with a hydraulic accumulator equipped with a special membrane. The operation of this technique is automated, a pressure switch is used. Water is first supplied to the storage tank, and then enters the water supply, providing the necessary characteristics within the system.

Thus, if a centrifugal pump allows you to eliminate the problem in a particular area, then suction equipment is used to regulate the entire plumbing in a house or apartment. Self-priming booster pumps are capable of lifting liquid to a height of up to 12 m, while their power starts from 2 kW / h.

The booster pump works as follows. When the water flow reaches 1.5 cubic meters, the motion sensor petal changes position. This leads to automatic start pump. When the water flow stops, the pump turns off. This type of equipment is used both in private cottages and in apartment buildings.

It is especially relevant in high-rise residential buildings, where it is impossible for various reasons to ensure the normal delivery of water to the upper floors without a special pump. Installing a single pump or even a special station with increased power can be a real salvation for residents of the upper floors.

Sometimes you have to use not one booster pump, but two or more. Such a need is sometimes faced by owners of houses in which the plumbing system was originally designed with errors. In this case, you will have to calculate the cost of reworking the water supply (if such a possibility exists at all) and the cost of installing additional equipment.

A small pumping station installed in front of household appliances will ensure a normal supply of water

It should be remembered that special types of equipment are intended for pumping hot water. They are made of special heat-resistant materials, so they are more expensive than more simple models designed for contact with cold water only. There are also universal booster pumps that are suitable for both cold and hot water.

The power of a conventional circulation pump is small, it consumes less energy than some incandescent lamps. When it is included in the system, it is possible to achieve an increase in pressure by about 2-3 atmospheres. If more serious correction of characteristics is required, more powerful equipment should be preferred.

Circulation pumps tend to work "to a dead end", i.e. they do not need to be turned off even if all taps are closed and no water is taken from the system. Inlet pumps operate in approximately the same way to increase water pressure. These devices are similar in design to circulation models.

If such a pump is turned off, water will circulate freely through its housing. As soon as power is supplied to the motor, the pump turns on. The impeller begins to rotate and the water pressure in the system increases. When faced with a choice between automatic or manual systems, the former is usually preferred.

Comparison of the scheme of the plumbing system with and without a booster pump allows you to more accurately represent the installation procedure for such equipment

It is more convenient to use such equipment, and it lasts longer, because it does not work idle. It makes sense to take a manual pump only in cases where it will be used either for a very short time (temporary option) or extremely rarely (in summer, in the country, only on weekends).

The diagram clearly shows the device of a pump with a wet rotor. Water washes the moving parts of the pump and absorbs excess heat

The concept of dry and wet rotor refers to information about the cooling system of the device. In the first case, it is cooled by the air flow, and in the second - by the flow of pumped water. A wet rotor pump is cheaper, but has a shorter life due to the negative effects of sediment that accumulates on the working parts during pumping water. Models with a dry rotor cope with their tasks more efficiently, and their service life is longer.

Pump power and system requirements

The power of the device must be commensurate with the needs of the system. Lack of pressure is bad, but too much pressure is not needed. If a too efficient pump is selected for the water supply, the pressure in the system will increase, and all its elements will be subjected to unnecessary additional load. This leads to rapid wear and frequent breakdowns.

The water pressure in the system must not be less than two atmospheres. This is enough for comfortable water procedures, as well as to start the automatic washing machine. Although some models are more demanding in terms of operating conditions. For example, if the house has a shower, hydromassage, jacuzzi or other similar devices, the pressure should be higher.

In this case, it is better to increase the pressure in the plumbing system to 5-6 atmospheres. Certain types of technology require even more high performance. Therefore, the first step before installing a pressure boosting pump should be to study the documentation of household appliances. If any devices are planned to be purchased in the future, their characteristics also need to be taken into account.

To create a constant high pressure in the system, special pumping stations are used, including a pump and a hydraulic tank. Their work is controlled by a pressure switch.

Accurate calculations can be made by a specialist, but preliminary data made “by eye” are usually sufficient. To determine what pressure really exists in the system, you can use a regular liter jar. The water is opened and measured, how many liters of water poured out of the tap within a minute.

Then you need to deal with current needs. If the inconvenience is due to the fact that it is difficult to take a shower with an open tap in the kitchen due to low pressure, it is enough to use a conventional pump that will increase the pressure by a couple of atmospheres. But if the house has an automatic washing machine, shower or other equipment of this kind, you should study the technical documentation.

Each such consumer requires a certain pressure of water. Lack of sufficient pressure can lead to costly equipment running idle. Household appliances, especially foreign-made ones, are not designed for such operating conditions. A failure caused by a lack of normal pressure can be considered as a case that does not comply with the warranty conditions.

You can focus on the maximum pressure in the plumbing system indicated in the device passports. In the presence of a large number such a technique should be consulted with an engineer. When choosing a model of a water pump suitable for increasing pressure, one should also take into account the needs of equipment, the purchase of which is planned in the future.

How to install a self-priming pump

The installation of this type of pump is no different increased complexity. This will require approximately the same skills and tools that are needed to install other types of pumping equipment. Schematically, the installation of a booster pump can be represented as the following steps:

  • Choosing a location for the accumulator and pump.
  • Installing a hydraulic accumulator.
  • Installation of pipes for connecting equipment to the water supply.
  • Hanging the pump on the wall.
  • Tying the pump and accumulator.
  • Checking the operation of equipment in automatic mode.

In fact, a pump and a hydraulic accumulator with a pressure switch is a variation of a pumping station. To implement the installation of such a system of devices, you first need to find a place to place the tank. Some craftsmen replace a hydraulic accumulator with a conventional membrane large capacity, for example, a plastic tank of 200 liters.

Instead of a pressure switch, the tank is equipped with a float sensor to ensure that it is automatically filled as needed. Such a tank is installed as high as possible: in the attic or on the top floor. Immediately you should think not only about the size, but also about the configuration of the container.

A flat and narrow tank will take less space than the traditional cylindrical model. Although there are no special requirements for the capacity configuration. When choosing a place for a container, access to the tank / accumulator or the possibility of easy dismantling of this element should be provided. This is necessary to complete Maintenance, repair or replace the device.

The photo shows the installation of check valves when installing a plastic tank, as well as the procedure for connecting the inlet and outlet pipes to the water pipe

Hydraulic accumulators are supplied ready for installation, but the tank should be prepared. It has holes for water inlet and outlet. You can also make a separate shut-off valve to drain water into emergency. Branch pipes for supplying water to the tank and taking it into the water supply system are mounted to one water pipe.

In modern conditions, for the installation of water supply, it is more logical to use easy-to-install and reliable plastic pipes. To prevent air from being sucked into the tank from the pump, and also to prevent water from entering there when the equipment is turned off, check valves should be installed on both pipes. After that, pipes are mounted, with the help of which the tank is connected to the plumbing system.

Circulation pumps occupy a minimum of space, do not interfere with the maintenance of household appliances

After the tank or accumulator is installed, and the necessary water pipes are laid, the installation of the suction pump can begin. Usually such a device is delivered unassembled. It is first collected, and then proceed to installation.

If you decide to mount the pump on the wall, you should first make markings for fasteners. Then the pump is suspended and connected to the water supply pipes. In general, this is not a very difficult operation. Important point- the direction of the liquid in the pump. It is indicated on the case with special marks.

The pump should be installed in such a way that the movement of water is from the tank to the water points. Thus, the scheme for installing and connecting a pressure boosting pump is as follows: accumulator-pump-consumer. Then the pump is tied.

All connections must be carefully sealed. If a booster pump is connected threaded connections, you should use a suitable sealant: FUM tape, linen thread, etc. The amount of sealant should be sufficient, but not excessive. TO plastic pipes the device is connected by means of special fittings.

After that, you should check the operation of the entire system. If a tank with a float sensor was used, it is filled with water. Check not only the operation of the sensor. The container that serves as a storage tank should be checked for leaks. If everything is in order, you can proceed to testing the operation of the pump itself.

The pump must be connected to the electrical network. It is recommended that the pump switch lever be set to the automatic position. It remains to open the nearest water faucet and observe the operation of the device. If the installation is done correctly, the pump should automatically turn on, and the water pressure will increase noticeably.

Similarly, the installation of pressure boosting circulation pumps is carried out. For them, they choose a suitable place in the water supply, and cut it there. In this case, it is also extremely important to correctly connect the pump, taking into account the direction of fluid flow. If the position of the device is incorrect, the pump will still let the water flow through.

Scheme of connecting the circulation pump to the plumbing system. The installation of such a device is very simple, but it is important not to confuse the direction of water flow.

But his work will be extremely inefficient, since the device simply will not function. In the instructions and on the case it is indicated in detail correct position pump. After installation, the pump is turned on in the mains and its operation is checked. If the water pressure at the nearest water intake point has increased, then the installation is done correctly.

A small pressure booster pump is simply plugged into the system. Usually for this it is enough to remove a piece of pipe of the appropriate length at the beginning of the water pipe.

Installing a system with a hydraulic accumulator looks a little more complicated. First you need to deal with the device of the entire structure. The pump is connected to the accumulator using special hoses. Then a pressure switch is connected, with which the equipment will turn on and off.

This figure shows in detail the principle of operation of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator and how to connect it. The pump fills the tank and then turns off

The setting of such a relay deserves special attention. Before starting work, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. If there is not enough knowledge and skills for high-quality installation and configuration of equipment, it is better to contact a specialist for advice or completely entrust him with all the work.

Not always a booster pump is needed to solve the problem with low water pressure in the system. To begin with, it does not hurt to diagnose the condition of the water pipes. Their cleaning or complete replacement can restore normal pressure without additional equipment.

To understand that the problem is in the poor condition of the water pipes, sometimes it is enough to ask neighbors who live in apartments on the same floor or higher. If they have normal pressure, you almost certainly need to clean the pipes. If the picture is the same for everyone, there may be more serious problems affecting the entire plumbing system of the house and even the area.

In high-rise buildings, water sometimes simply does not flow to the upper floors. This requires high-powered and rather expensive equipment. It makes sense to cooperate with other tenants to share the costs. A good idea- demand a solution to the problem from the organization that receives payment for water supply, since it is it that must ensure the supply of water to the consumer.

The lack of water on the upper floors is a violation of fire safety requirements. When communicating with the water service provider, it is worth paying attention to this point and mention the possibility of litigation due to non-compliance with the law.

Installation of equipment in apartment building Best to get a professional plumber management company. He is also more familiar with the system, and will be responsible in case of leaks or breakdowns caused by poor-quality installation of equipment.

Booster pump video

The operation of a booster pump in an apartment of a multi-storey building is clearly shown in the following video: